American Legion Department of Illinois 2014—2015 Department Commander Hank Robards MAY 2015 The American Legion 78th Annual High School Oratorical Scholarship Program – “A Constitutional Speech Contest.” brought together 52 contestants to compete in the National Oratorical Finals in Indianapolis, IN the weekend of April 10-12. As of April 24, 2015 The American Legion Department of Illinois winner, Rowan Macwan, a homeschooled, high school junior from Naperville, finished second place earning him a $16,000 college scholarship. This brings Macwan’s total scholarship winnings, between Department and National, to $18,000. Macwan’s prepared Oration was titled, “The Flame of our Liberty” and the assigned topic chosen the morning of the Finals was on the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which granted American women the right to vote. District Commander 7 Lampert 3 Kelley 23 Harris 12 Abdelnour 11 Stieg 21 Nargelenas 24 Sandusky 10 Johnson 8 McNellis 15 Schlieper Division Commander 2 GEESEY 5 JANCEK 1 GRAHAM, III 4 BUSKE 3 WALSTON Public Relations Committee Chairman Tom Marciciak along with committee Vice Chrm. Gary Granberg visited with Rowan in Naperville and videotaped an interview. In that interview Rowan attributed his involvement in the Oratorical Program by following in his older siblings footsteps who competed in the Department of Illinois Oratorical Program in past years, as well as the local speech team he is involved in. Rowan spoke on how he came to choose his Prepared Oration title, to how being homeschooled affording him the opportunity to research the U.S. Constitution in depth. Macwan stated he is very thankful to God and The American Legion for this opportunity. At this time Rowan has not chosen a college, and his goals are not set in stone, however he is interested in field of Economics. The American Legion Department of Illinois in conjunction with, and sponsoring post, Naperville American Legion Post 43 is very proud of Rowan and wishes him much success in his future. NATIONAL—Geeta Minocha, a senior from Vanguard High School in Ocala, Fla., won first place earning her an $18,000 college scholarship with an all expense paid trip to the American Legion’s National Convention in Baltimore. Emma Skahill, a senior from Earlham, Iowa, finishing third. She earned a $14,000 scholarship. The other department-level winners and semifinalists each earned scholarship money, bringing the weekend total to more than $130,000 provided by The American Legion. Department of Illinois ~ Official Member of The National American Legion Press Association S pring is upon us which means outside projects are being planned and completed, special events are in full preparation, and kids are finishing up their school year. Which brings me to The American Legion Youth (summer) programs. We are ready, Are you? Our Girls State, Premier Boys State, Youth Police School applications are arriving at HQ but numbers are down. Has your post selected the students to attend? Yes, that is fantastic, they will enjoy the program. No? Then why not? There is still time to get the applications sent in. These programs are worthwhile A s of this writing there are 52 days remaining until close of books, (JUNE 19th). It would appear that some Districts have decided to retire or have just given up. Others have accelerated their efforts and with that hard work will make themselves and their Districts proud. They are leaders. Joe Lampert, 7th District, 1st Division is the first to reach the 105% goal. David Harris, 23rd District, 5th Division is now over 103% and closing. Terry Abdelnour, 12th District 2nd Division needs two (2) cards for 100%. He’s not satisfied with 100%. Gary Stieg, 11th District, 2nd Divi- programs, I know this and you know this. But does our Community and Youth know it? Our Legion programs they need OUR support every year, WE always need volunteers, but most of all these programs need STUDENTS. If a student doesn’t know anything about these programs then we are failing our communities youth, then we fail the Preamble we speak with pride. Talk to the kids with pride, educate and encourage them to go. We are pretty sure they won’t regret it. My schedule has been busy and is filling up fast for May. April 7 – 10: the Mattoon Revitalization was a success. 108 members; expired, new and 2910’s. April 11: the Auxiliary Jr. Conference was a success. The girls enjoyed their pajama party. They also put on a skit on what not to do with funds sion needs less than 80 cards to reach 100%. He and his officers will achieve this and more. Laimutis, (Limey), Nargelenas, 21st District, 4th Division is a mere 45 cards from 100%. Knowing him he won’t stop there. Carole Sandusky, 24th District, 5th Division is 59 cards away from 100%. From where she was and where she is now, I can’t see her not reaching at least 100%. Those of you who are at 95% and higher need less than 200 cards to reach 100%. Reach that fast and keep going; you can do it with the help of your Officers and your Division Officers. There are 13 Districts below 95%. There is still time to make your mark but you have to work not retire. Every Officer from the Post Level up is responsible for membership and even though time is running out you still have the opportunity to prove your MAY 2015 American Legion Department of IL - Department News Page 2 (excellent). It is great to see our future leaders in action. April 22 – 25: a Revitalization was held in Mt. Vernon. April 29 – May 2: There was a