Summer / Fall 2014 Parish Newsletter Many of the priests and lay people tell me how much they appreciate our parish for all that you do. Is that not a miracle? Continue to experience miracles and make miracles happen in the lives of others. A Message from Fr. Bala: My dear brothers and sisters, Have you ever experienced God working miracles in your life? If yes, thank God and expect more. If no, then read this article carefully and you will have one or more soon. After reading and reflecting on St. John’s Gospel of the Miracle of Loaves & Fishes (John 6:5-13) I decided to share some of my thoughts with you. People came to Jesus: “When Jesus looked up and saw a great crowd coming toward him,” Jn 6:5 The crowd did not expect him to feed them. They came to listen. That was the cause of the miracle. Our coming together as one family of Jesus itself is a miracle, where everyone is cared for by its members as Jesus cared for the crowds. When we come in his name and participate in the lives of people through different ministries, people experience miracles through us. Jesus has a plan for you. “for he already had in mind what he was going to do.” Jn 6:6 If he sees you coming to him, he has a plan ready for you and wants to execute it. But if you do not go to him, the plan cannot be executed. He needs your cooperation. Remember that the plan he has for you is not an ordinary plan, but a great one. It is so great that it is impossible for you to comprehend. I was asking Jesus for our parish and always he reminds me of a few: Spiritual growth in the life of the parish: Forming everyone as Disciples and Apostles. Let us make September as “the month of faith enrichment.” I expect each one of us to attend one of the scheduled sessions. I know that you will give your full support to make it a successful and fruitful month for all. New ministries: We have much to do in the following fields and I need your help to lead these ministries. 1. Visits to the home bound. 2. Divorce care for the children. 3. Care for the children (Children’s group). 4. Foreign mission trips: To enable Haiti, Honduras or any country to expand and be witnesses to others as the sign of our Catholic faith. 5. Pilgrimages to Holy places to learn about and deepen our faith. Discouragement is the work of the devil. “It would take more than half a year’s wages to buy enough bread for each one to have a bite!” Jn 6:7 Look at Philip’s response to Jesus request. When we want to take up some responsibilities or challenges the devil will discourage us through our friends and family. Continued on Page 2. IN THIS ISSUE Fr. Tran ........................................... 3 Discipleship ..................................... 4 Worship & Spirituality ....................... 5 Building & Grounds .......................... 9 Education & Formation.....................10 Youth Ministry ................................14 Evangelization ................................16 Parish & Family Life .........................18 Social Action ..................................19 Hispanic Ministry.............................20 Statue of St. Philip ..........................21 Communication...............................22 Knights of Columbus .......................22 Men’s Club .....................................23 Women of St. Philip .........................23 Administration & Finance .................24 St. Philip Bookstore .........................26 Photos ...........................................27 ST. PHILIP 2014 FALL NEWSLETTER 2 MESSAGE FROM FATHER BALA If you are inspired, then it is the work of God. Begin and God will make his plan in you successful. Many of you have taken up different ministries. Your ministries are marvelous. I cannot thank you enough. Continue and those who are thinking of joining have a wonderful opportunity. Have an eye: “Here is a boy with five small barley loaves and two small fish, but how far will they go among so many?” Jn 6:5 Like that boy, even if we have little to give or contribute, God will multiply it. One of my longings in this direction is our sister parish in Haiti, St. John Borromeo. For the Youth: You can teach children English, computers, games, form youth groups, share your spiritual gifts, share how to make their dreams come true and much more. For the Adults: If you are a handyman, know how to build houses, are a teacher, a nurse, a crafts person etc. you have much to give to the people. Let us equip them with know-how. They do not need us to go and work since many are jobless but if we provide the material and teach them the skills, then they would be less dependent on us. I would like to expand our ministry in Haiti by having groups go there at different times of the year and build rapport. God has given us this parish and our few talents and efforts can be a great gain for them. Have you five loaves and two fish to share? (Continued from Page one.) Jesus wants us to be comfortable. “There was plenty of grass in that place, and they sat down.” Jn 6:10 No matter what is your situation or who you are, Jesus is thinking of you. He has a beautiful place ready for you, a place of prosperity and joy. He wants you to be comfortable. Just believe it and it will be yours. We have been blessed with much and he asks us to share those blessings with others. All of us have something to share big or small. In six years I never felt let down by you. I have such confidence that you will always step up to the occasion and you always do. Remember how many wonderful programs we have had. You are always generous. Therefore, I want to appreciate you and request you to pay attention to one more area of your involvement in the parish. When we come for Mass, how we interact with others is essential. People may come as strangers into the church but we must send them home as friends. This can be done by all by being a little more sociable. Many people are hurt or in need of our time and service. Can we get engaged with an existing ministry or start a new one? Can we give at least one hour a week to others to make their lives a little better or more comfortable? Jesus multiplies: “Jesus then took the five loaves, gave thanks, and distributed to those who were seated as much as they wanted. He did the same with the fish.” Jn 6:11 That is the power of Jesus. He can do it in your life too. I often thank God for every one of you. Whenever I ask you for something you have never refused. My joy is always multiplied by you. People say “Father you have a magic power. You ask and you get in abundance.” I do not have enough words to explain my gratitude to you. I know that I can count on you. God of abundance: “When they had all had enough to eat, he said to his disciples, ‘Gather the pieces that are left over. Let nothing be wasted.’ So they gathered them and filled twelve baskets with the pieces of the five barley loaves left over by those who had eaten.” Jn 6:13 Jesus does not give just what we need but gives us more than we need. If we realize it then we will be always joyful and generous. Jesus never wants us to waste anything rather He wants us to share with others generously. Therefore, let us share, let us care, let us be witnesses to our faith and let us make miracles happen. 