1 May 2015 www.starstonvillage.co.uk

May 2015
Pigeon Post
‘For Starston People’
Copyright  2015 PIGEON POST
The Production Team
Co-ordinating Editor:
Michael Bartlett:
Tel: 852318
The Red Cottage, The Street
Email: editor@pigeonpost.org.uk
Editorial Team:
Christina Davies:
Sue Moore:
Chris Sparrow:
Emily Taylor:
Mandy Carter:
Tel: 854600
Brick Kiln Farm, Cross Roads
Email: mcarter@carrotech.com
Advertising Manager:
Liz Stacey:
Tel: 853427
The Old Coach House, Starston
Email: elizabethstacey99@hotmail.com
Sue Moore:
Tel: 852387
Cranes Watering Farm, Rushall Road
Email: suemoo@tesco.net
Distributors include:
Brenda & David Beech, Mandy Carter, Jo Dye, Patricia LombeTaylor, Betty McKenzie, Alison Miners, Rosemary Steer, Anita
Weatherley, Liz Woodley and others.
Whilst the editorial team do not necessarily agree with the opinions expressed by contributors,
they believe that the magazine is available for local people to air their views. Letters to the Editor
must be signed. The Editor reserves the right to alter or amend any copy received.
Items for inclusion in the next issue MUST reach the Co-ordinating Editor by the 12th of the
preceding month, (usually earlier in December). Space in the magazine will be allocated on a first
come, first served basis. Photos and pictures are welcome and will be used wherever possible.
Please send copy by e-mail to: editor@pigeonpost.org.uk
For advertising rates please contact
Liz Stacey: Tel: 01379 853427 Email: elizabethstacey99@hotmail.com
or Michael Bartlett: Tel: 01379 852318 Email: editor@pigeonpost.org.uk
Pigeon Post is delivered free to every home in Starston.
It can also be sent by email in PDF format.
To request a PDF version please contact the Co-ordinating Editor
If you know of any new residents in the village please tell Norman Steer (854245)
or Michael Bartlett (852318) so that we can welcome them in Pigeon Post.
V i l l a g e D i a r3y
May 2015
Sat 2nd, Sun 3rd & Mon 4th May
Flower Festival in St Margaret’s Church. See P.14
Saturday 2nd May
7.00 pm
Gardeners’ Question Time - St Margaret's Church. See P.15
Friday 8th & Saturday 9th May
7.30 pm
Everyone’s War - Starston’s 1stWW Tribute. See P. 9
Tuesday 19th May
7.30 pm
Parish Council AGM &Village Meeting - Jubilee Hall
Sunday 14th June
10.00 am
Starston Dog show - Glebe Meadow
Friday 19th June
7.30 pm
Wine Tasting in the Jubilee Hall . See P. 13
Want to book the Jubilee Hall?
At Any Time
Ring Joy or Bryan Hanner 853200 or 853509
- Let us know of anything happening in the village for this Diary page
- Smart phone bar codes above: left Village Web, right Facebook Page
- Personal adverts and events are free so long as they are not for personal profit
Copy Date for June edition:
Tuesday 12th May
Pigeon Post and Information about Starston can also be found on-line
Or like us on Facebook http://facebook.com/starstonvillagenorfolk
Pigeon Post
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May 2015
Around and About the Village
Hawaiian Night at The Swan Hotel
…to Sam Carter who has just passed his
Professional Skills tests for Teacher
Training. His place at Harleston Primary in
September is now confirmed.
5th June from 7.30 to 10.30 pm. The Swan
Hotel. Join the Harleston U3A Ukuleles
and support acts in an evening of Summer
Fun. Refreshments and drinks. Beach
games. All proceeds to Harleston
Information Plus Charity.
Starston Dog Show
The Starston Dog Show this year will be
held on Sunday 14th June on the Glebe
Meadow. Registration begins at 10.00 am.
For further details contact Patricia Hepple
Tel: 853871 or John Formston at
jformston07@talktalk.net . .
We Happy Few – Harleston Players
There is still time to catch We Happy Few
by Imogen Stubbs performed by the
Harleston Players. The play evokes the
humour and fortitude displayed by so many
during the Second World War. Thurs 30th
April, Fri 1st May, Sat 2nd May at
Archbishop Sancroft High School. Tickets
£8 and £6 (concessions), from Harleston
Pet Stores or phone Val on 01379 852845.
All performances at 7.30 pm.
Gislingham Silver Band
will be performing at Archbishop Sancroft
High School, Sat 16th May at 7.30 pm.
