bâÜ _twç Éy `ÉâÇà VtÜÅxÄ V{âÜv{ The 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time June 27, 2010 Parish Office — 595-0385 Parish Office Hours: Monday - Thursday: 9:00am - 5:00pm Friday: 9:00am - 3:00pm School 596-2754 Principal – Sr. John Paul, O.P. ext. 213 School Office Hours M – F: 7:30am - 3:30pm Social Ministry/Outreach Office: 599-3950 “We find Christ here. We bring Christ to the world.” 100 Harpersville Road - Newport News, Virginia 23601 www.olmc.org Pregnancy Helpline — 870-3131 PARISH STAFF EXTENSIONS Pastor Rev. Kenneth Wood 112 Parochial Vicar Rev. Peter T. Tran 114 Deacon Rev. Mr. Bernie Taylor 103 Pastoral Associate Janet Hassan 120 Facilities Manager Hart Smith 121 Social Ministry Coordinator Tina Wandersee 118 Children’s Faith Formation (Pre-K-5th grade) Christa Blomstrom 119 Youth Minister (Gr. 6-12) & Young Adult Coordinator Steve Branning 128 Music Coordinator Kelly Soprano 117 Liturgy Coordinator Julie Hall 115 Hispanic Ministry Coordinator Francisco Anleu 136 Family Life Director (Pastoral Care) Jennifer DelCorso 129 Business Manager Patty Nicholas 122 Food Service Manager (St. Michael Hall) John Chesney 140 Administrative Assistants Eileen Mazary (Website/Bulletin) 116 Carla Weimer (Parishioner Records) 126 Receptionists/Mass Intentions Cathy Luth/Kitty Barnett 101 Maintenance Technician Bill Johnson 111 CNU Catholic Campus Minister Mary Lynn Murphy 123 EUCHARISTIC LITURGIES Saturday: 5:00pm Sunday: 8:00am ~ 10:00am ~ 4:00pm 2:00pm — (en Español) Weekdays: Monday: 7:00am Tuesday: 6:30pm Wednesday: 8:15am Thursday: 7:00am 6:30pm (en Español) Friday: 8:15am SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturday: 3:00 - 4:00pm or privately by appointment. QUESTION OF THE WEEK th The 14 Sunday in Ordinary Time, July 4 Reading I: Isaiah 66: 10 - 14c The Lord’s power shall be known. Reading II: Galatians 6: 14 - 18 I boast of nothing but the cross! Gospel: Luke 10: 1 - 12, 17 - 20 I am sending you as lambs. Adults: To what part of the harvest are you being sent? What are you being called to do for the Reign of God? Youth: Jesus sent the disciples out into the world, but told them that it wouldn’t be an easy job. How have you shared your faith with others this past week? What were the risks for you? Children: How do you let others know about your faith? BULLETIN NOTICES AND ADVERTISING All information must be sent to the parish office no later than 8AM on Mondays. Please use e-mail if at all possible and send to: emazary@olmc.org. If you would like to advertise on the back of the bulletin, please call J. S. Paluch at 1-800-524-0263. Page 2 June 27, 2010 TAKE ME OUT TO THE BALL GAME WITH FR KEN! Grab your glove and join Fr. Ken for a trip to Washington, DC to see the National’s play the Atlanta Braves. Where: Washington, DC at National’s Park When: Thursday July 29, 2010. Game starts at 12:35PM; Bus leaves OLMC Parking Lot at 8:00AM Transportation: Charter Bus Service Cost: Tickets (includes park admission and transportation to and from the game on a charter bus) will be: Upper deck outfield ~ $40 Upper deck 1st base line ~ $55 Prices w/o transportation: $12 & $25 respectively Tickets are on sale at the OLMC Parish Store. First come, first served. Get them fast before they are gone! This Week at OLMC June 27 - July 4 SUNDAY 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 2:00 PM 4:00 PM MASS MASS MISA EN ESPAÑOL MASS MONDAY 7:00 AM 6:00 PM MASS Social Ministry Meeting TUESDAY 6:30 PM 7:00 PM MASS Initiation Programs Worship Center Worship Center Worship Center Worship Center Chapel Lukas Schmidt Suite Chapel Commons Meeting Space WEDNESDAY 8:15 AM MASS 7:00 PM Encounters Team Info Night Worship Center SMH THURSDAY 7:00 AM MASS Chapel 6:30 PM MISA EN ESPAÑOL Chapel 7:00 PM SPRED Meeting Commons Meeting Space FRIDAY 8:15 AM MASS SATURDAY 8:00 AM Men’s Book Study 3:00 PM Reconciliation 5:00 PM MASS SUNDAY 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 2:00 PM 4:00 PM MASS MASS MISA