3 ST. PHILIP 2014 FALL NEWSLETTER Using Incense during Liturgy Part 1 - Father Tran There are many questions about using the incense in the Liturgy: When do we use it? How is incense used? What does its use symbolize? It’s use goes back to the ancient times. Let us explore it’s theological and ancient history meaning before answering those questions. The purpose of incensing and the symbolism of the smokes is that of purification and sanctification. In the Old Testament, the Lord commanded Moses to build an altar specially dedicated to offering incense to worship Him. The Book of Exodus says: “For burning incense you shall make an altar of acacia wood, with a square surface, a cubit long, a cubit wide, and two cubits high, with horns that are of one piece with it. On it Aaron shall burn fragrant incense. Morning after morning, when he prepares the lamps, and again in the evening twilight, when he lights the lamps, he shall burn incense. Throughout your generations this shall be the regular incense offering before the LORD.” (Ex 30:1-2, 7-8) Incense is placed on burnt offerings at the altar as a memorial of sacrifice. “A sweet-smelling oblation to the LORD.” (Lev 2:2) Later, in the temple of Jerusalem on the day of atonement: “he shall take a censer full of glowing embers from the altar before the LORD, as well as a double handful of finely ground fragrant incense, and bringing them inside the veil, there before the LORD he shall put incense on the fire, so that a cloud of incense may shield the cover that is over the covenant, else he will die.” (Lev 16:12-13) In Israel, people burned incense for people, objects and places dedicated to the worship of God. All participated. “Listen to me, my faithful children: open up your petals, like roses planted near running waters; Send up the sweet odor of incense, break forth in blossoms like the lily. Raise your voices in a chorus of praise; bless the Lord for all his works!” (Sirach 39: 13-14) The symbolic meaning appears in the New Testament when Matthew describes the devotion to the Child Jesus by the Magi, the three kings. “On entering the house they saw the child with Mary his mother. They prostrated themselves and did him homage. Then they opened their treasures and offered him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.” St. Paul’s the letter to the Corinthians and the Ephesians says: “I urge you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God, your spiritual worship.” (Rom 12:1) “And live in love, as Christ loved us and handed himself over for us as a sacrificial offering to God for a fragrant aroma.” (Eph 5:2) The theological significance of incense is acknowledged also. Psalm 141 verse 2 says incense is a sign to express reverence and to pray to God. “Let my prayer be incense before you; My uplifted hands an evening offering.” And we see the use of incense in our Christian liturgy, especially that of the Eastern Church. Through rituals we worship and connect to the Almighty God. Rituals express our worship of God in physical symbols, signs and gestures. The mellow aroma of incense, the folding of hands, bowing the head . . Through them we are able to feel and ponder the mysteries we are celebrating. Theologically incense is a special sign of sacrifice as was burnt offerings in the Old Testament. In burning incense and using incense like a precious object we dedicate worship to God. The incense smoke fragrance reminds us of the sacrificial offering Jesus made. This meaning is fully evident in the ritual content offering at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. In the next Newsletter: The Use of Incense in the Liturgy of the Mass. ST. PHILIP 2014 FALL NEWSLETTER 4 GIFTS DISCERNMENT “. . seek and you shall find” Matthew 7:7 Being a disciple of Jesus calls us to be a good steward of the gifts God has given us, especially our time and talent. The first step in being a good steward is to recognize our gifts/talents; not always an easy task. St. Philip has responded to this by making available to all parishioners a ‘Gifts Discernment’ survey on our website. Completing the survey will help one quantify interests, talents/gifts and then potentially determine what specific ministries are a good fit. For more information, contact the Volunteer Coordinators at: Discipleship Council Joe Amelang Lori Bedock Barry Bontemps John Carswell Israel Cordoro Dorothy Faggello Carol Guthrie Tom & Nancy Jantz Carol McNally Allison Revetta Sue Stacey Paul & Gloria Saint Jacques George & Ellen Marie Tutaj (615) (615) (615) (360) (615) (615) (615) (615) (615) (615) (615) (615) (540) 972-0872 714-4973 791-8119 265-7477 791-4163 414-9937 794-6568 370-8542 591-5583 545-1742 568-1800 305-6633 375-2996 Parish Council Discipleship Worship & Spirituality Building & Grounds Education & Formation Evangelization Parish & Family Life Social Action Hispanic Ministry Communications Knights of Columbus Men's Club Women of St. Philip Administration & Finance Patricia Thompson Edme Mendez Stokey Bourque Melissa Roselli David Brooks Jackie Ellis Tom Mason Miguel Valadez Ana Anaya Debbie Crean Ronald Kempf Craig Henderson Sharon Wilson Mike Ren (615) (615) (615) (615) (615) (615) (615) (615) (615) (615) (615) (615) (615) (615) 790-8206 624-3320 202-9550 472-1080 791-9205 791-1903 791-8596 496-4264 512-9613 790-9199 794-0631 440-2120 794-3398 604-3140 “Father, I am seeking: I am hesitant and uncertain, but will you, O God, watch over each step of mine and guide me.” ~St. Augustine 5 ST. PHILIP 2014 FALL NEWSLETTER WORSHIP AND SPIRITUALITY Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Arts & Environment Children’s Liturgy of the Word Cursillo Prayer Chain Parish Council Representative: Liturgical Ministries Altar Servers Extra Ordinary Ministers of Communion Greeters Lectors Ushers Serra Club Music Ministries 5:30pm Saturday Night Mass 8:30am Sunday Mass Choir 11:00am Sunday Mass Choir 5:00pm Sunday Mass Choir Children’s Choir Resurrection Choir Edme Mendez ● (615)624-3320 ● First Friday 24-Hour Eucharistic Adoration 24-hour Eucharistic Adoration is held on the First Friday of the month in the Old 1871 Church beginning after the 9:00am Mass until Saturday’s 8:45am Benediction. In adoration, a monstrance is placed on the altar with the large consecrated Eucharistic Host exposed inside a glass enclosure known as a “luna”. We are invited into an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ. He is most present in the Eucharist, where He waits for us, inviting us to spend time with Him. In the silence of adoration, the Lord may speak to us, assuring us of His love for us and His presence in our lives. Other times He remains silent. In those times, we simply stay with Him and place our lives in His hand. Come and spend time with the Lord. First Friday of each month in the Old Church: 9:00am Mass 9:45am Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament & Adoration 3:00pm Divine Mercy Chaplet (Adoration continues) 6:45pm Benediction 7:oopm Mass 7:45pm Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Adoration continues though the night Saturday morning: 8:45am Benediction 9:00am Mass Please stop by at the Adoration table during the Ministry Fair to learn more. The Blessed Sacrament should not be left unattended so we are in need of guardians to commit to a regular half hour or hour watch and prayer. Please consider signing up by choosing a time slot on the schedule located in the Narthex of the Main Church and foyer of the Old Church. We also have a substitute list if you prefer this. Children’s Liturgy of the Word - Grades 1-4 Children’s Liturgy of the Word gives children in grades 1-4 an opportunity to hear the Sunday readings on a level they can understand. No registration is required. Adult volunteers are needed to lead worship with the children. Children’s Liturgy of the Word is not lectionary-based catechesis, liturgical catechesis or a substitute for our religious education classes. When children hear the scriptures in a language they can understand, they feel included and are more able to share their responses with the family after liturgy. On Sunday mornings, Father calls