THE SOWER Christ the King Lutheran Church 420 West Whitefish Road, Port Washington, Wisconsin 53074 Church Phone 262-284-5411 Email Pastor Jonathan Breimeier Cell Phone 414-238-8889 Email Office coverage Tuesdays & Thursdays 1:00 – 3:00 pm Sunday Worship Service 9:00 am – 10:00 Bible Time 10:30 – 11:00 Website MAY 2015 ALLELUIA JESUS CHRIST IS RISEN! CHRIST IS RISEN INDEED! ALLELUIA ! The children learn the good news and share it with the congregation. Then they get to do an egg hunt. John 3:16, ‘For God so loved the world…’ is inside each egg. The young man in the plaid shirt opened his egg, then read the message to the whole congregation. Christ is risen indeed! Alleluia ! FROM PASTOR JON Sisters and Brothers of Christ the King: When we were on vacation we hiked in a beautiful area west of Salem, Oregon. Nature in Wisconsin was still just awakening from its winter slumber at that point, so the lush green and vibrant colors in western Oregon were all the more beautiful. This was an easy trail, with some moderate up and down. We hiked in forests with huge trees. The climate along the Pacific Ocean allows trees to grow in circumference and height to dimensions we do not see in the Midwest. As we walked I reflected on the blessing of having been able to take many hikes in similarly spectacular settings throughout my life, going back to family camping trips in the Rockies as a kid Nolan and Logan’s age. When you stand next to a tree and you know that it would take three or four of you to reach all the way around the trunk……. When you see close up the colors of the wildflowers – colors you don’t see replicated anywhere else……. When you get to a high spot and look across the valley and see the shadow of an entire cloud slowly and silently make its way along the opposite hill side……. When you are away from all the lights and you get to look up at the stars on a cloudless night……. These sights, these experiences teach us humility in our relationship with God. There are plenty of other ways to learn humility, but a walk in God’s majestic creation is one of the best. I was glad for the solitude of this hike in Oregon; at the same time I was wishing that all the CTK Youth and Kids could see and experience and learn from it too. Sunday, May 24, is Pentecost Sunday, the Feast of the Holy Spirit. (Acts 2, indeed all of the book of the Acts of the Apostles) The Spirit is there right at the beginning in Scripture, in creation. The Spirit creates and recreates constantly, from the beginning up to this very moment. As we hiked in Oregon, I reflected on the Holy Spirit revealed in the Bible and the Great Spirit revealed in the stories and faith and life of Native Americans. The trees and the wildflowers and the clouds and the stars are speaking to us of the Holy Spirit, of the Great Spirit. P.S. When strawberries ripen early this summer, I hope to make jam, according to my mom’s directions. If you can spare any glass jars with a wide mouth and a lid, I’d appreciate having them. By way of example, an 18 ounce peanut butter jar works well. P.S. #2 Saw this t-shirt at my other job: “I AM THE PARENT OF TWO SETS OF TWINS – NOTHING YOU DO OR SAY CAN SCARE ME” MISSION PARTNER -REDEEMER LUTHERAN CHURCH, MILWAUKEE Redeemer LC, located at 19th and Wisconsin, is right in the Marquette University area. They work with Marquette campus ministry to serve a meal six days per week, the “Noon Run.” Most Marquette students vacate the campus over the summer; Redeemer has put out a request to its mission partner congregations to help serve the meals while the students are gone. From Pastor Lisa Bates-Froiland: “I’m writing tonight in hopes that your congregations might be able to help us serve the meal, particularly on Sundays. Sundays are by far our biggest meal, ranging from 80 to 100 diners. We have expanded our support measures this year so that three Redeemer members are also in attendance for each meal. Might you send a group of 4 to six volunteers any Sunday this summer to help with the actual prep, serving, and cleanup? The Redeemer folks are there to help set the tone, answer questions, ensure safety, check on supplies, and lock up.” As of May 4 the following dates were open: May 31, June 14, June 28, July 12, August 9; August 16; August 30 Sign up for one or two or all Sundays at CTK. AN INTERFAITH EXPERIENCE Why Do We Pray? An exploration of the purpose and benefits of prayer This event was organized through the Interfaith Conference of Greater Milwaukee; it was held Sunday afternoon, May 3, at the Islamic Society in Brookfield. There were presenters from the following faith traditions: Baha’i Buddhism Mormon Hindu Islam Islamic Sufism Judaism Christian: