1500 Sunset Blvd. Houston, Texas 77005 An adventure of the spirit

1500 Sunset Blvd.
Houston, Texas 77005 An adventure of the spirit
May 5, 2015
Volume 69 Number 15
From Rabbi Disick
Earning My Boots
Celebrate with the Community as We
Honor Marvin Barish as the 2015
Congregant of the Year
Since my arrival in Houston
nearly a year and
a half ago I’ve
spent time visiting some of the
area’s finest sites.
I’ll always remember the National
Museum of Funeral
History’s embalming exhibit (you
Rabbi Disick and Becker Early Childhood
Director Paula Katz reach new heights
can’t make that
outside Emanu El at our annual Transup!) and the handportation Fair.
hewn Mandir
Temple in Stafford. My Jones Hall buddy, Marvin Barish and I have
seen the Houston Symphony Orchestra about a dozen
times, always with dinner beforehand at Damien’s,
Marvin likes their van shuttle service and the veal!
Becker teacher Todd Weiss and I saw a replica of
Janis Joplin’s Porsche at the Museum of the Gulf Coast
in Port Arthur and examined drill bits at the Ocean
Star Off Shore Drilling Rig & Museum on Galveston Island. I’ve been to rodeo five times and finally bought a
Marvin Barish has long been a
cornerstone of the Emanu El and
Houston Jewish communities. For
his decades of dedicated volunteer
service, the Brotherhood of Congregation Emanu El has selected him as
the 2015 Ernest Krautkopf
Congregant of the Year.
Marvin will receive the award at a
dinner in his honor on Thursday,
May 14th at 6:30 p.m. Invitations have arrived in
the mail, but you may also register online at
To attend, we ask that you register by Thursday,
May 7th.
Named for Ernest Krautkopf, a longtime member of
Emanu El who served this congregation and the community for decades without concern for recognition,
this award is given each year to a congregant who has
devoted years of hands-on volunteer service to the
Emanu El community and to the community at large.
For many years, Marvin and his late wife, Shirley,
served as advisors to Emanu El’s youth group and led
youth pilgrimages to Israel. The Barish’s graciously endowed Yom Limmud, a communal day of Jewish learning, and the Barish Israel Experience for Emanu El high
continued on page 2
continued on page 2
Mail Advisory
We are aware of significant delays that Congregants are experiencing as
it relates to receiving the Emanu El Bulletin. Due to these delays, the last
few Bulletins including this one have been emailed to all Congregants with
emails on-file in addition to being sent out via the U.S. Postal Service.
Most Congregants are reporting that they are receiving their Bulletin
within 2-3 days of its scheduled publication date, though there continues
to be several zip codes which are experiencing delays of up to two weeks.
The synagogue staff continues to work with our postmasters to determine
why the delays are being caused as there has been no change to the process
in which the Bulletin gets to the downtown post office.
Thanks for your patience and understanding!
6:00 p.m., Monday through Thursday
Shabbat Emor, Leviticus 21:1-24:23
Friday, May 8th
6:00 p.m., TEFTY Shabbat, Proler Chapel
Saturday, May 9th
10:30 a.m., Morning Service, Proler Chapel
4:30 p.m., Shalom Shabbat, TBA
Shabbat B’har B’chakotail, Leviticus 25:1-27:34
Friday, May 15th
5:45 p.m., Shabbat & Play
6:00 p.m., Kabbalat Shabbat, Proler Chapel
6:00 p.m., Got Shabbat?, Youth Lounge
Saturday, May 16th
10:30 a.m., Morning Service, Proler Chapel
Shabbat B’midbar, Numbers 1:1-4:20
Friday, May 22nd
6:00 p.m., Kabbalat Shabbat, Proler Chapel
6:00 p.m., Kabbalat Shabbat, Barish Sanctuary
Bat Mitzvah of
Lillian Spiwak, daughter of Lorena &
Warren Spiwak
6:00 p.m., Teen Shabbat, Youth Lounge
Saturday, May 23rd
10:30 a.m., Morning Service, Proler Chapel
10:30 a.m., Morning Service, Barish Sanctuary
Bat Mitzvah of Lillian Spiwak
7:00 p.m., Shavuot/Confirmation, Barish Sanctuary
continued from page 1
From Rabbi Disick
pair of Lucchese boots from where else but Cavender’s,
don’t miss their sale rack.
