May 2015 Published for 36 years Twelve Oaks acorn Reporter/Editor: Rosemarie Middleton Editor/Publisher: Kim E. Uhlig 991-7843 TOCA Meeting & Volunteer Reception “…No matter how big government gets, and no matter how many services it provides, it can never take the place of volunteers.” (Ronald Regan) Hillsborough County Commissioner Sandy Murman, will recognize Twelve Oaks’ community volunteers at the May 26th TOCA General Membership meeting. Volunteers improve the quality of life for our residents by performing valuable public service projects and / or serving in various community organizations. Our community volunteers are not paid – not because they are worthless, but because they are PRICELESS! Twelve Oaks volunteers include: TOSD Trustees, TOCA Directors, Neighborhood Watch volunteers, our Webmaster, and residents who helped with the luminary distribution, holiday decorating, membership drive, community picnic, community cleanup (Dumpster Day), and the Great American Cleanup. Pet Resources is responsible for the humane treatment of animals and public safety within Hillsborough County. Guest speaker, Scott Trebatoski, Director of Hillsborough County Pet Resources, will bring residents up to date on services available at the facility. He has been asked to address problems such as feral cats, barking dogs, and dogs running loose. The event begins at 7:00 pm allowing time for volunteers and residents to enjoy the usual array of good food, desserts, and drinks. The minutes of the April 7th TOCA business meeting and the current treasurer’s report will be available. Drawings for door prizes will be held throughout the evening. TOCA meetings are open to all residents – homeowners and renters. TOCA Meeting Tuesday, May 26th, 7:00 pm Recreation Center Morgan Woods School Team: Twelve Oaks May 8, 2015 Sickles High School Relay for Life is a team event that celebrates cancer survivors and raises funds for the American Cancer Society. It is a fun, outdoor, and overnight fundraising event where team members take turns walking around a track. Relay represents the hope that those lost to cancer will never be forgotten, those who face cancer will be supported, and that one-day cancer will be eliminated. “TEAM: Twelve Oaks” is the Relay team sponsored by the Twelve Oaks Civic Association. Team leader is Sarah Richards, who volunteers on the TOCA Board and on the TOSD Board. The TOCA Board voted to support the team and donated $200 to the American Cancer Society for the team. The Relay starts off with a Survivors & Caregivers Walk, where survivors and caregivers walk the initial lap, symbolizing the courage that survivors, caregivers and their families display and sustain in their lives. Opening night, there is a beautiful and touching Luminaria Ceremony that pays tribute to cancer survivors and to loved ones who still live on in our hearts. At the event teams will be selling food, drinks, crafts, and more in order to raise money. You can also make a tax-deductible contribution to the American Cancer Society noting that your donation is supporting “TEAM: Twelve Oaks”. All donations will be used for cancer research, education, prevention, advocacy, and patient services. Stop by Sickles H.S. the evening of May 8 th (starting at 6 pm) and support “TEAM: Twelve Oaks” and the American Cancer Society. 2015 TOCA Officers and Directors Rosemarie Middleton – President Jeff Berg – Vice President Janet Owen – Secretary Chantale Pierre-Louis – Treasurer Claudia Beran Marsha Craig Reggie Henschel Martha Holmes Linda Mann Mercita Ramos Sarah Richards Susan Stringfellow Officers 885-5753 727-534-1679 886-6286 886-1933 Directors 882-0178 886-7323 884-1932 885-4879 886-8193 810-5284 453-0007 280-2496 jeffrey.berg@floridamoves. com Twelve Oaks Special District Board of Trustees Officers: Rob Edwards, President 884-4321 Rosemarie Middleton Vice President 885-5753 Julie Hirst, Secretary 888-9814 Deborah Presnell, Treasurer 290-8009 Trustees Stephanie Rose 765-2253 Yves Villard 249-0173 Paul Vogel 574-7485 Sarah Richards 453-0007 Duane Estilette 886-8659 TOSD Meeting May 13, 2015 7:00 pm Town ‘N Country Rec Center TOCA General Membership Meeting May 26, 2015 7:00pm Town ‘N Country Rec Center Please support the advertisers in this newsletter as it is due to their support and IKare Publishing, Inc. that the ACORN is printed and mailed to every resident in Twelve Oaks. Twelve Oaks Ad Prices Call For Advertising prices 991-7843 Email: The Twelve Oaks’ Ladies Social Group will meet for lunch at Village Inn, 7011 W. Hillsborough