May-15 - Grafham Cambridgeshire

May 2015
Issue 125
Grafham Gossip
Issue 126 Deadline: Midnight Thursday 14th May
Editors’ note…
Hope you’re enjoying the bird
songs as you sit out, or more
likely pull up the weeds, in your
gardens, and also the lovely may
blossom on the hawthorn.
Have you noticed that the rooks’ nests are high in the
trees this year, so that must mean that we’re in for a
good summer, unless it's an old wives’ tale of course!
The next deadline is midnight on Thursday 14th May.
Happy May Day!
Grafham Oil Syndicate
The syndicate continues to grow, keeping more money
in the village. Remember, it's FREE to join and we
must keep a bulk order attractive enough to attract a
discount, so simply
email Simon at
or call 819663
Church Services...…... 2
View from the Pew……. 2
Parish News…..…….…. 3
Councillors Details....… 3
Village Activities…..……4
Neighbourhood Watch..5
MNDA Ploughman’s…….5
Cambs Care/Support…..5
Streams in Desert -Jason..7
What bin when?............... 7
Adverts/Notices……...…… 8
May Day……………..…... 9
ecops Murder Investig..... 9
Adverts/Notices …...…...10
Lions’ Safari Walk.......... 11
Library Info….....…..……. 11
Cambridge Morris Men
Grafham Village Hall
at 2pm
Saturday 25th April
Grafham Cricket Club
The photograph shows players from Grafham Cricket Club and some fellow cricketers from
Buckden Cricket Club, after a session of indoor nets at St Ivo Leisure Centre just before Easter.
Grafham Cricket Club
are still looking for
players, so if you feel you wish to join us
please contact:Tom Chester (Captain) 07414 70627
Chris Brown (Chairman) 07968 568587
Chris Dighton (Treasurer) 07596 738210
The sour winds of March have given
way to almost Caribbean weather in
April; preparing, it is hoped, for a cricketing summer of warm sunshine, cool beer
and competitive games.
Below is the date of Grafham’s home
game in May:
Saturday 9th May 2015
Grafham CC vrs
Pavenham and Felmersham CC
Chris Dighton, Treasurer
Photo by Jill Dighton
May 2015
Issue 125
Grafham All Saints - Services for May
3rd May (1st Sunday) 11.00 Family Service Lay Led
10th May (2nd Sunday) No service at Grafham
Contacting the Clergy
The Revd Jason Taylor (Rector)
The Rectory, 15 Church Road,
Brampton PE28 4PF
01480 453341
07807 118070
17th May (3rd Sunday) 11.00 Eucharist
24th May (4th Sunday) No service at Grafham
31st May (5th Sunday) 10.16 ‘All together’ service
at Ellington
7th June (1st Sunday) 11.00 Family Service Lay Led
View from the Pew
The Palm Sunday Service at Grafham was a
very special occasion. We were delighted to welcome many visitors from Brampton and Ellington
and the Brampton Worship Group provided lovely music and singing. It was a special day too for baby Samuel James Parker-Craig and his family as Jason baptised
Samuel and welcomed him into the Christian family. Samuel
was accompanied by family and friends including mother
Catherine and grandmother Margery. His godparents were
Jason Holmes and Sarah Lunn.
Our Good Friday Service of Reflection was a time of quiet
contemplation on the events of that first Good Friday.
On Easter Day it was a pleasure to welcome Revd Clifford
Owen from Hartford who kindly led the Eucharist service.
An Easter egg hunt followed the service with much jolly hunting outside in the churchyard.
The PCC are currently applying for a Faculty from the Diocese regarding the remaining repairs to the porch roof and
chancel roof.
Where are those Easter eggs?
Help write View from the Pew! Email your feedback, on any church event or service
that you attend, to and we’ll produce a joint ‘View from the Pew’
with input from one or more villagers. Thanks, Ed.
May 2015
Issue 125
at business plans and feasibility studies to assess the
plan’s viability and its acceptability to the village.
