Bulletin - Congregation Emanu El

1500 Sunset Blvd.
Houston, Texas 77005 An adventure of the spirit
March 3, 2015
Volume 69 Number 11
From Rabbi Disick
Temple Emanu El’s
Forgotten First Rabbi
From Sunset Boulevard
To The Sunset Strip
Contrary to popular understanding, Rabbi Robert I. Kahn, who
served as Congregation Emanu El’s
Senior Rabbi for 34 years from
1944-1978, was not the Temple’s
first rabbi. Our synagogue’s first
rabbi was very intentionally an interim rabbi, Dr. Alan Green, who
served from 1944 until 1946.
In what must have been a first, just as the congregation was forming, the brand new Emanu El’s Rabbi Kahn
was called to serve as a Chaplain in the Philippines
and beyond during World War II. The portable ark he
used to conduct services for U.S. troops in the Pacific
theater remains a treasure in Emanu El’s archive.
Everyone expected Rabbi Kahn to return in one
piece. As a result, Emanu El needed someone to hold
down the fort while Rabbi Kahn did his duty. The interim candidate came from Troy, NY. For the healthiest reasons, Rabbi Green’s arrangement with the congregation was overtly temporary and limited.
Throughout Rabbi Green’s tenure, Rabbi Kahn wrote
letters via V-Mail, which regularly appeared in the
Temple’s Bulletin. Both rabbis were gracious and generous in the way they spoke about one another and the
Emanu El Sisterhood invites you to
a day of fun…fabulous food topped
off with a fantastic speaker, Thomas
Schlamme, Wednesday, March
25th, 11:30 a.m. at the Temple.
Thomas Schlamme, a native Houstonian, celebrated his bar mitzvah and
confirmation at Emanu El and grew
up in a home where Sisterhood was
very important. His mother, the late
Steffi Schlamme, served as a vice president for several
years. He accepted this invitation in her honor.
Did you ever watch West Wing? Studio 60? Parenthood? The Larry Sanders Show? Sports Night? Murder in
the First? Our speaker is credited with creating the look
of many of these acclaimed shows and won an Emmy
for Tracey Ullman’s critically acclaimed series Tracey
Takes On. His extraordinary talent as a director was obvious on such television hits as The Americans, Friends,
Ally McBeal, The Practice, Chicago Hope and E.R. His
movie credits include Kingfish: A Story of Huey P. Long
and Crazy From The Heart, which starred his wife,
Christine Lahti. Now, Executive Producer of WGN
America’s Manhattan, he continues to develop projects
under his company Shoe Money Productions.
Barbara Feldman, Diane Puschett, Amy Kapiloff, Barbara Pauly and Linda Walter are planning the creation
continued on page 2
continued on page 2
Purim Carnival, Megillah Reading & Purim
Schpiel on March 4th
Come one, come all to our annual Purim Carnival at Emanu El!
Great inflatables for all ages plus games, crafts and fantastic food.
The Carnival begins on Wednesday, March 4th at 4:00 p.m. and
continues until 6:30 p.m. when all are invited to join us in the
Barish Sanctuary for the Megillah reading, then a Purim Schpiel entitled, “The Imperfect Prince,” which features child-friendly humor
and adult-friendly jokes.
Purchase your tickets for the Carnival on the Emanu El web site.
We look forward to seeing all of your great costumes!
6:00 p.m., Monday through Thursday
Shabbat Ki Tisa, Exodus 30:11-34:35
Friday, March 6th
5:45 p.m., Rodeo Tot Shabbat Dinner, Feld Hall
6:00 p.m., Kabbalat Shabbat, Proler Chapel
6:30 p.m., Rodeo Tot Shabbat, Oshman MP Room
Saturday, March 7th
10:30 a.m., Morning Service, Proler Chapel
Shabbat Vayak’heil – P’kudei, Exodus 35:1–40:38
Friday, March 13th
6:00 p.m., Kabbalat Shabbat, Proler Chapel
Saturday, March 14th
10:30 a.m., Morning Service, Proler Chapel
4:30 p.m., Shalom Shabbat
Shabbat Vayikra, Leviticus 1:1–5:26
Friday, March 20th
6:00 p.m., Kabbalat Shabbat, Proler Chapel
Saturday, March 21st
10:30 a.m., Morning Service, Proler Chapel
10:30 a.m., Morning Service, Barish Sanctuary
B’not Mitzvah of
Hannah Grace Benstock, daughter of Sharon
& Eric Benstock
Akira Kravetz-Clark, daughter of Ruth Kravetz
& Craig Clark
Interested In Receiving
the Bulletin via Email
Congregation Emanu El is going GREEN and
we wanted to offer you the option of receiving
the Bulletin via email.
