Half Day Seminar with SEAN O`LEARY Understanding Privacy Law

Greater Rhode Island Chapter No. 88
Half Day Seminar with SEAN O’LEARY
Understanding Privacy Law and Confidentiality.
Understanding Non Compliance Eviction Procedures
Harris House - 28 Harris Ave Cranston, RI
$75 Members $90 Non-Members
Wednesday June 10, 2015
Registration 8:30am
Seminar 9-12
Continental Breakfast and Coffee provided!
Sean O’Leary is the managing partner of O’Leary Law Associates. For thirty-five years, O’Leary
Law has been the go-to law firm for Rhode Island property-management companies. Sean spent nine years practicing law in
New York City, until his 2008 return to Rhode Island to practice law. Sean also spent two years as Vice President of
Development at Ferland Corporation. Currently, Sean (and the firm’s associate attorneys) can be found daily in Rhode Island
courtrooms advocating for multi-family property owners and property managers.
Sean shall offer insight on the tenant-eviction process for reasons other than non-payment of rent – also referred to as noncompliance proceedings. Specifically, Sean shall present on the origin of the proceedings, from identifying and documenting
non-compliant conduct through obtainment of a court judgment for possession and/or damages. Particularly relevant portions
of the presentation include non-compliance notices, curative rights, use of inspections, burden-of-proof at trial, and much
Registration for June 10th
RSVP by June 5th
Name:______________________________ Company Name::_______________________
Phone :_______________________
To register, call (401) 479-7734 or irem88ri@gmail.com
Register online at www.iremri.org
PO Box 41497 Providence, RI 02940