Ave. Monday, May 18th at 11:30 am. (Note: Date is a week earlier due to Memorial Day.) We would love for you to join us. Consider inviting a relative, friend or neighbor. Interested? Call: Marsha at 886-7323 or Rosemarie at 885-5753 What reduces property values in a neighborhood? Overgrowth (yard and easements not cared for) Accumulations of junk, trash, debris Vehicles, trailers, boats parked across the front yard Are you responsible? It’s time to turn eyesores into assets. Twelve Oaks.. Page 2 Neighborhood Watch General Coordinator: Position Open Email Coordinator: Doreen Clauer Patrol Coordinator: Ann Carletti Community Resource Deputy: Deputy Hugh Alter (813) 247-0330 Sheriff Emergency Number: 911 Sheriff (Non-Emergency Dispatcher) 247-8200 Twelve Oaks Official Community Website Twelve Oaks Special District P.O. Box 260352 Tampa, FL 33685-0352 Meetings and Business Hours 7:00 – 9:00 pm on the 2nd Wed. of every month at the Town ‘N Country Recreation Center, 6039 Hanley Rd For County Services Who Do You Call? Contact Hillsborough County at 272-5900, a one-stop county service and information center! The center provides comprehensive information and referral to all government, health, and social services in the community. It coordinates government service requests and handles complaints quickly and courteously. This office works with all county departments to ensure you receive accurate and timely responses. Hillsborough County Information – 272-5900 TOCA Membership Dedicated volunteers are walking throughout the community for the door-to-door membership drive. These volunteers are calling on residents who have not paid membership dues for 2015. There are 994 homes in Twelve Oaks and we currently have 383 members. If you have not joined or renewed your TOCA membership, please do it today. A $10 annual donation (or more if you choose) supports year-round community events and services that maintain the quality of living in our beautiful community. Complete the application on this page of the Acorn and mail it along with your check made out to TOCA @ P.O. Box 261012 Tampa, FL. 33685. 2015 Memberships received March 12th through April 7th Ruperto & Dulcie Rivera – Barry Hazel & Jackie Davison – Clearview Patricia Mills & Lisa Hargiss – Fairford Michael & Diana Blamey – Greenshire Charles & Nancy Hill – Kirkwood Ralph & Maria Brumfield – Kirkwood Mario Martinez & German Martinez – Kirkwood Orlando & Sonia Perera – Meadow Joseph & Eva Menendez – Meadow Michael & Frances Harrington – Meadow Dana Anis – Nova Gary Esser & Johanna Cintron – Nova Nancy Hartunian – Oakvista John & Marga Jones – Oakvista Margaret Stevens – Sunshine Shannon Boogades – Sunshine Katalee Tanasuk – Twelve Oaks Rolando Gonzales – Williams Want to Dispose of That Old TV? Please don’t place it street -side for your neighbors to look at for days! They are NOT considered yard-art. Hillsborough County Solid Waste reminds residents to recycle obsolete or broken electronics (including old TV sets) that may contain lead, mercury, and other toxic materials. They should not be thrown out with regular, household garbage. Items containing a digital display or circuit board, including televisions, computers, laptops, mobile devices, stereo equipment, gaming consoles, VCR/DVD players and printers, may be safely recycled at sites that will take them for free. The most generous way to discard working electronics is to inquire about donating them to a local shelter, charity, or thrift store. Additionally, many electronics retailers have free recycling programs for both working and broken devices. Twelve Oaks residents may recycle household electronics at the Northwest County Collection Center, 8001 W. Linebaugh Ave. by presenting a photo ID. The Center is open Monday through Saturday from 7:30 a.m. to 5:50 p.m. Twelve Oaks.. Page 4 Twelve Oaks Special District Proposed Budget Hearing Fiscal Year 2015-2016 Minutes March 31, 2015 The 2015-2016 Proposed Budget Hearing was held at the Town ‘N Country Rec Center, 6039 Hanley Rd., a Hillsborough County Parks and Recreation Facility, Tuesday, March 31, 2015. Deborah Presnell, TOSD Treasurer, distributed copies of the proposed budget and called the hearing to order at 7:00 pm. She led those in attendance in the Pledge of Allegiance. Attendees included TOSD Trustees Deborah Presnell, Rosemarie Middleton, and Paul Vogel. Dave Presnell, resident-homeowner, was also present. Deborah Presnell reviewed the proposed budget and explained each line item. The annual assessment will remain at $120 per