It’s a great way to save trees while giving you
access to the Bulletin on your phone, computer or
tablet. This also enables a Congregant to receive
the Bulletin on its issue date regardless of any unexpected delays. Recent Bulletins are also available
on the ‘Member Portal’ located on the Emanu El
Interested in taking advantage of
receiving the Bulletin via email?
Email Jason Plotkin at:
or call (713) 729-5771, ext. 216.
Congregation Emanu El Bulletin (USPS 399-430) is published semi-monthly
by Congregation Emanu El, 1500 Sunset, Houston, Texas 77005. Periodical
paid at Houston, Texas. POSTMASTER: send address changes to
Congregation Emanu El Bulletin, 1500 Sunset, Houston, Texas 77005.
continued from page 1
From Rabbi Disick
way they communicated directly. Let it not go unsaid that endlessly gracious Dr. Green ably served
on important committees of each of our movements
three central bodies: Reform Judaism’s seminary,
Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, our
movement’s national fellowship of synagogues, then
called the Union of American
Hebrew Congregations, and
the Central Conference of
American Rabbis.
Rabbi Oren J. Hayon is now
Congregation Emanu El’s Senior Rabbi Designate. Congregation Emanu El’s future now
resides in the relationship you
Dr. Alan Green
and he will foster over the
years ahead. It might be a bit
of self-interest on my part to note that Emanu El got
off to a great start in the hands of an Interim Rabbi.
Rabbi Hayon Statement:
“I am thrilled to have received notice of the
outcome of the recent congregational vote, and
am extraordinarily excited to begin my tenure as
Congregation Emanu El’s next Senior Rabbi. This
moment makes me feel simultaneously proud and
humble, as I prepare to carry forward this historic
congregation’s strong legacy and follow in the
footsteps of its influential rabbis, whose wisdom
and leadership shaped the course of their community and of Reform Judaism throughout North
America. My family and I are looking forward to
making Houston our new home; we are eager to
begin building long-lasting relationships with the
congregation, and to experience the best of what
a Jewish community can be: a place of learning
and prayer, of compassion and justice, of enduring friendships and sacred partnership.”
continued from page 1
From Sunset Boulevard To The Sunset Strip
of a delectable, scrumptious, mouthwatering luncheon.
Claire Brooks and her committee have assembled fantastic raffle prizes including dazzling jewelry, 2 nights
at the Windsor Court in New Orleans including dinner
in the Grill Room, Spa days, dinners around town at
Tony’s, Pregos, Kenny & Ziggy’s and more.
Your support of this fundraiser allows Sisterhood
to continued funding our on-going responsibilities and
commitments to our congregation and community.
These important projects range from total funding of The
Emanu Elders, a myriad of hospitality, Rabbinic scholarships, Greene Family Camperships, gifts to our college
students and financial support for Religious School retreats. Help us continue all that we do. For tickets and
for raffle tickets, contact the Sisterhood office, (713)
529-5771, ext. 233 or sishood@emanuelhouston.org.
Marvin Barish selected as the Congregant of the Year
The Brotherhood of Congregation Emanu El is proud to announce that it has selected Marvin Barish as the 2015 Ernest Krautkopf Congregant of the Year for his devoted years of service to the Emanu El community and to the community at large.
Marvin has long been a cornerstone of the Houston Jewish community. A dedicated volunteer for decades, he and his late wife Shirley served as advisors to Emanu
El’s youth group and led youth pilgrimages to Israel. In 2011 they were honored by
the American Jewish Committee with the Rebecca and Max H. Nathan Award for
community service, particularly their advancement of Jewish education. In 2008, the
Barish family graciously endowed Yom Limmud, our community’s day of Jewish
learning, and in 2012, Marvin established the Shirley Barish Memorial Israel Experience for Emanu El high school students. His continuous involvement at Emanu El, currently including
service on the Endowment Funds board, serves as an example for those who pursue Tikkun Olam. Reflective of Marvin and Shirley’s regular attendance at worship services, the Barish family honored our congregation in 2010 by placing their name on our sanctuary.