Revitalization in Champaign. May 6 – 9: I will attend the Truman Pilgrimage in Independence, MO. May 16: I will be at the Armed Forces Day Dinner in the 1st Division. May 19 and 20: is the Budget Meeting at the Department Headquarters. May 24: I will be at the Memorial Day Parade in Teutopolis. May 28: I will be at the Homegrown By Heroes statewide gathering at the Illinois Farm Bureau in Bloomington. Everyone continue and keep up the positive approach towards membership. The office staff once again has done a very commendable job. They are second to none. They made my 2 years go very smoothly. Thank you. skills as leaders. Are there only 11 Districts that want to achieve out of 24? I think not. I have said this before and I will continue to repeat it…“Your work to achieve 105% is not for me, it isn’t for any other Officer at Department but it is for what we stand for, VETERANS SERVING VETERANS and THEIR FAMILIES. It is for our Programs and all the other good works we do”. I ask you not to give up. Continue to work renewals and 2910’s. Phone calls and maybe a few trips to visit members that haven’t paid. It’s easy stuff considering why you’re doing it, and can be fun, but it has to be done to reach goals. I know, and I believe each of you know that you can accomplish more. Stand Together as 24 District LEADERS! That will be your strength to achieve. (Dept. Sr. Vice Cmdr. continued on page 5) G oodness, the year has gone by so quickly! It’s just a short time until the department convention in July at Springfield and I hope to see many American Legion Family members there. There is still much work to be done, though, before then. Membership is an ongoing project. We are still working hard to get the renewals/rejoins and new members signed up in the American Legion Auxiliary. The national organization and our department have offered several drawings this year as extra incentive for units to reach goal. The ladies are working hard to be able to get their I bring you greetings from the Sons of the American Legion, Detachment of Illinois. To all of you that served this great country, we thank you for your service. Here is the latest update on JR Stillwell as of April 15th. JR has been moved to room 4402 in the rehab section of the hospital. The telephone number to reach him is (308) 788-4502. He was operated on Tuesday, April 14th to replace his elbow. This will likely extend his stay for the rehab process. The address of the hospital is, Swedish Medical Center, 501 E Hampton, Englewood, CO. 80113. Cards and letters are appreciated. Keep JR in your thoughts and prayers. A big shout out and thank you goes to the National S.A.L. Commander Mike Moss and the Detachment of Colorado for their assistance to JR. units in the drawings. Ladies and Gentlemen of the American Legion Family, if you have a female family member who is eligible to join the ALA, please contact us to discuss their membership. Whether they attend meetings regularly, or help with one or two special projects a year, or just pay their dues annually, their membership in our great organization helps in so many ways. And, they have many benefits: numerous Member Benefits, like discounts on eye-glass and pharmacy prescriptions, travel discounts, and many other options; a great national magazine they receive at no charge; and the opportunity to help our veterans, active military, their families and communities through their dues. Our Centennial Plan is moving along to help strengthen the organiza- tion and, hopefully, increase our membership numbers. One big change is the new, one-page year-end reports put into use. In the years to come, we will be working harder to improve communication between all the levels of the Auxiliary, thus increasing the information given to the units and members. I’ve been busy visiting with units and members at different functions: unit meetings, past president get-togethers, district meetings. Sometimes Bill has joined me on the trip, other times my friends, Arlene or Tammie, have traveled with me. The friendship and warm welcomes have been wonderful. I have a lot of mementos to go through and organize after July, and many fond memories! Patriotic Conference in March and Junior Conference in April were well April was once again a busy month. I attended the Junior Auxiliary Conference on April 11 & 12. Congratulations to the newly elected officers and to Ciara Smith for her fine job as Jr. President. It’s good to see a group of young women who work towards providing for our veterans, our communities and our children. On Sunday, I slipped away from the conference to watch the finals of the National American Legion Oratorical Contest which included a finalist from Illinois, Rowan Macwan. I have never been to the contest locally, but I was impressed with all 3 finalists. In the end, Rowan finished in second place. We all should be proud of his accomplishment and thank the Naperville American Legion Post for their sponsorship. April 18th had me attending the 1st Division Legion training seminar on recruitment for Premier Boys State. Look for the S.A.L. to take on a more active role for this great cause. Thanks to Barry Cicero for putting the seminar on. After that, later in the evening, I attended the 1st Division S.A.L. fundraiser for the Child Welfare Foundation at Marrs Meyer Post #991 in Worth. Thank you to the American Legion Family and especially Squadron #991 for your support. A special thanks to Eugene Gort our CWF promoter, and to Bill Pillman, 1st