Immaculate Conception Parish June 14, 2015—The Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time Fr. Alphonse, We give thanks to God for your ministry among us. We wish you well in your new assignment. On Sunday, July 5th, please join with us in giving thanks to Fr. Alphonse after the Sunday Masses. This Week in the Parish Sunday, June 14th— The Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:00am, 9:00am, & 11:00am Sunday Masses 12:00pm—4:00pm Adoration/3pm—4pm Holy Hour Monday, June 15th 6:20am 8:30am 7:00pm Mass chpl Mass chpl Parish Council Meeting pmr Tuesday, June 16th 6:20am Mass chpl 8:30am Mass chpl Noon—1:00pm Prayer Intercessor chpl Wednesday, June 17th 6:20am Mass chpl Devotions to Our Mother of Perpetual Help after 6:20am Mass chpl 8:30am Mass chpl Noon Parish Finance Committee Meeting pmr Noon—1:00pm Prayer Intercessor chpl Mass Intentions Monday, June 15th 6:20am + Madonna Jane Peterson 8:30am + Virginia Fast Tuesday, June 16th 6:20am All Souls 8:30am + Doris Gham Wednesday, June 17th 6:20am Protection of Human Life 8:30am + Mary & Paul Roharik Thursday, June 18th—St. Barnabas 6:20am Communion Service 8:30am St. Agnes Class of 1950 Friday, June 19th—St. Romuald 6:20am Cancer Victims & Families 8:30am + James McLeod Saturday, June 20th 8:30am Homebound 4:00pm + Bill Strickland Sunday, June 21st— Twelfth Sunday in ordinary Time 7:00am + Deacon Bill McNamee 9:00am + Dan Erbert 11:00am The Parish Family 3:00pm Msgr. Orf’s Intention Thursday, June 18th 6:20am 8:30am 7:00pm Msgr. Raymond Orf Communion Service chpl Mass chpl RCIA Inquiry pmr 60th Anniversary of priesthood ordination - Next Weekend- Friday, June 19th 6:20am 8:30am Mass chpl Mass chpl (Rosary for Vocations after Mass) Saturday, June 20th 8:30am Mass chpl 3:00pm—3:45pm Reconciliation ch 4:00pm Sunday Mass Mission Co-op: 4:00pm Mass 7:00pm—7:30pm Reconciliation ch Sunday, June 21st— The Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time Father’s Day Mission Co-op: Fr. Al Benedick, M.S. 7:00am, 9:00am, & 11:00am Sunday Masses No Adoration or Holy Hour 3:00pm Msgr. Ray Orf’s Anniversary Mass This Mass will fulfill your Sunday Obligation. Hors D’oeuvre reception will follow. Please join Msgr. Orf as he celebrates his 60th Anniversary of Ordination to the Priesthood next Sunday, June 21st, with Mass at 3:00pm, here at Immaculate Conception. An Hors D’oeuvre reception will follow. Msgr. Orf Mission Co-op Annual Appeal Next Weekend Fr. Al Benedick Taguinod, M.S. June 20th & 21st The Missionaries of Our Lady of LaSalette minister to people of every race, language, culture and way of life. With your cooperation, they can continue to provide spiritual and financial assistance to mission countries as they bring God’s reconciling message to the poor. Fr. Al Benedick Taguinod, M.S. will be here next weekend at the Saturday evening and Sunday morning Masses for the Annual Mission Co-op Appeal held in our diocese. Scripture Readings for next Sunday The Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time From Father Tom’s Desk June 21, 2015 Job 38:1, 8–11 Psalm 107:23–24, 25–26, 28–29, 30–31 II Corinthians 5:14–17 Gospel: Mark 4:35–41 Parishioners Who Need Special Prayers Lorraine D’Alessandro, Irene Dunne, Robert Gerhardy, Norma Herrera, Sid Kiely, Mary Jo Laurin, Carl Mentgen, Mary Miller, Sandy Murphy, Sandra Robinson, Jan Royster, Jackie Schmidt, Mary Shanahan, Finnegan White, and all who need more prayers. People are listed for 4 weeks, then transferred to the Prayer Intention book, unless family notifies us otherwise. Sacraments of Inititiation Baptism—Eucharist— Confirmation Are you fully initiated into the Catholic Church? Have you Been CONFIRMED??? Anyone going into their sophomore year of high school and later, we will have a Parents and Confirmation Candidate meeting on Sunday, June 28th at noon (after the 11:00am Mass). If, however, you can't make it to this meeting, we will also have one on Monday evening, June 29th, 6:30pm, in Community Room A. You will need to attend ONE of these meetings, not BOTH. It is VERY IMPORTANT to attend one of these meetings if you are interested in being Confirmed. We will be discussing our Confirmation Program and the requirements for next year. These will be new requirements, since we will be using a new program for Confirmation this year. