PDF Kirk News 15_03 - Kemnay Parish Church

Kemnay Kirk News
March 2015
The Unseen World
There is a world not seen with the eye
But as real as the world of which we know
Where spiritual forces are all at work
And where Satan wanders to and fro.
Our fight is not against flesh and blood
But against the powers of darkness unseen
The devil prowls like a roaring lion
To undermine and confound the redeemed.
The armour of God is for our protection,
With God on our side we cannot fail
As all of his fiery darts are deflected
With the shield of faith Satan cannot prevail.
When we look to the Lord, the mighty Victor,
Satan’s defeat is plain to see,
The Destroyer destroyed and stripped of his power
With the death of God’s Son at Calvary.
By Megan Carter
A Message from our
Locum Minister
Dear friends,
Those who attend Kemnay Kirk on a regular basis and,
thankfully, there are so many of you because the church is
pretty full most Sundays (although we are not selling tickets
yet!), know that I speak very directly and very personally at
times. I do that because that is exactly what the bible does. As
a Locum Minister, until you get your new Minister in summer,
the basic agreement with the Church of Scotland is that I
cover the parish needs of Kemnay for two days a week and, of
course, the Sunday service as well. As I write this, I have just
realised that I have or will be in Kemnay on church matters on
six successive days, and so I hope that parishioners feel that
you are getting your money’s worth. At the same time, I have
been very much in the midst of some serious family health
issues. My wife is just out of hospital after surgery and one of
my daughters faces serious surgery this week. I said to a
member of Kemnay this week, ‘I’m just a moan!’ Kindly she
said to me, ‘But you’re a nice moan!’
One of the things that concerns me as I get older is the
challenge of snow and especially driving in it. Thankfully thus
far, both this and last winter when I have been with you, this
has not been a major problem, but we may not be past the
challenges yet. Of course, already the snowdrops are signalling
the coming of spring and in our own garden the daffodils are
pushing up through the pots. At this time of the year I am
reminded of two things. First, away back in Genesis, God said,
‘As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and
heat. Summer and winter, day and night will never cease.’ And
the second thing? God keeps his promises.
As new life springs again from the ground, so we are reminded
again of the hope of the Christian faith. As Easter eggs already
appear on our supermarket shelves, so we are, first of all,
reminded that our saviour Jesus died for us and rose from the
dead for us, and that it is our privilege and responsibility to
speak, live and work to draw others to a personal knowledge
of Jesus. As members of his church, as followers of Jesus, that
is a wonderful opportunity. You must and can do it.
Rev Dr Norman Maciver
Locum Minister
Kemnay Kirk News
Your comments, ideas & material are always welcome. Letters and articles
should be sent to:
The Editor, ‘Oxencraig’, Bridge Road, Kemnay AB51 5QT or preferably via
email to both of the following addresses:
Please include your name and address. The editorial committee reserves
the right to edit material to suit the space available. The DEADLINE for the
April edition is 22nd March 2015.
Please ensure all material is submitted by this date so that we can print on
Thank you
Contact Information
Interim Moderator
Rev John Cook, Howe Trinity Parish Church, Alford.
Contact for any urgent administrative matters
Tel. 019755 62282
Email: john.cook2@homecall.co.uk
Locum Minister
Rev Dr Norry Maciver
Contact for any urgent pastoral matters.
Tel. 01651 869434
Email: norirene@aol.com
We believe in Life before death
In October this year Christian Aid will have been working for
70 years responding to emergency appeals and supporting
poor families in many countries. Here, in Kemnay, we have
been involved for over 40 years. The focus this year falls on
Ethiopia, especially the plight of women and their families.
Loko Jarso carries firewood to sell.
Loko is responsible for a family of
eight and struggles to feed them
all. Gathering and chopping
firewood on her own, up a
mountain, is a hard, dangerous
job that she dreads, but it is her
only source of income. She
receives just £1 for her heavy
The good news is you can make a real difference. Fill a
SMARTIE tube with 20p and/or £1 coins before the end of
June, collect one from me or get your own and one or two for
your friends.
On Saturday 9 May from 10-11 a.m. in the Pleasure Park we
will hold our annual sponsored JOG/WALK. Forms will be a
vailable after the school Easter holidays. There will be a special
Church Service on Sunday 10 and a SHOP in the Church
Centre from 13-16 May.
