Congratulations Graduates!

1738 W. University Ave, Gainesville, FL 32603-1839
May 3-9, 2015 | (352) 372-3533 | Fax (352) 378-9010
Parish Office Hours : SUN 10am-1:30pm | M-F 10am-5pm
Home of the
Fifth sunday of easter
9:00am | 11:30am
1:30pm (Spanish)
5:30pm | 7:30pm
12:00pm | 5:30pm
5:30pm Vigil
M-F 8:30am
M-F 5:00pm
Sun 4:45pm
Sun-Thurs 10:00pm
M-F 4:30pm-5:20pm
3rd Wed.
7:00pm (Spanish)
5:30pm Mass of the Sacred Heart
and Eucharistic Adoration
4:30pm Solemn Vespers and
Monday-Friday 11:25am
New Members:
To be a member of our parish requires registration and participation in worship, sacraments, the life
of the parish, and regular financial
support of the parish. This is a basic
consideration when requesting
marriage, baptism, or to act as a
godparent/sponsor. Register in the
front office or on-line.
We are so proud of all of the graduating seniors, their dedication to the
parish and its ministries, and their
desire to serve. We are praying for
all of you as you take the next steps
in your lives!
FOR THE WEEK OF may 3, 2015
The Tabernacle Candle is being sponsored this week in memory of
Rosa Rabell by Paco Rabell.
The deceased are indicated by a cross in front of their name.
Masses said for the living are for their special intentions.
Sunday, May 3 - Fifth Sunday of Easter
Acts 9:26-31 | 1 Jn 3:18-24 | Jn 15:1-8
Mavis & Steve Burke by Waulene Pennymon
For the parish
Daniel Machado in thanksgiving by Vivian Machado
 Marjorie S. Coffey by Judy Russell
No 7:30pm mass today
Monday, May 4 – Easter Weekday
Acts 14:5-18 | Jn 14:21-26
 Alfred Jeddo by the Pinto family
No 5:30 mass today
Tuesday, May 5 – Easter Weekday
Acts 14:19-28 | Jn 14:27-31a
No noon mass today
No 5:30 mass today
Wednesday, May 6 – Easter Weekday
Acts 15:1-6 | Jn 15:1-8
 Blanche Jeddo by the Pinto family
No 5:30 mass today
Thursday, May 7 – Easter Weekday
Acts 15:7-21 | Jn 15:9-11
Patricia Ferraro for healing by Greg Albert
No 5:30 mass today
Friday, May 8 – Easter Weekday
Acts 15:22-31 | Jn 15:12-17
For vocations
No 5:30 mass today
Saturday, May 9 – Easter Weekday
Acts 16:1-10 | Jn 15:18-21
 Sarah Mesa by the Charbonnet family
Sunday, May 3 - Fifth Sunday of Easter
No 7:30pm Sunday Mass today!
9:00am Children’s Liturgy of the Word
2:30pm Cafecito
3:00pm Hispanic Advisory Council
5:30pm RCIA
Monday, May 4 (No 5:30pm Mass today)
7:00am Men’s Book Discussion Group
10:00am Staff meeting
12:00pm Daily Mass at noon
7:00pm High School Confirmation
7:00pm Ultreya
Tuesday, May 5 (No Masses today)
6:00pm GCADP meeting
7:30pm Spanish Choir
7:30pm English Bible Study
Wednesday, May 6 (No 5:30pm Mass today)
12:00pm Daily Mass at noon
12:45pm Sacred Heart of Jesus devotion
7:00pm Town Hall meeting
7:00pm Choir rehearsal
7:00pm Cursillo
Thursday, May 7 (No 5:30pm Mass today)
12:00pm Daily Mass at noon
7:00pm Spanish Bible Study
Friday, May 8 (No 5:30pm Mass today)
12:00pm Daily Mass at noon
No scheduled events today!
Saturday, May 9
5:30pm Saturday Vigil Mass
The Catholic
Student Center
St. Augustine Church
Clergy & Staff Members
Father Marek Dzien
Parochial Vicar
Father Anthony Eseke
Administrative Assistant to the Pastor
Gail Fitzsimmons
RCIA & Young Adult Ministry Coordinator
Vincent Herzog
Liturgy & Music Director
Doug Ghizzoni
Religious Education Coordinator
Anne Vieira
Facilities & Operations Manager
Mary T. Wise
Sara Geiser
Office Manager
Michelle Garcia
Parish Secretary, Bulletin Editor
Julie Schilling
Rosa Nakamatsu
Director of the Catholic Student Center
Father David Ruchinski
Development Director
Samantha Farmand
Contact Vincent Herzog at
Call the office for information on First Reconciliation/First Communion, High School Confirmation, & Adult Confirmation preparation.
Couples should meet with a priest at least eight (8) months prior to the
wedding. We follow the requirements of the Diocese of St. Augustine in
our marriage preparation program. Contact Gail Fitzsimmons at
Ext 113 or
Campus Ministers
Ashley D’Emo | Sandra DeTeresa | Laura Demangone
FOCUS Missionaries (Fellowship of Catholic University Students}
James Dunnigan | Chris Baker | Afton Caterina | Katelyn Miller
Baptism Preparation is required and both parents should attend our
monthly preparation class and coordinate with the liturgy office staff.