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Mindy Pfaff, at (417) 496-0769 (call or text) OR by email: The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (R.C.I.A.) Inquiry has begun Do you know someone who might be considering becoming Catholic? RCIA Inquiry meets on the third Thursday of each month. The second meeting will be June 18th, at 7:00pm, in the Parish Meeting Room (PMR). No commitment required. For more information, please contact Tina Miller at the parish office, (417) 887-0600. MORTALS ONLY SEE THE BEGINNING All their lives the two young brothers had lived in the city behind great stone walls and never saw field nor meadow. But one day they decided to pay a visit to the country. As they went walking along the road they saw a farmer at his plowing. They watched him and were puzzled. "What on earth is he doing that for!" they wondered. "He turns up the earth and leaves deep furrows in it. Why should someone take a smooth piece of land covered with nice green grass and dig it up?" Later they watched the farmer sowing grains of wheat along the furrows. "That man must be crazy!" they exclaimed. "He takes good wheat and throws it into the dirt." "I don't like the country!" said one in disgust. "Only crazy people live here." So he returned to the city. His brother who remained in the country saw a change take place only several weeks later. The plowed field began to sprout tender green shoots, even more beautiful and fresher than before. This discovery excited him very much. So he wrote to his brother in the city to come at once and see for himself the wonderful change. His brother came and was delighted with what he saw. As time passed they watched the sproutings grow into golden heads of wheat. Now they both understood the purpose of the farmer's work. When the wheat became ripe the farmer brought his scythe and began to cut it down. At this the impatient one of the two brothers exclaimed: "The farmer is crazy! He's insane! How hard he worked all these months to produce this lovely wheat, and now with his own hands he is cutting it down! I'm disgusted with such an idiot and I'm going back to the city!" His brother, the patient one, held his peace and remained in the country. He watched the farmer gather the wheat into his granary. He saw him skillfully separate the grain from the chaff. He was filled with wonder when he found that the farmer had harvested a hundred-fold of the seed that he had sowed. Then he understood that there was logic in everything that the farmer had done. The moral of the story: Mortals see only the beginning of any of God's works. Therefore they cannot understand the nature and the end of creation. Brian Stoffregen, Exegetical Notes, quoting from A Treasury of Jewish Folklore: Stories, Traditions, Legends, Humor, Wisdom and Folk Songs of the Jewish People, Edited by Nathan Ausubel Copyright, 1948, Crown Publishers, Inc., New York St. Vincent de Paul Fortnight for Freedom June 21—July 4 Luau Fundraiser was a great Success Thank YOU!!! Vacation Bible School VBS will be held the evenings of June 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th, and 18th, (Sunday–Thursday), 6:00pm– 8:30pm, at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish, for children entering Kindergarten through 6th grade. Applications are available in the Gathering Area. Both youth and adult volunteers are also needed. Immaculate Conception Knights of Columbus “Bottle Brigade” The Knights are sponsoring a "Bottle Brigade" to help the Pregnancy Care Center raise funds to maintain the mobile ultrasound