We hope that you will join us in celebrating Marvin at a dinner in his honor on May 14th. Invitations
will follow.
A Record-Quarter for Farb Fund
Tzedakah Can Collections
The third quarter of Emanu El fiscal year 2014-15
featured a record $1,006 of monies collected via the
Farb Fund Tzedakah cans that were distributed at High
Holy Days and can be picked up at the synagogue.
The Farb Fund committee gives special thanks to the
Congregants for its efforts in enabling the Fund to support small and emerging non-profit organizations that
help improve life for the underserved people of the
greater Houston area. These contributions have enabled the Farb Fund make a direct financial impact of
$553,812 to local organizations.
In addition to turning in monies, Congregants are
encouraged to include their names on the can or in
the can so their contributions can be recognized accordingly.
West Driveway to be Closed – Week of
March 16th
Construction work will begin on Emanu El’s West
Driveway – the side closest to Mandel St.) on Monday,
March 16th (weather permitting) as new concrete
will replace the broken asphalt. The Emanu El Board of
Trustees approved this project, which will include
restriping of a significant area of the property including handicap spaces, at their February meeting
This construction work falls during the spring breaks
for both our Becker Early Childhood Center and
Helfman Religious School. Members and guests are encouraged to enter the property from the East Driveway
(the side closest to Main St) during this time. The West
Parking Lot will remain open during construction.
It is anticipated that the West Driveway will become
available again for use on Monday, March 23rd as
our Becker students and teachers return from Spring
Congregation Urged to Vote for
American Representatives in the
37th World Zionist Congress
Your vote can affect Israel TODAY.
Every Jewish individual has the right
to vote for who you want representing you at the World Zionist Congress. We’re asking everyone to empower those who represent Reform
Judaism and our values, ARZA. Vote
for the ARZA slate and you’re voting
for an Israel that values equality and peace! More information at https://www.reformjews4israel.org/vote/
Work of Our Hands
Meets March 12th
—————— IN THE COMMUNITY ——————
Noa Gutow-Ellis, as President of the Tikkun Olam
Club at Emery/Weiner School, organized and
implemented a Community Service day for the Upper
School at E/WS. Noa’s efforts sent over 250 students
and faculty to 13 organizations around our
Larry Leva published a children’s book entitled
Timothy Frog written by his late-wife Bette Leva. The
proceeds of the book go to benefit the Alzheimer’s
Association. Bette was a long-time member of the
Congregation and taught religious school for 37 years.
The book is available on Amazon.com.
Work of our Hands is a fun, creative group of
women that knit and crochet for wonderful causes
such as Texas Children’s Hospital, MD Anderson Cancer Patients, Search, or any other cause that we all feel
is good for our community.
If you don’t know how to knit or crochet, we will
even teach you. Just come to one of our meeting the
second Thursday of each month at 10:00 a.m. We are a
creative, working group of women that socialize and
make different projects or pieces for community blankets for the homeless. Come enjoy other women with
the same interests for knitting, crocheting, or just visit
for coffee. We welcome everyone and have lots of yard
for your projects for our cause. Contact Deborah
Cohen at darcohen@me.com or Margie Cohen at
We look forward to seeing you at our next fun filled
morning, Thursday, March 12th for new or old
friendships to make innovative, creative projects for
the betterment of our community.
Jason Plotkin and Adam Williams were elected in
February to the Board of the University Place
Association. Jason represents Congregation Emanu El
on the Board while Adam represents Lewis Properties
Co., as well as serves as the representative for
businesses on Holcombe Blvd.
–––––––––––––––––– WEDDINGS —–––––––––————
Jennifer Lisch & Ben Miron
––––––––––––––––––––– BIRTHS –––––––––––––––––––––
Tahlia Eve Blumberg, daughter of Camila & Adam
Blumberg, granddaughter of Bonnie & Gary Blumberg,
Dinah Schnitzer and Herminia Fernandez, greatgranddaughter of Helen Blumberg and Abe Schnitzer
Larson Alexander Kapner, son of Brenda Edison
Kapner & Dr. Michael Kapner, grandson of Reva & Dr.