Tickets cost £7.00 and can be obtained
from Fran Pitt-Pladdy on 01379 852617 or
from The Swan Hotel on 01379 852221.
Events at Pennoyers
* 30/31 May - Heritage Weekend - Village
* 6/7 June - Arts & Open Gardens
* 13 June - Vintage & Retro Fair - if you're
interested in a stall, please contact Diane
at the Centre.
* 20 June - 70s and 80s Disco Night - get
your loons and platforms down from the
A Coffee Morning With A Difference
at the Old Post House, Low Road, Wortwell on Thursday 21st May, 10.00 am till noon.
£3 buys a visit to George's car museum, a riverside walk, coffee and a cake. There will
be Plant and Cake Stalls and a raffle; contributions welcomed. All proceeds towards the
maintenance of St. Mary's, Redenhall.
Harleston and Waveney Festival
From 22nd to 31st August, with music events; the world premiere of
“Appointment with Death” by our resident playwright, Eileen Ryan; art and
photographic exhibitions; entertaining and informative talks; FREE Family Fun
Day to round things off. For children - craft events and a traditional Punch and
Judy show. The headline act for 2015 is the Opera Babes who will be appearing at
St Mary's Church, Redenhall.
Pigeon Post
May 2015
Notes from the Editor
The highlight of this issue of Pigeon Post
really has to be the news that several
people have come forward to offer
themselves for service on our Parish
Council (see pages 20-21). For the first
time since 2007 we have more candidates
than the maximum number of seats. (I
cribbed the year from our Parish Clerk’s
piece on page 13 so hope it’s right!) and
we will need to have an election. So, to
have your say on matters very local as
well as national, please turn out and vote
for your choice of Starston candidates.
Harleston Choral Society
Our current term began on Monday 13th
April (in St John's Church, Harleston,
where we now hold our practices). We're
singing Brahms' German Requiem, in
preparation for our summer concert on
Saturday 20th June. It's not too late to
join us and all singers are welcome especially Tenors ! - experienced or not.
Come along on a Monday evening at
7.30 pm (excluding Bank Holidays).
Subs £35 per term (some concessions
available). And on Saturday 16th May
we're holding a free workshop from
10.00 am - 4.00 pm in the church of St
James South Elmham, to work on the
Brahms Requiem - open to members, and
non-members of 11+, or just come and
listen (bring your own lunch). Further
information from Jo Curry on 01986
875494, jo.curry@sky.com or have a
look at our website,
Harleston Players Auditions – Dracula, October 2015
Harleston Players announce auditions for their autumn production, Bram Stoker’s
Dracula, adapted for stage by acclaimed poet and playwright Liz Lochhead. Directed
by local artist and animator Bazil Leith, this adaptation of the classic story promises
to be an unforgettable spectacle of gothic horror, and something that a large cast will
really enjoy getting their teeth into.
With numerous roles, both large and small, for men, women and older teenagers, all
are welcome at the auditions, which will take place on Monday 18th May from 7.30
till 9.30 pm and Sunday 24th May from 2.30 till 4.30 pm at the Jays Green
Community Centre in Harleston. Rehearsals – on Monday and Thursday evenings will begin in late August, with performances taking place over the last two weekends
of October, culminating in a final performance on October 31st - a Halloween to
If you’d like to be involved, or for more details, contact David Cumming on 01986
788439 or email davidjcumming@tiscali.co.uk.
Pigeon Post
Notes from a Starston Garden
I have a secret vice. No, I don’t watch
Big Brother or gorge on pot noodles or
lust after Alex Salmond. It’s worse than
that. When it comes to planting I am
indecisive, I dilly dally, in short I dither.
There are parts of my Starston garden
which I have cleared, ready for planting,
then I just leave them – or else bung in a
handful of plants before retreating to
regroup. It’s not that I like seeing areas of
bare soil, or that I get bored; I think it’s
more that I’m worried about making
mistakes. I want to find the exact right
plants for my sandy, dry soil – plants that
won’t sulk but will accept the conditions
and give me flower-filled beds, haunted
by butterflies and bees.
The quest has involved diligent reading
of gardening magazines and books and a
comprehensive trawl of the Internet. I’ve
ended up with a list of potential species,
but always there’s been the nagging
feeling that I might be missing
something, so I haven’t done anything.