the children forward, speaks to them briefly, blesses them and they then process to the Old Church. Children can join the students at the front of the Church when they are invited forward or they can join the students as they process to the Original 1871 Church. ST. PHILIP 2014 FALL NEWSLETTER 6 Become a Liturgical Minister Volunteers Needed for the Weekend Masses The Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy of the Second Vatican council emphasizes that participation in the Liturgy (the celebration of the Mass) is the right and duty of all the baptized. Most of us participate at Mass as “ministers of the pew.” We actively support each other in communal prayer, song, and in the many wordless signs, postures and actions that help us pray as a community. Masses at St Philip also require between 17 and 26 members each weekend to perform special roles in service to the rest of the assembly. Extra-ordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMHC) distribute the Body and Blood of Christ during Communion. The table below compares the current number of EMHC volunteers with the number needed to allow a minister to serve at only one weekend Mass per month. Mass Time # Needed Currently 5:30 Sat. 50 19 8:30 Sun. 70 41 11:00 Sun. 70 27 5:00 Sun. 35 19 There are similar shortages in other ministries. For example: 5:30pm Saturday Mass 15 Altar Servers needed per month—have 3 20 Hospitality Ministers needed—have 13 10 Lectors needed—have 6 5:00pm Sunday Mass 6 adult Hospitality Minister—have 1 15 Altar Servers—have 3 Can you help? If you feel unworthy to perform a special ministry, remember that this is true for everyone. Training is provided. Assignments are tailored to your schedule. Participation in the Mass means that there are times when you are expected to be more than “ministers of the pew.” Depending on your talents, there is a time for you to step up and minister to others as an EMHC, Lector, Usher, Greeter, Choir member, Musician or Altar Server. Please prayerfully consider the opportunity to serve the worshipping community of St Philip this year in one of these ministries. Learn more and sign up at the Liturgical Ministries table at the Ministry Fair, or on the Liturgical Ministries page on the parish website. For more information contact Tom Galantowicz at (615)969-3404 or via email at Current Liturgical Ministers: Let us know if you wish to continue to serve... Please communicate your intention to continue serving in your ministry by: Signing in at the Liturgical Ministry table at the Ministry Fair or Send an e-mail to All continuing ministers must attend a Formation Session and an Update Session specific to each ministry. New ministers will attend Formation and Training Sessions. These will be offered several times during August & September. Check the bulletin for scheduled times. 7 ST. PHILIP 2014 FALL NEWSLETTER Sing in a St Philip Choir We invite you to join them, any of our choirs, 5:30pm Saturday Night Mass 8:30am Sunday Mass Choir 11:00am Sunday Mass Choir 5:00pm Sunday Mass Choir Children’s Choir Resurrection Choir on either a seasonal or regular basis, to experience to joy of praising God together in song. Men and women from high school to senior citizen are welcome. Members come with a broad range of experience. Ability to carry a tune is the basic requirement. Music Ministry Songfest Sunday, August 24 Join with choir members from all the weekend Masses for an afternoon of song & prayer mixed with food & fellowship. We’ll learn new music and introduce a new mass setting that all the groups will use over the coming year. We will begin with lunch in the Activities Center immediately following the 11:00am mass. RSVP to the parish office or e-mail Tom Galantowicz at The Choir Relocation A few months ago, Fr Bala agreed to temporarily relocate the choirs and instrumentalists to a dedicated space behind the pews on the north side of the Main Church. This gave us an opportunity to see if the anticipated improvements would be a positive contribution to the experience of the celebration of the Mass. The relocation stared out as an experiment, but due to the overwhelmingly positive response by everyone, we will make this a permanent change. As we complete the relocation, we are also addressing the overall church sound system to remove localized (acoustically) dead spots and produce a more natural spoken and musical sound. Here’s what we found: The congregation hears the choir better because they are on risers with better mic-ing. Singers can hear each other better, aided by the sound reflected off the wall behind them and the curvature of the risers. Because of the factors above, they naturally make a more balanced, better blended and more intelligible sound. Thus they are more effective in leading you, the assembly, in sung prayer at Mass. As a side benefit, the congestion on that side of the altar during communion has been greatly reduced. These changes are being made as part of a continuing effort to enable everyone to participate fully and actively in listening to the Word of God and praising him in word and song. ST. PHILIP 2014 FALL NEWSLETTER 8 Serra Club of Williamson County Affirming the vocations The Serra Club is an international organization of Catholic women and men whose main objectives are: of our priests and religious by thanking them for saying “yes” to God’s call, by saying the Serran Prayer for Perseverance of Vocations, and by including them in our family activities. To foster, promote, and affirm vocations to the priesthood and religious life. To assist its’ members to respond to God’s call to holiness in their own lives. Serra’s goals are accomplished through prayer centered activities including: Participating in Eucharistic Adoration and offering special prayers for seminarians, priests, and religious. Saying the Serran prayer for vocations daily, offering a Mass for vocations monthly on a specific day through the 31 Club and encouraging family prayer for vocations with the Vocation cup. The Serra Club of Williamson County has members from all of the parishes in the county. We meet the first Thursday of the month at 6:00pm for a potluck dinner. A guest speaker, follows dinner. Meetings are also held on the third Thursday of the month, after the 9:00am Mass, at St. Philip with coffee and a program. When Serran members gather together for prayer, a meal and conversation we grow in faith. For more information contact Jim Smith at (615)595-8339 or Cursillo: An Opportunity to Experience Christ An informational Wine and Cheese Social will be held in the Activity Center on Saturday, August 16th following the 5:30pm evening Vigil Mass. We invite all interested in enriching their faith through a Cursillo Weekend. For those who have attended a Weekend, come and connect with other Cursillistas here at St. Philip. Please contact Holly Moore for more information or to RSVP at (615)719-1784 or FALL 2014 Weekends September 18-21, 2014 Men's English Weekend September 25-28, 2014 Women's English Weekend 2 al 5 de Octubre, del 2014 Cursillo Hispano para hombres 9 al 12 de Octubre, del 2014 Cursillo Hispano para mujeres SPRING 2015 Weekends February 5-8, 2015 Men's English Weekend February 12-15, 2015 Women's English Weekend Weekends are held at Camp Marymount in Fairview. Los Fines de semana se celebrant en el campamento de Marymount en Fairview. 