FALKIRK TRINITY CHURCH NEWS MAY 2015 SUNDAY WORSHIP SERVICES: THEME – LIVING WITH LUKE’S GOSPEL Sunday 3rd May at 11.00am Service led by Robert Allan and Kay Brown Sunday 10th May at 11.00am Service led by Robert Allan and Kay Brown followed by Christian Aid Hunger Lunch in the Main Hall Sunday 17th May at 11.00am Service led by Robert Allan and Kay Brown Sunday 24th May at 11.00am Service led by Robert Allan and Kay Brown Pentecost Sunday 31st May at 11.00am Service led by Kay Brown Contacts Rev Robert Allan, Minister, 625124, minister@falkirktrinity.org.uk Rev Kay Brown, Assistant Minister, 617352, kaybrown1cpw@gmail.com Rev John Jenkinson, Pastoral Assistant, 625498, jh.jenkinson@sky.com Mrs Morag Jenkinson, Session Clerk, 625498, sessionclerk@falkirktrinity.org.uk Mr Gordon England, Deputy Session Clerk, 714320, gandm.england@gmail.com Gillian Gardner, Business and Development Manager, Church Office 611017, thefawkirk@outlook.com Please note that we now stream Sunday Services on line. Although there may occasionally be times when the congregation is seen, the main focus will usually be towards the front of the Church. If anyone wishes to discuss this, or has any concerns, please speak to the Minister. Church News for June Please send to the Church Office via e-mail (thefawkirk@outlook.com) or hand into the office by Tuesday 26th May. Thanks! @The_Faw_Kirk Charity Number SC000652 www.falkirktrinit y.org.uk www.falkirktrinity.org.uk Charity Number SC000652 th Published 26 April 2015 Church Team Meetings Marketing & Communications Team meet on Tuesday 28th at 7.00pm in the History Room Finance Team meet on Wednesday 6th May at 7.30pm in the Lounge Kirk Session meet on Wednesday 13th May at 7.30pm in the Main Hall Christian Growth Team meet on Tuesday 19th May at 7.00pm in the Archway Room Worship We continue with LUKE’S GOSPEL as our focus for worship until the summer of 2015, with a passage from that Gospel every Sunday. It would be good for us all to reflect on that Gospel individually as well as when we gather for worship, to soak it up and let Jesus who is at the heart of the Gospel guide our daily living. Bible Reading Group The Bible reading group will meet to discuss Mark’s Gospel on Sunday 3rd May. (During May, we are reading Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk and Zephaniah) Prayer Tree We have a beautiful prayer tree in the Vestibule. Please leave a message on this if you want prayers said for yourself or others. Choir Practices until June 2015 All practices will run on the following Thursdays from 7.30pm - 9.30pm: 7th May in the Main Hall 11th June in the Archway Room (please note that this is a change to the original list of published dates) The choir also practices before each Sunday Service at 10.15am prompt in the Archway Room. Anyone interested in joining the choir should speak to Bob Tait or contact him on 01324 713746 or bob.tait@blueyonder.co.uk Wanderers Outings Our next trips are on Tuesday 5th May and Thursday 21st May. If you are interested in coming along, please contact Christine (tel. 713746) as soon as possible. Life and Work Would you like to order a copy of ‘Life and Work’? We can do this for you. Contact the Office for more information. Elders and Pastoral Visitors boxes These can be found in the room in the Sanctuary (nearest to the hall) – please check these regularly for information. Walking Group The Walking Group meet on Mondays at 7.00pm. Set off points for the year are: May: June: July: August: September: Stables car park, Callendar Park Lionthorn car park Bantaskine Park car park Falkirk Wheel car park Forth Valley Royal Hospital Contact Elizabeth Brotchie on 624273 for more information. Walking Group Day Outing Saturday 16th May All are welcome to come for a walk round West Lomond, Fife. For more details, please contact Susan Laing on 630890. Heart & Soul Volunteers are needed to help staff our Marquee at Heart and Soul on Sunday 17th May. If you can spare half an hour, one hour or even two between 1pm and 6pm, your support would be appreciated. Heart and Soul is a celebration of the Church’s life which takes place in Princes Street Gardens on Sunday 17th May. The theme this year is Living Stones and congregations we will be showcasing information on their life, work and witness. There will also be exhibitions, resources, entertainment and much, much more, ending the day with open air worship. A small group are in the process of finalising a display of the history, life and witness of our congregation. For more information, speak to Isabel Sarle 621648. Christian Aid Week Loko dreads collecting firewood, but has no choice. To earn enough money to feed her children