Wesfarmers Diversity Policy September 2011 Message from the Managing Director Our business strategy is based on diversity. Our diverse business operations cover: retail; home improvement and office supplies; coal mining; chemicals, energy and fertilisers; and industrial and safety products. Delivering this strategy is a workforce of over 200,000 people which is diverse in age, experience, ethnicity and gender. WESFARMERS DIVERSITY POLICY SEPTEMBER 2011 I believe that fostering diversity at all levels allows the Group to provide greater alignment to customer needs, improves the creativity and innovation of teams, and provides Wesfarmers access to a broader pool of people for current and future roles. I have asked the managing directors of each division to expand and implement gender diversity plans in the 2012 financial year that take into account the objectives of the gender diversity policy. The gender diversity policy will help promote and extend initiatives that have existed in our divisions for many years. We have a long way to go, but are excited by the opportunity. I look forward to sharing our progress over the coming years. Richard Goyder Managing Director 1 Diversity Policy We aim to provide an environment in which all employees are included and have equal access to opportunities at work, whilst upholding the principle of meritocracy at all times. Wesfarmers believes that fostering diversity at all levels allows the Group to provide greater alignment to customer needs, improves the creativity and innovation of leadership teams, and supports the development of an enhanced talent pipeline for key and future roles by enabling access to a broader pool of talent. Wesfarmers strives to create a work environment free of discrimination and harassment, and is inclusive of all people, regardless of their gender, age, race, disability, sexual orientation, cultural background, religion, family responsibilities or any other area of potential difference. ACCOUNTABILITY AND RESPONSIBILITY The Wesfarmers Board, assisted by management, is responsible for devising and implementing strategies to achieve the Group’s diversity objectives, monitoring the representation of women at all levels of the organisation and assessing the progress against measurable gender diversity objectives set by the Board. The Wesfarmers workforce is comprised of over 200,000 employees. Wesfarmers recognises that its employees are critical to its success and seeks to leverage each individual’s unique skills, background and perspectives. The Board has also delegated responsibility for the director selection process to the Nomination Committee and the responsibility for reviewing remuneration by gender to the Remuneration Committee. The Board maintains oversight and responsibility for the Group’s diversity policy and objectives. GENDER DIVERSITY OBJECTIVES Our approach to gender diversity will be based on the following objectives: a) Foster an inclusive culture: We are committed to involving both women and men in fostering an inclusive culture that upholds our central principle of meritocracy. b) Improve talent management: We are committed to embedding diversity initiatives into our broader talent management processes in order to support the development of all talent, and to increase the representation of women in management roles. c) E nhance recruitment practices: We are committed to hiring the best person for the job, which requires the consideration of a broad and diverse pool of talent. d) E nsure pay equity: We are committed to ensuring equal pay for equal work across our workforce, and we have strategies in place to manage pay equity. Progress against the objectives set will be included in our annual reports. WESFARMERS DIVERSITY POLICY SEPTEMBER 2011 2 Mentoring Wesfarmers is respected for our ability to produce leaders and focus on developing a pipeline of talent for future growth opportunities. People who are successful in business often speak of a special relationship which has guided their development and advancement. We have a reputation for retaining and promoting talent and in our 100 year history Wesfarmers Limited has only had seven managing directors, all of whom have been internally appointed. The Wesfarmers mentoring program aims to introduce the type of special relationship that will make a difference to people throughout the Group, both male and female. The program complements internal divisional mentoring programs. Some of the successes we have seen from the program, particularly with female mentees, include: • increased job satisfaction • the confidence to ask to be considered for the next promotion • the chance to solidify their career goals with someone away from the day-to-day demands of their business • networking opportunities – both with their mentor and their mentor’s business, and • the chance to see how other businesses operate, particularly those of a larger scale and/or in different industries. WESFARMERS DIVERSITY POLICY SEPTEMBER 2011 3 Women’s leadership forums Wesfarmers Women’s Leadership Forums are run three times a year across Australia. The objective is to support the development of women in leadership. Previous forums have included inspirational internal and external speakers, as well as group discussions and networking opportunities. Generally more than 100 people attend, around 25 per cent male and 75 per cent female. Feedback from the forums has encouraged us to run more. The forums also provide an opportunity for our people from different divisions to connect. Most divisions within Wesfarmers also run their own women’s forums and networking events. WESFARMERS DIVERSITY POLICY SEPTEMBER 2011 4 Talent management Increasing the numbers of women in leadership increases our talent pool and reflects the customer base of our businesses. Promoting women in leadership is just good talent management. Part of the talent management process involves divisional managing directors setting goals for their division around women in leadership, which are both relevant and practical. Different business divisions face different markets and talent requirements, and their individual goals will be necessarily different. The talent management review process involves looking at pipelines for all necessary roles, including a review of career paths of females in executive positions. WESFARMERS GROUP FEMALE PARTICIPATION RATES AS AT 30 JUNE 2011 % Wesfarmers Ltd non-executive directors Senior executive positions* Other management and professional roles Total workforce 25 22 26 57 * Senior executive positions are defined as general manager level and above. WESFARMERS DIVERSITY POLICY SEPTEMBER 2011 5 Contact us CONTACT US FOR FURTHER INFORMATION Corporate Affairs Wesfarmers House 40 The Esplanade, Perth Western Australia 6000 Telephone: (+61 8) 9327 4211 www.wesfarmers.com.au WESFARMERS DIVERSITY POLICY SEPTEMBER 2011 6
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