FARCET PARISH COUNCIL Clerk: Mrs Emma Tajer 48 Bath Road, Eye, Peterborough, PE6 7PY Tel: 01733 221285 Web site: www.farcetpc.org.uk You are summoned to attend the meeting of Farcet Parish Council Date: Tuesday 12th May 2015 Time: 7.30pm Venue: The Rear meeting room, Farcet Village Hall Signed: Mrs Emma Tajer Clerk to Farcet Council 5th May 2015 The Public and press are welcome AGENDA 809/15-16 To elect Chairman of the Council for the municipal year until the Annual Meeting in 2015. 810/15-16 Declaration of Acceptance of Office Chairman 811/15-16 To Appoint the Vice Chairman for a similar period 812/15-16 To receive and approve apologies 813/15-16 To receive Disclosable Pecuniary Interest declarations 814/15-16 To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 14th April2015 815/15-16 Co-option to the Parish Council 816/15-16 Signing of Declaration of acceptance of Office 817/15-16 Matters Arising from the minutes of the meeting of 14th April 2015 1. Village hall footpath-Style stated ' yes I will hold the price on the quotation. The only problem I have is timescale, we are now fully booked until August. If this doesn’t cause a problem, then I would be happy to meet on site and confirm everything. If you would like to go ahead then we will require a deposit, so we can order the materials into stock. 2. Victoria Street- Hunts DC have advised ' Huntingdonshire District Council does not have an archives office. However, I am aware that Cambridgeshire County Council do. I have carried out an internet search for Normal Cross Rural District Council and it does point me in their direction. The page does states that they hold archived material relating to the former county of Huntingdon which they say is roughly the area which we now cover.' 3. Response to the Traveller site, Straight Drove- as advised in the email sent by the Clerk to all Councillors a revised response to the appeal was sent to both the appeals team and the head of planning at Hunts DC as new information only came to light on the Monday 20th April. Cllrs Hyland, Hudson, York and I had to act quickly with this information to get a response to the appeals team. 4. Crime Commissioner Visit- feedback 818/15-16 Public Participation 819/15-16 Village matters 1. Additional waste bins for the village 2. Village maintenance contract 3. Church Walk play area (refer to safety inspection) 4. Dog Fouling poster campaign 5. proposed speed limit changes at Pondersbridge- consultation 820/15-16 Cemetery and allotments 821/15-16 Playing fields 1. Safety Inspection to equipment in Haddon Way 822/15-16 Planning 1. Approvals/Refusals/Appeals15/00249/PMBPA- Prior approval for change of use of redundant farm office and store to dwelling house, Land South West Of Cosa Mia Milk And Water Drove Farcet- refused 1401807FUL- New dwelling and garage following demolition of existing dwelling, Laburnam Cottage Straight Drove Farcet Peterborough PE7 3DJ- approved 2. New Applications 15/00632/HHFUL- Two storey extension to side and rear, 20 Broadway Farcet Peterborough PE7 3AY 15/00614/P3MPA- Change of use of agricultural grain store to A1, Farm shop and A3, cafe with associated car park, entrance and drainage- Whitehall Farm Milk And Water Drove Farcet 15/00596/HHFUL- Extension to side of property- 23 St Marys Close Farcet Peterborough PE7 3AP 15/00597/HHFUL- Proposed three storey side extension and canopy to front, 87 Peterborough Road Farcet Peterborough PE7 3BN 823/15-16 Finance 1. Approve accounts for payment: 677 12/5/15 s/o Clerk Wages £901.09 678 12/5/15 s/o Superannuation £365.20 679 680 12/5/15 12/5/15 102782 102783 Mrs Tajer Sloan Ranger Contribution employee and employer expenses VH cleaning 681 12/5/15 102784 British Gas £ 238.16 682 s/o Mark kinder 683 Every Friday 12/5/15 Village Hall electricity Village Warden 102785 C Deards £4.90 684 12/5/15 102786 G Watkins 685 12/5/15 102787 Hunts DC 686 12/5/15 102788 Viking Direct 687 12/5/15 102789 Playsafty ltd 688 12/5/15 102790 British Gas 689 12/5/15 102791 Viking Direct Plate hooks for the village hall Village Hall hand soap National non domestic rates Paper and printer cartridge Play equipment inspections Cemetery electricity VH hand towels, 824/15-16 £35.00 £200.00 £36.75 £1.60 £1224.00 £109.14 £184.80 £32.39 £84.83 Village Hall 1. DDA compliance for the toilets 2. Village Hall furniture/ internal renovations 825/15-16 Parish Council 1. Agree date for Parish meeting 2. Energy plan renewal with British Gas 3. Website/communication 826/15-16 Matters for information and reports 1. Police Report 2. Representatives on outside bodies 827/15-16 Correspondence A complaint has been report to a Councillor regarding the manner in which the Parish Council spends the money, specifically on the Village Hall. The Village Hall fails to meet the minimum standard regarding DDA compliance and there are other safety measures/general maintenance that need addressing on the hall, otherwise the hall will not be able to be used for hire by the Parish. 828/15-16 Complaint regarding certain street lights being perminately illuminated. The Clerk advised that she would light numbers to report these or the can report these direct to Hunts DC. A member public enquired why no notices had been erected regarding the local elections. Hunts DC advised ‘As there are no local elections in Farcet this year, the Parish Council will not have had a notice to display. There is no requirement, under legislation, for us to supply you with a notice of Parliamentary election.’ Matters as agenda items for future consideration Luminous – parking in Marshall’s Way etc. th 829/15-16 Date of next meeting 9 June 2015 Close of meeting
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