Protestant and Roman Catholic Sikh Unitarian Universalist Zoroastrianism After each presenter spoke about how prayer is part of their tradition, there was a break, then participants sat at arranged tables for structured conversation. I was at a table with Baha’i, Islam, Sufi, Evangelical Christian, Catholic,and Protestant. Very interesting. Insights offered: Be careful that what you ask for in prayer is good and necessary for you, and others, rather than merely selfish. Prayer brings humility. Listening most important part of prayer. Islamic scheduled mandatory prayer breaks into busyness of day; gets you refocused on priorities. “Better to have heart without proper words, than words without heart.” Ghandi Learn more at [from Pastor Jon] CTK YOUTH and CTK KIDS CTK YOUTH will be leading worship May 10, Mothers Day, a CTK tradition. Honoring Graduates: CTK high school and college grads will be celebrated June 7. RELAY FOR LIFE June 12 & 13 Saukville YMCA Money raised goes to American Cancer Society for research, free information and services for cancer patients and their caregivers. CTK people to help you get involved: Kenny Phillips, Neil Traxel, Becki Hill ADULT BIBLE STUDY Wednesday evenings, May 20, June 3. 6:00 potluck, 6:30-7:15 Bible study. We will resume our study of less well-known books of the Bible: 2 John, 3 John, Jude. Come whenever you can. BAPTISM May 3rd Roman Knox Vonderheide was baptized at CTK. With Pastor Jon are parents Laura and Dan. Godparents are Rebekah Wech (holding Roman) and Brandon Silva. Laura is the daughter of long time member Marsha Mitchell. RACHEL CIRCLE Rachel Circle will be held on Thursday May 14 at 1:30 P.M. in the church Fireside Room. Our May lesson title is The Church Transforming and Reforming. Our theme verse is Acts 15: 13 - 17. Coffee & dessert is served following our study. Come & bring a friend. SISTER CIRCLE Will meet May 21at St Peter of Alcantara Church. Call Robin Honish 262 352 4351 for details. FOOD PANTRY Christ the Kings Contributions for April were 151.52 pounds. April Distributions were 300 units, (6,077.22 pounds), $526.25 in Sentry milk certificates and $4,560.00 in Sentry food-only certificates. April expenses $11,386.69 May 9 will be the National Association of Letter Carriers Food Drive. Help is needed at the Pantry after 10 a.m. If you prefer to bring food to church that is also good. We are in need of men's jeans sizes 30 thru 38 and also t-shirts and women's summer clothes. As of May 1st the Pantry will have a new director. Christine Flint will be replacing Joy Dreier. Thank you, The Food Pantry FUNDRAISERS Each year the church council makes plans for the church to hold 4 fundraisers during the year. 25% of the profit is donated to another charitable organization and the balance of the profit is added to our general fund. It has been our policy to spread the fundraisers throughout the year so that they occur quarterly, if possible, and to select an organization from each of the following groups – local, regional, national and international – to which we make our donation. Following are the various fundraising activities planned for this year: 1st Quarter (Local) – A speaker from Advocates of Ozaukee came to speak to us on March 22nd and a collection was taken. Additionally, a Spaghetti Dinner was scheduled for April 15th, but was canceled and we’ve decided not to reschedule. Instead, we will take another collection on May 10th after church and donate all of the funds that have been collected to Advocates of Ozaukee. 2nd Quarter (Regional) – Our annual Chicken Dinner is scheduled for July 26th and we will again make a donation to DanceIt! A planning meeting will be held (date to be announced) so that we can be sure all of the necessary tasks are covered as Andrea will not be there for the day of the event. 3rd Quarter (National) – A Fish Boil is planned for September 25th to be held at church and Tom Mutter has agreed to do the fish boil. We will make a donation to Habitat for Humanity. A planning meeting will be held later this summer. 