March 2015
Three residents from Westwood Lodges
came to the Parish Council meeting on
10th April. They came to voice their
complaints and concerns about the operations at Ambleside Chicken Farm. The complaints centre around dust and air pollution, noise nuisance from
slamming shutters and the constant hum of fans and
the potential dangers of unsecured slurry tanks. The
Environment Agency and Health and Safety Executive
have been informed.
Cllr Peter Downes raised again the issue of road and
verge damage to Church Road. A certain amount of
work on repairs has taken place, but there are still potholes at the side of the road which pose a danger to
cyclists and some verge damage is still apparent. The
Council will be checking with Cambridgeshire Highways
to find out if they are expecting more work to be done
on the road.
Cllr Kevin Sharp has declared an interest in this item
and will not take part in the discussions and decisions of
the council.
On 24th March some members of the Council met with
Mr Wanstall of Ambleside Farm. During discussions, Mr
Wanstall was questioned about the potential for noise
and air pollution and it was noted that Mr Wanstall gave
assurance that the issues experienced by the village
and its residents from past operations were not likely to
occur under the current operations. Mr Wanstall agreed
that he would inform the Parish Council should he receive any complaints. It was his intention that the farm
would be a “good neighbour” and the Parish Council
hopes that this will be the case, notwithstanding the issues raised at the Public Forum.
The date of the next meeting is Tuesday 12th May. At
7.30pm the Annual Parish Assembly will be held.
At this meeting, the Parish, District and County Councils
present reports on their activities for the year just ended
and their plans for the forthcoming year. It would be
good to see our residents in attendance, to raise issues
of concern or just to find out what is going on.
Following an expression of concern for the safety of
children and other pedestrians on the village hall car
park, the Council has arranged for some signage which
give a warning to be aware of children playing in the
area. Other forms of traffic control, including road
humps have been investigated. Some are quite expensive and possibly in excess of the Council’s budget.
The Council has been presented with a proposal to site
a micro-pub on the village hall car park where there is
currently a storage container. This area is outside the
playing field area which is restricted for use solely as a
playing field and associated facilities. The Parish Council agreed in principle to the proposal and will be looking
No doubt you will have heard that there are elections
being held on 7th May. This year would have been the
year for Parish Council elections, but all the existing
councilors were returned unopposed and so we have
saved ourselves £800 in election costs.
After the Parish Assembly on Tuesday 12th May, the
Parish Council holds its Annual General Meeting.
Margaret Life, Parish Clerk 07780 119311
Full minutes can be read on the village web site
You may contact your parish councillors through the clerk or directly by using the details below.
Philip Allingham Chairman 01480 811516
Ian Gardener Vice Chair 01480 812821
Andrew Duckworth
Alastair Watson
Kevin Sharp
Jenny Barnes 07788 545197
Councillors Peter Downes and Patricia Jordan
and/or John Morris are available at the village hall from
11.15 to 11.45
on the first Saturday of the month.
At other times contact: 07765 833486 tel. 457802 tel. 458818
Twitter: @johnmbrampton
Send your news, views, gossip and photos
Can you see one down there?
Please make sure that people in your photos
have given permission for them to be printed in
the Grafham Gossip
and put on the village web site.
May 2015
Please check that your details are
up to date in the Babysitting notice
at the bottom of the page!
and Grafham WI
Join the growing team!
We meet on the first Tuesday in the month
Contact Sue 896139 or Ann 891372 for details
Like a lift from Grafham? Call Heather 819589
Grafham Wildlife
and Conservation Group
Regional winners of the BTCV Green Award
2006 & 2007 invite you to carry out woodland
Contact Sam Malt 01480 810844 daytime,
01480 811654 evenings.
Do you enjoy reading?
We would like to welcome more
residents to join us for informal
social evenings.
We usually meet on the last Tuesday of the
month. For further information on dates, venues
and the current read, please contact
Tina 07711 012957 or Val 07761 137012
Grafham Sewing Bee
Village Hall, Wednesdays 2 - 4pm
For those who enjoy needlework of any sort,
quilting, tapestry, knitting or anything else
requiring the use of needles!
Complete beginners also welcome.
Our purpose is threefold, to provide a focus for your
needlework, to allow the exchange of ideas and
expertise, and last, but not least, it is an opportunity to
get to know like-minded people.