home. There were no suggestions from those present for additions or changes. The Hearing was adjourned at 7:20 pm. It was noted that the proposed budget will be published in the May, June, and July Acorn and will be on the community website, The final vote on the budget will be held at the July 8, 2015 TOSD meeting. Respectfully submitted by: Rosemarie Middleton, Trustee Happy Mother’s Day Twelve Oaks.. Page 6 Quality Services Available: Weekly Chemicals Weekly Full Service One Time Clean Ups *with n ew mo nthly se rvice 813-244-3782 COMPLETE ELECTRICAL SERVICE EC13001826 - Licensed & Bonded Joe Cruz 11530 Belmack Blvd. S. Odessa FL 33556 Ph: 813.901.8185 Fx: 813.884.5060 Mobile: 813.924.0063 Email: problems to people and pets. If they become aggressive they will have to be removed and killed. Florida Wildlife Commission warns people NOT to feed alligators or other wildlife near the water or walk dogs near gators, especially at night or at dusk. If you encounter an alligator more than 4 feet long or one that poses a threat to life or property, call the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission alligator hot line at (866) 392-4286. Alligator Warning signs are posted on Twelve Oaks Blvd by each pond. Memorial Day is our nation’s commemoration of the sacrifices made by those whose lives were put on the line for the freedoms we hold sacred. Whether our veterans survived their military service or were lost on the field of battle our country owes each of them and their families a debt of gratitude. This Memorial Day all Americans are asked to pause at 3 pm for a moment of reflection and think about those who died to preserve our liberties. The Moment of Remembrance serves to remind all Americans of the importance of remembering those who sacrificed for our freedom and what it means to be an American. Twelve Oaks residents are encouraged to fly the American flag Memorial Day, MAY 25. Twelve Oaks Volunteers will be honored at the May 26 TOCA General Membership meeting. The event begins at 7:00 pm allowing time for volunteers and residents to enjoy the usual array of good food, desserts, and drinks. See article on the front page. TOCA meetings are open to all residents – homeowners and renters. 2015 Hillsborough County Neighborhoods Conference Saturday, May 9th – Each year Hillsborough County's Neighborhoods Conference brings together residents, county officials and the business community for FREE educational workshops, exhibits and more. The Conference will be held at the Sheraton Tampa East, 10221 Princess Palm Ave. in Tampa from 7:30 am – 2:30 pm. The conference will feature a variety of workshops designed to help improve neighborhood safety, community aesthetics, develop effective communications with neighbors, help in understanding public and private resources that are available, and learn how to work with governments to improve the quality of life. Exhibit booths hosted by county departments and event sponsors will be set up for participants to visit. Registration is FREE and includes attendance at three workshops, access to exhibit booths, breakfast, an awards ceremony, and luncheon. Twelve Oaks residents are invited and encouraged to participate in the Conference. Register on line at and click on the tab for Neighborhoods Conference or for additional information call 813-2725860. It’s alligator mating season! Tread carefully when walking or sitting next to the two stormwater ponds in Twelve Oaks these days. Small gators have been spotted in the larger pond; however, residents living around the ponds report that so far they are not causing any problems. Gators 4 feet and under are able to wander in and out of the connecting ponds and canals in the area. Please do not to feed the turtles or other animals by placing food down by the water. Doing so encourages wildlife and other animals to gather in an area where gators may see them as food. Once gators become comfortable with humans and see them as a food source they are more likely to cause Twelve Oaks.. Page 8 Town ‘N Country Garden Circle will meet Wednesday, May 6th, at 11:30 am, at the Town ‘N Country Recreation Center on Hanley Road (next to Webb Middle School). Installation of new officers and the Circle’s Annual Plant Exchange will take place following a potluck lunch provided by Garden Circle members. Twelve Oaks green and brown thumb gardeners are welcome to attend. This is the last meeting of the Garden Circle until September; however, Circle members will be working starting and caring for new plants for their 2016 