3315 Greencastle Road • Burtonsville, Maryland 20866-1713 301-236-5200 • FAX: 301-236-5204 www.resurrectionadw.org We, the Parishioners of Resurrection Catholic Church, strive to be a welcoming Christian Community as we come together to share in the Eucharist. Strengthened by our bond to Christ and one another, we accept the challenge to bring about the unity to which we are called by reaching out to others and offering them an experience of Faith, Hope and Love. In this way, we proclaim the Kingdom of God. STAFF Rev. Scott R. Hahn………………..…………………...……….Pastor 301-288-4662 Rev. Msgr. Francis G. Kazista………………….……………………...Retired Priest Rev. William M. Brailsford………Parochial Vicar 301-236-5200 ext. 107 Deacon David Suley……….Permanent Deacon 301-236-5200 ext. 112 Deacon Chuck Bieberich…………………………………….…Permanent Deacon Mrs. Linda Carey .................Pastoral Associate, Riderwood 301-572-8439 Mrs. Maura McMullen….Pastoral Assistant, Riderwood 301-572-8314 Mrs. Helene Stever...Director of Youth Faith Formation 301-288-4664 Mrs. Gwen Wilhelm………... .……………..Business Manager 301-236-5203 Mrs. Margaret Pratt………………………...... Parish Secretary 301-236-5202 Mrs. Annick Kanter-Saint Hubert...……...Music Director 301-236-5201 Mrs. Beth Amenabar…....Communications Coordinator 301-288-4661 Mr. William Wisnom…….……Principal Organist 301-236-5200 ext. 111 Mrs. Susan Quinn………………………..…Pre-School Director 301-288-4665 Mrs. Katherine Hinken…………...……….……..Room Rentals 301-288-4667 Sunday Liturgy: Saturday: 5:00 P.M. Sunday: 7:30, 9:00, 10:30 A.M., and 12:15 P.M. 9:00 A.M. & 4:00 P.M. - Riderwood Daily Liturgy: Monday - Friday, 9:00 A.M. Wednesday - 3:00 P.M. - Riderwood Reconciliation: Saturday 4:00 - 4:45 P.M., or by appointment New Parishioners: We are happy to welcome all new members to our parish community. Your registration is important to us. In order to participate in the Sacraments of Baptism, Matrimony and be granted a letter of eligibility for sponsorship at Baptism and Confirmation, it is necessary that you be registered at Church of the Resurrection. Registration packets are available in the Commons Area of the church or in the Parish Offices located in the Parish Life Center. Marriage: Parish Members planning marriage must contact the Parish Office at least six months in advance. Baptism: Registered Parish Members planning to have their child under the age of five baptized, must contact Fr. Scott to pre-register for the Baptismal Preparation Class. Please check the website under Sacramental Preparation for more information. The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults: Adults interested in inquiring into the Catholic faith are asked to contact parishioner, Kathie Ryan at 301-236-0694 or Joel Whitaker, at 240-583-0280. Adults who are interested in information regarding the Sacrament of Confirmation are asked to call the Parish Office. Shut-ins: If you are aware of anyone who is not able to get to church because of age or infirmity who would like to receive the sacraments, please contact the Parish Office. Churchofofthe Church theResurrection Resurrection March 15, 2015 Page 1 This Week’s Events Calendar - Sunday, March 15, 2015 Fourth Sunday of Lent 7:30, 9:00, 10:30am & 12:15pm-Mass times at Resurrection (Low-gluten hosts will be available) 9am & 4pm - Mass times for Riderwood 10:00am - 11:30am Religious Education Class 10:15am - 11:30am Sunday Series - Youth Center 4:00pm - Living Arts Concert - The Narrowbacks Monday, March 16 9:00am - Mass 3:00pm - Mass at Arbor Ridge 6:00pm - 7:15pm Religious Education Class 7:30pm - Prayer Group - Cry room Tuesday, March 17 9:00am - Mass 9:30am - Bible Study - Youth Center 7:00pm - ADW Faith Foundations - Youth Center 7:00pm - Knights of Columbus meeting - Amadeo Rm. 7:30pm - Mass for the Knights - Church 7:30pm - RCIA - Room 214 Wednesday, March 18 9:00am - Mass 3:00pm - Mass at Riderwood 6:30pm - Soup & Bread supper - Amadeo Room 6:30pm - Confession “The Light is On” - Church 6:30pm - Youth Handbell Choir 7:00pm - Haiti Committee