A small charge is made to cover the hall hire.
For further details contact Barbara Williams
01480 812905 or
1 new th
is month
Bryony 17yrs 812354 experienced - newborn/14yrs
Lotty 18yrs 810842 nursery experience/first aid trained
Olivia 23yrs 811831 BA Early Childhood Studies
Livvy 14yrs 819708 babysitting course
Georgie 14yrs 432688 babysitting course
Emma 17yrs 860632 Meri - 15 yrs 811192
Nicci 14yrs 811279 Harriet 16yrs 810043
Issue 125
Grafham Social Committee
invites you to Coffee Mornings at 10.30am
on the 3rd Wednesday of the month:
20th May - Frances Knight, 18 Church Rd
This is an informal social occasion for
residents of the village. Please come along
for a cup of coffee and a chat.
The Mobile Library
Route H24 visits Breach Road, Grafham
on the 4th Wednesday of every month
from 10.40 to 11.00. The next visit is 27th May.
For renewals/ enquiries call 0845 045 5225 or click here
has a Public Entertainments Licence for music,
dancing, performing arts and can accommodate
92 guests seated in rows or 150 at a dance/disco
- an ideal venue for children's and family parties.
There is a playing field for sports activities and
the hall has small changing rooms with shower facilities.
Contacts: Pat or Alan Watson 01480 811166
Grafham and Ellington Art Group
Grafham Village Hall, Every Tuesday 1.30-4pm
Calling all who want to meet and paint with
like minded people on a regular basis.
Beginners and those with more skills
are all very welcome.
Cost: About £2 to cover hall hire/refreshments.
Come along with your paints and equipment!
Please ring me for more details.
Jackie Woods 01480 890279
Grafham Church Flower Club
We are available to decorate the church for weddings and
other church occasions.
Floral arrangements for: pedestal,
altar, font, windowsills, pew ends, pillars.
Please contact Hazel Powell on
01480 810326 for details and quotes.
If anyone in the village has foliage in their garden that they
would be willing to donate for church decoration for
festivals, please let us know, we would be very grateful.
Across the Churches Bible Study
We are a small group meeting
twice a month (Tuesdays 7.30pm) for
Bible study, prayer and fellowship.
We come from different churches
and are always happy to welcome new members.
For more information, please contact Rob or Jean Clark
01480 890033.
May 2015
Issue 125
23rd March Criminal damage was caused to a
front door of a property in Horseshoe Way, Brampton
30th March A property in Brampton was broken
into through the rear window and an Ipod stolen
10th April There was an attempt to lift hinges off a
rear door and to gain entry through the removal of
the door. This proved unsuccessful and no entry was
James Snell 07951 069 565
WATCH March/April 2015
30th March There was an attempted
break into a property in Church Road by
breaking locks on the front door, this proved unsuccessful to the offender.
Scams and fraud are on the increase (especially cold
calls offering pension advice) – please note I have
added a new number at the end of the article if you
become a victim:
ACTION FRAUD: 0300 123 2040
In neighbouring villages:
12th March Fuel was removed from a parked motor
vehicle at Junction 21 A14 exit
22nd March There was a break in at a property in
Brampton – there had been reports of a suspicious
white van being driven around but it turned out not to
be connected with the incident.
23rd March There was a dwelling burglary in Buckden
and a male has now been arrested.
All emergencies 999
Non-emergencies 101
Cambridge Constabulary HQ 01480 456111
Minicom for hard of hearing 01480 422493
Action Fraud 0300 123 2040
Crimestoppers 0800 555111 (anonymous)
Anti-social behaviour 01480 388379
To stop unwanted mail 0845 703 459 9
To stop unwanted phone calls 0845 070 0707
To report anti-social behaviour in Grafham
01480 388379 / 387097 or e-mail: or
Information and advice for adults
and older people
Ploughman’s Lunch and Raffle
in aid of
Motor Neurone Disease Association
Grafham Village Hall,
Brampton Road, Grafham PE28 0UR
Saturday, 27th June 2015
12 noon – 2.30pm
Adults: £6.00 includes a ploughman’s lunch and
a glass of Pimms/orange juice
Children: £2.50 includes a variety of finger foods
and a soft drink
Only 80 tickets available, in advance.
