INK 60 Crook Street (PO Box 45) Strathdale 3550 Phone: 5443 2011 Fax: 5441 7321 Principal: Assistant Principal : Assistant Principal: Assistant Principal (Deaf Facility): Kennington Primary School Values Awards Community Inclusion Personal Best Is showing concern for Is working together for Is respecting and others and being the common good. valuing differences. thoughtful, and It means being able to It means we include understanding of their work together and act others in work and feelings. positively with others. play. It means your thoughts; words and actions show consideration for others. Preps PA PB Samarah M Lexi J Grade 1-2 1A 1B 1C 1/2D Brodie H Gabriella P Camden M Lachlan T Grade 3-4 3A 3B 3C 4A Shi Huan T Jonas L Dalton W Nathan E All of 3A All of 3B All of 3C Grade 5-6 5A 5B 5C 6A Moo P Kwa La Casey W Eion R Specialist MUSIC: VISUAL ARTS: James M (1/2D) Lydia W (5B) AUSLAN LOTE: EAL: N/A Lay Paw Is treating everybody and everything with consideration and courtesy. It means looking after myself, others and the environment. PC Joel P 2A Keira B 4B Jacob F PD Zainab A 6B Ella H 2B Zainoor K 4C Sanuli D Fun Run Money and form due today ICAS – Digital Technologies th th Tue 19 th Fri 15 th Fri 15 8:10am – 8:30am 9:00am – 9:30am th Breakfast Club Tue 19 Auslan Community Classes Wed 20 th Whole School Fun Run Wed 20 th 1 2C Daniel M 4D Liam A 6C Paige W PHYS.ED: Jarrod L-L (3C) th Term 2 May Respect Is always aiming high and being the best I can. It means being optimistic: that I will be successful in the end. Mon 18 Dates to Remember Fri 15 Marg Tope Thursday 15th May, 2015 Newsletter No. 12 Caring Glenda Miller Trudi Jacobson Jo Menzel 9:30am – 10:15am 8:45am – 12:30pm 4:30pm – 5:30pm Mother Goose Education Week Open Morning Prep 2016 Step into Prep Information Evening Fri 22 nd Fri 22 nd Fri 22 nd 8:10am – 8:30am 9:00am – 9:30am th Tue 26 Wed 27 9:30am – 10:15am th th th 8:10am – 8:30am 9:00am – 9:30am th Fri 29 Principal’s Report Auslan Community Classes Dear Parents/Carers, Mother/Carer – Daughter Information Night note to be returned Mother Goose Dear Parents/Carers, th Education Week – Open Morning Wednesday 20 May Division Cross Country Thu 28 Fri 29 Breakfast Club OSLE students leave for China Breakfast Club We will celebrate Education Week with our Open Morning th on Wednesday 20 May. Visitors are welcome to visit our school throughout the morning and a schedule of events will be provided to visitors on arrival. A program is attached to the LINK today. Student School Ambassadors will also run tours of the school at 9:00am and 10:00am from the office. Auslan Community Classes June nd Tue 2 Regional Cross Country nd 9:30am – 10:15am Tue 2 rd ICAS – Science Wed 3 th 6:00pm – 7:15pm 8:10am – 8:30am 9:00am – 9:30am Thu 4 th Fri 5 th Fri 5 th Fri 5 th Sat 6 th Mon 8 No School th 9:30am – 10:15am 8:10am – 8:30am 9:00am – 9:30am 9:00am Tue 9 th Fri 12 th Fri 12 th Fri 12 th th Wed 17 th th Thu 18 th Fri 19 th Fri 19 th Fri 26 Auslan Community Classes Preps Pirate Dress Up Day / Fish ‘n’ Chip Lunch OSLE students return from China Queen’s Birthday Staff on Leave Glenda Miller continues to be on leave as she recovers from knee surgery. Trudi Jacobson commences leave on Monday. We wish Trudi well with her travels. Luke Monaghan will be acting Assistant Principal whilst Trudi is th away. Penny Peters will return from leave on Monday 18 May. Mother Goose Breakfast Club School Assembly It is really pleasing to see the number of parents who join us for our assembly on Monday mornings. With the onset of winter there are likely to be some Monday mornings when we are not able to hold our assembly outside. On these mornings the usual assembly items will be announced over the public address system. When there is th a public holiday on Monday (Queen’s birthday – June 8 ) assembly will be held on the Tuesday morning. Auslan Community Classes Interviews Online Opens 9:30am – 10:15am 9:00am – 3:00pm 3:30pm Mother Goose Last one for Term 2 Soccer Championships 8:10am – 8:30am 9:00am – 9:30am Breakfast Club Last one for Term 2 Auslan Community Classes th Fri 19 rd Tue 23 Mother/Carer – Daughter Information Evening Breakfast Club ICAS – Spelling Tue 16 th The theme of this year’s Education Week is ‘Crack the Code with Maths’. Each grade level will be participating in an ‘Hour of Code’ during this week. The Prep students will be doing a pirate ‘Crack the Code’ activity, while the Grade 1s will be using QR codes in their Maths lessons. All Grade 2 – 6 students will be completing an activity from the ‘Hour of Code’ website, where they will learn some basic computer programming skills. ICAS – Writing Mon 15 Tue 16 Mother Goose No School 2:30pm Dismissal Athletics Sports Last week a large number of our students competed in the Shamrock Division Athletic Sports at the Bendigo Athletics Complex. As a result of outstanding achievements we now have a number of students competing at the next level. This is a wonderful achievement for our school. Just as pleasing were the number of comments from parents about the excellent behaviour of the students who represented Kennington Primary School. This is a terrific reflection on our students and staff. It was also terrific to see so many parents supporting our students. Interviews Online Closes Reports sent home Student LED Conferences Term 2 concludes 2 Principal’s Reports continued…… concern about your child, please make an appointment to see me as soon as possible. If your child is hearing impaired please contact Mrs Marg Tope, the leader of the Deaf Facility through the school office. National Assessment Program Literacy and Numeracy The Link The Link is the main form of communication with you and the school. The Link will be sent home with the youngest child in each family or look on The Link is published on Thursdays. Sometimes, where we need to ensure that a piece of information gets to all of our school community, a notice will be repeated in a number of newsletters. All students in Grades 3 and 5 participated in NAPLAN this week. NAPLAN reports will be forwarded to the school later in the year. Student Reports Semester 1 student reports will be distributed on Friday th 19 June, and will be followed up with Student Led rd Conferences on Tuesday 23 June. Regards Student Led Conference rd Student Led Conferences will be held on Tuesday 23 June. Students will only attend for their conference time on this day. Students must wear school uniform to their conference. Meeting times will be booked on line. Meeting nd times will also be available after school on Monday 22 June. The booking system will open on Friday 12th June. The necessary code will be provided in The Link closer to this date. Jo Menzel Acting Principal KPS Fun Run Fundraiser – Friday 15th May Tomorrow! This Friday the Fun Run will take place. st Winter School Uniform – From June 1 While we appreciate that some children do not ‘feel the cold’, we are asking that you support us by discussing with your child the importance of wearing appropriate clothing during the colder months. Students must wear the winter st uniform from Monday 1 June. Timetable: Classes to walk down to the bottom oval at 11:30am 1. Setup on the bottom oval – classes to assemble on the hill. Selected classes will make a finishing chute for the runners to run through. 2. Individual runners from grades 5-6 run 3. Individual runners from grades 3-4 run 4. Individual runners from grades P-2 run Class walk – teachers to walk with whole class 5. Grade 4s 6. Grade 3s 7. Grade 2s 8. Grade 1s 9. Grade 5s 10. Grade Prep and 6s Excerpt from Uniform Policy Winter Uniform (to be worn at the commencement of winter until at least the end of winter) Track pants – black (with no trim in another colour) Straight leg pants - black (not jeans) without visible pockets Skivvy – yellow, bottle green or black KPS Polo Shirt – combinations of bottle green, yellow and black with Kennington logo KPS Rugby Top – combinations of bottle green, yellow and black with Kennington logo KPS Tunic – black watch tartan tunic KPS Jacket – zip from with hood in collar – bottle green with yellow and black trim and Kennington Primary School embroidered on the back. After the Fun Run the children will gather in the Amphitheatre where they will receive an icy pole. Any Parents or Friends of students are very welcome to join with their children in walking or even have a go at running the 1½km course. PREP 2016 - Enrolment All parents who are intending to enrol their child in Prep at Kennington for next year, 2016, should collect an Information Pack from the school office. The pack includes information pertinent to KPS including the Great Start Transition Program and includes the official school enrolment form. The enrolment form and a copy of the child’s birth certificate and immunisation record must be returned to school by Friday 26th June, 2015. So make sure you all have your cheering voices on and remember to keep on raising as much money as you can to help support this event. Help Request If you are able to assist on the day with marshalling or handing out icy poles, please contact me on the