L EE ’ S C HAPEL U NITED M ETHODIST C HURCH L EE ’ S C HAPEL U NITED M ETHODIST C HURCH T HE M ESSENGER V OLUME 15, I SSUE 4 A PRIL 2015 T HE P ASTOR ’ S P EN One of our members gave me a book to read by the best-selling author Anne Lamott entitled “Three Essential Prayers.” Ms. Lamott has written 4 books on prayer life for a Christian, and this book is thin but powerful in her concepts. She states three transforming truths about prayer, which are: 1) Help! 2) Thanks! and 3) Wow! She keeps her ideas very simple and talks about how these three truths can help us pray. God help me/us, God thank you, and God you wow me daily. The first type of prayer is to ask for assistance and guidance, then we can appreciate the goodness of our Creator God, and finally we can feel the awe and hope for the future. These three words help us to get through tough times in life, everyday struggles and the hard work of living everyday life. Think on this concept and use it to pray. I have grown to count on three simple words to strengthen my personal prayer life and devotion time since reading this book. Ms. Lamott writes in a fun and perceptive way about faith and prayer, and I recommend this simple, yet profound book to all of you who are journeying to the cross during these final days of this Lenten season. I hope to see all of you rejoicing in the hope we receive from our prayers of Help, being in awe that God loved us enough to send his precious, only Son for our salvation, and may we worship on Resurrection Day with the words of Wow, when we view the empty tomb on Easter morning! Thanks be to God! We pray for a resurrection/re-birth in our lives as spring begins at Lee’s Chapel. The calendar is full with opportunities for mission, Bible study, and new life. —In His name and service, Pastor Carol MAUNDY THURSDAY COMMUNION will be held on Thursday, April 2nd from 6:30-7:30pm in our sanctuary to observe Holy Week and commemorate the events leading to our Lord’s death and resurrection. Prepare your hearts and minds as a community of faith that is preparing for the blessed Resurrection. The method used will be intinction and all are welcome to this service. EASTER SUNDAY APRIL 5th Day of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ The most celebrated day of the Christian year will be a celebration of our hope and the promises of Jesus the Christ. We will begin the celebration at 6:30am that Sunday morning with a Sunrise Service in the cemetery (in case of rain we will be in the stew hut). After a brief service of worship we will have a light breakfast served in the fellowship hall at 7:15am. Then we can go home and change in to your Easter finery and come for Sunday school at 10:00-10:45 am. Bring your fresh flowers to decorate the flower cross in the sanctuary beginning at 10:45 am with hymns of praise. The service will begin after the cross is decorated with a processional by the Chancel Choir. The text for that glorious morning is from Mark’s gospel, chapter 16, verses 1-8! Write these times and dates on your calendars and let us celebrate as believers in this special day! . T HE M ESSENGER P AGE 2 Golden Treasures “Oh, what a beautiful morning, Oh, what a beautiful day” – this old favorite song describes our day March 17th exactly. Nine of us plus Neil Thompson, our tour guide, set out Tuesday afternoon for a two-hour tour. Greensboro Parks and Recreation was offering pontoon boat rides to watch for migrating waterfowl on Lake Townsend. We saw a pair of mallard ducks, an unusual Bonaparte’s gull, turtles sunning on a log, a red tail hawk, and a blue heron taking flight. Neil was very informative about the birds and wildlife in this area. He also rescued Linda Brandon’s pretty visor from the water. All in a day’s work A note concerning Reeves Edens one of our members who is at Friends Home Guilford who is 92 years old and has been in the hospital several times this winter and has been moved from Assisted Living Unit to Skilled Care as of this week. If you send cards or go see him he is in Room #52 on the Maple Hall (near Ruth Latham). Also note that Dave Clymer has been moved from the hospital to Room #310 at the Blumenthal Rehab Center on Wireless Drive off Pisgah Church Rd. The actual physical address is: 3724 Wireless Dr. 27455. His room needs cards! Dave is recovering from pneumonia. Continue to pray for Lera and Dave who celebrated their 64th wedding anniversary on March 9th this year! — Linda Gordon Bonaparte’s Gull The group decided that we definitely want to return for the fall foliage tour. The price $7.00, great fellowship, beautiful weather (72 degrees), a knowledgeable guide—can’t beat the deal. Our April meeting will be on Tuesday, April 