For tickets and more details please contact:
Diana Bass – 01480 458778 or 07584 496794
Liz Hart – 01480 810281 or 07837 605419
Registered charity number: 294354
As part of our changes in response to the Care Act,
we introduced a new online resource with information on care, support and wellbeing, linking to
more specialist sites for details:
This site is expected to be the first port of call for
information for everyone - staff, volunteers and the
public, based on subjects that the public and staff
have requested, with more specific links to other
local or national sites for more specialist detail. We
understand that people also want to talk to people to
start to understand options, what they can do themselves and where to get help. The publically promoted telephone number is: 0345 045 5202 and people
can go into their local library to get help if they do
not have online access.
Kind regards,
Children Families and Adults Information Team
Adults Newsletter
Spring 2015
Cambridgeshire’s Safeguarding Adults Board have published the latest issue of their Safeguarding Adults and Mental Capacity Act Newsletter which can be downloaded from the
County Council website. It includes useful information and updates for people who use services,
families and carers, the general public, and professionals who work with adults. To download the
newsletter go to
safeguardingmca and follow the link to ‘Newsletters,
fact sheets and resources’.
May 2015
Issue 125
Good quality
paperback books
in clean condition
We love to receive your paperback
books to stock our church bookstall.
Please leave in the church porch.
 Paperback books in good condition
Hardbacks x
Manuals x
Magazines x
Encyclopaedias x
Other items x
The book stall is a fantastic fund-raiser
for our village church but we‘ve found
that we can sell only good quality, clean
paperbacks and find it increasingly
difficult to lift, carry and dispose
of other items.
Thank you
for your continued support!
The Parish Council Agenda
is available to view in advance of the
Parish Council meetings.
Click on Parish Council Agenda, in the
main menu, then Latest Agenda.
Spaldwick’s Youth Group
is on Friday evenings in Spaldwick
visit Youth Group
for more details
May 2015
Streams in the Desert
The majority of us like to think we are open to change
and pretty flexible/adaptable. The reality is that you and
I are creatures of habit. We like to be in familiar environments with people we know where we can be assured that we have an adequate supply of the essentials for everyday life. All of us are happy to embrace
change and innovation but usually only on our terms!
God, on the other hand, is always on the move. I remember as a new Christian being told by a friend, “as
soon as you think you know where God is and what
he’s doing, you’ll realise he’s moved on”; in that respect
he is truly elusive. Isaiah put it this way, “See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive
it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in
the wasteland.”
God is always innovating - doing new things. Just like
the Israelites during the exodus I have a tendency to
look back at the “good old days” and wonder when God
will do that stuff again. I have been in services where
many people were healed in one evening, where people prophisied great things over the church and individuals; I have seen people transformed by the power of
the Holy Spirit and I experienced the audible voice of
God. So sometimes I look around myself at the Church
of England and wonder, “God, when will you do those
things again”. Behind my yearning though is the implicit
expectation that if God does move in power that he
would do it a way with which I am familiar (and comfortable).
I realised sometime ago that I may never see the things
I have seen in the past again, or at least not in the
same way, because God truly is a God who does new
things in new ways. “For my thoughts are not your
Issue 125
thoughts, neither are your ways my
ways,” declares the LORD. (Isaiah
55:8)” If I’m honest it was like a bereavement because I had to let
some of my hopes and ideas die
when faced with the reality of God. I
had spent years hoping that God
would do a bit more of the same
only to realise that he may, or he
may not, but only he would decide what he did, where
and when.
Having passed through that particular desert I have
arrived in a place of fresh hope and expectation. After
all, God can do anything he chooses – nothing is impossible for him. I think it was George Carey who first
said ,“Find out what God is doing, and join in” and that
is my new quest. In the past, without realising it, I had
been expecting God to join in with what I was doing –
not only is that back to front, it is probably a sin.
There is great freedom in letting God take the initiative.