Houston’s food speaks too easily to me, from Goode
Company to Lexington Grille, Davis Street (see Sean or
Adam, mention my name) and Eddie V’s, where the
live jazz provided me with much needed respite more
times than I care to mention. I’m a big fan of both
Luby’s endless iced tea refills and Cleburne Cafeteria’s
coconut custard pie. But the BBQ at Luling’s City Market memorably earned five stars even though the
smoke room was something out of Dante’s Inferno.
I’ve seen lots of baseball, more Rice Owls than
Astros courtesy of Lenny Holzband and I’ve taken in
my share of pro-soccer, basketball and bronco busting.
And, yes, I got one traffic ticket going 39 in a 30 on
the way to visit the Sea Center in Lake Jackson (do be
careful in Lake Jackson).
My fiancé Kim and I spent time at the Japanese Gardens in Hermann Park and spoiled ourselves at Moody
Gardens. I’ve cycled scores of miles along Braes Bayou
and walked the trails at Brazos Bend State Park.
I’m sure going to miss Houston.
At the Leadership Shabbat held on May 1st, the
Congregation took an opportunity to honor teachers
for both our Helfman Religious School and Becker
Early Childhood program who have hit milestones for
the length of tenure within our schools or have chosen
to retire. A list of honorees can be found below.
Helfman Religious School
Sunday, May 24th
10:30 a.m., Shavuot/Yizkor Service, Proler Chapel
continued from page 1
Celebrate with the Community as We Honor
Marvin Barish
school students. The American Jewish Committee honored Marvin and Shirley in 2011 with the Rebecca and
Max H. Nathan Award for their community service,
particularly their advancement of Jewish education.
His continuous involvement at Emanu El, currently including service on the Endowment Funds board and
attendance at Shabbat services each week, serves as an
example for those who pursue Tikkun Olam.
The Brotherhood will also honor Phil Rivers as the
2015 Sam Cohen Brotherhood Volunteer of the Year, an
award given to a member of Brotherhood who shows
up whenever needed to lend a hand to Brotherhood’s
service projects.
For more information: www.emanuelhouston.org.
Congregation Emanu El Bulletin (USPS 399-430) is published semi-monthly
by Congregation Emanu El, 1500 Sunset, Houston, Texas 77005. Periodical
paid at Houston, Texas. POSTMASTER: send address changes to
Congregation Emanu El Bulletin, 1500 Sunset, Houston, Texas 77005.
6 years – Gila Cohen and Michelle Frankfort;
13 years – Ayli Meyer; 18 years – Jodi Moore;
24 years – Lisa Stone; 28 years – Rona Lesser –
retiring; 29 years – Leslie Witkov – retiring;
44 years – Judy Stein
Becker Early Childhood Center
6 years: Shelley Davidoff, Robyn Kleiman, Dinu
Lalu and Lucinda Swartz
Hosting an Oneg to Honor a Simcha
Hosting an Oneg Shabbat is a great way to honor your
special occasion (bar/bat mitzvah, birthday, anniversary,
etc.)! Celebrate with the Congregation, family, and
friends while observing the beauty of Shabbat. Enjoy
good food and experience the camaraderie at Congregation Emanu El. You don’t even have to plan; Sisterhood will provide all of the arrangements for a memorable evening. For more information, call Ashley Fair
in the Sisterhood Office at (713) 729-5771, ext. 233.
Reminder: Access The Member
Directory Online
All Congregants gained access to the online membership directory through our Emanu El website’s Member
Portal in December. This portal can be found in the upper right corner of our website, www.EmanuElHouston.org.
If we did not hear back from you, your information
will be available to other members searching our directory. If you need assistance in accessing the member portal, please contact Stephanie Kamion at (713) 529-5771,
ext. 217 or stephaniek@emanuelhouston.org. Members
can also type in their e-mail address and indicate that
you ‘forgot your password’ in order to receive a new
password, which will enable access to the portal.
—————— IN THE COMMUNITY ——————
In July, Martin Cominsky will take the helm as
President & Chief Executive Officer of Interfaith
Ministries for the retiring Elliot Gershenson. Cominsky
currently serves as Regional Director of the Southwest
Region of the Anti-Defamation League.
Steve Moskowitz was featured in an Energy Corridor
news article entitled, “Few ‘Pay it Forward’ Like Steve
Moskowitz, a Man Who Doesn’t Believe in Spare
Time”. Steve annually captains a team in the BP MS
150 and this summer, will be directing the
Brotherhood’s Annual Garage Sale.
