- Cathedral St. Joseph

5th Sunday of Easter
May 3, 2015
Mass Intentions
Monday, May 4
Acts 14:5-18…Jn 14:21-26
8:00 AM Mass – Helen and Arthur Roseler
Tuesday, May 5
Acts 14:19-28…Jn 14:27-31a
8:00 AM Mass - Flossie Everett
Wednesday, May 6
Acts 15:1-6…Jn 15:1-8
6:00 PM
No Mass
Thursday, May 7
Acts 15:7-21…Jn 15:9-11
8:00 AM Mass – Living Members of
St. Anne’s Altar Society
Friday, May 8
Acts 15:22-31…Jn 15:12-17
8:00 AM Mass – Larry Hager
Saturday, May 9
Acts 16:1-10…Jn 15:18-21
8:00 AM
Mass – Rev. Francis Schuele
4:00 PM
Mass – Deceased Members of Studer,
Deeken, Harlow, and Eggers
Sunday, May 10
Acts 10:25-26, 34-35, 44-48…1 Jn 4:7-10…Jn 15:9-17
9:00 AM Mass - All Mothers
11:30 AM Mass - All Mothers
8:00 PM Mass at St. Patrick Church
There will be an overnight summer camp for boys 11 years
and older available June 28-July 4. Archery, shotgun,
swimming, and more. Contact Tom Smith in the Parish
Office, 232-7763.
Our Food Pantry needs clean grocery sacks and empty small
containers (i.e. whipped topping, cottage cheese). Thanks!
Mother’s Day carnations will be available after the Masses
next weekend, May 9-10, sponsored by Right to Life.
Suggested donation $1.00.
You can sign up for the Cathedral Online Giving
program. Go to www.cathedralsj.org and click
on the “Online Giving” button, or use your smart
phone and click on this QR code. It’s easy!
Budget . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $76,166.00
Week 1 $16,508.12 Pantry, Aged, Sick & Poor $1,410.00
Week 2 $15,388.90 Pantry, Aged, Sick & Poor $1,006.00
Week 3 $14,849.86 Pantry, Aged, Sick & Poor $ 145.00
Week 4 $13,819.14 Pantry, Aged, Sick & Poor $ 170.00
Week 5
Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $63,297.02
Variance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . - $12,868.98
This Coming Week
Monday, May 4
9:30-11:00 AM
Food Pantry
6:30-8:00 PM
Cub Scouts Round-up - Gym
Tuesday, May 5
10:15 AM
School May Crowning - Church
6:00 PM
School Board – Msgr. Dierkes Mtg Rm
7:00 PM
Boy Scouts - Gym
Wednesday, May 6
9:00 AM-12:00 PM Sewing Group – Rectory Basement
9:30-11:00 AM
Food Pantry
Thursday, May 7
8:30 AM
Yoga - Gym
7:00 PM
K-Grade 4 Spring Concert - Gym
Friday, May 8
Open Door Food Kitchen staffed by Cathedral parishioners
8:00 AM
Mother’s Day All School Mass
9:30-11:00 AM
Food Pantry
9:45 AM
Cathedral Awards Assembly - Gym
Saturday, May 9
9:00 AM
Raven Ramble – Bartlett Park
3:00-3:30 PM
3:30 PM
4:00 PM
Mass and Parish May Crowning
Sunday, May 10
8:30 AM
9:00 AM
After Mass
Coffee and Donuts
11:30 AM
Thank you to all the Cathedral alumni, families, & friends
who attended the annual Alumni Appreciation & Memorial
Mass and Ribbon Cutting & Blessing of the new Cathedral
Wall of Honor, Outdoor Classroom, & Garden! Please see
the insert for the first 100 honorees on the Wall of Honor and
for the many people and businesses who helped to make the
Legacy Project a reality!
Don’t forget to check out the inspirational CDs on the
Lighthouse table in the west vestibule. The cost is $3 each!
Volunteers needed…Second Harvest will be closed Friday,
May 1st for a staff retreat. Commodities will be picked up on
Monday, May 4th, at 8:30 AM. We could use some men to
help unload trucks and carry the items into our Food Pantry
about 8:40 AM. Thanks for your consideration.
Coffee and Theology - Between the 9:00 AM & 11:30 AM
Mass on Sun., May 3rd, in Ruggle Hall Meeting Room.
This will be the last session until the fall. You….. is the
title of our DVD. Why are You a follower of Jesus Christ?
What grabs You about the mission of Jesus? Broken and
disassembled as we are, Jesus loves You as you are. He is
depending on You to be the Resurrection and the Gospel.
“I am the true vine, and my Father is the vine grower. He takes away every branch in me that does not bear
fruit, and everyone that does he prunes so that it bears more fruit.” Jn 15:1-2
A Mass and reception honoring all couples in the Diocese
celebrating 50 years of marriage in the year 2015 will be
celebrated at 2:00 PM on Sun., May 31, at the Cathedral of
the Immaculate Conception. This celebration will include all
couples who have celebrated or will be celebrating their
Golden Wedding Anniversary between January 1-December
31, 2015. If you were married in 1965, please call our Parish
Office this week at 232-7763, so that you can be acknowledged
(even if you cannot attend the Mass and reception on May 31).
