FRANCIS JORDAN CATHOLIC SCHOOL Tel: 08 9305 4990 Fax: 08 9305 4991 VOL 21 #11 30 April 2014 OUR VISION Francis Jordan Catholic School prepares students for a lifelong journey by nurturing a pas‐ sion for learning and excellence while remaining centred on Jesus and His teachings. JESUS JOURNEY PASSION EXCELLENCE Dear Parents and Friends of Francis Jordan Catholic School WHAT’S WELCOME BACK TO TERM 2 * Wednesday 30 April Staff Meeting Reconciliation Enquiry 7pm * Welcome back to everyone after the holidays. It is great to see almost everyone back healthy and safely. A special welcome to those families joining our school for the first time. During the holidays we celebrated Easter as well as ANZAC Day. The following Friday 2 May prayer was used at Mass in Dunsborough on ANZAC Day by the Priest who has Jaricot Day also served as an Army Chaplain. I hope it reminds everyone to be grateful to Assembly 8.30am Interschool Basketball Carnival Years 5&6 those who, like Jesus, have made the ultimate sacrifice for the benefit of others. * PRAYER OF REMEMBRANCE Wednesday 7 May Heavenly Father, we remember with pride, gratitude and sympathy School Photos the men and women who gave their lives in defence of our country. Staff Meeting Renciliation Enquiry 7pm * Thursday 8 May School Photos We remember with pride and gratitude that they fought and died that we might have security and peace, that we might walk in freedom and live in justice. We remember with pride, gratitude and sympathy the men and women who live in suffering and pain in our hospitals as a result of their generosity in protecting our country. * We remember with gratitude and sympathy the men and women whose spirits were crushed and minds deranged by the horrors and suffering through which they passed and saw others pass. Friday 9 May Mothers’ Day Liturgy & Morning Tea * Saturday 10 May Reconciliation/First Communion Enrolment 1.00-4.00pm * Sunday 11 May Mothers’ Day We remember with pride and gratitude the doctors, nurses, Red Cross workers and all volunteers who served our sick, wounded and exhausted servicemen and women. We remember with pride and gratitude the Chaplains of our forces who brought spiritual comfort and consolation in times of sickness, injury, fear and death. Be merciful and gracious to them all, O Lord. ROYAL COMMISSION The Executive Director of Catholic Education, Dr Tim McDonald, has sent * Tuesday 13, Wednesday 14 & Thursday 15 May NAPLAN TESTING principals, a letter to be passed on to all parents, regarding the Royal Bless Commission which commenced hearings in Perth on Monday. I ask God all parents to read the letter which is included at the end of PRINCIPAL * The most important things to do in this world are to get something to eat, theTONY newsletter. GIGLIA WINTER UNIFORM Please remember that students are to be in full winter uniform when returning in Term 2 on 29 April. There will be one week week of transition. Included with this newsletter is the School FRANCIS FRANCIS JORDAN JORDAN CATHOLIC CATHOLIC SCHOOL SCHOOL School Uniform & Personal Grooming Page 1 of 2 The following is meant to clarify both the uniform requirements and personal grooming that is required of all students at Francis Jordan Catholic School. School Uniform - General Children should wear their school uniform correctly, with a note of explanation if the correct uniform is unavailable. Hair standards are set for the students’ safety, the enhancement of their appearance and avoiding “excessive” display. Hair should be neatly combed or brushed, kept off the face and cut regularly. Extreme hairstyles, tints or hair gel are not permitted. Girls with hair longer than collar length must have it tied back at all times. Boys are required to have hair that is short and tidy at all times. If girls are using ribbons, headbands or elastic ties/scrunchies for hair, they must be dark green. Black bobby pins or dark green clips are acceptable. Shirts are to be tucked in before coming to line. School hats are to be worn at school at all times. Nail polish is never allowed. A watch and / or single stud / sleeper earrings are the only jewellery permitted. Studs or sleepers must be gold or silver in colour SCHOOL UNIFORM SUMMER Girls Boys Cotton Check dress Dark green rugger shorts Black school shoes (not sneakers) Mint green short sleeve Midford shirt OR Brown sandals Black school shoes (not sneakers) Short green striped socks OR