Koroit & District PS Newsletter Term 1 Week 9 - Newsletter Date: 27 March 2015 School Agreements • • • • • From The Principal Mutual Respect Attentive Listening Appreciations and not Put Downs Right to Pass Personal Best TERM Dates for 2015 Term 1: 28 January (school teachers start) to 27 March Term 2: 13 April to 26 June Term 3: 13 July to 18 September Term 4: 5 October to 18 December MENTOR FOCUS Mutual Respect Appreciations/No Put Downs Attentive Listening Right to Pass Right to participate Personal Best What a fantastic term of learning and fun we have had. The preps have all settled in well and are really enjoying their developmental learning in the mornings in their magnificent, huge room. The term has just flown by with the students getting to know their new teachers and their teachers getting to know them. As well as this we have had a variety of extracurricular activities such as: • Swimming for grades 3-6 • HOUSE athletics sports • Moyne athletics sports • Ride to school day • Clean up Australia • Kitchen Garden for grades 3-6 • Pancake Day • Grade three and four camping sleep over • Folk Festival singing and concert • Grade six leadership congress • Starlab The K.D.P.S. family welcomed Oscar Mathew Buck to its ranks on Saturday. We were all so excited to meet him and he is very cute. Congratulations to Rachael and Mathew on the birth of this very special little boy. We say goodbye to Bec Beard who is heading overseas on an adventure. Bec has been a wonderful addition to our staff and will be missed by both staff and the students. All the best Bec, we can’t wait to hear about all of your travels. Thank you to all families who generously donated to the Easter Raffle and also sold tickets. We hope the prize winners will be happy with their treats and a big thank you to the Parents and Friends Group who organised the raffle and wrapping. Finally on a personal note I would like to thank everyone for their support this term. Michelle’s absence left huge shoes to fill and I couldn’t have done it without the work that our staff do to run our school. They are truly a unique group of people who love what they do and it shows every day. It was a great experience and I learned a lot but I am really excited to return to the classroom and I know that Michelle is equally as excited to return to us. I am sure she can’t wait to see you all again and catch up with everyone. I hope you all have a lovely break maybe making a leprechaun to display for the Irish Festival. We return on Monday13th April, enjoy your Easter, Hayley Hoy Congratulations to Miss Lenehan and Mr Buck on the safe arrival of baby Oscar. PH: 5565 8332 - FAX: 5565 8812 - EMAIL: koroit.ps@edumail.vic.gov.au WEB: koroitps.global2.vic.edu.au ACTING PRINCIPAL: Hayley Hoy - SCHOOL COUNCIL PRESIDENT: Stephen Hoy Term 1 Week - Newsletter Date:regularly 31 January 2014 Dates for Term 2.1Please check for changes. Week 1 Mon 13 April Start making class leprechauns Tues 14 April Somers camp Starts Thurs 16 April Division Athletic Sports Fri 17 April Marc Mon 20 April Wed 22 April Fri 24 April Fri 1 May Sat 2 May Wed 6 May Thurs 7 May Fri 8 May Week 2 John Keats road safety talk (assembly) KDPS Cross Country Somers camp Students Return Marc. Leprechauns to be installed. Week 3 Eisteddfod (TBC) 4:30pm Fun Run MARC Irish Festival Week 4 