10 The Peoples of the Most Unengaged Countries in the 10/40 The 10 Most Unengaged Countries in the 10/40 1. China 2. India 3. Sudan 4. Chad 5. Indonesia 6. Laos 7. Nepal 8. Nigeria 9. Ethiopia 10. Iran Definition of Unengaged A people group is unreached when the number of Evangelical Christians is less than 2% of its population. It is further called unengaged when there is no church planting methodology consistent with Evangelical faith and practice under way. A people group is not engaged when it has been merely adopted, is the object of focused prayer, or is part of an advocacy strategy. (Source: IMB Global Research http://bit.ly/h69CfU ) (Photo source: Anonymous) There are 1367 unengaged people groups that are not engaged by anyone, anywhere in the world. From the ten most unengaged countries in the 10/40 alone there are 848. Will you help mobilize the Body to pray and join God in what He is doing among them? Rom 15:20 “It has always been my ambition to preach the gospel where Christ was not known, so that I would not be building on someone else’s foundation.” (Source: http://www.peoplegroups.org/ ) People Group Name Aoka Population 299,000 Country China Profile: Although they are officially part of the Miao nationality, the Aoka speak a unique Chinese language - a fact they apparently refuse to accept. When linguists visited them and told them that they spoke a form of Chinese, "they claimed that they spoke Miao, because their speech was very different from that of the surrounding Chinese population, and because they wore Miao clothes instead of Chinese clothes." Some Aoka believe there was once a ladder connecting heaven to the earth. A long time ago the ladder was broken and no people have been able to visit heaven since. Today the majority of Aoka are animists, living under the influence of demons and evil spirits. Many have also adopted the ancestor worship belief systems of their Han Chinese neighbors. More than three-quarters of Aoka people have yet to hear the gospel for the first time.. Although they have their own spoken language, the Aoka use the Chinese script for writing. Few Aoka, however, are literate enough to read the Chinese Bible or other evangelistic literature. Prayer: Lord, You are the true and living God, You rule over all things visible and invisible. The nations belong to You, and you have woven into the fabric of every culture a testimony to Your name. I bring the Aoka of China before you now, and I ask Lord that You would reveal those things in their culture, that reflect who you are and Your son Jesus. Cause the hidden treasures of Your truth to be brought up and displayed for all to see. Lord use these keys of insight to ignite a curiosity and hunger among the Aoka of China to know more about who You are. Give Your servants wisdom and strategy to use these keys to promote the Gospel among this people group. (Source: Joshua Project http://bit.ly/hR2ZWp , Prayerguard http://bit.ly/OUnsMC ,and for country information on China Operation World http://bit.ly/drK7m8) (Photo source: Anonymous) People Group Name Adiyan Population 32,000 Country India Profile: At one time they migrated north to Karnataka, and they speak Kannada, the trade language of that state. Their name means, "those who serve." They are categorized both as a scheduled caste and as a scheduled tribe. Though a sizable minority of the Adiyas own land, most of them cultivate the land for someone else. Between their poverty and their inability to save money, the Adiyas are usually dependent on shopkeepers for loans. They have a low literacy rate. The Adiya people are most likely to marry one of their cousins, and their marriages are arranged by their families through negotiations. Marriages are solemnized at the bride’s house. Her family pays for the wedding. As Hindus, Brahmin priests officiate at their sacred events. Though the Adiya people are Hindus, they worship family and village deities along with the usual Hindu gods. Prayer: Lord, You are the true God, and there is no other. Your name is above all other names. There is no one who is like You, no one who can compete with Your love and faithfulness. Your name is worthy to be shouted from rooftops and glorified in every place on earth! Lord, make Your salvation known to the Adiyan of India. Call to account their spiritual leaders, and open their hearts to know You. Lord, reveal Your righteousness to the nations, let today be the day of salvation for a spiritual leader of the Adiyan of India. I ask for dreams and visions and powerful encounters with Your spirit, that would offer undeniable evidence that You alone are God. Let them shout the news of Your son from all the high places, and open a gateway to the Adiyan of India for the Good News! Break down the deception that clouds their mind from Your truth, and release