FRISTON PARISH COUNCIL Mrs M Thurston Parish Clerk Tel: 01728 688849 e-mail: 19 Stanhope Close Snape Suffolk IP17 1RH MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL PARISH MEETING held in FRISTON VILLAGE HALL on MONDAY 30 MARCH 2015 at 7.00 p.m. PRESENT: Cllr Mike Caplin – Acting Chair, Cllr Ann Patterson, Cllr Alan Simpson, Cllr Peter Pledger & Cllr Susan Jackson. Also in attendance Mr Phillip Dunnett SCDC, Mr Andrew Reid SCC, 15 members of the public & the Clerk. 1 APOLOGIES. Cllr Peter Watkiss, Cllr Rosalind Coleman, Mr Adrian Crossland – Coldfair Green Primary School, Mr Christopher Chapman – Environment Agency, Mrs Emma Laflin – Alde Valley School. 2 GUEST SPEAKER – MR CHRISTOPHER CHAPMAN, ENVIRONMENT AGENCY, at the last minutes was unable to attend. Cllr Jackson informed the public that the parish council has been putting together an emergency plan, main concerns are flooding, snow and a disaster happening at Sizewell power station. A draft plan has now been drawn up. Vulnerable people need to be identified, elderly and holiday homes (contact tel no. needed). Volunteers are needed to form a sub committee to take the plan one step further. 2 residents have offered equipment which can be used in the event of an emergency. In the event of a flood in the village the village hall could not be used as an Emergency Centre, therefore the Baptist Chapel or Church would be used. Please contact Cllr Jackson if interested in helping on the sub committee. Resident asked what would happen if a major fire happened in the village. This event will be added to the emergency plan. 3 MINUTES OF THE LAST ANNUAL PARISH METING HELD ON 31 MARCH 2014. Copies of the minutes of the last APM 2014 had been made available. The minutes were agreed as a correct record, proposed Roberta Simpson seconded Simon Ives, signed by the Chair. 4 MATTERS ARISING. None. 5 REPORT FROM THE ACTING CHAIR OF FRISTON PARISH COUNCIL – Mr Mike Caplin. The Chair reported on activities over the past year. There are currently 7 councillors serving as members of the parish council. The parish council meets every 6 weeks on average. Agendas are displayed on the village notice boards so that people in the village will know what matters are scheduled to be under discussion at the meeting. The 2015 - 2016 precept will remain the same as the previous year at £6200.00. 15 new properties built in the village during the year including The Meadows development on the old business park area and the new development on the old Cider House site. The allotment plots continue actively, the Chairman extended thanks of the village to Councillor Alan Simpson for his continued oversight, expertise and enthusiasm for this venture. After some delay and false starts, pleased to announce that the Chequers is due to re-open. The new leaseholders have refurbished the property and look forward to custom from the village and beyond. Encouraged members of the public to stand for election on the Parish Council. 6 REPORT FROM SUFFOLK COASTAL DISTRICT COUNCILLOR - PHILLIP DUNNETT. Reported that he is coming to the end of his 4 year term. Restructuring of SCDC means that 55 Councillors will be cut down to 42 and changes to 2 boundaries. Friston will now be in the Aldeburgh Ward. He is hopeful that he will represent the Saxmundham Ward. No increase in Council Tax. Community Enabling Budget will be available again once the new council comes on board. He thanked Friston for all the support over the past 4 years. Cllr Caplin thanked Cllr Dunnet for all he has done for Friston and wished him well. 7 REPORT FROM SUFFOLK COUNTY COUNCILLOR - ANDREW REID. Reported that it is the 5th year in a row that SCC has been able to freeze the Council Tax. £130 million savings over the past 4 years. Better Broadband is taking effect in Suffolk. The Enterprise Partnership will create more apprenticeships and find more jobs for young people. The countries first dedicated youth employment centre opened in December at Ipswich, MyGo. Norfolk waste management has made a landmark deal between Norfolk & Suffolk, both councils will make savings of around £1 million each. Offsted reports have shown Suffolk schools to be “inadequate”. Suffolk Fire & Rescue Service celebrated 40 years service. The Locality Budget will still be available and in addition to this there will also be an Enabling Communities Fund. 8 REPORT FROM THE COMMUNITY POLICE OFFICER. The Chairman read out the report, 4 crimes recorded. 9 REPORTS FROM LOCAL SCHOOLS. Report from Alde Valley School, Leiston, read out by the Chairman. No report received from Coldfair Green Primary School as the Parish Council receive regular update via monthly newsletter. 