4th Quarter (International) - We plan to have a Craft and Bake Sale in November (exact date to be determined). If you have any craft items that you would like to donate for such a sale or ideas on items that would be particularly good/easy to make, please let Kathy Wiskow know as soon as possible. We will make a donation to Lutheran World Relief. QUILTING UPDATE The quilters have been busy the last couple months and we are making good progress for the New Year., we can always use additional help with sewing tops or hemming. At the present time Rhea Yovonovich has been finishing most of the quilts. We will be working at church on May 12 and 26 from 9 -11:30 a.m. Come to join the group. We will also accept used sheets for liners. Just drop them off when you come to church. The group had fun admiring some of the completed quilts. We have over 30 completed. For questions contact Judy Olson or Kathy Wiskow. ADVOCATES OF OZAUKEE The following are items the shelter is in need of for May: First Aid Supplies (all new & unopened packages), Pain Relievers – Adult & Children (acetaminophen, ibuprofen & Aspirin), Cough & cold medicine (non- alcoholic), Sore throat medicine, Laxatives, Antacid, antinausea and anti-diarrhea medicine, Band-Aids, First Aid Creams. We are also in need of laundry detergent, dryer sheets and women’s socks. If you can help us out, let me know and I’ll arrange for a volunteer to pick up. Dining to Donate: Help Advocates and dine at The Pasta Shop on Sunday May 17th 4:30 to 8:30 10% of your purchases will go to Advocates. See poster on kiosk at CTK. Thank you for all your help. Chris Drasch 262-284-3577 Volunteer Manager Advocates of Ozaukee Becki Hill can also get things to Advocates. GREATER MILWAUKEE SYNOD ASSEMBLY The theme of this year’s annual assembly is “Hope for a Broken World.” The assembly takes place May 29 & 30 at Carthage College. Delegates from Christ the King are Connie and Paul Hoffmann and Pastor Breimeier. Please keep the assembly, all synod leaders, and all delegates in your prayers. At 7:00 Friday evening Eddie Lacy, running back for the Green Bay Packers, will be speaking. Jason Wilde, a reporter who covers the Packers for many media outlets, will also be appearing. This event is open to the public. It is a fund-raiser for Outreach for Hope. Go to the synod website for more information. From the synod website: Why a Football Player? Eddie has a great faith story. He grew up in New Orleans. He was a young teen during Hurricane Katrina 10 years ago when he lost his home. His family bounced around from place to place until they rented a single-wide trailer outside of Baton Rouge where he lived until college. After starting at Alabama and being drafted by the Packers Lacy built a new home for his parents. Why a Football Player? Football, whether we like it or not, rules in SE Wisconsin. Wouldn’t it be nice to see how this crazy sport intersects with our lives of faith? HONORING Pastor Ray Stubbe, Navy Chaplain Pastor Ray Stubbe will be honored for 50 years of dedicated service in ordained ministry during Sunday morning worship June 28, 10:00, at Redeemer Lutheran Church in Milwaukee. For many of his 50 years as pastor Ray was an active duty Navy Chaplain. This is an invitation to members of GMS congregations, especially military veterans, to thank and congratulate Ray by supporting the Spirit-driven ministry at St. John’s Lutheran Church in West Milwaukee which reaches out to and serves veterans who are poor and/or homeless. “We don’t leave any comrade behind.” After enlisting in the navy after college, Pr. Stubbe graduated from Northwestern Lutheran Seminary in Minneapolis in 1965. He served as a naval chaplain from 1967 to 1985, with the rank of Lieutenant Commander. He was in Viet Nam July, 1967 to January, 1969 at the siege of Khe Sanh, in Da Nang and Quang Tri. Later in his career he jumped with special forces troops and served with the Navy SEALS. Pr. Stubbe knows by name at least 20 soldiers who endured the horror at Khe Sanh who became priests or ministers. Please make your gifts payable to the Greater Milwaukee Synod and note that it is for the “Returning Veterans Fund” in honor of Pastor Ray Stubbe. NEW WIND FOLK SCHOOL- 2015The fourth annual A Preview of What's to Come "PEACE by Piece" Anybody crooning, "Summertime and the livin' is easy" isn't awake to life in the happening.. This year is not business as usual. It calls us out of the traditional into the transitional. How do we find ourselves within, instead of without? How do we learn to move into the future with tools that facilitate and empower us to be peacemakers? The New Wind Folk School-2015 offers the following series of events happening throughout the coming months. A different format, a different focus. Piece One: LEARNING TO KNOW ME The song goes, "Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with ME", but, come to think about it, who is ME?" The agenda: Participants will trace their life story through interactive play, drawings, definition of personal values and goals, writings, silent reflection on the unique significance of " person".. What to celebrate and build on; what to change? Dates and Time: Tuesdays-June 9-16-23-30- 7pm-8:30pm Facilitator, June Eastvold, NWFS Co-ordinator, author, retreat leader Registration Now Open - Cost for Series: $15 