Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ, This month we continue our 7-month series looking at the 7 Marks of the Church (as detailed in Luther’s 1539 essay entitled “On the Councils and the Church”). The 7 Marks are: Confession & Absolution Baptism Worship God’s Word Communion Ministry Cross Mark 1I: Baptism image source: The last words of Jesus in the gospel of Matthew is what we commonly call the Great Commission. Jesus instructs his followers to go out into all the world baptizing and teaching in the name of the Father and of the + Son and of the Holy Spirit. Luther refers to baptism as “the holy bath of regeneration though the Holy Spirit”. We baptize with an 8-sided liturgical bathtub. There are at least 3 meaning attributed to the 8-sided shape of many baptismal fonts: + 8 sides reminds us of the 8 people saved the flood (Noah, Noah’s sons and the wives). It reminds us that sin is drowned baptism and that salvation is also found those same waters. in 4 in in + 8 sides remind us of the 8 compass points (N, E, S, W, NE, SE, SW & NW). In the Great Commission we are called to go out every way into the world teaching and baptizing. r Ch tte hrist the + C G C G S L an + A MESSAGE FROM PASTOR KARL n I Life Wire Shephe rd ther Lu April 2015 d oo rist You Ma + 8 sides reminds us of Easter. There were 6 days of creation and then Sabbath on the 7th day. God rested (from sundown Friday to sundown Saturday—“there was night and there was day, the 7th day”). When Easter happened it was like an 8th day of the week. The empty tomb and the resurrection promise are for us. The early church even moved Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday where it still remains. When we are baptized we are connected to salvation, the mission work of the church and the resurrection promise. We do well to stop every day (think of that 8-sided traffic flow sign) and remember our baptisms. Luther encouraged our daily return to our baptisms. In baptism we are made a child of God. We are marked with the cross of Christ forever. Every day thereafter is growing into the promises God made to us in baptism. If we are truly a church that serves and experiences God then Baptism must be one of our defining marks. Peace and Cleansing to you, Pastor Our Council President’s Perspectives The Church Council recently asked the question “How do we move from vision to reality?” We asked the synod for guidance – and got it in the form of Michael Keys! Pastor Keys serves at Bethany Lutheran in Portlandand also works with congregations throughout the synod. He joined us for All Committee Night in March, sharing information about changes in the church and society, responses to change, long and short-term planning, and his role in the synod. Pastor Keys also talked about the Congregational Vitality Survey, which Continued on p. 2 Custodian: Jeani Bockelman--McInnis 503.585.4608 He is Risen. He is Risen Indeed! Perspectives continued from p. 1 is a tool many congregations use to find underlying strengths, concerns, and issues within the congregation. Another is to train a team of listeners to have one-on-one sessions with congregation members. Another strategy is to have focused listening sessions for small groups. Pastor Keys also talked about “Pentecost Planning” planning on a fifty day timeline for short-term planning, with specific action items, areas of responsibility, and members/groups responsible for each action item. People at All Committee Night were very receptive – with many questions, comments, and good conversations about the information shared. The church council has decided to move forward – beginning with the Congregational Vitality Survey and with identifying and training a team of listeners. Please think about folks within our congregation you would identify as being good listeners – and plan to participate in the survey when it is available. In Christ YOU Matter...Every one of you... every voice – every viewpoint – every listener. ~ Heidi Pramuk, Council President C Ch L r S G tte In Office Manager: Michele Wallace Pastor: Karl Hester 503.953.5164 hrist the G + C Website address: Nursery Volunteer: Penny Culp 503.269.2698 Choir & Praise Band Director: Erica Hall 541.971.7798 Shephe r heran + Lu t Office Hours: Mon-Thur 8:30-3:00 Fax us at: Call us at: 503.363.3726 503.378.7411 d oo d Christ the Good Shepherd Lutheran Church 4440 State Street Salem, OR 97301-5457 rist You Ma Notes from Council– We have been excited to begin our visioning process with our guest facilitator, Pastor Michael Keys. He joined us for All Committee Night this month and will continue to work with us in upcoming months as we find our path forward as the Body of Christ and looking at how we are all different parts of that body, and developing a strategic plan of action and getting as many people involved as possible in forging this exciting path forward together and seeking out what God has planned for our church family and new people in our surrounding community that we would welcome in. We look forward