one small meal a day, she needs wood to sell. In the Borena community, girls are expected to fetch and carry wood and water to provide for their family. Denied a good education and the respect of their community, women are trapped in a life of poverty. This Christian Aid Week, please support women like Loko. Book Sale 4th to 9th May Please help by donating books (last day is Sunday 3rd May), helping sell books (10am to 1pm) or 1pm to 4pm, setting up the Book Sale on 3rd May (please bring a packed lunch), dismantling the sale on 9th May and also by coming along to buy books (and encouraging others to do so!) Please speak to Hamish Scott (tel 632387) for further information. Sale Details: Monday 4th May - pre sale evening from 6.30pm to 8.00pm Tuesday 5th May evening opening from 6.00pm to 8.00pm Tuesday - Friday daytime opening from 10.00am to 4.00pm Saturday 9th May from 10.00am to 3.00pm There will also be an exhibition of photographs from Malawi on display during the book sale. Falkirk Trinity Church raised £5000 as part of a Church partnership with Christian Aid to help improve maternal mortality rates. Coffee Day – Saturday 9th May from 10am to 1pm Please help by donating baking, volunteering to help out for an hour or just by coming along and enjoying a coffee and cake after the Book Sale. TICKETS ON SALE NOW £2 Hunger Lunch – Sunday 10th May Please come along for soup, bread and a glass of water after the service – remembering the one in eight in the world who goes hungry each day. Christian Aid Quiz ON SALE NOW – only £1 and all about TV shows. Thanks to Victoria Johnston who raised £20.55 for Christian Aid week by baking and selling cakes! Munro Challenge Thanks to all 13 folk who climbed Ben Lomond in hail, snow, gales and sleet! Nine made it to the top. Over £850 has been raised already. Christian Aid Magazine The new edition is now available. Please pick up a copy in the vestibule. Collection of Easter Eggs for Falkirk Food Bank Thank you very much to everyone who contributed one or more Easter Eggs to our collection for Falkirk Food Bank. We managed to collect just over 100 eggs, which the Food Bank collected on the Monday after Palm Sunday. They were very grateful for these and distributed them to families for Easter Sunday. The Faw Kirk Magazine Any articles for the Summer edition of the magazine should be with Carolynn MacDonald (carolynn.64@hotmail.co.uk) or Morag Mackay (moragmackay@hotmail.com)by the 17th of May. Step into Prayer An Evening with Kay Brown Come and listen, come and share, come and just be; this is an informal evening with a chance to explore different ideas about prayer led by Kay Brown. Everyone is welcome on Tuesday 28th April at 7.30pm with tea, coffee and cake available from 7.00pm in the Main Hall. For more details, speak to Kay. All are welcome! Parking in Church Grounds On Sundays, we try to keep as many spaces within the grounds for those bringing folk to Church who are unable to walk far or cope with the hills/steps around the Church. If you are able to cope with these, then please make use of the various parking places around the town centre. Please drive very slowly and with great care as you enter and leave the Church grounds as many people are on foot. Summer Sunday Hour S Kidz takes a break over the summer holidays and we’ll have a Summer Sunday Hour instead for the children. If you can help with storytelling, crafts or games, please let Morag Mackay know! (moragmackay@hotmail .com) Greetings Cards We now have a selection of greetings cards, books and CDs available for sale in the Church. These are on display in the Café from Monday to Friday and after the Sunday Service. Sunday Services On-line As you are all aware we have been streaming our Sunday morning services online for some time now. We hope to continually upgrade our internet connection to provide the best quality picture to those who view online, however quality also depends on home internet quality and having the capacity to download the services as they are streamed. If you want to know more about this then perhaps one of our own computer/internet operators could guide you to someone to speak to. As we are now becoming more familiar with the ways of operating our cameras, it may be that we will be able to show some pictures, as part of our streaming online, of some of the congregation. In reality, people will see no more online than they would if they walked through the front doors and had a look around! If however, you have reservations about appearing online then sitting somewhere in the Church beneath the balcony is probably your best option. Services are now available for up to four weeks to view online and then