For Your Prayers As part of Churches Together in Hexham we pray for the people of Hexham Community Church and their Pastor, Neil Strike. Within Hexham Deanery we pray for the parishes of Haydon Bridge and Beltingham with Henshaw and their Vicar, Revd Benjamin Carter. Within our Diocese we pray for our link Diocese of Møre in Norway and its service to its community. Within our Parish we pray for all who organise and are involved with our music and choirs, our outreach work including our ministry to schools with our Children’s Education Project. We pray for our world, especially for the situations in Syria, Tunisia, and for the new Israeli government. For those who are unwell or who have asked for our prayers including, Karen Wells, Elizabeth Clarke, Ken Norton, Malcolm Hare, Edna O’Neil, Stan Batey, Joyce Christie, Alice Yates, Br Damian SSF and Dorothy Grieveson. For those who have died, especially Susanna Hall, Frances Renwick, Jeffrey Hunter and all those who mourn. The Parish Office will be fully closed on Good Friday th th until Tuesday 7 April. From Tuesday 7 to Friday th 10 the office will be open for deliveries and emergencies only. The answer machine will be checked regularly during this period. HEXHAM ABBEY The Priory and Parish Church of St Andrew Sunday 5th April Easter Sunday Welcome to the Abbey today as we gather for worship and fellowship. Today we celebrate with great joy the resurrection and the wonder of Easter. A warm welcome if you are visiting today. During communion all are welcome to come forward for bread and wine or a blessing – if for a blessing simply keep your head bowed. We do hope you can stay for refreshments in the South Transept after Parish Eucharist. There is no Junior Church as on this special day the whole Church family celebrate together. Tot’s Corner is available at the back of the nave, beside the font. TODAY'S SERVICES 8.30 am Preacher: Hymns: 10.00am The Parish Centre Office is open Monday – Friday 10am-1pm. Tel 01434 602 031 Email: Website: Administrator: Canon Dr Dagmar Winter Tel: 01434 604 580 (except Monday) Revd Michelle Dalliston Tel. 0191 281 6554 (except Monday) Revd Alan Currie Tel. 01434 607614 (except Saturday) Canon Frank Dexter Tel 01434 601759 Ken Newitt (394 352) Roger Milton and Douglas Vigor Marcus Wibberley (602 031) Andrew Wyatt Sally McRobie Volunteer & Events Manager: Jane Musto (611 904) Rector: Interim Minister: Assistant Priest: Retired Clergy Contact: Reader: Readers Emeriti: Director of Music: Assistant Organist: Finance Officer: Vergers: Education & Community Officer: Hexham Abbey PCC: Parish Visiting: Hexham Abbey Heritage Trading Ltd (HAHTL) Rachel Ogilvie Derek Iles & Austin Winstanley (607 090) 339, 431, 623 Parish Festival Eucharist President: Alan Currie Preacher: Dagmar Winter Reader: Marion Pennie Intercessor: Judi Cornforth Setting: Anthem: Voluntary: Hymns: Pew Bibles: 6.30pm Mozart Krönungsmesse, K.317 Messiaen O sacrum convivium Bach Prelude and Fugue in D major, BWV 532 339,623, 10, 660 Acts 10:34-43 page 126 Mark 16:1-8 page 52 Festal Choral Evensong Officiant: Dagmar Winter Preacher: Alan Currie Canticles: Anthem: Voluntary: Hymns: Pew Bibles: Dyson in D Britten Te Deum in C Langlais Fête 742, 86 Ezekiel 37:1-14 page 820 Luke 24:13-35 page 86 NEXT SUNDAY'S SERVICES 12th April – Second Sunday of Easter 8.30 am Toni Bush (611 905) Lay Chair of the PCC: Canon Gill Alexander Churchwardens: Paul Binks, Fiona Finnon, Fiona Kelsey, Helen Milner, Chris Wilson PCC Hon. Treasurer: Susan Robson PCC Secretary: Michelle Mackie Fiona Kelsey (600 372) Shop Manager: Hugh Fearnall Café Manager: Sally Oliver Business Manager: Clare Daltry (611 908) Holy Communion President & Dagmar Winter Holy Communion President & Dagmar Winter Preacher: 10:00am 11.45am 6.30pm Parish Eucharist President: Janet Jackson