Koroit & District PS Newsletter Term 2 Week 6 - Newsletter Date: 22nd May 2015 School Agreements • • • • • Mutual Respect Attentive Listening Appreciations and not Put Downs Right to Pass Personal Best TERM Dates for 2015 Term 2: 13 April to 26 June Term 3: 13 July to 18 September Term 4: 5 October to 18 December MENTOR FOCUS “BOUNCE BACK” “BOUNCE BACK” means to be resilient When you feel unhappy, you can BOUNCE back again and feel better • • • • • • Bad feelings always go away again. Other people can make you feel better if you talk to them. Unhelpful thinking makes you feel more upset. Nobody is perfect. Mistakes help you learn. Concentrate on the good things and have a laugh. Everyone feels sad and worried sometimes, not just you. From The Principal Congratula ons to the students entered in the choral speaking at the Eisteddfod on Monday. The senior team won with excep onal praise from the adjudicator and the junior team were highly praised too. Choral speaking is a great way to build confidence in presen ng to an audience, memorising large pieces of text, prac cing fluency and expression and learning to work together in unison. Thank you Mrs Hoy and Mrs Petering for the work in preparing the students. Thank you too, to the senior team who are dona ng most of their prize money to the Juvenile diabetes fund to support Mitch. Thank you the our PFG for arranging lunch for our grandparents today, and to grade 6 students and Mrs Petering for arranging the healthy breakfast for our students. This was sponsored by Moyne Shire which shows their determina on to make sure we have healthy communi es. Our children walked to school...some of them choosing to park further away etc. We are proud of our efforts to increase physical ac vity with pre-school fitness ac vi es each morning and many opportuni es to try different sports. This has been made even be/er with the new Sports in Schools Program which will begin next week for the term 2 program. The Jamie Oliver Food Revolu on day was another great day promo ng good nutri on. What fantas c opportuni es. Thank you to those parents who came to see our school in ac on and meet with me on Tuesday morning. I always enjoy discussions about educa on and showcasing our school. Please let other interested families know that they are welcome to call the school for visits at mes that suit them. We will also have an informa on session towards the end of the term. I hope you are pleased with the books your children purchased from the Book Fair. I cannot miss any opportunity to stress how important it is for you to read with and to your children every day and if possible, several mes a day. This builds a love of reading, builds their knowledge of language and of the world. Today we had compe tors in the next level of cross country. Well done to Eliza7th, Connor-3rd and Ava-8th in their respec ve age sec ons. Congratula ons also to Connor Byrne who has been selected to try out for state team in soccer. Good luck for the next stage Connor. We are very proud to announce the safe and happy arrival of Patrick Bernard Farrelly, a son to Nicole, Xavier and brother to Harrison. I am sure they will visit us some me soon. Michelle Bickley-Miller PH: 5565 8332 - FAX: 5565 8812 - EMAIL: koroit.ps@edumail.vic.gov.au WEB: koroitps.global2.vic.edu.au PRINCIPAL: Michelle Bickley - SCHOOL COUNCIL PRESIDENT: Stephen Hoy Term 1 Week - Newsletter Date: regularly 31 January 2014 Dates for Term 2.1Please check for changes. Week 7 Thur 28 May Musica Viva performance 11.30 Fri 29 May Division Cross Country MARC Fri 5 June MARC Mon 8 June Queen’s Birthday Holiday Fri 12 June Sat 13 June Regional Cross Country