7th. We served communion at Friends Home at Guilford last year, and our shut-in’s loved this so much, we will be going to the Home to serve Holy Communion to several of our members and pray with them. We will go to Chick-Fil-A at New Garden for lunch and go visit and enjoy the sacrament together. We will meet at the church parking lot at 11:30 am and travel from there. The 2014 Helen Riddle State Award from the Council on Development and Disabilities went to a daughter, Joan Johnson, of one of our members (Opal W. Smith), for her work with Beyond Academics at UNC-G. Joan is the Executive Director at BA, which is a mission we supported at LCUMC. This is a very high award and we are so proud of all of Joan’s accomplishments in the field of disabilities and adult education! V OLUM E 15, I SSUE 4 P AGE 3 find new ways to reach out to fellow members of our congregation and build relationships with one another. Let’s think outside the box and try some new ways to also strengthen relationships within our families in the church. There’s so much we can do to strengthen within but we need to remember to reach out to our younger generation. We need them and they need us. They could be a vital part of our congregation. We can’t sit still and let the world go on around us. If we do, we’ll die. We need to be the bridge for these young people as well as each other that Jesus can cross from our own hearts to theirs and to one another’s. We would love any suggestions you may have. Help us help you. Worship is not just something we do on Sunday mornings but worship is how we live every day! I share with you an article by Max Lucado: “Our biblical act of worship is not what we do on Sunday mornings in coats and ties, but our act of worship is a lifelong, seven-days-a-week process of placing ourselves upon an altar of sacrifice. Worship is living the principles of Christ in everything we do. You’re worshipping God by what you do all week long. What’s the difference between a Christian who’s reaching out to people, trying to help people, and a Christian who sits like a fat cat on a pew? Well, maybe the Christian who’s reaching out realizes the urgency and remembers what it was like before he knew about Jesus. Maybe he realizes that when people need help, they need Jesus above all else. When you take food to the poor, that’s an act of worship. When you give a word of kindness to someone who needs it, that’s an act of worship. When you write someone a letter to encourage them or sit down and open your Bible with someone to teach them, that’s an act of worship. We’re in a fast-moving, fast-paced society. We need to build bridges between our hearts and those of people we see who need a friend and allow Jesus to cross that bridge of friendship and walk into their hearts.” The Worship Committee has been working on some small changes to enhance our worship experience. But I would also like to challenge us to There are a couple of events coming soon to Lee’s Chapel. The LeBeaus are coming to sing during our morning worship on May 24th. Please mark your calendars. I think you’ll enjoy them. They are a father and son who are more southern gospel than contemporary. I believe they will sing some of our favorite hymns. I’m looking forward to hearing them so please make plans to be there and enjoy God’s word through music. We are also planning a revival in the fall. More details on this event coming soon. Feel the joy and spread the joy of Jesus. Invite people to come and worship with us. Let’s make each other feel welcome, loved and needed. There is room for everyone. Love and blessings, Pam Ellis The LeBeaus P AGE 4 Supporting and Celebrating our Neighbors Please come and join Anita and Joe and Larry and Betsy at the Malachi House II Annual Banquet on April 10. The festivities start at 6:30 at the Khalif Event Center on Wendover Avenue. There will be a guest speaker, testimonies from the men who have recovered their lives through the programs of Malachi House II, a silent auction with lots of neat things to bid on, delicious food and excellent entertainment. Tickets are $15 a person. Make your check payable to Lee's Chapel UMC with the notation for "Malachi Banquet". We've got room for 4 more folks at the table. Help us support these men in their service to each other and God. Serving our Fellow Creatures Thank you for your donations to the SPCA. I delivered around 300 pounds of pet food, over 25 pet beds, a great stack of towels, food bowls, toys and more and we collected about $80 in cash. You are an amazingly generous church! Supporting Those Who Serve in the World The next Little Red Wagon mission will collect money to send to Nick and Katie Riddle, Betty Durham's