to working more with Pastor Keys and seeing where this process takes us. On Sunday March 8th we held an informational meeting to update the Congregation on the sale of the Aiken's house and have been working toward finalizing how the recovered funds will be dispersed. The net amount recovered during the Civil proceedings is $26,043. Council presented congregation members with a proposal on the allocation of the funds. It was approved by Council at our March council meeting. We are in the process of seeking out a new Organist/Accompanist for our church. The Worship and Music Committee proposed raising the salary, which would restore it to its previous level. Council members voted unanimously to raise the current Organist/Accompanist salary. Our hope is to find a very talented and qualified candidate who will be the perfect fit for our congregation. We are so very grateful to Linda Pfau for her many years of service as our Van Coordinator. This is an important ministry for our congregation we would like to continue – so we will be searching for someone to coordinate it after Linda steps down. ~ Crystie Cody, Council Secretary Save the date: June 26-27 (Fri-Sat) 10-1 Mark your calendars and spread the word. Tell the family, invite your friends and your neighbors to our two-day Camp Discovery for kids. C Shepherd Luther d o o an C G e h hu st t i rch r h C G brings to you S L Our focus this year is “Our God is an Awesome God”. Each day will be filled with stories, crafts, songs and activities that center around the awesomeness of God and exposing his love for us. Lunch will also be provided each day. If interested in helping contact Gwen Carr or the office. More info to come. Detroit bound– Help our youth Rise Up! July 15-19 at the ELCA Youth Gathering Portland Detroit Our youth are closer to getting to their financial goal for their trip this summer. Won’t you help them get all the way? It will be an experience they will never forget worshiping with so many. May their hearts be filled and their faith Rise up! 3 HEAR and THEIR By Joan Mathias Travis and Patty Fox of Stewartsville, PA, and former members of Christ Lutheran Church, were recent visitors of their son and family in Corvallis and got acquainted with the newest addition to the family, their granddaughter. NANCY HALLIN, Patty's sister, and niece KELSEY HALLIN, hosted the couple during their stay, with visits with their brother DAVID and JUDY PALMER, and niece ASHLEY, AJ and NADY. It was great weather here while Stewartsville was covered in snow. Christ the Good Shepherd is the sponsor of SCOUT TROOP 9 (7009) of The Willamette District of the Cascade Pacific Council. Established April 1,1987 with five boys and twelve adults as chartered members, including DEAN HATZENBIHLER and MARY ANN KNISS with her son Daniel "Deke" Kniss. Joel Hatzenbihler joined the following year. By 1992 the membership had grown to twenty-six adults with forty-one boys. Prior to 2004 more than eighty-one boys had joined the troop. Troop 9 members are affiliated members of Catholic, Baptist, Methodist and Lutheran churches, and attend different elementary, middle and high schools in the area. Members of Christ the Good Shepherd can feel very positive about this outreach ministry because, while many young men are involved with their churches, many others only have Christ the Good Shepherd to call their church home--even if it is for a scout meeting. The things that Christ the Good Shepherd offers to these boys will never be forgotten even if we never see the immediate results. One of their fund-raisers has been the traditional annual breakfast which usually happens in February. This year it was February 22 with a scrumptious breakfast of plate size hot cakes, two kinds of sausages, scrambled eggs, coffee and juice, with many enjoying seconds. The boys did a fantastic job of serving and taking care of those enjoying breakfast. The funds provide for boys attending Scout Jamboree, camping expeditions, and for those who need financial assistance. As a sponsor, the church is required to have a liaison between the Scouts and the church council. That position has been unfilled for quite some time. If you are interested, please contact Dean Hatzenbihler. DWAYNE, COLLEEN and RUTH AAS were on a two week vacation to Rancho Cucamonga, visiting granddaughter and great grand- 4 daughter, Brynlee, and her parents. She likes her grandpa! She crawled for the first time the night before they left. They celebrated their birthdays in Las Vegas, then went back to LA to go to The Price is Right show. They were not selected to play, but found it an interesting experience. Watch for that show April 20. The weather was perfect--in the seventies every day. It was a good trip and is always nice to be home. WANDA WENDT, with daughter Denise, enjoyed a weekend in Newport early in the month. On a recent visit, the duo visited the grounds around the State Capitol, taking a lot of photos of the historic items on display. There's a lot to see and learn, plus enjoying the