the revelation needed to embrace Christ as their Savior. Cause their lives be a powerful testimony of Your truth and redemption. Let them shout the news of Your son from all the high places, and open a gateway to the Adiyan of India for the Good News! (Source: Joshua Project http://bit.ly/GT2M3U , Prayerguard http://bit.ly/QU6zOp , and for country information on India Operation World http://bit.ly/eUqhdv ) (Photo source: Anonymous) People Group Name Bederia Population 797,000 Country Sudan Profile: The Bederia, also called the Bideryia, are one of the numerous Baggara tribes of northern Sudan that share many cultural characteristics and claim a common ancestry. All of them speak an Arabic dialect known as Baggari that can be understood by both Arabic and Sudanese Arabic speakers. Their name comes from the Arabic word bagar, which means "cow," and refers to the various Arab tribes in Sudan (and surrounding nations) which herd cattle. These Baggara tribes live in the plains of Sudan's Darfur, North Kordofan, and South Kordofan provinces. The region is well suited for grazing cattle and varies from sparse scrub lands in the northern areas to arid and semi-arid wilderness lands to wooded fields. It only rains during the wet season, primarily from June to September. The Baggara tribes are virtually all Muslim. Eight of the groups are Sunnis, while the others belong to the Malikite sect. All of them faithfully observe the "five pillars of Islam." Many of the men and some of the women are able to make pilgrimages to Mecca. Prayer: Ask God to raise prayer teams to begin breaking up the soil through worship and intercession. Pray that the Christians living in Northern Sudan will be stirred with vision for outreach and a genuine burden to reach out to the Baggara tribes. Ask God to reveal Himself to the Baggara through dreams and visions. Ask the Lord to raise strong local churches among the Baggara. (Source Joshua Project http://bit.ly/cSg2I4 , and for country information on Sudan Operation World http://bit.ly/ifvSvQ ) (Photo source: Anonymous) People Group Name Fur Population 20,000 Country Chad Profile: The Fur people live mostly in the Sudan, in Darfur province, named for them. A small number live on the Chad side of the border. They are an active agricultural people and may also herd cattle. Some Fur families who have accumulated a substantial cattle herd developed a more nomadic lifestyle like that of their herding neighbors, the Baqqara (Baggara) Arabs. The Fur are listed as over 99% Muslim, but their religious practices are actually largely animistic. Primary cultural values, expressed in mystical symbols, are solidarity, trust and support within the Fur community. This is symbolized by the color white, representing mother's milk. The phrase bora fatta (white milk) is a positive, unifying theme, also applied to porridge. Prayer: Lord, You have the name that is above all names. You are Lord forever and there is no one who can challenge Your authority and power. You rule for ever and ever, and there is no end to Your Kingdom. Lord, You have promised in Your Word that You would pour out Your Spirit in the last days. So I'm asking for an outpouring of revelation for the Fur of Chad. They were made in Your image, and You know them each by name, but they don't know You, the lover of their soul. I'm asking God that You would reveal yourself tonight through dreams and visitations. Visit the leaders of households, and villages, and the spiritual leaders with Your truth. Speak to the Fur of Chad in a way they can understand, and reveal to them that Jesus is the one they are looking for. (Source: Joshua Project http://bit.ly/Qr395h , Orville Jenkins http://bit.ly/Sb29Wd , Prayerguard http://bit.ly/Q9P2Rx , and for country information on Chad Operation World http://bit.ly/l0sJGh ) (Photo source: Anonymous) People Group Name Aneuk Jamee Population 67,000 Country Indonesia Profile: The Aneuk Jamee are found in the southern part of the western coastline of Aceh province on the island of Sumatera. The name Aneuk Jamee in the Aceh language means "offspring of guests" or "newcomer". The name refers to Minangkabau people from the Lubuk Sikaping, Pariaman, Rao and Pasaman areas farther south who began migrating to the area in the 17th century. Gradually, they settled among the Aceh people in the area, a process facilitated by a common Islamic faith. Eventually, they came to feel that they were neither Aceh nor Minangkabau but rather a new people group with their own distinct culture and language. The Aneuk Jamee language is called Jamee or Jamu. The Aceh in southern Aceh can understand this Jamee language because the Minangkabau vocabulary that is part of their language is similar to the national language. However, most Aneuk Jamee do not understand or use the Aceh language. The Aneuk