I don’t have to worry about impressive plans or anything else. My responsibility is to be attentive to him
and do the things I believe he asking me to do. It actually takes a lot of the pressure many of us feel to
‘perform’ off. When I sense the hand of God in a particular situation I can dive right in knowing he’s there and
knowing that his plan will be far better than anything I
would have come up with.
As we celebrate God’s new creation, revealed to us
through the cross and resurrection of his Son, may we
all have the courage to ‘let go and let God’, discovering
what he wants to do and joining in!
Easter Blessings,
(Contact details for Jason can be found on page 2. Ed)
“Has the bin man bin Mam?”
Beer Festival
3rd and 4th July 2015
May 2015
Buckden Village Club is a Community run Sports and
Social Club situated by the Buckden Millennium Field and
playground. We are now looking to encourage new
members to join up.
Enjoy Live Bands, Discos, Quiz Nights, Darts, Pool, Crib,
Poker along with a social environment and social prices!
We have an HD big screen for all your favourite sporting
occasions and of course free wifi prevails.
Hire the Hall for functions or just come along with some
Annual membership is £10 or £7 concessions.
We look forward to welcoming you!
Church Cleaning
Can you spare an hour once every two months,
to hoover and dust the church to keep it clean
and welcoming? It only takes about an hour,
when done regularly
Please email
if you can help.
Issue 125
Dealing with life’s challenges
Jane offers Solution Focused Hypnotherapy to
concentrate on what you would like to achieve
for your future by helping you to build positive
Solution Focused Hypnotherapy is used to
 Stress at work or social stress, depression,
anxiety, panic attacks, post-traumatic
stress disorder
 Low self-esteem, confidence issues, sleep
 Phobias such as spider phobia, exam
nerves, fear of flying
 Substance abuse. Pain management.
Sport performance. Smoking.
To discuss how hypnotherapy can help you,
book a free initial consultation, contact:
Your advert could be here!
Jane Clark
07958 757076
Community notices are free
Business adverts are priced according to size,
payable in advance. They start at £3.50 for a
small box. This money pays for the printing of the
newsletter and any profit is donated towards
Grafham Church and its Restoration Fund.
Actions required in May
In 2015,
celebrates 16 years
in business!
Mow lawn at least once per week
Apply Spring Feed
Spray Weeds in lawn with Selective Herbicide
Spray drive/path/patios with total herbicide to keep weed free
for summer
 Irrigate lawn in dry spells, where possible after sunset
Some of the above tasks can be carried out by the lawn owner; other tasks may need
some professional intervention.
Reader Offer
“Book up for a Weed Control Treatment and we’ll apply the Spring Fertiliser FREE OF CHARGE.”
(existing Customers will receive an additional treatment free of charge too)
Call Deborah, Nikki or Richard on 01480 812393
“for that lawn you’ve longed for...”
May 2015
Issue 125
May Day
Traditional English May Day rites and celebrations include
Morris dancing, crowning a May Queen and celebrations
involving a maypole. Much of this tradition derives from
the pagan Anglo-Saxon customs held during the month of
May along with many Celtic traditions.
For thus it chanced one morn when all the court,
Green-suited, but with plumes that mocked the may,
Had been, their wont, a-maying and returned,
That Modred still in green, all ear and eye,
Climbed to the high top of the garden-wall
To spy some secret scandal if he might
Idylls of the King: Guinevere,
Alfred, Lord Tennyson, 1859
Sourced from Wikipedia
Queen Guinevere's Maying, byJohn Collier
Cold case re-launched as murder inquiry
Police are re-appealing for the
public’s help in solving the mystery of a man’s disappearance nearly 25 years ago.
The Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire and Hertfordshire
Major Crime Unit has re-launched Operation Ongar –
the inquiry into the disappearance of 27-year-old Andrew Bedford – as a murder investigation.
The last confirmed sighting of Andrew, whose 52nd birthday would have been 10th April 2015, was at Factory
Bank off Great Whyte, Ramsey, at 6.20pm on Friday
28th September 1990. He was seen in a light blue Ford
Cortina estate car eating some takeaway food, possibly
fish and chips.
