TABLE Calendar of Upcoming Events at First CRC INVITATION Sunday, March 15th: Lent Week 4 Lent Worship: Forgiven and Free: Christians are called to be a forgiving people first and foremost because COMMUNION We will be taking the feast “family style”, or together in groups of 20 or 30 people around the table at the front of the church. Starting from the back of the church, please come forward using the inner aisles and join the Communion circle. The bread and cup will be shared with you, and you, in turn, will share it with the person on your left. Please return to your seats via the outside aisles. Sunday March 15th 2015 Let it Be Said of Us Pastor Joel Schreurs is preaching on “Forgiveness” from Luke 15 and Ephesians 4:11-16. Reformed Foundations Class meets today, from 11-12noon in Emerson House. Supper Club meets tonight, 5:30pm at Chris & Amanda Lighthiser’s Home. Offering: General Fund Nursery Leader: Sandie Posthumus Helpers: Stephanie Den Braber, Jevon van Vliet, Becky van Vliet, Leah Monroe Children In Worship: “The Good Shepherd” Story Teller: Cathy Van Donselaar Helpers: Carissa Van Donselaar, Hayden Posthumus Nursery Care during Sunday School Hour: Jill Newcombe Prayer Ministry Elder: Donn Hansum & Bil Smit Sound: Bob Reynolds Video: Elianah Reynolds PPT: Jack Waanders DVD Delivery: Household 3 Coffee: Nolan & Joey Vander Ark PRAYER OF THANKSGIVING AND INTERCESSION *COSING SONG they are a forgiven people. As we journey toward the cross during this season, we will be reminded of our identity as forgiven people each Sunday through the celebration of the Lord’s Supper. As we receive these gifts of grace each week and are assured that Christ’s Body and Blood was given for “the complete forgiveness of all our sins,” pray that we will be strengthened to share with others what we have received from Him! BY STEPHEN FRYE *POSTLUDE __________________________________ Preacher: Rev. Joel Schreurs Musicians: Christy Bol, Nick Borgia, David Csepe, Hunter Lawrence, Jessica Elgersma, Pamela Hansum, Ari Waanders, Larry Young Cover Image of Cross: Nicholas Markell Monday, March 16th 6:30pm—Count Committee PRAYER SUPPORT AVAILABLE Following the worship service, if you would like prayer, or if you have questions about the beliefs or practices of First Church, elders are available at the front of the sanctuary to meet with you. First Church is also blessed to have a group of women who meet regularly for prayer. If you have something for which you would like prayer offered up, please send your prayer request by email to Cyndi at or Marj at We are committed to praying confidentially for you and your needs. Save The Date for a CEP (Christian Education Program) Information Meeting: Learn more about the commitment First Church has to Christian Education. Attendance at one of these three meetings is required to participate in academic year 2015-2016. March 25th during Family Night, March 22nd or 29th, from 11-12n. Questions welcome at Tuesday, March 17th 7:30am—4:30pm—Classical Conversations—Home-schooling Group throughout the building. 9:30am—Staff Meeting 9:30am—Senior Moments: Exploring The Mediterranean; Duffy’s Café at 11:30am. 7:00pm—Council Meeting Wednesday, March 18th Family Night Worship The season of Lent Welcome to all our visitors. We hope you experience God’s peace, Christ’s love and the Fellowship of The Holy Spirit with us today. Please fill out a Connect Card found on the back tables. We celebrate Communion today focusing on Christ’s forgiveness for all our sins. All who are baptized and wish to serve our Lord are welcome to join us for Communion. Following the service, you are invited to come to the front if you wish to have someone pray for you, or to attend one of these offerings: Cup of coffee or tea in the back of the Sanctuary Sermon Discussion Group in the Council room Reformed Foundations Class in the Emerson House (South bldg.) Sunday School for people ages 3-grade 12 in classrooms 9:30pm–11:00am—Ladies Morning Bible Study 5:45pm– 8:00pm—Family Night Meal/GEMS/Cadets/Unhurt Forgiveness Class & Coffee Break Bible Study Band: Kevin Roberts FORGIVEN AND FREE Thursday, March 19th 9:15am—Faith Café 9:00am—11:00am—Sew & Sews Saturday, March 21st 10:00am—Dance Team Practice in the Sanctuary 1:00pm—3:00pm—Stamp Class Sunday, March 22nd Lent Week 5 Pastor Joel Schreurs preaching on “Forgiveness” Reformed Foundations Classes 11-12noon. CEP Meeting in Pit Stop Youth Group at First CRC (upstairs) at 5:30pm. Offering: Eagle Lake Scholarship Offering Nursery Leader: Charys Youngsma Helpers: Brandon Baker, Beth George, Lauren Schwartz. Isaac Jonker Children In Worship: “Jesus Enters Jerusalem” Story Teller: Erin Reynolds Helpers: Carissa Van Donselaar, Hayden Posthumus Nursery Care during Sunday School Hour: Shirley Van Heukelem Prayer Ministry Elder: Paul De Boer Rick Schmitt Sound: Paul De Boer Video: TBD PPT: Brett Van den Boogard DVD Delivery: Household 3 Lord’s Supper Preparation: Household 3 Coffee: Mark & Sandy Barnes Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly beloved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. Colossians 3:12-13 The Fourth Sunday of Lent First Christian Reformed Church 1814 S. Emerson Street Denver, Colorado 80210 303-733-4936 The Church Office is staffed from 9:00-3:00pm Tuesday through Friday. First Church Connections is published for distribution at Sunday worship services. Submit announcements to CONNECTIONS@FIRSTCRCDENVER.ORG by noon Thursday. Pastor Joel Schreurs Nancy Waanders Kim Csepe Shirley Van Heukelem Rebecca J. Schaefer Larry/Alyse Young Minister of the Word Worship Coordinator Director of Faith Formation Programs & Office Administrator Administrative Assistant Custodians We are an intergenerational family of God, celebrating, seeking and sharing abundant life in Jesus. GATHERING PRELUDE PROCESSIONAL God’s gifts of grace are brought in to His people. What Wondrous Love is This *OPENING PRAYER AND SONG SHARING KINGDOM CONCERNS Christy Bol/Pam Hansum » LU 529 » Gather Us In » *GREETING » *OUR RESPONSE OF PRAISE Here I am to Worship LU 567 » » RENEWAL CALL TO CONFESSION LUKE 15:11-20 PRAYER OF CONFESSION Our Father We Have Wandered Nichols/Hassler/Bach ASSURANCE LUKE 15:20-24 *SONG OF CELEBRATION Your Grace is Enough LU 698 *SHARING THE PEACE As a sign of receiving God’s grace, we extend grace to each other with a handshake or a hug and a simple phrase of blessing:“The peace of Christ be with you.” OFFERING OUR GIFTS General Fund All cash offerings received are distributed to the organization noted above. If writing a check for today’s offering, please note the organization in the memo line on the check. All checks not designated for a specific offering cause will be allocated to the First CRC General Fund. SONG OF ADORATION My God, How Wonderful You Are LU 548 (vs. 1, 4, 5, 6) WORD CHILDREN IN WORSHIP BLESSING Children (ages 3-K) are dismissed to attend a worship service designed for their comprehension and participation. Their worship center is downstairs in the Fellowship room. As they leave, we share a blessing with them. Visitors and parents are always welcome to attend. Leader: As high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is God’s love for those who fear Him; as far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us. Psalm 103: 11-12 People: The Lord be with you. Children: And also with you Luke 15:25-31 Ephesians 4:11-16 pg. 1048 pg. 1175 The Word of The Lord. Thanks Be to God. SERMON The Whole Truth Please pray for Ron Zoetewey and family. His brother-in-law, Ron Engel, passed away Friday morning. Pray for healing and encouragement for those with vision problems, surgeries and hearing loss issues. Praise for reconciliation and restored fellowship for damaged relationships. Please pray for Bill Smit March 14-April 4 in Pensacola with World Renew Disaster Response Services. (To encourage Bill with a note: WR—DRS, Bill Smit, 2308 North Spring Street, Pensacola, FL 32501) Blessings and prayers for our sister in Christ, Ruth Lameris, celebrating 94 years March 14th! Thank you for all the prayers, cards, visits, etc. you, my church family, have blessed me with while I am on this journey. I so appreciate your care.”~ Margaret Zigterman STEPHEN MINISTERS ARE HERE FOR YOU Who could receive the care of a Stephen Minister? Someone like Esther who was faced with a major decision and needed someone to listen to her concerns and offer encouragement. Or, Someone like Elijah who thought he was all alone and needed a small voice to encourage him. If you would like to know more about how a Stephen Minister could help you...please call: Alice Waanders #720-283-8084, Cyndi Berghuis #303-290-9534, or Beth Posthumus #303-947-1085. MISSION UPDATE Hannah Van der Vorst posted a short report about her trip to Nicaragua with her Calvin College Engineering Senior Design team on our website. She and her team visited a remote village to assess the water purification needs with the intent of supplying this village with an ultraviolet water disinfection unit that the team will be building. If you would like to learn more about her trip, Hannah will be in church this morning (Spring Break) or you can read her post on our website: Apex Church Plant, a mission of Church Multiplication (a joint church-planting ministry of the CRCNA and RCA), will be hosting an informational meeting Today, Sunday, March 15th at 6:00pm at the home of George and Robin Saylor: 7217 South Yarrow Court, Littleton, CO 80128. Snacks will be served followed by a brief presentation and Q & A time. If you are interested in attending, or want to know more: RSVP to George:, or call/text 720-355-9571. The Table Ministry invites your participation in their Spring Seed & Supplies Drive In spite of the