EN ESPAÑOL MASS Chapel Lukas Schmidt Suite Reconciliation Room Worship Center Worship Center Worship Center Worship Center Worship Center Liturgy News How many lay ministries are involved in the celebration of our Sunday liturgies? If your answer is 12, then you are correct. Well, almost, since we will be starting a new ministry soon. The contributions of many parishioners are needed each week so that we can gather together as a community in prayer. The parish needs you to volunteer to serve in its liturgical ministries. The variety of ministries allows for your participation in a manner that is best for your schedule. At present, our greatest need is for Intercessory Writers, Linen Ministry, Mass Coordinators, Sacristans, and Wine Ministry. Intercessory Writers prepare the Prayer of the Faithful for our weekend liturgies. This ministry is time-flexible and can be performed at home; ideally this would be on a 6 – 8 week rotation. In the Linen Ministry, another at home ministry, ministers will clean and press the altar linens and purificators used each week, again a 6 – 8 week rotation is desired. Mass Coordinators are needed to help liturgies flow smoothly. Their oversight ensures that the church and its ministers are prepared for the celebration. A commitment of 1 or 2 liturgies a month is appreciated. Sacristans generally spend about 2 hours once a month doing light housekeeping. The primary tasks are maintaining a fresh supply of Holy Water in the various fonts and votive candles in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel. The Wine Ministry is new to the parish. We need parishioners to provide wine for use in the liturgies; ideally this would be on a quarterly rotation. Whether you are new to the parish or you have been a longtime member, please consider joining a liturgical ministry. For further information or to sign up please contact Julie Hall, ext. 115 or jhall@olmc.org. Eucharistic Ministry Team Leaders July 3 & 4 5:00 PM 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 2:00 PM 4:00 PM Helen Cvik & Martie Ann King Rocky Garcia & Rolande Phillips Tammy Waldroup & Marianne Quantz Rafael & Mildred Benet Joe Harris & Tom Hale 5:00 PM 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 2:00 PM 4:00 PM Judy Darling & Rolande Phillips Teresa McGee & Shirley Lindsay Shorty & Lisette Melendez Rafael & Mildred Benet Martie Ann King & Gina Kietlinski July 10 & 11 Junior & Senior Youth Groups UPCOMING SUMMER EVENTS FOR TEENS: Steubenville in Atlanta - July 15 - 18 Diocesan Youth Conference (DYC) - July 23 - 25 Eastern Shore Work Camp - the first week of August Contact Steve Branning at the Parish Office for information on these trips. They are a great experience and are opened to those entering ninth grade next year through current seniors. Page 3 June 27, 2010 CLiFF (Community Lifelong intergenerational Faith Formation) Young Adults Adult Faith Formation SERVICE OPPORTUNITY: Bethlehem Farm in WV has openings for our Adult Week happening July 25-31. An Adult Week at the farm is an opportunity to incorporate the gospel values of service, prayer, simplicity, & community in your daily life. You'll have chances to serve the local community, work in our sustainable garden, make homemade meals, celebrate Mass and participate in other forms of personal & communal prayers, and build community with people from all over the country. The costs for the week is $250 per person and is open to groups or individuals who are 18 or over. If you are interested, or would like to find out more, please contact Andy Rebollar, bethlehemandy@me.com or visit our website at www.bethlehemfarm.net. LIVING CHRIST ENCOUNTERS TEAM Training sessions begin JUNE 30TH. The first training session for those interested in serving on a team for a “LIVING CHRIST ENCOUNTER” will be on WEDNESDAY, JUNE 30TH AT 6:30 PM. If you would like more information on this ministry please contact Janet Hassan at the Parish Office, ext. 120. Inclusive