LASER COMM COVER SHEET Our Lady of the Assumption - 513434 Sherie DeVillers— 805-415-0639 Cover and Bulletin for: 10-31-10 Comments and requests: Our Lady of the Assumption 3175 Telegraph Road, Ventura, California 93003 Office (805) 642-7966, Fax (805) 642-7635 Visit our New Website:; Email: PASTOR: REV. STEVE DAVOREN Thirty0-First Sunday in Ordinary Time October 31, 2010 ASSOCIATE PASTOR: REV. ROBERT GARON PASTOR EMERITUS: REV. MSGR. DONAL MULCAHY DEACONS: REV. MR. RODGER ADAMS REV. MR. ED MILLS REV. MR. AURELIO MACIAS REV. MR. CHARLES WESSLER REV. MR. BILL WILSON The Bereavement Ministry of Our Lady of the Assumption invites you to an All Souls Day bilingual Remembrance Mass SENIOR DEACON: REV. MR. JAMES M. FARLEY SCHEDULE OF MASSES: Monday—Friday: 6:30 AM, 8:00 AM 5:15 PM (1st Friday & Lent) Saturday: 8:00 AM, 5:15 PM Sunday: 8:00, 9:30, 11:00 AM 12:30 (Spanish Mass) 5:15 PM CONFESSIONS: Monday: 8:30-9:00 AM Tuesday: 5:30-6:00 PM Wednesday: 5:30-6:00 PM Friday: 8:30-9:00 AM Saturday: 8:30-9:00 AM, 4:00-5:00 PM LITURGY OF THE HOURS: Monday-Saturday before 8am Mass ROSARY: Monday-Saturday after 8am Mass EUCHARISTIC ADORATION: WEDNESDAY 9AM UNTIL SUNDAY 9AM IN ST. JULIE’S CHAPEL OUR LADY OF THE ASSUMPTION PARISH SCHOOL: 3169 Telegraph Road Mrs. Patricia Groff, Principal School Office: (805) 642-7198 Tuesday, November 2nd 7:00 P.M. (see page 4 for more info) The Mission Statement of Our Lady of the Assumption Catholic Parish We, as faithful followers of Jesus Christ, create, nurture, and maintain a community of love through worship, reconciliation, healing, formation, education and service. Through Word and Eucharist, we seek the wisdom and guidance of the Holy Spirit, embracing the love of our Creator in each thought, word, and action. As humble servants of God, we remain faithful to the teachings of the Holy Roman Catholic Church, waiting in joyful hope for our Lord’s coming. PARISH DIRECTORY / DIRECTORÍO DE LA PARROQUIA ADULT CONFIRMATION: Deacon Bill Wilson 642-7966 ADULT SPIRITUALITY: David DeVillers, 642-7966 ext. 109 ALTAR SERVERS: Deacon Ed & Kate Mills, 642-7966 ext 152 ARCHDIOCESAN COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN: DeMova Barrett, 643-0535 BEREAVEMENT: Ofelia Haynes, 644-3508 Deacon Rodger Adams, 642-7966 ext. 116 BOY & CUB SCOUTS: Kathy Ellison, 658-6844 BULLETIN: Sherie DeVillers, 642-7966 ext. 128 or BUSINESS MANAGER: Lauren Burns, 642-7966 ext.101 CATHOLIC CHARITIES: 303 N. Ventura Avenue, 643-4694 CATHOLIC DETENTION MINISTRY: Margaret Oberon, 794-0267 CATHOLIC HOMESCHOOLING SUPPORT: Mary Kielas, 650-7870 CHILDRENS CHOIR: Cheryl Kewley, 816-2252 CHILDRENS STRING ENSEMBLE: Peter Shuere, 805-647-9998 CHRISTIAN SERVICE: Kath Wurts, 648-7012 COLLIDE WORSHIP: Aaron Barta, 642-7966 ext.117 END OF LIFE MINISTRY: Mary Ellen Farley, 643-5262 EUCHARISTIC ADORATION: Elizabeth Wurts, 644-8395 Mary Ann Decaen, 644-2160 EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS: Deacon Jim Farley, 642-7966 EVENT COORDINATOR: Diane Frantela 642-7966 ext. 133 FAITH SHARING GROUPS: Mary Braitman, 647-5278 FAMILIES OF NAZARETH: Phyllis Crews, 643-5361 FAMILY TO FAMILY: Mary Braitman, 647-5278 Albert & Janet Karian, 644-0660 FINANCE COUNCIL: Mike Coulson 642-7966 FRIENDSHIP SUNDAY: Darlene Holaway, 642-7966 ext.118 GRUPO GUADALUPANO: Blanca Macias, 642-7966 ext. 129 HEALTH MINISTRY: Dottie Rowins, HERMITS OF ST. GILES: Mark Andrew Dextraze, 647-9089 HISPANIC MINISTRY (MINISTERIO HISPANO): Rosario Gonzalez, 647-6351 INFANT BAPTISM PREPARATION: Pre-baptism instruction required. English: Deacon Rodger Adams, 642-7966 ext.116 Spanish: Dn. Aurelio Macias, 642-7966 ext. 129 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS: Al Phelps, GK (805) 797-4740 LECTORS: Deacon Charles Wessler, 642-7966 x126 LIVING MATRIMONY: Aaron Barta, 642-7966 ext.117 MAJOR CHOIR DIRECTOR: Irene La Commare, 659-4933 MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER: Russ & Jeanine Walker, 648-4244 MARRIAGES: To schedule date & meeting with priest or deacon, 642-7966 Wedding ceremony coordinators, Andrea Lawson, 671-9931 Sherie DeVillers, 445-1210 MEN’S MINISTRY: Aaron Barta, 642-7966 ext. 117 MIDDLE SCHOOL (THE EDGE): Zach Eckert, 642-7966 ext. 125 MINISTRY TO THE SICK: Contact main office, 642-7966 MOM’S GROUP: Jeanine Walker, 648-4244 MOTHER’S PRAYER: Lisa O’Brien, 659-5307 NATURAL FAMILY PLANNING: Leslie McGiven, 650-4878 NURSERY: Darlene Holaway, 642-7966 ext.118 OLA CLASSICS: Mary Kielas, 650-7870 PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL: Krisztina