Hope Reformed Church Volume 18, Issue 29 Hope HighLites July 5, 2015 Our Prayer List Please pray for: CALENDAR OF EVENTS Pray for the general TODAY - Morning Worship with Communion, 9:30a.m. Mortgage Retirement Offering No Evening Worship Pray for those who daily struggle with health concerns: Tuesday - Consistory 7p.m. Wednesday - Prayer Group, 9:15a.m. Next Sunday - Morning Worship, 9:30a.m. Small Groups, 5:30p.m. - Pastor Kent Vacation, 7/16-29 Young@Heart breakfast at Michelle’s on Gull Rd., 7/21 Faith Night with Kalamazoo Growlers, 7:05p.m., 7/27 Coming Up health and well being of our congregation. Danny Bakhuyzen Martee Bakhuyzen Marv Block Terry Block Cheri Blue Julie Bos Sarah Bradford Dave Collison ANNOUNCEMENTS Marianne Hellenga Dave Johnson Young @ Heart get out your calendars Linda Joy Marion Louis Breakfast at Michelle’s on Gull Road—Tues., July 21, 10a.m.– carpool 9:30 Janet Roberts Lunch at Clementine’s in South Haven—Tuesday, August 18, at 11:30a.m. Plan to stay and walk out to the Light house or shop away the afternoon. Carpool will leave from the church about 10:30a.m. Helen and Joe Retreat with a Reason and Captivating Keyboards Concert—Thursday, September 10th. Retreat, Banquet and Concert $55 or Banquet and Concert $20. Registration due by August 9th. See flyers on back table or contact Lana Loedeman for detailed information. Color Tour Drive to Crane’s Orchard for Lunch—Tuesday, October 20th, 11:30am Carpool from the church at 10:30a.m. “Christmas Dinner” a fun comedy show at Blue Gate in Shipshewana Tuesday, November 17, 2015. Lunch at 11:30 a.m. Carpool from the church at 10:00a.m. If 12 people or more sign up, group tickets will be $45. What’s next? Contact Jerry & Lana with your suggestions and to help plan our next events. glkloedeman@yahoo.com or 375-5175 Giving Report for Week of 6/28 General/Mission Received for Mortgage the week Retirement Fund $ 560.00 Received $ 4,846.00 Still Needed for Next Payment—July 15 $4,638.85 Budgeted $ $5,507.57 Monthly Mortgage Payment $5,468.85 Roglic’s son, Ron Gideon Schripsema Ron Stolk Mary Veld Jerry Waalkes Hannah Weal Zahari Weal Remember the shut-ins or others in nursing care. Ruth Hoag Marjorie Kelly Sunday, July 5, 2015 Hope HighLites You may still sign up to be a part of Hope’s Prayer Chain, a very vital part of the ministry here at Hope Reformed. The sign-up sheet is on the table in the Narthex. Why Should we Memorize the Apostles’ Creed and the Lord’s Prayer? The most obvious answer would be for the instant comfort when we end up in a bad situation. But what about when someone asks you what you believe in? The Apostles’ Creed is your answer in a nutshell. Or when you need to pray but you don’t know how or what, the Lords’ Prayer is as instructive to us today as it was to the apostles 2000 years ago. So pick up a copy from the literature rack in the Narthex and start on your journey of memorization today. The North Park men are sponsoring their third annual baseball excursion to a Tiger's baseball game on Thursday, August 6. We'd like to extend the invitation to other fathers, sons, grandfathers and friends. Cost is $50 for a reserved seat and transportation. We have 56 tickets at ground level. Meet at North Park Reformed Church (1316 Barney Rd.) at 7:45 am on that day. Bring a lunch or eat at the ballpark. Please call Doug Stapert (370-2429) or Craig Gernaat (806-9930), if you are interested. COMMUNITY ANNOUNCEMENTS Love INC. (In the Name of Christ) has a couple of volunteer opportunities preparing light food and working with children during their life skills courses and one-to-one mentorship programs on Thursday evenings. Please see the flyer on the Community Bulletin Board for more info. Wow! Six (6) jobs and a volunteer opportunity, details on the bulletin board: Doster Reformed Church in Plainwell is searching for a pianist/organist Centerpoint is now accepting applications for Connections Team Coordinator East Martin Christian School is seeking a part-time middle school math teacher KCSA is looking to hire a part time H.R. (Human Resource) professional The Esther School in Zambia, Africa, has openings for lower elementary school teachers Centerpoint is now accepting applications for a Director of Student Ministry Second Impressions - sort clothing or check electric, household items at the workbench Reformed Heritage Christian School is accepting applications for enrollment for the 2015-2016 school year. Reformed Heritage is a K-12 school with the goal of training our Covenant youth to be servants of Christ in all areas of life. If you would like an application or have any questions, please contact the school office at 383-0505. Elder Greeters: John Beeman, Mike Koets, Loretta Moore and Sue VanderMeer Greeters: AM (N) Joe & Helen Roglic, (S) Elaine & Katlyn Breur Next Week: AM (N) Nick & Ruth Wagenaar, (S) Bob & Kathy Gernaat Ushers: Al Apotheker, Mike Koets, Ken Larsen and Don VanDonselaar Nursery: Kenna Durian & Jenelle Poth Next Week: Emily Weal Children and Worship: Will Resume in the Fall HOPE REFORMED CHURCH 910 Jenks Blvd., Kalamazoo, MI 49006 PH: 349-9788 FAX: 349-9930 Website: hoperca.org Email: office@hoperca.org pastorkent@hoperca.org Church Office Hours: Tues.-Friday. 9:00—3:00
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