April Newsletter 2015.pub - Lebanon Presbyterian Church

April Ushers
Preaching Schedule
Sunday, April 5
Easter Sunday
8:45 Service
Del Everett - Team Leader
Stephen Chee-Wah, Yvonne Ferris,
Bill Fisher and Jim VanDeGrift.
11:15 Service
Dave Ernst - Team Leader
Daniel Anson, Robert Anson,
Jim Baumann, Dave Brandt, Stephen
Chee-Wah, Adam Cranmer, Jamie
Carr, Tommy Crago, Jim Garrett,
Ken Klann, David Lupberger, Mitch
Preston, Matt Pritchard and Mason
Sunday, April 19
Who Moved My Jesus?
Luke 24:1-7
Guest Preacher
Brandon Neike
Area Director, Young Life
Sunday, April 12
Sunday, April 26
Guest Preacher
Marek Fajfr
Pastor from the
Czech Republic
Waiting for the Gift
Acts 1:1-5
Lebanon Presbyterian Church
April 2015
The Day Death Died
Death has been swallowed up in victory. Where, O death, is
your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?
- 1 Corinthians 15:54-55
Which brings us to Easter. On Good Friday, it looked like
death had claimed another victim. For three days, the lifeless body of Jesus lay in the tomb.
Larry King is a radio and television
broadcaster known to millions. He
is also an atheist. In a recent interview, King discussed his views
about religion.
“I respect religion,” said King, “but I
don’t buy it. I think the only reason
for religion is death. If you didn’t
die, there would be no religion. I
think (death) is the biggest fear
people have. I’m not religious, so
when you die you die and that’s it.
I don’t believe I’m going anywhere.”
When he dies, King said that he’d like to have his body frozen
in the hope of being revived in the future. “I like living, and so I
want one more little chance,” said King. “If I’m frozen and then
they find a cure for whatever I died of and they could cure me,
that is better than laying in the ground. It’s the one way to grab
at eternity to live. I don’t want to not exist.”
Larry King is right about one thing: our greatest fear is death.
At every moment of life, death casts its shadow. No matter
how hard we try to avoid or deny it, death is never far from us,
threatening to obliterate all that we love.
Recently, I visited a friend who was being treated for cancer.
In room after room, I saw dozens of people hooked up to
chemotherapy machines. Young and old, rich and poor, all of
them were fighting for life.
But on the third day, the
scriptures tell us Jesus
rose from death to life.
By his resurrection, Jesus defeated death and
conquered the grave. If
you want to know the
meaning of Easter, it is
simply this: Easter is the
day death died.
Because of Easter,
death has lost its sting.
Because of Easter, we
don’t have to be afraid of
death anymore. Because of Easter, we have a certain
hope of eternal life. Why? Because Jesus promised it.
Because Jesus proved it. And because Jesus purchased
it. At the cost of his own blood, Jesus paid the price to
pardon our sins and give us eternal life.
Are you afraid of death? You don’t have to be. Jesus
said: “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever lives
and believes in me will never die.” (John 11:25-26). That
is a promise, and Jesus will never break his word! All we
need to do is trust in his promise.
I hope you join us Easter Sunday as we celebrate the day
death died!
Your servant in Christ,
Like us on facebook!
We are on the web!
Senior Pastor
Associate Pastor
The Rev. Peter Larson The Rev. Chuck Testas
5:30 p.m.
8:45 a.m.
10 a.m.
11:15 a.m.
Saturday Evening Worship
Traditional Worship
Christian Education
Contemporary Worship
Worship Services & Sunday School
123 N. East St.
Lebanon, OH 45036
513-934-0339 fax
Lebanon Presbyterian Church
Non-Profit Organization
US Postage Paid
Permit No. 94
Lebanon, Ohio 45036
Adult Ministry News
from Pastor Chuck
Inquirer’s Class Starting on April 12!
Starting April 12, LPC plans to offer another Inquirer’s Class. This five
week class provides information not only about our core beliefs as believers in Christ; but it also talks about Reformed history, our Presbyterian distinctives, and some of the values distinct to LPC that set us apart
from other churches. We will meet during the Sunday School hour up in
Room 311. This course is the first step involved in becoming members of
our church. Do you know of anyone who may be interested in finding out
just a bit more about LPC or may be ready to join our fellowship? If so,
please be sure to let them know about this upcoming opportunity.