9 ST. PHILIP 2014 FALL NEWSLETTER BUILDING & GROUNDS Parish Council Representative: Stokey Bourque ● (615)202-9550 ● Our Buildings and Grounds Ministry assists the Parish in the management, maintenance and improvement of all Parish internal and external facilities and properties to create and maintain a comfortable, functional and secure environment for all Parishioners and Ministries to flourish and grow. We have had a busy and successful past few months! The Spring Grounds Clean Up Day was hard work, yet so much fun. Just over 25 parishioners over a 4 hour period placed 25 yards of mulch, pulled weeds, trimmed branches, raked leaves and didn't stop until it was all done! All who participated left with a sense of fulfilment knowing we had beautified our church grounds. A big thank you to all who participated! The placement of the statue of Saint Philip and handicap accessibility renovation of the Old Church took over a year to plan and design. Many factors had to be taken into consideration including historical preservation requirements, disability access requirements, diocesan requirements, etc. On May 4, 2014 Bishop Choby celebrated Mass and afterward blessed our statue of St. Philip! Two weeks later, on May 20, our Parish was recognized for excellence by the Heritage Foundation of Franklin & Williamson County for preservation efforts to maintain the integrity of architectural heritage in downtown Franklin. The Baptismal Font was in need of repair due to leaks, This challenge, with many individual disciplines involved, was successfully completed in June. A huge thank you to all involved! Stay tuned, more and exciting ways to get involved with Buildings and Grounds are coming. Whether you are a builder, a handy person or just have general interest, we have opportunities for you to serve. The time commitment is based on your individual desire to participate. There are short term specific projects that have a definitive beginning and end and longer projects where involvement could be a few months. We would love to have you! If you have any interest in helping with our buildings and grounds, no matter how big or small, please contact me. Thank you for your interest. I look forward to serving and working with all of you. Stokey Bourque ST. PHILIP 2014 FALL NEWSLETTER 10 EDUCATION AND FORMATION Adult Bible Study Baptismal Preparation Class Engaged Couples Retreat Learning Center Lessons in Scripture Library Ministry Religious Education/Faith Formation Totus Tuus/Vacation Bible School Faith Formation for Adults Parish Council Representative: Melissa Rosselli ● (615)472-1080 ● The Church continues the mission of Jesus, to bring about God's kingdom. This one mission is ever being accomplished through three ministries: Word, Worship and Service. Every form of catechesis is a participation in the ministry of the Word and therefore a participation in the mission of Jesus and the Church. Adult Bible Study This group is open to all adults in the parish. We meet year-round on Thursday evenings to prayerfully read and discuss Holy Scripture. The books of Scripture we read are agreed upon by the participants, and facilitated by the leader. We will occasionally watch a video on the life of a Saint or a Catholic documentary. All you have to bring is your bible . . . if you don't have one, we'll loan you one! "Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer." Psalm 19 Baptismal Preparation Class This class prepares parents for the baptism of their child. It is required before a baptism can be held at St. Philip. Upcoming class dates are: August 3 October 12 December 7 September 14 November 9 Faith Formation for Adults The Adult Faith Formation class is open to all adults of the parish and is based on the premise that - upon being Confirmed - we do not stop growing in the Catholic faith or pursuing holiness. The overarching goal of the class is to lead people closer to God through prayer and greater knowledge of the Catholic faith. This is accomplished by exploring both traditional elements of the Catholic faith and contemporary Church teachings. We also discuss current events as they relate to the Catholic Church. The result is a deeper connection with God and the universal Church and a fuller living of our Catholic lives. The class meets from 9:30am to 10:50am (between Masses), Sunday mornings from September through May. Childcare is provided. Beginning August 17 we will present “Mary, A Biblical Walk with the Blessed Mother,” an eight-part study by Dr. Edward Sri. You will learn how she works in our lives today, drawing us ever closer to her Divine Son. Seeing Mary in this way will change you forever. For more information contact: Allison Revetta (615)545-1742 Dorothy Faggello (615)414-9937 Are you interested in growing and sharing your faith? Visit the Ministry Fair and find out more about Faith Formation groups at St. Philip. 11 ST. PHILIP 2014 FALL NEWSLETTER Learnng Center St. Philip Learning Center encompasses both a morning preschool ministry and a one day a week enrichment program. Our morning preschool ministry runs September through May, Monday-Friday, 8:45-11:40am for children ages 3-6. Our Enrichment program meets one day a week on Thursday mornings for children ages 3-6 (Level 1) and our 6-9 year old program (Level 2 Homeschool Enrichment) meets on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. Our programs use the Montessori Method of education and Catechesis of the Good Shepherd. St. Philip Learning Center programs fulfill the Faith Formation requirement for these children, and additional CGS atrium sessions are not needed. Our students enjoy learning in a peaceful, nurturing environment. For more information or to schedule a tour of our facilities call Karen Williams or Brooke Coyle at (615)550-2844 or email: or visit our website: Lessons in Scripture “What Does the Mass have to do with the Bible?” Wednesday evenings beginning August 20th for 6 weeks. Learn the Old Testament roots of the Mass. Learn how the earliest Christians celebrated Mass. See how the Mass brings heaven down to earth & draws us up to Heaven Family Dinner and Childcare is provided. ST. PHILIP 2014 FALL NEWSLETTER 12 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CLASS TIMES AND CURRICULUM 2014 – 2015 Saint Philip Catholic Church CATECHESIS OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD, EDGE & CONNECT REGISTRATION Aug 17, 2014 — First Day of Faith Formation Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Contact: Michaela Miller 615.596.7183 Youth Ministry Coordinator of Catechesis Catechesis of the Good Shepherd is our Faith Formation program for children 3 –12 years of age. Level 1 (ages 3-6), Level 2 (ages 6-9 years) and Level 3 (9-12 years) sessions are multi-age groups. Your child must be 3 years old by Aug 15 and potty trained to attend. Please choose one session time. Atrium session times: Sun 9:30-10:45 or 3:30-4:45, Wed 4:45-6:00 or 6:15-7:30 If your child attends the Learning Center (Preschool or Enrichment Days), your child will receive his/her Good Shepherd sessions during that time and will not need to attend a separate atrium session. Edge Contact: Michaela Miller 615.596.7183 Youth Ministry Coordinator of Catechesis Edge is our youth ministry and catechesis umbrella for middle schoolers. Faith Formation for 6th graders (11-12 year olds) is offered as part of our CGS program in the Level 3 atriums. Atrium session times: Sun 9:30-10:45 or 3:30-4:45, Wed 4:45-6:00 Edge also meets weekly, for 6-8th graders, on Wednesdays from 6-8:15pm. These sessions include dinner, Catholic lessons with passionate worship and high energy activity for a night of faith, fun, and formation. Confirmation Preparation is a 2 year process at St. Philip. All middle school students must complete both years of Confirmation preparation at St. Philip, regardless of their grade. Confirmation 1 and Confirmation 2 students are asked to attend weekly Faith Formation sessions on Sunday at 9:30am or 3:30pm. In addition