Lydiate Parish Council Annual Report 2015

Lydiate Parish Council
Annual Report 2015
Chairman’s Report
This year it appears more appropriate to look back, not just over the past twelve months, but over
the past four years of this Council.
Following the successful opening of Lydiate Village Centre the previous year, 2011 started the task
of advertising the Centre for hire. This has been successful, with many plaudits from visitors. Like
all venues for hire, there is always room for more bookings, and the Parish Council continues to
promote the Village Centre, and to maintain it both internally and externally. To this end a rolling
programme of upkeep was introduced.
It was during 2011 that the monthly Coffee Mornings, run by Village Centre Volunteers, was
introduced with the Police Drop In and Book Swap. Now we have a full programme and a growing
number of people.
2011 also saw new, more modern and adventurous play equipment installed at Ridgeway Park
and Sandy Lane. This forms part of an ongoing renewal programme assisted by the annual Health
and Safety checks.
The Queens Diamond Jubilee was successfully celebrated with a carnival on the Village Centre
field, organised by the PTAs from the three Lydiate Primary Schools.
We had an open air performance of ‘The Tempest’ at St Catherine’s, and our first combined
Remembrance Day Service with Haskayne Parish Council on 11th November.
During 2012, our local U3A Family History Group, which meet at the Village Centre, produced a CD
‘Lydiate’s People’. This described how the Village of Lydiate developed between 1841 and 1871,
taken from the census records.
The Council continued to pursue ways of attracting people to the Village Centre. A meeting was
held with residents to expand the local Home Watch to all parts of Lydiate.
With the help of local groups and residents we planted seventy trees to expand the small wood at
Sandy Lane to create the Diamond Jubilee Wood.
2013 started well with the first of the Lydiate Village Festivals, this was a progression from the
Lydiate Civic Days which had been held over the previous six years. It is anticipated that the
Festival, run by residents, will continue to grow as the Civic Days had in the past.
On the financial side we suffered the first Sefton MBC blow, when the ‘Double Rating’, the amount
Sefton paid Lydiate to look after parks and playing fields it would have to look after, if the Parish
Council did not, was reduced by 24%. This amounted to a reduction of £14,598 of our income,
with the threat that it would be totally withdrawn the following year!
Lydiate, which has some of the best agricultural land in the country, was further assaulted with
the threat of building on this Green Belt. A strong response was made to Sefton Planners by
Lydiate Parish Council and supported by residents. On top of this there was a threat by West Lancs
DC to build a Wind Farm on our doorstep; this also produced a strong response from Lydiate
Parish Council.
On the positive side we planted more trees between Moss Lane and Sandy Lane to help drainage
on the playing fields and eventually to provide a windbreak.
Continuing the marketing of the Village Centre, we were granted assistance to provide outdoor
gym equipment, which has been erected next to the Village Centre offering more facilities and
attracting more visitors.
2014 saw the implementation of the threatened 100% withdrawal of the ‘Double Rating’. This is a
reduction in our annual income of around 20%, with the additional withdrawal of £20,000 by way
of council tax reduction banding from April 2015.
Lydiate Parish Council has always acted prudently, fully aware that it was spending public money.
It is therefore far more difficult to find places to save; however, with the help of the Parish Clerk,
the finance committee were able to recommend a balanced budget, and continue to look at ways
in which the Council can increase its income, and where we can reduce our expenditure without
too much impact on the Village.
The Parish Council with the help of residents increased the size of the Jubilee Woods, and planted
96 saplings, provided by the Woodland Trust, in the field surrounding the Village Centre. The
intention is that as soon as the saplings are strong enough we will hold a dedication service to
remember the 96 Liverpool Fans who lost their lives at Hillsborough, including a Lydiate fan. Local
football teams and groups will be invited to place red and blue labels on the established trees.
In 2014 we were also successful in attracting a grant from the ‘Visit Project’, which has enabled
the Parish Council to produce maps showing local points of interest, linked by several walks
around Lydiate.
The maps are located in several places around the Village and it is hoped that they will encourage
people to get out and about and to appreciate our heritage.
