FIRST NATIONAL REAL ESTATE SCHINELLAS JJEM FINANCE SOLUTIONS STALLARD & POTTER U PPULLL IT HYKA TECHNOLOGY SWIFT CLEANING & RESTORATIONS VALIANT INFOBASE PAT McGRATH PLUMBING LER CAR C YS OF IA B LU CHR BAROSSA VALLEY SOUND & VISION ALL GASSED UP DIECAST & COLLECTABLES VALIANT RESTORATION SERVICES THE MOULARAS GROUP SMART ROAD AUTO WRECKERS SO UT AL AUSTRAHOSE (SA) PTY LTD BREW BOYS H AU S T R DISCLAIMER By participating in these events in any capacity (including but not limited to showing at, participating in, purchasing items from, or attending the 2015 All Chrysler Day or 2015 MegaCruise) is knowingly and willingly at your own risk. The Chrysler Car Club of South Australia, the Chrysler Restorers Club of South Australia, their members, event coordinator(s), agents, officers, officials, and volunteers, as well as sponsors and vendors, will not be liable for any damage, loss, injury, or anything else you, your property, or your guests may sustain or incur by participating in or attending these events. By attending the events you agree to not hold LIABLE any of the aforementioned PERSONS associated with the event. By participating in the event you agree to allow us to use photographs or video that are taken at the event, for possible promotion for future shows, website postings, the current show and/or for fundraising purposes or incident investigations now and in the future. All vehicles and vendors must have current registration and appropriate insurance and be able to provide a copy if requested by event staff. All vendors and vehicles should have their current registration and insurance with them at the event. Entrants further agree to accept all directions and decisions made by the event manager during the course of the “All Chrysler Day 2015” show. Anti-Hoon Policy The CCCSA and CRCSA respectfully request that you drive sensibly and legally in the Mopar MegaCruise and All Chrysler Day. Please make sure your vehicle is properly insured and that you obey all traffic laws on your way to, from and when on the cruise or in the show venue. Failure to do so may result in traffic law infringements and expulsion from any further participation in our events. The CCCSA and CRCSA reserve the right to deny entry to and extricate any person/s in breach of any of these conditions. Please be respectful of the venue, others attending the event, and surrounding neighbours. The event organisers have invited and support South Australia Police to monitor our event. You have been warned. all chrysler day south australia all chrysler day weekend ,QIRUPDW,RQ RII,F,DOHQWU\IRUP2 PRSDUPHJDFUX,VH 7523+,(6$1'$:$5'V Saturday @ Urrbrae, Cnr Cross & Fullarton Rds; Starts/ends at the Fullarton Road car park (Gate A/B) 5pm Meet & Greet, Assemble for Cruise ~ 6pm Leave for Cruise 7RHQFRXUDJHWKHVKHHUHQMR\PHQWRIDOORXUYHKLFOHVE\HYHU\RQHDQGWRNHHS the ACD moving forward, CCCSA and Event Sponsors for 2015 will select special DZDUGZLQQHUVZLWKRXWQHHGLQJDIRUPDO¶SRLQWV·MXGJLQJSURFHVV DOOFKU\VOHUGD\ These awards will include Spotlight on Best Four, Spotlight on Best Eight, Entrants’ Choice (voted by you!), Best Vehicle Display / Presentation, Furthest Travelled, Best Club Display, You Don’t See THAT Every Day, Promoters Choice, and others as decided by Sponsors. Sunday @ Urrbrae, Cnr Cross & Fullarton Rds; All vehicles/entries/swaps enter from gate D off Cross Road and queue on the access road 7:00am Gates open for Entrants & Swap sites 8:30am Last entrants move onto oval 9:00am Gates open to Spectators 2:00pm Trophies and Awards announced SP6KRZFRQFOXGHV CCCSA MEMBER? Yes MEMBERSHIP NUMBER (If known) No OTHER CAR CLUB? Yes NAME OF CAR CLUB No I will be attending the run and lunch on Friday Yes URRBRAE AGRICULTURAL HIGH SCHOOL OVAL CORNER OF CROSS ROAD & FULLARTON ROAD, NETHERBY )LUVW(QWULHVZLOOUHFHLYHD*RRGLHV%DJ 0DLQ6KRZ'D\-XGJLQJ681'$<0$5&+DP²SP