Jamee follow Islam. As with other Indonesian people, Aneuk Jamee incorporate earlier beliefs and practices into Islam. The services of a shaman (occultist or magical healer) are still frequently used for various things. For example, a young man may ask the shaman to cause a girl to fall in love with him with a spell. The shaman may later be asked by the family to release a girl from this spell. Prayer: Lord Jesus, You are worthy of all glory and honor and praise. There is no other God besides You, and one day every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that You alone are Lord. Lord of the Harvest, I come before you now for the sake of the Aneuk Jamee of Indonesia, and I ask for the men and women of peace to be revealed. As your servants move forward to bring the truth of Your love, I ask that You would send to them these men and women of peace. Arrange divine appointments that will bring Your servants into contact with them. Put an expectation in their hearts that will cause them to receive Your servants with favor. Establish them as an anchor point for the Gospel among the Aneuk Jamee of Indonesia. (Source: Joshua Project http://bit.ly/tIVPky , Prayerguard http://bit.ly/Q9PTBB , or country information on Indonesia Operation World http://bit.ly/UkQFS2 ) (Photo source: Copyright © IPN - Indonesian People Network. Used with permission) People Group Name Nguan Population 34,000 Country Laos Profile: The majority of Nguan live in the districts of Nale, Viangphoukha and Luang Namtha in Luang Namtha Province, where their villages are near the Khuen, Lamet and Khmu Rok. In 1975 a number of Nguan families migrated to Houayxay District in Bokeo Province, where today they inhabit several communities. The Nguan live in stilted houses. Craftsmen carve images into the stilts. Nguan roofs are made of wooden tiles, and are not simply thatch as is the case with most tribal groups in Laos. Their villages are arranged with the houses in a circular pattern, facing towards a communal house in the middle. The Nguan language is a distinct member of the Mon-Khmer family. It is partially related to Khmu and Samtao. The Nguan can understand only a little of the Lamet language. The Nguan divide into two main clans, which are named after two different kinds of birds: Sim Takok and Sim Ome. To the clan members, these birds are sacred and must never be killed. The Nguan are animists. They sacrifice chickens to appease the spirit of the forest, kill pigs to placate the spirit of the village, and cows or buffaloes to the spirit of the house. Shamans are still active among the Nguan. Their main job is to preside over the annual rice festival, when a pig is sacrificed. Prayer: Lord, I thank You for all the unique cultures and languages You have created. You know and understand all of them. Thank You that even in places we cannot go, You are there. There is no person that is hidden from Your sight, and no place You cannot reach. Lord I ask that You would anoint and appoint workers to create relevant, culturally sensitive Christcentered radio and TV for the Nguan of Laos. Aid them as they research the culture, and give them divine insight and inspiration in their presentation of the Gospel. I ask that You would bless them with brilliantly creative ideas to communicate Your truth, and that the Nguan of Laos would be receptive to Your message. I ask Father that You would give the workers favor with people in the media business, and that You would bless them with all the resources, provision, and volunteers they need. Anoint these media presentations to break through the darkness and shine the light of Your truth to the Nguan of Laos. (Source: Joshua Project http://bit.ly/tGFJ2G , Prayerguard http://bit.ly/Sle27V for country information on Laos http://bit.ly/RDIccg ) (Photo source: Copyright © Peoples of Laos, Paul Hattaway. Used with permission.) People Group Name Kumal Population 115,000 Country Nepal Profile: The Kumals are regarded as one of the ancient indigenous peoples/nationalities of Nepal. They are scattered in various areas of the country. The traditional occupation of Kumals is making clay pots. Recently, they have become dependent on agriculture and animal husbandry. Women have equal status with men. They worship their family god, Same (god of beasts), snake gods and goddesses, Banaskhandi, or gods and goddesses of forests, and others. Prayer: Lord Jesus, Your are the God of all, the faithful God who keeps covenant and mercy for a thousand generations with those who love You and keep your commandments. Lord I want to see the Kumal of Nepal be some of those who love You and keep Your commandments. Father I thank You for Your Word, and for those who sacrificed so much over the years so that I could have the Bible in my language. What a blessing it is to read Your truth anytime