Heimann, 818-469-3973 or Spanish Contact (Contacto en Español): Javier Zapata, 654-8875 PARISH PRAYER CHAIN: Juanita Trine, 644-5967 RCIA Don Huntley 642-7966 ext. 123 or RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: Darlene Holaway, 642-7966 ext.118 RESPECT LIFE: Patty Berry, 642-4928 or Dea Boehme, RETROUVAILLE REDISCOVERY: Paul & Marisa Montgomery, 642-4023 RIDES TO MASS ON SUNDAY: John Stebbins, 644-4674 ROSARY MAKERS: Aurora Gonzales, 654-0316 SACRISTANS: Deacon Ed & Kate Mills, 642-7966 x 152 SAFEGUARD THE CHILDREN: Dea Boehme 642-7966 ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY: 642-4104 SECULAR FRANCISCAN: Pauline Riendeau, 339-9446 SERRA—VOCATIONS: Steve Garcia, 644-4726 SPANISH BAPTISM PREPARATION: Aurelio Macias, 642-7966 ST. BONAVENTURE HIGH SCHOOL: 3167 Telegraph Road Mr. Marc Groff, Principal. School Office: (805) 648-6836 STEWARDSHIP: David DeVillers, 642-7966 ext 109 SUNDAY SCHOOL: Jenny Elliott at 323-5107, USHERS: Ric Ruffinelli, 642-8797 VICTIMS ASSISTANCE: Suzanne Healy, LMFT 213-637-7650 VOLUNTEER COORDINATOR: David DeVillers, 642-7966 ext.109 or WELCOME COMMITTEE: Mary Donohue at 794-3867 or WOMEN’S MINISTRY: Kris Lynch at 382-0478 or OR Nikki Noonan at 644-8980 or YOUNG ADULT (FRASSATI): Jenny Murray, YOUTH MINISTRY: Karen Reynolds, 642-7966 ext. 121 Music: Aaron Barta, 642-7966 ext.117 YLI-CATHOLIC WOMEN’S ORGANIZATION: Ann Ives, 642-6748 Please email all bulletin announcements by FRIDAYS AT 5PM (10 days before the bulletin is distributed) to Thank you! - 2- CALENDAR OF UPCOMING EVENTS Date Event See page November 7 - Sunday Experience! Homeless Packing Party 4 November 13 SBHS 25th Annual Dinner Auction 9 November 14 Tender Life Baby Bottle Drive 9 November 18-21 Food Basket Collection 8 November 25 Thanksgiving Mass & Reception 8 November 28 First Sunday of Advent - Blood Drive Signups 8 December 4 Advent Fest 6 December 5 - Sunday Experience! Blood Drive - Growing In Faith Together 8 LITURGICAL MINISTRY ALTAR SERVERS EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS LECTORS SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 6TH 5:15 pm Elizabeth Brinker, Don Brunner, Dominic, Quentin & Carina Tedesco Kathy Dunn Barbara Adams & Kathy Kinnear 8:00 am Joann Cunningham, Jerry Deal, Alex Mellein, Anaiis Royval, Amanda Haapanen Rosemary Schlingensiepen & Shirley Zimmerman 9:30 am Robyn Birkimer, Pat Bonewitz, Sicilia Smith, Kathryn Lombardi, Joseph DeMaria Marc & Pat Groff 11:00 am Theresa Basolo, Holly Bishop, Ashley LeCroy, Michael Thompson, Maria Thompson Anne Grant & John Alexander 12:30 pm Assigned by Hispanic Ministry Assigned by Hispanic Ministry Assigned by Hispanic Ministry Deryl & Margaret Franzel, Ed & Victoria Klein, Vincent O’Neill, Christina Osborne, Norma Tonello SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 7TH Tony & Pat Dykes, Rob & Ofelia Haynes, Cecelia Isordia, Jack & Pat Mellring, Lawrence Watt Connie Calka, Callie De La Cruz, Tessie Haas, Krisztina Heimann, Pauline Riendeau, Merna Schmitt, Jenny Willis, Chuck Yuncker Dea Boehme, Bernice Critchfield, Steve & Gloria Garcia, Paul Ouellette, James & Mary Secor, William Windroth 5:15 pm Ray & Tricia Krakowski, Tiffany Lansden, Jacob Hernandez Lisa Laubacher, Ken & Kris Lynch, Tim & Nikki Noonan, Gina Ravenscroft, Gerardo Villalpando Assigned by the Youth Group HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! Ronald & Barbara Hudoba 48 Years on October 27 Mr & Mrs. Raymond Dickerson 19 Years on October 27 Raul & Jeannie Hernandez 19 Years on November 2 To list your anniversary, please email by the Friday of the week before you wish to publish the date - 3- HELP FOR THE HOMELESS MASS INTENTIONS Monday, November 1 6:30 Matilde Jener (D) & Ruth Gundelfinger (L) 8:00 Michael Bemis (D) & Sandy Torres (L) Our Lady of the Assumption is collecting items for the local population who are in poverty. We are asking our Tuesday, November 2 6:30 Edwin Klein (D) & Nadia Syriani (D) 8:00 Jay Scott (D) & Ray & Mia Steinfeld (D) Parishioners to donate the following items: Please make sure to donate only the items listed below, so that the recipients can transport and use the items effectively during the winter season. Wednesday, November 3 6:30 Dorothy Teran (D) & John Thomas (D) 8:00 Adrian Ornelas (D) & Patricio Ornelas (D) FOR BABIES ~ Baby lotion, rash ointment, pacifiers, crib blankets, diapers, baby wipes, jar baby food, formula, and warm sleeper clothes. Thursday, November 4 6:30 Pete & Dolores Reyes (D) & John Metzner (D) 8:00 Bud Needham (D) & Alma Green (L) FOR CHILDREN ~ Hats, scarves, gloves, heavy socks, underwear, trial-size soap, shampoo, lotion, and sweatshirts. Friday, November 5 6:30 Antonio Asahan (D) 8:00 Isaac Salazar (D) & Michael Smith (D) 5:15 Sean Fleming (D) & Armando Acosta (D) FOR MEN AND WOMEN ~ Hats, scarves, gloves, heavy socks, underwear, deodorant, disposable razors, shaving cream, trial-size soap, shampoo, lotion, toothbrushes, tissues, feminine hygiene products, combs, and hair brushes. Saturday, November 6 8:00 Miguel Chico (D) & John Thomas (D) 5:15 Dr. William Lukes & Dorothy & Stephen Chess (D) Sunday, November 7 8:00 Maria Skwara (D) & Paul Behm (D) 9:30 Mass for the People 11:00 Del Mercer, Souls of Piza Family & Flaviano & GENERAL USE ~ 1 and 2 gallon zip-lock bags, rain ponchos, jackets/coats, tents, sleeping bags, blankets (not throws), jeans, pull-on sweat pants, heavy sweat shirts, new and used bicycles, bicycle locks, pet food, batteries, and back packs. Cresenta Casabar (D) 12:30 Misa Para La Gente & Sonia Reyes 5:15 Rose McManama (D) & Willie Richard (D) ————–—All Souls Day Mass—-————— ADDITIONAL NEEDS ~ Bus tokens, food certificate books (McDonald’s, etc.), dental floss, nail clippers, Tylenol, aspirin, cough syrup, anti-diarrhea pills, and cotton swabs. The Bereavement Ministry of Our Lady of the Assumption invites you to an All Souls Day bilingual remembrance mass on Tuesday, November 2nd at 7:00 P.M. Together with the Bereavement Ministry, Hispanic Ministries invites you to bring pictures of your deceased loved ones and place them on the altar located in the church vestibule starting on Thursday, October 28. Please mark the item and pick them up after the remembrance mass or on Wednesday November 3rd in the Church office. All who attend the 7:00 P.M. Mass are invited to a reception afterwards in the Santa Cruz Room in the Parish Center. Please collect your donations and drop them off at the Parish Office. You can also bring them to the Sunday Experience Packing Party after each morning Mass on Sunday, November 7, 2010 and help pack the items for distribution. Monetary donations are also appreciated. —————WEEKLY OFFERINGS————– Thank you for your continuing support of Our Lady of the Assumption Parish. For the fiscal year July 1, 2010 - June 30, 2011, our parish budget calls for $22,232.00 to be donated weekly in October at the Sunday collection. The collection for Sunday, October 17, 2010 was $18,358.52 in addition to approximately $1,045.40 which is donated weekly in October via automatic debit. The collection is not only used for operating expenses each week, but also for any ongoing repair work, upgrades, etc. to our parish facility. Thank you PODS! for your generous donation of the container for our homeless donations and Christmas toy drive! 6050 King Drive Suite C, Ventura, CA 93003 805-644-6503 - 4- EDUCATION MEN’S MINISTRY ————Faith at Home Questions————— Attention all Men of OLA: Adults and Teens: It is not too late to sign-up for one of the men’s small group studies this Fall. We already have 80 men signed-up for this semester’s various studies. To sign- up or for any more info contact Aaron Barta at 805-642-7966 ext. 117, How have you recently taken a step toward a more JUST world? Children: When did you act as Jesus would this past week? The studies include: • God Help Me: How to grow in prayer by Jim Beckman– Wednesday mornings 5:45-7:15am in Assumption Hall • The Great Adventure: Bible Timeline Study by Jeff Cavins- Wednesday @ 7pm in the Santa Cruz Room or Thursday nights 7pm (locations vary) • The Seven Secrets of the Eucharist by Vinny Flynn- Wednesday morning , the groups starts with 6:30am mass and meets afterward ——–The Edge - Jr. High Youth Ministry—— Wednesday EDGE Nights 7-8:30PM @ Assumption Hall All 6th, 7th & 8th graders are welcome! The EDGE is going to Magic Mountain! Saturday November 6th $50 Fee – Sign up @ the EDGE! Questions: Call Zach 642-7966 ext 125 —————Life Teen Youth Ministry————Service: Join us on the 1st, 3rd and 4th, Mondays to make sandwiches for the homeless from 7 to 8pm in the Parish Center Kitchen All men are welcome to come on out on Tuesday, November 9th @ 6:30 pm in Assumption Hall for this months Men’s BBQ. Join us for the three B’s of Men’s Ministry; BBQ, Beer, and Building community, as we grow in faith together. Cost is $10/ per man The Youth Ministry (Edge & LifeTeen) are going to Magic Mountain - November 6th PARISH SPIRITUALITY & OUTREACH Alzheimer’s Association Team OLA Results Bible Study! Tuesday in the