to these sessions, both Confirmation 1 and 2 parents and students are required to attend monthly Sunday evening sessions. During these sessions, Confirmation 1 students and parents explore the beauty of Theology of the Body for Middle Schoolers,; Confirmation 2 students and parents delve into the Sacrament of Confirmation and what it means to be Catholic. Both Confirmation 1 and 2 students will have retreat and service requirements to complete. Connect Contact: Michaela Miller 615.596.7183 Youth Ministry Coordinator of Catechesis Connect is our youth ministry and Catechesis umbrella for 9-12th graders. Regular meetings take place every Wednesday and Sunday evening from 6-8:15pm. Dinner is provided both evenings followed by a night that revolves around Catholic lessons while incorporating high energy activities and games. High School students are welcome to come on just Sundays, just Wednesdays, or both Sundays and Wednesdays. Those 9th graders who may be attending Confirmation 2 are still welcome to join us for Connect in addition to their Sacrament preparation. Kroger Cares Cards The Kroger Cares fundraising program gives 4% back to St. Philip Youth Ministry Programs (Edge & Connect) every time money is loaded onto the St. Philip Kroger Cares gift card. The card can be purchased from St. Philip at the Youth & CCD office How it Works: Costs $5 and comes with $5 pre-loaded; is reloadable Add money at the counter/register before check-out Use it to buy anything at Kroger, even gas & gift cards to other stores! DO NOT leave the card empty for 90 days or it will expire 13 ST. PHILIP 2014 FALL NEWSLETTER CATECHESIS OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD Coordinator: Mary Grindstaff ● (615)550-2837 ● Religious Education for ages 3 through 12 years. Classes offered Sunday morning between the Masses, Sunday afternoon, Wednesday afternoon and Wednesday evening. In 2010, we started Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS) with our 3 year old students. We have now extended the CGS faith formation program to our 12 year olds. There are several different atrium session times offered to families. The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd is a Montessori-based religious education formation for children. It seeks to create and facilitate a sacred, “hands-on” space for children called an atrium, in which both the children and their catechists can hear, ponder, and celebrate the most essential mysteries of the Christian faith as revealed in the Scriptures and the Liturgy. Originally developed in Rome by Sofia Cavalleti and Gianna Gobbi over fifty years ago, the catechesis continues to spread through the world and is used with adaptations in various Christian denominations. Two important elements of the program are a prepared environment and a trained catechist whose sources are Scripture and Liturgy. The prepared environment utilizes child size models of various items used in the Church’s orship such as the altar, priest’s vestments, liturgical colors, etc. The environment also contains materials relating to the proclamation of the faith such as the parables Jesus taught and truths he spoke as well as materials on the prophecies, geography of Israel and Jerusalem, and the life of Christ. The materials are hands-on/manipulatives for use by the child. The older children study the History of the Kingdom of God which lays out the Plan of God through a timeline. The catechist gives presentations to the children using the materials. These materials are chosen to convey the essentials of the faith development. The children are then invited to internalize and respond to the presentations by working with the materials themselves. The catechist presents and lets the children ponder on the presentations as they grow in a deeper understanding of God. Catechists in the program are certified by the National Association of the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd. We are currently in need of enthusiastic individuals to train in the Level I program. For information contact Mary Grindstaff @ or Michaela Miller @ YOUTH MINISTRY AT ST. PHILIP Cub Scouts Cub Scout Pack 1871 is a part of St. Philip Boy Scout Troop 1871 meeting every other Monday in the Activities Center. Our boys have been working on growing our pack and earning their grade level badges. One of our activities was to sponsor a Lenten Pancake Supper to raise money for our Pack Flag and to send some of the boys to summer camp. Boys ages 7 to 10 years are invited to join us in the fall to help our pack grow! For information on joining the St. Philip Cub Scouts contact Jenny Lutkins at Look for our Cub Scouts in uniform at the Ministry Fair! ST. PHILIP 2014 FALL NEWSLETTER 14 YOUTH MINISTRY AT ST. PHILIP Michaela Miller Youth Ministry Coordinator of Catechesis Edge is our youth ministry and catechesis umbrella for 6-8th graders. Our weekly youth group meetings take place on Wednesdays from 6-8:15pm. These sessions include dinner, Catholic lessons with passionate worship and high energy activity for a night of faith, fun, and formation. Come build your faith and develop lasting friendships! EDGE and CONNECT Fall Kick-off August 17 Connect is our youth ministry and catechesis umbrella for 9-12th graders. Regular meetings take place every Wednesday and Sunday evening from 6-8:15pm. Dinner is provided both evenings followed by a night that revolves around Catholic lessons while incorporating high energy activities and games. High School students are welcome to come on just Sundays, just Wednesdays, or both Sundays and Wednesdays. Connect combines fellowship with scripture study, Theology and life application lessons to help our teens be life long Catholics. Participants in Edge and Connect are encouraged to participate in the Liturgy especially, but not only, at the 5:00pm Mass on Sundays, as Altar Servers, Ministers of Hospitality, in the Youth Choir, Eucharistic Ministers (once Confirmed) and Lectors. The youth are also asked to share their faith as catechists and aides in the younger students CCD classrooms. Office: (615)550-2838 Cell: (615)596-7183 Email: Having good adult volunteers in our youth ministry makes all the difference. Please prayerfully consider giving your time & talent to the youth of St. Philip Visit our Website: Register for Edge and Connect, stay up to date with the latest info, get permission slips, register for events and more, under the youth tab on our website. Youth are no different than adults; the more active and involved they are in the parish, the more they want to grow their relationship with the Lord and have a better understanding of the Faith. Check us out on: Instagram Facebook Twitter StPhilipYouth St Philip Youth StPhilip_youth 15 ST. PHILIP 2014 FALL NEWSLETTER YOUTH RETREATS Connect & Edge Retreats SEARCH 2014-15 September 12-14 October 17-19 November 21-23 December 12-14 January 9-11 Jan 30 -Feb 1 February 20-22 March 27-29 All retreats will be held at Camp Marymount Are you new to our youth group and want to get to know other teens? Retreats are a great way to get to build friendships! Middle School Retreats This fall, Confirmation class of 2015 will have a day retreat at St. Philip on September 6th. This mandatory retreat will give the Confirmation students a chance to grow in their faith and build lasting Catholic relationships. Break at the Lake This retreat is open to all 7-9th graders but is mandatory for the Confirmation class of 2016. Break at the Lake is November 1st. High School Retreat The Connect retreat is September 19-21 at Gasper Rivers. This weekend will consist of faith filled fun such as hiking, bonfires, s’mores, ropes courses, community