WE DID IT! See page 4 & 5 for the announcement of funds raised for the Confirmation/Consecration Wall Project. Bulletin 1500 Sunset Blvd. Houston, Texas 77005 An adventure of the spirit March 24, 2015 Volume 69 Number 12 Emanu El Celebrates Establishment of Walter Endowed Scholarship at HUC-JIR in Cincinnati From Rabbi Disick A Tradition of Strong Bridges Rabbi Walter wasn’t exactly lost, but for one reason or another, locating the church where he was supposed to offer an important opening prayer proved elusive. He found a pay phone (remember pay phones?) and started calling churches. Relieved when he was finally able to reach a local church secretary, he presented both the problem and its urgency. “Where,” Rabbi Walter asked, “is the National Conference of Christians & Jews being held? I have to be there in ten minutes!” “ I don’t know,” answered the secretary, ” but On Friday, February 20th, our congregation celebrated the establishment of the Rabbi Roy A. Walter Endowed Scholarship at the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion in Cincinnati. The Kabbalat Shabbat Service in the Proler Chapel was led by Rabbi Marc Disick and featured the music of the Shabbatones. Our special guest was Dr. Jonathan Cohen, Dean of the Cincinnati Campus of HUC-JIR, whose dynamic and eloquent message highlighted the importance of the scholarship in helping the Reform seminary attract and prepare future generations of Reform rabbis. Rabbi Walter’s touching response reflected his deep gratitude and what it means to him to be honored in this manner at the institution from which he was ordained. continued on page 2 continued on page 3 ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦ Emanu El Annual Meeting to Be Held Sunday, April 12th Save the date as our Congregation comes together on Sunday, April 12th at 4:00 p.m. for our Annual Meeting. The agenda for the meeting includes the approval of the 2015-16 operating budget, in addition to an election of the Officers and Trustees. Information on the budget, the coming year’s slate and last year’s minutes should have arrived in your mailboxes by our press date. Babysitting will be available for the meeting though reservations will be required by Tuesday, April 7th. PLEASE JOIN RABBI MARC DISICK RABBI PAMELA SILK RABBI SAMANTHA KAHN CANTOR MARK PERMAN Register online at: emanuelhouston.org AT CONGREGATION EMANU EL’S Second Night Seder SATURDAY, APRIL 4, 2015, 6:00 P.M. PLEASE RSVP BY THURSDAY, MARCH 26, 2015 WORSHIP SERVICES Daily 6:00 p.m., Monday through Thursday Shabbat Vayikra, Leviticus 1:1-5:26 Friday, March 20th 6:00 p.m., Kabbalat Shabbat, Proler Chapel Saturday, March 21st 10:30 a.m., Morning Service, Proler Chapel 10:30 a.m., Morning Service, Barish Sanctuary B’not Mitzvah of Hannah Grace Benstock, daughter of Sharon & Eric Benstock Akira Kravetz-Clark, daughter of Ruth Kravetz & Craig Clark Shabbat Tzav, Leviticus 6:1-8:36 Friday, March 27th 6:00 p.m., Kabbalat Shabbat, Proler Chapel 6:00 p.m., Family Picnic Shabbat, Sculpture Garden Saturday, March 28th 10:30 a.m., Morning Service, Proler Chapel 10:30 a.m., Morning Service, Barish Sanctuary Bat Mitzvah of Isabelle Danny Nuzzo, daughter of Nancy & Michael Nuzzo Shabbat Yom Rishon shel Pesach, Exodus 12:37-42, 13:3-10 Friday, April 3rd 5:00 p.m., Kabbalat Shabbat, Proler Chapel Saturday, April 4th 10:30 a.m., Morning Service, Proler Chapel 6:00 p.m., Second Night Seder, Feld Hall Thursday, April 9th 5:00 p.m., Passover Service, Proler Chapel Shabbat Sh’mini I, Leviticus 9:1-10:11 Friday, April 10th 10:30 a.m., Passover Yizkor, Proler Chapel 6:00 p.m., Kabbalat Shabbat, Proler Chapel Saturday, April 11th 10:30 a.m., Morning Service, Proler Chapel 4:30 p.m., Shalom Shabbat, TBD Passover Schedule Changes Please note that the Friday night Shabbat services on Friday, April 3rd will begin at 5:00 p.m. due to the Passover holidays. There will be no Torah study classes on Saturday, April 4th. The regular scheduled Shabbat services will resume the following weekend. Congregation Emanu El Bulletin (USPS 399-430) is published semi-monthly by Congregation Emanu El, 1500 Sunset, Houston, Texas 77005. Periodical paid at Houston, Texas. POSTMASTER: send address changes to Congregation Emanu El Bulletin, 1500 Sunset, Houston, Texas 77005. 2 continued from page 1 From Rabbi Disick you should probably call Temple Emanu El, they’ll know for sure. They’re always involved in events like these.” Temple Emanu El’s involvement in the interfaith community is really in our DNA. From 1944-49, Shabbat and High Holy Day services were held in Central Presbyterian Church and St. Paul’s Methodist Church respectively. Rabbi Robert Kahn, Emanu El’s founding rabbi, also founded Houston Metropolitan Ministries now Interfaith Ministries whose Meals on Wheels program continues to set a high bar for the nation. In 1971 for demographic reasons there was a significant push to relocate the congregation. “Ultimately, we felt that it was critical to maintain a Jewish presence in the heart of Houston,” said Rabbi Walter. Over the years, each of Temple Emanu El’s rabbis, cantors and educators have visited myriad