Christ Community Covenant Church Colossians: Redeemed! “The Preeminence of Christ” Pastor Dave Scherrer—June 7, 2015 Colossians 1:15-20 15 He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. 16 For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him. 17 And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together. 18 And he is the head of the body, the church. He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in everything he might be preeminent. 19 For in him all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell, 20 and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven, making peace by the blood of his cross. 21 And you, who once were alienated and hostile in mind, doing evil deeds, 22 he has now reconciled in his body of flesh by his death, in order to present you holy and blameless and above reproach before him, 23 if indeed you continue in the faith, stable and steadfast, not shifting from the hope of the gospel that you heard, which has been proclaimed in all creation under heaven, and of which I, Paul, became a minister. Hebrews 1:1-4 "God, who at various times and in different ways spoke in time past to the fathers by the prophets, has in these days spoken to us by His Son, whom He has appointed heir of all things, through whom also He made the worlds; who being the brightness of His glory and the express image of His person, and upholding all things by the word of His power, when He had by Himself purged our sins, sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high, having become so much better than the angels, as He has by inheritance obtained a more excellent name than they." Philippians 4:5-11 Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, 6 who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, 7 but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. 8 And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. 9 Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name, 10 so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, 11 and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. Admiring a piece of art Catching up with Asia Minor 6757 Simms St., Arvada, CO 80004 Phone 303.467.2020 Website: www.ChristCommunity Email: Family@ChristCommunity Pastoral Staff Dave Scherrer, Senior Pastor ● Gloria Merritt, Pastor of Worship Arts (x29) ● Curt Vogt, Pastor of Family Life (x24) ● Scott Parr, Pastor of Youth Ministries (x32) ● Brittany Romine, Children’s Ministry Director (x36) ● Tyler Carlson, Youth Intern (x32) ● All Believers, Ministers Your 4Cs Council Members Executive Council: Joanne Siebert (Chair), Bruce Backer (Vice-Chair), Howard Kingry (Financial Secretary), Marty Harris (Secretary). At large members: Michael Fowler, Rick Gager, Heather Nations, and Kyle Quackenbush. Check out the 4Cs Website See the all church calendar, sermon information, event registrations, photos, and more! In addition to information, you can also make tithe and building fund payments online at Food Boxes—If you or someone you know needs assistance, a food box may help to get from this paycheck to the next. Food boxes have at least three meals. Please contact Debbie Gerber with any questions at 303.520.3012 or You may also contact the church at 303.467.2020. Blessing Bags—Bags are available at the Common Grounds Information Center. Please help yourself and pass them out when an opportunity arises. “There will always be poor people in the land. Therefore, I command you to be openhanded toward your brothers and toward the poor and needy in your land.” ~ Deuteronomy 15:11. Prayer Brochures—There are 2 turntables set up with brochures of prayers for various life situations. If you need encouragement and just don’t know how to begin to pray about a difficult situation, these may be of assistance. Check them out near Common Grounds and the south entry name tag desk. Take as many as you like— we can make more. May 2015 General Giving Building Giving & Other Income Operating Expenses $82,190.18 $14,608.21 $84,708.53 $314,763.63 $76,074.42 $396,124.67 Net Income $12,089.86 $(5,286.62) 1/1/15 $269,828.17 5/31/15 $311,531.57 $148,667.89 $41,316.48 $141,826.00 $105,565.83 $79,843.80 $64,139.74 Cash in the Bank Building Fund Cash Other Restricted Cash Operating Cash The Supremacy of Christ FAITH MOVING Why it matters . . . That you might know how radically and completely you have been redeemed! Year to Date forward The Faith Moving Forward stewardship