Please let me know what you can do to help. We really do
need more volunteers for the SHOP stalls. If you are a regular
walker or jogger why not try our Pleasure Park challenge on 9
May? See me at Church or call me. For more information log
on to www.christianaid.org.uk
Leslie McKay
Services at Kemnay Kirk
Sunday Worship
Family Service at 10.00 am
Coffee and tea after the service
Holy Communion on the last Sunday of the month
Services at Littlewood Court & The Grove
Littlewood Court: Second Wednesday of the month
The Grove: Last Wednesday of the month
Services start at 2.00 pm
Tuesday – Friday from 9.30 am – 12.30 pm
Tel: 01467 643883
Please help feed local people in crisis
by buying items from our list and
donating them to
Aberdeenshire North foodbank.
Thank you!
Baskets are available at the Church and
Donations must be within 'Use By' dates
Thursday 2nd April
Church Centre 7.30 – 9.00pm
open to all women
time to unwind
time to hear Ian on Silver, Antiques
and Collectibles
- to cover costs £2.00
Kemnay Parish Church of Scotland
Scottish Charity No SC-14790
“I call upon you, for you will answer me, O God;
incline your ear to me, hear my words.”
Psalm 17:6
Sun 1st
Commit to the Lord our Sunday worship, asking for
the Spirit to anoint our Minister, musicians, leaders
of prayers and readers of scripture.
Mon 2
Pray for the people of Malawi as they recover from
flooding, especially in the south. Nkhoma suffered
some storm damage but relatively minor.
Mortons thank you for your concern and prayers.
Tue 3
Please remember those who work at the Loaves and
Fishes, Fiona and the Volunteers - may they find
satisfaction in their service of offering a welcoming
and safe place to all in our community and beyond.
Wed 4
We pray to you to hear the cry of all those who are
suffering in the Middle East, especially Christians
and other communities in Iraq and Syria. Make us
Lord channels of your love to them all. Help us to do
all what we can to reduce their suffering and
respond to their needs, wherever they are. Give
them Lord the power to love and forgive. Make us
messengers of your peace. Give us the courage to
do all that we can and on all levels, using the means
of love and life, to stop such incredible suffering and
make all those who are involved in causing it face
their sinfulness and need to repent and to
experience your forgiveness. Hadi Ganthous,
Minyara, Lebanon
Thu 5
Purim. Through brave Esther, the Lord delivered the
Jews, his chosen people of old, when they were
threatened. Pray that he may deliver his people of
today who are under threat.
Fri 6
Please pray that God will bring change to North
Korea so that Christians will be able to live without
fear of persecution and Bibles may be freely
distributed. Scottish Bible Society
Sat 7
So Spirit, come put strength in every stride, Give
grace for every hurdle, That we may run with faith
to win the prize, Of a servant good and faithful.
S Townend & K Getty
Sun 8
International Women’s Day. Lord, our Healer, thank
You for the courage and determination of women
and children who, through coming to know You,
have survived abusive experiences to lead fulfilling
lives and strengthen others. Help Christians who
care for them to demonstrate Your great love. CARE
Mon 9
Commonwealth Day. Dear God, We thank you for
the Commonwealth. We thank you for these nations
which are trying to work together to help their
citizens and our world. We pray for the leaders who
come together to discuss important things. SPCK
Tue 10
Remember Jen Wright in Congo. Pray that people
will be touched by hearing God’s word in their own
language, and for the churches in these areas to
catch the vision of using the translated Scriptures
so that it will touch and transform people’s lives.
Wycliffe Bible Translators
Wed 11
May all who join in the service at Littlewood Court
today feel blessed, uplifted and challenged.
Thu 12
Uphold the ministry of Gospel4Grampian. They
urgently need folks to volunteer, not only
presenters but folks who can carry out the very
necessary work to update the system, keep
programmes fresh and allow Rob to concentrate on
working to provide fresh local and relevant content.
Where there is Christ, will and passion, there is a
way. from Rob Rowe
Fri 13
I dare to pray: Lord, let the world be changed, for I
long to see the end of poverty; I dare to pray: Lord,
let the rules be changed for I long to see trade bring
justice to the poor; I dare to pray: Lord, let my life
be changed, for I long to bring hope where good
news is needed. World Mission Council
Sat 14
O God I thank you that you not only show me what
I really need but also how to find it. St Augustine
Sun 15
Mothering Sunday. Heavenly Father, thank You for
making each individual in Your image, to be born,
and in an ideal world, nurtured by their mother.
