Christ King Parish Wauwatosa, WI May 24, 2015

Christ King
Parish Wauwatosa,
Christ King
May 24,
Christ King Parish
Saturday, May 23rd
Mass for the Lord’s Day
PB 4:30 PM †Audrey Dropp (Family)
Sunday, May 24th
Pentecost Sunday
PB 8:00 AM For Parishioners of Christ King
PB 10:30 AM Intention to be Determined
Monday, May 25th
Weekday / St. Bede the Venerable, Priest-Doctor / St.
Gregory VII, Pope / St. Mary Magdalene de Pazzi, Virgin
8:00 AM Cluster Mass at St. Pius X
Tuesday, May 26th
St. Philip Neri, Priest
7:35 AM Daily Rosary
PB 8:00 AM Ann Lindner (Parents)
7:00 PM Family Rosary — Use 91st St. Entrance
Wednesday, May 27th
Weekday / St. Augustine of Canterbury, Bishop
7:35 AM Daily Rosary
PB 8:00 AM †Rev. Eugene O’Brien (Family)
Thursday, May 28th
6:00 AM Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament til 8:00 AM
7:35 AM Daily Rosary
PB 8:00 AM †Helen Jung (Sherry Jung)
Friday, May 29th
6:00 AM Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament til 8:00 AM
7:35 AM Daily Rosary
PB 8:00 AM †Audrey Dropp (Family)
PB 2:30 PM Wedding: Sarah Rebholz & Christian Lindau
6:00 PM Graduation Ceremony and Prayer Service
Saturday, May 30th
PB 9:00 AM Sacrament of Reconciliation
PB 2:00 PM Wedding: Megan Clifford & Eric Schmidt
Mass for the Lord’s Day
PB 4:30 PM †Katherine Jankowski (Family)
24 Blood Pressure Screening, between the Masses,
Parish Center
Parish Library Open, both Masses
27 The Gospel at Breakfast, 7:00 AM, Contact
Ray Clark at 262-628-7470
St. Vincent de Paul Northside Meal Program,
see Bulletin Item
Pizza with the Pastor, 6:00 PM, Parish Center
28 Men’s Ministry, doors open at 5:45 AM,
breakfast and meeting begin at 6:00 AM, Parish
30 Parish Library Open, 4:30 PM Mass
31 Doughnut Sunday, following both Masses, Parish
Parish Library Open, both Masses
4 Clothing Resale Registration, 6:00-8:00 PM,
South Hall
8 Pastoral Council Discernment, 5:30 PM
Common Meeting Night, 6:30 PM, Church
June 15-19 Vacation Bible School, at St. Sebastian Parish
Sept. 18-19 Clothing Resale, North & South Halls
Pray for the Sick
Please pray for the following with acute health problems this
week and for all those in nursing homes and those with
continuing health concerns: Austin Sobczak, Cheryl Bausch,
Will Jauch, Joan Bielefeld, Elaine Fernando, Eli Anderson,
Maureen Ivans, Sharon Jensen, Barbara Tyler, Frank Kohler,
Don Hanbury, Tom Stepp, Steven Neitzke, Michael Harvey,
Brian Higgins, Janice Higgins, Teagan
Lane, Craig Baker, Jimmy Higgins, Jane
Gamez, Carol Machulak, Ruth Murphy,
Lois Dries, Savanna Heltemes, Ray
Palmieri, Doug Shears, Dolores Schendt,
Fr. Luke Strand, Angeline Garner,
Margie Makal, Ann K, Carmelo Cusma,
Mary Matuszewski, Roger Sherman,
Tony Berg, Tony Anderson.
Sunday, May 31st
The Most Holy Trinity
JH 8:00 AM For Parishioners of Christ King
JH 10:30 AM †Colleen Heisdorf (Family & Friends)
PB=Very Rev. Phillip Bogacki
JH=Very Rev. John Hemsing
Memorial Day Cluster Mass
Start out your Memorial Day observances by joining us for Mass
at St. Pius X at 8:00 AM. The Parish Office will be closed for
the holiday. Please plan your business accordingly.
Acts 2:1-11/1 Cor 12:3-7,12-13 or Gal 5:1625/Jn 20:19-23 or Jn 15:26-27;16:12-15
Sir 17:20-24/Mk 10:17-21
Sir 35:1-12/Mk 10:28-31
Wednesday: Sir 36:1,4-5,10-17/Mk 10:32-45
Sir 42:15-25/Mk 10:46-52
Sir 44:1,9-13/Mk 11:11-26
Sir 51:12-20/Mk 11:27-33
Next Sunday: Dt 4:32-34,39-40/Rom 8:14-17/Mt 28:16-20
Wauwatosa, Wisconsin
Financial Report
Become a SPRED Mentor!