campaign continues. We have been in our beautiful building for over a year now, but expenses with the land, updates and upkeep on this facility continue. Thank you to those who have pledged and given in advance! And to those of you who have faithfully continued your pledge. If you are considering making an ongoing pledge, contact Jim (x25) or Christ Community Covenant Church Colossians: Redeemed! “The Preeminence of Christ” Pastor Dave Scherrer June 7, 2015 This very hour, this very minute, we have the wonderful opportunity to come before the Lord with rejoicing. In a spirit of love and friendship, we welcome all who have come. Let us lift up our hearts to the Lord. Welcome to worship! Adult Ministry Most adult weekday and Sunday morning groups (except those noted below) are on break for the summer. Bible in 2015, Sunday morning 9:00 am in the Youth Center Classroom—It is never too late to begin reading along with us as this interesting, page-turning saga continues! Calendars are available at the Usher’s Stand or Information Table. Call Linda Hindley at 303.431.4518 with any questions. Please fill out the Connection Card in the bulletin weekly and place it in the offering plate. We ask that visitors give us your full information so that we can send you a welcome letter and get to know you better. The opposite side is for your prayer(s) and praise. Destination: Relationship (for women of all ages), Sunday morning 10:30 am in the Balcony Classroom—Devotions, conversation, encouragement, and friendship. Led by Cindy Oury. Please note: for the summer, the class will meet only the last Sunday of every month in June, July and August. We are led in worship today by: Curt and Brandon Vogt, Suzanne Peters, and Gloria Merritt (vocals), Tim Harrelson (drums), Keith Lopez (bass), Michael Fowler (guitar), Creg Hughes (electric), Aaron Wolle (cello), Gary and Cheryl Aggus (synth and piano), Leo Oury and Alex Mowery (tech). Male Call (Men’s Ministry), Friday morning 6:00 am in the Fellowship Center—Every week we will be further exploring the last Sunday’s sermon. Pastries, juice and coffee provided. TODAY IN THE YOUTH CENTER!! Like to Eat Pancakes? Come to the CHIC Pancake Breakfast FUNdraiser from 8:15 am—12:30 pm in the Youth Center (downstairs). All you can eat! Donations only and all proceeds go toward 4C’s students headed to the national Covenant CHIC conference in July. Plus... need help with spring cleaning? Yard work? There will be a "Service Project" Silent Auction at the breakfast. Come bid on a student and see what they can do to help you get stuff done! Thanks for your support of our students! Senior Adult Community (SAC)—This group of fun adults meets quarterly for potlucks and field trips of all kinds! Questions? Contact Joan Chandler at 303.427.3440 or Parents and Students—Pick up the new SUMMER calendar at the youth info board at the entrance to the youth hall downstairs. Volunteers Still Needed for Summer Sunday School with 4Cs4Kids— Try something NEW this summer and join the fun on Sunday mornings with 4Cs4Kids. We could really use your help so that our “school-term” teachers can take a break for those 13 weeks. If you have any questions please contact Brittany Romine in the church office (x36) for more information. Youth Breakouts – 10:30 am Sundays—Youth (7th-12th grades) join adults for the main worship service on the first Sunday of every month, and for other seasonal all-church Sundays. On the 2nd-5th Sunday of each month, youth begin in the Worship Center at 10:30 am, but then are dismissed after about 20 minutes of singing and church connection to Youth Breakout. Friends, visitors and drop-ins welcome! Breakout includes a fun get-to-know-you moment, youth-relevant Bible teaching, and often some discussion or prayer time. Common Grounds is open today for specialty coffee and muffins, but we recommend you go to the CHIC Pancake Breakfast for a more substantial breakfast (so no burritos today). This Week: No summer programming due to Vacation Bible School. Join us next week for the Summer Nights Couch Run on Tuesday, June 16, 6:30 pm. “Staff Recommends” on Right Now Media—“Prayer” by Frances Chan (a youth series) “Pulling the Thread” Biblical thoughts by Jen Hatmaker (Dave referred to her book “7” in his simplicity series); and a biographical portrait (more of a movie) of “Dietrich Bonhoeffer: Agent of Grace.” 