If you’re not praying, you’re playing. - Anonymous
Please pray for the following needs and concerns of the
church in the coming month:
Saturday, May 2, the men’s group would like to host the mothers and daughters
of our church with a breakfast. The menu will include all the regular breakfast
items: juice, bacon, eggs, pancakes and coffee, but we will also focus on the
ways in which mothers reflect to us the heart of God. The breakfast will be from
9-10 a.m. in the Multipurpose Room. All mothers of the church, please join us!
Jan-Feb Inc
Jan-Feb Exp
For our worship on Easter Sunday, that many hearts
will be drawn to faith in Jesus Christ and experience
the hope of the resurrection.
For our Vacation Bible School planning team, that
they will mobilize our congregation to invite children
who may not know Jesus Christ.
For our sister church in Ilmamen, Kenya as they
make plans to build a school, church and dormitory
on 10 acres of land purchased with funds provided
by LPC. Pray that the church in Ilmamen would grow
and flourish.
LPC’s 3rd Annual Mother’s Day Breakfast!
For John and Jennifer Keller, missionaries who are
funded by our church.
For the spiritual renewal of our church, community
and the Evangelical Presbyterian Church, that the
Holy Spirit would deepen our love for Jesus Christ.
Coming to LPC, Fall of 2015
Small groups are an important part of many churches. They have been
for many years at LPC, but the time has come for us to reimagine/
revitalize this important area of ministry. Small groups provide opportunity
for relationships to be formed and for folks to follow the Lord Jesus in a
way that just being involved with the fellowship on Sundays cannot. But,
what should be the purpose of a small group ministry? The same as the
church—to make and develop disciples of Christ by reflecting Luke 10:27:
“‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and
with all your strength and with all your mind’ and ‘Love your neighbor as
yourself.’” The two greatest commandments highlight three areas that
make a strong foundation to any church, small group, or individual Christian: spiritual growth, learning, and serving. Small groups are a perfect
way for all of those things to happen.
Easter Is Right Around
the Corner,
Pastor Chuck
Session Report
The Session of LPC took the following actions at our regular monthly meeting on Monday, March 16:
Received a report from the Adult Education Ministry Team, presented by
Nina Dorsch, Holly Mueller, Steve Newby, Ken Klann, Debbie Snider
and Pastor Chuck Testas.
Elected commissioners to represent LPC at the General Assembly of the
Evangelical Presbyterian Church, to be held June 23-27 in Orlando, Florida. Our ruling elder commissioners are: Mike McIntosh, Inga Kimple,
Debbie Snider, Rachael Earley, Lee Bollow and Carolyn Lucke.
Approved a proposal from the Worship and Music Team to host a concert with Christian recording artist Matt Maher, tentatively scheduled for
Thursday, November 19.
LPC Book Club
The LPC Book Club will meet on April 9,
2015 at 7 p.m. in Room 304 the Library. We will be reading “The Irresistible
Blueberry Bakeshop and Café” by Mary
Simes. In addition to sounding yummy, it is
a warm and delicious novel about the power
of a simpler life. For questions call Becky
Adams at 932-3372.
Thank You
Dear Friends,
Thank you for your generous gift of $300 to reduce hunger
through agricultural solutions and appropriate technologies.
Your impact multiplies as ECHO staff, partners and trainees
care for the land and its inhabitants. Our conferences and
workshops help create opportunities for additional livelihood
for small-scale farmers within networks that care about their
holistic development. Your compassion is changing lives for
the better. Thank you! Gratefully,
Ali Diaz, Donor Services Manager, ECHO
LPC Friends,
One of my spiritual hero's, Dr. Dolphus Weary called it
“Living the Body Life” and we were blessed to experience it
few weeks ago. We needed construction help at home. The
call went out and you responded. I want to thank Peter for
sending out the request and for those who came to help.
Also thanks to those who brought food for the workers and
came to visit with Betty (Helen’s mom for those few who
haven’t met her yet), and for everyone who has asked how it
all went. This flock’s concern for each other and willingness
to celebrate together and suffer together and share one another’s burdens was lived out at our home and I will be forever humbled and grateful because of it. Thank you LPC!