Bruce Edison
Mindfulness Meditation Continues on
Saturday Mornings
The Baal Shem Tov taught that “The world is new to
us every morning. This is God’s gift and every person
should believe he is reborn each day.” On Saturdays
at 9:30 a.m. during March in the Board Room, we
will be learning Mindfulness Meditation which teaches
us to pay attention to our present moment experience
with openness, freshness and curiosity (without judgment). We will also be incorporating teachings on
equanimity, loving kindness, patience, gratitude, forgiveness and joy. Newcomers to meditation are welcome to join the group as we explore this practice that
helps take us out of our routine habits and viewpoints
to see each moment as new.
Jack Fitzgerald Yoder, son of Leah Seewald & Drew
Yoder, grandson of Debbie & Mark Seewald, Barb &
Dave Yoder, great-grandson of Barbara Margolis, Nancy
––––––––––––––––––––– DEATHS –––––––––––––––––––––
Sandra Harris, step-mother of Rabbi Pamela & Jeff
Silk, Tracey Barr
Deborah Yvonne Parven, sister of Stephen & Kathy
Brotherhood Seeks Volunteers for Community Weekend
at Greene Family Camp
The Congregation Emanu El Brotherhood will be joining their colleagues from other men’s
groups in the Reform Jewish community from around the region in an effort to support Greene
Family Camp (GFC) the weekend of March 13th–15th.
The goals for the weekend are to engage men in our Reform congregations, build awareness for
our youth initiatives through GFC and to tackle some of the small maintenance/legacy projects in
order to free up camp staff for other efforts.
Some of the projects include, but are not limited to: Rewiring parts of the fences around camp,
power wash areas around the dining room, cleaning portable tables, new window blinds installed
in cabins, fix gaga pit, clean light fixtures at chapel, turn campfire logs into seats/benches, finish
painting fence at the pool, build towel racks at the pool and build towel racks for the cabins.
Please click to http://goo.gl/forms/2DYYBaeWYP in order to register. Brotherhood is paying for a
van if you wish to ride together (with a stop at Buccee’s on the way of course!), or you can drive
separately or with friends, whatever works best for you. Please contact Scott Vines with questions at
(713) 249-0971 or scott.vines@gmail.com.
Garage Sale Season Starts June 20th
The weekend of Saturday, June 20th will mark the start of “Garage Sale Season” at Emanu El.
Brotherhood members are getting their trucks tuned up and will be ready to collect most everything that you can part with starting on that date. Pickups will continue every weekend until the
weekend of August 8th. The garage sale itself will be Sunday, August 16th and Sunday August 23rd.
The Brotherhood anticipates announcing the location in the coming months. To schedule a pickup
for June 20th or later please contact Steve Moskowitz at steve.e.moskowitz@conocophillips.com or
(281) 293-2599. Proceeds from the garage sale benefit the Brotherhood, enabling the organization to
make a difference at Emanu El and in the community.
Emanu El Launches New Shabbat Initiative
Congregation Emanu El is changing the way our Houston community youth from 18 months to
12th grade have an opportunity to celebrate the Sabbath with the introduction of three new programs, in addition to the continuation of our popular Tot Shabbat.
Each of these programs will be in supplement to current offerings.
The first Friday night of each month at 6:00 p.m. will feature Tot Shabbat, a program for
those 18 months to five years of age in the Oshman Multi-Purpose Room. This Shabbat gathering
for young ones and their parents features music with Cathy Shelley, a story from one of our Rabbis,
a birthday blessing and light refreshments.
On the second Saturday of each month, Emanu El will hit the road for Shalom Shabbat. Children in kindergarten through third grade with their families come together for supper, before joining us for playtime in the park, singing and Havdallah. This program will be held at different parks
in our community and will be announced ahead of time.
The third Friday of each month at 6:00 p.m. – with the exception of March – will feature a
Got Shabbat? program in our Emanu El Youth Lounge. While the adults are rocking with The
Shabbatones, the fourth through sixth graders will join a fun, upbeat Shabbat experience that will include an enthusiastic song leader and enjoyable crafts.
Closing out the new Shabbat programs is our Teen Shabbat to be held on the fourth Friday of
March and May. Our teens in 8th through 12th grade will gather in the youth lounge for a free
dinner and peer-led, youth group style, Shabbat service experience. Each gathering will also feature
a ‘Tikkun Olam’ project associated with the night.