Until now. The mental block was broken
by a Eureka moment which went
something like this. “You put in a plant
and water it. What’s the worst that can
happen? It might not thrive but it’s
unlikely to die. If it doesn’t thrive dig it
up, give it away and plant something
Even better are plant fairs where these
nurseries gather en masse. (I heartily
recommend Bungay’s spring Garden
Street Market, which will be held this
year on May 17th). The smaller garden
centres aren’t bad, though often with a
restricted selection, and even the DIY
sheds and large garden centres can yield
the occasional goody.
As I write in mid April the first fruits of
my new found decisiveness can be seen
in the old sink at the top of the drive. I
don’t know much about alpines so there’s
nothing that needs coddling - I’ve stuck
to the old faithful toughies such as
aubrietia, saxifrage and thrift. My
planting mania has gone even further. I
have found a home in the back garden for
a Clematis heracleifolia which a friend
gave me two years ago and which has
been sitting sulking in a pot ever since.
It’s up to you now, my little flower.
Other dither-busting acts of mass planting
will follow. Achilleas, catmints, sedums,
eryngiums. There will be no stopping me
now. My motto is “Don’t delay, plant
today and don’t dilly dally on the way”.
Dee The Ditherer
Topical Tip
Now you’re wondering do I plant out my
beans and courgettes at the start of this
Armed with that revolutionary manifesto month, or do I leave it for a while. But
(and a small inheritance) I have been on a seeing as frosts in May aren’t unknown,
buying spree, haunting plant purveyors
even with climate change, and frosts will
across two counties, especially small
blacken those little plants of yours, the
nurseries where the owners are
question you have to ask yourself is, “Do
knowledgeable and happy to share that
I feel lucky this year?” Well do you?
knowledge and offer sensible advice.
May 2015
Everyone’s War
How We Worked, Laughed and Cried
Our village tribute to the 1st World War is shaping up to be a
very exciting show. Stories and photographs have been
emerging from all over the village so do come along and share
in this community event.
Marvel at how the relations of your neighbours looked back then…
Wonder at the things they did…
Sing along with the Women’s Land Army song…
Remember the 35 men from Starston who never came home.
Fun and sadness, jollity and admiration. An evening to remember.
Tickets are still available for both performances Friday 8th and Saturday 9th May.
Don’t Delay – Buy Today
Contact Ann Leitch (423387) or Norman and Rosemary Steer (854245)
£6.00 for adults. £2 for those 16 or under
Refreshments available in the interval
Can you name anyone in these two photos?
It’s quite a challenge.
Pigeon Post
South Norfolk Big Litter Pick Starston will be taking part in the above during the week beginning Monday 27th
April. Rather than trying to have a grand litter pick on one day we will spread it
over the week and we are asking people in the village to spend some time
collecting litter in their own area. As the village Flower Festival takes place over
the bank holiday weekend, 2nd to 4th May, we would appreciate a concentrated
effort around the church and the centre of the village. The amount of litter,
deposited primarily by passing motorists, is considerable and quite disgraceful and
it is left to us to clear up. If anyone sees any signs of fly-tipping or accumulations
of litter that need clearing AT ANY TIME would they please report it to me.
I will be holding supplies of black bags, litter picking implements, gloves and high
visibility jackets and will be happy to deliver these to you and to collect filled
refuse bags when finished. Alternatively bring bags to the Jubilee Hall from where
they will be collected by SNDC.
This is our lovely village. Let’s do our bit to keep it so!
John Formston
- and a related snippet
Editor, Daily Telegraph
19th March
Subject: Litter
Dear Sir,
On picking up various discarded paper cups, trays, bags and unfinished ketchup
sachets, which had been thrown from a vehicle onto the verge in the beautiful
village of Starston, I found the receipt that confirmed the contents of the meal,
which had been bought in Norwich some 20 miles away the evening before.
The card receipt was also amongst the litter, a Visa Debit Card with the last 4
digits being 5219. I rang South Norfolk District Council to advise them and hoped
that they could prosecute the offender.
It transpires that as I had not been a witness to the throwing out of the litter from
the vehicle they would not prosecute the litter lout. I was completely reassured that
someone from their litter department would drive through the village to try to catch
the offender next time.
If the owner of the card would kindly come and help with the annual litter pick I
know that the team would be most grateful for their involvement.
Sincerely, Julian Taylor,
Home Farm, Starston
May 2015
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Karl Lugo
Joinery and Carpentry Services
For all your purpose-made joinery and
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Pigeon Post
May 2015
Parish Council News
It is with great delight that I can
announce, to those of you who do not
yet know, that Starston’s Parish Council
will be continuing. Indeed eight people
have chosen to offer their services as
prospective Councillors. You will find
an entry from them on pages 20 and 21
of this magazine. Unfortunately, due to
the size of our village, the maximum
number of Councillors is seven so this
means that for the first time since 2007
there will be an election. Therefore on
7th May when you have the opportunity
of voting in the General Election, you
will also be asked to vote for our Parish
undertaken a greater commitment to the
hospital in King’s Lynn.
