THE CRAFT PORTFOLIO CraftSurvey_3cp.indd 1 12/02/2013 09:40 WELC OME Welcome to Immediate Media and the home of the UK’s biggest Craft Portfolio. experience invest inspiration passionate With 16 years in the craft market, we are about the sector continuing to , innovate and support our brands to offer greater and greater to our readers and advertisers alike. value passionate about our titles and as a result read them for longer, engage with them more and more importantly take action as a result of the editorial and advertising they see. 2012 saw greater investment with the launch of our British Craft Survey in association with the ICHF and the launch of our brands Our readers are THIS�IS E T A I D E M IM 3RD BIGGEST publisher in the UK Over 64 brands Our brands reach over 24 MILLION people every month Publishing heritage dating back to 1923 A NEW FORCE in consumer publishing commitment to the category and delivering the right environment for our audiences and commercial partners alike. 2013 is set to be just as exciting with the re-launch of Cloth in across several digital platforms. Both demonstrate our on-going January, and more exciting initiatives planned througout the year. success. We look forward to you being part of our on-going commercial CraftSurvey_3cp.indd 2-3 journey and 12/02/2013 09:40 Y R O T S � E H T SO�FAR Welcome 15 years experience of publishing in the Over craft market The BIGGEST PORTFOLIO of craft titles in the UK independently audited Every title is by the ABC except our newest launches Craftseller and Cloth Home to the NO.1 BRAND for cross stitchers – World of Cross Stitching* Home to the NO.1 CARDMAKING title – Cardmaking and Papercraft* Continued 2013 investment strategy planned for innovation Continued with the launch of Craftseller (2011) and Cloth (2013) 3 CLOTH ISSUE 1 ✼ AUTUMN 2009 *Source: Audit Bureau of Circulation Jan–Dec 2011 CraftSurvey_3cp.indd 4-5 12/02/2013 09:40 G N I D A E L � ’S K THE�U F O � R E H S I L PUB S E N I Z A G A CRAFT�M 19 BRANDS in the portfolio 7 monthly brands 4 annual brands 3 quarterly brands 2 bi-annual brands 1 bi-monthly brand TOTAL CIRCULATION 254,676 TOTAL READERSHIP 566,490 TOTAL SUBSCRIBERS 54,955 TOTAL MONTHLY UNIQUE USERS 72,477 1 title with a 9-issue frequency 1 stand-alone craft social networking site Total newsletter subscribers: 154,362 Monthly page impressions: 897,908 Total Facebook: 40,811 Total Twitter followers: 10,959 TOTAL PORTFOLIO REACH 845,099 CraftSurvey_3cp.indd 6-7 12/02/2013 09:40 E V T I T E P M O THE�C E P A C S D N A L IMMEDIATE MEDIA'S TITLES FUTURE Simply Knitting Papercraft Inspirations The Knitter Mollie Makes The Making Spot The Simple Things ACEVILLE Knitting & Crochet Crafts Beautiful Let’s Knit Let’s Make Cards Homemaker Make Jewellery Sew CraftSurvey_3cp.indd 8-9 12/02/2013 09:40 C I H P A R G DEMO PROFILE Mostly A�PAS S FOR ION CRAF TING female: 95% PASSION FOR CRAFTING Income: £33,600 Median age: 49 Household 15 years Have participated in crafts for an average of children under 18 in the Married/co-habiting: 70% 28% have home home (34% Spend an average of 12 HOURS on their craft each week 50% work (30% full time) 68% own their outright) 4.2 crafts on average Participate in Source: British Craft Survey 2012 New Baby/Christening (66%) Wedding (58%) Wedding Anniversary (51%) Birthdays (23%) REASONS TO CRAFT Enjoyment (90%) To make gifts (80%) Relaxation (76%) Selling (21%) Fundraising (20%) CraftSurvey_3cp.indd 10-11 CRAFT FOR FIVE OCCASIONS PER ANNUM Christmas (90%) R ING FO FT IN CRA D E T S INTERE (27%) Charity s (22%) e n i t n e l Va 1%) Easter (2 12/02/2013 09:40 G N I D N E P S POWER INSPI RATIO N uy supplies 22 B TIMES per annum on average Average spend is £37 verage single order A value £31 nnual spend per A reader: £445 (average spend x 12) nnual spend per A reader: £534 (average single order value x frequency of purchase) FOR THEIR MAIN CRAFT ANY CRAFT INSPIRATION 49% 82% 15% 53% Magazines online 