Have questions? Or seeking more information? Contact Rabbi Samantha Kahn at
Follow Emanu El on Facebook to Relive the Past, Celebrate the Present
and Get Excited for the Future
Are you on Facebook? If so, do you happen to be a ‘fan’ of Congregation Emanu El? If not, make sure
to join us at https://www.facebook.com/emanuelhouston as we relive the past, celebrate the present and
get excited for the future of Emanu El!
Most days, Sunday through Friday, photos are
shared highlighting recent activities or promoting upcoming events. While some of these great glimpses at
Emanu El make our Bulletin and weekly eLetter, this is
another avenue to see what’s happening around the
One of the highlights of the weekly social media calendar is ‘Throwback Thursday’ when we look back in
the history of Emanu El. Last month, the above advertisement promoting the first-ever Chicken Soup
Cookoff in 1994 was shared. While the Chicken Soup
Cookoff is now held bi-annually, this ad certainly
served as a reminder of the great times we’ve had at
this great Brotherhood event and an opportunity to
circle February 21, 2016 for the next one!
Have photos to share from an event at the synagogue? Or perhaps a photo of Congregational life from
“many moons ago”? Feel free to send in to Jason
Plotkin at jasonp@emanuelhouston.org.
Kids Meals Volunteers Gather in March
on Tuesday, March 17th
Rabbi Daniel Freelander
Will Be Welcomed At Emanu El
Kids Meals celebrated its eighth anniversary at
Emanu El in September of 2014. A community-based
approach to ending hunger amongst children, the goal
of Kids’ Meals is to break the cycle of poverty. A group
of volunteers meets monthly at 9:30 a.m. on
the third Tuesday of the month, making close to
1,000 sack lunches each time we meet and our supplies
are funded through the Ed Wayne Hunger Fund of
Emanu El’s Endowment Fund. More volunteers are always welcome! Interested in taking part? Just show up!
Have questions? Contact Barry & Carol Goodfriend at
Last year, over 350 Congregants and guests joined
us as Congregation Emanu El celebrated a Second
Night Seder in Feld Hall featuring music, great food
and friends. After the success of last year’s event, we’re
gearing up for the encore!
Register now for this year’s Second Night Seder to be
held Saturday, April 4th at 6:00 p.m. An invitation is
available on page 6! Please send it back to Passover Seder
c/o Congregation Emanu El, 1500 Sunset Blvd., Houston,
TX 77005 or register online: EmanuElHouston.org.
Those seeking financial assistance are encouraged to
contact Jason Plotkin at (713) 729-5771, ext. 216.
Congregation Emanu El is partnering with Congregation Beth
Israel and the Houston Congregation for Reform Judaism (HCRJ) to
welcome Rabbi Daniel Freelander,
the new President of the World
Union for Progressive Judaism
(WUPJ) to Emanu El (1500 Sunset
Blvd.) on Sunday, March 8th at
7:00 p.m.
A reception will follow the presentation by Rabbi
Freelander, which is free and open to the community.
During his presentation, Rabbi Freelander will describe the role the WUPJ plays in assisting and representing Reform Jews and their congregations in 50
countries around the world. He will discuss current
major issues facing the Jews of France, Poland, Germany and the Former Soviet Union, based on his personal observations during recent visits to those areas.
Rabbi Freelander serves at the head of an organization with offices in New York and Jerusalem, heading
up a coordinating body representative of over 1.8 million Jews, making up almost 1000 congregations and
seven regional bodies.
Rabbi Freelander previously served the North
American Union for Reform Judaism (URJ) as a staff
member since 1975. As a NFTY Director, UAHC Regional Director, North American Director of Program
and URJ Senior Vice President, he provided creative
vision and management to dozens of programs and
projects, including URJ Biennial conferences, music
and worship initiatives and publications, camping
and Israel programs.
A gifted musician and keen observer of the North
American Jewish scene, Freelander is well known for
lecturing on trends in Reform synagogue life. Together
with Cantor Jeff Klepper, he has composed dozens of
popular Jewish melodies including the well-known
“Shalom Rav” and “Lo Alecha.”
He is a native of Worcester, MA, and holds degrees
from Trinity College, Hartford, and the Hebrew Union
College–Jewish Institute of Religion in New York. He
serves on the boards of the Zamir Choral Foundation
and Odyssey Networks, an interfaith media group.
Rabbi Freelander is married to Rabbi Elyse Frishman,
editor of the Reform siddur Mishkan T’filah, and rabbi
of the Barnert Temple in Franklin Lakes, NJ. They have
three adult children and live in Ridgewood, NJ.
new phone number, address or email, please contact
the Temple office at (713) 529-5771, ext. 224 or
Great Gatherings Is Back!