Please help women needing extra strength to cope
with difficult challenges facing them and their
children. CARE
Mon 16
Pray against the evil of Islamic extremism; may
mainstream and moderate Muslims join in
condemning what is being perpetrated in their
name. Pray for all those affected, for protection,
safe havens and consolation.
Tue 17
Lord of the journey, give me the joy of knowing you
are with me every step of the way. Eddie Askew
Wed 18
Lord God, thank you that you care for those who
are suffering, for people grieving, those in mental
torment or feeling physical pain. We recognise that
we can feel broken hearted at times and we thank
you for binding up our wounds. But, Lord, extend
your comfort to those suffering across the world
because of poverty, disease and disaster. Help us to
also do what we can to comfort the broken-hearted.
Thu 19
Give thanks that “Nothing will be able to separate
us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our
Lord.” Romans 8:39
Fri 20
Pray for the Street Pastors as they listen, care and
help on the streets, that they may have an
opportunity to share something of Jesus.
Sat 21
World Forestry Day. We pray for the trees, the
plants and the crops planted this year, that Christ,
our Lord, will bless them, that they will grow and
yield a good harvest; that he will have compassion
on his creation, and forgive us our sins. Bless, O
Lord, the land and water it, and do what you will
with our lives. WCC
Sun 22
World Water Day. Nourishing God, may all the
peoples and creatures of this earth have the water
they need to live their lives fully. Help us to solve
the problems of drought, flooding, sanitation and
disease so that all may share in the banquet and
none be in want. Churches Together
Mon 23
Give me the courage to face my fears. Give me the
patience to follow where you lead me. Give me the
stamina to keep going when things are tough. Give
me a new strength. Christy-Anna Errington
Tue 24
“Freely you have received, freely give”. Matthew
10:8 Lord, give us generous hearts.
Wed 25
Lord, as we review our year at our A.G.M. may we
give you our praise and thanks for all that has been
accomplished in your name.
Thu 26
Pray for those who have fled religious persecution;
for refugees who have had to flee their home
nation, and for internally displaced persons (IDPs)
who have had to leave their homes but are still in
their own countries. Christian Solidarity Worldwide
Fri 27
Give thanks for those involved in the editing,
printing and distribution of Kirk News - David,
Andrew, Duncan and Stuart. May it continue to be
appreciated by all who read it.
Sat 28
Dear Father, help me to practise your presence all
day and all night. Ruth Kirk
Sun 29
Palm Sunday. All hail King Jesus, All hail Emmanuel,
King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Bright Morning Star.
And throughout eternity I'll sing Your Praises, And
I'll reign with You throughout eternity. Dave Moody
Mon 30
Remember our Members and Friends in Care and
Nursing Homes as they receive an Easter flower
from our Care Group.
Tue 31
“I trust in you Lord; I say ‘You are my God’. My
times are in your hands.” Psalm 31:14-15
Wed 1
All Fools Day. “The wisdom of the wise keeps life on
track; the foolishness of fools lands them in the
ditch.” Proverbs 14:8 (The Message)
Thu 2
Maundy Thursday. Behold the Lamb who bears our
sins away, Slain for us; and we remember The
promise made, that all who come in faith, Find forgiveness at the cross. K & K Getty & S Townend
Fri 3
Good Friday. Come see His hands and His feet The
scars that speak of sacrifice, Hands that flung stars
into space To cruel nails surrendered. Graham Kendrick
Sat 4
Pesach. “Jesus (our Passover Lamb) has borne our
grief and carried our sorrow. He was wounded for
our transgressions; He was bruised for our
iniquities. The chastisement for our peace was upon
Him, and it is with His stripes that we are healed.”
Isaiah 53:4-5
This prayer calendar is prepared for members and
friends of the Kemnay Churches:
Kemnay Kirk Church of Scotland Parish Church
and St. Anne’s Episcopal Church.
PRAYER CHAIN: Would you like to share a personal
prayer confidentially with others willing to share
your prayer - whether for a need for yourself or
someone you know, or as a thanksgiving for some
Contact - Alison & Jim Hunter or
Nell & Leslie McKay
The Open Doors World Watch List 2015
highlights the 50 countries where it is most
difficult to live as a Christian. The most
rigorous and detailed report of its kind, the
World Watch List uses data from Open
Doors field workers and independent experts
to track the deep structures of persecution,
measuring the degree of freedom Christians
have to live out their faith in five spheres of
life – private, family, community, national
and church life.
The result is a resource to inspire committed prayer and action
on behalf of persecuted Christians around the world.
