PRAYER DIARY Please pray for the family and friends of Lillian Durham, local preacher from Penwortham, who died recently, and who many of our congregation will remember fondly. We give thanks for her life and ministry among us at LMC, and pray for her husband, Dick. Please pray for all those who are unwell at this time or are receiving treatment. We pray for John Ritchie, Chris Latus, Jean Damp, for Andrew - Jack and Jean Dowson's son and for all others known or unknown to us. Also please pray for those awaiting dates for operations, including Meg Cowgill and Jessie Sutherland. We ask for God's healing for all these people and for them to feel his love supporting and upholding them. Street Pastors have asked if we will pray for all those who sleep rough on these cold nights and for those who may have housing but who struggle with heating or heating bills. We pray too for the Foxton Centre as they put into action the Winterwatch programme. Please pray for these and for all schemes which seek to ease others suffering. LEYLAND METHODIST CHURCH MINISTRY TEAM Rev Phil Gough 01772 422613 Deacon Sylvie Phillips 01772 421319 Deacon Ellen Monk-Winstanley 01772 456080 If you are new to the area please make yourself known and pick up one of our Welcome folders The Steward today is Mark Baker for next week it is John Burgess (01772 617937) 10.30a.m. – All Age Parade Led by Rev’d Phil LARGE PRINT hymnbooks and Notice sheets are available. Also Braille ‘Mission Praise’. Encountering God Led by Rev’d Phil WE WELCOME CHILDREN OF ALL AGES Please thank God for answered prayer as the Ebola outbreak seems to be passing its peak. We continue to pray for all those who have been affected by this terrible disease and for those who may have lost loved ones. We give thanks for the research that has gone on and pray that this will continue and be effective. e February 8th 2015 9.00a.m. Early Communion A Crèche for very young children is available in the coffee bar during the main morning service. Club Sunday groups will run this morning for children and young people of all ages. They will be directed to leave during the service. Bags of soft quiet toys to keep toddlers amused whilst in church are available from the vestry. NB. All our children and youth workers are CRB cleared and are fully trained in Safeguarding Procedures. PRAYER CIRCLE Call Ann Diggles – 386926 or Enid Hallam – 431565 and your urgent prayer requests will be passed around the circle All Age Service and Parade OUR CONTACT STEWARD Please pray for all the work that goes on weekly with our children and young people. Pray for all the many volunteers who organise groups and activities to encourage young people in their Christian faith. We pray for Club Sunday, ID group, Mad Mob and Messy Church, Little Fishes and all the uniformed organisations. We ask for God's blessing on their work and pray that the children will come to know more about Christ through their time together. Pray for all areas of the world where there is warfare and injustice. Pray that following from last week's service we may be prompted to find some way to get involved in issues where we see injustice. WELCOME TO LEYLAND METHODIST CHURCH HEARING AID USERS The Worship Centre is fitted with an induction loop and hearing aid users should switch to the ‘T’ setting to `benefit. Please contact Enid on 431565 if there are any concerns or anyone whose name you would like included in the prayer sheet, or prayed for during the Tuesday prayer meeting. If you are able to join us on a Tues at 7pm in the vestry you will be very welcome. Equipping Disciples 6.00pm Evening Worship A Circuit Service at Spendmore Lane, Coppull Taize Style Worship PASTORAL CARE Christine Latus is our ‘Pastoral Network Enabler’. Please contact Christine about changes of address/phone number, or pastoral information that may need attention from the ministry team, e.g. hospital admission, bereavement, request for visit. (Please respect confidentiality issues) Phone 01772-456004 or email _______________________________________________ LMC SINGERS Do you love singing? Then come and join us on Wednesdays 7pm-8pm, start OR for 1/2 hour on the 1st and 3rd Sunday each month after morning service, starting 18th Jan. Come and enjoy singing old and new music with others who share the same love of singing! _______________________________________________ Urgent – Please help Can you help our group of Little Fishes on Mondays’ 1 – 3pm on a rota basis, approx every 4 – 5 weeks. We need help in the kitchen serving hot drinks for adults and cold drinks and packet snacks