mtg. - Room 212 7:15pm - Toastmasters - Room 210 7:15pm - Handbell rehearsal - Church Thursday, March 19 9:00am - Mass 7:00pm - Book Study - Youth Center 7:00pm - DeSiano Evening Series - Youth Center 7:15pm - Cancer Support Group 7:45pm - Adult Choir - Church Friday, March 20 9:00am - Mass 12:45pm -Communion Service at Riderwood 7:30pm - Stations of the Cross - Church Saturday, March 21 8:30am - 3:00pm Women’s Conference 11:15am - Mass - Cardinal Wuerl 1:00pm - Mini-retreat “Song Prayers for Lent” - Riderwood 4:00pm - Confessions 5:00pm - Mass Note: Daily Mass is preceded by the rosary. Please join members of the parish in praying the rosary each weekday morning at 8:28 am. GIVING IS AN ACT OF FAITH Offertory Gifts for March 7/March 8 Offertory: $14,435.00 Updated snow removal costs - $17,991.50 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ For information on the Knights of Columbus, please contact Lee Pfeffer at 301-384-0120 or email him at lpfeffer98@aol.com ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Readings for March 22, 2015 Fifth Sunday in Lent Reading I: Jeremiah 31:31-34 Reading II: Hebrews 5:7-9 Gospel: John 12:20-33 ____________________________________________________________________________ Mass Intentions for the week of March 16 Monday - † Mrs. Casey Tuesday - † Condon/Hildreth Family Wednesday - † Bernadette Browning Thursday - † Margaret Nalley Friday - Leroy Carhart Sat/Sun - † Josephine Tubiola † William Greenan † Leon Ramos † Myrna V. Centeno † - the person is deceased _____________________________________________________________ PRESIDERS - March 21/22 5:00 P.M. - FR. HAHN 7:30 A.M. - FR. BRAILSFORD 9:00 A.M. - FR. HAHN 9:00 A.M. - RIDERWOOD - FR. BEAL 10:30 A.M. - FR. KAZISTA 12:15 P.M. - FR. BRAILSFORD 4:00 P.M. - RIDERWOOD - FR. HAHN (Schedule subject to change) Bulletin notices are due 10 days prior to bulletin date. Email to: bamenabar@resurrectionadw.org Fourth Sunday in Lent March 15, 2015 Please keep the following members of our parish community and their family members & caregivers in your prayers: Elizabeth Short; Terry Bork; Sharon Kemp; Patricia McDonough; Rita Kimak; John J. Samsock; Nancy Jacobus; Suzanna Nachbar; Teresa Buonomo; Joseph Hock Anita Lolin; Marie Carter; Charlie Roebuck; Martha Brown; Carlos Faustini; Rev. John Kinter J.W. Hill (brother of Donna Kassel); Joan Castellan all the sick and disabled of our parish and those who care for them; and all our parishioners in nursing homes. Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them, and their families, as they perform their duties. We ask this in the name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior. Amen. In addition, for all the prayers written in the Book of Intentions, and for all the recently departed, especially Eugene Zamora (cousin of Rich Sanidad) and Grace Clark of Riderwood . If you wish to place someone on the Prayer List, please call the Parish Office at 301/236-5200. Names will be included for 8 weeks unless otherwise requested. ____________________________________________________ Winterfest 2014 proceeds— $45,000.00! _____________________________________________________ Cancer Support Group The group is open to the Resurrection community adults, 18 and older, living with cancer, and their support person. We will begin to address the everyday issues of living with cancer, resources, and coping strategies in a caring environment. he next meeting will be Thursday, March 19th at 7:15pm - 8:15pm in room 211 of the Parish Life Center. If you have further question, please call Holly Pertmer LCSW-C at (W) 301– 319-8827. WHAT ARE YOU GIVING UP FOR LENT? Maybe it’s time to try something different. Don’t just give something up for Lent. Do something. Sign up for the BEST LENT EVER email program with Matthew Kelly, America’s best-selling Catholic author. It’s simple and free. The only cost is your commitment to live better each day this Lent. Sign up at BestLentEver.com Page 2 HOLY LAND PILGRIMAGE: MARCH 1-10, 2016 Deacon David will be leading a Tour to the Holy Land next March during Lent 2016. This is an early announcement. 