they will be deleted. As technology moves forward we hope to embrace it in a responsible and appropriate way for the good of sharing our worship and the Christian message with a wider congregation. If you would like to train to help with the computer operations then please see Isabel Sarle (tel 621648). Traidcraft Stall The Traidcraft stall is open for business every Friday, except during café holidays, from noon until 2.00pm in the Main Hall foyer, selling cleaning products, gifts, jewellery and chocolate! Book Group Our next book group will be held on Thursday 28 May at 8pm in Costa where we'll be reviewing "The Shock of the Fall” written by Nathan Filer or “Look Behind You” written by Sibel Hodge . For more information, see our website. th Flowers The flowers which decorate the Sanctuary and vestibule are provided by donations from the congregation throughout the year. A special date can be requested, for example, to mark an anniversary or commemorate a loved one. You can arrange the flowers personally or this can be done for you. The list of those who donate is being updated and if you are on the list or would like to be added to it please speak to Marianne Pattison (716087) or the church office. Strathcarron Hospice Phials Phials for donations to Strathcarron Hospice are available on the table in the Vestibule. Please feel free to take one to fill with any coin value. Once full, the phials should be returned to Boston Glegg. The amount passed on this year to date is £102.59. Thank you! Who meets here? Do you know that we have various groups who meet here regularly for dance, music and keep fit classes and rehearsals, or for informative evenings or for support sessions? This Church is a lively place during the week and so we’ll be sharing some articles over the year about the groups who meet here so that you can perhaps join in too! If you want any more information about our groups, contact the Office. Our Diary Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Line Dancing The Choir Factory Mini Music Makers classes Age Concern Gamblers Anonymous Falkirk Bohemians Girls Brigade Local History Society Tai Kwon Do Falkirk Bohemians Enjoy-a-ball AA Open Door Age Concern AA Wee Tree Youth Theatre AA Falkirk Street Pastors base AA Falkirk Festival Chorus 7.00pm-8.00pm 6.30pm-7.30pm (Junior Choir); 7.45pm-9.00pm (Adult Choir) 9.30am-noon 1.30pm-3.30pm 7.30pm-9.30pm 7.30pm-10.00pm (May-October) 6.30pm-8.00pm 7.30pm-9.30pm (monthly) 7.00pm-9.00pm 7.30pm-10.00pm (May-October) 9.15am-11.30am 10.30am-noon noon-3.00pm 1.30pm-3.30pm 7.30pm-10.00pm 11.00am-1.00pm 8.00pm-10.00pm 9.30pm 2.30pm-4.30pm 3.00pm-5.00pm All rooms within the Church can be hired for one off or regular lets at very competitive rates. For more information, contact the Office. Forth Valley Piano Meetup Group Saturday 16th May at 2pm Aimed at giving adult amateur pianists, of ALL abilities and ages, from beginners to advanced, the chance to gain valuable performance experience in front of a friendly and supportive audience! Admission is £6.00. www.meetup.com/forthvalleypianomeetupgroup Lunchtime Recitals Friday 22nd May at noon Our May lunchtime recital will be given by Steven McIntyre, Assistant Organist at St Mary's Cathedral, Glasgow. Admission is free, however there is an opportunity to make a voluntary donation towards the visit in October from the Church on Schüren, Dortmund. A lunch deal for £6.00 will be available after the recital. Da Capo Alba Saturday 6th June We are thrilled to welcome back Da Capo Alba to the Faw Kirk, alongwith a German orchestra, this year! Da Capo Alba is the adult orchestral section of the LGMA, and is currently Scotland's largest guitar and mandolin Orchestra. It performs in concerts throughout Scotland and abroad, usually about five each year. The Orchestra and its members have won a range of awards over the last four years, including trophies for Orchestra, ensemble, duets and individual performances. Put the date in your diary! Tickets will be available soon from the Office. An Evening with Dr David Hamilton PhD Wednesday 24th June at 7.00pm David Hamilton is a bestselling author of 7 books, covering a range of topics - from the impact of the mind on the body, the effect of compassion and kindness on the heart, the contagiousness of emotions, and even the nature of the mind and consciousness. During the research for his latest book, ‘I Heart Me: The Science of Self Love’, he realised that his own lack of self-love was sabotaging him in hundreds of subtle ways and more than a handful of major ways, so he devised an experiment using himself as the guinea pig. For more than a year, David studied the latest research into brain