Please call the office to arrange for Baptism and preparation,
preferably before the baby’s birth.
Daniel Conigliaro | Arren Delatorre | Matthew Kuizon | Kathryne Lopez
May 3-9, 2015
Around the parish &
Greater Gainesville
Want to help boost the Grace Marketplace kitchen?
Our priests will be attending their
Annual Convocation
Monday, 04 May through
Friday, 08 May 2015.
When the new Grace kitchen eventually opens, funds will
still be needed for its operation. Local associations of
lawyers and doctors (the Eighth Judicial Circuit Bar Association and the Alachua County Medical Society) are
spearheading a drive to raise $50,000 toward that end.
Our daily Mass schedule for this week
will be as follows:
Monday, 4 May, 12:00pm
Tuesday, 5 May, no Masses
Wednesday, 6 May, 12:00pm
Thursday, 7 May, 12:00pm
Friday, 8 May, 12:00pm
You can donate online at:
or you can write a check payable to “Alachua County Coalition for the Homeless and Hungry, Inc.” (the organization that operates GRACE under contract with the City of
Gainesville) and email your donation to the EJCBA at PO
Box 13924, Gainesville, FL 32604.
The drive ends May 10.
From the Office for Vocations
May 3, 2015 – Fifth Sunday of Easter
Shall the Parish Carry On At Grace?
Jesus, the true vine, promised that if we live in him we will
produce abundantly. What are the signs of new life in you?
Find ways to nourish your relationship with Jesus. (John
15:1-8). If you have a question about a vocation to the
priesthood or religious life, contact Fr. David Ruchinski,
Vocation Director, at (904) 262-3200 ext. 101 , or email
The latest news from Grace Marketplace is that their kitchen will not become operational this summer, as they had
hoped. Do you want our parish to continue providing
meals every Monday at Grace, at least through the summer? If so, we’ll need some new volunteers to rebuild our
teams somewhat.
We hope to continue with four teams, which will mean that
each volunteer will work a few hours only one Monday
each month. We need people to cook the food, people to
serve it, and others to help pay for it. We also need two
new team leaders. Please consider making a commitment
to help once a month, at least through the summer.
mass schedule for summer term
Please note the following changes to our weekly schedule
beginning May 3 and continuing through August 16:
For more information, or to volunteer, please write to: or call 352-378-4946. We hope to
get enough volunteers to enable the parish to carry on at
Liturgy of the Hours (Morning Prayer, Compline, etc.),
Holy Hours and the 7:30pm Sunday Mass are suspended
during the Summer.
The Service Committee
Wednesday, 6 may 2015, 7:00pm, in the lounge
fifth sunday of
Masses on April 25-26, 2015
Fourth Sunday of Easter
Offertory from baskets:
$ 6,656.08
Offertory from Parish Pay:
$ 1,278.50
Poor Box:
$ 181.63
$ 3,823.54
CSC Special Collection:
$ 5,372.00
Specified Donations:
Rice Bowl (CRS):
$ 200.00
$ 98.11
Last week we had the Baccalaureate Mass to send off our Catholic Gator graduates. For the rest of the students, the semester ended last week, and most of them are returning home for the summer. Many of the students are on fire with the
Spirit and are extremely active in our parish faith community, serving in a variety of liturgical ministries. Their absence
over the summer creates holes in the rosters of liturgical ministers. Now is a great time to step up and get involved in
liturgical ministries.
Altar servers. We have many adults who assist with mass at the altar. Altar Servers should be able to maintain a
reverent and attentive disposition during the Mass.
Music. Music is integral to our beautiful liturgies. Singing or instrumental talent is needed, as is time for practice.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. You should have reverence for the Eucharist in giving the Body and
Blood of Christ to your brothers and sisters.
Lectors. To proclaim the Word of God at Mass, you should be able to read clearly and have a well- developed and ongoing relationship with Sacred Scripture.
Altar Guild. The Altar Guild maintains and beautifies the church by changing and washing the altar cloths and arranging flowers and adornments for liturgical seasons.
Hospitality. Although hospitality ministers help with the collections, our goal is to have one or two at each entrance
to the church greeting people as they come to Mass and as they leave. We want to make St. Augustine's as welcoming
of a faith community as possible. Ideally, every parishioner would be a hospitality minister regularly.
Please contact Doug Ghizzoni ( or see the liturgical minister web page for more information (
Paul Gulig, Chair of the Stewardship Committee
Catholic student
May 3-9, 2015
Evolution of thoughts in class...
Copy work on board
Copy work bored
Cofy twork
Coffee to work
Coffee, coffee, coffee
Need coffee
Are you a Catholic Gators alumnus or
alumna, either visiting or having returned to Gainesville? Welcome
back! Thank you for all that you did
for the Catholic Gators during your time here. Whether it
was in a big or small way, your presence made a difference to this community.
Don't let this be you.!