Division S.A.L. Commander. April 25th has the S.A.L. travelling to Savoy for the President and Commanders Special Project Bowling Tournament. President Ann, Commanders Hank and I have chosen Fisher House as one of our special projects. Proceeds are going to the Fisher Houses at Jefferson Barracks in St. Louis, and Hines VA Hospital in Chicago. Thank you to those that participated and/or donated. I would like to thank Bruno “T” and Patti Williamson, Tommie and Cathy Cisna for their help in setting up and running this event. It’s still not too late to bring your donations to the convention in June. Our membership year is coming to an end. The final national renewal American Legion Department of IL - Department News Page 3 (Aux. President continued on page 5 (SAL Detachment Cmdr continued on page 5) MAY 2015 Did You Know? (By: Raymond P. Toczek Legion Service Officer) 312-980-4264 That I thought for sure the old Rumor Mill was closed for business and that I could lock the door, bolt up the windows and throw away the key. Much to my surprise when I got to the Mill the mailbox was full and the e-mail account was overflowing with requests to check out the latest rumors out there. So without further ado here are some of the latest ones: 1. My spouse recently passed away and while she was alive we were getting a reduction in our property taxes here in Illinois. She was a service-connected disabled vet. I heard that I will lose that reduction. FALSE. As long as the surviving spouse doesn’t remarry and continues to live in the property the property tax reduction passes on to them. 2. I was recently diagnosed with prostate cancer and they had to remove my prostate gland. The aftereffects have affected my entire lifestyle and I find myself going through bouts of depression. Although I am getting VA benefits for the residuals of my prostate cancer (I was exposed to Agent Orange in Nam) I was told I can’t get additional benefits for the depression since it didn’t start while I was in service. FALSE. If your VA or private doctor opines that the depression is a direct result of your prostate condition the VA will grant you benefits for that depression as being secondary to the cancer. 3. My father passed away during the latter part of World War II and his remains are at the Normandy American Cemetery in France. Now that I am retired I thought it would be a wonderful experience to visit that cemetery. I was told I could get a Fee-Free Passport to visit there. TRUE. The American Battle Monuments Commission can furnish you the necessary paperwork to get one without charge. 4. I was denied enrollment in the VA hospital system a few years ago because I had too much money in the bank (over $120,000). I was told that I can now reapply and the VA will not look at my bank account. TRUE. There was a recent change in VA regulations and Net Worth is no longer a factor. The VA will now only ask for your monthly income flow and the interest you earn on that bank account. And we all know how low the yields currently are! 5. I lost track of my cousin. We were best of friends but when he got back from Iraq he fell off the radar and no one knows where he is or even if he is alive. I was told the VA can’t tell me where he lives. PARTIALLY TRUE. Due to the Privacy Act the VA can’t release the current address of a veteran. However they can forward a letter on to his last known location. As long as the letter is not harmful (e.g. asking for back child support or to pay back a debt) the VA, if they can identify him or her in their computer system, will forward these types of letters. To find out the procedure please contact the VA directly at 1800-827-1000. Well that’s all for now. Guess I’ll have to keep the old Rumor Mill open for a few more years! And in closing……… Dear Internet: You are very good at spreading rumors. Truth is more valuable and much harder to come by. Mark Frost MAY 2015 American Legion Department of IL - Department News Page 4 Roger Powell of Fairdale, IL received a $1500 NEF (National Emergency Fund) check delivered by Department Sr. Vice Commander Paul W. Gardner. Powell’s home was completely destroyed (pictured above right) by a deadly EF4 tornado that ripped through the northwest suburban town on April 9th. Powell could only receive these benefits because he is paid member (Genoa Post 337). (Dept. Sr. Vice Cmdr. continued from page 2) (SAL Detachment Cmdr continued from page 3) Division Commanders don’t sit back and leave it all to the District Officers. Help and Lead! There is a tight race for #1 between the 2nd Division and the 5th Division. 5th Division Commander Dutch Jancek wants that number #1 Gold Pin. There’s nothing stopping the rest of you Division Commanders from working to gain ground. Every Division Officer should be working membership. Districts need your help, give it to them. Everyone needs to be involved now. It’s not too late to make a move, the bigger the better. notice is being sent out at the end of April. Let’s help “Building Membership” and our Sr. Vice Bill Geary attain that 100% membership goal! As of April 17th our membership stands at 95.73%, just a little over 600 cards short of 100%. We’re trying!!!! It is getting to that time of the year to start thanking all of the wonderful members of the American Legion Family I have met these last two years travelling the state. Commander Hank and the officers of the Department of Illinois, thank you all for your support. We are a program of yours, and I hoped we lived up to your