••In 8 countries the level of persecution increased seriously
(Kenya, Djibouti, Mexico, Tanzania, Turkey, Somalia, Iraq,
••In 16 countries the level of persecution increased (Sudan,
Nigeria, Eritrea, India, Azerbaijan, China, Malaysia, Bangladesh, Palestinian Territories, Libya, Syria, Indonesia, Afghanistan, Vietnam, Iran, Tajikistan)
••In 23 countries the level of persecution stayed more or less
the same (North Korea, Bhutan, Kazakhstan, Pakistan,
Uzbekistan, Algeria, Turkmenistan, Maldives, Tunisia, Qatar,
Central African Republic, Brunei, Burma, Jordan, Egypt, Saudi
Arabia, Yemen, Kuwait, Mali, Colombia, Oman, Mauritania,
United Arab Emirates)
••In 3 countries the level of persecution decreased (Ethiopia,
Laos, Sri Lanka)
The key findings in this report are:
••There continues to be an increase in
the persecution of Christians worldwide: in 2014 persecution became
more intense in more countries of the
••North Korea is still the most
difficult place in the world to be a
••Islamic State violence in Iraq and Syria has increased the
pace of the exodus of the Christian population from the Middle
East and is having a global impact
••Islamic extremism is a significant engine of persecution in
40 of the 50 countries where it is most difficult to be a
••The most rapidly growing area of persecution is in the
countries of Africa, especially sub-Saharan Africa
••Iran, Sudan, Turkey, Mexico, Azerbaijan, India and Malaysia
are countries of special concern; Asia and Latin America are
areas of special concern; women and girls are people of
special concern.
The chosen organisation for donations via the
Loaves & Fishes charity box in March will be:
Lauren Currie Twilight Foundation
(support for patients with vasculitis)
Biblical Mothers
As Mothering Sunday approaches, Dr Helen Bond examines the
role of mothers in the Bible, while Jackie Macadam looks back at
the history of and religious roots of the day.
Ron Ferguson considers the role of Mary, mother of Jesus.
‘Mother of all the Peoples’
Lynne McNeil dips into the archives to recall the life and death of
Mary Slessor, one of Scotland’s greatest missionaries, who passed
away 100 years ago this year.
Reforming the Kirk
In the final part of his series, the Rev Dr Doug Gay emphasises
the need for the winds of change in the Church of Scotland.
Science and the Church
Dr Andrew Torrance highlights the work of a group seeking to
bridge the gap between science and faith.
‘A Beautiful Gift’
Thomas Baldwin encourages the Rev Peter Johnston to ‘Spill the
Beans’ on a worship publication that is finding a growing
‘We Are On the Same Team’
The Moderator calls for respect in disagreements in the Church.
Discerning God’s call
Rev Professor David Fergusson considers the subject of vocation.
Speaking to the Heart
The Very Rev Dr James Simpson highlights some of the secrets of
effective preaching.
The ‘Parliament Parish’
John R Hume unearths the history of a Hebridean church.
Plus news, reviews, letters, registers and crosswords, all for just
£2. Online visit us at www.lifeandwork.org, or find us on Facebook and Twitter
March 2015
Church Responsibilities
Mrs June Main
The Fettes family and Kemnay Girl Guides
22 Mrs Val Morrison
29 Palm Sunday
Easter Sunday
Fiona Gray
Muriel Gration
Irene Anderson
Jim Hunter
Bill Shand
Jean Walker
Noel Mack
Ian McCracken
Ann Gilmour
Ann Brown
Helen Lal
Ishbel Campbell
Rita Custard
Hazel Sangster
Andrew Lister
Jeff Thomas
Jacqui Guild
Joyce Thomas
Peter Cape
Annie Ferries
Ann Brown
Kathleen Gunn
David Bale
Judith Bale
Adam Bryan
Margaret Bryan
Alan Gorvett
James Stewart
Lynda Gorvett
Ishbel Imrie
Irene Reid
Mike Coull
Leslie McKay
Mike Mair
Nell McKay
Margaret Webster
Linda Duguid
Jeff Thomas
Frazer Simpson
Joyce Thomas
Sheila Simpson
Ian Rigby
Sandie Hood
Helen McQuarrie Annie Forbes
Bill Hood
Suzanne Brownrigg
(Nominated Team Leaders are highlighted in bold type)
Kemnay Parish Church of Scotland, Scottish Charity No. SC014790.