pastoral care of the staff and cadets during their meetings at the HQ

Ave verum corpus, natum,
de Maria Virgine,
Vere passum, immolatum
In cruce pro homine,
Cuius latus perforatum
Vero fluxit sanguine
Esto nobis praegustatum
Mortis in examine.
O Clemens, O dulcis Jesu, fili Mariae.
Jesu, Word of God Incarnate,
Of the Virgin Mary born,
On the cross Thy sacred body
For us men with nails was torn.
Cleanse us, by the blood and water
Streaming from thy pierced side;
Feed us with thy body broken,
Now and in death’s agony.
O clement, O sweet Jesu, Son of Mary.
NOTICE SHEET FOR 10 May 2015 – Easter 6
9.15 am Sung Eucharist
Celebrant and Preacher: Canon Michael Burns
We are to love one another as Jesus loves us.
Acts 10/44-end p 1105 read by Judith Reeve
This passage marks a decisive moment in the Church’s life: when
Jewish Christians were challenged to accept gentile converts for the
first time. The move was made – with difficulty. Such moments of
the widening of vision are always difficult – down to our own day.
1 John 5/1-6 p 1228 read by Judith Reeve
Obedience as a Christian is to be no burden because it springs from
love, which comes in turn from God’s love for us made plain in the
offering of his life by Jesus.
John 15/9-17 p 1083 read by Canon Michael Burns
Church of King Charles the Martyr,
368 Mutton Lane, Potters Bar, EN6 3AS. Tel: 01707 665579
Registered Charity Number: 1130748
KCM Website:
Church email:
Office email:
Halls email:
Canon Michael Burns – 01707 661266 – is always grateful to be informed about illness
or any other urgent matters affecting parishioners.
Canon Michael Beasley, to be consecrated Bishop of Hertford on May 14.
Those who are training for Ministry: David and Penny Thomson
Those who are ill or in need: Joshua French; Maisy; Lottie Moss; Bridget Gibbs; AmberRose Clare; Eileen Dyas;
Those who have died: Yvonne Alexander; Harvey Ronald Wright;
Those whose anniversary of death falls at this time: Those who died in the Potters Bar
Rail Crash of 2002; Nora Hipgrave;
Remember in your private prayers those who have longer term need – Keith Barker;
Graham Barker; Yvonne Collette; Hazel Collier; Valerie Hadley;
The Gospel of John gives us only one command to obey and it must
embrace all the ’duty’ that we take on: that we love one another. It
sounds simple but it only becomes so if it really embraces our
whole way of life.
Judith Reeve
God of mercy God of grace
NEH 366
Ps. 67 – Stand at Gloria
Ye holy angels bright
NEH 475
Be thou my vision
NEH 339
Ave Verum Corpus – Elgar – words on back page
Love divine all loves excelling
NEH 408
The Quiet Room in the North Porch is available for parents/children to use, where
the service can still be heard as the children play.
The Prayer Chapel is always available for quiet and prayer. If you want anything
prayed for in the coming week(s) please write details in the diary and there is also
opportunity to light a candle for someone . . . .
You are warmly welcome to stay for refreshments in the Hall
Morning Worship with Holy Communion
Led by: Canon Michael Burns
Dates for your Diary
3pm – 5pm
Monday 11 May
No Evening Prayer
Tuesday 12 May
Wednesday 13 May
1.30pm – 3pm
Thursday 14 May
10.30am – 2pm
No Evening Prayer
Messy Church – Pentecost
Morning Prayer
Holy Communion
Evening Prayer
Halls Management Committee
LAST SUNDAY’S SERMON on Finance and Stewardship is on the website, as are the
letter and leaflet circulated to all – Please collect your
envelope today. Jean Emmans will be available next week to answer questions and to
give out packs of free giving envelopes and Gift Aid forms.
CHRISTIAN AID WEEK runs from 10 to 16 May 2015. Volunteers to help distribute and
collect envelopes will be welcomed by David Hartland and Phil Townsend, who coordinate KCM's response to this important week. Christian Aid is now virtually the only
major charity still collecting house-to-house. Although knocking on strangers' doors
can be quite daunting many find it rewarding and enjoyable, particularly when done in
pairs. So do volunteer to help.
THE OPEN DOOR CAFÉ has made a £500 donation to US for relief work in Nepal.
Morning Prayer
Charlie’s Angels in MR1
Wednesday Break – Board Games
Evening Prayer
Michael attends the Consecration of the new Bishop of
Hertford in Westminster Abbey
Morning Prayer
Open Door Café
Sung Eucharist for Ascension Day
Friday 15 May – Michael’s Free Day
Morning Prayer
Saturday 16 May
Prayer, News, Action
Morning Prayer
Service of Welcome to the Bishop of Hertford in St.