As you may know, our mission at St. Augustine’s is to
bring Christ to the community and the community to
Christ. We invite you to prayerfully consider joining our
Mission and supporting the Church and Catholic Student
Center through a financial contribution. Thank you for
your generosity!
We are selling $25 gift cards for Dunkin Donuts
Coffee for $20! Inquire at the front office if
you are addicted...I mean interested...
To make a donation, please stop by the office or visit our
"Give and gifts will be given to you; a good measure, packed together,
shaken down, and overflowing, will be poured into your lap. For the
measure with which you measure will in return be measured unto you."
-Luke 6:38
fifth sunday of
Miinisterio hispano
Cursillo de Cristiandad
Cursillo, en espanol quiere decir “curso pequeno” o “corto.” Es
de tres días para hombres y mujeres de cualquier edad.
Deseas tener un encuentro real con Cristo? Es una experiencia maravillosa. Deseas ser parte de una comunidad Cristiana comenzando desde tu propio hogar?
Los cursillo seran en espanol.
HOMBRES: Octubre 1 al 4, 2015
MUJERES: Octubre 8 al 11, 2015
Para mayor informacion comunicarse con: Awilda Merced
(787) 448-7968 o Angela Chiriboga (352) 331-7616
Cafecito y dulces
Se les invita a pasar al salon de la iglesia cada domingo
despues de la Misa de la 1:30 p.m. para compartir amistad y
cafecito. Vengan y conozcan mejor a sus hermanos en Cristo.
Si desean, pueden traer donaciones de galletas o bebidas.
Cantar es Orar Dos Veces
Nuestro coro - sigue creciendo y otorgando a la Misa en espanol la musica que mas nos acerca a Dios. Siempre se buscan y
desean nuevos miembros. Si quiere unirse al coro, por favor
comuníquese con Doug Ghizzoni. El coro ensaya a las 12:30
p.m. cada domingo en la biblioteca de la iglesia.
Parish Community,
Catholic schools, Diocese &
Greater gainesville
May 3-9, 2015
Knight’s Corner
Jesus has conquered death! Alleluia!
Treat mothers to breakfast with the Knights of Columbus at their
annual Mother’s Day Breakfast on May 10 from 9am to 1:30pm.!
Tickets are $8 for adults and $6 for students. Children under 12
and mothers eat for free. We expect to have free mimosas and
Bellinis for mothers. Mothers will receive a special surprise!
We are proud to announce the opening of
The Fiat Center!
Here you will find resources, counseling,
Workshops and seminars based on prayer to further
promote the culture of life through Christ.
The Fiat Center is only two doors down from
Bread and Roses Clinic. Just imagine how many
more lives God will allow us to help save!
Join other advocates for life in front of
Bread and Roses to pray on Wednesdays 12pm-2pm
and Fridays 10am-12pm.
Want to Join UF’s College Council? Our college council is right
here at St. A’s parish, Pope John Paul II -13900 Council, and you
can become a member if you are a practicing catholic male over
18 years old. Although our council is mostly comprised of college students, we have members representing all age brackets.
Please contact our Grand Knight, Bradley Nartowt at
"And the apostles said to the Lord,
‘Increase our faith’."
- Luke 17:5
Join the Men’s Book Discussion Group on Monday
mornings for book discussion and fellowship. Contact
Bill at or 352-378-4946.
St. Francis would love for you to join the
Wolf Pack! Schedule a tour!
352-248-0356 |
Check out our calendar on our website to
join us for athletic games!
The Marywood Retreat Center is hiring a full time
Bookkeeper/Administrative Assistant. Knowledge of
QuickBooks would be helpful, but not required. Please
email resume to or fax to
904-436-6593. We ae located at:
Fun Fact about SFCHS...
Over 80% of our students from the Class of
2015 who applied to the University of Florida
were accepted!
Marywood Retreat Center
235 Marywood Drive
St. Johns, FL 32259
904-287-2525 ext. 23
He hold a 100% graduation and college acceptance rate!
Memorial Mass for
the Unborn and Infants
Secular Franciscan Order
On Saturday, May 16, 2015, at 9am, a Memorial Mass for children lost through abortion,
miscarriage, stillbirth, and/or who died in
infancy will be celebrated at Holy Faith Catholic Church in Gainesville. This event is
sponsored by the Project Rachel Ministry for
post-abortion healing in the Diocese of St.
Augustine. Participants should be prepared
to commend their children to God by name during this
Mass. Healing prayer teams that are trained in confidentiality will be available following Mass. All are welcome.
~Called to live the gospel life? We are an order of lay
people called to live the gospel life through the example
of St. Francis of Assisi through prayer, study, fellowship,
and Franciscan apostolates. Interested? Feel the call?
You are invited to “come and see.” We would love to
meet you! We meet on the second Saturday of each
month, 10:00am at Holy Faith Catholic Church (in the
1st classroom, education building), Gainesville, FL. [or]
contact either Jeff Majewski, OFS at (352) 332-0657 or
Mary Jo Hayes at (352) 281-8998 for information.
For more information, please contact Karen Dykstra at 352
-256-7664 or All inquiries are
May the Lord give you peace!