machine. Please return your filled bottles by Father's Day, June 21st. The Lunch Bunch Meets—June 16th We will meet Tuesday, June 16th, 11:30am, at the home of Dick & Mamie Lawless, 1319 E. Greenwood St. Please phone Barbara Johnson at (417) 877-0501, for directions/ reservations. The U.S. bishops have called for a two-week period of prayer and action to address many current challenges to religious liberty. This year, the theme is Fortnight for freedom: Freedom to bear witness, stemming from the Gospel message that Jesus came to the world to bear witness to the truth. Educational materials and a series of examples of current threats to religious liberty are available at St. Vincent de Paul needs for those in need. Hot Cereals, Dry cereals, Rice, Pasta, Mac & Cheese, Tomato Sauce, Pancake Mix, Syrup, Peanut Butter, Jelly, Dried Beans, Sugar, Flour, Oil, Tea Bags, Coffee, Fruit Juices, Soups, Tuna, Canned Meats, Canned Fruits. Laundry detergent, dish soap, cleaning supplies, bar soap, shampoo, conditioner, men & women’s deodorant, toothpaste, toothbrushes, all sizes of diapers & wet wipes, toilet paper & paper towels. Please bring unopened & recently dated items. Employment Opportunities: Adult Continuing Education Our study is “The Joy of the Gospel.” We meet every fourth Tuesday at 7:00pm, and every fourth Wednesday at 10:00am, in the Parish Meeting Room. Our next meeting is June 23rd & June 24th. You must be pre-registered. Contact Sharon Weidelman in the parish office at 887-0600, to register. Enrollment Enrollment for 2015—2016—Enrollment in grades Eucharistic Adoration in the Chapel after the 11:00am Sunday Mass Holy Hour from 3:00pm–4:00pm. Prayer Chain: (417) 882-6161 ch=Church chpl=Chapel cra/b= Community Room a/b ga=Gathering Area café a= School Cafeteria a café b=School Cafeteria b pmr=Parish Meeting k of cr= Knights of Columbus svdp=St. Vincent de Paul yr=Youth Room cr=Choir Room slib=School Library ALL Employment Opportunities and Applications are available on the Springfield Catholic School’s website at Click on the ABOUT link at the top and scroll down to Employment Opportunities. Preschool thru 12 is currently taking place. We are made up of three elementary schools (Preschool–8th grade) and one high school (grades 9–12). For information or to check availability at various grade levels, please contact the school(s) in which you are interested. Immaculate Conception: (417) 881-7000; St. Agnes: (417) 866-5038; St. Elizabeth Ann Seton: (417) 887-6056; and Springfield Catholic High School: (417) 887-8817. Catholic Business Network of the Ozarks (CBNO) The next event is hosted by Steve Gassel, Sr. Vice President of Relationship Banking; and Andrea McKinney, Vice President, Wealth Management. The event will take place on Wednesday, June 24th, 5:00pm–7:00pm at Empire Bank/Central Trust, 3rd Floor, 3333 S. National, Springfield, MO 65807. Catering by Traveling Chef with Bar provided by Brown Derby. Door Prizes include Irish Checking Leather Checkbook Covers, Springfield Cardinals tickets, and St. Louis Cardinals tickets! RSVP: Julie Ast, CBNO President at or (417) 224-4220. Please patronize the Catholic Business Network of the Ozarks! A full listing can be found by going to Diocesan & Parish Announcements Teaching Positions Open in Catholic Schools: Part Time Elementary Principal Opening at St. Mary’s School in Pierce City, MO Requirements: Active Catholic Missouri Certification, Master's degree in School Administration (or working towards it), administrative experience preferred, 3–5 years of Catholic school experience. Contact search committee via email at St. Teresa Catholic School in Glennonville 3rd/4th grade elementary teacher; 7th/8th grade teaching position available with an emphasis in Math and Science. Responsibilities include, but are not limited to, teaching 5th–8th grade Math and Science. Applicants should be Missouri certified and qualified to teach Pre-Algebra and Algebra. Practicing