May 2015 Spire - First Baptist Church of Ames, Iowa

The Spire
First Baptist Church, Ames, Iowa
Sabbatical Begins May 11
Dear Church Family,
May 2015
Volume 61, No. 5
200 Lynn Ave.
Ames, IA 50014-7188
Worship Sundays 9:45 am
First Baptist Church is an open and
caring family of faith where
worship is central and faith engages
both heart and mind. We are
warmly ecumenical, delight in our
diversity, and cherish our Baptist
heritage of freedom. We are called
by Christ to share God’s love with
the campus, community, and the
As we seek to follow the way of
Jesus, we welcome all people to
fully participate in our fellowship:
all ages, colors, backgrounds,
political affiliations, and physical
and mental abilities; male and
female, gay and straight, rich and
poor, single and married, skilled
and unskilled. We are all God's
children, and all are welcome here.
As most all of you know, Susan and I will begin our sabbatical this month. We
will be on sabbatical for 10 weeks, May 11-July 20. I will be taking the last two
weeks of sabbatical in January of 2016.
The American Baptist Churches USA recommends a pastoral sabbatical of 12
weeks every 7 years as a time for pastors to rest from the demands of church
ministry and renew their own spirits and calling. We are grateful for this
opportunity and so thankful for a congregation that has the foresight and
generosity of spirit to see this time of sabbatical as valuable both for pastors and
congregation. Many of you were involved in helping to plan for the sabbatical and
have served as sounding boards and offered helpful input as Susan and I have
made plans, and we appreciate that too.
The goals of our sabbatical are Retooling, Research, Rest and Renewal. Our plans
include continuing education, visits with family, attending the ABC
Biennial/Mission Summit in Kansas City, and a family trip “out west” (we have
never been to that part of the country). We will have a chance to experience
worship “from the pews” and visit churches both from the perspective of
worshiper and researcher. We will be in town off and on throughout the ten weeks.
When we are away, we will mostly travel together, with a few events involving
one or the other of us. Zoe will be able to accompany us on some of our trips. I’ll
be using the two weeks in January 2016 for a trip to the Holy Land.
While we are away, pastoral duties will be covered by a variety of people,
working together. Our worship team has met several times to plan for the
sabbatical, and a preaching schedule is printed in this Spire. Our deacons will
handle pastoral care needs, with a couple of other ministers available if needed.
We print the name and contact info for the Deacon of the Week in each bulletin.
This is the “on-call” person for the week; please contact the Deacon of the Week
if you will be going to the hospital, are facing a crisis, or could use a visit. You
can also feel free to call the church office or contact our deacon co-chairs Dianne
Borgen or Jack Cleasby. Our Office Manager Bev Shirbroun will manage the dayto-day operations of the church. Susan and I will be in touch periodically with
Dianne and Bev, and they will be able to reach us in emergencies.
Continued on page 2
Continued from page 1
Schedule continued from Column 1
As well as being a time of renewal and growth for us,
we expect that the same will be true of the
congregation. Hearing a variety of voices in worship
can be valuable. As members take on different
responsibilities, this can be a time for growth. The
sabbatical is a chance for church members to know the
blessing of truly depending on one another and
“flexing new muscles” in pastoral care and leadership.
Just as the change of pace can be renewing for us, the
same can be true for you. We are looking forward to
the sabbatical experience both for us and for you, and
we will also look forward to being back with you
again. Please know that we will be praying for you
during our time away, just as we know that you are
praying for us.
June 28 – Rev. Linda Hanson. The daughter of Earl
and Johnie Hammond, Linda is an ordained UCC
minister who has served as a missionary to Honduras.
She is also a physical therapist and is director of the
new Primary Health Care Clinic in Ames, which serves
the uninsured and underinsured in our community.
Linda will give a presentation on Primary Health Care
during Fellowship Time.
July 5 – Dr. Gary Grogan. A longtime friend of our
congregation, Gary retired as Executive Minister for
our region. Before that, he served a number of
churches, most recently at Ft. Dodge. Gary is an avid
golfer and has preached here at our church many times.
July 12 – Dr. Gary Grogan
July 19 – Dr. Gary Grogan
Sabbatical Preaching Schedule
May 10 – Music Sunday, CE Recognition, Sabbatical
Sendoff (Dave and Susan’s last Sunday before
July 26 - Dave and Susan’s first Sunday back from
August 2 – worship with First Christian and Ames
UCC at Brookside Park
May 17 – Rev. Brenda Stalbaum Martin. Brenda is an
ordained ABC minister. She serves as a supply
preaching minister and is currently a caseworker with
Lutheran Services of Iowa. Brenda has ministered as a
hospice chaplain and served in volunteer ministry with
Karen Christian refugees from Myanmar (Burma).