Youth Room from 7 to 8:30 Join us for some food, fun and friends! Thank you to everyone who participated in the Ventura County Alzheimer's Walk. Team OLA came in 10th place, raising $1110. A special thanks to everyone who came to our Comedy Club evening and got the chance to see Fr. Bob on stage!! We raised $490 that evening for this wonderful cause. Thank you, Fr. Bob, for making it a memorable evening!! Questions? Call Karen Reynolds at 642-7966 ext. 121 ————————— RCIA———————-—— RCIA is open to anyone interested in joining, returning to the Catholic Church or learning more about our faith. It is not too late to join. We meet every Tuesday in the Santa Cruz room of the Parish Center at 7:00pm. ——————ADULT BIBLE STUDY—————— The group meets on Tuesdays, at 9:00am in the Parish Center, Santa Cruz Room. Our evening Bible Study continues to meet weekly on Tuesdays at 7:00pm in Hurley Hall. Nov. 2nd - Bilingual All Souls Mass, 7 pm. Communion of Saints begin at 6pm for Spanish, 6:30pm for English. No registration required to attend either group. NEW members can join each week. For more information please contact Fr. Steve at 642-7966 Nov. 7th - Rite of Acceptance and Welcome (3rd. Dismissal). Please plan on meeting in the Vestibule of the Church at 10:50 am. All are Welcome! Nov. 9th - Baptism & Confirmation - 5- SAFEGUARD THE CHILDREN PARISH SPIRITUALITY & OUTREACH The establishment of the Office of Safeguard the Children in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles and the formation of Safeguard the Children Parish Committees in the parishes were mandated by Cardinal Roger Mahoney in 2002. The Office of Safeguard the Children assists these permanent Parish Committees in implementing child sexual abuse prevention education, Safe Environment policies, procedures and resources. Click on for more information. All volunteers working with or around children must be fingerprinted through the Archdiocese and be certified in the Safeguard the Children Program Protecting God’s Children. Information for both fingerprinting and Safeguard Classes are list below. For more information please contact Dea Boehme, Safeguard the Children Committee Chairman at 642-7966 or ————Fingerprinting Schedule———— Capture the spirit of Advent and come on out to our first ever OLA Advent Festival! Join us at the Hagel Tree Farm in Somis Saturday Dec. 4th from 3-6pm for a day you won’t forget. Bring a side dish to share, picnic supplies, friends & family and make a memory of a lifetime. We will provide hot dogs and hamburgers. Please RSVP in the back of the church by Sun. Nov.28th. Special Activities Include: Hay rides, photo opp. with Santa, Mrs. Claus and the Elves, Petting zoo, games for all ages ,camp fire, Hot cocoa, cider and smores (around the camp fire, caroling, a live reenactment of the Nativity, special blessing of the infant Jesus from your home nativity scene and more! ———Attention Eucharistic Ministers——–— We are also looking for EMs to serve during the Christmas Masses on Friday, 12/24/2010 and Saturday, 12/25/2010. Please contact David DeVillers at (805) 642-7966 ext.109 or to sign-up for your Christmas Mass. —————EUCHARISTIC ADORATION————— ST. MAXIMILIAN KOLBE Thursday, November 18th 5801 Kanan Rd. Westlake Village 12:00pm - 3:40pm & 5:20pm - 7:20pm For appointment call (818) 991-3915 Location: St. Julie’s Chapel St. Julie’s Chapel is open from 8am to 9pm DAILY. You do not need to be signed up for an hour of adoration to stop by the chapel to pray and enjoy some personal time with God. Please stop by anytime to pray for a few minutes or as long as you like! ST. JOHN NEUMANN Friday, November 19th 966 W. Orchard St. Santa Maria 12:00pm - 3:40pm & 5:20pm - 7:20pm For appointment call (805) 922-7099 We continue to need adorers for the following times: Wednesdays Thursdays Fridays Saturdays Sundays ST. JUDE Thursday, December 16th 32032 Lindero Canyon Road, Westlake Village 12:00pm - 3:40pm & 5:20pm - 7:20pm For an appointment call (818) 889-2541 Appointments are necessary as schedules fill up rapidly. Please call in advance to cancel if necessary so that others can be given the opportunity to be fingerprinted. 1pm—midnight Midnight—9am 3-4pm 1—2am Midnight—1am Also Needed: Substitute Adorers who would be able to occasionally substitute for a regular adorer who is ill or vacationing. DID YOU KNOW? Protecting children from Abuse Please contact Mary Ann at 644-2160 or Elizabeth at (805) 644-8395. Tips For a Happy & Safe Halloween – II To help ensure that Halloween is a fun and exciting time for children, here are a few more common sense safety tips: 1. Children should wear light-colored clothing that’s short enough to prevent tripping. Parents also may want to add reflective tape to the costume. 