churches and even several mosques. As a matter of fact, interfaith relations with Houston’s Muslim community has also long been a part of Emanu El’s tradition. According to our Educator, Marna Meyer, for the last 14 years Helfman students have visited the Islamic Center of Greater Houston. And just a few weeks ago, longtime Helfman teacher, Lisa Brooks’ class broke bread and witnessed worship at the Islamic Da’wah Center Mosque on Travis St. Since arriving over a year ago, I’ve enjoyed a monthly lunch with Pastor Michael Dunn of First Christian Church, Rev. Robert Moore of Christ the King and Rev. Neil Willard of Palmer Memorial Church. I’m pleased to share that Pastor Dunn and his family will be joining with us at Temple Emanu El’s Second Night Seder. Given our congregation’s long and rich history of bridge building it only seemed natural to invite my new friends in faith. ✦✦✦✦✦✦ Meditation Class Offerings Increase at Emanu El As of Saturday, March 21st, we will have two meditation classes offered weekly at 9:30 a.m. Martin Lindenberg will teach basic meditation, leading a class on concentration practices. Concentration practices involve keeping the mind on a single focus, and training the mind to return to that focus as it wanders off. In Judaism, concentration practices can include focusing on a repetition, such as one of the names of the Divine, or a phrase, such as a line from Psalms, as well as other practices. This class is ideal for those new to meditation or for those who prefer focusing on concentration practices. This group will meet in the South Foyer. The second class will be on Mindfulness Meditation and is led by Glen Duval and Ann Friedman. Mindfulness meditation teaches us to pay attention to our present moment experiences with an openness and curiosity (without judgment). We will also be incorporating teachings on equanimity, loving kindness, patience, forgiveness and joy. While newcomers are welcome to join us, the class will work at a more advanced level. This class meets in the Board Room. continued from page 1 Emanu El Celebrates Establishment of Walter Endowed Scholarship Other participants in the celebration included the leaders of the project, Joe Pryzant and Ed Septimus, who both serve on the Board of Overseers of the Cincinnati Campus of HUC-JIR, along with Dolores Wilkenfeld, a past member of that Board. The Scholarship fund was established through the generosity of a group of local donors. Additional contributions will now add to the value of the fund and enhance its ability to provide vitally-needed assistance to deserving rabbinic students. Gifts in honor of Rabbi Walter should be made directly to HUC-JIR and mailed to 3101 Clifton Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45220, Attention: Susan Kulick. Please include a notation that your gift is designated for the Rabbi Walter Endowed Scholarship. Or you can use this direct link: https:// donate.huc.edu/Walterscholarship. Susan can be reached at 513-487-3227 or skulick@huc.edu if you have questions. HUC-JIR will acknowledge the contributions and inform Rabbi Walter of contributors. Pictured from left to right: Interim Rabbi Marc Disick, Dolores Wilkenfeld, Linda Walter, Rabbi Emeritus Roy Walter, HUC Cincinnati Dean Jonathan Cohen, Ed Septimus, Emanu El President Rebecca Lunstroth and Joe Pryzant. ✦✦✦✦✦✦ Yom Hashoah to Be Held at Emanu El Please join us on Sunday, April 19th at 3:00 p.m. at Congregation Emanu El in observance of Yom Hashoah, a day of remembrance for the 6,000,000 Jewish people who lost their lives during the Holocaust. During this annual commemoration, we will mourn the loss of all who perished, honor those who survived and come together as a community to remember and reflect. This event is coordinated by the Yom Hashoah Steering Committee and Holocaust Museum of Houston. Funding for this service is generously provided by the Morgan Family Endowment Fund, the Morgan Family Center and the Morgan Family Foundation. Volunteer Spotlight Rachel Gutow-Ellis By Nancy Ehrenkranz If you want to smile, be inspired or get something important done, contact Rachel Gutow Ellis. Her enthusiasm is infectious, her work ethic is ‘all in,’ and her heart is always on her sleeve. “Plus,” she admits, “I simply have a hard time saying no.” The daughter of Diane and Ellis Tudzin, Rachel grew up at Emanu El, where she was a Bat Mitzvah and later a teaching assistant in the religious school. Her adult involvement started when her son attended the Becker School, and she became active on the Religious School Committee. Since that time, she has served as the Chair for the Gathering Place, volunteered on the Congregational Caring Committee, been a Trustee for the Farb Fund, and co-chaired a Mitzvah Day team for Meals on Wheels for several years with Sandy Lusky. “I’ve been on and off the temple Board several times, written Sisterhood birthday cards and most recently, served as the Vice-Chair of the Rabbinical Search Committee, a group of like-minded people who bonded and felt such pride in what we were asked to do and how we did it.” Rachel was chosen to travel to Seattle to meet Rabbi Hayon’s family