Rick McNeely and Helen Vickers and family
LPC Spring
Rummage Sale
It’s time to clean out your closets, attics, basements and garages for the LPC Spring Rummage Sale on Saturday, April
11. We take about anything that is still useful and use the
proceeds for mission trips and other mission projects. We will
take items on Thursday, April 9 and Friday, April 10 in the
Multipurpose Room. Pick-ups are possible, if needed.
LPC now has an automated external
defibrillator (AED) available at the
Information Center. An AED is a portable electronic device that automatically diagnoses the life-threatening cardiac arrhythmias of ventricular fibrillation
and ventricular tachycardia in a patient, and is able to treat them through
defibrillation, the application of electrical therapy. The AED is designed to be used without any
formal training. Step by step instructions are presented via a
video screen on the unit immediately after pressing the green
“On” button.
Dawn Ridgley by Ellen Albright
This month we
honor the following
men and women
for their loving service to Jesus
Christ and the
Gloria Hendrickson, for using her gifts and love for children to enhance our Children’s Ministry at LPC.
The Terrell Family, for all the work they have done to
build an incredible outreach through Family Movie
Nights at LPC.
Scott Hobbs for doing emergency roof repair on a Saturday!
Nina Dorsch, Lynn Steinkirchner, Mary Deerhake,
Jan and Mike Watsell for organizing the reception and
all who provided food for Mary Whitacre’s family
Cheryl Bogen and the team of drivers who provided
transportation for Bruce Bingham and Jerry Creech for
appointments at Bethesda North: Jerry Anson, Mark
and Cheryl Bogen, Terry Browning, Dean Deerhake,
Mike Faulkner, Ginny Kuntz, Peter Larson, Ernie
McCauley, Joe McKenzie, Don and Sue Mowry, Blair
Robbins and Jim VanDeGrift.
Chad Flaig, Lee Bollow and Jared Looper for teaching classes on Wednesday nights during the winter semester.
Cathy Riggin for coordinating the dinner, hospitality and
transportation for the Capital University Chordsmen who
performed at LPC on March 15.
All of our kitchen crew who provide meals on Wednesday nights including Kate Murphy, Linda Hilgeman, Meg Gleason, Mery Deerhake, Ruth Miller, Pat
Neely, Rose Plunkett and Ken Klann.
Don Lycan for providing hospitality for our mission partners, Solomon and Alice Gacece, during their recent
visit to Lebanon.
Nina Dorsch, for her wonderful leadership as an Elder
and the Adult Education team.
Ken Klann, for his heart for serving on the Adult Education team, his involvement with the LPC Men’s Ministry,
and his work with the Wednesday Nights Together ministry.
For those of you who
don’t already know
her, I want to introduce Dawn Ridgley.
Dawn and her husband, Gregg, moved
to this area when
Gregg was transferred to a new job at
Cincinnati Electronics
(now called L3) in
Mason. They were
church shopping and
began to come to LPC because they were made to feel
welcome and were comfortable and they enjoyed the
preaching. In December,1989 they joined LPC. They
have three sons, all of who grew up at LPC. Dawn has
two children from a previous marriage and is blessed with
four grandchildren.
I asked Dawn why she volunteers and she replied, “There is
so much that needs to be done.” Like most of our LPC volunteers, she experiences joy in helping people. For me
that’s the essence of Dawn Ridgley, she loves, gives, and
she cares. Thanks Dawn for all you do !
Dawn graduated from Lafayette, Indiana High School and
from Miami University with a degree in Nursing. In 1993
she began working at Children’s Hospital in Oncology. As
a working Mom, she said she would work awhile and then
stay home for awhile. During her working years, she was
at Tri Health Maternity Services and Help Me Grow here in
When I was planning this article, I was thinking about
Dawn and her cheerful, friendly personality. She is one of
those “Yes, we can get it done,” kind of volunteers. As we
reviewed her times of service, she remembered carrying
pies to Applefest, helping with VBS when the children were
young, teaching Sunday School to first graders and then
fifth and sixth graders. Now she helps with the Monday
Night Feeding Ministry by providing desserts, and volunteers at Playschool. Dawn works part-time at the Day
Care Preschool.
In the past, Dawn and Gregg have enjoyed leading a small
group Bible study in their home. They are looking forward
to doing that again when LPC launches some new small
groups this Fall. Small groups are a great way to develop
deep relationships and to grow in your faith.