Brown sandals Green school tracksuit top Short green striped socks Green school hat Green school tracksuit top Green school hat WINTER Girls Boys Winter tartan pinafore Grey winter trousers (optional) Mint green Midford long sleeve shirt OR Rugger shorts Short green striped socks Mint green long sleeve Midford shirt OR green tights Short green striped socks FRANCIS FRANCIS JORDAN JORDAN CATHOLIC CATHOLIC SCHOOL SCHOOL School Uniform & Personal Grooming Page 2 of 2 In winter, students participating in any public performance will be required to wear the following: Girls Green tights. Boys Long grey winter trousers. SPORT UNIFORM GIRLS & BOYS Faction shirt Dark green knit shirt Black Quick Dry shorts WHITE sandshoes or joggers, including laces (NOT BOOTS) Short white striped socks Green school tracksuit Green school hat – PLEASE NOTE that a school hat is required throughout the year. OTHER ITEMS Tracksuit – dark green colour. A tracksuit is not compulsory, however, if one is worn, then it must be the school tracksuit. NO OTHER IS PERMITTED. SCHOOL BAG Children are required to use the Francis Jordan Catholc School school bag, which can only be purchased through the school. VARIATIONS 1. Some people are not able to wear wool next to bare skin. For this reason the tracksuit top may be worn with the summer uniform. 2. IF IT IS VERY COLD, THE SCHOOL TRACKSUIT TOP MAY BE WORN WITH THE WINTER UNIFORM PROVIDED A SCHOOL JUMPER IS WORN UNDERNEATH IT. 3. The school tracksuit top may be worn with the summer uniform without the jumper underneath. 4. The Rain Jacket sold by the Uniform Shop is the only rain jacket to be worn as part of the school uniform. It must not be worn as a substitute for the school jumper or tracksuit. It can be worn to and from school and at recess or lunch but not during class. Where students do not abide by the requirements of the school uniform, a letter will be sent to parents, pointing out the area to be rectified. This includes students requiring haircuts. Parents will be asked to acknowledge receipt of the letter and that action will be taken to attend to the situation. FRANCIS FRANCIS JORDAN JORDAN CATHOLIC CATHOLIC SCHOOL SCHOOL Religious Education PROJECT COMPASSION – AN AMAZING COMMUNITY EFFORT A huge THANK YOU to the many families who supported this fundraising effort. The generosity of the Francis Jordan Catholic school community never ceases to amaze! This year the final total was a staggering $3,317.45. This money will be spent by Caritas Australia to support the needy in Third World Countries such as Sudan. FIRST RECONCILIATION PARENT INFORMATION SESSION Tonight (Wednesday April 30) or Wednesday May 7, there will be a Reconciliation Parent Information evening at 7.00pm in the Saint Simon Peter Church. If your child is in Year 3 and is making their First Reconciliation this year, at least one parent must be in attendance. Parents may attend either meeting. FIRST COMMUNION ENROLMENT WEEKEND This is a message for parents of students in Year 4 who wish to have their child receive First Communion through the St Simon Peter parish this year. The Communion Enquiry weekend occurred on April 5 and April 6. If you were not able to attend a Mass to collect the enrolment information, please contact the Parish directly on 9300 – 4885. A reminder that enrolment for First Communion occurs at St Simon Peter parish centre on Saturday May 10 between 1.00pm and 4.00pm. DATES FOR THE DIARY Friday May 2 – Jaricot Day liturgy in the Sue Groves Hall commencing at 8.30am. Friday May 9 – Mothers Day liturgy and Morning Tea – commencing in the Sue Groves Hall at 8.30am. FRANCIS FRANCIS JORDAN JORDAN CATHOLIC CATHOLIC SCHOOL SCHOOL Parish Corner A reminder to families with CHILDREN WHO WILL BE RECEIVING THE SACRAMENT OF FIRST RECONCILIATION THIS YEAR A parent Information meeting will be held on Wednesday 30 April and Wednesday 7 May at 7:00pm. It is expected that an adult representative attend either of these meetings where you will receive your child’s Enrolment Forms. ENROLMENT FOR CANDIDAES FOR FIRST HOLY COMMUNION AND FIRST RECONCILIATION will take place on Saturday 10 May Parish Centre 1:00pm – 4:00pm Please bring all relevant documents and levy. Any queries contact Fran PARISH PRIEST REFERENCE FORMS Please note times Parish Priest is available to sign forms. Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday after the morning Mass at 9.00 am and on Thursdays at 9.30 am. BIRTHDAYS Congratulations to the following students who will be celebrating their birthdays this week : Hope Vrbasso KA, George Diable PPG, Casey Cheung 2G, Ethan Gallagher 5G, Madison Eichstadt 2W, Lucy Prior 5G, Chloe Watts 6G, Kiera Watts 6W, Sophie Connolly 1W, Daniel Ward 4G. FRANCIS FRANCIS JORDAN JORDAN CATHOLIC CATHOLIC SCHOOL SCHOOL Other News KINDY A TEDDY BEARS PICNIC Please join us for a Teddy Bear’s Picnic and help support Perth Zoo. WHEN: Friday 9 May TIME: WHERE: 9.30am Burns Beach Foreshore Playground COST: A GOLD coin donation There will be lots of fun to be had with Face Painting, Teddy Bear Craft and Yummy Picnic Goodies. To help raise funds for the Perth Zoo this is a registered Teddy Bear’s Picnic and will be a gold coin donation. If anyone else would like to assist Grace and Tammy with the organisation , we would be very grateful. Grace: or 0402 023 369 Tammy: or 0406 359 666 Canteen News PLEASE NOTE:WINTER MENUS HAVE BEEN SENT HOME FOR TERM 2 VOLUNTEERS for 5/5; 6/5; 20/5; 3/6; 9/6; 1/7; 2/7 - PLEASE. REMINDER: PLEASE order you Sushi on Thursdays for Friday lunch. FRANCIS FRANCIS JORDAN JORDAN CATHOLIC CATHOLIC SCHOOL SCHOOL Medical News WHAT IS TYPE 1 DIABETES? Type 1 diabetes occurs when the pancreas is unable to make enough insulin. Insulin is a hormone that acts as a key to let glucose from the food we eat, pass from the blood stream into the cells to provide energy. WHAT ARE THE SYMPTOMS? In diabetes, glucose stays in the blood, causing the blood glucose level to become abnormally high. Symptoms may include: Being very thirsty Being very tired Passing lots of urine Tummy pain Losing weight Feeling generally unwell Being dehydrated WHAT CAUSES TYPE 1 DIABETES? Some people carry genes which might make them more likely to get type 1 diabetes. However, it only develops in these people when something triggers the immune system to destroy the insulinproducing cells in the pancreas. These triggers are thought to be factors in the environment, but as yet are not well understood. Type 1 diabetes is treated by: Lifelong insulin by injection several times a day or via an insulin pump. Following a healthy eating plan including regular carbohydrate-containing foods. Being physically active on a regular basis. Testing blood glucose levels several times a day. Having regular medical check-ups with the diabetes team that may include a diabetes specialist, diabetes educator, dietician, social worker, and psychologist. Type 1 diabetes is usually diagnosed during childhood or young adulthood but can occur at any age. People with type 1 diabetes need insulin every day for survival, either by injection or insulin pump. We currently have 1 child diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes at our school. To make it easy to identify this child she wears a small grey badge with a yellow cross sewn to the collars of her clothing. For more information regarding Diabetes contact ‘Diabetes WA’ - 1300 136 588 Or Princess Margaret Hospital – 08 9340 8880 FRANCIS FRANCIS JORDAN JORDAN CATHOLIC CATHOLIC SCHOOL SCHOOL Other News Mums Raising Boys - up to the age of 12 years However well-prepared mothers are logically, the emotional response to having a boy is often still, ‘Wow! This is unknown territory.’ It is true that for many mothers, the idea of raising a son carries its own set of worries. As the primary female role model in a boy’s life, mothers play an important role in the development of their son’s identity including their ability to be nurturing. This is turn affects how they relate to others, particularly to girls and women. This workshop will discuss: • The importance of the mother-son relationship • What boys need from their mums • Practical ways to improve and maintain a positive and rewarding relationship WEST LEEERVILLE 22 Southport Street, corner of Cambridge Street Wednesday 23 July 2014 JOONDALUP cnr Davidson Tce & Boas Ave Wednesday 14 May 2014 Time: Fee: 6.30-9.00pm $25 per person Places are please book Ph 08 9489 6330 Fax 08 9489 6399 limited so now on 9489 Address Post 22 Southport St (cnr Cambridge) West Leederville WA PO Box 1206, West Leederville, WA 6901 Email Uniform News PLEASE NOTE: Order forms are available from the office, the uniform shop or by downloading a copy from the school website. Only orders received with full payment will be processed. Eftpos and credit card payments have to be made through