prayer, and more! The cost will be $30 and permission slips can be found online. Retreat Dates Sept. 6 — Confirmation Retreat 2nd year students Sept. 19 -21—Connect Retreat Nov. 1 —Break at the Lake Feb. 28 - March 1 — Youth 2000 ST. PHILIP 2014 FALL NEWSLETTER 16 EVANGELIZATION Catholic Faith Conferences Couples for Christ Koinonia Ministers of Care Parish Council Representative: Neighborhood Groups RCIA: Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults That Man Is You Welcoming Committee Women’s Faith Sharing Fellowship Young Adult Ministry David Brooks ● (615)791-9205 ● Catholic Faith Conferences SAVE THE DATES — SHARE THE DATES Inspirational Conferences with Excellent Speakers, Mass with Bishop Choby, Adoration, Confession, Rosary, Exhibitors, Fellowship, & More !! Saturday March 7, 2015 Saturday April 18, 2015 Saturday June 27, 2015 Catholic Women of Faith Conference Catholic Marriage Conference A Date to Strengthen Come Be Blessed Support, Encouragement, Strength For Men Blessings, Inspiration, Uplifting For Women Strengthen, Renew, Celebrate For Married Couples REFRESH ▪ RENEW ▪ RETREAT Koinonia is the Greek word that St. Paul used to describe the vital union of the faithful of Jesus Christ. It means fellowship, communion, participation. Today Koinonia refers to a movement that provides adults the opportunity through retreat: * to encounter Jesus Christ through the experience of community. * to share the Gospel message of Christ’s life, death and resurrection * to respond to Christ’s invitation to join with Him in deeper communion. * to respond to the challenge of living each day according to God’s will. The weekend retreat allows each person to hear Christ’s call and to experience a spiritual shifting or renewal or change in his/her life. It also offers the challenge and support to live each day according to God’s will. The weekend consists of talks, discussions, liturgical and para-liturgical celebrations and experiences of hope. Held annually in July at St. Philip, the retreat, begins at 5:00pm Friday and ends on Sunday at 5:00pm. You return to your own home each night. All meals are provided. Contact Carol Brown @ or (615) 790-7359 for more information. 17 ST. PHILIP 2014 FALL NEWSLETTER RCIA: The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults Inquiry Sessions Begin Monday, September 8th What is the RCIA? It’s the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults—a process for welcoming adult newcomers (inquirers) into the Roman Catholic Church. The RCIA is a community journey that leads to a transformation of mind and spirit. Guided by the gospel and by the examples set by church members, newcomers can find their place in the community of believers. A personal journey in which church members re-examine their own relationship with God. The enthusiastic and joyous response of newcomers to the discovery of Christ in their lives can spark renewed faith in the lives of other members. How does a person become Catholic? What is the first step? Inquiry meetings begin on Monday, September 8th, at 6:30pm. Anyone not of the Catholic faith who is interested in learning more about our faith is invited and encouraged to attend. Are you an adult Catholic who has not been confirmed? These classes are appropriate for you as well! Please stop by and talk to us during the Ministry Fair on August 9& 10 if you or someone you know would like to be invited to the RCIA meetings. You can help someone with a turning point in their life. Come join the RCIA Ministry and share your faith with others. You don’t have to know all the answers, just be there to help them deepen their understanding of our faith and let them know they don’t have to walk alone. There are many different roles to be filled in assisting newcomers on their spiritual journey. These people have special duties in welcoming newcomers; sponsors, godparents, catechists, hospitality, mystagogia (the year after), Precatechumenate (inquiry sessions), communication. Easter 2014 I am interested in more information about RCIA! Name: ________________________________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________________ City, Zip Code: _________________________________________________________________ Phone Number with area code: ____________________________________________________ Email: _________________________________________________________________________ Drop-off form at, or mail to the Parish Office, or drop into the Sunday. ST. PHILIP 2014 FALL NEWSLETTER 18 PARISH LIFE AND FAMILY LIFE Bereavement Ministry Business Ministry Parish Council Representative: Catholic Divorce Care Foster & Adoption Support GriefShare Seniors + Friends Jackie Ellis ● (615)791-1903 ● Seniors + Friends The Seniors PLUS Friends Ministry is dedicated to providing "Events for Adults”. Events can be spiritual, social or civic in nature. Receive information about our events via email. Email or call Paul Saint-Jacques at (615)305-6633. "Events for Adults of All Ages" Fall Schedule August 12—11:00am Battle of Franklin-150th Anniversary Program & lunch August 18—6:30pm Trivia Night & Pot Luck Dinner September 9—11:00am Royal Oaks YMCA Performance & Lunch September 12—11:00am Dutch Treat Lunch & Tour at Belle Meade Plantation. September 23—6:30pm Dutch Treat Dinner at Puckett’s 4th Ave. October 14—11:00am Brightstone Performance & Lunch. October 28—11:00am Dutch Treat Lunch Tuesday Morning Men's Bible Study is held at 6:30am Tuesday mornings at Panera Bread in Cool Springs. New participants always welcome. 2014 Men’s Off-Campus Retreat Saturday, October 18,2014 9:00am-4:00pm 2014 Do You Want to Know? This series will exploring the Tennessee Legal Handbook for Seniors And Planning a Funeral at St. Philip —What are the options? Monday evenings beginning September 29 November 12—9:00am to 1:30pm Day of Reflection Mini-Retreat with Fr. Bala New 12-Week Session Begins Monday, September 8th GriefShare is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. You don’t have to go through the grieving process alone. Join us on Mondays at 6:30pm for a 12-week scripturally based program. Each session consists of a DVD presentation on grief and recovery, support group discussion and a personal workbook. Each session discusses a different aspect associated with grief and is beneficial in and of itself. For more information please contact Dave Bilger at (615)479-9504. 19 ST. PHILIP 2014 FALL NEWSLETTER SOCIAL ACTION GraceWorks Loaves and Fishes Parish Council Representative: Meals on Wheels Safe Haven Respect Life Tom Mason ● (615)791-8596 ● Jesus gave us two commandments: Love God with all of your heart and all of your soul, and Love your neighbor as yourself. As a Catholic community, St. Philip has a rich tradition of showing our love for our neighbors by extending ourselves into our local community in many ways. From the Christmas basket program run by the Men’s Club, to serving meals at Loaves & Fishes, delivering Meals on Wheels, or through donations to GraceWorks, we make a difference in the lives of those we serve. Each time that we go out, we represent St. Philip and our faith in action. The goal for the Social Action Committee is to increase awareness of the outreach activities that St. Philip members are doing within the community. The committee would like to get a better understanding of the many ways that members of St. Philip are involved in the community. If you are involved or volunteer in any non-profit organizations or any other community related groups, we would like to know how you are helping others. Also if you participate in events such as walks or “fun runs”, we would also like to know about them as well. Perhaps we can recruit