Andrew, then of Tweed Street, Huntingdon, was wearing
overalls, a khaki jumper, jeans and trainers and was
described as 5’8”, of medium build, with mousey blond,
curly, shoulder-length hair and various tattoos.
Despite a huge police inquiry, which included extensive
searches by helicopter and specialist divers, a nationwide poster campaign and a reconstruction on
Crimestoppers, no trace of Andrew was found. Three
people were arrested but released without charge.
The case remained a missing person inquiry but police
are now confident, given the circumstances and the
amount of time that has passed, that Andrew was murdered.
Detectives believe Andrew, who was a reported missing
by his girlfriend on Saturday, 29th September
1990, was killed the
evening before with a
shotgun at a garage
called Mongrel Cars,
which no longer exists,
in Ramsey.
The prime suspect for
the shooting is now
dead but others who
were involved have
never been brought to
Andrew Bedford
Detective Inspector Ian Simmons said:
"Having reviewed the circumstances of Andrew’s disappearance and given nearly 25 years have passed, we
are now confident he is dead and was murdered. A
team of detectives from the three force Major Investigations Unit is devoted to the cold case and we want to
speak to anyone who has any information about Mr
Bedford’s disappearance and death. We would particularly like to speak to people who came forward before
but maybe did not tell us everything they knew. No unsolved crime is ever closed. Where there is an opportunity to bring those who have escaped justice to account we will. We are in contact with Mr Bedford’s family
and keeping them fully informed of developments.”
Anyone with information should contact the Major
Crime Unit on 101 or Crimestoppers, anonymously,
on 0800 555111.
May 2015
BSM Driving Instructor BSM
DSA Approved, Pass Plus Registered
Living locally in Grafham
Call John Sisseman for details
Tel. 07806 941675
Cinnamon Bar
and Indian Restaurant
Issue 125
Garden Care
Get your garden in order
Strimming, mowing, edging, borders, pruning
On-going reliable lawn mowing programmes
Local, thorough, £competitive
and reliable service
Call Simon Johnson
07887 628528
Thursday Night is 'Banquet Night'
and remember to just drop in to the Bar
for a drink and a poppadum anytime.
Call 01480 812211
Hinchingbrooke School Blazer
- size 28 inch, black with purple badge was left on the astro turf by the village hall on
13th February
It is being held at the Community
Shop. To collect, call in the shop,
phone 01480 810119
or email
To advertise in the
Grafham Gossip, email:
Community notices are free.
Business adverts are priced
according to size,
payable in advance.
They start at £3.50 for a small
box. This money pays for the
printing of the newsletter and
any profit is donated to
All Saints, Grafham and its
Restoration Fund.
May 2015
Issue 125
Huntingdon Grafham Water Lions Club Safari Walk Sunday 17th May 2015
Huntingdon Grafham Water Lions Club have teamed up with Macmillan Cancer Support to raise funds for
The New Woodlands Centre Appeal, by making the Appeal their charity for this year’s Safari Walk on Sunday
17th May. It is not too late to participate to help raise money for this worthy cause and help raise much needed
funds for the expansion of the Woodlands Centre.
Since 1979 Huntingdon Grafham Water Lions Club have
held their annual sponsored walk around Grafham Water,
on the 3rd Sunday in May. this year, we‘ll be celebrating
our 36th year.
In the past 35 years the walk has raised over £150K benefiting many local charities and worthy causes. On this
year’s walk, we are hoping for plenty of interest from local
charities, clubs and individuals interested in raising money
for their own worthy cause.
Walkers retain 90% of money raised and 10% is donated
to the Lions Club chosen charity. The Lions Club deal with
all the organisation required for a successful day so participants only need to obtain sponsors, do the walk, and collect the money
Local Fundraising Manager for Macmillan, Chloe Coombs, said “I am pleased to be working with the Lions Club on
this venture and hope for a very successful day. The walk has a history of successful fundraising for the local community and we hope there will be many participants walking solely for the Appeal. Building the new £2.4million
Macmillan Woodlands Centre will mean that all outpatient oncology services can be brought back together at
Hinchingbrooke Hospital, in one state-of-the-art building. It will mean more choice for local people, providing treatment on their doorstep instead of making long journeys to other centres when unwell”
Anyone who wishes to walk solely for the Appeal can be assured that every penny they raise will go to the Appeal,
as costs for the day are covered by the Lions other fundraising or sponsorship. The sponsor form also gives taxpayers the opportunity to “gift aid” their donation.