29% buy from local craft suppliers 13% buy from craft superstores WHERE 49% buy WHY Price Choice Convenience Magazines Craft websites Craft websites 9% 35% Craft tv/dvds Craft on magazine websites 4% 29% 4% 27% Blogs Classes/worships Craft shows Craft fairs Source: British Craft Survey 2012 CraftSurvey_3cp.indd 12-13 12/02/2013 09:40 THE�STITCH PORTFOLIO TOTAL PRINT REACH 89,495 9 issues per annum Average issues sales: 9337 6 issues per annum Average issues sales: 11,965 BIANNUAL TOTAL ONLINE REACH 35,798 TOTAL SUBSCRIBERS 28,339 TOTAL E-NEWSLETTER REACH 75,932 Average issues sales: 8898 TOTAL SOCIAL MEDIA REACH 27,867 TOTAL REACH 224,091 13 issues per annum Average issues sales: 13 issues per annum 19,838 Average issues sales: 39,457 Source: Audit Bureau of Circulation Jan-Dec 2012/ Google Analytics/British Craft Survey 2012 CraftSurvey_3cp.indd 14-15 12/02/2013 09:40 CROSS STITCHING.COM delivers the world’s largest stitching community, with over 35,798 unique users each month. The site is packed with content that includes free cross-stitch charts, expert advice, technical features, magazine news, subscription offers and a lively forum for chat. We keep in touch with our 75,932 dedicated subscribers through a weekly e-newsletter, which showcases special advertiser offers, forthcoming events and what’s happening with our magazines. The website offers the perfect platform to reach a global audience of thousands of dedicated stitchers and enthusiastic crafters. flagship The World of Cross Stitching is the title in our Craft Portfolio. Launched in 1997, it is the number one title in the market and the monthly for stitchers everywhere, whatever their taste and level of stitching . FACT FILE THE NO.1 CROSS STITCHING MAGAZINE* CIRCULATION: 39,457 SUBSCRIBERS: 15,317 READERSHIP: 114,425 UNIQUE USERS: 35,798 PAGE IMPRESSIONS: 431,483 E-NEWSLETTER SUBSCRIBERS: 75,932 FACEBOOK: 12,966 TWITTER: 664 must-buy experience latest news Each issue is packed with the very and product round ups, the best cross-stitch , expert advice and technical features. It is regarded as THE trusted in the market and each issue comes complete with a . authority designs in-depth free gift Source: Audit Bureau of Circulation Jan-Dec 2012/ Google Analytics/British Craft Survey 2012 * based on ABC Jan–Dec 2011 CraftSurvey_3cp.indd 16-17 12/02/2013 09:40 CHARITY Average charity donation: £101 (94% higher than the average) Favourite charities to support: Medical (51%) Pets (38%) Children(35%) Wildlife (27%) Armed Forces (25%) female THE READER 96% Married or living together: 68% 31% have children under 18 53% work (33% full time) 65% own their home (32% outright) Median age: 48 TECHNOLOGY OWNED EQUIPMENT OWN (%) INTEND TO BUY (%) Computer/ Laptop 94 2 Printer 92 3 Camera 88 3 Scanner 83 4 Smart Phone 50 10 Kindle 41 12 iPad 31 15 Other tablet 19 10 Average number of UK short breaks: 2 OTHER HOBBIES 14% have taken an overseas short break Average number of overseas short breaks: 1 34% have taken a longer UK holiday 75% Puzzles 55% Sudoko 46% Brain Training 29% buy Collectibles 19% Bingo Average number of longer UK holidays: 1 34% have taken a longer overseas holiday Average No. of longer over-seas holidays: 1 SPEND Buy supplies 22 TIMES per annum on average MOTORING HABITS Average spend is £37 Average number of cars: 1.3 30% have two cars in the household 52% have family cars Average spend per month £29 Average annual spend £434 Source: British Craft Survey 2012 CraftSurvey_3cp.indd 18-19 HOLIDAYS 51% have taken a UK short break 16% have city cars 19% are looking at getting a new car in the next 0-3 years Average spend: £10,622 (27% more than the average) 12/02/2013 09:40 FACT FILE CIRCULATION: 19,838 SUBSCRIBERS: 5872 READERSHIP: 59,514 FACEBOOK: 12,324 TWITTER: 1913 best beginner fun projects must-have expert advice fantastic free gift Cross Stitch Crazy is the place stitchers. Each issue for and is packed with designs for all ages and