expectations! Good luck Sr. Vice Paul in your bid for election to the office of Commander. See you all at the state and national conventions. Last but not least is the upcoming 52nd Annual Sons of the American Legion, Detachment of Illinois Convention in Arlington Heights, June 26-28, 2015. Reservations can be made at the convention hotel Wingate by Wyndham, Arlington Heights. $85/ night plus tax. Call (847) 434-0300 and mention Sons of the American Legion. THERE IS NOT A BLOCK OF ROOMS RESERVED, SO CALL EARLY. Flyers for our “unofficial” Golf Outing, Day at the Races, and our “official” Bowling Tournament are in this mailing. My American Legion Family looks forward to your stay in our beautiful Village and we hope you won’t be disappointed. There is Strength Through Leadership! I Believe in you. Believe in yourself. (Aux. President continued from page 3) attended, and there were many members at each attending for the first time! This was great. It made me very happy. I hope that the effort put into getting more information to our members this past year is paying off with more interest in attending meetings, etc. Department Training on April 18 was very well attended. 123 members registered and 103 attended. They came for the day to learn more about leading our organization, handling discord and strengthening the Department of Illinois American Legion Auxiliary and meet new friends. Coral Grout of Massachusetts and Kathy Daudistel of Kentucky were the presenters from the national organization and did a wonderful job. Everyone enjoyed themselves and, I think, learned much. It has been an interesting and informative year. I’ve enjoyed working with Commander Hank and Detachment Commander John. The American Legion Family is a wonderful, diverse family, and I’m glad to be a part of it. Take care and travel safe! American Legion Department of IL - Department News Page 5 Remember “When it MUST BE DONE, Call the SONS” Communicate-Educate. Never Forget 9-11-01 MAY 2015 DISTRICT COMMANDER REMINDER: The Religious Emphasis Committee wants to remind all District Commanders to please get your Outstanding Chaplain nominee application in for your Chaplain Award. It needs to be send to Department Headquarters no later than June 6, 2015 (sooner if possible). If you need an Outstanding Chaplains Cross form, contact the print shop at Department Headquarters 309-663-0361 or go to the website: This will ensure us plenty of time to get in contact with your nominee and make arrangements with them or who will be representing them at the Memorial Service on July 11th. Please remember to keep our veterans, their families, and the United States in your prayers. May God Bless our American Legion Family VAOIG blasts Philly regional office Evidence is found of mismanagement, employee mistrust, data manipulation and hiding mail. WASHINGTON (April 15, 2015) A report issued today by the Department of Veterans Affairs Office of Inspector General (VAOIG) has substantiated gross mismanagement, negligence and misconduct at the VA Regional Office (VARO) in Philadelphia. Violations included the entering of false dates on veterans’ benefits claims, altering results on quality reviews, hiding unprocessed mail, delaying the scanning and uploading of documents, and failing to provide a safe work environment for employees. Michael D. Helm, national commander of The American Legion said the report’s findings reinforced his serious concerns about the quality of operations at the Philadelphia VARO. He sent a team of Legion experts there on March 20 to hold a town hall meeting with local veterans, and meet with leadership from the regional office. “The fact that VA’s own inspector general is finding significant instances of mismanagement at the VA Regional Office in Philadelphia is extremely disturbing to say the least,” Helm said. “Like the previous scandals revealed last year, the serious deficiencies in Philadelphia do not appear to be limited to just one place. Complaints are coming in from VARO’s in Oakland, Los Angeles, Little Rock, Baltimore, Houston and Honolulu. It is far past the time for VA to restore in earnest the trust that has been lost by the veterans, whom it was intended to serve.” Allison Hickey, VA’s under secretary for benefits, has characterized the OIG’s report as reflecting conditions that existed more than a year ago. “We disagree with that assessment,” the VAOIG report stated. Despite having concluded its onsite investigation last August, the office continues to receive “additional allegations of wrongdoing from VARO staff.” MAY 2015 American Legion Department of IL - Department News Page 6 Examples include a March 2015 complaint that reported a scheme to credit VARO staff for training they did not complete, and a December 2014 complaint that the mail situation at the Philadelphia VARO had gotten worse and alleged that VARO management continues to cover up the problem. “It is unfortunate that VA leadership, when asked, failed to describe more accurately the situation in Philadelphia,” Helm said. “Such important work that means so much to the quality of life for our veterans can’t be handled so incompetently.” The Philadelphia VARO administers about $4 billion in benefits payments for about 825,000 veterans and family members. On April 22, the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs will hold a hearing: “Philadelphia and Oakland: Systemic Failures and Mismanagement.” ESPN to expand coverage of Legion World Series ESPN will expand its live coverage