For me, the best thing about Dawn is that she is serving
for the third time as a Deacon. Last year she began leading the Frequent Meals Team and uses a web site Sign Up
Genius to schedule the meals for people who are recovering from an illness or who have a new baby. It is very popular with the donors because of the information it provides
and the accessibility to the schedule. Many thanks to
Dawn and the meal providers.
In Christ
Ellen Albright
Freida Juris Turns 100!
Long time member of LPC, Freida Juris, will be 100 years
old on April 7, 2015. Let’s shower her with a card party!
Her address is:
Franklin Ridge Health Care Center
Freida Juris
421 Mission Lane
Franklin, OH 45005
The Deacons are very busy. A new program has been organized for the college students and our men and women in
the military. Each Deacon has taken names of three to four
people and will communicate with them at least once a
month. The goal is to let them know they are in our
thoughts and prayers even though they may be away from
home or at least if they are commuting from home, we want
to encourage them in this new phase of their lives. What
this also means is that parents may receive a telephone call
from a Deacon asking to update their child’s college address.
The Hands On Ministry Team
Has reorganized and is led by Mike Schneider and can now
provide external and internal home chores for congregational members who need some physical assistance at their
residence. The Hands On Team is partnering with the Encounter Youth group who will provide the labor support for
these routine and minor home chores. If you need assistance for home chores or are aware of someone who needs
help, please contact Mike Schneider by e-mail at
mws204@aol.com or by phone at 513-259-6205.
Prime Timers
Upcoming events will be a play in May or Clifton Opera in
early June and lunch at the Carillon Park German Restaurant in Dayton in July. Of course the annual picnic will be in
August. Please watch the Chronicle and worship guides for
further details.
What’s Happening in Worship
by Rick McNeely
Kuyper and Chordsmen
Perform at LPC
Kyle Deeter Joins CRU Staff at OU
(Note: Kyle Deeter grew up attending LPC. In November he joined the staff of
CRU (Campus Crusade) at Ohio University, where he is engaged in ministry to
college students. Recently, Kyle helped train students to share their faith on the
Florida beaches during Spring Break. Kyle is partly funded by LPC and individuals in our congregation).
Both the Kuyper College worship tour and the Capital University Chordsman events were outstanding!
Last month, we introduced a new column called
“Whatwhy” in which we began a journey exploring the various elements of worship and why we do them. Last
month we looked at the Call to Worship. This month…
Prayer of Confession and Assurance of Pardon
This is an excerpt taken from The Worship Sourcebook…
Our God longs for honesty and holiness within the promise-based relationship God has established with us in
Christ. In a culture that avoids talk of sin and culpability,
regular prayers of confession foster honesty and openness in our relationship with God. Just as a marriage cannot flourish without honest confession, so our marriagelike relationship with God cannot flourish unless we freely
and honestly express all facets of our life: hopes, fears,
sins, desires, thanksgiving, and praise. Blessed by God’s
providence, we don’t offer our prayers of confession in a
spiritual vacuum with a remote hope that some god or
higher power will listen and forgive. We confess sin in the
context of the covenant Lord’s love shown to us through
Jesus Christ. We offer our confession as part of a covenantal relationship. For this reason, the confession and
assurance part of a worship service is often the most explicitly dialogic, alternating between God’s words to us
and our words to God. We confess sin when prompted by
God’s gracious invitation. Then we hear the strong declaration of God’s forgiveness in Christ. And we respond in
joyful gratitude with praise and dedication. The confession
part of the service is like a picture of our relationship with
God. Participating in this alternating pattern of God’s
words and our response each week shapes our faith over
time to highlight the tenacity and graciousness of God’s
covenantal love.
Special thanks to Kat Holland, Mary Paulman and the worship team for their help with the Kuyper group; and to Cathy
Riggin and her crew for their work in bringing the Chordsman to LPC. Here’s a few pictures from these very worshipful gatherings.
When college students think of Spring Break, a few things come to
mind: sun, sand and waves. But for those involved with CRU
(Campus Crusade), this week is associated with our annual Big
Break conference in Panama City Beach, Florida. Like most of our
conferences, students come to experience great community, hear
from world-class Bible teachers, and grow closer to God.
What distinguishes Big Break, however, is the emphasis on training
students how to share their faith and letting them put it into action
out on the beach. Matt, a sophomore at OU, has just started to get
involved with CRU this year. I have seen his eagerness to learn and
grow in his faith, which is why I was so glad to hear that he was
coming to Big Break.