Steffie Odle was recognized with the Helene Susman
Woman of Prominence Award by the American Jewish
Committee (AJC).
––––––––––––––––––– WEDDINGS —––––––––––————
Jillian Goldman & Benjamin Lipper
Molly Muntz Johnson & Jebb Price Stone
Mollie Klaff & Eugene Tunitsky
Sandra Mazan & Brett Slobin
Doni Julia Pleason & Jeffrey Gordon
Laura Sussman & Jason Buchman
Kelly Bormaster & Brian Masel
––––––––——––––––—–– BIRTHS —–––—–––––—————
Aiden David Olitzki, son of Carly & Bradley Olitzki;
grandson of Adrienne & Roy Wagenheim; greatgrandson of Nettie Barris
––––––––––––––––––––– DEATHS –––––––––––––––––––––
Lisl Kahn Bermann, mother of Mark Bermann,
Ronnie Bermann; grandmother of Ron Bermann,
Camille Bermann, Danielle & Chip
We’re excited to announce
you can go on line and . . .
✔ Make donations.
✔ Register for an event.
new phone number, address or email, please contact
the Temple office at (713) 529-5771, ext. 224 or
We want to stay in touch with you and the
Post Office doesn’t always forward mail.
Lois Smolensky Brook, mother of Hannah Brook &
Jeff Peskin, Cheila Brook & Jason Paul, Ana Brook &
Adam Sol
Fay Friedman, mother of Shirlee & Mark Rosenthal,
Judy & Boby Worth, Sandy Friedman
Louis Marks, husband of Paula Abramson; father of
Jeanie & Joe Stoller, Garey & Kathy Marks, Janey Marks
& Tom Roland; grandfather of Karen & Brian Stoller,
Brent Stoller and fiance, Emily Rauch, Andrew &
Nataly Marks, Annie Marks, Patrick Roland and Ellie
Roland; great-grandfather of four
Rebecca Lunstroth’s Address to the Congregation
at the Annual Meeting
The below remarks were shared by Rebecca Lunstroth, Congregation Emanu El President
at the annual meeting on Sunday, April 12th.
I am honored to be giving this
annual report to you, the members
of Emanu El, who have entrusted
upon me the presidency of this
congregation. It has been a privilege serving you these past 11
months and it has been rewarding
beyond my expectations to work
with a dedicated group of lay leaders, volunteers and temple staff.
My objectives this afternoon are to inform you of our
successes, apprise you of work that still must be accomplished, and to provide you with a roadmap for the
coming year. And what a year it’s been. We said good
bye to long-time senior staff, hired a new spiritual
leader and worked diligently on outstanding governance issues.
The first order of business was to hire an interim
Cantor. Under Pam Kutner’s leadership, her committee
found Cantor Perman who has done an outstanding
job assuming the reins of this program and elevating
our worship through music. Cantor, it has been a pleasure working with you and I know our members value
all that you bring.
Shortly thereafter we launched a governance and an
employment task force. We contracted with Andi Berlin who has been working with these teams, providing
them with best practices and helping them complete
their tasks. Rodney Roth and Stuart Gaylor graciously
agreed to oversee the process. The employment task
force, under the leadership of Greta Pliskin and
Heather Pesikoff examined the extent to which we
should have employment contracts with our senior
staff. Historically, Emanu El has not utilized employment contracts and as we came closer to identifying a
potential rabbinic candidate it was imperative that we
understood the type of agreement we wanted to enter
into with this individual. The group recommended
that while an initial contract would likely be required
to attract a new Sr. Rabbi, we should insofar as possible, continue to operate without them. Their recommendation was overwhelmingly supported by the
board. As such, Rabbi Hayon, has an initial 3-year
agreement but as he and I spoke, we hope that this is
our first and last contract.
The other assigned task was to create a consistent
performance review structure for senior staff members.
The task force has paid particular attention to industry
best practices and the unique culture of Temple Emanu
El. A recommendation will be finalized at their April
24 meeting and includes exciting innovations from the
field and from the task force itself. The final instrument will highlight the partnership between lay and
staff leadership, emphasizing opportunities for both to
grow in furtherance of Emanu El’s future. In order to
ensure continued success, the new governance structure will reflect accountability for the management of
these reviews. This recommendation will also be presented to the board at the May or June meeting.