the School Office. UNIFORM SHOP OPENING TIMES: THURSDAY AFTERNOONS BETWEEN 2.00-2.40PM ONLY FRANCIS JORDAN CATHOLIC SCHOOL FRANCIS JORDAN CATHOLIC SCHOOL P & F Update Welcome back to school. I hope that all students, teachers had a wonderful Easter holiday break. I would like to welcome all new families to the school. Plus a special congratulations to Mr and Mrs Redding on the arrival of a beautiful little girl - Alice Anne Redding. As you are aware Mothers’ Day is fast approaching and we will continue with tradition and have our Mothers’ Day stall. Both Mrs Foot and Mrs Scullino have been hard at work with the preparations for the stalls. The stall will be open all day on Thursday 8 May and at lunchtime on Friday 9 May. An early thank you to Mrs Foot, Mrs Scullino and their team of helpers. PLEASE NOTE: Gifts will range from $2.00—$10.00 Remember School Disco Friday 27 June 2014 Applications for Year 7, 2016 at Prendiville Catholic College are now being processed. Interviews for new families commenced late in February. Places for Year 7 in 2016 will be offered upon the completion of interviews - 27 June, 2014. Initially, interviews will be conducted for new Catholic children, with subsequent interviews granted to other children subject to available places. Siblings of current students do not normally have to attend an interview, however, even if they have already submitted an interim application, siblings and other applicants need to now submit a FULL application form urgently, accompanied by a $50 application fee. Please telephone or visit our College Reception desk and ask for a package. Each year some siblings fail to submit this full application on time and then have to join an extensive waiting list. Please note that to date, from new Catholic families and siblings of existing students, we have already received 398 full applications for 204 places. This does not include new non-Catholic children who have not yet been invited to submit a full application, so please do not delay in getting your FULL applica- FRANCIS JORDAN JORDAN CATHOLIC CATHOLIC SCHOOL SCHOOL FRANCIS Extend Yourself OTHER NEWS LA SALLE COLLEGE, MIDDLE SWAN – MEMORABILIA FOR 60th ANNIVERSARY La Salle College’s 60 th Anniversary Community Mass and Open Day will be held on Sunday 22 June from 10am to 3pm. As part of this event the College would like to display significant items of memorabilia from over the years (photographs, publications, anniversary items, uniforms of De La Salle College). If you are able to assist with the use of these items, FRANCIS FRANCIS JORDAN JORDAN CATHOLIC CATHOLIC SCHOOL SCHOOL We’re fundraising with entertainment ™ Pre-order your Entertainment™ Membership online and receive over $260 in bonus offers! Entertainment™ Memberships are packed with hundreds of up to 50% off and 2-for-1 offers for the best local restaurants, cafés, attractions, hotel accommodation, travel and much more! Available as a traditional Entertainment™ Book OR the new Entertainment™ Digital Membership for your Apple or Android device, your Membership gives you over $20,000 worth of valuable offers valid through to 1 June 2015! Order your new 2014 | 2015 Perth Entertainment™ Membership from Francis Jordan Catholic School and 20% of your Membership purchase goes towards ORDER HERE NOW our fund-raising! The traditional Entertainment™ Book Membership Available from early May, the new Book is only $65, and you'll receive $20,000 worth of valuable offers which are valid until 1 June 2015. The new Entertainment™ Digital Membership Puts the value of the Entertainment™ Book in your Apple or Android device. Search for businesses, show your phone to redeem and keep track of your savings. FRANCIS FRANCIS JORDAN JORDAN CATHOLIC CATHOLIC SCHOOL SCHOOL Order either Membership type before April 30, and you'll receive over $260 worth of Bonus Offers which you can use straight away! Find out more>> Take a look at some of the many valuable offers available with the NEW 2014 | 2015 Perth Entertainment™ Membership: there are hundreds more! ORDER HERE NOW Thank you for your support. Francis Jordan Catholic School Phone: 0400 273 909 Email: Please remember to reference Francis Jordan Catholic School when registering your 2014 | 2015 Entertainment™ Membership. FRANCIS FRANCIS JORDAN JORDAN CATHOLIC CATHOLIC SCHOOL SCHOOL FRANCIS JORDAN CATHOLIC SCHOOL OSH Club
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