abilities, the latest news and products from the stitching world, , tips and competitions, plus a fantastic every month Source: Audit Bureau of Circulation Jan-Dec 2012/ Google Analytics/British Craft Survey 2012 CraftSurvey_3cp.indd 20-21 12/02/2013 09:40 CHARITY Average charity donation: £97 (87% higher than the average) Favourite charities to support: Medical (53%) Pets (39%) Children(35%) Wildlife (27%) Armed Forces (24%) female THE READER 96% Married or living together: 68% 33% have children under 18 54% work (34% full time) 64% own their home (31% outright) Median age: 46 TECHNOLOGY OWNED EQUIPMENT OWN (%) INTEND TO BUY (%) Computer/ Laptop 97 2 Printer 89 3 Camera 86 3 Scanner 80 5 Smart Phone 42 10 Kindle 29 12 iPad 16 16 Other tablet 10 10 Average number of UK short breaks: 2 OTHER HOBBIES 14% have taken an overseas short break Average number of overseas short breaks: 1 32% have taken a longer UK holiday 73% Puzzles 54% Sudoko 46% Brain Training 29% buy Collectibles 19% Bingo Average number of longer UK holidays: 1 33% have taken a longer overseas holiday Average No. of longer over-seas holidays: 1 SPEND total annual spend £25.5 MILLION* Average spend per month £30 MOTORING HABITS Average annual spend £446 Source: British Craft Survey 2012 * Based on circulation x annual spend CraftSurvey_3cp.indd 22-23 HOLIDAYS 51% have taken a UK short break Average number of cars: 1.3 30% have two cars in the household 51% have family cars 17% have city cars 19% are looking at getting a new car in the next 0–3 years Average spend: £10,427 (25% more than the average) 12/02/2013 09:41 new designs premium experienced showcases complicated specialist With more than 50 in every issue, Cross Stitch Card stitchers with ideas Shop for every occasion from births and to and anniversaries. Focusing on products and developments in the stitching world, readers will find for their cross stitching and card mount with buttons, charms and papercraft editions. inspires birthdays weddings ideas embellishing Cross Stitch Gold is a project magazine designed to appeal cross to the more stitcher. Each issue seven designs, which include stitches and more threads techniques using and fabrics. new FACT FILE FACT FILE AVERAGE ISSUE SALES: 11,965 BI-MONTHLY FREQUENCY AVERAGE ISSUE SALES: 9,500 PUBLISHED 9 TIMES PER ANNUM Source: Publisher's statement CraftSurvey_3cp.indd 24-25 Source: Publisher's statement 12/02/2013 09:41 THE�CARD PORTFOLIO ANNUAL frequency TOTAL PRINT REACH 71,536 15,760 TOTAL ONLINE REACH 21,155 Average issues sales: TOTAL SUBSCRIBERS 18,358 TOTAL E-NEWSLETTER REACH 62,433 13 issues per annum TOTAL SOCIAL MEDIA REACH 15,933 Average issues sales: 18,729 13 issues per annum TOTAL REACH 171,057 Average issues sales: 37,047 Source: Audit Bureau of Circulation Jan-Dec 2012/ Google Analytics/British Craft Survey 2012 CraftSurvey_3cp.indd 26-27 12/02/2013 09:41 CARDMAKINGANDPAPERCRAFT.COM is the online home for cardmakers where they are able to get up-to-date news about their hobby and favourite magazines. With free downloads, competitions, challenges, giveaways, how-to advice, expert tips and sneak previews the site has a loyal and thriving craft audience and community. number one Cardmaking and Papercraft is the UK’s card making magazine*. It caters for all card makers no matter what their level of experience them with 100s of trend-setting ideas to make from to such as gift boxes, table decorations, wall art and lots, lots more. FACT FILE THE NO.1 CARD MAKING MAGAZINE CIRCULATION: 37,047 SUBSCRIBERS: 11,240 READERSHIP: 77,799 UNIQUE USERS: 21,155 PAGE IMPRESSIONS: 192,559 E-NEWSLETTER SUBSCRIBERS: 62,433 FACEBOOK: 6,448 TWITTER: 1,806 inspiring cards paper crafts best and latest techniques top experts celebrity columnists Cardmaking and Papercraft offers the , essential step-by-step projects from , and top tips on the hottest craft products to buy. All this and a fantastic every issue, plus four bonus patterned papers. free gift