For Your Prayers As part of Churches Together in Hexham we pray for the people of Hexham Society of Friends (The Quaker Meeting) Within Hexham Deanery we pray for the parishes of Greenhead and Haltwhistle and their Vicar, Revd Neil Wilson Within our Diocese we pray for the work of Partners in Community Action and all who serve the needs of communities that are struggling. Within our Parish we pray for our Vergers, office staff and all who look after and care for the Abbey. We pray for those who will be confirmed today, for Jess Baker, Holly Gold, Calum McGowan, Clare Moon, Philip Arnold and Andrew Morsman from Alston We pray for Suzy le Carpentier and Damian Borrill who are to be married on Saturday at the Abbey. We pray for our world, especially for the people of Nepal, Syria and Yemen, and for the work of the West Northumberland Food Bank. For those who are unwell or who have asked for our prayers including, Karen Wells, Elizabeth Clarke, Ken Norton, Malcolm Hare, Edna O’Neil, Stan Batey, Joyce Christie, Alice Yates, Br Damian SSF, Dorothy Grieveson, Pam Bolt and Norrie Leah. For those who have died, especially Annie Liddell, Eric Mott, Jean Graham and all those who mourn. HEXHAM ABBEY The Priory and Parish Church of St Andrew Sunday 17th May Confirmation Welcome to the Abbey today as we celebrate as the family of the Church with Jess, Holly, Calum, Clare, Arnie and Andy who today confirm the promises made on their behalf at baptism. A very warm welcome to their families and friends as you come to support them. We welcome Bishop Stephen Pedley as our president and preacher this morning. During communion all are invited to come forward for bread and wine or a blessing – if for a blessing simply keep your head bowed. Junior Church please join the opening procession and you will be guided to your group in the Priory Buildings. Sunday Tots (0-5) make your way to the Priory Buildings through the Cloister Porch door during the first hymn TODAY'S SERVICES 8.30am Preacher - do stay for refreshments after the service 10.00am Interim Minister: Assistant Priest: Retired Clergy Contact: Reader: Readers Emeriti: Director of Music: Assistant Organist: Administrator: Volunteer & Events Manager: Jane Musto (611 904) Finance Officer: Vergers: Rachel Ogilvie Derek Iles & Austin Winstanley (607 090) Education & Community Officer: Toni Bush (611 905) Hexham Abbey PCC: Lay Chair of the PCC: Canon Gill Alexander Churchwardens: Paul Binks, Fiona Finnon, Fiona Kelsey, Helen Milner, Chris Wilson PCC Hon. Treasurer: Susan Robson PCC Secretary: Michelle Mackie Fiona Kelsey (600 372) Shop Manager: Hugh Fearnall Café Manager: Sally Oliver Business Manager: Clare Daltry (611 908) Parish Visiting: Hexham Abbey Heritage Trading Ltd (HAHTL) Rod Findlay Briggs Truro Eucharist Ives Listen sweet dove Briggs Etude No 1 in E flat minor “Octaves” 402, 77, 740, 92 Acts 1:15-17, 21-end page 114 John 17:6-19 page 108 - do stay for refreshments after the service Email: Website: Canon Dr Dagmar Winter Tel: 01434 604 580 (except Monday) Revd Michelle Dalliston Tel. 0191 281 6554 (except Monday) Revd Alan Currie Tel. 01434 607614 (except Saturday) Canon Frank Dexter Tel 01434 601759 Ken Newitt (394 352) Roger Milton and Douglas Vigor Marcus Wibberley (602 031) Andrew Wyatt Sally McRobie Confirmation with Parish Eucharist - Abbey Girls’ Choir President & Bishop Stephen Pedley Preacher: Reader: Setting: Motet: Voluntary: Hymns: Pew Bibles: The Parish Centre Office is open Monday – Friday 10am-1pm. Tel 01434 602 031 Rector: Holy Communion President & Alan Currie 6.30pm Choral Evensong - Abbey Choir Officiant & Dagmar Winter Preacher Reader: Canticles: Anthem: Voluntary: Hymns: Pew Bibles: John Robinson Wood in D Dove Seek him that that maketh the seven stars Elgar Imperial March 630, 744 Isaiah 61 page 702 Luke 4:14-21 page 58 NEXT SUNDAY'S SERVICES 24th May – Pentecost 8.30am 10.00am 6.30pm Holy Communion President: Michelle Dalliston Preacher: Ken Newitt Parish Eucharist - Abbey Choir President: Dagmar Winter Preacher: Ken Newitt Reader: Margaret Massey - do stay for special Pentecost