Ministries SPECIAL RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: Do you have a special love for people with intellectual or cognitive disabilities? An exciting new opportunity for ministry to our oftenmarginalized brothers and sisters is coming to Our Lady of Mt. Carmel. Special Religious Education (SPRED) forms small adult communities of faith into which our special friends of all ages are welcomed. Please consider whether the Lord is calling you to offer the gift of yourself in this ministry. Two informal get-acquainted sessions will be held on July 1 and July 15 at 7:00 PM in the Commons Meeting Space. All are welcome please contact Dave Dwyer at 817-5960 or Christa Blomstrom at 595-0385 for further information. Children’s Faith Formation VBS: HIGH SEAS EXPEDITION! Thank you for your response! All of our volunteer positions have been filled! VBS: Still time to register children for our High Seas Expedition! Join the fun and adventure as we learn about God through songs and prayer, make Bible Point crafts and bring our Catholic faith to life in fun and memorable ways! Click on the High Seas logo at www.olmc.org to register! VBS: Decorating Day! Saturday, July 3, 9:00AM-3:00PM Come help create the High Seas for our upcoming VBS voyage in July. Artist and non-Artists alike are needed to create an amazing backdrop for the voyage, so come dressed to paint! Any time you can spare to lend a hand will be greatly appreciated! All ages are welcome! VBS: Barrel of Supplies Needed! We’re gathering a boatload of snack and craft supplies for all the kids who come to our High Seas Expedition! PLEASE TAKE A BARREL FROM OUR DISPLAY BOARDS IN THE COMMONS AND DONATE THE REQUESTED ITEMS. The items can be returned before the weekend of July 3rd and 4th to the large bin in the Commons marked: VBS. Thank you for your support of VBS through your donations! MEN’S BOOK STUDY The next meeting of the Men’s Book Study will be this Saturday, July 3 at 8:00 in the Lukas Schmidt Suite of Manion Hall. Future meeting dates are: July 17 & 31 and August 14 & 28. SUMMER BOOK DISCUSSION GROUP Beginning on Thursday evening, JULY 29TH for 5 weeks join our Book Discussion Group. The discussion will run from 6:15 pm to 7:45 pm. You can drive home before dark! The Book chosen for this summer’s gathering is: MY LIFE with the SAINTS by James Martin, SJ. Fr. Martin encompasses saints throughout Christian history---from St. Peter to Dorothy Day, St. Francis to Mother Teresa---and chronicles his lifelong relationship with them. His witty, vibrant, and stirring stories will enable us to discover how the saints guide us throughout our earthly journeys and how they help each of us find holiness in our own lives. This book has won the Catholic Press Association Book Award, the Christopher Award and Publisher’s weekly Best Book of the Year Award. Books will be ordered through the parish for $12.00. To order a book, please call Janet, ext. 120 or jhassan@olmc.org. Initiation Programs R.C.I.A (The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults, Youth & Children) An Amazing Journey Awaits You! Have you been thinking about learning more about the Catholic Church? Is there someone you’d like to explore the Catholic Faith? Do you need to complete your Sacraments of Initiation? Please consider taking this important journey of faith. Through lectures, discussions, prayer, community activity you can explore all aspects of the Catholic Faith and discern the Lord’s direction for your life. New Inquiry groups are forming. Sessions are held 3 Tuesday evenings a month from 7 – 8:30 pm. The next meeting is TUESDAY, JUNE 22ND in St. Michael Hall. For more information contact jhassan@olmc.org or call the parish office, ext. 120. Children’s Catechumenate This process is for Children and Youth who wish to explore the Catholic faith or complete their Sacraments of Initiation. This includes those ages 7 -17 who are: • Unbaptized • Baptized in another Christian faith and exploring