Source: Audit Bureau of Circulation Jan–Dec 2012/ Google Analytics/British Craft Survey 2012 * Based on ABC Jan–Dec '11 CraftSurvey_3cp.indd 28-29 12/02/2013 09:41 CHARITY Average charity donation: £120 (131% higher than the average) Favourite charities to support: Medical (55%) Children(36%) Pets (34%) Armed Forces (27%) Wildlife (23%) female THE READER 96% Married or living together: 83% 29% have children under 18 49% work (28% full time) 69% own their home (35% outright) Median age: 50 TECHNOLOGY OWNED EQUIPMENT OWN (%) INTEND TO BUY (%) Computer/ Laptop 93 1 Printer 93 2 Camera 88 2 Scanner 85 3 Smart Phone 41 10 Kindle 29 10 iPad 18 15 Other tablet 10 8 Average number of UK short breaks: 2 OTHER HOBBIES 12% have taken an overseas short break Average number of overseas short breaks: 1 34% have taken a longer UK holiday 69% Puzzles 49% Sudoko 43% Brain Training 23% buy Collectibles 18% Bingo Average number of longer UK holidays: 1 36% have taken a longer overseas holiday Average No. of longer over-seas holidays: 1 SPEND Total spend is £24,451,020* Average spend per month £44 MOTORING HABITS Average annual spend £660 Source: British Craft Survey 2012 *Based on circulation x annual spend CraftSurvey_3cp.indd 30-31 HOLIDAYS 54% have taken a UK short break Average number of cars: 1.4 32% have two cars in the household 54% have family cars 15% have city cars 17% are looking at getting a new car in the next 0-3 years Average spend: £10,090 (21% more than the average) 12/02/2013 09:41 FACT FILE YOUR FAVOURITE CARD MAKING MAGAZINE CIRCULATION: 18,729 SUBSCRIBERS: 6753 READERSHIP: 67,424 FACEBOOK: 5275 TWITTER: 1356 beginners Aimed at , Quick Cards Made Easy is the perfect foil for its sister magazine Cardmaking and Papercraft. Quick Cards Made Easy is the magazine of choice for card making beginners and with its choice of quick and easy cards to make. crafters the latest trends expert advice any budget busy Each issue is packed full of fantastic cards, , top tips and on making the best cards in next to no time and on . Source: Audit Bureau of Circulation Jan-Dec 2012/ Google Analytics/British Craft Survey 2012 CraftSurvey_3cp.indd 32-33 12/02/2013 09:41 CHARITY Average charity donation: £125 (140% higher than the average) Favourite charities to support: Medical (57%) Children(37%) Pets (34%) Armed Forces (28%) Wildlife (23%) female THE READER 96% Married or living together: 83% 29% have children under 18 46% work (27% full time) 70% own their home (34% outright) Median age: 50 TECHNOLOGY OWNED EQUIPMENT OWN (%) INTEND TO BUY (%) Computer/ Laptop 94 1 Printer 93 2 Camera 88 2 Scanner 85 3 Smart Phone 41 11 Kindle 29 11 iPad 18 16 Other tablet 10 9 Average number of UK short breaks: 2 OTHER HOBBIES 13% have taken an overseas short break Average number of overseas short breaks: 1 34% have taken a longer UK holiday 70% Puzzles 50% Sudoko 45% Brain Training 24% buy Collectibles 19% Bingo Average number of longer UK holidays: 1 37% have taken a longer overseas holiday Average No. of longer over-seas holidays: 1 SPEND Total spend is £10,094,931* Average spend per month £45 MOTORING HABITS Average annual spend £539 Source: British Craft Survey 2012 *Based on circulation x annual spend CraftSurvey_3cp.indd 34-35 HOLIDAYS 54% have taken a UK short break Average number of cars: 1.4 32% have two cars in the household 53% have family cars 15% have city cars 17% are looking at getting a new car in the next 0-3 years Average spend: £10,240 (22.4% more than the average) 12/02/2013 09:41 THE�KNIT PORTFOLIO TOTAL PRINT REACH 37,995 TOTAL ONLINE REACH 8490 TOTAL SUBSCRIBERS 4503 TOTAL E-NEWSLETTER REACH 14,108 1 issue per annum Average issue sales: TOTAL SOCIAL MEDIA REACH 3250 5,000 4 issues per annum 13 issues per annum Average issues sales: TOTAL REACH 63,843 Average issues sales: 12,438 20,557 Source: Audit Bureau of Circulation Jan-Dec 2012/ Google Analytics/British Craft Survey 2012 CraftSurvey_3cp.indd 36-37 12/02/2013 