of The American Legion World Series (ALWS) to broadcast two semifinal games, Aug. 17, on its ESPNU channel in addition to the championship game on Aug. 18, the network announced today. The four days of “pool play” leading up to the semifinals will continue to be aired by ESPN through its webcasting service ESPN3. The two semifinal games will be shown on ESPNU at 4 p.m. and 7 p.m. EDT on Aug. 17, and the championship airs at 7 p.m. the following day on the same channel. From Aug. 13-16, three games of "pool play" - pitting each of the eight regional champions against each other - will be streamed live daily on at approximately noon, 4 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. ESPN’s announcement that it will air the semifinal games of the 89th Annual American Legion Baseball World Series is an expansion of the relationship between ESPN and The American Legion. That relationship began in the summer of 2011, when the sports network streamed each of the series games online. The American Legion and the Shelby (N.C.) Baseball World Series Committee inked a five-year contract last year with ESPN for the broadcasting giant to televise the ALWS championship game This year, ESPN will again televise the ALWS championship game on ESPNU as part of the channel's “Championship Tuesday.” Last year's broadcast was a major milestone; The American Legion Baseball World Series championship game had not been shown on live TV in 35 years. ESPNU reaches nearly 80 million viewers. In all, the ALWS will feature 15 games this year – 12 games of “pool play” between the eight regional champions, two semifinal contests and a championship. “Pool play” is divided by two divisions, the “Stars division” and the “Stripes division,” each of which features four teams. The winner of one division faces the runner-up of the other division in a semifinal game, with the two winners advancing to the championship. Now in its 89th year, the American Legion Baseball World Series is played annually at Keeter Stadium in host city Shelby, N.C. The five-day event features entertainment, competition and plenty of America's pastime. Each year, thousands of Legion Baseball teams, sponsored by American Legion posts, compete nationally for a chance to be named ALWS champion. Help us tell 'The Story of Our Flag' NATIONAL - The American Legion is launching a multimedia tribute to Old Glory that will explore the flag’s meaning, the price paid for all it symbolizes, and the special place it occupies in our conscience and culture. “Indivisible: The Story of Our Flag,” will be a collectible American Legion Centennial bookazine. Through illustrations and succinct text, it will tell the story of the U.S. flag from the American Revolution to the Global War on Terrorism. Voices, unique facts, historical anecdotes and more will team up with beautiful illustrations to tell that story. Combining with the bookazine will be a web platform housed on that will include videos, frequently asked questions, Flag code standards, stories of interest and other valuable resources. A mobile app also will be available as part of the campaign, and will feature information about the display of the flag, photos, videos and flag etiquette. The American Legion wants the public to be a part of this tribute to our flag. Social media users also are encouraged to post photos of Old Glory, or share what the U.S. flag means to you, on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram using the hashtag #MyUSFlag. Those who want to participate also can pin photos of the flag to the Legion’s Pinterest page. American Legion Department of IL - Department News Page 7 MAY 2015 Spending bill shields commissaries from cuts in 2015 WASHINGTON — Base commissaries are set to dodge budget cuts next year that threatened to reduce shopper savings thanks to a massive omnibus spending bill set for a vote in Congress this week. The bill would pump $90 million back into the global system of supermarkets after lawmakers proposed trimming about $100 million from the commissary budget, according to Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., who helped craft it. Commissary savings may be the only troop benefit on the chopping block to get a last-minute reprieve in the $1.1-trillion omnibus bill — Congress is still poised to reduce military pay raises, housing allowances, and Tricare prescription coverage, as well as eliminating on-base tobacco discounts in 2015. The spending bill was likely to be approved during a House vote Thursday and a Senate vote Friday, heading off the possible government shutdown as current funding legislation expires, Sen. Barbara Mikulski, D-Md., who headed up the compromise, said Wednesday afternoon. It will ensure troops, families and military retirees can continue to save what the commissary system says is an average of 30 percent on grocery bills by shopping at the 243 supermarkets on bases in the United States and abroad. Durbin’s office said the funding was granted while Congress and the Defense Department await a commission study on military benefits expected to be finished in February and to become a guidepost for future reforms. The stores cost the DOD $1.4 billion per year. The Pentagon wants to reduce that annual budget to just $400 million, closing some locations and eventually bringing savings down to about 10 percent. Top brass lobbied Capitol Hill earlier this year to start with a $200million reduction next year. Congress had met the Pentagon half way by reducing commissary funding