chemistry, neuroscience, and psychotherapeutic and personal development techniques. He realised that self-love was as much about biology as psychology – that self-worth is in our genes, but trained out of us. The biological drive to seek connection with others often leads us to try to be ‘someone else’ to win love and approval. But the brain can be reprogrammed, and David devised 27 powerful exercises that he tested on himself to now help you increase your own level of self-worth, connect powerfully with your authentic self, attain a greater sense of happiness and general wellbeing, and create stronger and more real connections with others. David Hamilton has a first class honors degree in chemistry, specializing in biological and medicinal chemistry. After completing his PhD, he worked for 4 years in the pharmaceutical industry developing drugs for cardiovascular disease and cancer. Working in drug development exposed him to the placebo effect, how people improve through believing they are receiving a drug, so he began to study mind-body interactions in his spare time. He decided to leave the pharmaceutical industry to write and speak about the mind, our abilities, and help people to believe in themselves more. And he also wanted to write and speak about kindness and spread the idea that a small group of people with compassion and kindness in their hearts can change the world. Tickets for this exciting event are now on sale costing £12.00 (£10.00 concession) from the Church office. David will also be available after his talk for a book signing. Blythswood Care Collections Collections will take place on Wednesday 6th May at the following locations: Grangemouth Union Road car park, 11.30am-noon Camelon Parish Church, 12.15pm-12.45pm Symphonic Praise A fully symphonic concert of praise and worship in the stunning surroundings of Glasgow Cathedral on Saturday 30th May and St Mary's Episcopal Cathedral in Edinburgh on Sunday 31st May. The event will be led by Origin's Exile Choir and Chamber Orchestra. Free tickets are available from www.originscotland.org or call 0131 208 0095 St. John’s Singers Charity Concert for The Place of Restoration Children’s Shelter Friday 8th May at 7.30pm Bonnybridge St Helen’s Church Tickets are £6.00 including refreshments and available from Betty (813175) or Monica (874807). Falkirk Festival Chorus – Festival Concert Sunday 10th May at 7.00pm Falkirk Town Hall Robert Tait conducts the annual Festival Concert with Scottish Concert Orchestra (leader Ben Buurman). The soloists are Alistair Digges, Tenor, and Graeme Danby, Baritone. The two works on the programme are Puccini’s Messa di Gloria, a wonderfully operatic and colourful work, and American Morten Lauridsen’s atmospheric and beautiful work, Lux Aeterna. There will be a pre-concert talk by the Conductor in the Auditorium at 6.00pm. Tickets are £15 (£12 conc /£5 child) and available from the Steeple Box Office on 01324 506850 East Fife Male Voice Choir on Friday 15th May at 7.00pm Celebrity Organ Recital – Sarah Baldock on Saturday 16th May at 2.30pm Stenhouse and Carron Parish Church All are welcome! Entry is by donation. Falkirk Tryst Orchestra Spring Concert Sunday 24th May at 7.00pm Falkirk Town Hall For the closing event of the 2015 Falkirk Tryst Festival, this concert will feature piano soloist Peter Alexander playing Grieg’s ‘Piano Concerto in A Minor’. Conducted by Robert Tait and led by Alistair Watson, the programme will include the ‘Karelia Suite’ by Sibelius, Grieg’s ‘Peer Gynt Suite’, Gershwin’s ‘An American in Paris’ and the ‘Spitfire Prelude’ by William Walton. Tickets are £9 (£7 conc /£3 child) and available from the Steeple Box Office on 01324 506850 Lunchtime Organ Recital Friday 12th June at noon Our June recital will be given by Rob Harris, Organ Scholar in St. Giles Cathedral, Glasgow 60 Minutes of Song National Youth Choir of Scotland (NYCoS) Saturday 15th August Those who attended the concert last year will want to book early once the tickets go on sale. Choirs from NYCoS have built an enviable and well earned reputation for the high quality of performance across the whole range of choirs in the organisation. Two choirs will perform here on the day - watch this space for further details. June Church Diary Saturday 6 : Da Capo Alba Friday 12th: Organ Recital at noon rd Tuesday 23 : Kirk Session Wednesday 24th: Dr David Hamilton Friday 26th: Comely Park Primary School Service th Wanderers Outings Our next trips are on Monday 8th and Friday 26th of June and Thursday 8th July. If you are interested in coming along, please contact Christine (tel. 713746) as soon as possible.
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