I want. I pray Lord that you would provide that same blessing to the Kumal of Nepal. I ask that you would accelerate the translation and distribution process for their language. I bless those who are working on this in Jesus name. I ask that You would release you favor and grace upon them, and abundantly provide the funds they need to get Your Word out to the Kumal of Nepal. (Source: Joshua Project http://bit.ly/uyeG87 , Prayerguard http://bit.ly/UuvRDf , for country information on Nepal Operation World http://bit.ly/dKPqoh ) (Photo source: Copyright © Isudas. Used with permission.) People Group Name Geruma Population 13,000 Country Nigeria Profile: The Geruma can be found in Bauchi State. They have no known believers or active evangelism taking place among them. The only Christian resources they have in their language are gospel recordings. Prayer: Lord, You are able to do more than all we ask or imagine. You make springs of water appear in the desert, and You can touch the hearts of men in a way no preaching ever could. Lord, I ask that Your Spirit would invade the region of the Geruma of Nigeria. I ask Lord, that You would begin to work in and soften the hearts of the people. Instill in them a hunger for Your truth, and give them ears to hear. I ask, Father, that their hearts would be like the rich soil, ready to receive the truth of Your gospel, and the salvation that only comes from You. I ask that You would reveal Yourself as the true God of the Geruma of Nigeria, that they would hear Your word and be set free! (Sources: Joshua Project http://bit.ly/skHCzr , IMB http://bit.ly/QpLwFK , Prayerguard http://bit.ly/OpEfHD , for country information on Nigeria http://bit.ly/dQiQpF ) (Photo source: Copyright © GoWestAfrica. Used with permission. ) People Group Name Benshangul, Berta Population 202,000 Country Ethiopia Profile: The Bertha (or Berta) people live along the border of Sudan and Ethiopia. In the 16th or 17th century, they migrated from eastern Sudan and settled in an area known as Benishangul, a fertile region in northwest Ethiopia. When they first settled in Ethiopia, they established their villages on hills and mountains for protection, but have more recently migrated to the valleys. The Bertha are an agricultural people, their staple food being sorghum, a type of grass that is often raised for grain. The Bertha also make porridge and beer from sorghum. Over the centuries, the Bertha have intermarried with Arab traders but have maintained many of their traditional customs. Today, they are mainly Muslim, and most speak fluent Arabic in addition to their own language. In addition to Islam, the Bertha still practice extra-Islamic traditions, including rainmaking rituals and consult ritual healers and shamans. Prayer: Ask the Lord to reach these marginalized and geographically inaccessible people for His glory. Pray to the Lord to send laborers to the field. Pray to the Lord to provide evangelistic resources in their language. Pray for translation of the Bible to begin in this people group's primary language. Pray for the availability of the Jesus Film in the primary language of this people. (Sources: Joshua Project http://bit.ly/y1FS3X , Frontiers http://bit.ly/NGkzgM , for country information on Ethiopia http://bit.ly/ceODE2 ) (Photo source: Frontiers) People Group Name Afshari Population 342,000 Country Iran Profile: The Afshari are descendants from the larger Azerbaijani people cluster that occupies a wide area from Caucasus to the Iranian plateau. The Afshars (sometimes spelled Avshar) are a nomadic turkic tribe which originated in central Asia and is now found in parts of Iran, Syria and Turkey. Many Afshari make their home in the area surrounding the Iranian city of Kemerman.The Afshari livng in Iran are very resistant to the Gospel. Currently, there are no known believers among them. Prayer: Pray for Christian radio programming in the Afshari dialect of Azerbaijani. Pray that gospel recordings will soon be distributed in their communities. Pray for God to reveal Himself in visions and dreams to these least-reached, unengaged people. Pray that Afshari people who may have studied abroad and become believers in Christ will return to their people and spread the gospel. Pray for translation of the Bible to begin in this people group's primary language. Pray for the availability of the Jesus Film in the primary language of this people. (Source Joshua Project http://bit.ly/8oM78m , for country information on Iran Operation World http://bit.ly/hiUriS ) (Photo source: Frontiers) China http://www.operationworld.org/chna Indonesia http://www.operationworld.org/indo Population: 1,330,584,783 Population: 232,516,771 208 Unengaged people groups 66 Unengaged people groups 57 Unengaged people groups without scripture resources 50 Unengaged people groups with no