and see him at work, in his current position. “It was an honor and a huge responsibility being ‘the one’ to evaluate him as a person and a rabbi in his home environment, and I took the task very seriously. Fortunately for me and all of us, the experience was an overwhelmingly positive one.” Rachel and her husband Adam are the proud parents of daughter Noa, who will soon graduate from Emery Weiner School, and Jacob, who attends a special-needs school in Rhode Island. For Rachel, “all of my volunteer commitments are a labor of love, and most of my closest friends – of all ages – I met through my work at the congregation. Every time I go to Emanu El, I have a big smile on my face wondering who I’m going to see that day and what a difference I might make, in some small way. I enjoy doing good things for people I love, and the friendships I’ve made and the work I do brings me great joy. Volunteering is the opposite of loneliness. It may sound corny, but Congregation Emanu El is and will always be ‘my happy place.’” ✦✦✦✦✦✦ Emanu El Memorial Park to Remain Open 365 Days a Year We are pleased to announce that effective immediately Emanu El Memorial Park will be open to visitation 365 days a year. The EEMP gates will open at 8:00 a.m. daily and close at 5:00 p.m. Consistent with our longstanding practice, we will continue to allow funerals, unveilings and other cemetery related activities Sunday through Friday. These same activities are not permitted on Jewish religious holidays. This change goes into effect immediately. 3 The Restoration of the Confirmation/Consecration Pictures WE DID IT – The Restoration of the Confirmation/Consecration Pictures and the architectural facelift for the Parkans Administrative Center fundraising is officially completed and the work will begin this spring. The congregation is grateful to all those listed below whose generosity will endow this important project. Your gifts in behalf of this area of Emanu El show the importance of it to our members. If you have corrections to the names of any kind, NOW IS THE TIME to contact Jason Plotkin, jasonp@emanuelhouston.org to see that it’s corrected. List is current as of 3/10/15 – Many thanks and appreciation to the following donors: Adam Newar, in memory of Sheila Newar & in honor of Myra Lipper Rikki & Bo Rubenstein Feld Family Cousins, in honor of their Grandparents Celine & Charles Kaplan & Family The Parkans Family, in memory of Morissa Parkans Lila Rauch Delores Krakower, Suzanne & Mike Krakower & Family, Karen & Buster Freedman & Family Carl Josehart & Sam Jacobson Dolores Wilkenfeld, in honor of Lewis Wilkenfeld & Serena Brooks Wilkenfeld The Haikin Family, in memory of Josie & Mike Haikin Sheri Feldman, Jason, Rori & Lacey Feldman, Elaine Helfman & Family, in memory of Nason Feldman and Jack Helfman Linda & M. Michael Shabot Marty & Bob Stein, in honor of the Religious School Staff & Faculty Linda Susman Helen, Daniel & Adam Dreyfus, in memory of Richard Baeck Dreyfus Martin & Marsha Block, in honor of Lindsay & Amanda Frankfort Diana Brackman Barbara & Mark Brookner Joy & Harris Jacobs Myra Lipper Raymond, Paula, Alan, Danny & The Gerson Family, in memory of Putch & Gertrude Gerson Marlene & Bob Rubin, in honor of Shari, Dennis, Will & Owen Heinz, Mindy & Nick Adams, Perla & Jack Rubin, Jenn & Paul Rubin & in memory of Raye & Bill Plotkin Richard Schechter, in memory of Dr. Robert Schechter Rozelle & Herman Schultz Helen & Andrew Spector Linda & Roy Walter, in honor of our children and grandchildren Carol & Barry Goodfriend, in honor of our children and grandchildren Susan & Richard Speer, in memory of our parents and in honor of our children & grandchildren Valorie, Rick, Ryan & Kevin Steinhart, in honor of Myra Lipper Sara Astrich, in honor of my children and grandchildren Henry Bercutt, in memory of Carole B. Bercutt Scott & Leslie Bormaster, in memory of Martha Bormaster, Gloria & George Frederick Bernice Feld Carole & M.M. Feld, in memory of our parents and in honor of our children Ellen & Franklin Gittess, in memory of Ray & Sam Gofseyeff, Ann & Irving Gittess 4 Julie, Robert, Betsy & Allie Goodfriend The Holste Family, in memory of Celia & Fred Holste Rebecca & Jost Lunstroth Linda & Paul Lynn & Family Ben & Rebecca Miller Charlotte Motley, in memory of Jerry Motley and Marc Motley Sharon & Bradley Rauch, in memory of Harold Reingold Ira & Rosemary Shepard William Shields & Children, in memory of Dorothy Shields & Sol Stepinoff Limor & Stuart Smith Rachael Tobor & Valerie Turner Dianne & Ellis Tudzin Eric & Rhonda Lipper Esther Shelby Fund Dr. James Solomon, in memory of Doris K. Solomon Priscilla Schube Phyllis & Steven Segal, in honor of Our Children and Grandchildren The Askanase Family Karen & Jeff Basen-Engquist, in honor of Dolores Wilkenfeld The Blitz Family Leonid & Rena Buryakovsky Pat & Dr.Aaron Fradkin, in memory of our parents Dorothy & Mack Martin, Ida & Harry Fradkin, and our daughter in law, Stephanie Barthlow Fradkin Stuart & Anita Gaylor Philip & Jeanette Getz Nonya & Jonathan Grenader Joy W. Hecht, in honor of Michael, Julia, Rachel & Matthew Hecht Elyse & Lewis Kalmans, in