for the children. We are a very happy group and you will be made most welcome, there will be someone with you to show you the ropes. Please give it a go!! Please contact Brenda Knight on 01772 432330 _______________________________________________ DEVELOPING LEADERS Now is the time to book in to the next session of Developing Leaders, exploring our next Core Value of ‘Forgiveness’, via a superb teaching dvd on ‘Crucial Conversations’. On Tuesday 10th February 9.30 – 11.30a.m. or, if you’d like to be part of a group but cannot make this time, do register your interest and we’ll try to arrange something to suit. Book through the church office - Tel : 01772 453586 Email : _______________________________________________ MESSY CHURCH 14th February 2015 10.30a.m. – 12.30p.m. St. Valentine’s : LOVE All Welcome – fun, activities, songs, stories, craft, meal together ____________________________________________ Enjoying Life Together THIS WEEK AT LMC Monday 9th February 1.00p.m - Little Fishes Tuesday 10th February 9.30a.m. – Developing Leaders Session 5 5.00p.m. – I.D. Youth Discipleship Group 7.00p.m. – Prayer Group Meeting 7.30p.m. – Detour Youth Club Wednesday 11th February 9.30a.m. - Art Club 10.00a.m. - Fairtrade café open Thursday 12th February 11am TOTS Worship –Worship led by Sue Davies,p.m. Caren Daker – Wills, Probates etc 7.30p.m. – Thursday Fellowship : Dianne Harrison ‘Spring will soon be here’ Saturday 14th February 10.30a.m. – Messy Church _______________________________________________ Next Sunday 15th February 10-30a.m. – Worship led by Rev’d J. Squares 6-30p.m. - Evening Worship Led by Rev’d Phil Door Stewards Rotas 15th February Upstairs: Frank Nixon Downstairs: David Martin ______________________________________________ Monday 9th February 2015..... Leyland Aglow OUTREACH meeting - guest speaker MARGARET BENNISON - at Farington Lodge Margaret and her husband Bob are pastors at a church in Blackburn since they where saved in 1981 they have worked with the BIKERS MINISTRY, "The Tribes of Judah," whose purpose is to minister to, "the lost and unsaved." To book your place and choose your meal, ring : Ruth Whiteside : 0758381618 Brenda George : 447543597213 Bookings not honoured must be paid for _____________________________________________ PRAYER MEETINGS. The first meeting of the new session will be held on 10th February 2015 at 7pm, in the vestry when all who wish to join in a short time of open prayer are welcome. _______________________________________________ Enabling Giving The Leprosy Mission needs:Postcards, medals, old matchbox collections. Foreign coins and bank notes to assist in their fundraising efforts to eradicate this terrible disease from all parts of the world. There is a large box in the Church Foyer where these items can be left. Please leave 5mm borders around stamps. Thank you to all who have recently donated _______________________________________________ Tickets for this year's MadMob Show, Joseph And His Technicolor Dreamcoat, are now available. Debbie Sheehan will be available in the coffee bar after this morning's worship to purchase tickets. The show will be running from 21st - 25th March 2015. _______________________________________________ Gift Aid If you are a visitor to this church and do not attend regularly here but are a Taxpayer you can increase the value of your gift by 25p in £1.00 by placing it in the special envelope which can be found in the foyer. Further details from _______________________________________________ Men’s Group meeting on Tues 17th February 2015 Talk by Peter Cawthorne on ‘Forgiveness’ Meet in the Church Annexe at 7.30pm, all men welcome. ______________________________________________ FAIRTRADE COFFEE SHOP As from March 11th, for a trial period, there will be a revised menu at the Fairtrade Coffee Shop, offering jacket potatoes, sandwiches, toast, cake and scones. This is primarily due to increasingly stringent Environmental Health regulations and limited kitchen facilities. We hope that our customers will still enjoy coming to the Fairtrade Coffee Shop and supporting our two-fold aim of providing an important community service and raising vital funds for the developing world. The Fairtrade Coffee Shop Co-ordinating Team _______________________________________________ NOTICES FOR NEXT WEEK Please ring Sylvia Travers: 01772 678820 or email: by Wednesday 10.00a.m. IMPORTANT Please make sure Sylvia has the most up-to-date, accurate information for your group activities if you wish it to go in Embracing the World
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