Catholicism • Older children and youth baptized catholic but did not complete first communion. Please call Janet at the parish office, ext. 120 for more details. Page 4 June 27, 2010 Parish Store Ministry Social Ministry The Parish Store will be open before and after Masses whenever possible. Currently we are seeking volunteers to cover the store for the following Masses: rd th • 10am Sunday Mass for the 3 & 4 Sundays of the month th • 4pm Sunday Mass for the 4 Sunday of the month th • 8am, 10am, and 4pm Sunday Mass for the 5 Sunday of the month The store will be closed at those times until new volunteers step forward. If you would like to volunteer to help at the store during one Mass per month for 15-30 minutes before and after Mass, please contact Sharon at olmcstore@olmc.org. With thankful Hearts we wish to express our joy in receiving the food this past week for our Pantry! We asked and you gave. To the families who provided the much needed syrup, beef stew, cake mix, and jell-o a great big thank you! To those families who thought to bring personal care items and mayonnaise, and fruit snacks… we thank you! Children will be excited to receive the fruit snacks, cereal and assorted chips. Thank you OLMC Parishioners! Healing Ministry CARD MINISTER: Do you have the gift of writing encouraging notes to others? Please consider joining our card ministry by contacting Jen Del Corso ext. 129. OLD OR UNUSED RELIGIOUS ITEMS: Do you have religious items that you don’t want to throw away but do no want anymore? Please consider donating them by placing them in the large basket in the commons meeting space. Thank you. HOMEBOUND OR IN THE HOSPITAL? Do you know someone who is homebound and cannot get to Mass? Do you know that you are going to be in the hospital for an upcoming surgery or to deliver a baby? Please let us know so that we can make sure you receive Eucharist. Simply contact Cathy at the front desk or call/email Jen Del Corso ext. 129 or jdelcorso@olmc.org. Family Life Ministry MARRIAGE MOMENT: Each couple has a story. What's yours? This week take some time to reflect on the last 5, 10, 15 or 20+ years. What have been the highlights? The challenges? What would you do differently knowing what you know now and what memories were your favorite? Together, you can narrate the your story as a couple and why/how you are who you are today because of your spouse. FEELING LIKE AN OUT OF CONTROL PARENT? Mary Immaculate is offering free parenting classes based on 1-2-3 magic series on Wednesdays 10am-12noon, July 14-Aug 4. Free childcare is available. Call 886-6511 to register. Manna Parish Fundraiser if you're new to the parish, come on by the Manna table after any weekend Mass and ask us about Manna - or give a call to the parish office; we'd love to tell you all about our parish fundraiser. And to all your faithful Manna users - Thank you for supporting our parish fundraiser! Reflecting Christ TI-AMO Club… Thank you for your continued and ongoing support of the Pantry! You helped to stock the cupboards and we appreciate all you do and have done for this ministry! Continue to remember the pantry when you come to Mass Over the past month your support has provided food for over 26 families in Newport News. We are still in need of: Juice, Crackers, Cake Mix/Frosting Very specifically for infants: Similac Advance Infant Formula Opportunity to Act with Justice Coming Next Month! Migrant Ministry, Eastern Shore July 20 & 27 and August 3 & 10 Those interested in traveling with the team to the Eastern Shore or those who wish to make a donation of personal hygiene items, socks, and/or small toys for children can contact: Carmen Lane at 869-8389 We invite you to come and see what OLMC Social Ministry offers to our Community! Contact Tina: twandersee@olmc.org or ext 118. If you know of someone who needs assistance with necessities during pregnancy or during the first 18 months after the birth of a child, please refer them to Pregnancy