MegaCruise; SATURDAY MARCH 28, 2015: BBQ 5pm, Leave ~ 6pm Number of people attending (for catering) No ENTRANT NAME ENTRANT NUMBER ADDRESS MOPARKING (VIP AREA) Secure and controlled reserved area with street access for Mopar ONLY – come and go as you please: $20 at the gate POST CODE GATE A MegaCruise (Saturday), Spectator parking only (Sunday) PHONE EMAIL GATE D All entrants, swap meets, cars on trailers, caterers (Sunday) VEHICLE REGO MAKE OVAL Main show arena MODEL YEAR ),)7<\HDUVRI)RXUVDQG(,JKWV COLOUR ENGINE CAPACITY 1965 brought the beginning of a new era for Chrysler Australia and motoring in general. BODY STYLE (Sedan / Hardtop / Truck etc) The new AP6 V8 model introduced a luxurious family sedan with a lighter-weight, smoother, powerful and reliable, $XVWUDOLDQEXLOWFL9HQJLQHWKHÀUVWDYDLODEOHWRWKH$XVWUDOLDQPRWRULVW FEES 7KH¶VPDOOEORFN·ZDVVRRQLPSURYHGWRDQHIÀFLHQWDQGUHOLDEOHFLDSRZHUIXOFLEEODQGWKH¶WRUTXHPRQVWHU·FL 2-bbl. The small-block V8’s have endured for 50 years as a performance and towing favourite with Chrysler fans, and through FRQWLQXHGGHYHORSPHQWWKHODWHVWPRGLÀHG¶VWURNHUV·FDQH[FHHGFLDQGSURGXFHRYHU+3 Just as importantly, Chrysler expanded in 1965 from a predominantly 6-cylinder manufacturer, via the corporate acquisition of the UK-based Rootes Group, to offer a range of 4-cylinder economy sedans. This gave Chrysler access to Rootes’ full vehicle range, ZLWKWKHZHOONQRZQQDPHV+LOOPDQ+XPEHU6XQEHDP6LQJHUDQG&RPPHUYDQVDQGWUXFNVWREHVROGDORQJVLGH&KU\VOHUVLQ the dealerships. The 4-cylinder Rootes-based vehicles were superseded in the 1970’s by the Mitsubishi-based Colt, Lancer, locally built Galant, Sigma and eventually the Magna. The CCCSA is proud to celebrate the diversity of vehicles from all these manufacturers under the Chrysler banner, in this 50th year of awesome eights and fabulous fours! IDQWDVW,FV$0$=,1*VZHHNHQG,W,QHUDU\ FRIDAY MARCH 27 A run to a Motoring Museum tour followed by catered lunch SUNDAY MARCH 29 SP²(YHQLQJVRFLDOPHHWJUHHW Chrysler Bar, Tonsley Hotel Meals available, car-park security provided, so bring your Chrysler! SATURDAY MARCH 28 A run to McLaren Vale for morning coffee, then visit wineries at your leisure 5pm – Evening: Mopar MegaCruise Attracts over 250 Chryslers of all types in all states of tune VWDUWVIURP8UUEUDH+6ZLWKPHHWJUHHW%%4DQGEDQG Fantastic Fours Amazing Eights 9am - All Chrysler Day show DW8UUEUDH+LJK6FKRRO Cross Road, Netherby Over 250 other vehicles, from original condition to impeccably UHVWRUHGRUPRGLÀHG A live rock’n’roll band and dancers, catering and kids’ entertainment Pre-Entered Vehicle Entries (Admits 1 Vehicle, Driver & 1 Passenger) Entry-on-the-Day Vehicle Entries (Admits 1 Vehicle, Driver & 1 Passenger) $ 20.00 $ $ 30.00 $ Pre-Entered Swap-Meet Sites (Admits 1 Vehicle, Trailer, Driver & 1 Passenger) $ 30.00 $ Entry-on-the-Day Swap-Meet Sites (Admits 1 Vehicle, Trailer, Driver & 1 Passenger) $ 50.00 $ Business / Trade stands: selling new / recond goods or services $ 50.00 $ TOTAL $ Cheques/money orders only (Sorry NO EFT) payable to “the Chrysler Car Club of SA Inc” and send along with your completed entry form to: All Chrysler Day 2015 &22·6XOOLYDQ%HDFK3RVW2IÀFH 105 Galloway Road O’Sullivan Beach South Australia 5166 If you have any queries, please call the Chrysler Club on 0412 426 360 CONDITIONS • $//9(+,&/(6216+2:0867%(217+(29$/%<DPRQ6XQGD\DQGUHPDLQXQWLOWKHVKRZÀQLVKHVDWSP • There will be NO VEHICLE ADMITTANCE ONTO THE OVAL AFTER 9am due to insurance requirements • NO STAKES OR PEGS can be driven into the oval – YOU DAMAGE YOU PAY – all displays must be free-standing • $OOHQWHUHGYHKLFOHVZLOOEHHOLJLEOHIRUWURSKLHVDWWKH$OO&KU\VOHU'D\6SHFLÀFHQWU\IRUMXGJLQJLVQRWUHTXLUHG ENTRANT’S SIGNATURE The placing of your signature upon this form implies acceptance of all conditions below
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