Lara Griffin grew up in Starston, was
Parish Clerk for a while, then in 2007,
followed in the footsteps of her father,
stood for the Council and was elected. It
is Lara’s concerted hard work that has
ensured that the roads in Starston have
not fallen into disrepair.
Bruce Colman is also a lifelong resident
of Norfolk, moving to Starston after he
married Tanya. He joined the Council in
2003, taking on the role of tree warden
which he has held for the duration of his
office. He has been responsible for a
significant amount of tree maintenance
It is now also now known that three of
our current Councillors will definitely be and planting to enhance the village.
leaving their posts. Councillors Edward On behalf of your good selves, I should
Libbey, Lara Griffin and Bruce Colman. like to take this opportunity to thank
Edward Libbey has been on the Council Edward, Lara and Bruce for their tireless
hard work over the years and wish them
since 2003 so has served 12 years.
well in their future ventures and I look
During his term of office he has very
forward to welcoming the new
successfully chaired a number of
sensitive parish meetings. He grew up in Councillors at the AGM and Village
Kings Lynn and his career has taken him Meeting on Tuesday 19th May.
all over the world before settling in
Starston. Edward has recently
Sonja Burnett, Parish Clerk
Wine Tasting Evening
Friday 19th June in Starston Jubilee Hall
A fine selection of wines will be sampled, with some Starston residents presenting
a favourite wine. So please join us at 7.30 pm for Fizz and you will find out if the
Griffin-Sparrows, the Colmans and Bryan Hanner (to name a few) can tantalise
your taste buds. Canapés will be served with each wine and the evening begins
with prosecco versus champagne. Please join us to find out more. Tickets are £15
each and available from Debbie Griffin Telephone 854233 or email
Pigeon Post
Starston Flower Festival This year’s Flower Festival takes
place on Saturday 2nd, Sunday 3rd
and Monday 4th May
in St. Margaret’s Church.
The theme is “Anniversaries”.
Also in the church during the
Festival there will be a display of
Starston photographs - old and
Heroes and Heroines 2013
Flower Festival Opening Times
Saturday 2nd May: 10.0am - 6.00 pm
Sunday 3rd May: 12.00 noon - 6.00 pm
Monday 4th May: 10.am - 5.00 pm
Garden of Eden 2010
May 2015
- and Associated Events
Throughout the Flower Festival there will be an
Art and Craft Exhibition
in The Old Coach House
Starston Place
Cake stall and refreshments also available here
Gardeners’ Question Time
In St. Margaret’s Church on Saturday 2nd May at 7.00 pm
Four Professional Experts...
Terry Illsley
Andy Bailey
Charles Moss
Ben Potterton
...will be on the platform to answer your gardening questions.
They’ll be kept in order by Michael Bartlett
Tickets: £6.00 including finger buffet
Wine also available
For tickets and more information contact:
Tish Lombe Taylor - 01379 852393
or Margaret Griffiths - 01379 854385
Tickets available on the door
Pigeon Post
The Music of New Life
It's May, the merry month, when we
celebrate the passing of winter and, as the
anonymous 13th century poet wrote,
'Summer is icumen in'. 1st of May, do
you remember the colourful Maypoles
and circle dancing, ribbons in hand,
making lovely patterns, music being
played lustily on accordions and fiddles
encouraging both the dancers and the
onlookers to tap their feet, to skip and
dance to their hearts' content? The May
Queens in towns and villages being
crowned as a tribute to the Roman flower
goddess Flora, in homage to the renewal
of life and beauty after the barrenness of
winter. Will you be singing or humming
on the first of May, will your heart skip a
beat as you look around you and see the
signs of new growth, newly born
animals, burgeoning trees, colourful
spring flowers still in their prime, birds
singing just that little bit louder? Music
and singing have always been the way
people over the centuries and from
different cultures have expressed their
feelings and how often have songs and
music raised one's spirits and expressed
feelings much better than simply words?
working in the fields sang too. We used to
meet at the forge at night where we sang
all sorts of songs together. We sang in
the chapels and even when the First
World War came we still sang, often
along with military songs on the radio.
So I lie... I have had a great deal of
pleasure just listening and I have had my
singing too.” What a lovely tribute to the
power of music and song.