The Governance Task Force, under the leadership
of Ben Miller has finished the essence of its work:
they conducted over 50 interviews, reviewed documents and temple bylaws, and examined best practices. Their primary focus has been to examine the
role of committees and their volunteers. At their next
meeting in a couple of weeks they will be finalizing a
governance plan that includes recommendations regarding the roles, responsibilities, accountability,
structure, training, development, and organization of
the volunteer activities at Emanu El; including both
elected and non-elected volunteer positions. Special
emphasis is being placed on the governance of the
elected leadership in order to create empowered,
transparent, and effective administration of the
board’s fiduciary responsibilities. These recommendations will likely be represented to the executive board
at their May meeting and subsequently to the entire
board. Many of these recommendations will influence
our bylaws and all proposed changes will be presented at next year’s annual meeting.
In June the board attended an off-site leadership retreat where we had an opportunity to get to know one
another, create a Brit and outline and prioritize our
next steps. I’ve already addressed a couple of these priorities: the first being our governance structure and the
second being employment issues, specifically clergy
contracts and mutual performance reviews. Other priorities included a Board Orientation, which will take
place in the following weeks, and a mission statement,
which will wait until Rabbi Hayon gets settled. I feel
very optimistic that we can continue to work on the
remaining items this coming year.
And then there was the rabbinical search. Under the
guidance and leadership of Jeff Basen-Engquist and
Rachel Gutow-Ellis this committee of dedicated members worked selflessly over many months preparing our
application, which was a work of art, interviewing and
vetting candidates, planning site visits and ultimately
recommending Rabbi Hayon. I am forever grateful for
the work you did. Going forward, a multi-generational
transition committee that includes Linda Susman, Jeri
Amundsen and Heather Pesikoff is charged with overseeing Rabbi Hayon’s integration into Emanu El and
the larger Houston community. Stay tuned for additional information and events.
Shortly after the rabbinical search was launched we
said goodbye to our long-time program director Myra
Lipper. While Myra can never be fully replaced, I am
pleased with how quickly Jason Plotkin was able to
grab the reins. Our programs continue to run
seamlessly under his leadership and I hope you were
able to take advantage of some of them. I am certain
that next year’s programs will be equally engaging.
I would be remiss if I didn’t acknowledge those who
ensure that our temple remains staffed, standing,
cleaned, organized, wired, air conditioned… and the
list goes on and on. Steve, I remain grateful for all you
and your wonderful staff does day in and day out because yes, it’s the stuff we take for granted. And mentioning things we take for granted, I want to acknowledge the work that Garey Marks did on designing the
room divider between the Barish Sanctuary and Feld
Hall as well as Beau Pollack and Nancy Wolf for managing the project. It beautifies our building in ways I
didn’t know were possible..
Speaking of projects, we continue to raise funds for
the administrative wing and I encourage you to donate
to this worthy project if you haven’t done so already.
This will be our next building upgrade.
Rabbis Silk and Kahn have continued to provide us
with pastoral care, wonderful worship services and
leadership. Thank you.
And in a very short two months we say good-bye to
Rabbi Disick. I had the privilege of serving on the
search committee that hired Rabbi Disick and I can attest that he has met every expectation we placed upon
him. Moreover, I can assure you that this report to you
would have looked and sounded vastly different had
he not been here these past 16 months. He gave the
leadership the tools and guidance to move us forward.
I hope you’ll join me on June 12th at we formally say,
good-bye and thank you.
In arranging my remarks for today’s meeting I went
back through my personal notes and objectives. In preparing for my first executive committee I typed at the
bottom: Challenge: Change while preserving culture. I
hope you’ll agree that the decisions we have made and
the changes that have taken place have benefited all of
you while maintaining our culture of inclusivity and
diversity. Thank you again.
Go Green Campaign Having
Immediate Impact!
To date, Congregation Emanu El has had excellent response from its
GO GREEN efforts! As of April 21st, a total of $4,000 in printing costs
have been saved on Bulletin printing alone for the 2015-16 fiscal year
and based on current numbers, if 100 families more elect to GO GREEN,
another $4,000 will be saved.
All Congregants have the option of receiving the Bulletin via email.
It’s a great way to save trees while giving you access to the Bulletin on
your phone, computer or tablet. This also enables a Congregant to receive the Bulletin on its issue date regardless of any unexpected delays.
Recent Bulletins are also available on the ‘Member Portal’ located on the
Emanu El website.