Catholics are preferred. For more information or an application, contact Peggy Ogden at (573) 328-4197. St. Denis Catholic School in Benton - Full-time teacher. If interested, please contact Karen Powers at (573) 545-3017. St. Ann Catholic School in Carthage - 3rd/4th grade teacher seeking applications from practicing Catholics who are certified to teach at the Elementary level. Interested applicants must possess a love for teaching children and a commitment to Catholic school education. For further information, please contact Bonnie Schaeffer at (417) 358-2674. St. Francis Xavier School in Sikeston - 5th–8th grade English and a Science teacher Part-time Music and P.E. Teacher. If you are interested, please contact Debra Pollock at (573) 471-0841. CAMP-Re-NEW-All OPENINGS AVAILABLE Camp Re-NEW-All still has some camper openings available. Have a golf cart to loan? Staffers at Camp Smokey in Cassville need to borrow a golf cart for Camp Re-NEW-All. For more information, contact Rosie Francka in the camp office, or phone (417) 866-0841. St. Joseph Annual Parish Garage & Bake Sale Friday, July 10th & Saturday, July 11th, 8:00am–3:30pm in St. Joseph Parish Hall located at 1121 N. Campbell. Lots of handmade & miscellaneous items, garden produce, and baked goods. A taco lunch will be available. The money raised will be used for improvements to the school, church, and rectory, as well as for donations to local and national organizations. If you have any questions, please contact Velma Wagner at (417) 742-7459. Volunteers needed for The PRO-LIFE BOOTH at the Ozark Empire Fair July 30th–August 8th. The booth location is #328 and the shift hours are 10:45am– 2pm; 2pm–6pm; & 6pm–9pm. Training: Springfield Library Center, S. Campbell, Tuesday, July 28th, 7:00pm. For information or to volunteer, call (417) 496-1235, or Email Springfield Chapter of the Missourians for Alternatives to the Death Penalty will sponsor a peaceful Execution Vigil and ecumenical Remembrance of Victims of Violent Crime on Tuesday, June 9th, the scheduled execution date of Richard Strong. The vigil will take place from noon to 1:00pm, on Park Central Square. Information: Donna Walmsley at (417) 459-2960. Gardener Help Welcome at LifeHouse! Please join us for our June workday at Catholic Charities/LifeHouse on Thursday, June 25, from 8:30–10:30. We will be trimming bushes and continuing with other ongoing projects in their courtyard, vegetable garden, and berm. Please bring gloves and appropriate tools. Students needing service hours for SCHS or Confirmation are encouraged to come! Our next workdays will be July 23, 8:30–10:30, and August 20 from 8:30–12:00 where we will participate in United Way's Day of Caring. If you are interested in helping in any way, please contact Jana Hukriede at 831-3240. Catholic communication campaign Today, we will take up the Collection for the Catholic Communication Campaign (CCC). This collection communicates the Gospel through Catholic social media activities and enriches our faith through podcasts, television, radio, and print media. Please be generous in this week’s collection and support this important work. Remember, half of your donation stays in our diocese to support local communication needs. The CCC is how we share our experience of faith, worship, and witness. Diocesan Development Fund Appeal Thank you! If you have not yet made your pledge, please add your gift, whatever the amount, in unity with those who have already given by returning a pledge card. Parish Goal: $168,006.00 PLEDGE TOTAL TO DATE: $115,131.00 Your Contributions received on the Weekend of June 6–7, 2015 & in the Mail are Greatly Appreciated. Envelopes $ 19,260.50 Parish Repair & Maintenance $ 2,415.00 Sponsor-a-Child $ 150.00 Plate $ 994.83 Yearly Budget $1,050,930.00 Building Fund $ 00 Year-to-date Envelope & Plate Collection $ 917,814.65 Weekly Need to Meet Budget: $20, 210.00
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