others to join you. Stop by the Social Action table during the ministry fair and let us know how you are helping others. “Be doers of the word and not just hearers only” James 1:22 Loaves and Fishes Community Meals for the Hungry The number of families that cannot make ends meet each month is increasing, as is the number of homeless individuals who travel through, and stay in Nashville. For the past 25 years, Loaves and Fishes, a community-wide effort enlisting the help of 23 volunteer groups representing many denominations, schools and associations remains committed to serving the growing needs of the hungry in Nashville. The Loaves and Fishes Ministry provides St. Philip parishioners a monthly opportunity to prepare and serve meals to the poor and homeless at Holy Name Church in Nashville. This is a wonderful opportunity to serve with an instant gratification kind of giving. Where else can you prepare food and hand it to God's hungry people every month! Safe Haven is the only shelter-tohousing program in Middle Tennessee that accepts entire homeless families and keeps them together. By providing comprehensive services Safe Haven empowers families to achieve lasting self-sufficiency. St. Philip volunteers provide dinner for 25-30 residents every third Sunday of the month for the residents. Two families coordinate the menu & cooking, deliver & serve the food, interact with the residents and collect the leftovers to be used for lunches Our schedule has openings yet for 2014! To become part of this this beautiful ministry please sign up at Find Safe Haven by using as creator’s email in the search engine. For more information contact Mary Pat Payne at (615)947-6736 or via email: ST. PHILIP 2014 FALL NEWSLETTER 20 ST. PHILIP HISPANIC MINISTRY Parish Council Representative: Miguel Valadez ● (615)496-4264 ● Parish Council Representative: Ana Anaya ● (615)791-8724 CONTACTS Father Louis Rojas Hispanic Ministry of Nashville (615) 848-4338 Chorus / Coros Sundays/Domingos—Carlos Gonzalez (615) 207-3827 Thursdays/Jueves—Pablo Dominguez (615) 519-4100 CCD / Catequesis Elena Arredondo (615) 473-3954 RCIA / RICA Roberto Camacho (615) 482-3928 Baptisms / Bautismos Ana Anaya (615) 512-9613 Ana Bougrat (615) 719-6893 Charismatic Renewal/ Renovacion Carismatica Maria Perez (“Xochitl”) (615) 485-7520 Communion to the Sick/ Comunion a Los Enfermos Ignacio Caro (615) 794-6047 La mission del Ministerio Hispano The mission of the Hispanic es servir las necesidades Ministry is to serve the spiritual, espirituales, de oracion, y worship and religious education educacion religiosa a la needs of the community in its comunidad en su propio idioma. own language. Algunos grupos se han formado have been formed and grown y crecido con exito durante estos with success over the years. Several groups anos. Catecismo / CCD August—May for over 250 children ages 6-16 Blessed with approximately 40 teachers, including assistants Sacrament preparation Altar Servers RCIA (adults who have not received one or any of the sacraments) Parejas / Couples (“CAMINANDO CON JESUS”) A recently formed group focuses on strengthening relationships through prayer and activities to help grow their love for each other and God. Our most colorful celebration of the year!!! Nuestra Sra. De Guadalupe—Our Lady of Guadalupe Officially December 12 but celebrated the Sunday closest to the 12th with a special Mass and a colorful festival afterwards with a play, music, food and folk dancers. This year’s celebration will be December 7. Premarital Preparation/ Preparacion Premarital Miguel y Georgina Valadez (615) 497-3998 Young Adults / Adultos Jovenes Brenda Romero (615) 428-6377 Ari Saucedo (615) 479-4779 Couples / Parejas Javier y Maru Hernandez (706) 263-5815 Altar Servers / Monaguillos Carmen Sanchez (615) 829-0416 Quinceaneras / XV Silvia Banales (615) 635-4703 One of our most vibrant groups which has grown in number and involvement. Aside from the year round weekly program, they have been responsible for organizing crews to keep our buildings and church looking great! Family Life BAPTISM * QUINCEANERAS * PREMARITAL Provides preparation to parents on the occasion of the baptism of their children, teenagers who will or will not have a XV celebration, and engaged couples and to keep God in their life. Young adults 18 years and older They focus on worshiping and prayer but also participate in social and community activities. This group provides an opportunity to feel at home whether married, single, with or without children. 21 ST. PHILIP 2014 FALL NEWSLETTER Statue of St. Philip: Hispanic Community Sees Statue as Link to Immigrant Journey The newly-installed statue of Saint Philip in front of the old church reflects the difficult journey that all immigrants take to come to the US, says Ana Anaya, an active member of the Hispanic community at St. Philip. “Fr. Bala approached a small group of people about getting a statue of St. Philip for the church,” Anaya said. “He gave the specifications and the Hispanic community started raising money.” Purchased at a cost of $3,000, the statue was carved of Cantera stone quarried in Degollado, Jalisco, Mexico, a town known for its fountains and statues. But transporting it was looking to be costly because of its weight and size. First, the statue was shipped to San Antonio, Texas, where it sat awaiting shipment to Franklin. Fortunately, a St. Philip parishioner’s friend in Nashville who owns a trucking company heard about the dilemma and offered to send it to Franklin on a truck —for free. The statue arrived, but could not yet be erected. Its installation was tied to the improved access project for the Original Church. The project required working with the city to comply with city rules and regulations for all changes and installations because we are in the Franklin Historic District. The statue sat crated at the office entrance for about a year. Finally, in May, the statue was erected in its place of honor on Main Street in front of the old church, and then dedicated by Bishop David Choby on May 4 after the 11:00am Mass. “When Bishop Choby was blessing the statue, I realized it was such a long journey to get it here. It reminds us of what immigrants go through to arrive at what we now call home. The immigrant journey— culture shock, language barrier, rules and regulations— it’s a hard road.” Many members of our Hispanic Ministry at St. Philip came from the same place the statue came from. “The statue reminds of us what our churches back home look like,” said Anaya. “It looks so beautiful!” ST. PHILIP 2014 FALL NEWSLETTER 22 COMMUNICATION MINISTRY Communication Parish Council Representative: Photography Ministry Debbie Crean ● (615)790-9199 ● What is communication? Is it both verbal and non-verbal interaction? Spreading messages of Faith, community and sharing information requires communal interaction, contact with each other. This Ministry is in need of Volunteers, out-of-the-box-thinkers , action oriented folks! Your ideas and participation are needed and most welcome. The Communications Ministry is many things to many different people. Media, advertising, announcements, public relations, news, sometimes… just plain words shared with each other across a table. Do you think communications change meanings or require alternative methods of delivery when Church related? The Communications Ministry strives to deliver messages of faith and opportunities to find a meaning, a welcoming common chord, to extend an invitation to join a Christ centered community, as an attachment to our need to find a place with God. Contact Debbie Crean at Email Subject line: Communication Ministry Or via text message to (615)476-0800 