Pentecost Retreat at Conception Abbey: Come Holy Spirit,
Renew the Face of the Earth – May 22-24, Friday eveningSunday noon. Pentecost is the completion of Easter. Join
Father Peter Ullrich, OSB, as we consider the meaning and
implications of the coming of the Holy Spirit and look at the
liturgical texts for the feast. You will be invited to join the
monks in praying the Liturgy of the Hours and for celebrations
of the Eucharist. Suggested offering for lodging, meals,
sessions, and reception: $160 single, $130/person for double
Contact the Abbey Guest Center at
guests@conception.edu or 660-944-2809.
Gourd Prayer Bowl Workshop at Sophia Spirituality
Center in Atchison, KS: Sat., May 23, 9:30 AM-4:00 PM.
Commune with your Creator as you create your own prayer
bowl out of one of nature’s gifts, a simple gourd. You will learn
to use the various tools and techniques used in gourd art.
Workshop will be conducted by Sr. Melissa Letts, OSB.
Contact www.sophiaspiritualitycenter.org or 913-360-6151.
Bishop LeBlond High School once again will be hosting a
plethora of summer athletic camps. Coaches will be holding
camps in basketball, cheerleading & dance, cross country,
football, soccer, softball, tennis, volleyball, and weightlifting.
For more information, go to www.bishopleblond.com and look
in the forms folder, or stop by their school office to pick up a
registration form. You also may call LB at 279-1629 to request
a form be emailed to you.
There’s still time to register for a June 12-14 summer
leadership camp at the University of St. Mary
(Leavenworth, KS) for girls entering sixth, seventh and eighth
grades. Hosted by the Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth and
the Benedictine Sisters of Atchison. The camp will feature
opportunities to share fun, faith, and community. $125 fee
covers lodging, meals, special activities and a t-shirt for each
participant; partial scholarships available; registration deadline
in early May. Contact Sister Vicki Lichtenauer at 816-7182660, www.scls.org, or vickil@scls.org.
Mark your calendars for the St. Joseph PRC Golf
Tournament at Duncan Hills Golf Course in Savannah on
Sat., July 18. 4 person scramble amateur tournament will
include a BBQ lunch at the Clasbey Center. Registration
forms available on website Stjosephprc.org. Register early.
Stewardship Makes a Difference…Thank you to
Coach Dudik and his Bishop LeBlond High School
Athletes for the generous donation of food items for
Cathedral’s Food Pantry. Three cheers for you, Coach!
CHECK THIS OUT. . The Good News of Cathedral
 Congratulations to Johanna Gronniger (Cathedral Class of
03) on her marriage to Joseph Wombwell this Saturday,
May 2, here at the Cathedral!
 Congratulations and God’s blessings to Fiona Gildersleeve,
one of our kindergartners, who was baptized at OLOG!
 Congratulations to the Cathedral members of the 2015-2016
Bishop LeBlond Student Council: Student Council President
Jaclyn Dickens, Vice-President Tyler Reid, Secretary
Emily Madden, Senior Class Vice President Carly
Nickerson, Secretary Emma Sobetski, Junior Class
President Jack Hausman, Secretary Isabel Seiter, Treasurer
Michael Modlin, and Sophomore Class President Brooks
 Congratulations to Connor Haynes who was chosen to
participate in the annual Missouri/Kansas Football All Star
Game on June 18!
School and ECC News
 All are invited to the Cathedral May Crownings. The
school May Crowning will be led by the Class of 2015 on
Tues., May 5, at 10:15 AM. The parish May Crowning
led by the First Communicants in their First Communion
outfits will be on Saturday, May 9, at the 4:00 PM Mass.
 You are invited to the annual Kindergarten through Grade
4 Spring Concert, “The Dreamcatcher” on Thurs., May 7,
at 7:00 PM, in the Gym. This program is based on a Sioux
Indian legend celebrating the precious dreams of children of
all ages. Thank you to Mrs. Christie Ottinger for all of her
hard work in preparation of this special concert!
 All mothers, grandmothers, stepmothers, foster mothers,
and special “mother figures” in our children’s lives are
invited to attend our annual Mother’s Day Mass on Friday,
May 8, at 8:00 AM!
 The annual Cathedral Awards Assembly will be after the
Grade 8 Bell Choir concert on Friday, May 8, at
approximately 9:45 AM in the Cathedral Gym. The awards
will be presented by this year’s Principals for a Day, Miss
Elena Cianciolo and Miss Abby Dale!
Stewardship Wish List-Sharing your time/treasure/talent
 Thank you to all who collect and donate those little Boxtops
for Education! We received $505.00 for this winter’s
collection! Thank you especially to Angela Long and her
helpers who count and bundle all of those boxtops!
 Thank you to all who send in those Labels for Education!
We just received $375.00 in Visa Cards for items on our
Wish List! Thank you especially to Sue O’Meara and
Kerri Weaver who sort, count, and bundle all of those
 Thank you to Mrs. Barb Yarbrough who granted Ms.
Daise wish for specimens for her science classes!
Cathedral Cash. . . Now is a great time to start
preparing for those Mother’s Day, graduation, wedding,
and/or end of year teacher gifts. There are several $5 and
$10 options that are now available to order for a limited
time. Shop in the west vestibule after weekend Masses,
order online, or contact CathedralCash@cathedralsj.org
or 232-8486.