Brenda and her husband Gary live in Des Moines.
May 24 – Rev. Brenda Stalbaum Martin
May 31 – Rev. Brenda Stalbaum Martin
June 7 – Dr. Marshall Peters. Marshall is Executive
Minister for Mid-American Baptist Churches, which
includes around 130 ABC congregations in Iowa and
Minnesota. Prior to coming to our region, Marshall
served on region staff in Kansas and as a missionary to
Thailand. Marshall will also give a brief report on
current happenings in our denomination during
Fellowship Time.
June 14 – Rev. Brenda Stalbaum Martin
June 21 – Rev. Brenda Stalbaum Martin
Schedule continued in Column 2
Summer Sunday Fellowship Time Begins May 31:
With Sunday School ending May 24 and no classes
during the summer, we will have fellowship time
after our morning worship service every Sunday. You
are welcome to co-host with someone else. Anything
light can be served as well as coffee, water, and
lemonade/punch. If you have any questions, please
contact Barbara Woods, or Dianne
Borgen, fhborgen@aolcom. Your willingness to host
fellowship time is appreciated.
May 3
Jeanette Gee
Bob Parrish*, Kent Johnson
Wallace Sanders, Jan Thompson
May 10
Beth Douglass
Ushers Rosemarie Starrett*, Nancy Maydew
Kaylinn Taggart, Michael Thompson
May 17
Jere Maddux
Dianne Borgen, Jerilyn Logue
Tom Logue, Katherine Thompson
May 24
Aaron Stegemöller
Scott Anderson*, Julie Johnston
Jere Maddux, Tiffany Nugent
May 31
Jere Maddux
Jeanine Cole*, Lee Davidson
Mark Reuber, Barbara Woods
Flowers for May:
Catherine Parrish
Antorniece Lee
Roberta Ridley
Maxwell Keat
Amari Martin
Dick Gee
Michael Thompson
Beth Douglass
Isabella Zi
Stephanie and Brian Keat
Jessica and Andrew Beougher
Elizabeth and Aaron Stegemöller
Alissa and Joe Murphy
Judy and Jim Demarest
Martha and Tom Gleason
Rita and Bob Parrish
Beth Douglass
When: The 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month,
11:30 am
Where: 2nd Wednesday- Village Inn, 524 Lincoln
4th Wednesday- Perkins, 325 S. Duff Avenue
Who: Any women and friends of FBC
No reservations needed, just come when you can and
enjoy lunch with your friends!
If your birthday or anniversary is not listed on the
church bulletin board outside the library or in the
current directory, please send us the information. As a
church family, we’d love to include you and pray for
you on your special day.
Congratulations Graduates!
Tyra Peyton Gantt, Riverside Polytechnic High
School, Riverside, California, on June 8, daughter of
Cindy Robinson-Gantt, grandchild of Wilma and Ike
Richelle Juanita Goree, MBA in International
Business, University of La Verne in California, on
May 30, daughter of Phyllis Hawkins, grandchild of
Wilma and Ike Robinson.
Logan Hemmen will graduate from Ames High
School on May 17. At Ames High, he is on the soccer
team, plays trombone in the marching band, and
participates in I-ball. Logan will be attending DMACC
in Ankeny, with plans to to to Iowa State after that. In
the meantime, you can find him working at Taco Time.
Congratulations, Logan!
Michelle Logue, Nursing Program, Kaplan University,
the graduation ceremony and pinning ceremony on
May 1, spouse of Neil Logue, mother of Mya and
daughter-in-law of Jerilyn and Tom Logue,
Jane Morrison will graduate from ISU with a BS in
journalism and mass communications. She also has a
second major in international studies and a minor in
statistics. She is moving back to Quincy, Illinois where
she will be working as the Internet Director for
WGEM, the local NBC-affiliate. Jane has worked this
past year in our child care rooms. We have appreciated
her commitment and care for our children.
Alexander L. O’Connor is graduating from Blue
Valley NW High School, Overland, Kansas. He will be
attending Iowa State in the fall and plans to major in
pre-med. Alex is a member of First Baptist and we are
glad he will be in town a lot now! He is the grandson
of Joyce and Lee Davidson.