Interested in taking advantage of receiving the Bulletin via email?
Email Jason Plotkin at jasonp@emanuelhouston.org or call (713) 729-5771, ext. 216.
Emanu El Adding Photos to Member Database
In our continuing efforts to improve our Temple database we are going to add photos of our
members and non-members (i.e. Becker parents, Congregants, our school faculties and staff). Adding photos to our database will greatly enhance its usability and usefulness. The photos will become
part of our electronic records, allowing our staff access to our database to not only see demographic
data, but also an individual’s picture.
Members can participate by taking a photo in the Rotunda with Kathleen Branham, our receptionist, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. They can also submit a photo via
email to KathleenB@emanuelhouston.org.
TEFTY Shabbat
Please join us Friday, May 8th at 6:00 p.m.
for our annual TEFTY (Temple Emanu El Federation
of Temple Youth) Shabbat. This special Shabbat will
be led by our teen congregants. Please bring your
family and friends for a fun and meaningful Friday
night service and don’t forget to stay after for a
special Oneg!
Rabbi Samantha Kahn joined a group of TEFTY members
at URJ’s Greene Family Camp in mid-April for NFTY-TOR’s
Spring Kallah. For more information on joining TEFTY,
contact Rabbi Kahn at RabbiSOK@emanuelhouston.org.
Emanu El Hosts Yom Hashoah
Over 700 people attended the community-wide commemoration of
Yom Ha’Shoah on Sunday, April 19 in the Barish Sanctuary. The annual
event put together by the Holocaust Museum of Houston was held in
memory of all who died in the Holocaust and paid tribute to those who
Rabbi Marc Disick (right) with Ambassador Meir Shlomo,
Ph. D, the Consul General of Israel to the Southwest. Rabbi
Disick provided an invocation while Ambassador Shlomo
addressed the crowd.
Cantor Mark Perman directs the combined junior choirs from Congregation
Emanu El and Congregation Beth Israel.
Brotherhood Announces New Board
Earlier this spring, the Brotherhood of Emanu El announced its new Executive Board. Richard
Abramowitz was elected President with Robert Fineman assuming the role of Vice President. Joe
Cohen and Paul Heyman are Secretary and Treasurer, respectively. Bruce Lessey, who served as
Brotherhood’s President from 2013-15, will transition into the role of Past President. The Brotherhood
board was scheduled to be formally installed at Leadership Shabbat on Friday, May 1st.
Garage Sale Season Starts June 20th
The weekend of Saturday, June 20th will mark the start of “Garage Sale Season” at Emanu El.
Brotherhood members are getting their trucks tuned up and will be ready to collect most everything
that you can part with starting on that date. Pickups will continue every weekend until the weekend of
August 8th. The garage sale itself will be Sunday, August 16 and Sunday August 23rd. The Brotherhood
anticipates announcing the location in the coming months. To schedule a pickup for June 20th or later
please contact Steve Moskowitz at steve.e.moskowitz@conocophillips.com or (281) 293-2599. Proceeds
from the garage sale benefit the Brotherhood, enabling the organization to make a difference at
Emanu El and in the community.
Tickets for ‘A Night Out with Rabbi Disick at the Ballpark’ On-Sale Now
The Congregation is invited to Minute Maid Park on Wednesday, June 3rd
for a 7:10 p.m. Astros’ game against the Baltimore Orioles as we enjoy a night
at the ballpark with Rabbi Disick before his departure. The cost is subsidized by
the Brotherhood and is just $30, which includes your admission to Power Club
seating on the first base side of the field & a $15 food or merchandise voucher.
We ask that you reserve your spot by May 27th by signing up at
EmanuElHouston.org. Tickets can be picked up by June 2nd at
Emanu El or further arrangements can be made by contacting Jason Plotkin
at jasonp@emanuelhouston.org.
Becker Early Childhood Center Visited
the West University Fire Department
Three-year olds in our Becker Early Childhood Center visited
the West University Fire Department in April. They were shown
the fire trucks, some of the equipment firefighters use & more!
Special thanks to the West University Fire Department and
the enthusiastic fire fighters for sharing with our three-year
old classes.
Sisterhood Available to Cater Events at Emanu El
For an outstanding event, call Sisterhood Catering. You and your guests will be delighted with the delicious food and the beautiful presentation. Choose from a large and varied menu, and be ready to enjoy
an outstanding occasion! Your patronage is greatly appreciated, and you partner with Sisterhood to support its commitments to our synagogue and the community. Please contact Anne Joachim at (713)
728-8198 for more information.