2. Buy Halloween that feature a flame-resistant or flameretardant label. 3. Use sidewalks when available and begin trick-or-treating before sunset. 4. Each child should carry a flashlight or glow stick. For more tips, please visit: halloween. For particular help, you may call Assistance Ministry at (213) 637-7650. ——————Advent Fest—————— ——New Parishioner Welcome Dinner—— If you have recently joined our OLA parish family, the Pastoral Council, Fr Steve and Fr Bob would like to meet and greet you over a family style dinner. Please join us for the 5:15 Mass on Sat, Nov 6th, then to share in friendship and community in the Santa Cruz room at the Parish Center at 6:15PM. RSVP to Krisztina at 818 469-3973 or See you then! -6- PARISH SPIRITUALITY & OUTREACH —–FAMILIES OF NAZARETH MOVEMENT—– Zacchaeus' Folly "St. Luke's Gospel contains a good example of someone who was as dead as a brick for many years - immersed in his own sinfulness - and yet, upon being called by God, abandoned all of his attachments and allowed himself to be snatched away by the winds of the Holy Spirit." S.C. Biela, Open Wide the Door To Christ, page 139-140 Groups have started again & You are invited to join us! Tuesday mornings at the Parish House (35 N. Dunning St.). 9:15am Wednesday evenings in San Miguel Room begin at 7:30. Both groups will reflect on the book, In the Arms of Mary by S. C. Biela. This book reminds us that God calls us to acknowledge who we really are – without being afraid of His rejection or judgment – thus ripening within us the awareness that Divine Love, God's Merciful Love, overcomes everything. Come anytime. We gather for an hour to reflect on God's merciful love and guidance. Questions? Contact Lyla Alexander at 644-5795 —————Frassati, Young Adults————— Wednesdays: the 2nd & 4th Wednesdays of the month What: Bible Study, reflection on the Sunday readings When: 7-8pm Where: Youth Room New members welcome any time! Please contact Jen at 202-251-5695 or Please join us for our young adult retreat, Faith on the Edge: Finding God in the Busyness of Life When: Sun., November 7th 10am-5pm (Mass included) Location: Sisters of Notre Dame Center 1776 Hendrix Ave. Thousand Oaks, CA 91360 Speaker: Sr. Kathleen Burns, SND Fee: $10 at the door includes continental breakfast & lunch Please RSVP by Nov. 3rd to Jenny: or (805) 258-6816 ———————OLA Classics——————— Our next luncheon, Mystery Medley Wednesday, November 10th. Please bring your favorite paperback mystery to share. If you come dressed as your favorite detective we will endeavor to deduce your identity. Please contact Mary Kielas at 650-7870 for more info ———————Rosary Makers——————— The next Rosary Makers meeting will take place on November 11th at 9:30am in the San Miguel Room. For more information please call Aurora Gonzales at 654-0316. - 7- —————-RESPECT LIFE MINISTRY————— THE CATHOLIC CHURCH IS A PRO-LIFE CHURCH Please continue to PRAY for the Unborn and vulnerable Elderly. CONTACTS: Ventura County Pregnancy Centers: 648-3301 Tender Life Maternity Home: 653-7474 Life Centers: 486-2721 M.T.W.F. 12-4 (800-973-7334, 24-hour hot line) Foster Home or Adoption – ASPIRANET – 289-0120 St. Joseph’s Pantry – 2nd & 4th Wed. MaryAnn- 644-2160 Respect Life – Patty Berry 642-4928 ( or Dea Boehme Tender Life – Dea Boehme Rosary at Planned Parenthood - Wed @ 730am &Fridays @ 3 Mary- 642 4375 or at St. Julie’s Chapel on Sundays at 2:00, Gloria—644 4726 Prayer for the Unborn –St. Julies Chapel Thursdays at 6:30pm. Susan Kim (610) 741-3888 FREE ULTRASOUND SERVICE: All services, FREE & Confidential Pregnancy Testing, Ultrasound Exams, Local Resources. 866 216 4443 "40 Days for Life" As of Oct. 17 there have been ... 