snow, a new season at The Table is about to begin! The Table Gardens continue to open doors for us to engage the neighborhood with tangible grace. We invite your participation in the launch of our gardens in 2015 by helping us collect some non GMO seeds and supplies. Look for a supply list in your boxes and a collection bin in the foyer underneath the coffee. Financial contributions are always appreciated! Planning Ahead For Honduras Next fall we are planning two trips to Honduras: November 7-14, and December 5-12, 2015. These trips are available to all CRC members ages 14-88. The cost is approximately $1900 per person with a valid passport and current immunizations. Partial financial help will be available. Please contact Al Wassenaar: NEW CLASSES AND UPCOMING EVENTS AT FIRST CRC: (Un)Hurt: The Healing Power of Forgiveness, Wednesday Nights at 6:45pm. We will follow the UnHurt Curriculum which leads us through practical steps toward forgiveness. Please RSVP to Kim Csepe at Reformed Foundations Class: Wondering what it means to be a part of a “Reformed” church? You are not alone! Join Pastor Joel during the education hour (11-12noon) today in the Emerson House, and on March 22, & 29 to learn more about our “theological accent” and the way it impacts life and ministry at First CRC. This class is designed for people who are new to the Reformed expression of the Christian faith, and who are interested in membership at First CRC, but all are welcome to attend. Childcare is available. GEMS & CADETS PINEWOOD DERBY RACE Join us for Race Night: This year’s Pinewood Derby race is on Wednesday, March 25th, in the Sanctuary at 6:30pm. You won’t want to miss it! For the first time ever, we will see GEMs competing in the race, and all the racers have some amazing cars to display. This is a high energy night of fun, and spectators of all ages are welcome! SENIOR MOMENTS Today is the last day to sign-up for the March 17th event, “EXPLORING THE MEDITERRANEAN” presented by Walt & Carol Ackerman. 9:30am Coffee time. NOTE: The time for the slide show is 10:00am. Lunch at Duffy’s Café at 11:30am. Questions: Call Betty #303-514-6251, or Beth #303-947-1085. SUPPER CLUB Supper Club will meet this evening, Sunday, March 15th at 5:30pm at Chris and Amanda Lighthiser’s house: 4161 S. Joplin Street, Aurora, CO 80013 The theme this month is anything green! Please bring food or drinks to share, and feel free to pass this invitation on! RSVP to Maria at WELCOME TEAM If you enjoy passing on the blessing of hospitality to others, consider joining the welcome team. This is a team of greeters who come a little early to make sure that people are welcomed and able to find out what they need to know on Sunday mornings. Whether you are newer or have been around for decades, we invite you to be a part of this team. If interested, please contact Kim Csepe at LIBRARY NEWS Need to forgive and don’t know how? Pastor Joel Schreurs has recommended several books that will tie into the Forgiveness series. “The Art of Forgiving”, and “Forgive and Forget”, by Lewis B. Smedes The books can be found on the new book display shelf. Celebrating Our Missionary Birthdays PRAYER FOR ILLUMINATION SCRIPTURE A nnouncements Joel Schreurs PRAYER *Lets us know when to stand during worship; Bold print indicates when we speak together. Victor Perez Margaret Njuguna March 22nd March 29th UPCOMING EVENTS IN OUR NEIGHBORHOOD & BEYOND PLATT PARK CHILDREN’S CENTER ~ Save the Date, April 25th for PPCC’s Fundraiser Event Platt Park Children’s Center is accepting teacher applications for the 2015-2016 school year. PPCC is also seeking an assistant teacher for March-May of this school year. Call 303-282-7722. SAVE YOUR COINS! ~ Navigator’s Eagle Lake Camps at Platt Park on August 3-7 It may seem like the distant future, but camp will be here before you know it. Next Sunday, March 22, we have an offering scheduled to raise money for scholarships so that every child will have an opportunity to participate in this exciting week of adventures and unforgettable experiences. So start saving your coins today and let’s see how much money we can raise for these scholarships. SPRING GROW GROUPS ~ APRIL 12-MAY10 GROW GROUPS: a time to grow in faith together, to grow in closer communion with God and to grow in love for all by serving Him. This is a great way to connect with church family, to give and receive encouragement, to listen to what God is saying and to nurture relationships regardless of age, stage or spiritual maturity. Grow group leaders will be contacting you with plans for a shared meal on April 12th, 11-12n. Groups will meet during the education hour for fun, intergenerational study of God’s Word the next three Sundays: April 19, 26 and May 3. The Spring session will culminate with group service projects the week of May 10th.
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