honor of Aerin, Kendall & Talia Linda Kates Eva & Michael Loeb Stephen & Judy Loebl, in honor of the Loebl children Rici & Harold Miller & Family, in honor of Rabbi Walter Ellen Hurwitz Penner Joy Pulaski, in honor of the birthdays of Raymond Kalmans & Michael Wilk Debbie & Samuel Robbins Evelyn & Franklin Roth Josh & Allison Septimus The Seliger Family, in memory of Maurice Seliger Claudia & Joel Selzer Judy, Tom & David Turpie Victor & Shelley Wisner Sue & Stu Baum, in honor Darren Baum, Stacey Baum Uffelman & Garey Marks Dean Putterman Lawrence & Vicki Samuels Levy, in memory of Joe Samuels Jeri Amundsen & Arthur Feldman Nancy & Scott Atlas Sonia & Peter Benjamin, in honor of Saul & Gabriel Malek The Brynes Family Marilyn & Edward Carlin, in honor of Dave & Matt Carlin Marilyn Caplovitz, in memory of Coleman D. Caplovitz, M.D. Rita & Steven Engelhardt Karen & James Feldman Tammy & Daniel Feldstein Lenore Fenberg & Family, in memory of Dean Meyers Alan & Susan Garber Seymour & Sylvia Goldgehn & the Gerlich Family Andrew & Brettne Hemley, in honor of Rabbi Walter Barbara & Ernest Henley Ellen & Jed Lee Howard Roselyn & Greg Johnston, in memory of Alvin & Minnie Oshman Sheila & Jerald Kaplan The Lessey Family Barbara & Irvin Levine Sarah, Jonathan, Isaac, Elijah & Eliana Levit, in memory of Olive Hirsh Levit Earl & Natalie Littman & Family, in honor of Erica, Bonnie & Michael Libby & Buz Marvins & Family Harris & Linda Miller Jody & Maureen Proler, in honor of our brothers and sisters Diane & Jules Puschett Elyssa Schnurr, in memory of Leonard ‘Babe’ Schnurr & Ricky Schnurr Jessica Segal & Daniel Miller, in honor of Jonah & Gabrielle Carolyn Rubenstein Rabbi Pam & Jeff Silk, in honor of JJ & Ava Silk June & Dr. Julian Silverblatt Robin Sofer, in memory of Michael Spolane Gail & Norman Stalarow Judi & Joel Levy, in honor of Daniel & Maureen Levy Kathy & Stephen Parven The Vines Family Susan Hirsch & Joe Cohen Sandy & Andrea Gaitz Susan & Edward Kahn Maxine Reingold, in memory of Harold Reingold Toby & Les Robbins & Family Sandi Berman, in memory of Barbara Berman Breakiron Emily W. Stein Judy & Richard Stein, in honor of Daniel & Sheryl Melvin Weiss David & Mindy Klein Edis Lewis Parkans EMANU EL YOUNG PROFESSIONALS March JED Talks to Be Held Wednesday, March 25th at 7:00 p.m. Isn’t it fun to listen to someone talking about something they are passionate about? That’s what JED Talks (Jews Entertaining their Dreams) is all about! This installment of JED Talks features harpist Emily Klein and art gallery owner Nicole Longnecker. Emily is an orchestral, solo, and chamber musician who has made appearances with the Houston, San Antonio, and Baton Rouge Symphony Orchestras and the Houston Grand Opera. Emily will discuss the history of the modern concert harp as well as perform several contrasting works. Nicole Longnecker is the founder and owner of the Nicole Longnecker Gallery in Houston, Texas. Nicole’s interest in her work centers around the intersection of art, literature, and film and how these vehicles could be used to create narratives and give a wider voice to those who were unable to tell their stories. Nicole will be talking about the impact of art in our lives. Appetizers, drinks, and dessert will be served. RSVP to Emory Skolkin at emorys@emanuelhouston.org. ✦✦✦✦✦✦ Pesach & Pizza – A Winning Combination! Love pizza but can’t eat it on Passover? Now you can! We are teaming up with gourmet restaurant Pizza L’vino to bring you a delicious matzah pizza party on Tuesday, April 7th at 7:00 p.m. Pizza L’vino only uses the highest quality ingredients such as Stanislaus vine-ripened tomatoes and Grande ultra-premium Wisconsin - nothing is processed! You can’t beat the price of admission – free! Come get your nosh on! For more information, contact Emory Skolkin at emorys@emanuelhouston.org. 5 SISTERHOOD HAPPENINGS OUR TEMPLE FAMILY Emanu Elders Resumes on Tuesday, April 7th —————— IN THE COMMUNITY —————— We have all heard the harp played and many of us associate it with soft, romantic, ethereal music. Prepare to be surprised! April 7th – yes we know it is still Passover – harpist Terese Weber will change your mind about harp music! Plan to come for lunch at 11:30 a.m. and stay to hear the music! Cost is $6. Please call Sisterhood at (713) 529-5771, ext. 233 or e-mail sishood@emanuelhouston.org for more information. Art Mavens and Art Lovers Gather on Thursday, April 23rd Here’s your chance to see world-class art from Private Collections in Houston on Thursday, April 23rd, from 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. We will be viewing artwork in the homes of Art Collectors Linda and Jerry Rubenstein, Photography Collector Joan Morgenstern & Glass Collector Melanie Lawson. Instructions, maps and details will be provided after you RSVP. The tour is limited to the first 36 art lovers to call. You are responsible for your own transportation. A late lunch following the tour is optional at Benji’s on Washington. Let us know if you are joining us for lunch when you make your reservation for the Art Tour. RSVP by April 15th to Ashley Fair at (713) 5295771, ext. 233 or email