Week #45 (Weekend of May 16th/17th)
Regular Stewardship ............................................. $
Offertory ............................................................... $
Total for Week ...................................................... $
Our SPRED group at Christ King is looking for two SPRED
mentors for the fall. SPRED is a small faith group that meets
the spiritual needs of people with special needs. SPRED is open
to men and women 21 and older, only qualification needed is
the willingness to be a friend, and to share your faith! We will
train you in the method and you will be a mentor in a group setting. Please consider being a part of this important ministry,
you’ll find that SPRED will make you holy in so many ways! If
you are interested, please either call or email me, Eileen
Wingenter, at or 414-607-7008, and if you
would like to learn more about SPRED, please check out our
website at!
Year to Date Total................................................. $ 1,167,426.52
St. Vincent de Paul Clothing Drive
Our spring clothing drive was another big success, thanks to the
generosity of our parishioners. We received 149 items on hangers (jackets, coats, dresses, men’s clothing) and filled 43 large
bags with clothing that included a generous quantity of children’s clothes and bedding. We also filled 23 boxes, 12 of
which were shoes in good or better condition and the other 11
with a variety of household and accessory items. There were
also 5 miscellaneous items, too big to box or bag. So many deserving people will benefit from this outpouring of caring. We
also want to thank the devoted volunteers who sorted, bagged
and boxed the multitude of items that came to the South Hall.
Blessings and peace from your Human Concerns Committee.
Please welcome the following, who are being
baptized here at Christ King this weekend:
Ava Lucille Carlson
Ryan James Meuler
Conor Ward O’Laughlin
Emma Elizabeth Smyth
Dear Christ King Parishioners,
Thank you so much for supporting us throughout our years at Christ King School. You have
helped us by your encouragement and by volunteering in our school, as well as with your many kindnesses. As the years go by, we hope to see you in the parish. We want you to know that we will not
ever forget your generosity to us.
The Christ King School Graduating Class of 2015
Carter Anthony Abbott
Ciaran Patrick Blaha
Emily A. Braun
Mia Marie Bressanelli
David William Chrisbaum
Molly Kathryn Dorley
Audrey Joan Garrett
Noah Francis Harrington
Aaron Ashton Henry
Nicole E. Hubbard
Anna Rose Hutchinson
Sarah Rose Kenwood
Chloe Allison Klemstein
Laura Kathleen Kloser
Grace U. McCrea
Kenneth Gregory Meuler
Elizabeth Claire Mintner
Meghan Virginia Obscherning
Emily P. O'Connell
Celia Emily O'Neil
Gunnar Robert Ornburg
Catherine Therese Phillips
Isabella Ann Rebek
Elizabeth Ione Reyes
Sophia Maria Schaffhauser
Elizabeth Grace Shears
Henry James Tyson
Julia Catherine Vetrano
Angel Luis Villarreal III
Angelica Frances Wacker
Colleen Elizabeth Webb
Thomas Broderick Woody
Emma Josephine Zak
Faith, service and stewardship
Two opportunities to get together with other parishioners coming up soon…
“Pizza with the Pastor” on Wednesday, May 27 at 6:00 p.m. in the Parish Center dining room. I have done a few of these as a chance to share some of what’s going on
in the parish but also to be available for any questions you may have. Yes, some
great pizza will be there. We will wrap up before 8:00.
“Doughnut Sunday” starting next Sunday, May 31 after 8:00 and 10:30 Mass. I am so
excited our new Hospitality Committee, assisted by Pastoral Council, has resurrected a monthly chance for fellowship in the Parish Center. Simple coffee and
doughnuts and juice will be there. Stop by a few minutes and have a bite to eat.
We’ll try to do this once a month but will be feeling out what happens to be the best
See you at Mass,
Fr. Phillip
Religious Education Registration 2015 - 2016
We are now accepting applications for the 2015-2016 Religious Education Program. Look for a new,
exciting program starting in Fall. Our emphasis this upcoming year will be on the Sacramental life of
the Church, Classroom formation, an updated family component, retreats and service opportunities.
The deadline for applicants is August 14th. All the information you will need is included in the registration packet located at both entrances of the church and in the Parish Office. If you have any additional
questions after picking up your packet, you may contact our Director of Formation for Children, Abigail
Kohal at or 414-258-2604.