Matt had never shared his faith before but thanks to the excellent
teachers at the conference and by observing some of the older students do it, he quickly began to feel comfortable initiating spiritual
conversations. Our last day, matt and his sharing partners approached a group of people relaxing in the sun. He began talking to
a guy named Kyle and asked if he wanted to do Perspective Cards,
which is a tool we use to start conversations. Through the cards,
Matt learned that Kyle identified himself as a Christian; he had
grown up in the church but since entering college had not been actively pursuing his relationships with God.
Using a CRU booklet, “Knowing God Personally,” Matt began to explain the Gospel to Kyle, how Jesus came to earth so that we could
have a relationship with God. Instead of reaching up to God, God
came to us in Jesus Christ. Although Kyle had grown up in the
church, seeing it represented visually made a huge impact. At the
end of their conversation, he prayed with Matt to rededicate his life
to Christ!
Big Break was a huge success! Throughout the week, student had
1,008 spiritual conversations, shared the Gospel 366 times, and saw
24 people put their faith in Christ. Thank you so much for your prayers and support.
In Christ,
Kyle Deeter
What’s Happening
in the EPC?
Dear Friends,
The old hymn, “Great
is Thy Faithfulness,”
comes to mind as I
reflect on all that has
happened in the
Evangelical Presbyterian Church (EPC)
in the past year. God
has indeed been
faithful, unchangeable, faithful and good to us!
Last June we enjoyed a wonderful meeting at our
General Assembly at Cedar Springs Presbyterian
Church in Knoxville, Tennessee. Vibrant worship
and preaching, the commissioning of new World
Outreach missionaries, the distinctive “gear” of
the EPC church revitalization team are among the
special memories I carry with me from that meeting.
We added 50 churches in 2014, bringing our total
to 550 at the end of the year. As we transition
from “transfer growth” to “transformational
growth,” we believe our Lord is doing something
special and unique in the EPC! He has called us
to be the part of His church that is carrying out His
Great commission as Presbyterian, Reformed,
Evangelical and Missional congregations. We’re
convinced that this is what He wants us to do: “To
the glory of God, the EPC family aspires to be a
global movement of congregations engaged together in God’s mission through transformation,
multiplication, and effective Biblical leadership,
embodying Jesus’ love to our neighbors near and
These significant events and plans could not happen without the blessing and provision of our
great God. He is the rock who is unshakeable; the
Head who guides us wisely and provides for us
abundantly as we follow Him. I want you to know
how much I appreciate your support for our national office, missionaries and benevolences in
2014. Thank you for your faithfulness and generosity! God bless you, and remember He is risen!
Yours in Christ,
Jeffrey Jeremiah, EPC Stated Clerk
student ministries
Rummage Sale
Saturday April 11
8 a.m to 2 p.m.
Ever look at all of our wonderful students and wonder
“How can I help them grow in the Lord?” Did you
know it’s as easy as cleaning your house? This Spring
Cleaning season bring your gently used and no longer
needed items to the church April 9 and 10 (Thurs-Fri).
Then on Saturday come, peruse, and buy some new
to you items. Proceeds go toward missions and the
youth mission trip. Check out your weekly worship
guide for more information
Do You Need Some Work Done?
We have many students who would like to earn money for the mission trip by completing projects that you
have around your house. Clean out your garage!
Mulch your flowerbed! Edge your sidewalks! Paint
your gazebo . . . . again! They are willing to earn their
way - help support them as they travel to Rehobeth,
New Mexico by train! Contact Andrew Johnson at
andrew@lebanonpresbyterian.org to schedule your
next project!
Students to Minister
to the Lonely
Do you have a homebound or shut-in neighbor or
friend? The high school students of LPC are interested in bringing hope and friendship to the lonely.
Please contact Mike Schneider at (937) 885-5442
or mws204@aol.com with the contact information and
specific details.
Scholarships for College
LPC is a giving congregation and we wish to
bless and affirm the determined faith, spiritual
gifts and life direction of our graduating high
school seniors. LPC offers three scholarship that
can be awarded to qualified applicants by the
scholarship committee. Applications are due
April 15 and can be downloaded at lebanonpresbyterian.org/graduates. Please contact Andrew
Johnson, andrew@lebanonpresbyterian.org if
you have questions about applying or about giving a donation to LPC’s scholarship funds.
