O praise the Lord, all ye heathen, praise him, all ye nations, For his merciful kindness is evermore and more towards us. And the truth of the Lord endureth for ever and ever. Amen. NOTICE SHEET FOR 12 April 2015 – Easter 2 9.15 am Sung Eucharist Celebrant: Preacher: Theme: Readings: Canon Michael Burns David Thomson, Reader in Training Our faith in the risen Christ is bound to affect the way we live. Acts 4/32-35 p 1096 read by Anne Throup The earliest Christian community in Jerusalem bound itself together to the point of sharing all its property. Christians have not always been happy with this generous impulse. Should they be more ready to welcome it? 1 John 1/1-2/2 p 1225 read by Anne Throup This letter is a pastoral statement of the precious gift of God to us in Jesus and the forgiveness that is so important a part of it. John 20/19-end p 1089 read by Canon Michael Burns The story of Thomas reassures many who ‘have not seen yet have come to believe’. Faith comes by many routes and does not depend on proof – which can indeed be its very opposite and its enemy. It is an act of self-giving love. Church of King Charles the Martyr, 368 Mutton Lane, Potters Bar, EN6 3AS. Tel: 01707 665579 Registered Charity Number: 1130748 KCM Website: www.kcm-church.org.uk Church email: vicar@kcm-church.org.uk Office email: kcmchurch@btconnect.com Halls email: kcmhalls@btconnect.com Canon Michael Burns – 01707 661266 – is always grateful to be informed about illness or any other urgent matters affecting parishioners. FOR OUR PRAYERS Those who are training for Ministry: David and Penny Thomson Those who are ill or in need: Joshua French; Maisy; Margaret Jack; Lottie Moss; Bridget Gibbs; Amber-Rose Clare; Janice Lacey; Valerie Hadley; Those who have died: Those whose anniversary of death falls at this time: Peggy Critoph; Judy Fowler; Catherine Clinton; Harry Lawther; George Feeney; Prayers: Hymns: Introit: Gradual: Offertory: Communion: Anthem: Final: Love’s redeeming work is done NEH 113 Ps. 118 – This is the day of the Lord; we rejoice and are glad NEH 539 Jesus lives! NEH 112 Wherefore O Father NEH 313 O Praise the Lord – Batten – words on back page Now is eternal life NEH 114 The Quiet Room in the North Porch is available for parents/children to use, where the service can still be heard as the children play. The Prayer Chapel is always available for quiet and prayer. If you want anything prayed for in the coming week(s) please write details in the diary and there is also opportunity to light a candle for someone . . . . You are warmly welcome to stay for refreshments in the Hall 11.00am Remember in your private prayers those who have longer term need – Keith Barker; Graham Barker; Yvonne Collette; Hazel Collier; Neo Notley Morning Worship with Holy Communion Celebrant: Canon Michael Burns Preacher: David Thomson, Reader in Training Dates for your Diary Today 3pm-5pm Monday 13 April No Morning Prayer No Evening Prayer Tuesday 14 April 10.00am No Evening Prayer 7.30pm Messy Church – Roads FLOWERS have been donated by Steve Jones in memory of his aunt, Hetty Jenkinson, who was born 100 years ago this week. Michael’s Day Off Holy Communion Men’s Group meets at the Chilli Raj Wednesday 15 April 9.15am 5.30pm 7.00pm Morning Prayer Evening Prayer Wedding Rehearsal Thursday 16 April 9.15am 9.30am 10.30am – 2pm 5.30pm 7.30pm 8.00pm Holy Communion Cleaning Team 1 Open Door Café Evening Prayer Compline and Prayer PCC Meeting Friday 17 April 9.15am 12 noon Morning Prayer Wedding of Joseph Goddard and Laura Cleary Saturday 18 April 9.15am 12 noon Prayer, News, Action Morning Prayer Service of Thanksgiving for William Reeve followed by light refreshments in the Main Hall Sunday 19 April Easter 3 Readings: Acts 3/12-19; 1 John 3/1-7; Luke 24/36b-48 9.15am Sung Eucharist Celebrant and Preacher: Canon Michael Burns 11.00am Morning Worship with Children’s Groups Led by: Canon Michael Burns GRATEFUL THANKS to all who have contributed much to Holy Week – amongst them: Joan Kilburn and all the Flower Arrangers Our Sacristans and Altar Serving Team Pauline Beckford and Gladys Barnes for cleaning the brasses John and Joy Rowley for the beautiful Easter Garden Graham Bentley, Robert Evans and our Choir David Thomson, John Davy and our Singers David