sishood@emanuelhouston.org for more information. Sisterhood’s Judaism Through the Arts Sisterhood’s Judaism Through the Arts series will be back for its eighth season on Thursday, April 30th at 1:30 p.m. at the Museum of Fine Arts Houston. Helga Aurisch, Curator of European Art at the MFAH, will discuss 600 years of Jewish cultural contribution in the great Habsburg cities of Vienna, Prague and Budapest. In June, the MFAH will be one of three U.S. museums to host an exhibition of Habsburg Imperial Art. Our JTTA program will be a unique opportunity to learn about the Jewish artistic presence in that world. Keep tuned to the Bulletin for more details about this joint venture with the Museum. Seating will be limited, but you may reserve your place now at sishood@emanuelhouston.org or (713) 529-5771, ext. 233. Passover Items Available for Sale at New Traditions Gift Shop Passover is around the corner. Our gift shop is prepared to your adorn your seder table with a beautiful seder plate, Kiddush cups, haggadahs, unique items and books for children and everything that you need to make the seder and the holiday special. Remember that your purchase partners with Sisterhood to support Emanu El in its endeavors to serve the congregation, the community and the world. 6 Lisa Stone received a J.E.West Fellowship, which provides funds to support Scouting in our community. Lisa was also honored for her 20 years as a Scout volunteer by her fellow Houston Jewish Scouting leaders, who sponsored her Fellowship. –––––––––––––––––– WEDDINGS —–––––––––———— Lindsey Putterman & Drew Karklin ––––––––––––––––––––– DEATHS ––––––––––––––––––––– Linda Calderon, sister of Marcia Berretta, Stella & Keith Ryder and Benjamin Calderon Eloise Duval, mother of Jessica & Louis Roddy, Valerie & Dixon Duval; grandmother of Joni Duval & Chris Stettheimer, Morgan Duval, Kelsey Duval, Lauren Roddy, Elliot Roddy; great-grandmother of Carson Stettheimer Nathan William Garfinkle, father of Lauren & Alan Gordon, Louis & Bruce Garfinkle; grandfather of Jennifer & Adam Gordon, Mollie Gordon & Ron Karnie, Brian Garfinkle, Eric Garfinkle Barbara Konig, mother of Amy & Perry Wulfe, Beth & Larry Konig Natalie Lessey, mother of Lorri & Bruce Lessey; grandmother of Jennifer Lessey and Sarah & Jared Pogue Michael Manela, son of Gabrielle & Aron Manela; brother of Mark & Philip Manela Roxanne Meyerson, wife of Jerry Meyerson; mother of Zachary Meyerson; sister of Roslyn & Ricky Haikin, Linda & Arthur Meyerson, Pauline & Alfie Meyerson, Hildi Haikin, Chrissy & Sandy Meyerson. Robert Rubin, husband of Marlene Rubin; father of Shari Rubin & Dennis Heinz, Mindy & Nick Adams, Perla & Jack Rubin, Jenn & Paul Rubin; brother of Rozanne & Howard Rubin, Renee & Brent Silber Harris Wittels, son of Maureen & Ellison Wittels; brother of Stephanie & Michael Wachs West Driveway Construction Underway – Congregants Urged to Enter at East Driveway Through April 1st We are pleased to announce that work got underway on our West driveway on Sunday, March 15th. Our contractor began the project by removing and excavating the existing asphalt surface. This will be followed by the installation of new concrete pavement, which we expect to be pothole free for many years to come. We originally anticipated that the drive would reopen to traffic on Monday, March 23rd. Due to project enhancements, we now expect that the drive will reopen on Wednesday, April 1st. Throughout construction, our parking garage will remain accessible via the East driveway (the side closest to Main Street). We appreciate your patience and understanding as we work to complete this project as expeditiously as possible. BROTHERHOOD NEWS & HAPPENINGS Real Men Make Chocolate Matzah Come roll up your sleeves and gather with other men (as well as their kids and special friends) in the Emanu El kitchen on Thursday, April 2nd from 6:00-7:30 p.m. just before Passover to make yummy chocolate matzah treats! Your friends and family will thank you for bringing these awesome treats to your seder! Matzah and awesome toppings provided at no cost! Just bring your creativity and love of food, fun and fellowship! Pizza dinner also provided! Everyone is welcome, especially those who have never been to a Brotherhood event, as well as Dads (or special friends) with their kids. Please no drop-offs. This now famous event is brought to you by your re-energized Brotherhood! Garage Sale Season Starts June 20th The weekend of Saturday, June 20th will mark the start of “Garage Sale Season” at Emanu El. Brotherhood members are getting their trucks tuned up and will be ready to collect most everything that you can part with starting on that date. Pickups will continue every weekend until the weekend of August 8th. The garage sale itself will be Sunday, August 16th and Sunday, August 23rd. The Brotherhood anticipates announcing the location in the coming months. To schedule a pickup for June 20th or later please contact Steve Moskowitz at steve.e.moskowitz@conocophillips.com or (281) 293-2599. Proceeds from the garage sale benefit the Brotherhood, enabling the organization to make a difference at Emanu El and in the