Michael P. Anderson, Iowa State University, Masters
of Structural Engineering, grandson of Elaine
Cindy Robinson-Gantt, Grand Canyon University,
Masters of Elementary Education, on April 25,
daughter of Ike and Wilma Robinson.
Raven Symonne Gantt, California Baptist University,
Riverside, California, Bachelor of Arts degree in
Broadcast Journalism, on May 2, daughter of Cindy
Robinson-Gantt, grandchild of Wilma and
Graduate Updates continued from Column 1
If you know of other graduates (including
grandchildren!), we will include news about them in
next month’s Spire.
FBC Book Group: We
are reading “Nobody
Knows: The Forgotten
Story of One of the Most
Influential Figures in
American Music” by
Craig von Buseck. The
compelling, little-known story of Harry T. Burleigh, an
African American music pioneer best known for his
artistic arrangements of spirituals. Burleigh studied
under famous Czech composer Antonin Dvorak. From
the book cover: "Now Harry T. Burleigh, once worldrenowned for his career as a beautiful baritone soloist,
an arranger of Negro Spirituals, and a composer in his
own right, is lifted once more out of obscurity by Craig
von Buseck. This inspiring true story will take readers
back in time to Southern plantations and Northern
boom towns, to minstrel shows and soaring
sanctuaries, and into the heart of a man who never
suspected that God had destined him for greatness."
We will meet to discuss this book on May 21 at 6:30
PM in our Church Library. If you would like to be put
into the rotation to read the book with us, please
contact Catherine Parrish. The book will also be
available in our Church Library after May 21.
Responding to the Nepali Earthquake
A massive earthquake struck Nepal on Saturday, April
25. By April 28, Nepal's National Emergency
Operation Center announced that the official death toll
had exceeded 5,000 and that some 11,000 have been
found injured. These numbers are expected to rise as
rescue workers reach remote villages. An estimated
450,000 have been internally displaced by the quake
and 8 million have been affected, with 1.4 million in
urgent need of food supplies.
Our American Baptist biennial gathering is in
Kansas City this year. Because of the proximity,
this is a good opportunity to attend. Registration is
$40; for more information see one of the pastors or
go to
As a first response to this disaster, emergency relief
funds from One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS) have
been released to trusted partners of American Baptist
International Ministries (IM) in Nepal. Funds will go
to provide food, water, shelter and medical assistance
for victims. This initial grant will support the Nepal
Baptist Church Council (NBCC), Human Development
and Community Services (HCDS), and the United
Mission to Nepal in on-the-ground relief efforts. These
are all organizations with whom we have worked with
for many years.
“Our heart goes to the survivors who lost their beloved
ones, and to those who are still struggling in fear and in
the devastated areas,” said the Reverend Dr. Benjamin
Chan, IM area director for Asia. “IM has worked
closely with NBCC and HDCS to build capacity and to
enhance social development in Nepal. Our priority is to
provide immediate relief assistance to the survivors in
cooperation with partners in Nepal and through the
global Baptist network.”
Through our budgeted support for local missions, First
Baptist Church supports several agencies that provide
services or aid in Ames. To help acquaint our members
with these mission agencies, a series of descriptive
paragraphs will appear in the Spire.
ACCESS is an acronym for Assault Care Center
Extending Shelter and Support. Quoting from their
website, “ACCESS provides free and confidential
support to victims of sexual violence [or] domestic
violence.” “ACCESS operates an 18-bed emergency
shelter facility in Ames. All services are free and
confidential.” Included are those auxiliary services
needed to fully meet the needs of the victims. Our
support helps to enable this vital and life saving
-Jeanette Gee
Churches in the U.S. and Puerto Rico are asked to keep
Nepali families, emergency response workers and
government in prayer.
A BIG thank you for those
who provided refreshments
this past year for
Fellowship Time on the
2nd Sunday of the month.
These persons include
Dianne and Fred Borgen, Nancy and Gary Maydew,
Jill and Mike Leininger, Johnie and Earl Hammond,
Catherine and Joe Parrish, Irene and Wayne Shireman,
Beth Douglass and Jere Maddux, Barbara Woods, and
Trey Belle-Larson and all others who helped with set
up and clean up. You are all appreciated!
“Blowing on Dandelions (Love Blossoms in
Oregon)” by Miralee Ferrell
New in the library for children are two picture
“To Every Thing There Is a Season”, Illustrations
by Leo & Diane Dillon
“The famous verses from the Book of Ecclesiastes are
accompanied by exquisite illustrations, each rendered
in the style of a different world culture. An ecumenical,
artistic, and cultural experience, rich in beauty and
expansive in its appreciation of ethnic variety." School Library Journal, starred review.”