10 REPORTS FROM VILLAGE ORGANISATIONS. Village Hall Management Committee. Mrs Roberta Simpson reported that there are 7 members on the management committee. Christmas fair and car boot sale raise money for funds. Hall is used regularly for exercise class, village lunch, book club, church quiz twice a year and refreshments during the Open Gardens and Classics on the Green. The small flat roofed section of the hall was replaced with the help of Andrew Reids Locality Budget. Friston Village Lunch. Mrs Roberta Simpson reported that there are still 16 to 20 people who meet on the first Wednesday of the month and encourage more to attend. Cost is £3.50 for lunch which includes 50p towards a yearly outing. Last year in October enjoyed a meal at The Dolphin, Thorpeness. Thanked the volunteers who prepare tables, cook and wash up each month. Friston Parish Church. Acting Priest, Reverend Sheila Hart pleased to receive support from the village community and hopes to rekindle the association with the pub through carol singing. Church numbers are growing. The community of Friston has experienced a tough week dealing with the village tragedy and that the church has been there to give support to the family. Friston Church festivals are well supported and thanked the village for its support. New priest will be Reverent Mark Lowtha and Friston will merge with Aldeburgh. The Chairman expressed appreciation to the Church for the support which it gives the village. Bowls Club. The Chairman read out the report. Disappointing 2014 season and unfortunately Friston faced relegation. New members have been acquired so hopefully in a better position to move forward in the 2 nd division. New season commences on 27 April, club practice nights commence at 6.00pm on 1 April, all welcome. Friston Baptist Church. None. Allotments. Pump was installed last year and has proved very useful. Could be used in the event of an emergency, but it is not drinking water. Some very good crops produced in 2014, some of which were donated to the Aldeburgh Cottage Hospital fete to help raise funds. Over the past year 3 allotment holders have given up but 3 new members have replaced them. 3 spare plots available. Looking into the possibility of using some of the spare land for a community orchard, but this will depend on how much interest from the village. 11 MATTERS OF VILLAGE INTEREST. a. Highways Issues. The Chairman gave an update on response received from SCC Highways to date. Site meeting took place on 23 February with David Chenery, Robin Warne, Steve Griss from the police and 3 parish Councillors, discussed the following: (a) A1094 accidents. I advised that the eastbound 85%ile was 54mph, westbound 52mph. Most accidents were on wet or damp road surface. SCC considered it was the high end speeders who misjudge the alignment and need more skid resistance to stay on the road – as such we are planning to surface dress this section, probably in May and then monitor. Steve also pointed out that one accident was due to drink (which could have occurred anywhere), and several were inexperienced young drivers. We’d didn’t advocate a lower speed limit as speeds were already low and police enforcement would be very minimal. The pc did point out the Flint Cottage (who has had his wall demolished before) had 2 bright lanterns on his front wall by his access which can be very misleading at night (b) Traffic calming along the B1121 through Friston – pc has had sight of Robin’s sketch of roundels and 2 posts for a VAS. Total cost could be £4,000 – pc to seek grants (so might approach you and district cllr – you have some Local Highway Budget uncommitted this year with potential schemes at Shottisham, Orford, Bawdsey Quay, Boyton and Snape in the medium term pipeline). PC shown options for VAS kit. (c) Pothole in Low Road (where a jogger went through a puddle and tripped in the pothole) – SCC to ionvestigate localised flooding and repair the pothole (d) Bend at south end of Low Road – request from vicar for bend warning sign to avoid vehiles ending up in vicars drive – supported by pc – agreed 50/50 funding split between pc and SCC for sign and new post (e) Flooding on B1121 – alongside village green – SCC successfully negotiated with new landowner to install new soakaway – need to find funds, perhaps from 15/16 SCC budgets. In meantime SCC to clean out ditch opposite (f) Further flooding on B1121 – north of common – SCC to arrange for further ditch to be dug (g) Cleaning of road signs – no SCC budget any more for this, SCC happy for pc to do it as long as they don’t put themselves at risk (h) SLOW marking on bend at north end of village – requested by pc, SCC to process (i) Flooding on B1121 opposite Kiln Lane – looked at after meeting – new grip has been cut but ground is saturated so water is standing. SCC to consider extra grips. b. Village Litter Pick. Cllr Patterson will organise this to take place during April. The meeting closed at 8.05pm.
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