Solutions at 870-3131. We offer free pregnancy screenings as well. PHARMACY OUTREACH PROGRAM Need assistance with your prescriptions? If you don’t have prescription insurance and have a limited income you may qualify for our pharmacy program. Please call a volunteer at the Pharmacy Outreach (595-0385, ext. 127) to see if we can help. Page 5 June 27, 2010 OLMC Community News PARISH COUNCIL DISCERNMENT A discernment for parishioners interested in serving on the Parish Council will be held on Saturday, July 10 from 9:00 AM until approximately 12 Noon. Nominations will be accepted in the boxes in the Commons through June 27. Any confirmed parishioner 18 and older is invited to discern. Young adults are encouraged to attend. Ladies of Carmel Garage Sale Everyone Can Help! Save your saleable discards. Items needed: Kitchenware: pots & pans, dishes, glasses, silverware Domestics: linens, fabric Gift Items: jewelry, pictures Outdoor Items: plants, equipment Books, Baked Goods Baby items, Toddler & Baby Clothing Bring items to the school gym the week of the sale. AND Shop with us on July 17 for the best bargains in town! VIRTUS VIRTUS TRAINING The VIRTUS - Protecting All God's Children® program has been adopted by the Catholic Diocese of Richmond to ensure safe environments for children and youth in all parishes, schools and diocesan programs. To register, log on to the website of the Diocese of Richmond or follow the link: http:// www.richmonddiocese.org/VirtusTraining.htm What can we answer for you? E-mail any questions you have about our parish, the Catholic faith, why we do what we do, etc. to whatcanweanswer@olmc.org. ? Community News ATTENTION RECENT HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES ! The Diocese of Richmond’s Office of Campus and Young Adult Ministry is asking for your address. If you are attending a college or university in Virginia, the information will be forwarded to campus ministers who will welcome you to the campus and let you know what opportunities there may be for you. If you are entering the work force and remaining in the area, your name will be forwarded to regional young adult committees. These groups will welcome you to their activities. The link for 2010 High School Graduates to get the form is www.richmonddiocese.org/cyam/. Community News, cont. BLOOD DRIVE A Blood Drive will be held at the Knights of Columbus Hall, 12742 Nettles Drive on Wednesday, July 7 from 2:00 pm to 7:00 pm. Blood reserves are critical. All types are needed. METANOIA: 6-DAY SILENT DIRECTED RETREAT, July 11-16, 2010, The Well Retreat Center. Come away from life’s routine to rest, relax, reflect, and renewal your love relationship with God, neighbor and self. Details: call Linda Ashe at 757-255-2366 or email staff@thewellretreatcenter.org HOST FAMILY NEEDED Seeking host families for the ‘10-’11 school year for international students. Students will be attending Peninsula Catholic High School and Walsingham Academy. Host families receive a monthly stipend of $450 to help defray the cost of having an additional person in the home. Students come with their own insurance and spending money. Some Southside areas have satellite bus services. There is local, 24hour emergency support. If you are interested or if you would like more information on hosting a student at a later time, please contact: Maxine Williams, International Private School Program Nacel Open Door, 430-8487 or maxine1229@cox.net EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES St. Joan of Arc Catholic Church in Yorktown is seeking a part-time bookkeeper (20-25 hours/week) to handle the accounting duties for the parish. The primary function of this position is to provide day-to-day financial support services including: accounts payable, payroll processing, tax payments, deposits, maintaining parishioner tithing records, providing requested reports and statements, and providing occasional general office support. Specific requirements for the bookkeeping