Preacher: Dagmar Winter Reader: Owen McArdle Intercessor: Ken Newitt Morning Worship with Baptism President: Dagmar Winter Said Evensong with Hymns Officiant: Dagmar Winter Preacher: Doug Vigor Reader: Jason Robinson-Gay At Hexham Abbey we have a vision of a world in which God’s love is enjoyed, celebrated and shared. Services, Meetings and Events in the Abbey the week beginning 06.04.15 EASTER WEEK Monday 6th April – Easter Monday 9.00am Morning Prayer - A reflective 20 minute service to start the day 5.00pm Evening Prayer - A reflective 20 minute service to end the day. Tuesday 7th April 9.00am 12.00pm 5.00pm Morning Prayer Holy Communion Evening Prayer Morning Prayer Holy Communion Tots’ Praise – Songs, stories and fun for babies, toddlers and pre-school children and their carers. 5.00pm Evening Prayer Thursday 9th April 9.00am 9.30am Morning Prayer Prayer Group – Treasury a group that prays the petitions left at the Prayer Board. Fish, 601 142 10.30am 2.30pm 5.00pm Annual Parochial Church Meeting - Sunday 26th April 9.30AM JOINT PARISH EUCHARIST - followed by Annual Meeting of Parishioners to elect five Churchwardens. Steph Bingham, Roy Dallison, Helen Milner, Richard Snow and Chris Wilson have indicated their willingness to stand for election. Wednesday 8th April 9.00am 9.30am 10.15am Parish Notices Contact: Elizabeth Holy Communion Singing for the Brain – Prior’s Hall Evening Prayer TEA & COFFEE CAFÉ STYLE IN THE SOUTH TRANSEPT ANNUAL PAROCHIAL CHURCH MEETING There are the following vacancies on the PCC: 3 elected places for 3 years FOLLOWED BY THE John Robinson, Jason Robinson-Gay and Susan Robson so far have indicated their intention to stand for election. For details on how to stand for election please pop into the Parish Office. Friday 10th April Following the APCM there will be a ‘Bring and Share’ lunch – details to follow. 9.00am 11.00am 5.00pm Family Easter Challenge – Solve the riddles in Morning Prayer Funeral of Jeffrey Hunter Evening Prayer Saturday 11th April 9.00am 5.00pm Morning Prayer Evening Prayer Sung Responses to the Gospel order to find the nine hidden letters around the Abbey… a free, fun, family activity for the school holidays. Mini prizes for all who enter! The art-carts are also available – why not give them a whirl? New Display – Do look at the new display in the Nave display cabinets. An amazing Russian brass and enamel icon has been retrieved from storage. It gives, in fantastic detail, the whole life of Christ from birth to crucifixion – and beyond! Open Gardens Day – All those who expressed an interest in being involved are invited to a meeting over th coffee after the 10am Service on Sunday 19 April – see you in the South Transept (flower in lapel optional!) West Northumberland Food Bank – Holidays are Not the Sunday Lunch – the Lent Soup team would like to thank everyone for their help with this venture and all who came to join us, and to announce that an amazing £1,032 was raised for Christian Aid as well as good and fellowship being enjoyed by so many. Writer in Residence – Harry Pearson will be embarking on a two week residence in the Abbey th starting on 15 April, please do take the chance to speak to him. especially difficult times for families who need the Food Bank to be able to put food onto their tables. There is no support from free school meals so the pressure grows at home. Can you help by bringing cans or packets of food in to swell the Abbey's collection? (Collection point by the Vestry). Can you help in a practical way? Our week of Stacking and Packing starts on Monday 13 April. Volunteers need on that day 10001200 and Wednesday 15 and Friday 17 at the same times at the ADAPT unit on Burn Lane. Please contact David Ratcliff (608882) if you are able to help.
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