following number. This date is set by the Department of Education. If your child has additional needs including a medical diagnosis, language difficulties, is involved with any Early Intervention services, or if you just have a worry or Any questions regarding this event please contact Emma on 0421 705 482 or 3 Mother / Carer – Daughter Information Evening National Walk Safely to School Day th On Thursday 4 June at 6:00pm, Leona Evans, the Bendigo Primary School Nurse, will be conducting a mother/carer - daughter session for students at Kennington Primary School. The purpose of the session is to introduce girls to the physical and emotional changes they will undergo during puberty. Parents and carers play a central role in a girl’s life when discussing issues around personal development. You are encouraged to become actively involved in the process, so throughout the session there will be opportunities to talk and play games, making the learning experience as enjoyable as possible. The inclusion of mother/carer/support female is recognised as essential for ongoing support. The session is primarily targeted at older girls but mothers and carers who believe this session is relevant to them are very welcome to attend. The session runs for one hour and fifteen minutes. Walk Safely to School Day (WSTSD) is an annual, encouraged to walk and commute safely to school. It is a You are encouraged to make the most of this opportunity. If you are to attend, please complete the slip below and nd return to the office by Friday 22 May. Community Event seeking to promote Road Safety, ---------------------------------------------------------------------- national event when all primary school children will be Health, Public Transport and the Environment. Mother/Carer - Daughter Information Night We are encouraging all students to participate in this day. If you live too far from school to walk all the way, consider parking outside the school grounds (in Crook St, St Please return to school by Friday 22nd May. Aiden’s Rd, or across the walkway at the Kennington Reservoir) and walking into school. My daughter and I will be attending the Mother/Carer - Daughter Information Night th session at 6:00pm on June 4 . Breakfast club will be on so get up early and walk to school then enjoy a healthy breakfast with your friends. Check out more information on the website Child’s name: __________________________ Grade: __________________________ Parent/Carer’s name: ______________________ Konnective In order to improve communications between school and home we have recently purchased a school phone app that works on iPhones and android devices. The school will send out regular notifications via this app including reminders of upcoming events as well as links to newsletters. The app is called Konnective and can be downloaded free of charge from the App store or Google Play on your phone. Once you have downloaded the app you will need to register via the app. In the My Connections tab you can then select Kennington Primary School from the list of schools available and ‘join this school.’ An A4 flyer is attached to the LINK, to assist you with downloading the app and registering. 4 Premiers’ Reading Challenge 2015 Scholastic Book Club Students who registered for the Challenge before Friday 8th May have now received their user names and passwords. User names and passwords allow parents and children to record books for the Challenge online at home. Any books that the children have read since the beginning of this school year may be recorded as read in the Challenge. If you have placed an order, in the last couple of bookclubs and not received it, please enquire at the office. We have three unnamed orders still waiting for collection. Breakfast Club – Every Friday Please see below for instructions in how to record books online. 1. Go to the Premiers’ Reading Challenge website at 2. Select Student login Type in the user name and password in the boxes. 3. You now see your child’s own Challenge page. Please check that the details are correct, particularly the spelling of your child’s name. 4. Select: ‘Add books to my list’ 5. Search for books Enter all or part of the book title. Tick ‘Only check Challenge list’ box if you want to search for Challenge books only. 6. A list of book titles will come up. Tick the book or books you would like to add to the reading list and click ‘Add to reading list.’ 7. My Reading List Check the children’s progress in the Challenge here. When books are completed tick the box beside the title and click ‘Finished.’ Breakfast Club is every Friday from 8:10am until 8:25am. (This allows time for students to get to their classrooms before the bell at 8:40am.) Everyone is welcome at Breakfast Club. A gold coin donation is appreciated. The money that is donated goes towards the fresh fruit in the classrooms. Menu this week: Mandarins, apples and kiwi fruit Le Rice StawberryYoplait yogurt Banana custard in squeezie tubes Vanilla yogurt in squeezie tubes Apple and Orange Juice Milo Cheese and Vegemite toasties Cheese toasties Revised Roster for Term 2 This is an important step. Once you have recorded the books as ‘Finished’ they are able to be ‘Verified’ by the Challenge coordinators at school. 8. th 22 May Heather Stinton John Cooper Shona Barton Suzanne Braden Peta Jenkins th 5 June Heather Stinton John Cooper Shona Barton Suzanne Braden Andrew White th 19 June Heather Stinton John Cooper Shona Barton Suzanne Braden Peta Jenkin 15 May Louise Bray Adele Plane Nicole Lacey Andrew White Lisa Tangey 29 May Louise Bray Adele Plane Nicole Lacey Deb Lord Peta Jenkins That’s it. Enjoy the reading. Take the challenge Patrick Coughlin Premiers’ Reading Challenge Co-ordinator 12 June Louise Bray Adele Plane Nicole Lacey Amanda Turnbull Visual Arts News Over the next few weeks students in Grades 5 and 6 will be creating wire models. We need material, wool, ribbon etc. to create their costumes. If you have any of these materials please send them to the art room. th 26 June No Breakfast Club 5 nd th th 6 7 Community News Epsom Soccer Club – 3 x U9 players required ASTHMA FOUNDATION – for your information I am the junior non-competitive coordinator at Epsom soccer club. We are currently in need of 3 more U9 children (born 2006) that would like to join one of our teams. FREECALL 1800 645 130 Training: Time: Where: Wednesdays 5:00pm Epsom Huntly Reserve. Contact: Cameron McGibbon or by 5448 3742. Please support autism ambassadors, walking as a team for 24 continuous hours! Turn up on the day to walk alongside and cheer on our ambassadors for autism and make a donation to their cause. Any donated iOS devices from the general community will also be gratefully received. rd th When: Saturday 23 to Sunday 24 May Where: Rotary Gateway Park 22A High Street Kangaroo Flat Time: 9:30am – Saturday Formalities 10:00am to 10:00am – 24 hours For more information:Email: Phone: 0418 522 277 Facebook: 8 9 Open Morning Wednesday May 20th 8:45am – 9:00am 9:00am – 9:45am Displays of student work in corridors of all blocks 3’s - Literacy activities using iPads and computers (Rooms 30, 31, 32 A Block – upstairs) 4A - Music (Music Room, Room 23 A Block) 4B - Reading (Room 12 D Block – upstairs) 4C - Reading / Reading Adventures (Room 14, D Block – upstairs) 4D - Reading / Reading Adventures (Room16, D Block – upstairs) 5A - Art activities – Wire construction (Art room) 6B - Computer programing (‘Hour of Code’) (Room 29, A Block – upstairs) EAL - English as an Additional Language 9:45am – 10:45am (Room 39, – BER building) 1A - ‘Q Code’ Maths (Room 19 D Block – downstairs) 2B - Writing activity (Room 26 – A Block – downstairs) 3’s - Literacy activities using iPads and computers (Rooms 30, 31, 32 A Block – upstairs) 4A - Reading / Writing (Room 15 D Block – upstairs) 4B - Problem Solving / Maths 4C - Music (Room 12 D Block – upstairs) (Music Room, Room 23 A Block) 4D - Classroom blog (Room16 D Block – upstairs) 6C - Computer programing (‘Hour of Code’) 5’s - Auslan (open space BER building) 5B – Art activities – Wire construction (Art room) (Room 29 A Block – upstairs) EAL - English as an Additional Language 11:00am – 11:30am st 1 Lunch break 11:30am – 12:30pm (Room 41 – BER building) Outback Garden open Preps - Pirate Maths! (Rooms 43, 44, 45, 46 A Block) (Rooms 47 and 48 – E Block) 1B & 1C - Maths: Games and mapping 1/2D, 2A, 2C - Maths; Problem solving & games (Rooms 25, 27 & 28 A Block – downstairs) 4A – Maths (Room 15 D Block – upstairs) 4B - Music (Music Room, Room 23 A Block) 4C - Maths (Room 14 D Block – upstairs) 4D - Maths (Room16 D Block – upstairs) 6A - Computer programing (‘Hour of Code’) EAL - English as an Additional Language 5C - Art activities – Wire construction 4:30pm – 5:30pm (Room 38 – BER building) (Room 29 A Block – upstairs) (Art room) Step into Prep session - Transition session for potential 2016 Prep students. Step into Prep is a session where parents guide their child through activities they will encounter at school. Tours will be conducted by Grade 6 School Ambassadors at 9:00am and 10:00am. 10
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