community. NEWS FOR OUR COLLEGE STUDENTS Rabbis Silk, Kahn to Visit Austin-Area College Students Rabbi Pam Silk and Rabbi Samantha Kahn are heading to Austin for dinner on Tuesday, March 31st to visit with our college students attending the University of Texas and neighboring institutions in the Austin area. For more information, contact Rabbi Silk at RabbiPBS@emanuelhouston.org or visit Emanu El’s Facebook page (http://www.facebook.com/emanuelhouston). Sisterhood Prepares Hamentashen for College Students Prior to Purim, a trio of Sisterhood volunteers, (left-to-right) Carol Orsak, Susie Daum and Michelle Brookner, prepared hamentashen to be sent to our Emanu El students away at college. Have a student away at college? Make sure we have their information! Email Brad Olitzki at brado@emanuelhouston.org. 7 HELFMAN HAPPENINGS Greene Family Camperships Awarded Congratulations to all of our students who were awarded Camperships to Greene Family Camp this summer! Thank you to the Brotherhood, Sisterhood, Chester Marcus RSCC Fund, Adele Buchman Fund, Connie Reischer Fund and Ricky Schnurr Fund for making these Camperships available to Helfman Religious School students. Winners (from left to right, bottom row): Marlon Spiwak – Brotherhood Award; Joseph Mazella – Sisterhood Award; Megan Cowan – Chester Marcus RSCC Fund Award; Kris Potaraju – Connie Reischer Award; Elijah Levit – Brotherhood Award; Ellie Pogach – Ricky Schnurr Award; Natalie Walters – Sisterhood Award; Megan Carson – Adele Buchman Award Pictured (from left to right, top row): Marna Meyer, Jason Buchman, Gladys Schnurr, Bruce Lessey, Diane Puschett, Beryl Mazella and Rabbi Marc Disick. Students from Helfman Religious School Attend AIPAC Conference Twelve juniors and seniors traveled with Marna Meyer and Matthew Silverman to the 2015 AIPAC Policy Conference recently. It was a truly incredible experience for everyone who attended. They had the opportunity to listen to such speakers as Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu, National Security Advisor Susan Rice, U.S. Ambassador to the UN Samantha Power, and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. In addition to political speeches, they learned about Israeli culture and the important role that Israel plays in uplifting and enlightening the entire world through advancements in technology, healthcare and artistry. Our students also had the opportunity to meet with local and state representatives such as Congressman John Culberson and Senators Ted Cruz and John Cornyn. They were lucky enough to get these representatives in settings with less than 50 people in attendance. We are especially thankful to David Barish for his generous support of our congregation, our students and Israel. Without his support this truly life-changing experience would not have happened. Helfman Registration Underway It’s time again to register for Helfman Religious School 2015-2016. Thank you to those parents who have already registered. For those who have not yet registered, you may do so online at www.emanuelhouston.org and clicking on the ‘Helfman Clipboard’ under Announcements. This will take you to the forms. Please send all the completed forms to Gail Shapiro at gails@emanuelhouston.org or you may fax them to (713) 535-6493. If you pay online, you may go to the second page of the fee schedule in the middle and ‘click here’. This will take you to the Acceptiva page to pay online. We are looking forward to a very exciting year! Hope to have your children with us. ✦✦✦✦✦✦ ✦✦✦✦✦✦ IMPORTANT TO REMEMBER – If you have a new phone number, address or email, please contact the Temple office at (713) 529-5771, ext. 224 or memship@emanuelhouston.org. On LINE We want to stay in touch with you and the Post Office doesn’t always forward mail. 8 We’re excited to announce you can go on line and . . . ✔ Make donations. ✔ Register for an event. EMANU EL SCRAPBOOK Rabbi Silk Speaks in Austin On Tuesday, February 17, Rabbi Pam Silk spoke on the north steps of the Capitol as one of several clergy representatives from across the state to demonstrate the broad and deep support for LGBT equality in the faith communities. (Picture courtesy of the ‘Texas Freedom Network’) Helfman Rolls Out Red Carpet for Heroes Program Did you happen to see the red carpet on Sunday, February 22? No, not the Oscars! The one at Emanu El as our Helfman Religious School rolled out the red carpet as our synagogue was visited by some of history’s greatest Jewish heroes! Here’s a look back at some of our special guests! Becker at Gathering Place To help our special guests at Gathering Place get in the spring spirit and in the ‘Rodeo’ mode, our three-year old classes from Becker sang ‘Old Man Tucker’ to the group at their March gathering. The next Gathering Place event is scheduled for Monday, April 13th. Gathering Place is a half day program for people with Alzheimer’s and other forms of memory loss, held 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. on the 2nd Monday of each month from September to June. 9 Marvin Barish selected as the Congregant of the Year The Brotherhood of Congregation Emanu El is proud to