317 babies -- that we know of that God has saved from abortion ... in answer to your prayers during this 40 Days for Life campaign! This information comes from all around the country as stories are sent in to the headquarters for the 40 Days for Life. PRAYER CHANGES THINGS!! Thanks to all of you have helped to make this campaign successful for this 40 Day period and we hope you will continue to pray for continued successes and try to join us during our regular prayer times at Planned Parenthood or at the special Rosary gatherings dedicated to Life. For more information about 40 Days for Life, see the website: —————Santa Needs Your Help————— It's time for Fr. Steve's 2010 Toy Drive! We have a wonderful trip planned to help a parish very much in need, and this year it's in California! All are welcome to join us, so look for details in the upcoming bulletins. We will also continue to help hundreds of families right here in Ventura to see their children smile on Christmas morning. Please bring new, unwrapped, toys to the decorated toy box in the back of the church during weekend Mass times or to the rectory office during the week. No items requiring batteries please. Suggestions include: dolls, cars and trucks, games, sporting goods, craft kits, action figures. We will also accept clothing items. Your generosity is sincerely appreciated, Krisztina Heimann 818 469-3973 or PARISH SPIRITUALITY & OUTREACH ———-Blood & Bone Marrow Drive———– —————-DIVORCE CARE GROUP-———— Sunday, December 5th 9:00am—2:00pm Next meeting will be on November 4th At the Parish House (35 N Dunning St.) Sign-ups will be taken on Sunday, November 28th 9-2:00 For more information please contact Sherie at 477-1243 This group is open to adults who are separated or divorced and would like to work through issues such as; facing anger, depression or loneliness. New members are welcome each week! ———————–Book Club-——————–— The Spiritual Books Discussion Group will meet to discuss Dead Man Walking by Sr. Helen Prejean on November 15, at 7:00 p.m. in the Parish Center. Please note that this is a new date. The regularly scheduled meeting on November 8 has been cancelled. Instead, members of the book group will attend a talk by Fr. Greg Boyle, author of Tattoos on the Heart, on November 8, at Padre Serra Parish in Camarillo. For information about our meeting on November 15, or the talk by Fr. Boyle on November 8, please call Mary Ann Bognar at 647-0462. Group meets the 1st & 3rd Thursdays of the month from 6:30-8pm. ——————Hermits of St. Giles—————— Hi Everyone, Do you feel appreciated for all the hard work you do to keep it all together? Each of the daily battles that occur within yourself that you overcome, do you experience a pat on the back or a hug. Why do we strive to be good, to be compassionate, or care for others especially when we receive no appreciation whatsoever. Even with a lack of result's or not receiving the pat on the back from others, there is a good in giving. When we work ourselves to the bone for another somehow we are filled with a satisfaction that is kinda hard to describe. It's an inner joy or warmth that resonates around our heart. I believe this is God showing us that He appreciates us. Have a most blessed week. Love and prayers, ——Living Matrimony Couples Retreat—— Save the Date: January 14th & 15th At Padre Serra Parish in Camarillo Retreat leaders will be Jim & Meg Beckman More detail to come…... THE JOSEPH PALMISANO MEMORIAL —————BASKETBALL CLINIC————— b.Mark Hermits of St. Giles The 5th Annual Joseph Palmisano Memorial Basketball Clinic will be at Balboa Middle School Gym located at 247 South Hill Rd. Ventura, on Saturday, November 13, 2010 from 9:30 am to 11:30 am for boys and girls, 3rd to 9th grades. Registration starts at 9:00am. Donations are tax deductible. Registration is $20.00 per player, $35.00 for 2 players in family and $45.00 for 3 players or more in family. Registration forms & waivers are in the school offices at OLA, Sacred Heart, Holy Cross and St. Augustine Schools. Online at http:// Checks can be made payable to "Sacred Heart School-Joseph Palmisano Scholarship Fund" at Sacred Heart School 10770 Henderson Rd. Ventura, CA 93004. For more info call Mary at 644-4655. All proceeds benefit the fund & provides a scholarship to Sacred Heart School students. Donations are also accepted. ————Life Teen Music Ministry———— Coming soon! After hearing from so many people over the last 4 years, asking for the Sunday 5:15 mass music group to record a CD, the time has finally come. The OLA Life Teen Music groups is recording a CD and be selling it as a fundraiser soon to buy much needed music and PA equipment, as over time it has been slowly breaking down. Read the bulletin and listen for the pulpit announcement as we will begin pre-sales of the CD starting on Oct. 31. ————HOLIDAY Food Baskets————-— NON-PERISHABLE FOOD items are needed for Thanksgiving food baskets. Food items are to be placed in the food box in the church vestibule. When shopping pick-up some extra items for the food baskets. All non-perishable food items are always accepted. ——Thanksgiving Mass & Reception—— Mass will be