CLA RE W A R N E CA S E S T U D I E S CA S E S T U D Y TUXEDO The brief was to create a fun and appealing brand identity for the first of it’s kind, an innovative online eccount, Tuxedo. To build an appealling site for the once unique eccount platform, cards and collateral which is visually simple and will offer the best user experience. Based on the success of this Tuxedo platform the program expanded to issue 1.3 million cards across almost 200 white label partner programmes. Logo Home About Buy Login Activate Use Customers Contact Buy now Image slider Watch our video Logo Secure travel money Secure travel money Secure travel money Secure travel money Login Menu Slider Tuxedo Plus customer Intro copy Intro copy Buy now Watch our video Bought a pack Social like icons Call to action Privacy Policy Terms & conditions MasterCard info Copyright info What is the eccount Sub copy Nav MasterCard info Copyright info Privacy Policy Terms & conditions Logos Copyright U SER EXPERIENCE D ESI G N As there were no existing products at the time, initially we relied on new product research through questionnaires, focus groups and surveys. The client had a clear marketing plan for development, planning, finance structure and had banking related supplier relationships set in place. Working closely with MSM (banking grade software developers) we developed wireframes and prototypes that were vigerously tested. Wireframe examples shown above. U SER INTER FAC E D ESI GN My html skills were a huge bonus having to work so closely with back-end developers for a long period whilst creating this platform. At every stage the product was tested allowing us to concentrate on the development with the correct focus. Creating an energetic personality for the brand to reflect their unique accessible service. Based on the wireframes, prototypes and the brand identity an energetic personality was created to reflect their unique accessible service. Screen grabs shown above. VIDEO Create a video for the product launch to communicate the product and service in a fun and informal way. This was a great way to explain this new product, in action rather than an explanation. Concept storyboards to supplying graphical elements for AD creation. Tuxedo MasterCard® Prepaid Card Tuxedo Maestro® Prepaid Card ACCEPTED WORLDWIDE AND ONLINE ACCEPTED WORLDWIDE Tuxedo MasterCard® Prepaid Card No bank account required No credit checks Accepted worldwide and online 5195 2535 0000 0000 5195 VALID DATES 00/00 - 00/00 MR CARDHOLDER 123456789 BRAND CONTI N UA T I ON Digital and print advertising campaigns supporting the product launch. On and offline AD examples shown above. ELECTRONIC USE ONLY £5 CASHBACK ON FIRST LOAD £9.95 YOUR MONEY INCLUDES FREE 2ND CARD OFFER MANAGE YOUR MONEY Top-up at over 35,000 locations in the UK including the Post Office®, PayPoint and at over 2,000 High Street Bank Branches THE TUXEDO eCCOUNT AND MASTERCARD ® PREPAID CARD. TOP-UP AS YOU GO AND ENJOY THE FREEDOM TO SPEND, SHARE, RECEIVE AND WITHDRAW MONEY IN THE UK AND WORLDWIDE. SIMPLY ACTIVATE, TOP-UP AND USE. Load funds online by bank transfer or by credit/debit card Shop online, in-store, by telephone or mail order Share money in the UK and worldwide Withdraw cash from over 1.2 million ATMs wherever you see the MasterCard ® acceptance mark Free ‘low balance’ text alerts Check your balance by SMS, online or by phone Card to Card money share View transactions online Receive your wages or salary securely Tuxedo tariffs* Pay Monthly – £4.99/Card Pay As You Go Purchases FREE – Unlimited 2.95% (min 99p, max £1.50) ATM withdrawals 50p 1.5% (min 99p, max £1.50) Top-up FREE at over 2,000 High Street Bank Branches and by bank transfer. Post Office 99p; PayPoint 3%; online 3%. FREE at over 2,000 High Street Bank Branches and by bank transfer. Post Office 99p; PayPoint 3%; online 3%. *All fees shown are for the UK. For a full set of fees see website or Information Guide inside. GET YOUR TUXEDO eCCOUNT AND MASTERCARD® PREPAID CARD. SIMPLY ACTIVATE, TOP-UP AND USE. 5195 ELECTRONIC USE ONLY Your Tuxedo MasterCard® Prepaid Card – personalised in your name (and a Card in your Authorised User’s name, if required) will be sent by post. Cards are not included in this pack. £5 Cashback on first load – minimum £50. Terms and Conditions apply: The Tuxedo MasterCard ® Prepaid Card is issued by Newcastle Building Society pursuant to licence by MasterCard ® International Incorporated. Newcastle Building Society is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority and is entered in the Financial Services Authority register ( under registration no. 156058. INFORMATION A complete guide to the Tuxedo eccount and Prepaid MasterCard® BRAND CONTI N UA T I ON Create an extensive user guide for the brand and implement across packaging, social media, customer user guides, collateral and advertising. Instore hanging pack containing card, user guide and activation instructions, front with fold outs shown above. Instore wallet pack containing card and mini user guide, front, reverse and mini user guide cover shown above. CA S E S T U D Y JO MAGDEL AN A Create a brand identity and digital strategy for Jo Magdelana, a direct marketing jewellery company, to bring joy to womens lives enabeling them to create their own look and allow them to create the way they want to work. Implement the brand across a broad range of interactive commerce, online campaigns, videos, event products and packaging. Collaberating with the client to develop a strategy resulting in their self sufficiency, from PR to photo and video shoots. Search Login Find your hostess Logo Home About Jewellery Gifts Sale Account Basket Search Account Basket Logo Become a hostess Login Find your hostess Search Account Basket Host a party Image slider Image slider Become a host Header Shop now Host a party Product image Product image Product image Product image