refreshments, including cake & fizz! Choral Evensong – Combined Abbey Choir & Chamber Choir with Farewell to the Assistant Organist Officiant: Michelle Dalliston Preacher: Dagmar Winter Reader: Richard Snow - do stay for special refreshments after the service as we say farewell to Andrew and Lizzie! At Hexham Abbey we have a vision of a world in which God’s love is enjoyed, celebrated and shared. Services, Meetings and Events in the Abbey this week Monday 18th May 9.00am Morning Prayer - A reflective 20 minute service to start the day 5.00pm Evening Prayer - A reflective 20 minute service to end the day. Tuesday 19th May Parish Notices Christian Aid Week - Many thanks to all those who have supported and helped with the organisation, collection and counting for Christian Aid. We will let you know the amount raised next week. 9.00am 12.00pm 5.00pm 7.30pm Morning Prayer Holy Communion Evening Prayer PCC Meeting in Wilfrid’s Room 9.00am 9.30am 10.15am Morning Prayer Holy Communion Tots’ Praise – Songs, stories and fun for babies, toddlers and 6.30pm pre-school children and their carers. Choral Evensong – Abbey Choir to show our thanks and send our best wishes to Andrew and Lizzie Wyatt, please bring your contributions to Sally in the parish office by Monday 18th May at the latest – thank you. 9.00am 9.30am Morning Prayer Prayer Group – Wilfrid’s Chapel, a group that prays the Dementia Community Roadshow – is coming to Hexham Wednesday 20th May Thursday 21st May petitions left at the Prayer Board. Contact: Elizabeth Fish, 601 142 10.30am 6.30pm Holy Communion Choral Evensong 9.00am 5.00pm Morning Prayer Evening Prayer 9.00am 9.00am 3.00pm 5.00pm Morning Prayer Abbey Plant Stall – Abbey Flags Marriage of Suzy le Carpentier & Damian Borrill Evening Prayer Friday 22nd May Saturday 23rd May – Hexham Gathering Sung Responses to the Gospel: News and Views – if you would like to contribute to our parish magazine, please send all submission to Sally at by the end of Monday 18th May please. Photographs, poems, reviews etc all welcome! Collection - As a congregation we are organising a collection Market Place on Monday 18th May from 10-4pm. Come along and meet the team if you are: worried about your memory or that of a loved one living with dementia caring for someone with dementia Quiet Garden Day - Friday 22nd May, at Westcroft, Elvaston Road. ‘Flowering of the Soul’: Spiritual refreshment, quiet and reflection, in the context of the garden, with input/ thought on the mystical tradition. For more information or to book, contact Bridget Hewitt, telephone: 602897, or email Let’s Tidy Up the Car-Park Vegetation – Many hands make light work! Please come along from 9.30am on Saturday 23rd May to help bring the vegetation back under control! Garden gloves advised! Annual Abbey Plant Stall – Saturday 23rd May on the Abbey Flags 9-1pm. Now is the time to think about potting up your cuttings and seedlings – if you have any questions or need any pots please contact Sheila Dance 607 335 or Lesley Middleton 602 018 Pentecost-Whit Sunday – 24th May 2015, come along and Taize for Tynedale - A summer series of 4 worship events on Sunday afternoons using Taizé songs, with readings and a time of silence, offered by Riding Mill Churches Together to anyone interested in reflective worship. Sundays: 19 April, 17 May, 21 June, 19 July. All at 5 pm in Riding Mill Methodist Church (Broomhaugh). Preceded at 3.30 pm by music practice for anyone wishing to help lead music/singing. Followed by bring and share supper at 1 Ford Terrace, Broomhaugh, NE44 6EJ. celebrate the birthday of the church and the gift of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, with extra special refreshments following the 10am service, including cake and fizz! It’s also the last Sunday for our Assistant Organist Andrew Wyatt and Lizzie Wyatt as they prepare to leave Hexham and embark on the next stage of their life. The liturgical colour for Pentecost is Red – lets fill the Abbey with colour this Pentecost by all wearing red or flame coloured clothes!
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