position include: Associates degree in accounting or related field, strong interpersonal skills, proven ability to work under general supervision, three+ years of experience in bookkeeping, ability to meet deadlines and solid computer skills. Existing knowledge of Parish Data Systems is preferred, as is a general knowledge of the structure and functioning of the Catholic Church. Interested applicants should submit a letter of interest, resume and Diocesan application to: Nancy Matthews, St. Joan of Arc Catholic Church, 315 Harris Grove Ln, Yorktown, VA, 23692. St. Mary Star of the Sea School in Hampton has an opening for Spanish enrichment teacher and Spanish I teacher. Part time position teaching Spanish enrichment to PK-8th grade. Candidates should have VA licensure and experience teaching Spanish to children. Application can be downloaded at www.saintmarystarofthesea.com Langley Air Force Base is seeking to hire a Youth Coordinator to oversee a large dynamic youth ministry program for high school aged participants enrolled in grades 9-12. This position is 30 hrs. per week which includes sessions scheduled twice monthly on Sundays. Interested applicants need to pick up a Statement of Work (job description) from the Langley Chapel Religious Education Office located at 633 ABW / HC; 180 Dodd Blvd. Langley Air Force Base 23665-1996. This position is being promoted June 14 – July 2. Deadline for application is Friday July 2. Point of Contact is Mrs. Anne Spencer, Langley Chapel Catholic Director of Pastoral Ministries, 764-3326. Page 6 June 27, 2010 Sunday, June 27, 2010 8:00 – Bruce Allen Michaloski 10:00 – Bob & Pat Myers 45th Anniversary 2:00 – For the People of the Parish 4:00 – Lopé Pilé Follow me Ann & Art Russnow The Myers Family The Pilé Family Mon – (7am) Patrick T. Boyle Bob & Nancy Curran Tue – (6:30pm) Clara Degrafenreid The Asmar Family Wed – (8:15am) Mary Sullivan St. Mary’s Guild Thur – (7am) Joseph Daloney Ann & Jack Svelan (6:30pm) 1st Anniversaries for July: Loras E. Albang (7/1/09) Ernest Williams (7/22/09) Stan McCaughan (7/5/09) Doloris Sessoms (7/26/09) Rita Voitlein (7/11/09) Domenik Castagna (7/27/09) Doris Lauffs (7/14/09) Mary Barbara Haskins (7/29/09) Samantha Visalden (7/17/09) Fri – (8:15am) Patricia Whitecavage Ginger Stay Saturday, July 3, 2010 5:00 – Marco Pennington Family Sunday, July 4, 2010 8:00 – Joseph Bouchard 10:00 – Jolyn Rivenbark 2:00 – For the People of the Parish 4:00 – The Bimler Family Celeste Bouchard The Blomstrom Family Worship Center Flowers Flowers in the Worship Center this weekend are given by Jack & Ann Svelan in memory of Steve Svelan. Our Lady of Mount Carmel School News VIRTUS Please remember that your VIRTUS accounts need to be up to date to remain valid. Please use the summer to catch up with any unread bulletins. If you have any questions please contact Mrs. Hill in the front office. SUMMER OFFICE HOURS Summer office hours for the school office are Monday-Thursday 9:00am2:00pm. The office will be closed on Fridays. These hours are in effect through August 13th. SUMMER READING LISTS Summer reading lists and the calendar for the 2010-2011 school year are available online at www.olmc-school.com. SCHOOL SUPPLY LISTS Supply lists broken down by grade for the 2010-2011 school year are available online at www.olmcschool.com. COACH NEEDED OLMC School is looking for a volunteer to coach the Cross Country team this fall. The team is comprised of 5 -8 grade girls and boys. They complete in 4 meets during the season. If you are interested please contact Mrs. Race at 596-2754, ext 234 or athletic.director@olmc-school.com. SUMMER COLLECTION Even though the Farm Fresh Receipts program takes the summer off, we can still continue to collect the Box Tops, Tyson's, Camp bells and the Coke Rewards Program has announced they will extend their program for another school year! So please keep collecting these items throughout the summer. You can save all your items until school starts