niece and her husband, to use in their service in Nigeria. Since the first Sunday in April is Easter, we will roll the wagon the second Sunday, April 12th. And please remember to keep Katie and Nick and Nigeria in your prayers. T HE M ESS ENGER Supporting the Body of Christ Yum! Mark your calendars for the Community Pancake Breakfast on April 25th from 7:3011:30AM. This will be to help out Mt. Carmel UMC in Reidsville after their church was destroyed in a fire this winter. Rev. Glenda and the members of the church have requested prayers at this time as the church waits for the insurance settlement, but she and some of the congregation want to be at every fund raiser done by the neighboring UM Churches, so we need a large showing of support for that morning. The menu will be pancakes, sausage, OJ, coffee, and eggs. Joe Vigorito will be our head cook and the UM Men will help cook. We'll also be celebrating the new kitchen! Serving our God! Anita Vigorito Missions Chair Pastor’s Notes Pastor Carol will be in an all-day meeting for the District Committee of Ordained Ministry on Tuesday, April 7th from 9-5pm at Muir’s Chapel UMC and cannot be reach by calls, but can receive text messages in case of an emergency. This committee interviews candidates for the ordained ministry of the United Methodist Church. Pastor Carol will be having Carpel Tunnel Surgery on her left hand on Tuesday, April 14th at the surgical center and will be out of commission until April 21st for her recovery. She requests your prayers. Dr. Ridenour will be preaching for Carol on April 19th. V OLUM E 15, I SSUE 4 The Kitchen is almost re-furbished thanks to the Kitchen Committee chaired by Patsy Patton, some of the Trustees and some very creative members! The two brand new electric stoves are in place. A new large freezer replaced the small freezer and ice maker (broken) and bags of ice can be kept for major church wide events. A new microwave will be bolted down in the new kitchen. This project was made possible by the Craft Day and Yard Sale monies from last fall. On Sunday, April 12, after worship we will pray and dedicate the new kitchen. Please bring a covered dish to share and visit with each other! The committee asked that everyone bring a new kitchen utensil, kitchen towels, or pot holders as a house-warming gift for the new kitchen. Special thanks to all who served on this committee. Thanks to Fred Curl, who secured all the electrical workers, to Linda Gordon, who went to Lowe’s and purchased the items, to Katherine Willett, who cleaned shelves, to Patsy Patton and everyone who helped with this project. We are showing improvement every day! Remember your items and your dish for Sunday, April 12th! P AGE 5 Cemetery Fund We have a cemetery fund! How many of you knew that? Many years ago, some very wise Trustees and leaders of this church met to establish a perpetual fund to continue to maintain the property of our historical church and this was excellent fore-thought! Linda Chappell serves as the Chairperson of this fund and the committee (which is a subcommittee to the Board of Trustees). Linda reported at our meeting that the Annual Audit of this fund is done yearly. The balance of that fund is $3,768.76. Out of this fund, we pay for the mowing and maintenance of the lawn ($2,300.00). The fund has 2 CD’s at the bank in the amounts of $21,257.15 and $1,769.96. The balance of the CD’s and the checking account is $26,793.87 as of December 31st, 2014. Thank you, Linda. There are maps in the attic that show the plots. We voted to keep this money in trust like your ancestors established it long ago. Please know that we will accept checks anytime for this fund! Just mark the line for Cemetery Fund and make the check to LCUMC. The Trustees are looking into five bids to clean up the cemetery and trim all the trees (never been done professionally) and hope to begin this project very soon (before the sap comes in the trees in early April). Watch for developments of this project. T HE M ESS ENGER P AGE 6 UM News in Brief New practice can re-energize your prayer life NASHVILLE, Tenn. (UMNS) — Proficiency in prayer comes through practice. Spending a season like Lent invigorating your prayer life is time well spent. Experiment with some new-to-you ways of praying. You might be surprised to find what works best for you, writes Joe Iovino. Be still You don’t necessarily need words to pray. In Psalm 46 God tells his people who were busy trying to please him, “That’s enough! Now know that I am God!” (Psalm 46:10 CEB). Sometimes we need to stop performing for God and simply “be still.” Breath Prayer Breath prayers are another way to become more aware of God. The Holy Spirit is as near as