celebrated in the Church at 9:00am, With the reception immediately following in Hurley Hall. This week: Noodles, Hamburger Helper, Salsa items are highlighted. Please check that item labels are within expiration date. If you wish for us to do the shopping for you, make the donation to OLA Food Basket. -8- VOLUNTEER CORNER IN THE COMMUNITY ———Kingdom Center Life Coach——— Our Lady of the Assumption Parish sponsors one of the rooms at The Kingdom Center - the transitional living facility in Ventura. Our Parish is looking for a female volunteer to assist our current resident as a Life Coach. This volunteer would serve as a mentor and liaison, and also help them attend Mass on Sundays and other Parish events that the resident may wish to attend. There are also training sessions on the first Tuesday of each month for training that the volunteer would be asked to attend. If you are interested in helping our Kingdom Center resident, please contact Krisztina Heimann at Thank you. —Greeters/Welcome Table Hosts Needed— Greeters are needed after the 5:15pm Mass on Saturday. If this is the Mass you attend and can come a few minutes early, please consider sharing the gift of hospitality then. Welcome Table Hosts are needed after any of the Sunday Morning Masses. Please contact David DeVillers at 642-7966 ext. 109 or to sign-up or for more info. —————Transportation Ministry-————— Our Lady of the Assumption Parish is in need of volunteers for transporting fellow parishioners to and from medical and dental appointments. This would include picking up the person from their residence, helping them into the vehicle, driving to the appropriate office, helping the person into the office, waiting for the appointment to complete, and transporting the person back home. We are looking for volunteers who have flexible schedules to assist with this important ministry. The appointments would be scheduled at least a week in advance. If you would like to assist with this ministry, please e-mail David at or call 642-7966 ext. 109 ———Father Greg Boyle Presentation——— MONDAY, November 8, 2010 7:00 p.m. Presentation & Book Signing ~ “Tattoos on the Heart” Serra Center, Padre Serra Parish 5205 Upland Road, Camarillo, CA 93012 Rev. Greg Boyle, S.J. will share stories of struggle & hope, & his reflections on God’s unconditional love through his twenty years of ministry in East L.A. Please join us for this inspiring evening of spirituality & social concern. Fr. Greg will be signing his new book and everyone will have a chance to meet him during a reception.Padre ——St. Bonaventure High School News—— St. Bonaventure High School Annual Dinner Auction – “A Blast from the Past” St. Bonaventure High School will host its 25th annual dinner auction on Saturday, November 13th, 5:30 P.M., on campus in the Athletic Center. Alumni, families, friends and parishioners are invited. This year’s nostalgic event will be replete with memories as we honor special alumni guests and are transported back to days gone by. The evening will include: dinner, live and silent auctions, casino games, parent & alumni raffles, a limited opportunity drawing & more! Individual seating, sponsorship, & advertisement opportunities are still available. All proceeds will be used for academic programs. Donations are tax deductible. For more information go to or contact Barbara Piwowarski at 805-208-2739 or, or visit the St. Bonaventure FACEBOOK page. Limited Opportunity Drawing Whether you can attend this year’s dinner auction or not, you can be a part of our fundraising effort by participating in the Limited Opportunity Drawing. You could win up to $10,000! A maximum of only 200 tickets will be sold at $100 each. Tickets are sold on a first come, first sold basis. Individuals or groups may purchase a chance to win. The winner will receive 50% of the total income from tickets sold. The remaining 50% will be donated to St. Bonaventure High School. Winner need not be present. See contact information above for details on how to participate in the drawing. ———Tender Life Baby Bottle Drive——— November 14, 2010 Tender Life Maternity Home provides a loving and supportive environment for women who desire to carry their babies to term but lack the necessary means and emotional support to do so. Baby bottles will be available after all Sunday Masses Nov. 14th under the outdoor awning during friendship Sunday. Simply take your empty bottle home, fill it with your spare change, and bring your baby bottle back the following Sunday. ~Your support and prayers