Lions Clubs help local communities in many ways and not one penny is spent on administration, the Club members fund these themselves.
Any groups or individuals interested in taking part, either for their own cause or The New
Woodlands Centre Appeal, should contact: Lion Bernard Dable on 01480 810704.
Lions Clubs work together to help others in their local and global community and further
information about the organisation can be found at
For more information about The New Macmillan Woodlands Centre Appeal go to
Photo: Lions Bernard Dable (left) and Keith Chandler pictured at the launch of the Appeal in March.
Activities at Local Libraries
Contact your local library to find out forthcoming events and
or tel: 0345 045 5225
If you’re reading this online ( click on
your local library to discover what events and activities are
coming up soon. Buckden Library , Huntingdon Library and
Archives, St Neots Library
Our new social group for young adults
aged 11 - 16 Making Space 4 Teens is
focused on video gaming sessions. Become a
member of the group for a chance to challenge
your friends on our PlayStation 4s or Wii and have fun at your
local library.
Interested in genealogy? You can now access
the fantastic Find My Past genealogy and history
resources at your local library. The site contains
the entire index to births, marriages and deaths in England
and Wales from 1837-2001, and offers more than 1.7 billion
international family history records from the U.S., Canada,
UK, Australia, New Zealand and beyond with records going
back to 1200.
As part of Connecting Cambridgeshire's work to
improve and extend public WiFi in Cambridge and
surrounding areas, the free CambWifi network is
now available at most of our libraries. The new network brings
improved WiFi access to all libraries and better download
limits at many larger libraries. The programme to switchover
all remaining libraries is due to be completed by the end of March.
Looking for inspiration when choosing
your next book? Our Top 100 Books 2014
and Books of the Year 2014 provide a great place to find your
next book in 2015.
Why not visit our Reading page to find out how you can join a
local reading group?
Download some top titles from our
eBook or eAudiobook catalogue We've
improved our selection of eMagazine titles
There are now over 40 digital magazines
to choose from, all of which are free to
download with no overdue charges.
May 2015
Issue 125
The June deadline is midnight on
Thursday May 14th Thanks, Ed.
Thinking of home improvements?
GAP Home Improvements are a local
family-run business, priding ourselves on
offering a premium quality of both product
and service…without the high price tag
Hawkeye Security & Surveillance Systems Ltd
We guarantee a pressure-free environment
and transparent pricing from the outset
CCTV Installation
Acccess Control
Intruder /Burglar Alarms
Intercom Systems
Don't leave your home unprotected
For more details, please call: 01480 811276
or email
For a free, no obligation quotation
please contact your local representative
Jon Goodchild on 07825 238240 or email
Huntingdon Business Centre
Blackstone Road
Huntingdon, Cambs. PE29 6EF
Paul's Private Hire and Chauffeur Service
Van Diemens Way, Grafham,
Huntingdon, Cambs. PE28 0GB
Tel. 01480 811594 Mobile 07795 296281
Travel in style via Mercedes cars
to your destinations
TEL:01480 819730
All your decorating needs including:
Coving, Decorating (Internal & External)
Drylining & Plastering
Please Call
Tel: 01480 812461 Mobile: 07708031493
Kevin Hutchinson
• Reliable Local Carpenter and Joiner
• All carpentry work undertaken
• Fitted kitchens, new doors,
wood flooring and much more
• No job too small
Tel: 01480 811863/07889 414274
Grafham Computers
Tel: 01480 810381
Mob: 07795663168
Desktop PC Repairs & Upgrades
Laptop Repairs & Upgrades
Virus Removal
Data Transfer & Recovery
Slow Computers Made Faster
Wireless Broadband Issues Solved
Opinions expressed in the Grafham Gossip, including past issues, are those of the writer and not the editors.
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