09:41 KNIT-TODAY.COM is an extension of the print brand offering consumers a sense of community through our active forum and greater value with free patterns, expert advice, knitting news, subscription offers, exclusives and lots more. With Knit TV now on the site we are able to offer visitors videos on knitting techniques, basic essentials and fun stories too. number growing Knit Today is aimed at the of active knitters inspiring them with gorgeous patterns, features on the latest yarns and accessories, news from the , book and pattern reviews, quick knits and stashbusters and much more. must-have knitting world FACT FILE THE UK'S BEST KINTTING MAGAZINE CIRCULATION: 20,557 SUBSCRIBERS: 4503 READERSHIP: 61,671 UNIQUE USERS: 8490 PAGE IMPRESSIONS: 67,837 E-NEWSLETTER SUBSCRIBERS: 14,108 FACEBOOK: 1589 TWITTER: 1661 With our debut audited circulation of 20,557, Knit Today offers everything the needs and will be a key focus for Immediate Media in 2013 and beyond. modern knitter Source: Audit Bureau of Circulation Jan-Dec 2012/ Google Analytics/British Craft Survey 2012 CraftSurvey_3cp.indd 38-39 12/02/2013 09:41 CHARITY Average charity donation: £98 (88% higher than the average) Favourite charities to support: Medical (51%) Children(41%) Pets (37%) Wildlife (25%) Armed Forces (27%) female THE READER 98% Married or living together: 70% 26% have children under 18 47% work (26% full time) 70% own their home (37% outright) Median age: 52 TECHNOLOGY OWNED EQUIPMENT OWN (%) INTEND TO BUY (%) Computer/ Laptop 92 2 Printer 89 3 Camera 86 3 Scanner 80 3 Smart Phone 41 10 Kindle 34 11 iPad 18 14 Other tablet 8 8 Average number of UK short breaks: 2.3 12% have taken an overseas short break Average number of overseas short breaks: 1 39% have taken a longer UK holiday OTHER HOBBIES 73% Puzzles 55% Sudoko 44% Brain Training 22% buy Collectibles 18% Bingo Average number of longer UK holidays: 1 34% have taken a longer overseas holiday Average No. of longer over-seas holidays: 1 SPEND Total spend is £10,011,259* Average spend per month £32 MOTORING HABITS Average annual spend £487 Source: British Craft Survey 2012 *Based on circulation x annual spend CraftSurvey_3cp.indd 40-41 HOLIDAYS 60% have taken a UK short break Average number of cars: 1.3 29% have two cars in the household 52% have family cars 15% have city cars 18% are looking at getting a new car in the next 0-3 years Average spend: £9,348 (12% more than the average) 12/02/2013 09:41 FACT FILE inspire cater MAKE AND SELL YOUR HANDMADE CRAFTS SUBSCRIBERS: 4,120 AVERAGE ISSUE SALES: 15,000 UNIQUE USERS: 1,247 PAGE IMPRESSIONS: 6,298 E-NEWSLETTER SUBSCRIBERS: 144 FACEBOOK: 4,639 TWITTER: 1,103 Craftseller was launched in 2011 to and for crafters who dream of selling their makes whether it’s for extra pin money, fund raising for charity or with to launch a global empire. ambitions homemade , it is the only on-trend projects maximising profit Unique in the market multi-craft monthly title for craft sellers. Packed with handmade, , real life success stories, tips on plus stylish cover mounts of real use to the reader, Craftseller inspires and motives crafters to sell their craft and . achieve their dreams Source: Publisher's statement/Google Analytics/ British Craft Survey 2012 CraftSurvey_3cp.indd 42-43 12/02/2013 09:41 CHARITY Average charity donation: £103 (88% higher than the average) Favourite charities to support: Medical (57%) Children(40%) Pets (37%) Wildlife (27%) Armed Forces (25%) female THE READER 98% Married or living together: 72% 34% have children under 18 54% work (31% full time) 67% own their home (27% outright) Median age: 47 TECHNOLOGY OWNED EQUIPMENT OWN (%) INTEND TO BUY (%) Computer/ Laptop 93 2 Printer 92 3 Camera 89 3 Scanner 84 4 Smart Phone 45 13 Kindle 32 15 iPad 19 20 Other tablet 10 12 HOLIDAYS 64% have taken a UK short break Average number of UK short breaks: 2.2 11% have taken an overseas short break 39% have taken a longer UK holiday Average