New Traditions Gift Shop – The Place to Find the Perfect Gift!
New Traditions Gift Shop is the place to shop for the perfect gift! Beautiful and unique gift items are
available for weddings, graduations, confirmations, bar or bat mitzvahs, and so much more. Your purchase is greatly appreciated, and you partner with Sisterhood to support our synagogue in its endeavors
to serve the congregation and the community.
My Generation Progressive Dinner & Dessert On Sunday, May 17th
If you are at least 65, single, partnered, or married, then you are a member of My Generation! Join us for a
progressive dinner and dessert on Sunday, May 17th, beginning at 6:30 p.m. The dinner will be held
at Pico’s Restaurant with dessert to follow across the street at the Dessert Gallery.
This will be another great opportunity to reconnect with old friends and make new ones at Congregation Emanu El. All are welcome! For more information on My Generation or to RSVP contact chairs, Susie
Askanase, Jackie Cutler, Phyllis Berman or Ruthie Berman at MyGenerationEmanuEl@gmail.com.
Classic Connections Dinner at Emanu El – Friday, June 19th
If you are in your 50’s and 60’s and you are looking to meet new people or reconnect with old friends
please join Classic Connections on Friday, June 19th for a Shabbat featuring the music of the
Shabbatones followed a Shabbat dinner catered at Congregation Emanu El.
RSVPs can be handled on the Emanu El web site (www.emanuelhouston.org) by clicking on the event
located on the calendar for June 19. Checks can also be mailed into the Congregation to Classic Connections c/o Jason Plotkin, 1500 Sunset Boulevard, Houston, TX 77005.
Cost of admission is $11 per person with reservations due by Wednesday, June 10th. Should you
have any questions please contact Brenda Sherman at classicconnectionsemanuel@gmail.com. We look
forward to seeing you on the 19th at Emanu El.
2015 Helfman Religious School Graduation
Congregation Emanu El celebrated its 2015 Helfman Religious School Graduation on Sunday, April 26.
Mazel Tov to our graduating class!
2015 graduating class, 1st row (left to right): Marna Meyer, Director, Steffannie Alter, Rebecca Klaff, Courtney Vecera, Miyani
Kravetz Clark and Zoe Van Nostrand; 2nd row: Julian Serebrin, Anne Abramowitz, Rachel Cominsky, Alexis Perroux and
Samuel Bienenstock; 3rd row: Hannah Kay, Abby Rast, Benjamin Mattiuzzi, Hannah Brookner, Jason Gerlich and Alanna
Van Nostrand; 4th row: Sarah Cominsky, Ely Eastman, Adam Gerlich and Nicholas Dennenberg; 5th row: Cantor Mark
Perman, Rabbi Samantha Kahn, Rabbi Pamela Silk and Rabbi Marc Disick.
Support Helfman Religious School – Technology Raffle
How would you like to win an iPad Air 2 or a FitBit Charge watch or a $50
Amazon gift card?
Tickets are $10 each or 6 for $50. Drawing will be held at the Religious School end of year
celebration on Sunday morning, May 17th. You do not have to be present to win. Our goal is to
raise $10,000 to help Helfman provide scholarships and programming.
You may purchase tickets online. We will send you a confirmation when you purchase your tickets. You
may also come to the Religious School office to purchase your tickets in person. Please contact Gail Shapiro.
Good Luck Everyone!
Helfman Religious School Registration Underway
It’s time to register for the Helfman Religious School 2015-2016 school year. Thank you to those parents
who have already registered. For those who have not yet registered, you may do so online by going to
www.emanuelhouston.org and clicking on the ‘Helfman Clipboard’ under Announcements. This will
take you to the forms. Please send all the completed forms to Gail Shapiro at gails@emanuelhouston.org
or you may fax them to (713) 535-6493. If you pay online, you may go to the second page of the fee
schedule in the middle and ‘click here’. This will take you to the Acceptiva page to pay online. We are
looking forward to a very exciting year! Hope to have your children with us.
We appreciate the thoughtfulness of those who remember and honor their friends and loved ones through their generous contributions.