Host/Hostesses Needed
To Organize Gatherings
Could you host a dinner, have access to a
unique venue, throw a family party or BBQ, or
take a group of people on an outing? Great Gatherings was a great success last year and brought
the Emanu El families closer together. We are
looking for more great people to host events to
support Helfman Religious School.
If you are interested in donating, please contact
Hillary Rosenthal at hillary_rosenthal@yahoo.com,
(281) 648-1436 or Beryl Mazella at
bforrestmazella@sbcglobal.net, (713) 446-7834.
Second Night Passover Seder
We want to stay in touch with you and the
Post Office doesn’t always forward mail.
We’re excited to announce
you can go on line and . . .
✔ Make donations.
✔ Register for an event.
Houston Jewish Recovery Group Meetings Held Weekly
The Houston Jewish Recovery Group initiated weekly meetings in January at the Council on Alcohol
and Drugs located at 303 Jackson Hill Street on Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. These meetings are followed
by a dinner gathering.
The intent of this group is to encourage and assist Jewish alcoholics and chemically dependent persons
to explore recovery with other Jews in our community. Interested individuals can contact
jewishrecoveryhouston@gmail.com to learn more how they can get involved. All names and information
is anonymous and kept confidential.
Brotherhood, Boy Scouts to Participate in 5th Annual Chili Cookoff
The Emanu El Brotherhood, as well as our own Boy Scout Troop 1190 will be
amongst the participants in the 5th Annual Houston Kosher Chili Cookoff. The
fun-filled day of festivities and a Kosher chili competition takes place on Sunday,
March 8th from 11:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. at the Evelyn Rubenstein Jewish Community Center.
The Kosher Chili Cookoff is the largest kosher food event in Houston and celebrates the fellowship of the Jewish community with a day of food, live entertainment, contests, and family friendly activities while raising funds for non-profit organizations in the Houston Jewish Community.
Tot Shabbat
March 5th
One of the most anticipated Tot Shabbats of
the year takes place on
as Emanu El hosts
‘Queen Esther’s Rodeo
Tot Shabbat.’
Join us for a BBQ
dinner at 5:45 p.m.
(vegetarian options
available) before a funfilled service with song
and dance at 6:30
p.m. BBQ dinner is $10
for adults and $5 for
children. RSVP for dinner is a must. All are invited to show up in costume! Register by visiting the Emanu El web
site or stopping by the
Becker Early Childhood
Center desk.
Rabbi Oren Hayon
Visit At Tot Shabbat
Rabbi Oren Hayon visited Congregation
Emanu El in early February, spending time
with many Congregants during a whirlwind
three-day trip to Houston. The Rabbi made an
appearance at Tot Shabbat, where Tu’Bshevat
was celebrated!
4th Grade Mock Wedding
One of the great traditions of the
Helfman Religious School unfolded
in February as the mock wedding
took place in the Barish Sanctuary.
Our life cycle curriculum was center
stage as several brides and grooms,
along with a wedding party walked
through a traditional Jewish wedding with Rabbi Emeritus Roy
Walter and Cantor Mark Perman.
Pack 1190
Visits Brazos Bend State Park
Our Pack 1190 Cub Scouts spent a
weekend at the Brazos Bend State Park
during the middle of February. Thanks
Pack 1190 for sharing your adventures
with our Congregation.
Early Registration, Pancakes & Pajamas
It’s time again to register for Helfman Religious School 2015-2016. On Sunday, March 8th from 9:00
a.m. – 12:00 p.m., we will have Early Registration, Pancakes and Pajamas. We will serve pancakes to those
parents registering. The students will enjoy a pajama day with pancakes being served in their classrooms.
You will receive a $100.00 discount on next year’s tuition if you register early. Hope to see you here.
You will now have the opportunity to register and pay online beginning Sunday, March 8th. After completing the forms, you will be provided a link to Acceptiva to pay online. You will then send your completed
forms to Gail Shapiro at gails@emanuelhouston.org.
Please don’t forget it’s Daylight Savings Time on Sunday, so Spring Ahead 1 hour. If you have an Upper
School (8th – 12th grade) student, you may also register early and take advantage of the $100.00 discount, on
Wednesday, March 11th from 7:30 – 9:00 pm. You may also register and pay online.