number of longer UK holidays: 1 OTHER HOBBIES 70% Puzzles 51% Sudoko 46% Brain Training 25% buy Collectibles 14% Bingo 35% have taken a longer overseas holiday Average No. of longer over-seas holidays: 1 SPEND Total spend is £7,305,000* Average spend per month £32 MOTORING HABITS Average number of cars: 1.4 34% have two cars in the household 51% have family cars Average annual spend £487 Source: British Craft Survey 2012 ^Based on circulation x annual spend CraftSurvey_3cp.indd 44-45 17% have city cars 19% are looking at getting a new car in the next 0-3 years Average spend: £9,978 (12% more than the average) 12/02/2013 09:41 FACT FILE sewing up-cycling Re-launched JANUARY 2013 SIGNIFICANT news-stand AND subscription INVESTMENT NEW LISTINGS secured AT MORRISONS, WHSMITH , SAINSBURY’S , TESCO, ASDA AND KEY INDEPENDENTS CLOTH STOCKISTS INCLUDE: Cloth is the UK’s only magazine that features and cutting edge fashion. It is the magazine of choice for women in their 20’s and 30’s who are interested in & , and like to design and make their own clothes. It’s and bursting with providing readers with practical tips, easy-to-follow projects, patterns, ideas, advice and up-to-the-minute product information and technical walkthroughs. The readers love to or , up-cycle and thrift their wardrobe and homeware to make it their own. They and are love to create and customise things for their home. trends fashion ideas catwalk inspiration adapt embellish clothing passionate about fabrics CraftSurvey_3cp.indd 46-47 12/02/2013 09:41 ADVERTISEMENT FEATURES Our advertisement features are designed and written to mirror the host environment and as such lend greater endorsement. They are the perfect way to showcase the brand and create a better understanding of it. THE S E I T I N U T R OPPO Advertisement Feature jOIN tHE CAKE BREAK: Friday 3 May Baking a difference! Get together with friends and family and join the MS Society’s Cake Break What is Cake Break? Our team tailors the right solution to meet your drive awareness build the emotional foundations classified advertisements bespoke advertisement features business needs. From branding advertisements which and of your brand through to driving direct response and designed to mirror the host environment and lend greater endorsement, we offer a whole range of solutions to . investment increase your return on Cake Break is simple; invite your friends, family and neighbours, provide them with plenty of cake and then watch the donation box fill up. Sign-up to receive your free Cake Break host pack with everything you need to hold your Cake Break event on 3rd May, or any other day that suits you. What is MS? BRAND ADVERTISING Drives awareness and builds the emotional foundations of your brand. 1 k Cake Brea Choose your venue, date and time... You can hold your Cake Break at work, home, school, in your community, wherever you like! Chocolate Cake Pops! 2 invite your guests... Personalise invitations and posters online at 3 Choose some extra aCtivities... You could raise even more funds by holding a raffle, quiz, or selling crafts at your event. 4 get baking... There are plenty of recipes to download at and check out our cake pops recipe! IngredIentS for the Cake PoPs 1 chocolate sponge cake 75g butter 150g icing sugar 2 tbsp of milk 1 tbsp of cocoa powder to deCorate Lollipop sticks White chocolate Food colouring Sprinkles and other decorations – be as creative as you like! 5 send us the funds you have raised... So we can add it to the Cake Break team total and share your Cake Break stories and pictures. Anyone who has any doubt about hosting a Cake Break should just go for it. People are always willing to help and support you and it’s fun! Carol Ream, Cake Breaker 2012 I received a grant from the MS Society, which helped pay towards a new mobility scooter. It gave me my life back. I can’t thank you enough Advertisement Feature ChoColate Cake PoPs To make the frosting, beat together