In Honor of
Marvin Barish Being
Elected Congregant
of the Year
Caren & David Cowan
In Memory of
Steffie Odle
Robert Rubin
Jerry Waldman
Caren & David Cowan
In Honor of
Mark Brookner
Receiving the David
H. White Award
Ed & Susan Septimus
In Honor of
Marvin Barish being
elected Congregant
of the Year
Barbara Loeser
The Speedy Recovery
of Susie Kahn
Marna & Steven Meyer
In Memory of
Seymour Goldgehn
Marna & Steven Meyer
Eileen Campbell &
Doug Perley
Everyone at Aronberg
In Memory of
Steffie Odle
Toby & Darryl Sherman
In Honor of
Don Harris
Libby & Buz Marvins
In Memory of
Goldie Klein
Ruth & William Klein
In Honor of
Marvin Barish being
elected Congregant
of the Year
Richard Plumb
In Honor of
Allen Becker’s
Carole & M.M Feld, Jr.
Rabbi Roy Walter
Linda & Joseph Pulaski
In Memory of
Jere Claghorn
Sharon& Herb Cohn
Seymour Goldgehn
Gretchen Gemeinhardt
& Becky Proler
Steffie Odle
Janie & Jon Pollock
In Memory of
Lois Brook
Sara Astrich
Nancy Peskin
Barbara Konig
Linda & Joseph Pulaski
Roxanne Meyerson
Martha & Donald
Rochelle & Max Levit
Paula & Rick Stein
Robert Rubin
Jerry Waldman
Linda & Joseph Pulaski
In Memory of
Steffie Odle
Andrea & Walter
Texas Property Tax
In Memory of
Melvin Sondock
Rosemarie & Henry
In Memory of
Larry Steinfeld
Dottie & Kurt Berk
In Memory of
Walter Kase
Harriet Zinn
In Honor of
Rabbi Silk
Sheri Feldman’s 1st
The Speedy Recovery
of Rachael Tobor
Caroline & Eddie Kuntz
In Memory of
Steffie Odle
Caroline & Eddie Kuntz
In Memory of
Seymour Goldgehn
Iris & Billy Garmisa
Agnes & Hubert, Ryan &
Jen Gerlich
In Honor of
The Speedy Recovery
of Susan Kahn
Sara Astrich
Ed & Susan Septimus
In Honor of
Rabbi Roy Walter
Jacquelyn Barish
Dee Dee Dochen’s
Paula & Irving
The Speedy Recovery
of Lila Rauch
Sheila & Jerald Kaplan
Harold Miller
Rici Miller
In Memory of
Milton Frost
Paula & Irving
Sandra Harris
Barbara Konig
Richard Plumb
Steffie Odle
Sheila & Jerald Kaplan
Robert Rubin
Theba & Buster Feldman
Richard Plumb
Deanna Smith
Linda & Michael Shabot
Harris Wittels
Richard Plumb
In Honor of
A Donation
Rosemary & Ira Shepard
Rabbi Pam Silk
Karina, Carey, Adrian &
Elena Gates
Aaron & Pat Fradkin
Lou & Herb Mizis
The Speedy Recovery
of Sara Astrich
Freddie & Paul Croft
Susan Kahn
Phyllis & Allen
Albert Stein
Carole & M.M. Feld, Jr.