the air we breathe. A common way to practice breath prayer is silently repeating a single-line prayer with each breath. Multi-sensory Prayer Engaging other senses in prayer proves effective for many. Through the centuries, Christians have looked at candles, smelled incense, and held onto beads, crosses, and more as they prayed. A creative way to do something similar is to pray while working a piece of clay in your hands. Labyrinth Prayer A labyrinth is another helpful tool for focusing prayers. A labyrinth is a path marked out in a field, painted in a parking lot, or dyed into a carpet that you walk while you pray. While a labyrinth may look like a maze, it is not. It is a single path leading participants into the center, and back out. Praying scripture Another great source of prayer is the Bible. Praying the scriptures has a long tradition among the faithful. Prayerfully read a passage by stopping every line or so, and praying what comes to mind. This can stretch us to bring before God petitions we might not think of on our own. Pray by checking in with God You may also pray by simply checking in with God at the end of the day. As you might call a friend or family member just to chat about what is going on in your life, you can have the same conversation with God. Read story Are churches really welcoming? BALTIMORE (UMNS) — The pastor and parishioners might consider themselves open and welcoming, but there are ways — both subtle and unsubtle — that church members can signal to newcomers they aren’t welcome. As congregations prepare to welcome Easter visitors, the Lewis Center for Church Leadership shares a column by two Catholic priests on the sort of behavior church regulars should avoid if they want to reach the lost. Read commentary ‘Flat Wesleys’ help children practice intentional discipleship NASHVILLE, Tenn. (UMNS) — Children throughout the United Methodist connection are learning about the history of the Methodist movement and practicing intentional discipleship with the help of drawings of John and Charles Wesley called “Flat Wesleys.” Churches in each conference are receiving laminated copies of the Flat Wesleys to begin the project. The ministry takes inspiration from the children’s literature character Flat Stanley©. Read story Heroin’s tragic story touches United Methodists BALTIMORE (UMNS) — Heroin killed Hannah McLaughlin, a pastor’s 19-year-old daughter. But her parents know God saved her heart. According to the Centers for Disease Control, nearly half a million Americans are thought to be addicted to heroin. Melissa Lauber of the Baltimore-Washington Conference writes about the McLaughlin family’s struggle and how the church can help fight addiction. Read story T HE M ESS ENGER P AGE 7 F OR A L AUGH . . . Grandpa’s Manners "Grandpa, I'm really proud of you," said the modish young lady. "What's to be proud of?" asked the old man. The young lady replied, "I noticed that when you sneeze, you've learned to put your hand in front of your mouth." "Of course," explained Grandpa. "How else can I catch my teeth?" Beauty Cosmetics Todd's wife bought a new line of expensive cosmetics guaranteed to make her look years younger. After a lengthy sitting before the mirror applying the "miracle" products, she asked, "Darling, honestly, what age would you say I am?" Looking over her carefully, Todd replied, "Judging from your skin, twenty; your hair, eighteen; and your figure, twenty five." "Oh, you flatterer!" she gushed. "Hey, wait a minute!" Todd interrupted. "I haven't added them up yet." Do It Yourself When a guy's printer type began to grow faint, he called a local repair shop where a friendly man informed him that the printer probably needed only to be cleaned. Because the store charged $50 for such cleanings, he told him he might be better off reading the printer's manual and trying the job himself. Pleasantly surprised by his candor, he asked, "Does your boss know that you discourage business?" "Actually, it's my boss's idea," the employee replied sheepishly. "We usually make more money on repairs if we let people try to fix things themselves first." Genetically Modified Signs Signs that scientists have gone too far with genetically modified food: *Your hot dog just fetched its own ketchup and relish. *You spot the tell-tale signs of a primitive central nervous system in you Jell-O. *Chocchini: looks like zucchini, tastes like a Ding Dong. *The black-eyed peas on your fork just winked at you. *Every time you pour a glass of orange juice, your garage door goes up. Foreign Pizza An American businessman goes to Japan on a business trip, but he hates Japanese food, so he asks the concierge at his hotel if there's any place around where