Albans Abbey – all welcome
Sunday 17 May
Easter 7
Readings: Acts 1/15-17, 21-end; 1 John 5/9-13; John 17/6-19
Sung Eucharist
Celebrant and Preacher: Canon Michael Burns
Morning Worship Parade Service
Led by ACT 4 and The Rainbows, celebrating their 20 years.
THE REVEREND PHILIP GREEN’S PRIESTING is on Saturday 4 July at 4pm at St Albans
Cathedral. If you would like to go, please could you let Philip know.
VACANCY for someone to join the Thursday morning Cleaning Team – once a month
only – from 9.30am for about an hour. Please speak to Michael or Mavis Simpson if
you can help.
WE ARE ADVERTISING for an Organist and Choir Director – please pray that a suitable
candidate will respond to this post at KCM.
JANICE LACEY would like to thank each and every one of you for your love and prayers
in my recent stay in hospital. It was very reassuring having your support, it gave me
strength and comfort too. I would also like to thank Michael for his visits and prayers.
ALEX HARTLAND completed the Marathon in 4 hours 1 minute. He was a bit upset it
wasn’t under 4 hours but pleased to have finished without injury. Thank you to all
those who sponsored him. KCM raised £135 and he has raised £1300 overall. Any
further donations will be welcome and can be paid to Elaine Hartland.
Are you wondering about a call to do some kind of ministry in God’s church? Talk to
Michael or Trevor about it, but also, we have a Barnet Deanery Vocations Event
coming up on Saturday 27 June at St John’s Chipping Barnet between 9.30 am and
1.30 pm. There will be speakers, discussion, a question and answer session and lunch.
For more information and to book your place, please contact Canon Michael Burns on
01707 661266 or email
ELECTIONS AT THE CHURCH ANNUAL MEETING: Phil Emmans and Robert Burt elected
as Churchwardens for 2015/16. PCC Members: Elected for a 3 year term – Sue
Warren, Emma Kidd, David Simpson, Steve Jones. Elected for a 1 year term: Lynn
Jones. There is still one vacancy for a 2 year term.
NOTICE SHEET FOR 10 May 2015 – Easter 6
11.00am Morning Worship with Holy Communion
We are to love one another as Jesus loves us.
Welcome, Notices and Call to Worship (page 12) led by Michael Burns
There is power in the name of Jesus (495)
(during which the children can bring up their money for Gaudesia + Isaya)
Confession and Absolution and Creed
Acts 10/44-end p 1105 read by Phil Townsend
This passage marks a decisive moment in the Church’s life: when
Jewish Christians were challenged to accept gentile converts for the
first time. The move was made – with difficulty. Such moments of
the widening of vision are always difficult – down to our own day.
1 John 5/1-6 p 1228 read by Phil Townsend
Obedience as a Christian is to be no burden because it springs from
love, which comes in turn from God’s love for us made plain in the
offering of his life by Jesus.
Church of King Charles the Martyr,
368 Mutton Lane, Potters Bar, EN6 3AS. Tel: 01707 665579
Registered Charity Number: 1130748
KCM Website:
Church email:
Office email:
Halls email:
Canon Michael Burns – 01707 661266 – is always grateful to be informed about illness
or any other urgent matters affecting parishioners.
Canon Michael Beasley, to be consecrated Bishop of Hertford on May 14.
Those who are training for Ministry: David and Penny Thomson
Those who are ill or in need: Joshua French; Maisy; Lottie Moss; Bridget Gibbs; AmberRose Clare; Eileen Dyas;
Those who have died: Yvonne Alexander; Harvey Ronald Wright;
Those whose anniversary of death falls at this time: Those who died in the Potters Bar
Rail Crash of 2002; Nora Hipgrave;
You laid aside your majesty (601)
(during which the collection will be taken)
Gospel (stand) John 15/9-17 p 1083 read by Canon Michael Burns
The Gospel of John gives us only one command to obey and it must
embrace all the ’duty’ that we take on: that we love one another. It
sounds simple but it only becomes so if it really embraces our
whole way of life.
Canon Michael Burns
Gary Dakin
The Peace
Meekness and majesty (353)
The Blessing of Bread and Wine (page 20/21)
Such love (465) and Let there be love (317)
Closing Prayer and the Blessing (page 21)
A new commandment (23)
Remember in your private prayers those who have longer term need – Keith Barker;
Graham Barker; Yvonne Collette; Hazel Collier; Valerie Hadley;
The Quiet Room in the North Porch is available for parents/children to use, where
the service can still be heard as the children play.
The Prayer Chapel is always available for quiet and prayer. If you want anything
prayed for in the coming week(s) please write details in the diary and there is also
opportunity to light a candle for someone . . . .
You are warmly welcome to stay for refreshments in the Hall