per person $20 per couple Place: NEW WIND FOLK SCHOOL Piece Two NON-VIOLENT COMMUNICATION Language is power. Tone. Timing. Intent. Practice in listening to one's self and to the "other"...learning how to open the clenched fist into an open hand (Henry Nowen) ...whether in marriage, in parenting, in self-forgiveness, in the public square, in business, in racial relationships, in interfaith understanding, in respect for fellow creatures and our common habitations....communication takes training and skill . Full details on Piece Two will be available soon. Watch for them Piece Three FOLK ART- Patching the pieces Together--THROUGHOUT THE SUMMER -a mix of all generations will gather to organize a Winter Art Quilting BEE The Agenda: Introduction to the Art and History of Quilt making- Collaboration on Design/Theme- Gathering of Materials- What shall become of the finished creation? Location for the doing of it?--Setting of the winter work times?. Piece Four . FOLK ART - MUSIC JAMBOREE ON THE GREEN- September Piece Five FOLK ART - Sessions for Creation of the Community Inter-generationsl PEACE in Pieces November -December Piece Six EPIPHANY! WALK WITH THE MAGI - January 6th Plans are in the making. If you have interest in taking part in developing a segment of the program, assisting with the details of publicity, registration, or secretarial /hospitality / other? now is the time to make your enthusiasm known! Volunteers, get into the fun of it.....Contact me: 262-261-5119 or sign up at church Registration forms for Piece One are available in the Narthex after church on Sunday morning. Fear Not! Choose Peace- June Eastvold, Coordinator FINAL GAME NIGHT OF SEASON Saturday, May 9th, Game Night at 6:00 pm. As always, it starts with a potluck meal and proceeds to games. It will continue through the school year on the second Saturday of each month. This is not only for CTK members but for the community at large. It is a social gathering where board games and card games are played. Come and enjoy the fun and bring some friends along! Sheepshead players are welcome to continue during the summer after the church service on the second Saturdays. SECOND SATURDAY SERVICE Continues during the summer: June 13, July 11, August 8. We have a simple worship service at 5:15. There is Scripture. There is Communion. Everyone is welcome. Especially if you cannot make it Sunday morning, come to Second Saturday. PANDEMONIUM Sure to be a great performance- Pandemonium on May 22, 23 at 7:00 p.m. in the Port High Auditoruim Pandemonium is a student organization that is made up of 10 cast members, 10 crew members and a backup band. All students are from Port High. Together, they write their own music, skits, and put on a new 2 hour show each year. Students audition for their roles in Sept. and put in over 250 hrs. of rehearsal time. Proceeds from the show go to the Port High Instrumental Music Dept. and to the Paul Watry Memorial and Scholarship Funds. Sure to be a great performance- Pandemonium on May 22, 23 at 7:00 p.m. in the Port High Auditorium TREASURER’S REPORT General Checking Account Balance as of 12/31/2014 2015 1st Quarter April Income $30,883.99 9,670.28 $44,471.01 Expenses $28,202.99 12,108.42 General Checking Account Balance as of 4/31/2015 Net $ 2,681.00 (2,438.14) $ 242.86 $44,713.87 Mortgage Balance $127,236.11 The Greater Milwaukee Synod Eddie Lacy at Synod Assembly 2015 Individual tickets and discounted group tickets are available now! If you are attending Synod Assembly purchase your ticket with your assembly registration for an even bigger discount! MONTHLY REGULAR SCHEDULED EVENTS Sundays 2nd Saturday 9:00 – 10:00 am Worship Service 10:00 Coffee fellowship 5:15 pm Simple worship service 6:00 pm Game Night 2nd Sunday 10:30 – 12:00 pm Church Council meeting Tuesdays 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm Office open 2nd Tuesday (3rd Tuesday this month) Last Tuesday 3:30 - 5:00 pm Evangelism & Outreach 5:30 pm Worship & Music 1:30 pm Service with Prime Horizon 6:15 pm Service at Ellen’s Home COMING SPECIAL EVENTS May 10 Sunday 9:00 am Mothers Day (Youth lead service) 17 Sunday 9:00 am Hammer Dulcimer Music 20 Wednesday 6:00 pm Potluck and Bible Study 24 Sunday 9:00 am Pentecost Sunday June 7 Sunday 9:00 am Graduates Honored July 26 Sunday CTK Chicken Dinner To submit articles for the Sower Use MS Word to compose the submission. Structure the submission using paragraphs and single spaces. E-mail it to Christ the King Lutheran Church 420 West Whitefish Road, Port Washington, Wisconsin 53074 Church Phone 262-284-5411 Email Pastor Jonathan Breimeier Email Address Service Requested
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