Junk in the Trunk
St. Bernard’s Church in downtown Wauwatosa will be holding it first “Junk in the Trunk” community rummage sale on Saturday morning June 20 from 8:00 am to Noon. The event will be held rain or shine in
St. Bernard's parking lot on Wauwatosa Ave (76th Street) just north of Harwood Avenue. We still have
some spots available to rent for vendors. Please check our website for more information and the vendor registration form and details at . Or call the church office during regular
business hours at 414-258-4320.
2015 Salvatorian Service award—DSHA
Christ King parishioners Rebecca Anderson, Margaret Hodan, Allie Klippel and Annika Martensson are among 53 seniors from Divine Savior Holy Angels High School (DSHA) to receive the 2015
Salvatorian Service Award. The Sisters of the Divine Savior Congregation, who serve as the religious
sponsor of DSHA, established the award program in 1988 to recognize students who go above and beyond their required service hours for graduation.
Service learning is integral to DSHA’s college preparatory curriculum, with students reaching out to vulnerable populations near and far. Congratulations to Rebecca, Margaret, Allie and Annika on receiving the 2015 Salvatorian Service Award and for the time they shared with those in need throughout their
years at Divine Savior Holy Angels High School.
Doughnut Sunday
Please join us for Doughnut Sunday following both masses on Sunday, May 31st. All are welcome to
come to the Parish Center after each mass for some fellowship, treats and fun!!! Hope to see you
Summer Choir
Looking for a little inspiration this Summer?
Try Summer Choir !
The choir meets an hour before the Mass to learn the music.
Rehearsals are held in the choir room located on the 2nd floor of the Parish Center.
No prior choir experience is needed.
Join us one time or every time.
Below is the schedule for this Summer.
Sunday, May 31st - 9:30am Rehearsal, 10:30am Mass
Sunday, June 7th - 9:30am Rehearsal, 10:30am Mass
Saturday, June 13th - 3:30pm Rehearsal, 4:30pm Mass
Saturday, June 20th - 3:30pm Rehearsal, 4:30pm Mass
Sunday, July 12th - 9:30am Rehearsal, 10:30am Mass
Sunday, July 19th - 9:30am Rehearsal, 10:30am Mass
Sunday, July 26th - 7:00am Rehearsal, 8:00am Mass
Sunday, August 2nd - 7:00am Rehearsal, 8:00am Mass
Saturday, August 8th - 3:30pm Rehearsal, 4:30pm Mass
Saturday, August 15th - 3:30pm Rehearsal, 4:30pm Mass
Sunday, August 23rd - 9:30am Rehearsal, 10:30am Mass
Sunday, August 30th - 9:30am Rehearsal, 10:30am Mass
Questions? Contact Bill Lieven
258-2604 ext. 22
Pentecost Sunday
Northside Meal Program
The Northside SVDP is serving the meal this Wednesday, May
27th, and as always we appreciate any gifts of time or food you
can spare and share. Sponsored by your Christ King Human
Concerns Committee. Please consider a donation of the
following items to be delivered to:
Buns & sweet breads: ............................ Murtha, 2643 N. 89th St.
Large cans of baked beans: ...................... Giese, 2441 N. 83rd St.
Cut carrots & cucumbers:........................ Blaha, 2810 N. 72nd St.
Jello: ............................................. Anderson, 9515 W. Hadley St.
See You at Mass!
Summer Outreach Mission Trip Participant
Reminder: Tool Time was a Great Success!
The layout and coordination on Sunday for Tool Time was led
by Craig Griffie, and many parents and leaders were present to
help with each station! Dan O’Callaghan and Neil Krumenauer
picked up lumber, etc. and Dan O’Callaghan has again volunteered to do the benches we take to give the families in Appalachia.
Next Summer Outreach Meeting
Monday, June 1st, at 7:00 PM at Christ King in the
North Hall. Parent(s) and teens and leaders.
“Tosa Trio Ensemble” led by Neal Bardele
The musicians and singers who use their gifts to enhance the
Tosa Trio Mass will be thanked in next weekend’s
many to thank, I don’t want to miss anyone!
You will receive the power of the Holy Spirit and you will be
my witnesses!
Questions? Please call Barb at 414-322-0298 or
e-mail or visit
Pastoral Council Meeting Highlights
May 18th
April Called and Gifted Workshop was a success with 30
people in attendance.
Discernment of new Pastoral Council members will take
place on Monday, June 8th, at 5:30 PM.
Pastoral Council Norms were reviewed by council. Fr. Phillip will send these to the Archdiocese.
With regard to the Catholic Stewardship Appeal, we are currently at 59% of our goal.
New parish mission statement was reviewed and will be
ready for final approval at the June council meeting.