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Parish Council Representative: Ron Kempf ● (615)794-0631 ● The Knights of Columbus is the world's largest Catholic fraternal service organization. Founded in the United States in 1882, it is named in honor of Christopher Columbus. There are more than 1.8 million members in 14,000 councils, with nearly 200 councils on college campuses. Knights are Catholic men, 18 years of age and older, who are committed to making their community a better place, while supporting their Church. Being a Knight is more than camaraderie; it is being involved with your community; it is supporting your local Catholic Church, while enhancing your own faith; it is about protecting and enhancing your family life. 23 ST. PHILIP 2014 FALL NEWSLETTER ST. PHILIP MEN’S CLUB Parish Council Representative: Craig Henderson ● (615)404-2120 ● The Men’s Club will host its Annual Pancake Breakfast after the 8:30am and 11:00am Masses on Sunday, August 3rd. After a summer hiatus, the Club will have a general membership meeting on Sunday, September 7th at 6:30pm in the Activity Center. All adult men of St. Philip are welcome to attend the meeting. For more information, email WOMEN OF ST. PHILIP Meals with Love Parish Council Representative: Single Women of St. Philip Sharon Wilson ● (615)794-3398 ● The Women of St. Philip are women of faith who desire to be of service to our Lord and the Church. We gather for projects to help others in our church and community. The Women of St. Philip: Meet every 3rd Tuesday of the month for fellowship at Pinkerton Park or service within the parish. Organize and plan the annual Breakfast with Santa. Sort the toys donated during Christmas Basket Week Support Second Harvest Food Bank’s BackPack Program, which helps meet the needs of hungry children by providing them with a pack of nutritious and easy-to-prepare food to take home on weekends and school vacations. We deliver food each week to children at Liberty Elementary School. Donations from our King Cake sales and Salad & Soup Nights help to offset the cost of the food we purchase. Help support Meals with Love and Loaves & Fishes Ministries. Support one another through friendship and prayer. We provide a great opportunity to form friendships with other women in the parish and to enrich the spiritual lives of one another. In so doing, we strengthen our community, parish and ultimately our Church. For more information contact Sharon Wilson: (615) 794-3398 Melissa Ladd: (615) 395-4868 Katherine Ehrhard: (678) 642-4145 Or email: Meals With Love Calling all cooks in the parish (both men and women)! The Meals With Love ministry provides Father Bala and Father Tran with a home cooked meal twice a week. You do not have to be a gourmet chef. The Fathers greatly appreciate this generous deed. If you are placed on the schedule, all that is required is one meal for Father Bala and Father Tran one day approximately every eight months. Take this opportunity to show your admiration for Father Bala and Father Tran, their dedication to Christ and to His Church and your appreciation for the dedication they have in shepherding us individually. To be added to the schedule or taken off, please contact Joelle Polisky at (615) 595-6968 or via email to: ST. PHILIP 2014 FALL NEWSLETTER 24 ADMINISTRATION AND FINANCE Parish Council Representative: Mike Ren ● (615)604-3140 ● From the Parish Finance Board 2014 was another successful year for our Parish. Your generous support has enabled us to expand our ministry activities, to continue to help those in need and to improve our campus to make it more accessible to all Parishioners. We will enter 2015 well positioned to achieve St. Philip Church’s Mission of enhancing the lives of our members through celebration of the sacraments and community based liturgical, educational and social programs. Highlights St. Philip has made significant strides • Spent nearly 60% of our budget helping youth and supporting charity. • Supported the Catholic Women of Faith Conference, the Catholic Men of Faith Conference and the Youth 2000 Conference. • Expanded our international horizons including: • Invested in better sound systems. • Enhanced building security. Financial Overview • 2014 Revenue was up 12% vs. 2013. However, we are still almost 5% under our weekly goal of $30,000. • Total Expenses were at budget. • We received a one-time donation from the Cheek family for $591,000. We have placed this money in savings to use for future projects to provide for the long-term improvements to our heavily-used Parish campus. • Our budget in 2015 will reflect a small surplus. We will continue to: o Be good stewards of your kind donations while continuing to meet our Church’s Mission. o Deepen our culture of evangelization and service. KEY DATES o Jamaica mission trip o Supported vocations in Africa & education in India o Bought a diesel generator at our sister Parish in Haiti to make their Parishioners more self-sufficient • The Statue of St. Philip now has a home. • Added handicap access to the Old Church, making it accessible to all. August 9th & 10th Ministry Fair: Commit your time, share your talents to help others, even if it’s only a few hours during the year. October 26: 2015 Budget Report and 2015 Pledge Commitment begins Upgraded our kitchen facilities and made necessary repairs to our baptismal font. Finance Board Teri Gordon Thomas Moore Mike Ren Carlo Serraiocco Jim Sokol Declan Weir (615) (615) (615) (615) (615) (615) 790-5363 591-2428 604-3140 807-1740 614-3083 456-7075 ST. PHILIP 2014 FALL NEWSLETTER 25 Questions? Stop by the Finance and Administration Booth at the Ministry Fair. A member of the group will be happy to answer any questions you may have. ST. PHILIP 2014 FALL NEWSLETTER 26 St. Philip Bookstore Your Resource for: Catholic bibles, books, prayer cards, jewelry, rosaries, medals, CDs, DVDs, crosses, crucifixes and more St. Philip t-shirts, sweatshirts, hoodies, polo shirts & hats Gift ideas and cards for the Sacraments: Baptisms, First Communion, Confirmation, Weddings Books and activities for children, tweens and teens Gifts and greeting cards for all occasions including birthdays, anniversaries and ordinations Special orders for books, jewelry and gifts from our catalogs Gift certificates available for any amount Bookstore Hours Sunday to Friday from 9:30 am to 1:00 pm First Saturday of the month before and after 5:30 pm Mass First Sunday of the month from 9:30 am to 2:30 pm Located near the Parish Offices off 2nd South Avenue (615)794-4236 ST. PHILIP 2014 FALL NEWSLETTER 27 N O N - P R O F IT O R G A N I ZA TI O N U .S . P O S TA G E P A ID 113 Second Ave South Franklin, TN 37064 Phone: (615)794-8588 Fax: (615)794-3083 F R A N K LI N , T E N N E S S E E P E R M IT N O . 1 2 2 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Here's your opportunity to find your perfect fit. Visit the Ministry Fair, be welcomed by fellow parishioners and find out more about the ministries at St. Philip - there are over 60 of them! Discover the purpose of each ministry, what volunteers can do and how to get involved and make a difference. Find a niche for yourself in one or more. Each of these ministries exists as a small sub-set of the larger community. Becoming involved in a ministries is the fastest way to begin to feel "at home" in the parish. Saturday, August 9th & Sunday, August 10th It is part of God's plan for us to discover and use our gifts to share His love with others. There is a ministry and service opportunity for everyone; if it doesn't exist, we encourage you to pray about it and consider starting your own ministry.
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