announce that it has selected Marvin Barish as the 2015 Ernest Krautkopf Congregant of the Year for his devoted years of service to the Emanu El community and to the community at large. Marvin has long been a cornerstone of the Houston Jewish community. A dedicated volunteer for decades, he and his late wife Shirley served as advisors to Emanu El’s youth group and led youth pilgrimages to Israel. In 2011 they were honored by the American Jewish Committee with the Rebecca and Max H. Nathan Award for community service, particularly their advancement of Jewish education. In 2008, the Barish family graciously endowed Yom Limmud, our community’s day of Jewish learning, and in 2012, Marvin established the Shirley Barish Memorial Israel Experience for Emanu El high school students. His continuous involvement at Emanu El, currently including service on the Endowment Funds board, serves as an example for those who pursue Tikkun Olam. Reflective of Marvin and Shirley’s regular attendance at worship services, the Barish family honored our congregation in 2010 by placing their name on our sanctuary. We hope that you will join us in celebrating Marvin at a dinner in his honor on May 14th. Invitations will follow. We appreciate the thoughtfulness of those who remember and honor their friends and loved ones through their generous contributions. ACCESS FOR ALL In Memory of Sandra Harris Barbara Konig Fredi & Paul Franks BECKER EARLY CHILDHOOD FUND In Memory of Roxanne Meyerson Cheryl & Haran Levy Marci & Mark Arnold & Family Sara Astrich Amanda, Larry, Gwen & Leo Baumle Karen & Sam Bernstein Marian & Arthur Daum Bernie Feld Carol & Barry Goodfriend Matt, Elva & Georgie Grunert Susan Levit Hammer, Sarah & Jonathan Levit Janis & Jake Isgur Dr. Terri Krakower Judy & Allan Lazor Nancy & Steve Lerner Lee & Milton Levit Famiily The Linda Family Kathy & Garey Marks Ellen Penner Suarez Family Donna & Philip Tenenbaum Dolores Wilkenfeld Irene & Alex Wolchansky Roxanne Meyerson & Alexander Meyerson Beverly & Howard Robinson 10 Robert Rubin Judy & Allan Lazor BECKER SCHOLARSHIP FUND In Memory of Sandra Harris Murray Klaff Sara Astrich Frank Kretzer Judy & Allan Lazor CANTOR-STONE RELIGIOUS SCHOOL SCHOLARSHIP FUND In Honor of Isaac Levit’s Bar Mitzvah Sarah & Jonathan Levit CECILE & EMANUEL WULFE CONFIRMATION LEADERSHIP AWARD FUND In Honor of The Speedy Recovery of Sara Astrich Maxine & Emil Wulfe CERSONSKY CEMETERY BEAUTIFICATION FUND In Memory of Mack Michael Martin & Selma Bradspies Pat & Aaron Fradkin ENDOWMENT FUND In Honor of Melanie June Miller Jay Barish Barbara & Raymond Kalmans FARB COMMUNITY SERVICE FUND In Honor of A Donation to Temple Emanu El Lucille Gidseg The Birth of Melanie June Miller Barbara & Ray Kalmans Marilynne & Alford Bleeker In Memory of Bettie Schlamme Dinah Wisenberg Brin Melvyn Stollman Allen Lockshin Jane & Jon Pollock Murray Klaff Gloria & Joe Pryzant FREDELL LACK EICHHORN CANTORS MUSIC FUND In Honor of Dee Dee Dochen’s Birthday Sara Astrich In Memory of Esther Levine Ruth & Richard Hirschfeld Barbara Konig Susan & Ronnie Schanzer GREENE FAMILY CAMP FUND In Honor of Bayle Valkeith Marilynne & Alford Bleeker HAROLD REINGOLD RELIGIOUS SCHOOL FUND In Memory of Sandra Harris Robert Rubin Stephanie & Todd Slobin JASON & DAVID MARCUS PLAYSPACE FUND In Memory of Roxanne Meyerson Betty & Michael Tapick Melvin Sondock Rici & Harold Miller Milton Yellen Gay Yellen & Don Reiser JAY STERLING CHILDREN’S LIBRARY FUND In Memory of Sandra Harris Cyndy Sax JEAN & JULIAN GOLDBERG CHILDREN’S CREATIVE ARTS FUND In Memory of Robert Rubin Sondra & Marvin Ross LILLIAN PASTERNAK MITZVAH FUND In Honor of The Marriage of Jan Pasternak & Renee Tappe Esther Shelby In Memory of Sandra Harris Gloria & Ben Tobor PRAYER BOOK FUND In Memory of Allen Lockshin Julien & Morris Rosenthal Esther & Ed Rockoff Gayle & Richard Rockoff THE PROLER FAMILY CHAPEL ENDOWMENT FUND In Honor of Maureen & Jody Proler’s Wedding Anniversary Thum Family PTA CHESTER MARCUS FUND CAMPERSHIP FUND In Memory of Roxanne Meyerson Shirley Burkom & Cathy Shelley Robert Rubin Shirley Burkom RABBI KAHN SOCIAL JUSTICE FUND In Memory of Frieda Lee Harris Linda & Marvin Stein Robert Rubin Edward & Susan Kahn RABBI ROY WALTER LEGACY FUND FOR CREATIVE & SPIRITUAL ENRICHMENT In Honor of The Speedy Recovery of Hilda Kaplan Sara Astrich Sheila & Jerry Kaplan Becky Williams Rabbi Roy Walter Sara Astrich The Establishment of the Rabbi Roy A. Walter Endowed Scholarship at HUC-JIR Barbara & Raymond Kalmans’ Anniversary Rici & Harold Miller The Marriage of Laura Siegel & Andy Perlman Sheila & Jerry Kaplan In Memory of Barbara Konig Harris Wittels Ellen Penner Esther Gelfond Levine Al, Mel & Paulette Levine & Family Deborah Parven Sara Astrich Mimi Nagar Schwartz Rici & Harold Miller & Family RABBIS’ GOOD WORKS FUND In Honor of A Donation to Temple Emanu El Shirley Goodman Danny H. Carson The Barish Family Joshua Garroway Rabbi Disick Barbara & David Miller Rabbi Pamela Silk Silvia & Gary Fritzhand Joshua Garroway Jennifer & Ben Miron Rabbi Samantha Kahn Neighborhood Centers, Inc. The Warshaw Family The Speedy Recovery of Sara Astrich Dorita & Hertzel