by $100 million in its National Defense Authorization Act, an annual bill that sets defense priorities and is also up for a final vote in the Senate this week. Lawmakers anticipated the supermarkets could suck up the cut by being more efficient. The omnibus bill restored enough money to keep operations at current levels, according to Senate staff involved with creating the legislation. Meanwhile, the omnibus and the NDAA will push forward with other cuts in troop benefits. Pay raises will be capped at 1 percent, down from 1.8 percent increases. Basic housing allowances will go from covering 100 percent to 99 percent of costs, while the military wants to eventually bring that down to 95 percent. Troops also will be asked to pay $3 more out of pocket for Tricare pharmacy copays and will no longer be able to buy cheaper cigarettes and smokeless tobacco on military bases, meaning troops will have to pay about 5percent to 20 percent more, depending on the location. MAY 2015 American Legion Department of IL - Department News Page 8 Customers shop at the commissary on Ramstein Air Base, Germany. A RAND study says raising prices in military commissaries to offset decreases in tax-payer dollars could be a bad idea. DOD plan would ‘destroy’ commissaries, industry representatives say The Defense Department’s fiscal 2016 budget request would slash taxpayer support of base grocery stores by $322 million in 2016 and by $1 billion next year, enough to “destroy” the shopping benefit, warns the American Logistics Association. The entrance to the commissary at Ramstein Air Base, Germany. The American Logistics Association says that a fiscal 2016 budget request would slash taxpayer support of base grocery stores enough to “destroy” the shopping benefit. Commissary hours, discount cuts under consideration in new proposal The Defense Department is again considering cutting the hours and days that commissaries are open, the Navy Times reported on its website. Online Tools, Standardized Forms, and More Effective March 24th, 2015, VA is implementing improvements to make it easier for you to apply for benefits. Online application tools, standardized forms, and a new intent to file process will create faster and more accurate decisions on your claims and appeals. What does it all mean? As part of the VA’s full-scale transformation in 2015, these new changes will: Streamline the benefits process, making it faster and easier Use standardized forms to file disability claims and compensation appeals Establish a new intent to file a claim process Learn more about these important changes: American Legion Department of IL - Department News Page 9 MAY 2015 Durbin calls to expand program for disabled veterans ILLINOIS – More help could be on the way for veterans if a bill sponsored by Senator Dick Durbin passes through Congress. Senator Dick Durbin (D-Illinois) announced a new plan to expand a popular program for caregivers of veterans Thursday in Springfield. “It isn't just a matter of dollars and cents, it's a matter of doing the right thing,” Durbin said. Right now, caregivers of post 9-11 veterans can access benefits including a federal stipend, nursing training, and respite care in an effort to keep former soldiers out of costly nursing homes. Durbin said caregivers of all disable veterans deserve a chance at the program. "These vets want to be home, they want to be with their families,” Durbin told veterans at VFW Post 755. “They do better when they progress and have a life." While some worry about costs, Durbin doesn't. "It is going to cost money and it should, and we should pay it,” he said. In the long term, Durbin thinks money could be saved. He said nursing home costs can range from $45,000 to more than $300,000 a year. The maximum stipends offered to caregivers is $36,000 each year. Connie Sneyd's husband George is partially disabled after exposure to Agent Orange in Vietnam. She said the program would be helpful if her husband became totally disabled from his war injury. "That's very important because you burn out very easily when you take care of people,” Sneyd said. Vietnam Veteran Gene Walker also suffers debilitating injuries as result of Agent Orange exposure. He's glad to hear the bill will help soldiers of his era. "There's people out here that are forgotten guys, we are forgotten,” Walker said. 20,000 caregivers currently participate in the program. Durbin estimates an expansion would include up to 80,000 more eligible caregivers. L-R: Ashley Davis (Rockford Post 1207), Senator Dick Durbin, Dept. Sr. Vice Commander Paul W. Gardner MAY 2015 American Legion Department of IL - Department News Page 10 Mark Your Calendar National Spring Committee & Commission Meetings (Indianapolis, IN) May 4th—7th ~~~ Armed Forces Day (100% Target) May 8th ~~~ Mother’s Day May 10th ~~~ Armed Forces Day Dinner (Hosted by 1st Div.) May 16th ~~~ Memorial Day Department Office Closed May 25th ~~~ Special Olympics (ISU—Normal, IL) June 12th—13th ~~~ American Legion Premier Illinois Boys State (EIU—Charleston) June 13th—19th ~~~ Flag Day June 14th ~~~ Final Gold Pin-Cut Off and Close Of Books June 19th ~~~ Father’s Day June 21st ~~~ Girls State June 21st—27th ~~~ Department Commander Henry “Hank” Robards Birthday June 23rd ~~~ SAL Detachment Convention June 26th—28th ~~~ Independence Day July 4th ~~~ 97th Department Convention Springfield, IL July 8th—11th ~~~ Boys Nation Washington, D.C. July 17th—25th ~~~ Jr. Sporting Sports National Championship Colorado Springs, CO