I would like to share with you one of the
hymns that sets my heart on fire and
which gives me hope and has brought a
real purpose to my life. It encapsulates
the very reason why God sent his Only
Son to live as man on earth to show us
how to live and to love one another and
to be glad for the treasures of this world,
which he created for us to enjoy and to
nurture, not to destroy by greed, abuse
and destruction. This same Jesus Christ
died upon the Cross to save us from
ourselves. He had no bitterness towards
those who sought to kill him, only
forgiveness and love. Singing this hymn
gives me great pleasure too.
As my Merry Month of May gift to you,
may I commend this hymn to you. “O
In his lovely book “Akenfield”, Ronald
Lord my God, when I in awesome
Blythe lets the villagers tell their own
story. One man, aged 85, tells of his life wonder consider all the works thy hand
of considerable hardship. “My life since a has made.” If you have not heard this
hymn before let me know and I will get a
child has been one of work, work, and
copy to you. I am even prepared to bring
work; I have never had any pleasure.
One day a year I went with the chapel to this gift to you in person and will sing it
with you along with my Ukulele, that is,
Felixstowe, that was my pleasure but I
if you are brave enough to listen. This
remember most, the singing as we
comes with my love and God's blessing
travelled, that was wonderful and
everyone sang in the villages and the men
May 2015
Harleston and Waveney Art Trail
OPEN STUDIOS 15/16 May, 23/24/25 May
including Bank Holiday Monday
There will be 24 artists opening their studios (11.00 am –
6.00 pm) in and around Starston, Harleston and Bungay
this year and we hope to welcome even more visitors than
last. We will be offering our full range of original
paintings, drawings, textiles, mosaics, ceramics, woodcuts
and prints. There are two Showcase exhibitions coinciding
with the trail weekends, one in the Pennoyers Centre,
Pulham St Mary, and the other at the Fisher Theatre,
Bungay, showing examples of artworks from all our
members. Good to visit our taster shows beforehand and
plan your outing over coffee and cake. Pick up our Brochure for details and opening
times at the Art and Contemporary Craft exhibition at The Old Coach House,
Starston Place, (part of the Starston Flower Festival - 2/3/4 May), from many of the
shops in and around Harleston or view the HWAT website www.hwat.org.uk for the
online version.
Christina Greathead, HWAT Secretary
Pigeon Post
Jubilee Hall and Glebe Meadow Update
At last plans and grant applications are
complete and work has begun to improve
the Jubilee Hall and to ensure it continues
to play a vital part in village life for
future generations. As you will have
seen, the scaffolding is up and roof
improvements for the Jubilee Hall are
well underway - hopefully completed
before the General Election Polling
Station jamboree on 7th May.
patches seeded, orchard trees liberated
from the deer netting, bonfire burnt and
the meadow is looking good. It is lovely
to see families enjoying it over Easter
and many just strolling. We have a few
people who help on a rota to keep the
grass mown in the orchard and top-end
with our ride-on mower. It takes just over
an hour with the grass needing cutting
every week April-October, and if anyone
would like to help us for an occasional
The end wall has been damp-proofed and mow then please give me a call.
re-rendered, and the electric wiring has
been upgraded, with a heater placed in
The crocodile log by the orchard will
the lobby
soon be
area by the
into a fierce
When the
looking seat
roof is
with jaws
and tail, and
the focus
bees will
moves to
soon be
the doors
again in the
hives. We’d
and in the
love anyone
interested in
we are
our village
grateful for
bees to get in
touch - our
understanding of all users while we try to bees will be a blessing for the Jubilee
keep ‘business as usual’.
Orchard and the health of crops and
gardens for miles around.
Meanwhile in Glebe Meadow, a big
Peter Grimble
thank-you to the volunteers who turned
out on 21st March and during the week
following. The hedge is now sorted, grass
Billingford Windmill Open Day
The Mill will be open from 12.00 - 4.30 pm on 24th May with Mill tours 12.30 - 4.00.
Admission: adults £3.00 S/C: £2.00 Children free
On the common: Scavenger hunt under 12's at 2.00 pm. Bygone engines and machines,
Robbie the farm horse, Norfolk Whittler. Teddy Parachute drop: 15.30 Cost 50p
For more information ring: 01379 853967
May 2015
The Jubilee Hall Story – Part 1
In the March edition of Pigeon Post we reported that the Jubilee Hall Trustees have
managed to secure grants to enable essential refurbishment work on the hall. We
thought it might be interesting to explore the history of the hall and how it came into
being. The main record is the minute book of what came to be called ‘The Starston
Amenities Fund’. Sue and Ralph Moore have been browsing through this book.