Fall Plant Sale, volunteering at the “Kids In The Garden” summer camp and for various events at the Tampa Garden Club. For additional information call Sharon T Cooper (813) 727-2947. School News: Morgan Woods Elementary School – Activities for students this last full month of school include grade level Math Bowls, PTA’s Spring Fling, field trips, the annual Patrol Picnic, a spring Book Fair, and a Multicultural Fair. Important dates for parents to remember: May 5 – 4th Grade Battle of the Books May 4 - 8 – Teacher Appreciation Week May 12 – Chick-Fil-A Spirit Night May 13 – 5th Grade Field Trip – Lego Land May 15 – PTA Spring Fling May 20 – PDQ Spirit Night May 21 – Conference Night May 22 – Patrol Picnic May 22 – 29 – Book Fair May 25 – School Holiday May 29 – Multicultural Fair & District Robotics Competition For dates and times of all events, check the Morgan Woods’ school calendar or call the school office @ 872-5369. Town ’N Country Youth Council will meet Sunday, May 3rd at 2:00 pm at the Town ‘N Country Regional Library. Twelve Oaks teens interested in joining and having an opportunity to earn Community Service Hours for college scholarships and National Honor Society membership are invited. This month YC teens will have opportunities to volunteer at Rocky Creek Retirement Village, for the Great American Cleanup, for Spring Fling at Morgan Woods School, and at the American Cancer Society’s “Relay For Life” at Sickels High School. The Youth Council is a part of Hillsborough County Parks, Recreation, and Conservation Department and is open to all Town ‘N Country teens ages 12-17 who are attending school. To obtain a membership application contact Sherry Vennett at 813-624-2753. Visit the Town ‘N Country Library: Book discussions, computer classes in English and Spanish, activities for families including toddlers, teens and adults, and more are offered at our local library. (NOTE The Library will be closed Monday, May 25 for Memorial Day.) ► Saturday, May 9that 2:00 accomplished photographer, Bryan Weinstein shares his passion for both local history and the photographic arts in this entertaining presentation. He is working on the Tampa Changing Project, in which he takes old photographs of Tampa and reshoots them in the present day to show the changes that Tampa has undergone in the last century. ► Become a hometown tourist with local author Kristen Hare Wednesday, May 13 th at 6:30. Don't let the tourists have all the fun! Join Kristen Hare as she discusses Theatre’s presentation of Hansel and Gretel Friday, May 23 at 10:15. The Continued on page 10 Complete Plumbing Repair ● ● ● ● ● ● Sewer and drain cleaning Slab Leaks-ultrasonic leak detection Water Heater Installation and Repair (Never more than 1 hour labor charge for electric water heater repairs, plus parts) Faucet and toilet repairs Repipes Fixture replacements Free Estimates, All Work Guaranteed, No Travel Charge (813) 882-8646 Lic # CFC022569 News In Brief Continued... her book “100 Things To Do in Tampa Bay Before You Die," which contains ideas for all the treasures to discover in Tampa Bay. Copies of the book will be available for purchase. ►“Propagation” will be the topic of discussion at the Master Gardener program Thursday, May 14 th at 6:30. During this hands-on presentation, you will learn how to propagate plants using a variety of techniques, including seeds, leaf cuttings, root cuttings, woodcuttings, air layering, and division. By learning basic principles of propagation, you will save money growing your own plants and have more plants to share! ►Saturday, May 16 at 1:30 children in grades K - 5 can enjoy “Building Blocks”, a fun interactive afternoon of creativity using Lego blocks. The Lego theme for May is “Things That Walk, Run, or Roll. ► Children, ages 4 and up, will enjoy The Bits ‘N Pieces Puppet Theatre’s presentation of Hansel and Gretel Friday, May 23 at 10:15. The theatre combines storytelling, literature, and music to make a great, fun-filled experience for children. A brief puppet workshop will take place after the show. ►For information on these and other library activities visit the Town ‘N Country website, check on Schedule of Events or call (813) 801-6722. The Town 'N Country Senior Center is a leading facility for senior citizens to engage in an assortment of daily programming. The Center provides stimulating activities, health and wellness, educational programs, opportunities for socialization and nutritious meals in an enriched environment for active adults and senior citizens. The Center, located