A RECREATION DEPARTMENT CO-SPONSORED ORGANIZATION lakeside palette club of st. clair shores NEWSLETTER www.lakesidepaletteclub.org APRIL 2015 Corresponding Sec’y/Editor—Walt Kempski—email: kempskiw@aol.com LPC 2015 SPRING SHOW & SALE: Next General Meeting is Monday, April 6, 2015 6:30 p.m. Gilsdorf Meeting Room at the St. Clair Shores Library, 11 Mile and Jefferson. Phil Gilchrist will be the guest speaker, discussing funding and grant proposals for arts groups. Phil is a staff member at The Anton Art Center where he serves as Grant Coordinator. PLEASE NOTE! The Studio at the Adult Ed Center Room 111 will be CLOSED on TUESDAY, APRIL 7, due to the Easter break. LIVE MODEL at the STUDIO on APRIL 14! 2014–15 LPC Board (elected positisons) President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Deni Metivier 586.321.6109 eaight@hotmail.com 1st Vice President . . . . . . . . . Tom Joseph 586.791.4047 2nd Vice President (Publicity) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tom Sherry 586.294.2889 tomsherryphoto@yahoo.com Recording Secretary . . . . . . . . Pat Pleva 586.778.6238 patgee@wowway.com Corresponding Secretary. . Walt Kempski 586.775.7528 kempskiw@aol.com Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mary Palazzola 586.294.7530 maryspala@yahoo.com LPC Spring Art Exhibit Sale and May, 2015 at stewart’s and Cuda Coffee Art Around Town At Cuda Coffee “Back Room Artists of the Month” for March are Robert Selwa and Gretchen Kaleel. April will feature sisters Linda Coutts and Nancy Wellhausen. Cuda Coffe is at 31561 Harper Ave., SCS. More information: contact chairperson Denise Koehler. East Side Art Show Deadline for entry of this new and exciting event is April 15. Contact event coordinator Erin Fournier @ 586-285-8885, or visit www.eastsideartshow.com. The event features an art fair Sat. & Sun., June 13 and 14 on the grounds of the SCS Adult and Community Ed building at 23055 Masonic. 10’ x 10’ space is $93.75 for LPC members. In addition, there will be 20 satellite venues which will feature art. Big prizes at stake for the voting portion of the event: $1,000 3rd prize up to $5,000 1st prize! Apply by providing up to 3 JPG images of • Fri., April 17— Entry forms due to Mary Palazzola • Tues., April 21— Painting intake to SCS Adult Ed. Room 111 • Wed., April 22—Judging— • Mon., Tues., April 27 & 28— Transfer to Stewart’s and Cuda Coffee • Tues., May 5— Reception, 5:30-8:30 p.m. • FALL SHOW RUNS the MONTH May 31 Pickup art June 1 and 2 at venue your work. Visit Erin at the Adult Ed building to help you load images from your camera, or bring in a disc and Erin will help you fill in the paperwork. Fair & One Square at Anton May 8 to June 10 are the dates for this unique show. All media are accepted, but there is a maximum size of 12” in any direction! Receiving April 22-24. Call Stephanie Szmiot at 586-469-8666 or sszmiot@ theartcenter.org for more information. Elections, New Business Wrapup April is the last month for LPC proposals to go on the books and be voted on at the May meeting. Additionally, the slate of candidates must be established for voting in May. Office to be considered are: 1. President; 2. Vice President (Programs); 3. 2nd Vice President (Publicity); 4. Recording Secretary; 5. Corresponding Secretary; 6. Treasurer. Consider becoming involved in the decisions of your Club. Snacks for April General Membership Meeting: Joan Taylor • Mary Jane Lopez • Gretchen Kaleel lakeside palette club 2015 LPC Spring Art Exhibition & Sale The 2015 LPC Spring Art Exhibit will be held at the Stewart’s Bar/Banquets at SCS Golf Course and Cuda Coffee at 31561 Harper, SCS. DEADLINE FOR ENTRIES: Mail entries to Mary Palazzola, 22211 Twelve Mile Road, St. Clair Shores, MI 48081. Entry form and fee must be received by Friday, April 17, 2015 ART INTAKE: Paintings MUST be delivered to the SCS Adult Ed Center on Tues., April 21, from 10 am to 4 pm. IF YOU CURRENTLY HAVE PAINTINGS ON THE WALLS AT THE ADULT ED CENTER, PLEASE REMOVE THEM BY MONDAY, APRIL 20! JUDGING Judging will take place on Wednesday, April 22, 2015 RECEPTION: Reception dinner and awards on Tuesday, May 5 at Stewart’s at the SCS Golf Course. Cost is $20.00 per person. Full multi-meat dinner, salad, veggies and dessert. Arrive at 5:30 p.m., Dinner at 6:00 p.m., Awards at 7:30 p.m. 1st, 2nd and 3rd, 4 Outstanding Awards (Cash Awards) and 6 Honorable Mentions. SHOW DATES: The Spring Show will run the entire month of May, 2015. ALL MEDIA ARE ACCEPTED: Oil, Acrylic, Watercolor, Tempera, Pastel, Drawing, Mixed Media (including Collage), Sculpture and Photography (including Digital art). This is a juried show. Not all pieces may be accepted. FEES: $15.00 nonrefundable entry fee for 1 to 2 works. Commission on sales is 10%, payable to the Lakeside Palette Club. Presentation of Artwork All Artwork must be dry and ready to hang. NOTE: Please, NO FLIMSY SERRATED OR SAWTOOTH HANGERS! Entries submitted with dirty mats, damaged frames (we know the difference between “stressed” and damaged), not wired correctly or unwired will be denied entry. Our presentation is a reflection of our club and its members. Volunteer time We will need volunteers to help with receiving, set-up, and hanging, and possibly sitting the show. Sign-up charts will be at the April meeting. Please sign up and help make the show a success and enjoyable for all. Guidelines for Judging Originality See page 11 of your directory for full copy. A work is valued the most when it expresses your own ideas. Technique and skill are not always the primary ingredient in a juror’s judgement of work that is acceptable for an exhibit. Painting from Photographs—they should be your own original photos and not from postcards or magazines, etc. There is a difference between using reference and copying. Painting copies of other works of art should be considered a learning process and these copies should not be exhibited. You may be subject to legal action if you copy a known work of art and sign your name to it; thereby affecting your reputation. Spring 2015—Attach to UPPER LEFT BACK of PAINTING #1 Spring 2015—Attach to UPPER LEFT BACK of PAINTING #1 Title:______________________________________________ Title:______________________________________________ Medium:___________________________________________ Medium:___________________________________________ Price:_____________________________________________ Price:_____________________________________________ Name:____________________________________________ Name:____________________________________________ Phone:____________________________________________ Phone:____________________________________________ SPRING 2015 Exhibit ENTRY FORM Name________________________________________________________________Phone___________________________ City/Zip______________________________________________________________________________________________ Title #1________________________________________________ Medium_____________ Size_____________ Price________ Title #2________________________________________________ Medium_____________ Size_____________ Price________
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