We are looking forward to a very exciting year!
Emanu El Young Professionals Hosting Event
For Houston Kosher Awareness Month
Join us on Thursday, March 12th at 6:30 p.m. in the Oshman Multi-Purpose room at
Congregation Emanu El to celebrate all things kosher as part of Kosher Awareness Month. Before you buy your wine for Passover, we will be sampling some of the best new and classic kosher
wines from around the world paired with unique desserts and light refreshments. To compliment
this culinary adventure we will explore and discover the mystical secrets of the Kabbalistic
teachings behind the kosher dietary laws. The first 25 attendees will receive a special gift. For
more information and to RSVP, contact Emory Skolkin at EmoryS@emanuelhouston.org. The
event is co-sponsored by Congregation Emanu El and the Houston Kashruth Association.
Young Professionals Heading to ‘Get Cultured Night’
At Houston Jewish Film Festival
On Wednesday, March 18th at 7:30 p.m., the Emanu El Young Professionals are heading to River
Oaks Theatre (2009 West Gray) for Hanna’s Journey. The story is of the ambitious Berliner Hanna, who decides that if she is going to succeed in business, she will need some volunteer service work on her resumé.
She heads to Israel to work with disabled Jews, cynically explaining, if you’re German, “helping Jews always
gets you points, and disabled Jews count double.” Itay, the Israeli social worker supervising Hanna’s volunteer work, cracks jokes about German guilt while openly flirting with her. She resists at first, but soon finds
herself drawn to him. Probing the effects of the Holocaust’s looming shadow on third generation Israelis and
Germans, the film deftly weaves the personal and the political, illustrating how they are inextricably linked.
Advanced ticket purchasing is $10 and is recommended. Only cash will be accepted at the door. To reserve
your seats or get more information, visit http://hannasjourney.brownpapertickets.com/.
March JED Talks to Be Held Wednesday, March 25th at 7:00 p.m.
Isn’t it fun to listen to someone talking about something they are passionate about? That’s what JED Talks (Jews Entertaining their Dreams) is all
about! This installment of JED Talks features harpist Emily Klein and art gallery owner Nicole Longnecker. Emily is an orchestral, solo, and chamber musician who has made appearances with the Houston, San Antonio, and Baton
Rouge Symphony Orchestras and the Houston Grand Opera. Emily will discuss the history of the modern concert harp as well as perform several contrasting works.
Nicole Longnecker is the founder and owner of the Nicole Longnecker Gallery in Houston, Texas. Nicole’s
interest in her work centers around the intersection of art, literature, and film and how these vehicles could
be used to create narratives and give a wider voice to those who were unable to tell their stories. Nicole will
be talking about the impact of art in our lives. Appetizers, drinks, and dessert will be served. RSVP to Emory
Skolkin at emorys@emanuelhouston.org.
We appreciate the thoughtfulness of those who remember and honor their friends and loved ones through their generous contributions.
In Honor of
Speedy recovery of
Hilda Frank
Susan & Dr. Ed Septimus
In Honor of
A Donation
Elaine Turner Designs
Allen Becker
Saranne & Livingston
Birth of Melanie Miller
Cheryl & Haran Levy
In Memory of
Sandra Harris
Murray Klaff
Dean, Tracy & Jenna
Bryson Engel
Ilene & Bart Putterman
In Memory of
Murray Klaff
Judy & Allan Lazor
In Memory of
Terry J. Collman
Karen Collman
In Honor of
Speedy recovery of
Ruth Schnitzer
Goldie Mann
Cantor Perman
Barbara & Dell Coleman
In Memory of
Esther Levine
Margaret B. Redus &
Margaret J. Bauman
Karen & Bill Rubinsky
In Memory of
Melvin Sondock
Lindy & Bobby Levit
In Honor of
Speedy recovery of
Joanne Goldstein
Speedy recovery of
Cora Federman
Harriet Zinn
In Memory of
Dr. Murray Klaff
Susan & Edward Kahn
In Memory of
Roslyn Canfield
Carol & Barry Goodfriend
In Honor of
Rabbi Walter
Barbara & Dell Coleman
In Memory of
Gladys Slavin Brenner