are greatly appreciated ~ -9- Any questions please contact Patricia Logan at 407-5890 or MINISTERIO HISPANO ————Santa Necesita Su Ayuda———— Tenemos un viaje maravilloso planeado para ayudar a una parroquia muy necesitada y este ano es en California. Mas informacion en proximos buletines. Favor de traer juguetes nuevos sin envolver a al caja decorada de juguetes en la parte posterior de la iglesia durante las misas, o tambien los pueden traer a la oficina de la parroquia durante la semana. Por favor no traigan juguetes que requiren baterias. Algunas sugerencias: Munecas, carritos, articulos deportivos, jueguos de naves, figuras de accion. Aceptamos articulos de ropa en buena condicion. Tambien continuaremos ayudando a cientos de familias aqui en Ventura para que sus hijos sonrian la manana de Navidad. Su generosidad es muy apreciada. —Conmemoración de los Fieles Difuntos— El Ministerio de Duelo de Nuestra Señora de la Asunción los invita a una Misa bilingüe el martes 2 de noviembre a las 7:00 PM en Conmemoración de los Fieles Difuntos. En conjunto con el Ministerio de Duelo, el Ministerio Hispano los invita a que traigan fotos de sus seres queridos y las coloque en el altar de recuerdo, localizado en el vestíbulo de la iglesia, empezando el Jueves 28 de Octubre. Le pedimos que marque su foto la cual puede recoger el Martes 2 de Noviembre después de misa o el miércoles 3 de noviembre en la oficina parroquial. Todos los que asistan a esta celebración están invitados a una recepción después de misa en el Salón Santa Cruz. ——Campaña de Sangre y Médula Osea—— Domingo, 5 de Diciembre 9:00am—2:00pm Las inscripciones serán el Domingo, 28 de Noviembre de 9-2:00. Para mas información comuniquese con Maricela al 477-1242 ———————¿SABÍA USTED?——————— Consejos Para Un Feliz & Seguro Dia de Halloween – II Para ayudarle a asegurarse de que el Día de Halloween sea un tiempo de diversión para los niños, aquí están algunos consejos adicionales de seguridad de sentido común: 1. Los niños deben usar ropa de color claro que sean lo suficientemente cortos como para evitar tropezones. Si desean, los padres también pueden añadir cinta reflectante al traje de halloween. 2. Compre trajes de halloween con etiquetas que indiquen que son resistentes al fuego. 3. Caminen por las aceras cuando estén disponibles y comiencen a pedir dulces (trick-or-treat) antes del atardecer. 4. Cada niño debe llevar una linterna o algo que alumbre. Para más consejos, visite: http:// Para obtener ayuda, llame a la Oficina del Ministerio de Ayuda al (213) 637-7650. ——Ayuda para las personas sin hogar—— Nuestra Señora de la Asunción estará colectando artículos para las personas de nuestra comunidad que no tienen hogar. Les pedimos que donen los siguientes artículos: (por favor solo done los artículos indicados en esta lista, para que los que los reciben puedan cargarlos y usarlos efectivamente durante el verano) PARA BEBES ~ loción de bebe, pomada para rozadura, chupones, cobijas de cuna, panales, toallas satinarías de bebes, comida de bebe en pomo, formula, y ropa de dormir caliente. PARA NINOS ~ cachuchas, bufandas, guantes, calcetines gruesos, ropa interior, jabón pequeño, shampoo, loción, y sudaderas. PARA HOMBRE Y MUJERES ~ cachuchas, bufandas, guantes, calcetines gruesos, ropa interior, desodorante, rastrillos desechables, crema de rasurar, jabón pequeño, shampoo, loción, cepillo de dientes, pasta de dientes, papel sanitario, Kleenex, productos de higiene femenina, peines, y cepillos para el cabello. USO GENERAL ~ bolsas zip-lock de 1 a 2 gallones, ponchos para la lluvia, chamarras / abrigos, casas de campana, bolsas de dormir, cobijas, pantalones jeans, pantalones de entrenamiento, sudaderas, bicicletas nuevas y usadas, candados para bicicletas, comida de mascotas, baterías, y mochilas. NECESIDADES ADICIONALES ~ Vales para el camión, certificados de comida (McDonald’s, etc.), hilo dental, corta uñas, Tylenol, aspirina, jarabe para la tos, píldoras contra la diarrea, enjuague de boca, y cotonetes. Por favor junte sus donaciones y tráigalas a la Oficina Parroquial. También puede traerlas a la Fiesta de Empaque para la Experiencia Dominical el 7 de Noviembre y ayúdenos a empacar los artículos para que sean distribuidos. También apreciamos donaciones monetarias. ¡Gracias a PODS por haber donado generosamente el container para las donaciones de las personas sin hogar y la campana Navideña de juguetes! 6050 King Drive Suite C, Ventura, CA 93003 805-644-6503 - 10 -
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