scripture resources Prayer Video: http://prayercast.com/china Prayer Video: http://prayercast.com/indonesia Prayer Calendar: http://bit.ly/zWWuUE Prayer Calendar: http://bit.ly/zWWuUE Video: http://bit.ly/n3hSXm India http://www.operationworld.org/indi Population: 1,214,464,312 Laos http://www.operationworld.org/laos 174 unengaged people groups Population: 6,436,093 3 unengaged people groups without scripture resources 64 Unengaged people groups Prayer Video: http://prayercast.com/india 28 Unengaged people groups without scripture resources Prayer Calendar: http://bit.ly/zWWuUE Prayer Calendar: http://bit.ly/zWWuUE Sudan http://www.operationworld.org/suda Population: 43,192,438 106 Unengaged people groups 39 Unengaged people groups without scripture resources Prayer Video: http://prayercast.com/sudan Prayer Calendar: http://bit.ly/zWWuUE Nepal http://www.operationworld.org/nepa Population: 29,852,682 46 Unengaged people groups 18 Unengaged people groups with no scripture resources Prayer Video: http://prayercast.com/nepal Prayer Calendar: http://bit.ly/zWWuUE Chad http://www.operationworld.org/chad Population: 11,506,130 69 Unengaged people groups 28 unengaged people groups without scripture resources Prayer Calendar: http://bit.ly/zWWuUE Video: http://bit.ly/ylUOKq Nigeria http://www.operationworld.org/nigr Population: 158,258,917 35 Unengaged people groups 9 Unengaged people groups with no scripture resources Prayer Video: http://prayercast.com/nigeria Prayer Calendar: http://bit.ly/zWWuUE Ethiopia http://www.operationworld.org/ethi Iran http://www.operationworld.org/iran Population: 84,975,606 Population: 75,077,547 28 Unengaged people groups 26 Unengaged people groups 12 Unengaged people groups with no scripture resources 22 Unengaged people groups with no scripture resources Prayer Video: http://bit.ly/TphzJc Prayer Video: http://prayercast.com/iran Prayer Calendar: http://bit.ly/zWWuUE Prayer Calendar: http://bit.ly/zWWuUE Verses: 1 Chronicles 16:23-24 “Sing to the LORD, all the earth; proclaim his salvation day after day. Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous deeds among all peoples.” Psalm 46:10 “He says, “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” Pslam 67:3-4 “May the peoples praise you, O God; may all the peoples praise Psalm 86:9 “All the nations you have made will come and worship before you, Lord; they will bring glory to your name.” Psalms 117:1 “Praise the LORD, all you nations; extol him, all you peoples.” Habakkuk 1:5 “Look at the nations and watch— and be utterly amazed. For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe, even if you were told.” Matthew 24:14 “And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.” Matthew 28:19-20 “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Acts 1:8 “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Romans 10:14-15 “How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!” Malachi 1:11 “My name will be great among the nations, from where the sun rises to where it sets. In every place incense and pure offerings will be brought to me, because my name will be great among the nations,” says the LORD Almighty.” Galatians 3:8 “Scripture foresaw that God would justify the Gentiles by faith, and announced the gospel in advance to Abraham: “All nations will be blessed through you.” Isaiah 52:10 “The LORD will lay bare his holy arm in the sight of all the nations, and all the ends of the earth will see the salvation of our God.” Revalations 7:9 “After this I looked and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and in front of the lamb…” Matthew 9:37-38 “Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into His harvest field.” Quotes: “The Gospel is only good news if it gets there on time” Carl F.H. Henry "The Great Commission is not an option to be considered; it is a command to be obeyed" Hudson Taylor "I have but one candle of life to burn, and I would rather burn it out in a land filled with darkness than in a land flooded with light" — John Keith Falconer “To get nations back on their feet, we must first get down on our knees.” ~ Billy Graham “Why should anyone hear the Gospel twice before everyone has heard it once?” Oswald J. Smith “We talk of the Second Coming: half the world has never heard of the first.” Oswald J. Smith "This generation of Christians is responsible for this generation of souls on the earth!" Keith Green “Prayer does not fit us for the greater work; prayer is the greater work.” Oswald Chambers "Our prayers lay the track down which God’s power can come. Like a mighty locomotive, his power is irresistible, but it cannot reach us without rails." Watchman Nee "There has never been a spiritual awakening in any country or locality that did not begin in united prayer." A.T. Pierson
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