4Cs4Kids Children’s Ministry Right Now Media—act quickly! The email invitation has been sent your way (if we have your correct email) and we encourage you to sign-in and create a password! If you haven't received an email invitation, please let us know, as it may have been typed incorrectly on their site. Right Now Media gave our church a new AppleTV for use, which will be a blessing. Yea you!!! Some are having issues when expecting a response from RNM and it’s going into their “junk mail”, so be sure to check there if you’re trying to sign up and haven’t see anything come through your email yet. Sunday Schedule for 4Cs4Kids: 9:00 am—If you choose as a family to attend the 9:00 am service, there is a children’s bulletin at the name tag stand (Pre-K-elementary age) if you would like one. The Main Nursery is open for birth thru age two. 10:30 am—Sunday school for all ages: Main Nursery (birth-2 year olds), Preschool (3-5 year olds), Kindergarten, Elementary IMPORTANT INFORMATION—As you are browsing through the various videos, please don't be confused when it says, "buy now", the free videos are there, usually on the right hand side with a triangle arrow to begin playing. The "buy now" feature refers to opportunities to own the DVD or to get books that relate to the video clips. | For security purposes, ALL children ages three-6th grade need to be checked in to the Kid Central desk at the top of the stairs before entering a classroom. No exceptions. Sand in the City—4Cs will again have a booth at Sand in the City, a local Arvada festival, Saturday and Sunday, June 27 and 28, and held at Ralston Park off of 64th and Simms. We will hand out cold water bottles (which went over very well last year), be a friendly Christ-filled presence, and let people know that we are a local church who cares and shares the love of Christ! Please consider volunteering during the festival. It’s a great outreach! For more information on the event contact Gloria Merritt (x29) or go to http:// 4Cs CommunityGroups—Experience the joys of sharing life together by joining a Community Group! Joining, hosting or leading a group is easy. No prior experience needed; just a desire to "do life" with others. Please contact Katy McCormic, or Curt Vogt (x24) or for more info. Compass USA is a foreign exchange program ( needs housing this summer for nine students from 15 to 17, all from France. They are coming to study English (you don’t have to know French!) and to participate in American culture. Their stay will be from July 11 to 31 and there is an orientation on June 26, at Stanley Lake High School at 6:00 pm. This is a great agency and a wonderful opportunity to serve international youth with very little stress to you. There is a modest stipend for the hosting family and you can learn more by contacting Gonzalo Godinez at or 303.489.4639. There are informational handouts at the usher stand if you desire more information. ~ Pastor Dave Summer Service Opportunity—Save the Date! On Sunday, June 28, Open Hands has volunteered to bring a group from 4Cs to serve a meal in downtown Denver in partnership with Open Door Ministries at “The Table,” and we need your help! Open Door Ministries exists to provide practical help and hope to people in Denver’s inner city who are homeless or low income. Their mission is to show mercy, build community, and make disciples for Christ in urban Denver as an outreach of Open Door Fellowship Church. What is “The Table”? Each Sunday after the worship service at Open Door Fellowship, a free meal is served promoting evangelism and fellowship. It is open to all in the church and community. Church groups like ours come to cook and serve the meal. Our group’s ministry allows people at Open Door to develop the relationships necessary for effective evangelism and ministry in the neighborhood. Needs for June 28: · Food to serve 60-100 people (they recommend 150 servings to allow for seconds). We will be taking chicken pasta casseroles (recipe provided), bread, salad, and lemonade (with cookies provided by the Hearts ‘n’ Hands group). · Paper goods (plates, cups, napkins, utensils) · Servers/Clean-up crew (4:00 pm arrival, serve meal, clean up, finished by 7:30 pm) If you would like to provide food and/or help serve, contact Shelley Buchwald to sign up: 303.246.4367, or If you would like to donate paper goods, drop them off in the Open Hands box near Lost and Found in the north entrance (Common Grounds). Thanks!
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