Marc Working Bee Mon 15 June Information Night Thurs 18 June Dress up as a cartoon character Preps– Student led 3 way conferences Fri 19 June MARC Moyne Winter Sports Week 8 Week 9 Week 10 Week 11 Thurs 25 June Reports home Fri 26 June No MARC End of Term IMPORTANT NOTICES There have been some reported cases of Scarlett Fever in the district. Please notice if your children have a rash and feel unwell and take them to the doctor. Exclusion from school until the child has received antibiotic treatment for at least 24 hours and the child feels well. Locally, Bendigo Bank has been a proud sponsor of Fun 4 Kids for more than 10 years. In conjunction with the festival, Bendigo Bank is running a colouring competition for primary school children in the local area. The colouring competition has expanded not only in number of entries but also the number of schools participating. This year we would like to offer the opportunity for your school to participate. The prize for your school will be two day passes to the Fun 4 Kids Festival. The colouring competition is due to launch on the 1st of June and will have a closing date of Friday, 19th June. Term 2 Week 6 - Newsletter Date: 22nd May 2015 PH: 5565 8332 - FAX: 5565 8812 - EMAIL: koroit.ps@edumail.vic.gov.au WEB: koroitps.global2.vic.edu.au PRINCIPAL: Michelle Bickley - SCHOOL COUNCIL PRESIDENT: Stephen Hoy Term 2 Week 6 - Newsletter Date: 22nd May 2015 Please see Theresa in the office if you require an application form. PH: 5565 8332 - FAX: 5565 8812 - EMAIL: koroit.ps@edumail.vic.gov.au WEB: koroitps.global2.vic.edu.au PRINCIPAL: Michelle Bickley - SCHOOL COUNCIL PRESIDENT: Stephen Hoy Term 2 Week 6 - Newsletter Date 22nd May 2015 Teaching your child resilience PH: 5565 8332 - FAX: 5565 8812 - EMAIL: koroit.ps@edumail.vic.gov.au WEB: koroitps.global2.vic.edu.au PRINCIPAL: Michelle Bickley - SCHOOL COUNCIL PRESIDENT: Stephen Hoy Term 2 Week 6 - Newsletter Date: 22nd May 2015 Teaching your child resilience, continued... Josie Balash-Edney Primary Welfare Officer PH: 5565 8332 - FAX: 5565 8812 - EMAIL: koroit.ps@edumail.vic.gov.au WEB: koroitps.global2.vic.edu.au PRINCIPAL: Michelle Bickley - SCHOOL COUNCIL PRESIDENT: Stephen Hoy Term 2 Week 6 - Newsletter Date: 22nd May 2015 PH: 5565 8332 - FAX: 5565 8812 - EMAIL: koroit.ps@edumail.vic.gov.au WEB: koroitps.global2.vic.edu.au PRINCIPAL: Michelle Bickley - SCHOOL COUNCIL PRESIDENT: Stephen Hoy Term 2 Week 6 - Newsletter Date: 22nd May 2015 PH: 5565 8332 - FAX: 5565 8812 - EMAIL: koroit.ps@edumail.vic.gov.au WEB: koroitps.global2.vic.edu.au PRINCIPAL: Michelle Bickley - SCHOOL COUNCIL PRESIDENT: Stephen Hoy Term 2 Week 6 - Newsletter Date: 22nd May 2015 Education Tips: ICT PLEASE TAKE CARE WHEN DROPPING OFF AND COLLECTING YOUR CHILDREN AT SCHOOL. PLEASE DON’T U-TURN IN FRONT OF THE SCHOOL, IT IS MUCH SAFER AND ISN’T MUCH FURTHER, TO DRIVE AROUND THE BLOCK. PLEASE USED ALLOCATED PARKING SPACES AND THE SCHOOL CROSSING. THE MODELS PARENTS GIVE IN SAFETY IS CRITICAL TO OUR CHILDREN. CHILDREN MAY BRING SLIPPERS TO CHANGE INTO AFTER RECESS AND LUNCH PLAY TO KEEP FEET WARM, DRY AND CLEAN. WE WILL ADVISE CHILDREN THAT IN VERY WET WEATHER THEY ARE TO AVOID PLAYING IN MUDDY AREAS. PH: 5565 8332 - FAX: 5565 8812 - EMAIL: koroit.ps@edumail.vic.gov.au WEB: koroitps.global2.vic.edu.au PRINCIPAL: Michelle Bickley - SCHOOL COUNCIL PRESIDENT: Stephen Hoy Term 2 Week 6 Newsletter Date: 22nd May 2015 KDPS COMMUNITY PAGE PH: 5565 8332 - FAX: 5565 8812 - EMAIL: koroit.ps@edumail.vic.gov.au WEB: koroitps.global2.vic.edu.au PRINCIPAL: Michelle Bickley - SCHOOL COUNCIL PRESIDENT: Stephen Hoy
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