the butter, icing sugar, milk and cocoa powder until smooth. Crumble up the chocolate cake in another bowl. 1 2 Mix in the frosting to the crumbled cake a spoonful at a time until the mixture has the right consistency – to test this you should be able to roll the mixture into a ball without it falling apart; however the mixture should not be too moist as it will make it difficult to decorate the cake pops. 3 Roll the mixture into golf-ball sized balls, stick a lollipop stick into each and set aside in the fridge until firm. 4 To decorate, melt the white chocolate in a bowl set over a pan of simmering water. Add food colouring if you wish. 5 Dip the balls evenly in the chocolate until they are entirely covered, and then cover them in sprinkles or other cake decorations for a finishing touch. 6 Leave the pops upside down on greaseproof paper and set aside in the fridge until the chocolate has set. Diane Goodlock Sign-up now for your FREE Cake Break fundraising pack online: by text: Text CAKe followed by your name SIGN UP NOW tO jOIN IN! to 82727* (texts cost your standard network rate). by Post: Complete the form below and return to us in an envelope to FREEPOST, CAKE BREAK Call us on: 0845 481 1577 Please send me a Cake break fundraising PaCk: Title: Phone number: Full name: Date of birth: Why are you taking part in Cake Break? Address: Postcode: Want to find out more? t: 0845 481 1577 e: FB: Email: By signing up you agree to the terms and conditions of the event which can be found at We’d like to keep in touch to tell you about our work. If you’d prefer we didn’t contact you, please let us know by emailing, or calling 020 8438 0889. *For full terms and conditions visit Multiple Sclerosis Society. Registered charity numbers 1139257 / SC041990. Registered as a limited company in England and Wales 07451571. Go ahead… get creative! JP760 DXL603 QXL605 TXL607 MC5900QC A ¾ size machine that is light enough to carry to classes, yet packed with 60 stitches and full of computerised features to make sewing easy. With built in stitches for quilting and heirloom as well as general sewing this is an excellent all round machine. Stitch selection and settings are so easy on the large information LCD screen. All the features of the DXL603 but with an automatic built-in thread cutter and advanced feeding system for precise stitching. Our first model with alphabet & memory facilities. It has direct stitch selection for the most useful stitches and a handy panel for quick selection. This machine has computerised precision and is packed with over 500 stitches including 10 auto 1-step buttonholes. Type in and edit lettering from 3 full alphabets and create custom combinations of up to 50 stitches, it’s all in the finer detail. Janome has a great range of machines to offer the very best in computerised sewing. The Memory Craft 5900QC really is the easy way to get creative with an incredible range of stitch options… whilst the portable Jem Platinum, DXL603 / QXL605 and TXL607 models are high specification machines at affordable prices. THE CRAFT DIRECTORY The Ultimate Craft Directory is produced on an annual basis. Bagged with Craftseller and promoted with every digital edition and on every website, it is the definitive guide to the best craft shops, products and services available. As such it is the perfect platform to promote yourself. MS is the most common disabling neurological condition amongst young adults. At least 100,000 people are living with MS in the UK and it affects almost twice as many women as men. With no known cause or cure for the condition we need your help. The MS Society provides essential support and advice for everyone who needs it, campaigns for change and funds world class research. £54 funds an hour of research into finding better treatments and, ultimately a cure for MS. But we can’t do any of this without your support. With your help we hope to raise over £350,000 to help beat MS. your Planning CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Our classified sections are the ultimate directory of products and services to satisfy every crafters needs. We recently created a comprehensive online directory to support the print brands and our online visitors. This presents the perfect opportunity to extend your exposure. TOP OF THE SHOPS Our round-up of regional retailers raises awareness of your company putting you on the map as a destination store for our engaged audiences. TWELVE OF THE BEST Our regular round up of the best companies for our readers raises your profile and encourages our engaged audiences to take action. STOCKIST/ RETAILER GUIDE Educates our readers about your brand and where to find it. Also supports retailers by encouraging our readers to shop there. For further information: Telephone 0161 666 6011 or visit our website The World’s leading sewing machine manufacturer 3369 - RANGE -AMY11 [210x297].indd 1 28/09/2012 12:20 1 5 Flamingo Crafts Wide range of card making supplies and craft materials. Everything you need to make your own great cards, including embellishments, scrapbooking and decoupage. 2 6 6 01763 262417 • 4 W 2 e stock a wide range of inks, stamps, papers,cardstock, craft tools, punches, haberdashery, jewellery making, home decor, clay, and more. All workshops, craft clubs and demonstrations are now all available to view & book online. 5 1 3 Unit 8, Dunsbridge Business Park, A10 Road, Shepreth SG8 6RA. (Located in the units behind the Baby Shop) 3 R O S E Card&Craft inspiring creativity 33/34, The Market Hall, Derby DE1 2DB Opening Times Monday–Saturday 9.15am–5.15pm 4 Unit 25, The Old Stables, More House Farm, Ditchling Road, Wivelsfield, East Sussex RH17 7RE Tel: 01444 471888 Paper_93_091 1 CraftSurvey_3cp.indd 48-49 M A R Y Telephone 01332 205100 Stock a great range of Kanban Products 18/5/11 15:53:36 12/02/2013 09:42 ONLINE AND TABLET OPPORTUNITIES extend enhance direct links information TEST IMON IALS With dedicated websites and digital editions we can your campaign further. We can the message with audio and video clips and offer to your site where visitors can get further and ultimately . buy Display advertising iPad & tablet Banner Banner Take over Take over “Even without looking at the schedules we know when any Immediate Media Co publications hit the shelves as the phone starts ringing. World of Cross Stitch, Cross Stitch Crazy and Cross Stitch Gold all generate great leads and orders from quality customers for every advert we create.” Terry West, Elite Designs “WowThankYou has been advertising in Craftseller Magazine since the magazine’s beginning. It’s a great platform for us as it helps connect us to thousands of fledgling craft businesses who are often considering where to sell their items online.” Tracy Kifford, WowThankYou MPU The Essential Craft Directory Newsletter and section sponsorship “Heritage Crafts has advertised for many years with Immediate Media, formerly Origin Publishing, and we have always been delighted with both the results and attentive service we've received.” Jon Blockford, Heritage Crafts “It is great to see Craftseller magazine keep in touch with people's real-life situations and passion for sewing and craft. The magazine is full of projects and informative interviews which will give an insight into the day to day lives of creative people.” Deborah Shepherd, Janome CraftSurvey_3cp.indd 50-51 12/02/2013 09:42 S T C A T N CO Caroline Herbert Advertisement Director 0117 933 8060 Jane Hendy Advertisement Manager 0117 933 8024 Michaela Montague Brand Sales Executive Cardmaking & Papercraft Quick Cards Made Easy 0117 314 8820 CraftSurvey_3cp.indd 52 Heather Golden Senior Brand Sales Executive Cross Stitch Crazy The World of Cross Stitching 0117 314 8817 Haleigh Jones Brand Sales Executive Knit Today 0117 933 8057 Amanda Harvey Brand Sales Executive Cloth 0117 314 8841 12/02/2013 09:42
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