in the fall or you can bring them to the school office and I will be checking the containers throughout the summer. MANNA FOR TUITION The Manna you purchase from the Parish can help OLMC School AND can help you pay tuition. Go to www.olmc-school.com/mannaflyer.pdf for more information about how this works. Page 7 27 de Junio del 2010 DECIMO TERCER DOMINGO DEL TIEMPO ORDINARIO PARROQUIA NUESTRA SEÑORA DEL CARMEN Ministerio Hispano Coordinador: Francisco Anleu TEL. Oficina: (757) 595-0385 Ext. 136 TEL. Celular: (757) 846-0628 Misas en Español Domingos: 2:00 PM y Jueves: 6:30 PM SACRAMENTO DEL BAUTISMO: REQUISITOS. Estar inscritos en la Parroquia. Registrarse con los catequistas para asistir a las charlas. Los niños tienen que ser menores de 7 años. PADRINOS: Estar inscritos en la parroquia. Si es un solo padrino, debe tener mas de 16 años y haber recibido el sacramento de la Confirmación, esto aplica para padrinos solteros. (hombre o mujer) Si están casados, deben presentar la Constancia del Matrimonio religioso. Si no son miembros de esta parroquia, deben presentar una constancia de la Iglesia en donde asisten para demostrar su actividad religiosa. EASTERN SHORE. Próximamente se estarán realizando las actividades de la visita a los trabajadores migrantes en el Eastern Shore. Padre Ken y los que quieran acompañarle estarán visitando en los días martes a las cinco de la tarde 20 y 27 de Julio, 3 y 10 de agosto. Si alguien esta interesado en acompañarnos por favor de contactar a Carmen Lane - 869-8389 . También son agradecidos cualquier donación para los trabajadores, con siempre se han llevado artículos de higiene personal, calcetines, pequeños juguetes para niños y niñas. Favor de estar pendientes de la información. Expediciones en Alta Mar Nuestra Señora del Carmen Escuela de Biblia en Vacaciones Desde el Lunes, 12 de Julio hasta el Viernes 16 de Julio 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Voluntarios y Participantes: Registrarse online en olmc.org Para Detalles: Lleve un Folleto con Información!!! Si el niño ya es mayor de siete años, favor de consultar al catequista, para el programa de CICCA, ó llamar a Francisco Anleu. Ver teléfono arriba. LAS PROXIMAS CHARLAS DE BAUTISMOS SE REALIZARAN EL DIA DOMINGO 22 DE AGOSTO, A LAS 11 DE LA MAÑANA ACTIVIDADES PARA LOS JOVENES: 23 Y 25 de Julio, Conferencia Diocesana de Jóvenes, DYC. Esta será celebrada en Richmond Convención Center y estarán hospedados, en Hilton Garden Inn, cruzando la calle. El costo es de $195.00. Si alguien se registra antes del 15 de Mayo, tendrá un descuento de $15.00 Julio 15 y 18, Hay un Retiro en Steubenville, Atlanta, GA. Solo 8 Jóvenes mujeres y 8 Barones pueden ir de nuestra parroquia. Favor de contactar a Christina Chapman, si están interesados. El costo de este retiro es de $225 con un deposito de $50 Favor de contactar al coordinador para poder obtener información acerca de como asistir sin tener que pagar, hay varias actividades que se están organizando para recaudar fondos, infórmate y se uno de los beneficiados. MISAS EL DIA JUEVES. Hermanos y Hermanas, le invitamos a que nos acompañe los días Jueves a las 6:30 PM. Se celebra la Santa Eucaristía. ESCUELA DE BIBLIA EN VACACIONES PARA NIÑOS. ESPEDICIONES EN ALTA MAR. Desde el Lunes 12 al 16 de Julio de 9 a 12 de la Mañana LUNES: La Palabra de Dios es Verdadera! Dios libera a Pedro de la Prisión Hechos: 12: 1-19 MARTES: La Palabra de Dios es Consoladora! Dios consuela a Pablo en una tormenta en el mar. Hechos: 27 MIERCOLES: La palabra de Dios es Sorprendente! Pablo sobrevive a la mordedura de una serpiente venenosa. Hechos: 28 1:10 JUEVES: La palabra de Dios, cambia la Vida! Pedro y Juan, enseñan acerca de Jesús. Hechos 3: 1-4: 12 VIERNES: La palabra de Dios es para todos! La comunidad de los que creen, comparten. Hechos 2: 42-47 Recoge un folleto para mas información. Te esperamos. Ministerio de Educación Religiosa para Niños.
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