Discussed the collaboration with St. Bernard’s and Fr. Phillip becoming pastor at St. Bernard’s, along with being pastor
at Christ King.
Host a Student from Spain
Introduce a new member into your family & culture this summer
by hosting a student from Spain! By hosting you and your family can create lifelong, international friendships from the comfort
of your own home for 4 weeks in July or August! It is a great
way to learn more about the world while practicing the values of
giving, caring and helping others. For more information, please
contact International Friendship & Learning’s director, Krissa
Hinzman at, U.S. (608)
212-0590, A few weeks in
your home, forever in your hearts!
May 24, 2015
We Make House Calls
We Welcome New Members
We’d be happy to do so. There are a number of parishioners who are active Eucharistic Ministers to the sick and homebound. They would like to make a
visit to chat, pray and bring communion. If you or a family member or
neighbor would like to arrange for a
house call, please call the Rectory at
Have you thought about joining CK but were unsure where to
start? Are you looking to become a part of a community where
you are welcome to join just as you are? Whether you've visited
with us once or more than once, you are invited to sign up as a
parishioner after each Mass. Look for a Parish Ambassador
wearing a yellow lanyard who can direct you to the Parish Center
where an Ambassador will be there to enroll you and help you
start your faith journey. We are waiting for you!
Banns of Marriage
III Sarah Rebholz & Christian “Nick” Lindau
III Megan Clifford & Eric Schmidt
I Allison Schuster & Sean Sigrist
Tri-Parish Collaboration
Christ King is fortunate to work in collaboration with two other Wauwatosa parishes to coordinate our activities and maximize our resources. They are:
Christ King Parish Offices
St. Pius X,
2506 Wauwatosa Ave., 414-453-3875
Weekend Masses: Sat. 5:00 PM; Sun. 8:00 & 10:15 AM
Weekday Masses: Mon., Wed., & Fri. 8:00 AM
Sacrament of Reconciliation: Sat., 4:00-4:30 PM
St. Bernard,
7474 Harwood Ave., 414-258-4320
Weekend Masses: Sat. 4:00 PM; Sun. 8:00 & 10:00 AM
Weekday Masses: Mon., Tue., Wed. & Fri. 8:00 AM
Sacrament of Reconciliation: Sat. 3:00 PM
Baptism: Please call the Rectory about the baptism preparatory
session, which must be completed before the baptism.
Arrangements should be made several months in advance. An
explanation of sponsor requirements is available at the Rectory.
Reconciliation: Individual Confessions are heard in church at
9:00 AM each Saturday (unless otherwise noted).
Marriage: Please make arrangements with a parish priest at
least one year in advance because of preparation requirements.
Becoming Catholic….
2604 N. Swan Blvd., Wauwatosa WI 53226
Phone: 414-258-2604
Fax: 414-258-1993
Parish website:
......................................... Very Rev. Phillip Bogacki, ext. 20
Parish Deacon: ............................... Rev. Deacon John A. Ebel, ext. 18
Director of Administrative Services: ............ Kathleen Grasse, ext. 12
Director of Finance: ................................................Ron Braier, ext. 34
Director of Liturgical Music: ................................ Bill Lieven, ext. 22
Director of Liturgy: ........................................ Maggie Pernice, ext. 23
Director of Formation for Children: ................Abigail Kohal, ext. 33
Daytime Secretaries (8:30 AM-5:00 PM):........... Ann Murtha, ext. 10
..... Shelley Harrington, ext. 10
Evening Secretary (5:00-9:00 PM): ....................... Bill Meyer, ext. 17
Christ King School 414-258-4160
2646 N. Swan Blvd., Wauwatosa 53226
School Website:
Principal: .............................................................. Dr. Kevin F. Hughes
Have you ever thought about taking the next step? Perhaps you
have never been part of a Christian community or never been
baptized, but now you have felt drawn to begin this journey of
faith in Jesus Christ. Perhaps you’ve been baptized and raised in
another Christian tradition, but now you want to continue your
life of faith in the Catholic Church ... or at least explore what that
means. If either of these describes you, we would very much
like to hear from you. We want to listen to your story of faith or
non-faith, answer your questions, and share with you the beauty,
truth, and wonder of the Catholic faith. If you want to know
more, please contact the Parish Office at 414-258-2604.
Youth Ministry 414-322-0298
Director of Youth Ministry: ............. Barb Abler,
SPRED (Special Religious Development) 414-607-7008
Chairperson: ........................ Eileen Wingenter,
Greater Tosa Interfaith 414-453-5750
Director: ........................................................................... Diane Euting