In Memory of
Hal Lapidus
Alice Small & Terry Seitz
Steffie Odle
Bitsy Proler
Alice Small & Terry Seitz
Deanna Smith
Barry Kurtz & Family
Jerry Waldman
Suzanne & Philip
Freddie & Paul Croft
Leah & Paul Katz
Pam Kaufman & Dennis
Karen Lampe
Ellen Penner
Bitsy Proler
Rose Marie & Ron
In Memory of
Seymour Goldgehn
Leah & Leslie R. Axelrod
Michelle, Brad, Lauren &
Hannah Brookner
Janet Kocal
Andrea & Mark
In Memory of
Lois Brook
Steffie Odle
Don, Larry, Benji &
Michelle Barr-Meyer
In Honor of
The Speedy Recovery
of Barbara Goldmar
Freddie & Paul Croft
In Memory of
Lois Brook
Freddie & Paul Croft
Abe Frey
Nancy Peskin
Steffie Odle
Marilyn & Jay Albert
Susan & David Askanase
Sara Astrich
Phyllis & Bernie Berman
Ruthe & Marty Berman
Phyllis & Steve Blanc
Barbara Chotiner
Dr. & Mrs. Larry Brenner
Marsha & Joe Cohen
Marilyn & Gilbert
Marvin Cohen
Freddie & Paul Croft
Vivian & Jerry Cyprus
Reva & Bruce Edison
Marilynn & Al Eisenberg
Janice Poplack &
Michael Epstein
Hilda & Bobby Frank
Barbara Garber
Arlyne & Maynard
Carol & Barry
Jennifer & Brad
Greenblum & Family
Marianne & Larry
Renee & Alan
Sandy & Don Harris
Georgianna Hockman
Judy & David
Betty & Al Kahn
Susan & Edward Kahn
Elizabeth & Matt Krohn
Sylvia & Ray Levin
Irvin & Barbara Black
Eva & Mike Loeb
Jacque Lustig
Libby & Buz Marvins
Linda & Harris Miller
Rici & Harold Miller
Tania & Rick Oshman
Ellen Penner
Nancy Peskin
Richard Plumb
Jane Root
Karen & Bill Rubinsky
Ed & Susan Septimus
Marcia & Victor
Ronna & Clayton Spitz
Rabbi Samuel & Lynn
Bonnie & Shel Vedlitz
Susan, Syd & Rachel
Carol & Michael Wilk
Dolores Wilkenfeld
Shelley & Vic Wisner
Jerry Waldman
Judy & David
Nancy Peskin
Harris Wittels
Judy & David
In Honor of
The Speedy Recovery
of Barry Goodfriend
Rici & Harold Miller &
In Memory of
Bernard Weingarten
Ellen Penner
In Memory of
Steffie Odle
Sonia & Peter Benjamin
In Honor of
The Speedy Recovery
of Lila Rauch
Sandy & Leonard
In Honor of
Marvin Barish being
elected Congregant
of the Year
Linda & Richard Zoll
In Recognition of your
service as a member
of our Board of
Susie Askanase
Vicky Samuels Levy
Adam Pollock
Mark Reichek
Susan Speer
Shelley Wisner
Congregation Emanu El
In Memory of
Lois Brook
David Ernstein
Carol & Michael Wilk
Seymour Goldgehn
Gale & Jay Frank
Bessie Jacobson
Rozelle & Herman
Barbara Konig
Heidi & Eric Fisher
Steffie Odle
Punkin & Walter Hecht
Benjamin Aaron
Rozelle & Herman
Ruth Y. Shapiro
Dorothy & Edward
In Memory of
Ami Shulik Dozier
Barbara Konig
Natalie Lessey
Steffie Odle
Debbie Parven
Jerry Waldman
Bernard Weingarten
Linda & Richard Zoll
In Honor of
A Donation to Temple
Emanu El
Dolores Wilkenfeld
Sandy Gaitz’ Birthday
Kathy Cohn Knott
The Speedy Recovery
of Sara Astrich
Kathy Cohn Knott
1500 Sunset Blvd.
Houston, Texas 77005 An adventure of the spirit
This Bulletin is being printed on recycled paper.
Congregation Emanu El
Phone: (713) 529-5771
Fax: (713) 529-0703
In Honor of
Rabbi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Marc L. Disick, DD
Associate Rabbi . . . . . . . . . . . . Pamela B. Silk
Assistant Rabbi . . . . . . . . . Samantha O. Kahn
Rabbi Emeritus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Roy A. Walter
Cantor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mark J. Perman
Executive Director . . . . . . . . Steven Friedman
Program Director . . . . . . . . . . . . Jason Plotkin
Religious School Director . . . . Marna Meyer
Early Childhood Director . . . . . . . . Paula Katz
President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rebecca Lunstroth
Rabbi Marc L. Disick
Save the date as Friday, June
12th at 6:00 p.m., the Congregation and community are welcomed to Emanu El as we thank
Interim Rabbi Marc Disick for his
service to Emanu El.
Senior Vice President . . . Jeff Basen-Engquist
Vice President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stuart Gaylor
Vice President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Carl Josehart
Vice President . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rodney Roth
Vice President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gail Stalarow
A celebratory Shabbat service
will be followed by a special Oneg held in Rabbi
Disick’s honor.
Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rachael Tobor
Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Elyse Kalmans
Honorary President . . . . . . . . . . . Garey Marks
Brotherhood President . . . . . . . Bruce Lessey
Sisterhood President . . . . . . . Diane Puschett
TEFTY Co-President . . . . . . Rachel Cominsky
TEFTY Co-President . . . . . . . . . . . . Abby Rast
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