For Your Prayers As part of Churches Together in Hexham we pray for the people of Hexham Community Church and their Pastor, Neil Strike. Within Hexham Deanery we pray for the parishes of Haydon Bridge and Beltingham with Henshaw and their Vicar, Revd Benjamin Carter. Within our Diocese we pray for our link Diocese of Møre in Norway and its service to its community. Within our Parish we pray for all who organise and are involved with our music and choirs, our outreach work including our ministry to schools with our Children’s Education Project. We pray for Andrew and Lizzie, giving thanks for their time at the Abbey and all they have given us over the last 3 years, and pray for this new beginning for them both. We pray for Anne Aikman and Roger Wilson who are to be married on Saturday at the Abbey. We pray for our world, especially for the people of Nepal, Syria and Yemen, and for the work of the West Northumberland Food Bank. For those who are unwell or who have asked for our prayers including, Elizabeth Clarke, Ken Norton, Malcolm Hare, Edna O’Neil, Stan Batey, Joyce Christie, Alice Yates, Dorothy Grieveson, Norrie Leah, Doug Vigor and Sheila Smith. For those who have died, especially Karen Wells, Pam Bolt and all those who mourn. HEXHAM ABBEY The Priory and Parish Church of St Andrew Sunday 24th May Pentecost Welcome to the Abbey today as we gather for worship and fellowship on this special day. The feast of Pentecost is one of the three great times of the Church’s year, when we celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit – the power of God’s love and the way by which Jesus is with us always. During communion all are invited to come forward for bread and wine or a blessing – if for a blessing simply keep your head bowed. Cloister Club is meeting today – please gather at the back of church during the first hymn. TODAY'S SERVICES 8.30am - do stay for refreshments after the service 10.00am The Parish Centre Office is open Monday – Friday 10am-1pm. Tel 01434 602 031 Interim Minister: Assistant Priest: Retired Clergy Contact: Reader: Readers Emeriti: Director of Music: Assistant Organist: Administrator: Canon Dr Dagmar Winter Tel: 01434 604 580 (except Monday) Revd Michelle Dalliston Tel. 0191 281 6554 (except Monday) Revd Alan Currie Tel. 01434 607614 (except Saturday) Canon Frank Dexter Tel 01434 601759 Ken Newitt (394 352) Roger Milton and Douglas Vigor Marcus Wibberley (602 031) Andrew Wyatt Sally McRobie Volunteer & Events Manager: Jane Musto (611 904) Finance Officer: Vergers: Rachel Ogilvie Derek Iles & Austin Winstanley (607 090) Education & Community Officer: Toni Bush (611 905) Hexham Abbey PCC: Parish Visiting: Hexham Abbey Heritage Trading Ltd (HAHTL) Lay Chair of the PCC: Canon Gill Alexander Churchwardens: Paul Binks, Fiona Finnon, Fiona Kelsey, Helen Milner, Chris Wilson PCC Hon. Treasurer: Susan Robson PCC Secretary: Michelle Mackie Fiona Kelsey (600 372) Shop Manager: Hugh Fearnall Café Manager: Sally Oliver Business Manager: Clare Daltry (611 908) Parish Eucharist - Abbey Choir President: Dagmar Winter Preacher: Ken Newitt Reader: Margaret Massey Intercessor: James Arkless Setting: Motet: Voluntary: Mozart Krönungsmesse, K.317 Tallis O Lord, give thy Holy Spirit Duruflé Choral varié sur le Veni Creator, Op. 4 Hymns: 102, 578, 106, 144 Pew Bibles: Acts 2:1-21 page 115 John 15:26-27;16:4b-15 page107 - do stay for refreshments after the service Email: Website: Rector: Holy Communion President: Michelle Dalliston Preacher: Ken Newitt 6.30pm Choral Evensong – Combined Abbey Choirs and Chamber Choir – with Farewell to the Assistant Organist Officiant: Michelle Dalliston Preacher: Dagmar Winter Reader: Richard Snow Canticles: Stanford in G Anthem: Elgar The Spirit of the Lord Voluntary: Parry Fantasia and Fugue in G