FIRST OMAGH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH SUNDAY 29th MARCH 2015 This Afternoon: 3.00 pm - 5.00 pm in Grange Park, Omagh ~ A Palm Sunday Event for everyone to enjoy. Omagh Churches Forum have organised a Palm Sunday Procession and Service which will be followed by music and dance items from various youth choirs and dance groups. All are welcome and encouraged to attend. Holy Week: WEDNESDAY @ 1.10 pm ~ Lenten Service followed by a Soup Lunch. Both the service and the Soup Lunch will take place in the Rowan Hall. THURSDAY @ 7.30 pm ~ Informal Communion Service in the Rowan Hall. Please note that E100 meetings will take a break over the Easter Holiday period and resume again on Thursday 16th April. Readings for the week will be included in the church notices on Sunday 12th April. FRIDAY @ 7.30 pm ~ A special Good Friday Service is being held in Gillygooley Presbyterian Church and an invitation is extended to all to come along. All our other organisations will meet as usual. Next Sunday: 6.30 am ~ Easter Day Dawn Service at Knockmany and 11.30 am ~ Easter Sunday Service in First Omagh. Adult Communion Class: After Easter, Jane is offering an opportunity for any adults who would be interested in becoming communicant members of the congregation to meet with her for one or two evenings prior to the next Communion Service which will take place on Sunday 26th April. Please speak to her if you are interested in exploring this opportunity. Advance Notice: Our Congregational Annual General Meeting will take place immediately after Morning Worship on Sunday 19th April. Prayer Points for the Week: Jamaica... Give thanks for our partnership with the United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands (UCJCI) and pray for God’s blessing on its life, witness and service in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands. Particularly give thanks and pray for its outreach programmes to the vulnerable, e.g. the elderly, neglected children, one-parent families, addicts and those living on the streets. Alt Presbyterian Church... Pray for the Rev. Colin McKibbon and the Kirk Sessions of the new linkage between Alt, Carnone, Convoy and Donoughmore congregations which will come into effect on the 19th April. Pray also for the new linkage between Second Castlederg and Urney and that the new congregations will soon be in a position to issue a call to a new minister. Boys’ Brigade... Give thanks for First Omagh Boys’ Brigade Company, the committed team of leaders and the enthusiastic and energetic boys in each of the three sections. Pray that their mission statement - "The advancement of Christ's Kingdom among Boys, and the promotion of habits of Obedience, Reverence, Discipline, Self-Respect and all that tends towards a true Christian manliness" - would become a reality in the lives of those who attend the organisation not just in Omagh but across the world. Fermanagh & Omagh District Council... Please pray for the Councillors and Council staff of the newly formed Council as it comes into effect on Wednesday 1st April. Pray that this larger body would effectively meet the needs of all those living in the Fermanagh and Omagh area and that good working relationships and practices would be established between the various departments and agencies in this time of transition. ‘Count Your Blessings This Lent’ for Christian Aid | Week 7 | Climate Change: 30th Mar… Concentration of CO2 has increased by 40% since pre-industrial times. Car emissions and gas and electricity usage all contribute to this. Give 40p for each car journey and 20p for each journey on public transport you make. 31st Mar... If we don’t act fast, climate change could cause a global temperature rise of up to 4.5°C. Count the number of radiators you have in your home. Give 30p for each one. 1st Apr... Today, thousands of people all over the world will go without food as part of the Fast for the Climate movement. Join in and find out more at 2nd Apr... Maundy Thursday. Galgalo has to find water for his cattle, but it is getting harder because the rains are more erratic. Give £1 if you have checked the weather forecast today. 3rd Apr... Good Friday. Our partners are teaching alternative farming techniques to help farmers cope with changing climate conditions. Praise God for innovative techniques that allow people to adapt to changing weather patterns. 4th and 5th Apr... Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday. When Elema was growing up she remembers that the cattle were fat, the children always had milk to drink and it rained regularly so it was very good for the area. But now this isn't the case. ‘We are facing poverty, we are facing hunger because of the ever-changing climate in this area,’ she says. Pray that more people understand the effects of climate change and demand a stop to it. Clothes Collection Fundraiser :: Contact Edwin Johnston (079 2001 6573) or Basil Virtue (077 1009 3564) if you have any items to donate. CD RECORDINGS OF SERVICES ON 1ST, 8TH, 15TH & 22nd MARCH ARE AVAILABLE IN THE FRONT VESTIBULE Pastoral Care Please contact Rev. Jane Nelson if you or your family have any pastoral care needs. Minister ~ Rev. J. Nelson • T: 8224 2239 • E: Clerk of Session ~ Miss A. M. Hodge • T: 8224 4771 • E: Congregational Secretary ~ Mr. S. A. Rainey • T: 8224 2844 • E: Announcements ~ Mr. N. Hagan • T: 07970 022253 • E:
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