It begins: At a Parish meeting held in the Rectory Room on 30th October 1973 it was
proposed that a Committee be formed to enquire into the possibility of building a
village hall and the position in regard to grants etc. Proposals were made, and the
following people asked to form the committee: Mr T E Flatman, Mr D L Griffin, Mrs
A Lunn, Mr N W Moore, Mrs M Payne, Mr R F Riches, Mr A H Roper. Mr R G L
Taylor’s name was also proposed. A Committee meeting was duly held following the
Parish Meeting and it was proposed and agreed that Mr D L Griffin should act as
Chairman, while Mrs A Lunn agreed to act as Hon. Sec. The clerk of the Parish
Council was asked to arrange a meeting with Mr Goodson (County Education
Advisory Committee for Community Activities) and the secretary was instructed to
write to Mrs Askew and Mr Taylor to ask if they would be willing to sell land suitable
as a site. It was generally felt that nothing could be achieved until after the meeting
with Mr Goodson. Mr Griffin agreed to make enquiries of Depwade Rural District
Council as to Planning requirements. Mrs R E Wood, Parish Clerk, suggested, and it
was agreed, that she should join the Committee in order to further the link with the
County Council.’
So there it is. It is interesting that in the first instance the plan was for a new build. In
fact things progressed at some considerable speed; on 3rd November Mr Goodson
duly attended a meeting in the Rectory Room at 9.30 am to lay out the details of
grants etc. and ‘Mr Goodson said that Starston would stand a very good chance of
obtaining a grant, because of there being no alternative meeting place in the village.’
The Committee met at Cranes Watering Farm in January 1974 to find that things had
progressed further; although Depwade RDC had said they would raise no planning
objections, there were new ideas being considered. The Rectory, which was to be
sold and/or redeveloped, contained a ‘cow byre’ and Mr Taylor proposed that Mr
Griffin should enquire about this. The minute book reports: ‘Whatever happened, it
was clear that the Parish needed funds to make any progress at all. It was agreed to
call the project the Starston Amenities Fund…..’ And so a subcommittee was formed
comprising Mrs Payne, Mrs Lunn, Mr Roper, Mr Flatman, Mrs Tremaine, Mrs
Matthews and Mr Price.
The Starston Jubilee Hall project was underway.
Sue and Ralph Moore
Pigeon Post
Starston Parish Council Election Thursday 7th May is Polling Day for the General Election, South Norfolk District
Council and our own Parish Council. Starston Parish Council has a maximum
allowance of 7 Councillors and there are 8 candidates so there will be a formal
election. Pigeon Post asked each of the candidates to write a short piece saying why
they are putting themselves forward.
Russell Carter
I am standing under duress brought about by the thought of SNC running our parish.
Samuel Carter
I am standing for the Council because I do not want SNC to run our village and I
think it would be good to bring an element of youth to Parish Council work.
Fred Coates
I have lived in Starston for 4 years with my wife Vera and two grown up children,
Amanda and Stephen. Apart from a spell with the Ministry of Defence, I spent the
majority of my working life in the Printing Industry, and over the years have been
involved in representing people as a trade union official and later as a pensions
adviser. I have enjoyed administration in various sports, including football, cricket,
darts and bowls and currently show whippets, having also been Chairman of the East
Anglian Whippet Club.
I look forward to having the opportunity of serving the people of Starston after the
forthcoming election.
Graham Curson
I have lived with my family on the Pulham side of Starston since 2004 but until
recently have not taken a particularly active part in the day to day life of Starston,
relying on others to act in my stead. However, I feel that it is my time to step forward
to help with Parish Council matters and to offer my services to do something on
behalf of Starston in voicing the interests, issues and concerns that could well be lost
in the anonymity of South Norfolk District Council processes.
To offer some background, my career was spent in the health and welfare sector but
since having more leisure time available I am able to pursue many of my other
interests. As well as becoming involved in a couple of local voluntary projects I have
been getting to grips with research into my family history. If elected to the Parish
Council I can assure you of my best endeavours.
May 2015
- 7th May 2015
Bobbie Formston
I would like to serve the village and help Starston keep its independence.
John Formston
I am standing again as I would like to continue doing my bit for the village.