major, Op. 188 Hymns: 233, 36 Pew Bibles: Ezekiel 36:22-28 page 819 Acts 2:22-38 page 115 NEXT SUNDAY'S SERVICES 31st May – Trinity Sunday 8.30am Holy Communion President Michelle Dalliston & Preacher: 10.00am Parish Eucharist President: Preacher: Reader: Intercessor: 6.30pm Dagmar Winter Michelle Dalliston Owen McArdle Nora Horne Said Evensong with Hymns Officiant & Doug Vigor Preacher: Reader: Lindsay Graham At Hexham Abbey we have a vision of a world in which God’s love is enjoyed, celebrated and shared. Services, Meetings and Events in the Abbey this week Monday 25th May – Bank Holiday 9.00am Morning Prayer - A reflective 20 minute service to start the day 5.00pm Evening Prayer - A reflective 20 minute service to end the day. Tuesday 26th May 9.00am 12.00pm 5.00pm Morning Prayer Holy Communion Evening Prayer 9.00am 9.30am 10.15am Morning Prayer Holy Communion Tots’ Praise – Songs, stories and fun for babies, toddlers and Wednesday 27th May pre-school children and their carers. 5.00pm Evening Prayer 9.00am 9.30am Morning Prayer Prayer Group – St. Wilfrid’s Chapel, a group that prays the Thursday 28th May Parish Notices Pentecost – today! We celebrate Pentecost with extra special refreshments following the 10am service, including cake and fizz! It’s also the last Sunday for our Assistant Organist Andrew Wyatt and Lizzie Wyatt as they prepare to leave Hexham and embark on the next stage of their life. And tonight, at 6.30pm for Choral Evensong the combined Abbey Choirs with the Chamber Choir will bid a fitting farewell. Do come along. Christian Aid – a massive £3082.42 was raised this year. Thanks go to all who were involved in any way with the organisation, distribution and collection of envelopes. This is the best total ever – well done to everyone! Envelopes are in the South Transept for all those who took part in this great team effort. petitions left at the Prayer Board. Contact: Elizabeth Fish, 601 142 10.30am 5.00pm Holy Communion Evening Prayer 9.00am 5.00pm Morning Prayer Evening Prayer 9.00am 1.00pm 5.00pm Morning Prayer Marriage of Anne Aikman & Roger Wilson Evening Prayer Friday 29th May Family Fun during May Half Term – why not come along and get hands on in the exhibition this half term. Or try out the family audio guides in the Abbey (small charge) or give the art carts a whirl and release your family’s artistic potentials!! Saturday 30th May * It is school half term this week, therefore no choral evensong. Evening prayer at 5pm instead. Sung Responses to the Gospel: Taize for Tynedale - A summer series of 4 worship events on Sunday afternoons using Taizé songs, with readings and a time of silence, offered by Riding Mill Churches Together to anyone interested in reflective worship. Sundays: 19 April, 17 May, 21 June, 19 July. All at 5 pm in Riding Mill Methodist Church (Broomhaugh). Preceded at 3.30 pm by music practice for anyone wishing to help lead music/singing. Followed by bring and share supper at 1 Ford Terrace, Broomhaugh, NE44 6EJ. The Archbishops’ Council of the Church of England has begun a process of consultation across the country for Reform and Renewal, visiting every Diocesan Synod to discuss the proposals set out during the February sessions of the General Synod. The dedicated web page is available at: The website also has discussion forums for each report, along with videos and blogs from the leaders of each area of Reform and Renewal, and copies of each report. (more details can found in June’s News and Views when it comes out later this month) Prayer for Pentecost: Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful people and kindle in us the fire of your love. Send forth your Spirit and we shall be remade, and you will renew the face of the earth.
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