July 21st—25th ~~~ American Legion Baseball Regional Tournaments August 4th—9th ~~~ 2015-2016 National Membership Workshop and DSO School August 6th-8th ~~~ American Legion Baseball World Series Shelby, NC August 13th –18th ~~~ American Legion LEGACY RUN Indy to Baltimore August 23rd—26th ~~~ 97th Annual National Convention Baltimore, MD August 28th—September 2nd ~~~ 44th Annual SAL National Convention Baltimore, MD August 28th—30th ~~~ National ALA Convention Baltimore, MD August 31st—September 3rd USS Illinois Commissioning Committee The USS Illinois, SSN 786, America’s newest fast attack submarine is currently under construction in Groton, CT. In keeping with naval tradition, the USS Illinois Commissioning Committee was formed to provide statewide awareness of our namesake submarine and to solicit sponsorships and donations to provide a host of precommissioning activities not paid for by the U.S. Navy and to provide ongoing postcommissioning support to the crew and families as they deploy to defend our Freedom. The Committee is made up of persons from across the state, many of whom represent the Navy League, United States Submarine Veterans, business leaders, and former navy veterans. The Committee has a goal of $800,000 to provide the goods and services as stated above. We are seeking Corporate Sponsors and individual donations to assist in this effort. Interested parties may sign on to our web site, to get the details of our Committee, our responsibilities, and a secure system for making online donations. It is a rare honor to have a U. S. Navy Warship named after our state. Not since 1897 have we been so honored. The last ship to carry our name was USS Illinois BB7, a WWI battleship and part of the Great White Fleet. We want to thank all Illinois Legionnaires, in advance, for your help with this worthy cause. Please contact the committee via the web site for questions and additional information. *** SHARON CONATSER To be Installed as National ALA President September 3rd ~~~ Purple Heart Day September 7th ~~~ Labor Day Department Office Closed September 7th ### American Legion Department of IL - Department News Page 11 MAY 2015 MAY 2015 American Legion Department of IL - Department News Page 12 American Legion Department of IL - Department News Page 13 MAY 2015 97th Annual Department Convention July 7 – 12, 2015 Springfield, Illinois FREEDOM FEST Reservations are Requested (however walk-ins are welcome) Friday, July 10, 2015 6:00 p.m. – 11:30 p.m. 700 Block of E. Adams DOWNTOWN SPRINGFIELD IN THE ROADWAY BETWEEN THE TWO CONVENTION HOTELS. +++NO COVER CHARGE+++ BEER, SODA, FOOD & LIVE MUSIC 7:30 p.m. – 11:30 p.m. FEATURING THE BAND “ OUT OF THE WOODS” EVERYONE IS INVITED TO HELP COMMANDER HANK AND PRESIDENT ANN CELEBRATE THEIR CONVENTIONS AND YEAR OF SERVICE. MAY 2015 American Legion Department of IL - Department News Page 14 American Legion Department of IL - Department News Page 15 MAY 2015 $30.00 per golfer Price includes Golf (9 hole course), and Cart fee 1st Tee Off at 10:00 AM QUESTIONS: Contact the “Unofficial” Golf Chairman John Finn at (224) 805-8901 Friday, June 26, 2015 Palatine Hills Golf Course 512 W. Northwest Highway Palatine, IL 60067 (847) 359- 4020 Sons of The American Legion Invites You to a Day at the Races Event at Arlington International Racetrack WHEN: Friday, June 26, 2015 WHERE: Arlington Park Finish Line Canopy Track Level EVENT DETAILS: Event Time: 2:00—7:00 PM; Buffet: 2:30—4:30 PM; Bar: 2:30—5:30 PM; Post Time: 3:15 PM COST: $35.00 per person, only 48 tickets available. INCLUDES: Admission, Program, Food, and Refreshments. Make checks payable to: SAL 208 Mail to: John Jarosz, Jr. 121 N. Douglas Ave., Arlington, IL 60004 ——>By June 19th. MAY 2015 American Legion Department of IL - Department News Page 16 Sharon Conatser for National President Illinois Team 2015 Campaign Shirts Ladies V-Neck Polo: ALF Logos on Left Breast Sizes XS – 4XL Prices: XS—XL= $30; 2XL- 4XL= $35 Men’s Polo with Pocket: ALF Logos on Left Chest Sizes S—4XL Prices: S—XL= $30; 2XL—4XL= $35 Help us celebrate the election of an Illinois Auxiliary member to this high office. Order an American Legion Family Illinois “Team 2015” Shirt and show our support for Sharon! Order it today, wear it today. Most important wear it when Sharon is elected in Baltimore at the 2015 National Convention during her installation. Show off our Illinois American Legion Family Pride! CHECKS PAYABLE TO: TEAM 2015 The deadline for shirt orders is August 1st. Checks and order forms should be sent to: Deb Lewis PO Box 152 Cisco, IL 61830-0152 Size Needed Ladies:________________ Size Needed Men’s:_______________ Quantity Ladies: ____________________ Quantity Men’s:___________________ Total # of Shirts Ordered: ____________ Amount of Check: _________________ Name: ________________________________________________________ Mailing Address: ____________________________________________________________________________________ E-Mail Address:_________________________________________________Phone #:_____________________________ SHARON CONATSER—300 CLUB WINNERS APRIL WINNERS (drawn at April 13, 2015) $ 500—————————————–——–——–—Deland Unit 102 $ 250————————————————————Robert Henderson $ 150————————————————————Audrey Atteberry Drawings will be held every month throughout 2015 Tickets are still available. Contact Pam Ray at 217-741-6849 or call Auxiliary Headquarters Office at 309-663-9366. American Legion Department of IL - Department News Page 17 MAY 2015 City of LeRoy & Post 79 Set to Host Vietnam Memorial Traveling Wall The City of LeRoy along with Ruel Neal American Legion Post 79 are privileged to host the Vietnam Memorial Traveling Wall July 23-26, 2015. The Wall That Heals will be displayed in and around the Kiwanis Park in downtown LeRoy. It promises to attract large numbers of visitors to the community. All are welcome to attend. 