M.N. Davidson
In Memory of
Allen Lockshin
Bernice Feld
Esther Oshman
Wagner & Risch Families
In Honor of
Speedy recovery of
Vic Samuels
Linda & Harris Miller
Barbara & Raymond
Kalmans receiving
the “Spirit of Life
Linda & Harris Miller
In Honor of
Fannie Weil’s Birthday
Barbara Burgower Hordern
Rabbi Disick &
Rabbi Kahn
Karen & Gene Oshman
In Memory of
Hyman Abramson
Emilie Slohm
Barbara Burgower Hordern
Sandra Harris
Karen & Jeff BasenEngquist
Nancy Coben
Donna & Barton Fraley
Carol & Barry Goodfriend
Lynda & Dan Greenberg
Susan & Ed Kahn
The Kasmans
Cheryl & Haran Levy
Ina Perlman
Nancy Peskin
Carol & Michael Wilk
Rosalee Baer Fink
Her Family
Esther Oshman
Adine Holland
June & Julian Silverblatt
Bernard Weingarten
Bitsy Proler
In Honor of
Speedy recovery of
Barbara Konig
Speedy recovery of
Beverly Painter
Speedy recovery of
Sara Astrich
Gladys Schnurr
In Memory of
Ricky Schnurr &
“Babe” Schnurr
Gladys, Gayle & Elyssa
Lillie Beerman-Stalarow
Jay Bahme
Esther Zalta
Gladys Schnurr
In Honor of
Speedy recovery of
Sara Astrich
Nancy Peskin
Susan & Dr. Ed Septimus
In Honor of
Speedy recovery of
Rachael & Robert
Speedy recovery of
Sara Astrich
Sandy & Richard
In Memory of
Sandra Harris
Sandy & Richard
In Honor of
Barbara & Raymond
Kalmans receiving
the “Spirit of Life
Rebecca & Ben Miller
In Memory of
Esther Oshman
Goldie Mann
In Honor of
Bernice Feld’s Birthday
Lila Rauch
In Honor of
Speedy recovery of
Ruth Schnitzer
Nancy Peskin
Speedy recovery of
Sara Astrich
Diane & Jules Puschett
In Honor of
Speedy recovery of
Hilda Frank
The Marriage of Laura
Siegel & Andrew
Marcia & Victor Shainock
In Memory of
Rebecca Schultz
Rozelle & Herman Schultz
Esther Levine
Linda & Walter
Carstensen & Family
Dr. & Mrs. Stephen Fadem
Irma Frankel
Maxine & Herman Lapin
Ryan Reaves
Jo Capito
David Livitz
Gene Stinson
Barbara & Allen Pauly
1500 Sunset Blvd.
Houston, Texas 77005 An adventure of the spirit
This Bulletin is being printed on recycled paper.
Congregation Emanu El
Phone: (713) 529-5771
Fax: (713) 529-0703
Rabbi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Marc L. Disick, DD
Associate Rabbi . . . . . . . . . . . . Pamela B. Silk
Assistant Rabbi . . . . . . . . . Samantha O. Kahn
Rabbi Emeritus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Roy A. Walter
Cantor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mark J. Perman
Executive Director . . . . . . . . Steven Friedman
Program Director . . . . . . . . . . . . Jason Plotkin
Religious School Director . . . . Marna Meyer
Early Childhood Director . . . . . . . . Paula Katz
President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rebecca Lunstroth
Senior Vice President . . . Jeff Basen-Engquist
Vice President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stuart Gaylor
Vice President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Carl Josehart
Vice President . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rodney Roth
Vice President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gail Stalarow
Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rachael Tobor
Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Elyse Kalmans
Honorary President . . . . . . . . . . . Garey Marks
Please join us on Sunday, April 19th at 3:00 p.m. at Congregation Emanu El in observance of Yom Hashoah, a day of remembrance for the 6,000,000 Jewish people who lost their lives during
the Holocaust. During this annual commemoration, we will mourn
the loss of all who
perished, honor
those who survived
and come together as
a community to remember and reflect.
This event is coordinated by the Yom
Hashoah Steering
Committee and Holocaust Museum of
Houston. Funding for
this service is generously provided by the
Morgan Family Endowment Fund, the
Morgan Family Center and the Morgan
Family Foundation.
Brotherhood President . . . . . . . Bruce Lessey
Sisterhood President . . . . . . . Diane Puschett
TEFTY Co-President . . . . . . Rachel Cominsky
TEFTY Co-President . . . . . . . . . . . . Abby Rast
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