fountain. Congratulations to PITSO and FLORENCE PHASWANA on the birth of their first grandchild, a boy named Ore (Victor) Phaswana, born February 28, in Zimbabwe. The proud grandparents were sharing their first photo of their grandson received via the Internet. MARV and AMY LANGELAND visited their daughters Elizabeth and Andrea in Seattle and attended the concert "Caritas" by the 80 voice Seattle Pro Musica choir at St. James Cathedral on March 7th. Elizabeth has sung with this choir for many years. The concert emphasized and celebrated International Women's Day with a tribute to great female composers across the centuries. St. Hildegard of Bingen's 12-century chants are juxtaposed with today's most exciting new composers from North America, Korea and Eastern Europe with special spotlight on composers of the Pacific Northwest. The Director, Karen P. Thomas and the choir are committed to building audiences and singers of the future. Through Education and Outreach Programs, they support music educators in their effort to inspire their students to develop a lifelong love for choral music. RaeLani Mathias, granddaughter of JOEL and JOAN MATHIAS and daughter of Jeff and Lisa Mathias, has been a member of the Civil Air Patrol (CAP) since she was ten years old. It has provided a great educati on along with being home schooled. At a recent Awards Banquet she received the Amelia Earhart Award. The award is the first one attained in her squadron. The Earhart exam is a one hundred question comprehensive Word Search Challenge! Find the Books of the Bible test of aerospace and leadership knowledge with ninety minutes to complete the closed-book exam, which requires a grade of 80% or higher to pass. Passing the exam and with the award recorded by HQ CAP, they are promoted to cadet captain and become eligible to participate in the International Air Cadet Exchange. She sustained her Captain rank and received the Most Improved Officer Award from her squadron. As Squadron Commander she gave out achievement awards to Cadets with complementary statements given about each one. RaeLani, eighteen years old, lives in Walla Walla, WA, with her parents Jeff and Lisa Mathias. Her sister Zoe is a sophomore at Eastern Oregon University. PAULA DAVIS, joined by son Kelly from Champaign, IL, was met in Las Vegas by son Dr. Keith Davis (& Diane) from Shoshone, ID, for a road trip to Phoenix to visit son Kerry. It was "interesting" to follow the snow plow up to the South Rim of the Grand Canyon (the IMAX presentation made up for the lack of visibility, i.e. "none"), but the two shows in Las Vegas were enjoyable, as was a side trip to Tombstone and sightseeing at Hoover Dam, Lake Meade and Red Rock Canyon Conservation Area, among other sites along the way. In the happy moments, praise God. In the difficult moments, seek God. In the quiet moments, trust God. In every moment, thank God." ~JM 5 WELCA meetings and Bible study are on the third Tuesday of each month at 1:00. All women of the church are welcome and encouraged to join. April 21 is the next meeting. Hostess: Wanda Wendt, Study Leader: Bev Taylor, Stewardship: Youth Prayer Shawl is a tangible reminder that prayers are being offered for those in difficult circumstances. As we knit and crochet these shawls we pray for the peace and comfort for those who receive them. As they put them around their shoulders, it is like a hug from God. The next Prayer Shall meeting will be Thursday, April 23, at 1:00 PM. The Lord’s Cupboard Needs you! Looking for a coordinator to help with the running of the cupboard. Hours would be between 11:30 - 4:00 M,W,F on weeks assigned. Never the first week of the month. We are always grateful for all your donations. All non-perishable foods and personal care products are accepted and appreciated. The Lord's Cupboard gives a very heartfelt "thank you" to Pitso and Flo for the most generous recent donation of food. We have received items almost every week and we thank all who donate as every item is used. Just a reminder, we cannot use any opened items or partially used items but all others are welcomed. If you wish to volunteer or want more info call Eileen Boswell, 503 585 9556. The 36-voice ensemble will be performing in Salem on Friday, April 17, 2015 at 7:30 PM at St. Mark Lutheran Church and on Saturday April 18, 2015 at 2:00 PM at the Grotto main Chapel in Salem. Performances are open to the public and free. An offering will be taken at the church venues to help defray costs. For more information visit: Do You Believe? is a movie about how the lives of several people intersect in unexpected ways. This is a drama with the Christian message that shows how true faith requires action. 