Thomson and Trevor Alexander for the leading of our worship Phil Emmans, Robert Burt – and all those who have assisted in other ways. WE ARE ADVERTISING for an Organist and Choir Director – please pray that a suitable candidate will respond to this important post at KCM. WILLIAM REEVE – There will be a Service of Thanksgiving for William’s life next Saturday at 12 noon at King Charles the Martyr Church to which all will be very welcome. This service will be followed by light refreshments in the Hall. For catering purposes please sign the list indicating your attendance. ALEX HARTLAND is running the London Marathon on April 26 to raise money for the international charity ‘Action Aid’. If anyone would like to sponsor him, you can do so at uk.virginmoneygiving.com/AlexHartland or give a donation directly to Elaine and David. His target is £2,000. Thank you. NOMINATION FORMS for election to the PCC (white) are now available. Please do prayerfully consider standing for election to the PCC. For further information, please speak to any current PCC member. Completed forms should be handed to Michael Burns. MEN’S GROUP – Leaflets for the new programme are on the table. NEW TELEPHONE LIST will be published soon. A draft is on the notice board. Please check your entry is correct and add an email address if appropriate. MISSING since our move – 3 large black box files, labelled “Baptism” and “Funeral Services”. If anyone has seen them, please let Michael know. NOTICE SHEET FOR 12 April 2015 – Easter 2 11.00am Morning Worship Holy Communion Celebrant: Preacher: Theme: Canon Michael Burns David Thomson, Reader in Training Our faith in the risen Christ is bound to affect the way we live. Welcome, Notices and Call to Worship Song Jesus is Lord (284) (during which the children can bring up their money for Gaudesia + Isaya) Confession and Absolution and Creed Readings Acts 4/32-35 p 1096 read by Elaine Hartland The earliest Christian community in Jerusalem bound itself together to the point of sharing all its property. Christians have not always been happy with this generous impulse. Should they be more ready to welcome it? 1 John 1/1-2/2 p 1225 read by Elaine Hartland This letter is a pastoral statement of the precious gift of God to us in Jesus and the forgiveness that is so important a part of it. Song Church of King Charles the Martyr, 368 Mutton Lane, Potters Bar, EN6 3AS. Tel: 01707 665579 Registered Charity Number: 1130748 KCM Website: www.kcm-church.org.uk Church email: vicar@kcm-church.org.uk Office email: kcmchurch@btconnect.com Halls email: kcmhalls@btconnect.com Canon Michael Burns – 01707 661266 – is always grateful to be informed about illness or any other urgent matters affecting parishioners. FOR OUR PRAYERS Those who are training for Ministry: David and Penny Thomson Those who are ill or in need: Joshua French; Maisy; Margaret Jack; Lottie Moss; Bridget Gibbs; Amber-Rose Clare; Janice Lacey; Valerie Hadley; Those who have died: Those whose anniversary of death falls at this time: Peggy Critoph; Judy Fowler; Catherine Clinton; Harry Lawther; George Feeney; Remember in your private prayers those who have longer term need – Keith Barker; Graham Barker; Yvonne Collette; Hazel Collier; Meekness and Majesty (353) (during which the collection will be taken) Gospel (stand) John 20/19-end p 1089 read by Canon Michael Burns The story of Thomas reassures many who ‘have not seen yet have come to believe’. Faith comes by many routes and does not depend on proof – which can indeed be its very opposite and its enemy. It is an act of self-giving love. Sermon David Thomson, Reader in Training Prayers Jean Stacey The Peace Song You laid aside your majesty (601) The Blessing of Bread and Wine Song Thank you Jesus (475) Closing Prayer and the Blessing Song Our God reigns (189) The Quiet Room in the North Porch is available for parents/children to use, where the service can still be heard as the children play. The Prayer Chapel is always available for quiet and prayer. If you want anything prayed for in the coming week(s) please write details in the diary and there is also opportunity to light a candle for someone . . . . You are warmly welcome to stay for refreshments in the Hall
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