Helen Gale
Moving to Norfolk meant that I achieved a long standing wish to live in a part of the
countryside which has been largely unspoilt and retains a genuine sense of rurality,
the Starston area suits me perfectly. I have a background in education and was for
many years a Special Needs Co-ordinator in the Midlands but now spend more time
cycling, gardening, socialising with old friends and family life. My grown up family
enjoy frequent visits to the Norfolk countryside as their lives are essentially city
based (currently Cambridge, Oxford and Leiden). I enjoy my voluntary work at The
Plantation Garden and The Pennoyer Centre. I hope that I may also be helpful as a
councillor over the next few years.
Ann Leitch
I would like to serve the local community by listening to what matters to people, and
helping to provide assistance with the little things that affect daily life such as
community transport. In the nearly 2 years that I have lived in Starston, I have
helped organise the first Teddy Bears Picnic held on the Glebe Meadow in 2014 and
raise over £20,000 in grants to repair the Jubilee Hall - a wonderful village facility.
I am keen to build on the excellent 2008 village plan to consider the future needs of
the village, particularly in relation to younger residents (1 in 5 villagers being 16
years or under), and support the largest community building in the village,
St Margaret's medieval church, both to serve the community and to preserve this
heritage site for future generations.
RAFA Fundraisers
...are pleased to announce the following aircraft have been allocated for events in
June 20th. Armed Forces Day, RAFA and RBL collections at Budgens car park:
August 31st Harleston and Waveney Festival Fun Day, Recreation Grounds:
Pigeon Post
County Council News
Norfolk’s rural businesses are set for a
boost of £9m thanks to a successful bid
for funding to Defra’s Leader programme
by Norfolk County Council. The Leader
programme will invest £9m of European
funds into projects across the county over
the next five years, with the programme
benefitting the whole of rural Norfolk for
the first time. Locally we have the
Waveney Valley Local Action Group
(LAG) comprising several local stakeholders. The LAGs are supported by the
Economic Development department at
NCC to create jobs and business growth.
Prospective applicants should complete a
project enquiry form; projects fitting the
funding criteria will be invited to apply.
Forms from leaderteam@norfolk.gov.uk.
up to £32m, will last for five years, with
an option to extend for a further three.
The County Council has had a long held
ambition to offer a Park and Ride service
that pays for itself, securing its future at a
time when long-term support from a
shrinking public purse cannot be
guaranteed. These new contract
arrangements will save the council £0.5m
each year of the contract.
Are you interested in becoming a Master
Composter? If so NCC would like to hear
from you. Home Composting is a
fantastic way of recycling kitchen waste
and garden rubbish, turning it into a free
product that does wonders for our
flowers, fruit or veg. More information
from David Hawkyard (Norfolk’s Master
NCC is working with the Eastern Daily
Composter co-ordinator) on 0344 800
Press to organise the Stars of Norfolk and 8020 or email
Waveney Valley Awards 2015. This year mastercomposters@norfolk.gov.uk
the awards have been expanded to
recognize even more achievements from Contact me anytime on 01379 741504 or
the Waveney Valley, so if you know
someone who selflessly spends time
helping others, or has shown remarkable
bravery in the face of adversity, we need
your help to nominate them. The closing
date for entries is Monday October 12th;
a panel of judges will shortlist and decide
the winners. To nominate and see the 16
categories look out for forms in the EDP
or go online at www.edp24.co.uk/stars-of
From September, Norfolk-based
Konnectbus will run all six Park and Ride
bus services on behalf of NCC, as well as
managing the Park and Ride sites and
Norwich Bus station. The contract, worth
May 2015
Harleston Clandestine Cake Club
The Clandestine Cake Club was founded by Lynn Hill in
2010. Through her love of baking she started her own
secret tea room in the living room of her home in Leeds.
This then gave her the idea to create a secret gathering,
where keen amateur bakers could gather together and bake
to a theme, creating delicious cakes (without competition)
and mixing with like-minded cake lovers. The
‘Clandestine” bit being that you would not let anybody
know where the meeting would take place until the
previous day. The only rules were: no cupcakes, brownies,
cookies or pies (small bakes are not good for sharing).
Fellow bakers soon began to hear about the club and Lynn was inundated with requests
to host various events around Britain. Being unable to do this, she suggested that
people set up their own local Clandestine Cake Club groups.
The popularity was so overwhelming that she was asked to make numerous television
appearances to talk about the club. CCC events have been held in homes, cafes, bars,
village halls, woods, even Castles and trains! Organisers have devised some brilliant
themes, such as ‘Novels’, where members bake cakes inspired by their favourite
books, and ‘baking with beverages’ giving people the chance to infuse their cakes with
lots of naughty but nice alcohol!