6 Please join our C.G.S.L.C. group on Sunday March 29th at the 12:30 showing. The movie is 1 hour and 55 minutes in length. It is rated PG-13. The movie is playing at the Regal Santiam Stadium 11 Theater (365 Lancaster Drive SE). Ticket prices are $8.25 for Adults and $7.75 for Seniors. We hope to see you there. Scholarship funds are being made available through CGSLC Endowment for the next school year. Eligibility information and Scholarship Application forms are on hand. All who are interested may contact Michael Dupuis at: (503) 304-0550. The deadline for submitting an application is April, 26th. Summer 2015 What Matters Most Camp Lutherwood June 28- July 3 Mini Camp 1 for grades 1-3 A perfect introduction to life at camp. Pioneer Camp 1 for grades 3-5 Blaze a trail of memories this summer through all camp has to offer. Junior Engineers: Explorer Camp 1 for grades 5-6 Explore faith, friendships and creativity in this fun-filled week of laughter, conversation, and discovery. Crew for grades 11-12 CREW is a one week leadership development opportunity for campers entering their junior and senior years. Prices vary for each camp, so please visit the Lutherwood website for all the information, and find out what program and week fits your family best and to get registered today. From the Archives– Keeping archives for the church is a way to preserve our church history and heritage. In an attempt to keep these records whole and accurate your help is needed. The following items’ whereabouts are not known. ● Framed appreciation certificates given to the church from Scout Troop 9 were removed from the walls of the Narthex prior to the remodeling and building project in 2006. ● A framed photo of the brilliantly colored window from the former The Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd that graced the wall in Christ House. ● Several photos from the 1980’s from the album of confirmation photos in the Archive. If anyone has information as to where any of these misplaced items might be located, please contact Joan Mathias, CGSLC Archivist. Also, the archive room is in need of a cabinet that is securable. Does anyone have a surplus cabinet they would like to donate, or a suggestion of where to locate one? Please talk with Joan concerning any of the above information. ☺ All church clean-up April 18, 11:30Bring lunch to share, and then we will get to work cleaning our Lord’s house. Contact the office if you see or know of something that needs to be done, prior to the day. CGSLC Financial Report YTD: MONTH-Feb: Income: $43,284.81 $21,395.92 Expenses: $44,579.17 $19,733.16 ________________________________________ Over/Under: $-1,294.36 $ 1,662.76 The above income includes all monies received including rents, mortgage payments received and general offerings. All expenses are actual, not based on what was budgeted. To make the budget that was approved by vote, our income needs to be $25,482 per month. Those giving of time and talents– 8:45 AM 4/5/2015 4/12/2015 4/19/2015 4/26/2015 Greeters Jeff & Lorraine Bock Sharon Kemnitz, Eileen Boswell Jack Johnson & Wendy Cody-Johnson Virgil Anderson, Nancy Ostrem Reader Michael Dupuis Corinne Elms Wendy Cody-Johnson Twila Anderson Communion Asst. Paul & Janis Anderson, Kelsey Hallin Ben, Heidi Pramuk, Laura Drager Wendy Cody-Johnson, Jack Johnson, Dean Hatzenbihler Virgil Anderson, Caleb Stratemeyer, Nancy Ostrem 4/5/2015 10:00 AM One worship 4/19/2015 4/26/2015 Ilene Whelden, Mary Ann Kniss Anna Christie, Paula Davis Dwayne & Colleen Aas Michelle Shepherd Paula Davis Heidi Pramuk 11:00:00 AM Worship: Greeters Reader Communion Assistant Worship/ communion Assistant Chuck & Sara Palmquist David Shultz, Paula Davis Jack & Michael Dupuis Heidi Dupuis 4/5/2015 4/12/2015 Marti Vreeland Carlene Shultz 4/19/2015 4/26/2015 8:45 Ushers Team 5: Dean Hatzenbihler, Jack Johnson, Wendy Cody-Johnson, Caleb Stratemeyer 11:00 Ushers Team 1: Nadine Heidelburg, Peat Kramyer, Tyler Palmblad, Stephanie Palmblad, (Pat Wolfe, Art Fennell) Van Drivers Virgil Anderson Counters Tyler Palmblad Chuck Palmquist Jack Johnson Heidi Pramuk, Andrea Johnson Flowers Easter Lilies Easter Lilies Anne Clemens Organist Joe Hughes Joe Hughes Joe Hughes Joe Hughes *If you are unable to fulfill your duties for a particular Sunday, you are solely responsible to find a replacement as soon as possible and then notify the office by phone or e-mail so that the information can be accurately printed for the Sunday bulletin. 7 tte r Ch hrist the G + C eran + C G S L r NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S. POSTAGE h Lut I n Shephe d d oo rist You Ma PAID SALEM, OREGON PERMIT # 112 4440 State Street Salem, OR 97301-5457 TIME VALUE MATERIAL PLEASE DO NOT HOLD We are a congregation of the Sunday Worship Schedule: Bible Study Schedule: 8:45 AM Contemporary Worship w/ Communion 10:00 AM Sunday School [for all ages] 11:00 AM Traditional Worship w/ Communion 7:00 PM Mondays in Gathering room 9:30 AM Wednesday at Christ house 10:30 AM Thursdays at Lancaster Village 7:00 PM Thursdays Holy Week Worship Schedule: Date: Day: Time: March 29: Palm Sunday 8:45, 11:00 AM April 2: Maundy Thursday 7:00 PM April 3: Good Friday 7:00 PM April 5: Easter Sunday 8:45, 11:00 AM Please join us as we worship during this most important and special week of the year. In Christ You Matter.
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