he can get American food. The concierge tells him he's in luck, there's a pizza place that just opened, and they deliver. The concierge gives the businessman the phone number, and he goes back to his room and orders a pizza. Thirty minutes later, the delivery guy shows up to the door with the pizza. The businessman takes the pizza, and starts sneezing uncontrollably. He asks the delivery man, "What on earth did you put on this pizza?" The delivery man bows deeply and says, "We put on the pizza what you ordered, pepper only." V OLUM E 15, I SSUE 4 P AGE 8 APRIL 1 2 5 8 10 13 Danielle Botts Ralph Hall Steven Clymer Nancy Allen Caroline Gilbert Bill Anderson Michael Hughey 14 Karen Short Annette Wood 15 Betty Gregory Nathalie Agbo 16 Leah Smith 18 Lynda Stumpf 23 Phyllis Gillespie Kathy DuBree 24 Jessie Gibson 25 Florine McNew 26 Lacey Barnes 27 Kevin Bolin 28 Judy Shreve 29 Herbert Chappell 3 Ralph & Cindy Swink 8 James & Elaine Mabe 23 Barry & Jane Deaton 27 Martin & Misti Byler April 5th 12th 19th 26th Patsy Patton & Nancy Lawrence Betty Gregory & Patricia Scott Bootsie Vaughn & Karen Mabe Karen Martin & Judy Shreve May Use the QR Code for Online Giving 3rd 10th 17th 24th 31st Phyllis Brinkley & Betsy Bopp Judy Henline & Katherine Willett Pam Ellis & Linda Brandon Misti Byler & Elaine Mabe Rita Ridenour & Mary Ellen Curl April 2015 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday 1 Thursday 2 6:00 PM AA Bistro 7:00 PM Choir Practice 6:30 PM Maundy 7:00 PM Girl Thursday ComScouts munion Service 5 6 7 8 9 6:30 PM UMW Budget Meeting (Sp. Pioneers Class Room) 7:00 PM Boy Scouts 6:00 PM AA Bistro 7:00 PM Choir Practice 7:00 PM Girl 6:30 PM Disciple Scouts 2 Class Friday 3 Saturday 4 Good Friday 10 11 11:30 AM Golden Treasures to Friends Home 6:30 AM Sunrise Service 7:15 AM Breakfast 9:45 AM Fellowship Time 10:00 AM Sunday School 11:00 AM Worship 12 13 14 9:45 AM Fellowship Time 10:00 AM Sunday School 2:00 PM Circle 11:00 AM Worship #1 - FH 12:15 PM Kitchen 6:30 PM Circle Dedication & #2 Covered Dish Luncheon 7:00 PM Boy Scouts 15 19 20 9:45 AM Fellowship Time 10:00 AM Sunday School 11:00 AM Worship 22 Newsletter Deadline 26 27 9:45 AM Fellowship Time 10:00 AM Sunday School 11:00 AM Worship 21 16 17 18 24 25 6:00 PM AA Bistro 7:00 PM Choir Practice 7:00 PM Girl 6:30 PM Disciple Scouts 2 Class 23 6:00 PM AA Bistro 7:00 PM Choir Practice 7:00 PM Boy 7:00 PM Girl 6:30 PM Disciple Scouts Scouts 2 Class 28 F/H - Betty Durham 29 30 6:00 PM AA Bistro 7:00 PM Choir Practice 7:00 PM Boy 7:00 PM Girl 6:30 PM Disciple Scouts Scouts 2 Class 7:30-11:30 AM, Pancake Breakfast Dear Church Family, Words cannot express how much you mean to me and my family. We are so blessed to be a part of this church family. We love each and every one of you. Hope to get back soon. Much love, Bless you! -- Lera & family Thank you for remembering Bill. His time at Lee’s Chapel was filled with love and progress and recalled often. His 10 years of suffering with Parkinson’s disease have now been rewarded with a place in Heaven. A friend, Charlotte Clodfelter The deepest sympathy of the pastor and people of Lee’s Chapel UMC is extended to the family (2 sisters – Dot and Ethel) of Ruby Roberts Yelverton who died on February 8th at Friends Home Guilford. Ruby’s service of death and resurrection was held here on February 11th with our pastor officiating. Our prayers to Linda Chapel in the loss of her aunt May Lou, who passed away on February, 2014. L EE ’ S C HAPEL U NITED M ETHODIST C HURCH 2303 Lee’s Chapel Road Greensboro, NC 27405 Phone: 336-375-3003 Carol Williams-Gilbert, Pastor carol@leeschapelumc.com Allen C. Ridenour, Assisting Elder allen@leeschapelumc.com Peggy Gardner, Secretary peggy@leeschapelumc.com Rebecca Locke, Director of Music rebecca@leeschapelumc.com June Costello, Organist/Pianist june@leeschapelumc.com WE’RE ON THE WEB! LEESCHAPELUMC.COM Lee's Chapel is a mid-size, progressive, traditional United Methodist congregation in Northeast Greensboro. We worship at 11:00 AM each Sunday morning with Sunday School Classes for all age groups beginning at 10:00 AM. Nursery care is provided. Programs for Youth and Children include United Methodist Youth Fellowship, and strong Cub Scout, Boy Scout, and Girl Scout units. Adult Fellowships for both women and men and an extensive Disciple® Bible Study ministry provide activities and learning opportunities for everyone. You are invited to visit us at Lee's Chapel. We hope you will come and worship with us. Our Mission: To proclaim the forgiving love of God; make disciples of Jesus Christ; live gratefully as God's people in this place serving God and others in all we do.
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