May 17 is Graduation Sunday
Will you be graduating high school or college this
Spring? Are you the parent of a soon-to-be
graduate? LPC would love to affirm and celebrate your accomplishments with you! We will
be recognizing all graduates during both services
on Sunday, May 17 and between services there
will be a breakfast reception for high school graduates and their families. High school and college
graduates need to fill out the graduate information form located at lebanonpresbyterian.org/
graduates.php to be recognized. Graduating
high school students need to also reserve seats
for them and their families for the breakfast.
If you are a high school graduate please send a
baby picture and a graduation picture to Brenda
Bingham, brenda@lebanonpresbyterian.org. If
you are a college graduate, please send just a
college graduation photo to Brenda.
Junior High April Calendar
High School April Calendar
Wed. Apr. 1 - No Evolve Spring Break
Wed. Apr. 8 - Evolve 6:30 to 8 p.m.
Wed. Apr. 15 - Evolve 6:30 to 8 p.m.
Wed. Apr. 22 - Evolve 6:30 to 8 p.m.
Wed. Apr. 29 - Evolve 6:30 to 8 p.m.
Sun. Apr. 5 - No Encounter Easter
Thurs Apr. 9 - Rummage Sale Setup Work 3:30 - 7 p.m.
Fri. Apr. 10 - Rummage Sale Setup Work 3:30 - 7 p.m.
Sat. Apr. 11 - Rummage Sale Work 8 - 5 p.m.
Sun. Apr. 12 - Encounter 7 - 8:30 p.m.
Sun. Apr. 19 - Encounter 7 - 8:30 p.m.
Sun. Apr. 26 - Encounter 7 - 8:30 p.m.
Opportunity Abounds at
Vacation Bible School
by Heather Forster
What would summer be without Vacation Bible School? Most
of my summer childhood memories involve a week of VBS making crafts, spending time with friends, old and new, playing
silly games, singing songs, and learning about God's love. My
parents were both an integral part of my VBS experience - I
had the cool cotton candy making Dad, and my mom was anywhere needed...looking back, I realize just how wonderful it
was to have them present in that way.
I didn't understand back then what an army of volunteers it
takes to pull off a successful VBS, but having seen this from behind the scenes last year, I know these truths: There are so
many needs and it wouldn't be the success it's been in the past without the dedication of countless volunteers!
The needs are many for VBS- but LPC is many, and God's love is huge! We are trusting Christ for 100 volunteers. We
have both front line and support teams. We need you!
Please contact Sara Gilson, 513-932-2751 with any questions or when you are ready to volunteer! You can also contact
Kim Calvert at 513-850-0768 or krmsc99@yahoo.com or Rachael Earley at 513-265 1205 or lpcrachael@gmail.com.
VBS dates and time: June 15-19, 6 - 8:30 p.m.
Bonus: We will be feeding the volunteer crew and their children each evening before VBS starts so you don't need to cook
dinner all week!
Thanking all of you who have helped in the past and to those who will help this year!
VBS Planning Committee,
Heather Forster, Courtney Williams, Kim Calvert, Rachael Earley and Sara Gilson
Easter Breakfast and Egg Hunt
April 4
8:30 a.m. for Breakfast
10 a.m. for Egg Hunt
Please join us for a morning of socializing, rejoicing, good food, and fun on Saturday, April 4. Our egg hunt is for children up to 9 years old. The Easter Bunny has
promised to show up before the egg hunt, so bring your cameras! Also, don't forget to bring baskets for collecting the eggs. Reservation/volunteer forms are in the
Sunday worship guides and on the counter in the Narthex. If you would like to
donate wrapped candy for egg stuffing, there is also a tub on the counter. The
forms and donations must be turned in by Sunday, March 29. Details are on the
forms or you may call Lynn Steinkirchner at 513-899-9729.
What’s Happening
at LPC!
Women’s Retreat painting their labyrinth
Sound booth crew
Presbytery hosting an intense training session
at LPC.
Good Friday,
April 3
Easter Cantata
The Risen
7 p.m. in the
8 and 9:30 a.m.
Traditional Worship
in the Sanctuary
11:15 a.m.
in the
Multipurpose Room
Top picture: Daycare - St. Patrick’s Day
Middle picture: Kairos Cookie Bake
Bottom picture: Solomon and Alice Gacece