Aron In Memory of Harry H. Brochstein Marie Brochstein Roslyn Canfield Dolores Wilkenfeld Sandra Harris Sonia & Peter Benjamin Richard Schechter Marlene & Lester Slobin Linda & Marvin Stein Dolores Wilkenfeld Barbara Konig Harris Wittels Dorita & Hertzel Aron Roxanne Meyerson Susan & Edward Kahn Deborah Parven Lorri & Jon Feiwell Hane Freeman Pomerantz Cyndy Sax Robert Rubin Dorita & Hertzel Aron Jean & Sandy Beckman Nancy & Mark Reichek Ronna & Clay Spitz Anne Singer & Frank Seliger Carol Lee Seliger RICKY SCHNURR CAMPERSHIP FUND In Honor of The Speedy Recovery of Elissa Heilicher Don, Larry, Benji & Michelle Barr-Meyer In Memory of Bryson Engel Murray Klaff Harris Wittels Don, Larry, Benji & Michelle Barr-Meyer Robert Rubin Patricia & Chuck Green RIVA BURSTEN CARING CONGREGATION FUND In Honor of The Speedy Recovery of Sara Astrich Pat & Aaron Fradkin Carol & Michael Wilk In Memory of Barbara Konig Robert Rubin Sara Astrich Harris Wittels Bobby & Cookie Grossman & Family Esther Levine Myra Mayer ROBERT I. KAHN GALLERY FUND In Memory of Esther Oshman Libby & Buz Marvins Murray Klaff Yvonne & Jeffrey Weiss ROSE GOODFRIEND ISRAEL PILGRIMAGE FUND In Honor of The Marriage of Sarah Goodfriend & Suzanne Bryant Gary Goodfriend SHIRLEY & BERNARD WEINGARTEN FUND In Memory of Jacob Joseph Vogelfang Joanne Vogelfang Giroir Bernard Weingarten Caren & David Cowan Fredi & Paul Franks Jay H. Golding Lynda & Dan Greenberg Vicky Gresik Sheila & Jerald Kaplan Madgelyn & Richard Pesin Gloria & Joe Pryzant Debra & Joel Ruby Richard Schechter Rosemary & Ira Shepard Linda Susman Phyllis Turkel Carol & Michael Wilk SISTERHOOD FUND In Memory of Barbara Konig Barbara Fisher & David Broadwin Linda Fisher Dolores Wilkenfeld TEMPLE FUND In Honor of A Donation to Temple Emanu El Rev. L. F. Wynne Maureen & Jody’s Wedding Anniversary Zelda Brown Bradley Cyprus & Valerie Bossert Ellen & Martin Grabois Beadie Lewis’ Birthday Sara Astrich Ruth Schnitzer Barbara & Raymond Kalmans Rabbi Roy Walter Robert Mendelson Susan & Joe Cohen Rollie & Bob Moll Ralph Block’s Bar Mitzvah Ronald C. Shufrin The Speedy Recovery of Sara Astrich Marian & Arthur Daum Hilda Frank Loretta Friedman & Harold Goldstein Vic Samuels Sara Astrich In Memory of Rachel Bersin Sue Ann & Ed Bersin Irmgard Dvoretzky Lewis Frapart Frieda Lee Harris Ellen & Martin Grabois Murray Klaff Shelley & Steven Davidoff Barbara Konig Ruth W. May & Kathy Guttman Ruth & Herb Halpern Barbara & Raymond Kalmans Bobbi & Richard Massman Barry Pulaski & Rebecca Williams Elliott H. Levin Marcia Lewis Dean Meyers Ellen & Martin Grabois & Meredith & Brian Josef Linda & Stephen PopkinPaine Jyle Nogee Jo & Joe Nogee Esther Oshman Elaine & Sam Merwin Deborah Parven Mimi & Michael Berkowitz Robert Rubin Mimi & Michael Berkowitz & Family Zelda, Micheal & Linda Brown Linda & Stephen PopkinPaine 11 1500 Sunset Blvd. Houston, Texas 77005 An adventure of the spirit This Bulletin is being printed on recycled paper. Congregation Emanu El Phone: (713) 529-5771 Fax: (713) 529-0703 www.emanuelhouston.org Rabbi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Marc L. Disick, DD Associate Rabbi . . . . . . . . . . . . Pamela B. Silk Go Green With Emanu El Assistant Rabbi . . . . . . . . . Samantha O. Kahn Rabbi Emeritus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Roy A. Walter Cantor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mark J. Perman Executive Director . . . . . . . . Steven Friedman Program Director . . . . . . . . . . . . Jason Plotkin Religious School Director . . . . Marna Meyer Early Childhood Director . . . . . . . . Paula Katz President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rebecca Lunstroth Senior Vice President . . . Jeff Basen-Engquist Congregation Emanu El is going GREEN and we wanted to offer you the option of receiving the Bulletin via email. It’s a great way to save trees while giving you access to the Bulletin on your phone, computer or tablet. This also enables a Congregant to receive the Bulletin on its issue date regardless of any unexpected delays. Recent Bulletins are also available on the ‘Member Portal’ located on the Emanu El website. Vice President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stuart Gaylor Vice President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Carl Josehart Vice President . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rodney Roth Vice President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gail Stalarow Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rachael Tobor Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Elyse Kalmans Interested in taking advantage of receiving the Bulletin via email? Email Jason Plotkin at jasonp@emanuelhouston.org or call (713) 729-5771, ext. 216. Honorary President . . . . . . . . . . . Garey Marks Brotherhood President . . . . . . . Bruce Lessey Sisterhood President . . . . . . . Diane Puschett TEFTY Co-President . . . . . . Rachel Cominsky TEFTY Co-President . . . . . . . . . . . . Abby Rast Follow Emanu El on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/#!/emanuelhouston
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