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Effectively separates bedding and manure
Saves money • Saves bedding • Saves time
Makes your daily stall cleaning routine more efficient
Save money
– work faster with Stall Shifter™
• Save 30-50% on bedding
• Reduce operating cost
• Work nearly twice as fast
The machine works like a sieve and
separates manure from the bedding.
Remove the wet bedding first, then
clean the box using the Stall Shifter™
and reuse the clean bedding. Customers
tell us that bedding consumption can
be reduced by 30-50%. You will save
on purchasing and transportation costs.
Sifting all the bedding in a stall takes
5 minutes with the Stall Shifter™. Time
saved can reduce labour cost or free
up time to spend with the horses.
An investment in a Stall Shifter™ pays
off. With 10 horses stabled you can see
the investment paid back in one year.
*We recommend sawdust, moistened wood pellets
or similar types of bedding for best effect and
results. Expect to spend a little more time with
deep bedding or wood shavings.
Easier job
– better results
Benefits the horses
– benefits the environment
• Work with less effort
• Reduce bodily strain
• Clean to perfection
ven cleaner bedding
ess waste
educed CO2-emission
The Stall Shifter™ does the heavy job
of separating manure from the bedding.
You don´t have to shake the shavings
fork. There will be less strain on neck,
shoulders, arms and back. The whole
cleaning operation is carried out in
less time. Stall Shifter™ can improve
the physical work environment for
The Stall Shifter™ completely sifts and
aerates the bedding, thereby conditioning the stalls and providing a cleaner
environment. Fungal spores and pathogens are less likely to develop and
With the Stall Shifter™, the result will be
perfect every time. Your stable appears
clean and well managed.
Reduced bedding consumption reduces the size of your muckheap. The
Stall Shifter™ can improve the “carbon
footprint” of your operation due to less
transportation of bedding and waste.
If you run a DIY livery yard, let your
customers use a Stall Shifter™ to enjoy
more time with their horse – and save
bedding for you.
Everyone can use the Stall Shifter™ and
achieve the same clean result.
The Stall Shifter™ story
Harry Hopkins of Brockwood Farm
in USA invented The Stall Shifter™
in 1997. Mr. Hopkins´ invention has
since enjoyed great success in the
USA, and his concept is well proven.
Some of the first machines made
are still in use today.
Farmerfun® owns the right to
develop, manufacture and sell the
Stall Shifter™ in Europe. The company
distributes directly to customers all
over Europe and provides customer
service and follow-up.
In 2011, novice rider and stable owner
Siri Anette Brandtzæg discovered the
Stall Shifter™. She wanted to bring
the concept to Norway and Europe
and signed a license agreement with
the inventor of the Stall Shifter™ in
2012. With her husband, she founded
Farmerfun to further develop the Stall
Shifter™ for the European market.
The project was supported and partially funded by Innovation Norway.
The European Stall Shifter™ is manu­
factured in Norway in cooperation
with local partners. It is company
philosophy to manufacture locally
and use to European made quality
components whenever possible. If
you purchase a Stall Shifter™ from
Farmerfun® you support Norwegian
and European industry.
The Stall Shifter™ made by Farmerfun® in Norway complies with EU
requirements and standards, and
carries the CE mark.
Buying a Stall Shifter™ is safe
• Fully assembled and tested on delivery
• 14 days trial period after purchase*
• 2 year pro rated limited warranty**
• Manufactured in Norway by Farmerfun®
• Spare parts available
• After-sales customer service
and follow-up
• Several reference customers
• Delivery 4-6 weeks after
order confirmation
• For price and terms of delivery see
*Purchase price is refunded if customer is not satisfied. Customer pays for shipping and return costs.
**Manufacturers’ warranty applies to electric
motors and other third party components.
How to use the Stall Shifter™
Your daily Stall Shifter™
1. Remove wet bedding and clear
a space for the machine.
2. P
lace the Stall Shifter™ directly
over the cleaned area. Place
a large tub on the floor at the
end of the screen.
3. Start the machine. Shovel the
mixture of bedding and manure
onto the moving screen. Let the
machine sift each load before
adding the next. Continue sifting
through the entire contents
of the stall.
4. Remove the machine, empty the
tub and spread the clean bedding.
5. Job done – with time to spare!
Vestbygdvegen 490
N-2312 Ottestad
Tel: +47 951 79 233
youtube.com: Farmerfun European Stall Shifter