Efficient Image Detail Mining Andrej Mikulík Filip Radenović Ondřej Chum Jiří Matas Center for Machine Perception, Czech Technical University in Prague Novel Image Mining Problem Formulations Given a query and a dataset, for every pixel in the query image: i. Find the database image with the maximum resolution depicting the pixel detail size ii. Find the frequency with which it is photographed in detail 37.3x 27.0x 22.8x 21.9x 21.6x Highest Resolution Transform (HRT) Related Approaches O. Chum, J. Philbin, J. Sivic, M. Isard, and A. Zisserman. Totall recall: Automatic query expansion with a generative feature model for object retrieval. In Proc. ICCV, 2007 Term Frequency – Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF) Scoring 1–3% 3 – 10 % Geometric Consistency Test A. Large scale image retrieval Bag-of-Words (BOW) Representation 0–1% Spatial Verification (SP) Query Expansion (QE) EASY • No region of interest provided • Seemingly harmless regions, such as railings in the corner of the image, can expand into enormous number of false positive images • Novel mechanism for detecting and eliminating inconsistencies: Aj,i – mapping from result image i to result image j, obtained during this stage Aq,i and Aq,j – mappings from result images i and j to the query image q, respectively, obtained in the initial zoom-in query Aq,i ≈ Aq,j Aj,i – it holds for a consistent pair of result images i and j Aq,i query rank: 1 2 64 32 65 DIFFICULT query rank: 1 2048 16384 Aq,j 81368 B. Large scale zooming retrieval A. Mikulik, O. Chum, and J.Matas. Image retrieval for online browsing in large image collections. In Similarity Search and Applications, 2013 Bag-of-Words (BOW) Representation TF-IDF scoring in Document at a Time (DAAT) order* Spatial Verification (SP) + re-ranking based on scale change Aj,i Query Expansion (QE) q j Experimental Dataset region of interest provided * Scores are re-weighted to prefer desired change in scale (zoom-in or zoom-out) • • • • 620,000 images 1.3 x 109 features – Hessian-affine features described by SIFT 16M visual word, two level k-means vocabulary 6 landmarks – manually annotated Performance and Results Our Approach: Hierarchical Query Expansion Large Scale Zooming Retrieval Detail Image Clustering Geometrical Consistency Test Expanded Zoom-in Query on Every Cluster Detail Image Clustering 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. i Find a pixel in the query covered by the largest number of images Select the image with the highest scale change as a cluster seed Add images with at least 50% overlap with the seed to the cluster Remove the cluster and if there is more images jump to 1. Each cluster is subject to geometric consistency test Notre Dame
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