You can read all about CCC at the official website: www.clandestinecakeclub.co.uk
and don’t forget there is a club in Harleston. See their web site:
www.clandestinecakeclub.co.uk/groups/harleston/ for information about future
Pigeon Post
Local Films in May
Pennoyers Film (Pulham St. Mary)
Title: Paddington (PG)
Date : Friday 8th May
Cost: £4.00 in advance, £4.50 on the door
Time: 8.00 pm (Bar opens at 7.15)
A young Peruvian bear travels to London in search of a home. Finding himself lost and
alone at Paddington Station, he meets the kindly Brown family, who offer him a
temporary haven.
Booking advisable - phone 01379 676660. Ices available
Harleston Film (Archbishop Sancroft High School)
Title: The Theory of Everything (12a)
Date : Friday 22nd May
Cost: £4.00. Refreshments will be available in the interval.
Time: 7.30 pm (Doors open 7.15)
Cambridge student and future physicist Stephen Hawking (Eddie Redmayne) falls in
love with fellow collegian Jane Wilde (Felicity Jones). At 21, Hawking learns that he
has Motor Neurone disease. Despite this, and with Jane at his side, he begins an
ambitious study of time. To book, please ring Harleston Information Plus on 01379
851917 – you pay on the door.
Alburgh Film (Alburgh Village Hall)
Title: The Theory of Everything (12a) (see above)
Date : Friday 15th May
Cost: £4.00. Fish and chips available from van from 6.30 onwards
Time: 7.30 pm (Bar opens 6.45). No advance booking - pay on the door
Answers to the April Crossword
May 2015
May Crossword by
7. Big toe deformity (6)
8. The downfall of HMS Sheffield (6)
9. Half of a newspaper’s title is vital to a
sailing ship (4)
10. A curve obtained from another
given curve (8)
11. King Charles or Springer (7)
13. If damp, it fails to meet expectations (5)
15. Very tiny misspelt Star Trek officer (5)
16. Member of a nation (7)
18. If it fails to keep a wheel in position it could
be hanged (8)
19. An uncouth fellow (4)
21. The French love it, vampires don’t (6)
22. A trendy form of cuisine (6)
1. Alexander would have to lose an “s” to join
a foreign parliament (4)
2. Any stepwise arrangement of the seven
“natural” pitches (8,5)
3. A substance that causes your immune
system to produce antibodies against it (7)
4. Enthusiasm which could add a “t” to
become a small monkey (5)
5. Something in everyday informal speech
6. Safest way to sit on a horse (8)
12. Plump young canine justification for overweight teenager (5,3)
14. To give distinction to (7)
17. An era in history (5)
20. Precede with “sit” to get Granny’s word for
your bottom (4)
Pigeon Post
Benefice Services in May
Trinity 1
Trinity 2
Trinity 3
Trinity 4
9.30am BCP
10.00am CC
8.00am HC
Service in
Memorial Hall
St Mary
8.00am HC
BCP Matins
BCP Matins
BCP Matins
Great &
Key To Services
HC: Holy Communion
PC: Parish Communion
BCP: Book of Common Prayer SW: Sunday Worship
CC: Café Church
Starston PCC Secretary: Ruth Cawcutt.
Tel: 01379 852087 Email: rcawcutt1@btinternet.com
Web Site for Information on all Services:
May 2015
Starston Parish Council
Edward Libbey
01379 855355
Bruce Colman
Tree Warden
01379 854542
John Formston
01379 853042
Lara Griffin
01379 855271
Sonja Burnett
Clerk to the Council
01379 309347
To contact Starston Parish Council: starstonparishcouncil@yahoo.co.uk
Starston Village Web Site: www.starstonvillage.co.uk
Local Councillors
Martin Wilby
County 01379 741504
Community Services
Local Buses - from Starston to Harleston
and Starston to Long Stratton and Norwich
Border Hoppa - this is a dial-a-ride service
based around Harleston available to anyone
who has no access to alternative transport.
Police - (non-emergency)
NHS Emergency & Urgent Care Services
(Including Emergency out of hours chemist)
Refuse Collection and Queries
Harleston Information Plus
For information
Ring: 0871 200 22 33
To register and for more
information ring:
01379 854800
Ring: 101
Ring: 111
when it’s less urgent than 999
Ring: 01508 533830
Ring: 01379 851917
Pigeon Post
Denny Holloway
Brick Work, General Building,
Hard Landscaping etc
01379 853471 or 07939 144446
Printed by Town and Country Printers, Diss 01379 651107