on the first floor of the Town ‘N Country Library, is open from 8 am to 5 pm Monday through Friday. (NOTE: The Center will be closed Monday, May 25 for Memorial Day.) Exercise classes including walking, weight training, and cardio fitness are offered. Seniors can learn Tai Chi, Zumba, ballroom dancing, acoustic guitar, and more. Ongoing activities include billiards, dominoes, card games, table games, and board games. The Center is part of the Computers for Seniors Program. There are computers available for use and the Center provides computer training to seniors. Seniors learn about Medicare, how to manage prescriptions, good nutrition, and the importance of having blood pressure checks. Special activities for May include: May 5 @ 11:30 – Cinco de Mayo Celebration May 8 @ 1:00 – Garden of Love Mother’s Day Luncheon ($5.00) May 14 @ 11:30 – Program: Empowering Seniors to Prevent Healthcare Fraud May 14 @ 1:30 – heART & Soul – Art, Poetry & Culture Program May 19 @ 1:00 – Arm Chair Travel Presents: Utah & Arizona National Parks & Monuments May 20 @ 9:00 – AARP Smart Driver Course (Pre-registration required) May 27 @ 10:00 – SHINE presents: Medicare 101 - An overview May 28 @ 10:00 – Health and Wellness Expo – “Walk the Wellness Trail” May 29 @ 1:30 – Monthly Birthday Celebration For a complete calendar of activities and events call the Town ‘N Country Senior Center (813) 873-6336. Seniors – Apply for this Special Break Before May 12th — Once you turn 65 years of age, Hillsborough Public Utilities Department offers a 25% senior citizen's discount for the solid waste disposal assessment to residential customers who qualify. To qualify for the Senior Citizen Discount, you must be at least 65 years of age by January 1, 2016. You must own and live in your home and your home must be located in unincorporated Hillsborough County. The reduced fee is reflected every year, in November, on your Ad Valorem Tax Bill. You can obtain the application form from the Solid Waste Management Department at 272-6680. You must apply on or before May 12, 2015 to receive the discount on your annual billing cycle in November 2015. You only need to apply for the discount one time. Twelve Oaks.. Page 10 Welcome / Sunshine Welcome New Residents Ivan Santana and Mercedes Sarroca ……7410 Meadow Josue Romero & family…………………….8304 Kirkwood Angel & Maritza Herrera……………………6903 Shady Congratulations and welcome to the neighborhood! We wish you many years of happiness in your new home. “Welcome Bags” will be delivered to each of you sometime during this month. These bags contain information about Twelve Oaks and gift items for you and your family. I encourage you to read The Acorn, our community newsletter that is delivered monthly to your home and visit our community website Share your email address with Neighborhood Watch, and receive weekly updates on safety and security issues in our community. These are the best ways to stay informed about what is happening in and around our community. Twelve Oaks Civic Association (TOCA) general membership meetings are held quarterly. The next meeting is Tuesday, May 26th at 7:00 pm at the Morgan Woods Parks and Recreation building located on the north-side campus of Morgan Woods Elementary School on Armand Drive. Questions? Concerns? Please call any TOCA Board member. You will find our phone numbers and email addresses on page 2 of this newsletter. A Special Message To Twelve Oaks Mothers Thank-you to every woman who has ever hugged a baby, kissed a boo-boo, taught a lesson, listened closely, cared deeply, and passed on her love and wisdom to someone in the world who needed her. Mother’s Day is May 10th and this is the perfect time to thank you for sharing so much of yourself and for giving your family the special gift of your love. HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY! May Dates To Remember: May 5-9 — Teacher Appreciation Week – is a perfect time to let teachers know how they have touched kids' lives. Remember to say “thank you” to your child’s teacher sometime during this special week. Thank you to all teachers, especially to the teachers living in Twelve Oaks. May 11 — Mother’s Day May 14 — TOSD Meeting May 17 — Armed Forces Day May 19 — Ladies Luncheon at Village Inn (W. Hillsborough Ave.) May 26 — Memorial Day (observed) School Holiday May 27 — TOCA Quarterly Membership Meeting Twelve Oaks Civic Association Post Office Box 261012 Tampa, Florida 33685-1012 PRSRT STD US POSTAGE PAID TAMPA FL PERMIT NO. 1741
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