Product image Product Product Product Product Product Price Price Price Price Price Header Become a host Go Image Image Image Image Image Header Shop now Header Go Image Product image Product image Product Product Price Price Product image Product image Product Product Copy Call to action banner Social network icons Subscribe Price Price Nav Call to action banner Copyright Social network icons U SER EXPERIENCE D ESI G N The focus for the design was on usability for easy browsing, checkout use and showcasing products for best conversion results. Utilising a fully responsive cms design to boost sales and give the client greater control. Develop well organized category structures, search features and areas for promotions and offers. Involving the client at every stage, resulting in a good comprehension in preparation for inhouse training. Wireframe examples shown above. LOGIN / FIND YOUR HOST search products SHOP HOME ABOUT JEWELLERY GIFTS SALE BECOME A HOST ACCOUNT 0 ITEMS HOST A PARTY VINTAGE RESORT FUN, FRIENDS & ACCESSORIES LEARN MORE WEAR THEM THE WAY YOU WANT SHOP NOW LOGIN FIND YOUR HOST MENU SHOP BECOME A HOST BRING JOY TO YOUR LIFE BECOME A HOST CREATE THE WAY YOU WANT TO WORK LEARN MORE VINTAGE RESORT WEAR THEM THE WAY YOU WANT SHOP NOW U SER EXPERIENCE D ESI G N Leading on from the wireframe designs, clean layouts with a simple yet elegant design to put the focus on the products. Quality product and eye-catching photos of products in use on models play an important part in creating the brand. My comfortablity with cms aided me through the testing periods and client training. Screen grabs shown above. S OCIAL MEDIA ST RA T EG Y Social networks are a massive asset for Jo Magdalena. Individual hosts profiles offer personability, confidence and reliability. Social network analysis tools are applied to understand users and improve their relationships in the constantly evolving networks. SNA is in this case very useful for assisting in strategy and planning. Screen grabs of various social networks shown above. VINTAGE RESORT STYLE YOUR OWN LIFE SHOP NOW WEAR THEM THE WAY YOU WANT STYLE YOUR OWN LIFE BRAND CONTI N UA T I ON Create a user guide for the brand and implement across social media, advertising, stationery and packaging. Online ADs and banners shown above. CA S E S T U D Y E DGY PR ODUCT I O N S The brief was to create a new brand identity and strategy for Edgy Productions to develop a trusting brand for their products, musicals for schools. To build an appealling responsive cms commerce site to strengthen their brand and enhance user experience, incorporating a digital marketing strategy to engage customers. Customers are schools worldwide which results in complex user accounts, billing, quantities, shipping, tax, VAT and licencing options. phone - email account - logout search Logo Home About Us phone - email basket Logo Strapline Products Licences Testimonials FAQs Blog Home Contact account - logout search About Us basket Strapline Products Licences Testimonials Product Image slider FAQs Blog Contact Songs Plot Characters Script Score Info Reviews Product images Product title Product categories Product images Product description Videos Musicals Buy options Christmas Product thumbnail images Nativities Social like icons Leavers All year round Product nav icons News Other products Title... Songbooks Title... Song downloads Title... Product thumbnail images Social like icons Total Product title Add to cart Product categories Assemblies Offers By age Product Product Product Offers... Ages 4 -7 Offers... Ages 7 - 11 Offers... Catalogue Offers... Catalogue title Product description Twitter feed copyright Privacy Policy Terms & conditions Buy options This month only Download button Free Product Product Product Socialise Free Free Social icons Total Add to cart Now button Newsletter Sign up Product Product Product Twitter feed copyright Privacy Policy Terms & conditions U SER EXPERIENCE D ESI G N Originating by researching competitors, current customer analysis and enveloping in the clients products and how they’re used by customers. Develop a product structure and strategy for content development connected to business goals and user needs. Create wireframes, prototype and test. Refine content, development and planning. Coordinate with the client, designers and developers to create and track goals. Wireframe examples shown above. U SER EXPERIENCE D ESI G N I’m competent in Wordpress and have a good working knowledge of html which enables me to be hands on and manage projects throughout. Designing a trusting, reliable, fun brand aimed at capturing users/schools as loyal customers. Create the interface design based on the wireframes, adapting the design to all device screen sizes. Present the design to a select audience of teachers for prototype testing. Implementation of the wireframes, design and site content. Screen grabs shown above from the Wordpress commerce site (not yet live as in testing). S OCIAL MEDIA ST RA T EG Y Identify the most relevent and valuable social media networks assessing current user usage and competitors. Establish objectives and goals with the inhouse marketing team. Build online brand awareness, optimizing profiles for each network. Create a marketing plan, including content, strategies, posting schedule, building in constant testing and tracking for changes. Aiming to engage customers with a focus on users being involved, commenting and posting videos. Screen grabs shown above of various social networks. Musicals for schools ... about school! Perfect END-OF-YEAR & LEAVERS’ PRODUCTIONS Featuring this summer in ‘Our School’ End-of-year musical NEW NEW songbook BRAND CONTI N UA T I ON Create a user guide for the brand and implement across advertising campaigns, social media, digital brochure and enews. Digital AD examples shown above.
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