10 days to Galilee, Nazareth, Caesarea, Jericho, Mount of Olives, Cana, Bethlehem, Jerusalem, Qumran, Dead Sea, and more! Total cost for airfare (from NY), four/five star hotels, all breakfasts and dinners, tour bus, local experienced guide, entrance fees: $3098. Register early for a discounted price. Contact Deacon David: davidjsuley@gmail.com. ________________________________________________ Mass Schedule for Palm Sunday March 28/29, 2015: 5:00 p.m. Saturday; 7:30 a.m., 9:00 a.m., 11:00 a.m. and 12:45 p.m.* Sunday. Riderwood—Sunday, March 29: 9:00 a.m. & 4:00 p.m. *See the Lenten calendar on the parish website for Holy Week Schedule ____________________________________ Ushers Needed We need ushers at the 10:30am mass. If interested please speak to one of the ushers before or after mass or contact Pat Kane at Pkane319@gmail.com Living Arts Concert - the Narrowbacks Please join us on Sunday, March 15th at 4:00pm for our next concert featuring a line-up of five of the leading figures in the Washington area’s Irish music scene. Narrowbacks (after the term Irish immigrants often applied to their offspring) has its genesis in the original Celtic Thunder band. Members of the Narrowbacks have performed at the White House, as well as other prestigious venues. Come for an evening of craic agus ceol (“good times and music”) and rediscover the rich heritage of Irish music.! Church of the Resurrection March 15, 2015 Page 3 Adult Faith Enrichment: Spring Offerings Women’s Conference “Gathering the Wisdom of Women: Water to Wine” will be held Saturday, March 21 from 8:30am to 3:00pm at the Church of the Resurrection in Burtonsville. Conference highlights include: Mass with Cardinal Wuerl Free childcare Keynote in English by Colleen Carroll Campbell Keynote in Spanish by Lucia Baez Luzondo Workshops led by Dr. Ricardo Luzondo, Dr. Liliana Alessandri, Sr. Mary Elizabeth, SV, Gloria Scott, Dr. Jem Sullivan, MJ Park. For more information please contact Mary Hamm, Office of Hispanic Family Life and Leadership at hammm@adw.org or visit the website at www.adw.org/womensconference. Register today! ______________________________________________________ H ave you or someone you know ever wanted to learn to play the piano or organ? Now you can! Resurrection’s organist/pianist Bill Wisnom is now accepting students of all ages and all levels. Bill has a Bachelor's and Master's degree in music from the Peabody Conservatory and Eastman School of Music, and gained national recognition in his 2012 debut where he performed at notable venues across the country. For more information, please see Bill after Mass, or email him at williamwisnom@gmail.com All are welcome! _______________________________________________________ n Thursday March 19 from 10:30 to 12:00 at St Camillus Church (1600 St Camillus Dr. Silver Spring, MD 20903) Fr Ullrich, OFM will be speaking on "The History of Lent" sponsored by the Senior Ministry. All are welcome to attend. Light refreshments will be served. O Wine and Cheese Evening with Fr. Frank DeSiano, CSP 7:00– 9:00 pm, Thursday, March 19 "My Family: Living the Gospel in Everyday Life" An evening of reflection/sharing for married couples Cost is $25.00 per couple payable at the door. See complete list of Adult Faith Enrichment: Spring Offerings at http://www.resurrectionadw.org/index.php/ faithformation/adult-faith-formation Deacon David and Twitter Follow Deacon David on twitter@davidjsuley1 for daily reflecƟons. ________________________________________________________ The Light is On for You Wednesday evenings, 6:30-7:30pm in the church— except April 1. Confessions will be held. ________________________________________________________ TIME TO DUST OFF THOSE RUNNING SHOES!! St. Andrew Apostle School Spirit 5K Race and Fun Run is sponsored by the St. Andrew Apostle Home and School Association. Race day is Saturday, March 28, 2015 at 8:30AM. This year a portion of our proceeds will