2015 marks the 40th anniversary of the end of the Vietnam War. There will be a motorcycle escort of the wall July 21, 2015. If you would to participate in the escort please contact us and provide your full contact information. For more information go to: Oak Ridge Boys to receive Legion Patriot Award The nation's largest organization of wartime veterans today announced the selection of The Oak Ridge Boys as its 2015 recipients of The American Legion Patriot Award. “By using their considerable talents to raise awareness and support for the needs of veterans and their families, The Oak Ridge Boys are an obvious choice for this prestigious honor,” American Legion National Commander Michael D. Helm said. “Duane Allen, Richard Sterban, Joe Bonsall and William Lee Golden are great Americans who have entertained people worldwide with their stirring hits and amazing record of success. Their blend of gospel, country and rock make The Oak Ridge Boys true American icons.” The Patriot Award is just the latest honor for the band, which was recently selected as 2015 inductees to the Country Music Hall of Fame. The Oak Ridge Boys were also named as celebrity “spokesband” for The American Legion and have done several educational announcements about the services and programs offered by the Legion. Moreover, the band has been active in Soldier’s Wish, a Legion-supported group that creates events to support military members. The Patriot Award will be presented to The Oak Ridge Boys in Baltimore, Md., during The American Legion’s 97th Annual National Convention, Sept. 1-3. MAY 2015 American Legion Department of IL - Department News Page 18 2014-2015 DIVISION & DISTRICT MEETING DATES DATE DIST. / DIV. TIME POST CITY 05/08/15 2ND DISTRICT 6:00 PM KLAS RESTAURANT CICERO 05/15/15 10TH DISTRICT 7:30 PM LAKE REGION POST 703 (CONVENTION & POST EVERLASTING) FOX LAKE 05/16/15 1ST DISTRICT 11:00 AM MONTCLARE-LEYDEN VFW POST 1284 (ELECTIONS) CHICAGO 05/17/15 11TH DISTRICT 1:00 PM ELBURN POST 630 (CONVENTION) ELBURN 05/17/15 12TH DISTRICT 1:00 PM BAYARD BROWN POST 337 (CONVENTION) GENOA 05/17/15 17TH DISTRICT 1:00 PM BENSON POST 454 (CONVENTION) BENSON 05/17/15 20TH DISTRICT 10:00 AM WINCHESTER POST 442 (CONVENTION) WINCHESTER 05/17/15 21ST DISTRICT 1:00 PM STATE POLICE POST 1922 (CONVENTION) SPRINGFIELD 05/17/15 23RD DISTRICT UNKNOWN RAMSEY POST 460 RAMSEY 05/17/15 25TH DISTRICT 1:00 PM BENTON POST 280 BENTON 05/20/15 3RD DISTRICT 7:00 PM FRED SCHWEITZER POST 272 CHICAGO 05/20/15 7TH DISTRICT 7:30 PM MORTON GROVE POST 134 MORTON GROVE 05/21/15 5TH DISTRICT 7:30 PM BELLWOOD POST 500 BELLWOOD 05/24/15 16TH DISTRICT 10:00 AM LIMESTONE POST 979 (CONVENTION) BARTONVILLE 05/27/15 9TH DISTRICT 7:30 PM HOWARD H ROHDE POST 888 NORTHLAKE 05/28/15 8TH DISTRICT 8:00 PM EVERGREEN PARK POST 854 EVERGREEN PARK 05/31/15 5TH DIVISION TBA ST. JACOB POST 665 ST. JACOB 05/31/15 15TH DISTRICT 10:00 AM COLONA POST 1233 COLONA 06/07/15 2ND DIVISON 1:00 PM LOCKPORT POST 18 (CONVENTION) LOCKPORT 06/07/15 11TH DISTRICT 11:00 AM LOCKPORT POST 18 LOCKPORT 06/07/15 3RD DIVISION 10:00 AM PITTSFIELD POST152 PITTSFIELD 06/10/15 2ND DISTRICT 7:30 PM WAYNE-WRIGHT POST 1052 CHICAGO 06/17/15 7TH DISTRICT 7:30 PM HUERTER-WILMETTE POST 46 WILMETTE 06/18/15 5TH DISTRICT 7:30 PM COMMODORE BARRY POST 256 BERWYN 06/19/15 10TH DISTRICT 7:00 PM WAUCONDA POST 911 WAUCONDA 06/20/15 1ST DISTRICT 11:00 AM MONTCLARE-LEYDEN VFW POST 1284 (PRE-CONVENTION) CHICAGO 06/24/15 3RD DISTRICT 7:00 PM ELVIN CAREY POST 236 CHICAGO 06/24/15 9TH DISTRICT 7:30 PM MERLE-GUILD POST 208 ARLINGTON HEIGHTS 06/25/15 8TH DISTRICT 8:00 PM MARRS-MEYER POST 991 WORTH Boys State—June 13th—19th, 2015 Special Olympics—June 12th—13th, 2015 Illini Girls State—June 21st—27th, 2015 American Legion Department of IL - Department News Page 19 MAY 2015 T HE A M E R I C A N L E GI ON D E P A R T M E N T OF I L L I N OI S P . O. B OX 2 9 1 0 B L OOM I N GT O N , I L L I N OI S 6 1 7 0 2 PUBLISHED MONTHLY * Department Commander HANK ROBARDS Department Editor MARTY CONATSER Newsletter articles must be at Department Headquarters by the 15th of each month for it to be in the next months issue. Fax: 309-663-5783 Web: * One year Subscription to the Department News $10.00 for 11 issues Phone: 309-663-0361 Email: PRESORTED FIRST-CLASS MAIL US POSTAGE PAID BLOOMINGTON, IL PERMIT No. 18 Department of Illinois ~ Official Member of The National American Legion Press Association APRIL TRIVIA (ABE LINCOLN TRIVIA) 1. Which two nations, constitutionally barred from military actions, send money to support the Allied coalition against Iraq in “1991”? 2. What Ohio city was the 1995 Bosnian peace accord signed in? 3. What Civil War general graduated first in the West Point class of 1829? 4. What was the B-17 long-range bomber nicknamed in World War II? 5. What English King introduced death by boiling and legalized the killing of gypsies? Visit our website! Scan Here ANSWERS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Germany & Japan Dayton Robert E. Lee The Flying Fortress Henry VIII MAY 2015 American Legion Department of IL - Department News Page 20
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