Lion King May Races Holiday Mothers Day stall No MARC Week 5 Marc Author Week Thur 14 May 11:00am Author visit Mon 18 May Wed 20 May Whole school walk Book Fair Thur 21 May Book Fair Fri 22 May Book Fair Grandparents Day Marc Moyne Cross Country Fri 29 May Division Cross Country MARC Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Fri 5 June MARC Mon 8 June Fri 12 June Queen’s Birthday Holiday Regional Cross Country Marc Fri 19 June MARC Moyne Winter Sports Week 9 Week 10 Week 11 Fri 26 June No MARC End of Term PH: 5565 8332 - FAX: 5565 8812 - EMAIL: koroit.ps@edumail.vic.gov.au WEB: koroitps.global2.vic.edu.au ACTING PRINCIPAL: Hayley Hoy - SCHOOL COUNCIL PRESIDENT: Stephen Hoy Term 1 Week 9 - Newsletter Date: 27 March 2015 Connecting Culture Day On Wednesday, as part of the Cultural Connection day, some of our Koorie students and their families went to Warrnambool West Primary school to spend time together and participate in some planned activities. Activities included Boomerang & Spear Throwing, games/activities, plus some bush tucker tasting. New Smoking Bans PH: 5565 8332 - FAX: 5565 8812 - EMAIL: koroit.ps@edumail.vic.gov.au WEB: koroitps.global2.vic.edu.au ACTING PRINCIPAL: Hayley Hoy - SCHOOL COUNCIL PRESIDENT: Stephen Hoy Term 1 Week 9 - Newsletter Date: 27 March 2015 PH: 5565 8332 - FAX: 5565 8812 - EMAIL: koroit.ps@edumail.vic.gov.au WEB: koroitps.global2.vic.edu.au ACTING PRINCIPAL: Hayley Hoy - SCHOOL COUNCIL PRESIDENT: Stephen Hoy Term 1 Week 9 - Newsletter Date: 27 March 2015 PH: 5565 8332 - FAX: 5565 8812 - EMAIL: koroit.ps@edumail.vic.gov.au WEB: koroitps.global2.vic.edu.au ACTING PRINCIPAL: Hayley Hoy - SCHOOL COUNCIL PRESIDENT: Stephen Hoy Term 1 Week 9 - Newsletter Date: 27 March 2015 As of next term, soup will be available but milk will no longer be available to purchase with the lunch orders. PH: 5565 8332 - FAX: 5565 8812 - EMAIL: koroit.ps@edumail.vic.gov.au WEB: koroitps.global2.vic.edu.au ACTING PRINCIPAL: Hayley Hoy - SCHOOL COUNCIL PRESIDENT: Stephen Hoy Term 1 Week 9 - Newsletter Date: 27 March 2015 Nicole Farrelly Primary Welfare Officer PH: 5565 8332 - FAX: 5565 8812 - EMAIL: koroit.ps@edumail.vic.gov.au WEB: koroitps.global2.vic.edu.au ACTING PRINCIPAL: Hayley Hoy - SCHOOL COUNCIL PRESIDENT: Stephen Hoy Term 1 Week 9 - Newsletter Date: 27 March 2015 Education Tips: Holiday Activities PH: 5565 8332 - FAX: 5565 8812 - EMAIL: koroit.ps@edumail.vic.gov.au WEB: koroitps.global2.vic.edu.au ACTING PRINCIPAL: Hayley Hoy - SCHOOL COUNCIL PRESIDENT: Stephen Hoy Term 1 Week 9 - Newsletter Date: 27 March 2015 PH: 5565 8332 - FAX: 5565 8812 - EMAIL: koroit.ps@edumail.vic.gov.au WEB: koroitps.global2.vic.edu.au ACTING PRINCIPAL: Hayley Hoy - SCHOOL COUNCIL PRESIDENT: Stephen Hoy Term 1 Week 9 Newsletter Date: 27 March 2015 KDPS COMMUNITY PAGE Koroit Auskick starts Sunday 12th of April, 9.30am at Vic Park Koroit. Auskick packs will be delivered to nominated address when registering. All registrations must be made online before 20th of April to be eligible for free AFL game day tickets. For more info contact Damian Dobson 0408544617 PH: 5565 8332 - FAX: 5565 8812 - EMAIL: koroit.ps@edumail.vic.gov.au WEB: koroitps.global2.vic.edu.au ACTING PRINCIPAL: Hayley Hoy - SCHOOL COUNCIL PRESIDENT: Stephen Hoy ENTRY FORM
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