Our new group for parents, carers, babies and toddlers.Kate_irvin@hotmail.com or Mel Ward for more. We collect EVERY week at Mass. Could YOU help? for more details stefanjacasha@netscape.net. Lists of the foods are available, please give generously, we all have neighbours in need. Every Thursday 10-12.00 in the Ark FIRST HOLY COMMUNION PREPARATION Group for Older People-contact Mercedes Berrio WEBSITE of our own at http://cambournerc.com full of useful links and articles, news and events Interested in contributing, please contact Paul Robertson Select "Spirituality" under the "Worship" menu for prayers, meditations, exercises and prayer techniques. For more contact Paul rccadmin@cambournerc.com BEREAVEMENT GROUP-Many of us have suffered loss of families and friends. If you might be interested in an informal and gentle group within our church please contact Lorretta Lpeck229@gmail.com If your child in Year 2 or above and attends Mass regularly contact Lorretta for the 2015/2016 registration. Asap Lpeck229@gmail.com Mary on the Move 1. 2. You must be a registered parishioner of OLEM Cambourne. Mary should be prominently and respectfully held in your home for the week. Mary and all Rosary material are to be brought to our next Mass (Saturday night Mass or on a Holy Day of Obligation). 3. 4. Hold appropriate home content insurance to cover accidental breakage Please talk to Lori Cavin at Mass for this wonderful opportunity. Stefanja and those who run our Foodbank collection Lori, Tim, Alison and April who set up the altar so beautifully and faithfully each week Claudia for our wonderful articles for the Crier. PLEASE JOIN OUR CAMBOURNE CATHOLIC CHURCH FACEBOOK PAGE & VISIT OUR CAMBOURNERC .COM WEBSITE FOR REGULAR UPDATES AND NOTICES. We are ALL volunteers in this community and need YOU to HELP US to HELP EACH OTHER For our monthly newsletter with its full details of social and liturgical events please fill in a form after this Mass or contact the Steering group SG@cambournerc.com. If you have not received e-mails recently please update!! For matters relating The 50 days from Easter Sunday to Pentecost are celebrated in joy as one feast day -one "Great Sunday." Our belief in the Resurrection changes everything. We can no longer stay in the lives entombed in false hope . No longer limited by pleasures which frustrate and fade, but called to eternal joy and peace, we burn inside with passion for the truth which love alone , holding back nothing and risking all can give. Love never ends. Love has won. These, above all others are the days to pray,sing, shout, to notices or events or in emergency please contact us or text/call 07904075593 Mel,Catechist. melanie.marie.ward@gmail.com 01954212714. A very warm welcome to newcomers. PLEASE stay for coffee!!!!! Name(s)__________________________________________________________________ Address__________________________________________________________________ Tel______________________________________________________________________ Email____________________________________________________________________ __ Cambourne Catholic APRIL 29th Weds MARGARET BEAUFORT INSTITUTE OF Church MAY- May 2015 THEOLOGY OPEN EVENING. Starting 7pm with evening prayer. Come and find out about this wonderful oasis of study and reflection in our parish. Contact Mel Ward melanie.marie.ward@gmail.com for more info or Anne Francis abf24@cam.ac.uk if you’d like to go. ROSARY -EACH week 4:15 before Mass 2nd (and 9th) AFTER MASS-BRING & BUY CAFOD BRING & BUY & RAFFLE The govt will double all donations up to 17th May. What could you bring/buy for these 2 weeks after Mass to help raise funds? Cakes?cookies?crafts?Challenge your children AND yourselves. Just bring them along! For Vanessa whose brother Danny has recently died so young. For Aga and her family at the sudden loss of her wonderful father. For Philomena and all the De Souza family for the loss of their beloved Alfred. For Chris Henn, Karen Mangell’s father and Sarah Hallam’s brother-in –Law who are ill. 7pm SALVATION ARMY CHARITY CONCERT For Claire, Sam and Bo and the Brennan family as they miss their precious Tony. 16th ALTAR SERVER TRAINING. 4:00pm prompt For Babs Kane, Kathleen and all those who cannot be with us owing to ill health and Anthea , Steve , Edward ,Katherine,Claudia’s niece Davinia and all those undergoing treatment. All our children preparing to receive the Eucharist for the first time, especially Samuel Rose and Allen who will received it last month. For Alexis, Martha and Edwin who have recently been baptised . We pray for all parents who have vowed to bring their children up as full members of the Church sharing the joy of all God’s gifts. For Rachael and Michael and all who are taking the courageous and challenging decision to prepare for Confirmation. LAST NIGHT OF THE PROMS –with songs from the shows HISTON RD BAPTIST. All welcome £10 VOCALIST JOOLES TOSTEVIN 3rd 7:30 PRAISE & WORSHIP 9th CAFOD BRING & BUY-part 2!After Mass. ALL servers and helpers-contact Sean if unable to make it. 7pm. MIRTH & MAGIC-Histon Baptist church Comedian Paul Kerensa and Magician Tom ElliotAimed at age 12+. But all welcome, especially 2ndsUP! (See Mel asap for lifts if needed) £6 17th 7:45 for 8pm-9 CHRIST IN QUIET A time of prayer and reflection in the church. There are many more events, please make sure that you are on our mailing list so that you don’t miss out! JUNE 6th -FIRST HOLY COMMUNION MASS 7th -CORPUS CHRISTI PROCESSION OLEM-All welcome, but all First Holy Communion children and altar servers and their families expected to attend. 13th COMMUNION THANKSGIVING MASS & PARTY 2nd weekend of every month youth event in Birmingham. See Christy Varghese for more details and see leaflets in church
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