“It Will Be Okay, Trusting God through fear and
change” by Lysa TerKeurst
From the book cover: “Whether we like it or not,
growing up brings change. For many children, this
conjures fears that are sometimes real and sometimes
imagined. How can kids learn that even when they face
new and unfamiliar situations, they don’t have to be
“Katherine Galloway knew this moment of calm
wouldn’t last, blown away like the dandelion seeds she
scattered as a girl. In 1880, three years after her
husband’s death, she struggles to run an Oregon
boardinghouse and raise two girls alone. Things don't
get easier when her critical, domineering mother
moves in. Katherine must make the situation work, but
standing up for herself and her family while honoring
her mother isn't easy. Then she crosses paths with
Micah Jacobs, a widower who could reignite her heart,
but she fears a relationship with him might send things
over the edge. She must find the strength, wisdom,
hope, and faith to remake her life, for everything is
about to change.” -from the back cover
“To Everything a Season” by Lauraine Snelling
“Trygve Knutson is devoted to his family and his
community. With his job on the construction crew, he
is helping to build a future for the North Dakota town
of Blessing. Though he loves his home, he sometimes
dreams of other horizons--especially since meeting
Miriam Hastings.Miriam is in Blessing to get practical
training to become an accredited nurse. She's been
promised a position in the Chicago women's hospital
that will enable her to support her siblings and her
ailing mother. Although eager to return to her family,
Miriam is surprised to find how much she enjoys the
small town of Blessing. And her growing attachment to
Trygve soon has her questioning a future she always
considered set in stone.” -from the back cover
New Non-fiction
New Fiction books in the Library
“Esther, Royal Beauty” by Angela Hunt
“before amen, The Power of a Simple Prayer” by
Max Lucado
“When Xerxes, king of Persia, issues a call for
beautiful young women, Hadassah, a Jewish orphan
living in Susa, is forcibly taken to the palace of the
pagan ruler. After months of preparation, the girl
known to the Persians as Esther wins the king's heart
and a queen's crown. But because her situation is
uncertain, she keeps her ethnic identity a secret until
she learns that an evil and ambitious man has won the
king's permission to exterminate all Jews--young and
old, powerful and helpless. Purposely violating an
ancient Persian law, she risks her life in order to save
her people...and bind her husband's heart.” -from the
back cover
“We pray to stay sober, centered, or solvent. When the
lump is deemed malignant. When the money runs out
before the month does. When the marriage is falling
apart. We pray. But wouldn't we like to pray more?
Better? Stronger? With more fire, faith, and fervency?
Yet we have kids to feed, bills to pay, deadlines to
meet. The calendar pounces on our good intentions like
a tiger on a rabbit. And what about our checkered
history with prayer? Uncertain words. Unmet
expectations. Unanswered requests. We aren’t the first
to struggle with prayer. The first followers of Jesus
needed prayer guidance too. In fact, prayer is the only
tutorial they ever requested..” -from the back cover
9:45a Worship
11:00a Church
Last day of Church
School until Fall
ISU Graduation
7:00p Trustees
8:00a Men’s
6:30p FBC Book
Group, Library
11:30a Women’s
Lunch, Perkins
6:30p Deacons
9:45a Worship
11:00a Ice Cream
Social, Fellowship
11:30a Women’s
Lunch, Village Inn
9:45a Worship
11:00a Church
12:00p 3rd Sunday
Lunch, El Azteca
2:00p Prayer Shawl
5:15p CCJ Board
6:30p Choir
Music Sunday
Recognition Sunday
Sabbatical Send-off
9:45a Worship
11:00a Fellowship
11:15a Church
8:00a Men’s
Recognition Sunday
11:00a Church
Coming in June:
Music Camp
Our 16th annual Music Camp is set for June 812. Campers grades K-6 (completed) will enjoy
a week packed with music, learning, friends, and
fun!. If you can help with the camp as a
counselor or assistant, please see Mindy or
Pastor Dave. Registration forms are available in
the narthex. Please share them with friends,
neighbors and grandkid! Everyone is welcome!
First Baptist Church
200 Lynn Avenue
Ames, Iowa 50014-7188
Our Church Staff:
Rev. Dr. David Russell
Rev. Susan Russell
Associate Pastor
Mindy Phomvisay
Director of Music
Bev Shirbroun
Office Manager
John Kellogg
Jane Morrison
Child Care
Abby Gero
Child Care