be donated to the Lilabean Foundation (LBF) The LBF is a non -profit 501(c)(3) organization committed to supporting the funding of pediatric brain tumor research. For more details: http://www.standrewapostle5k.org/ Registration: https://www.imathlete.com/events/ EventReg/EventReg_SelectType.aspx? fEID=23052&fNew=1&fsource=imAEOvervie Register by March 15, 2015 for a discounted rate. ________________________________________________________ Preschool News Registration for the 2015 –2016 school year is going on now. For more information or to take a tour call 301/236-9529. To download the registration forms please see the website at www.resurrectionadw.org. Spaces are filling up quickly! Fourth Sunday in Lent Page 4 March 15, 2015 Soup and Bread - Building Bridges in our Community. Wednesdays in Lent 6:30 to 8:00 pm in the Amadeo Room. This Lent, we are celebrating and deepening our relationships with some of the organizations we have been supporting throughout the years. Come and join your fellow parishioners as we learn more about the history of these groups, whom they serve and how we can help our neighbors in need. We need volunteers to provide the simple supper and to serve. Please contact Fr. Scott at shahn@resurrectionadw.org or 301-288-4662. March 18: Isaiah’s Promise/ St. Joseph’s House March 25: Food Pantry Top Chef Cook Off Food Pantry Items We appreciate your continued response to our requests for food. Stocked in our pantry: peanut butter; boxes of cereal; jelly; spaghetti sauce; macaroni and cheese; pork and beans; Beefaroni; canned corn, green beans and fruit, spaghetti noodles, ziti, or elbow macaroni; large and small soup cans and tuna fish. 2015 Jubilarian Celebration Donald Cardinal Wuerl will celebrate the annual Jubilarian Mass honoring couples married 25, 30, 35, 40, 45 and 50+ years on Sunday, June 21, 2015, at 2:00 p.m. at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. Certificates signed by Cardinal Wuerl will be distributed to the couples following the ceremony or mailed, should you be unable to attend. To register, please call the parish office, leave a message on ext. 103, or email mpratt@resurrectionadw.org. Please include the following information and please reference “Jubilarian” in your subject line: 1) List the way you wish to have your names appear on your certificate, Mr. & Mrs. John Smith . . . or John & Mary Smith. 2) State if you both will be attending the Mass 3) List your address, phone number, & anniversary date. The deadline to submit information to the parish office, to have your names in the program, is Monday, April 13th. Once you are registered, you will receive an official invitation which will give you a chance to make any necessary corrections. If you cannot attend the Jubilarian Mass on June 21, your certificate will be mailed to you at the end of June. The parish is sponsoring donations toward the purchase of flowers for the Easter decorations. The donations are made in the memory of a loved one. All names will be printed in the bulletin Easter Sunday, April 5, 2015. Please complete the form below and drop this and your donation in the collection basket or in the box on the table in the Commons Area no later than Monday, March 16, 2015. The suggested donation is $10.00 per name. Checks payable to Resurrection Church. Please Print in CAPITAL LETTERS. Name: ________________________________________________________________________ Telephone Number : __________________________________________________________ In Memory of: ________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Donation: $ ___________________________ Church of the Resurrection March 15, 2015 Page 5 Resurrection Religious Education (CCD) 2014-2015 Sunday & Monday Class Schedule: Sunday: K-HS: 10:15am-11:30am Monday: K-HS: 6:00pm-7:15pm ******* ATTENTION 2015 Confirmation Retreat at Summitt Lake March 13-March 15 “For through faith you are children of God in Christ Jesus” Galatians 3:26 Religious Education Program Students Lent Service Project “Operation Rice Bowl” to benefit Catholic Relief Services. What you give up for Lent changes lives We give alms with a generosity to our brothers and sisters in need, honoring Jesus’ call to serve our neighbors. This lent, through your sacrifices, we can empower and transform the lives of our brothers and sisters. Fill your bowl with change (checks made out to CRS) and RETURN MARCH 29/30. Thank you. God bless you. Mark your calendar! Frank Runyeon, Translator and Performer of Biblical Texts Will be at Resurrection Church on Sunday, April 19, Amadeo Room Performance at 10:30am “Salt-n-Light” for children in grades K-4 and Performance at 11:30am “Hollywood-vs-Faith” for youth in grades 5-HS www.frankryneon.com More details to follow. Office: 301-236-5200 ext. 108 Helene Stever, Director of Youth Faith Formation resurrection.hstever@gmail.com For youth in grades K through 12 2015 Confirmation Candidates “Saint Shields of Faith” are on display in the commons area of the church. Their saint shield is of the name the candidate will be confirmed. Take a look at the candidate’s beautiful and amazing work. High School & Middle School Youth Service Opportunities Sign-up in the youth faith formation office March 18 &25: Serve at Wednesday Lent Soup & Bread: 6:00pm-8:00pm. March 21: Various Tasks at the Women’s Conference held at Resurrection Parish: Any hours from 7:30am-4:00pm April 14: Assist at the 2015 Confirmation Reception. - CHURCH OF THE RESURRECTION IN BURTONSVILLE THANKS OUR BULLETIN ADVERTISERS – PLEASE PATRONIZE THEM WHEN POSSIBLE - FAIRLAND ANIMAL HOSPITAL –––––– Traditional Funerals “We treat your pet like one of our own” JEFFREY D. WHALL, D.V.M. AMY R. WENZEL, D.V.M. 301-622-2115 By Appointment –––––– Our New Address 13425 Old Columbia Pike Silver Spring, Maryland 20904 www.fairlandanimalhospital.com Cremation Service Donald V. Borgwardt Same Day Service, Funeral Home, P.A. Family owned and operated 7 Days a Week! 4400 Powder Mill Rd. 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Box 4889, Baltimore, MD 21211 - © 2015 CHURCH OF THE RESURRECTION IN BURTONSVILLE THANKS OUR BULLETIN ADVERTISERS – PLEASE PATRONIZE THEM WHEN POSSIBLE - Call today for your FREE orthodontic consultation 11120 New Hampshire Ave #403 Providing Home Care Nursing Placement RN's • LPN's & Nursing Assistants Specializing in: Couples • Adolescents Anxiety Depression (301) 890-7575 3905 National Dr., Suite 160 Burtonsville Burtonsville Since 1978 301-593-6363 (301) 476-9390 DR Hoover-Fisher Florist, Inc. 301-593-4700 PLUM PAIN CONTROL Acupuncture, Acu Massage, Herbs High School Repairs • Replacements 11120 New Hampshire Ave. #409 Water Heaters Call Dr. Lee 301-592-1234 Electric Drain Cleaning www.acupuncture-drs.com 384-5818 ACH OUR • residential & commercial • installation & service • site lighting • generators • heavy-ups • service calls for all electrical needs All Care @Home, LLC "Care that Counts" 240-839-5221 w w w.PallottiHS.org Today's Image Salon & Spa 15717 Columbia Pike Burtonsville, MD 20866 301.476.9222 ESI ORTHODONTICS HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING "Family Owned & Operated Since 1955" "Be one of our warm friends" 15408 Old Columbia Pike Burtonsville Let Our Family 301-384-7575 Take Care Of Your Family www.athomecareinc.com Lic. 782 New Patients Always Welcome 301-776-6666 9105 All Saints Road, Suite O Laurel, MD 20723 WWW.ACCESSDENTALCARE.COM 240-245-0540 301-622-9797 “The Only One You’ll Ever Need” SAME DAY SERVICE GUARANTEED!* *Certain Conditions Apply $25 OFF Any Plumbing Service WSSC #70985 $35 OFF Faucet or Toilet Replacement OUR LADY’S CENTER Catholic Chapel, Bookstore & Giftshop MONUMENTS Resurrec on, Burtonsville Special R.G. 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Rogers Ave., EllicoƩ City, MD 21043 www.OurLadysCenter.net 410.461.5066 For ad information, call Tim Maher or Phil Maher at (410) 578-3600, toll free 1-800-934-1620, or write P.O. Box 4889, Baltimore, MD 21211 - © 2015
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