Part of our heritage is the conservation area, and in particular St Catherine’s Chapel, for which the
Parish Council share responsibility with Sefton MBC. From January 2015 the Parish Council have
signed a new license to maintain the grounds of the Chapel, and Sefton have responsibility for the
Chapel itself. Unfortunately the building has deteriorated over the last decade, having no full
building surveys or maintenance.
Through the Parish Council, a group has been formed ‘Friends of The Abbey’. The aim of this group
is to put pressure on those responsible for the maintenance of the Abbey and grounds to ensure
the necessary works are undertaken to protect our heritage. It is further proposed that an
application is made to the Heritage Lottery, for funding to include provision for improved
landscaping, replacement signage and to include a full building survey to identify areas for
remedial work.
This has been a fairly brisk résumé of some of the main issues that Lydiate Parish Council have
dealt with or been involved with over the past four years. I hope it reflects our involvement in the
community life of Lydiate, and has helped make Lydiate a desirable place to live.
Sefton Rights of Way Liaison Group
This group meets with Sefton Rights of Way Officers four times over the year. The Officers listen
to our concerns, and do everything they can to take any necessary action. This over the years has
proved a helpful eyes and ears group, and has helped keep Sefton footpaths some of the best in
the country. It would be a detrimental move if these cost efficient meetings were to be
withdrawn, as is being suggested by Sefton Councillors.
Lydiate Parish Council Staff
As Chairman over the period reviewed above, I have been fortunate to have worked with a stable
workforce. The only change in staff has been the retirement of our previous Parish Clerk, Brian
Beaven, who was Clerk for ten years. His replacement, Barbara Keenan, has fitted into the role of
Parish Clerk seamlessly. I would like to thank our Centre Staff, Groundsmen and the Parish Clerk
and her assistant for the work they do to maintain the high standards of service we aim to provide
for the people of Lydiate.
Councillor David G Russell, Chairman
John Goore’s Charity
It was decided at the meeting held on 26 June 2014 to get in touch with Inspector Phil Hatton
from Merseyside Police and give a donation for Smartwater kits for residents in the Lydiate area
and also to contact secondary schools and make students aware of help available, e.g. book
tokens, transport costs, smart clothing for interviews etc. I also suggested that, instead of giving
people £100 at Christmas, food hampers are provided.
Councillor Edie Pope
Youth Matters
I spoke to Jenny Tweedy, one of the Youth Group leaders who helps to run the Wednesday night
Group. The main activity for those currently attending the meetings is completion of various
stages of the Duke of Edinburgh Award.
Jenny reported that the Gold award group are going out on practice at the end of June and hope
to qualify in August, and there is also a Bronze award group who will go out for practice in May
and June, before completing their Bronze award in August. The Bronze award group have shown
a keen interest in continuing on to Silver and Gold award, so will be attending the youth group
meetings for at least another year. They are Maghull High School students and have said they will
try to ‘recruit’ other youngsters from their school to attend on a Wednesday night. Jenny
requested that the Council consider ways to try and attract more youngsters to the Youth Group.
The Parish Council received a grant of £1,663 from Sefton Youth Service, which has been put aside
for Awards Solutions to support the group with Jenny when on expedition.
Councillor Sue Thompson
Head Groundsman’s Report
Bowling Green:
 Rain shelter purchased by the Federation of Lydiate Bowling Clubs and installed in April
 Donated memorial bench installed in March
Sandy Lane:
 Paintwork to toddlers’ play equipment renewed by installation contractor in July
 Height barrier bar at car park entrance replaced in November
 Tennis court nets removed due to vandalism in November so will need to be replaced
 Flagging re-laid around the toddlers’ play area in February
 Information lectern installed in February
 Memorial bench installed and cherry tree planted in March
Back pitch remained out of use for a second season due to flooding problems. These have now
been resolved so both pitches will be available from August 2015. However, the second changing
room has been used for storage and will need to be emptied so a review of storage facilities will
have to be carried out.
Village Centre:
 Conifer tree in Knutsford Walk blew down in the high winds in October and damaged the
perimeter fencing
 Nordmann fir tree planted in December, to replace the tree donated by a local resident
and used at the Village Green for Christmas
Equipment purchases:
 New van (July)
 Rotary mower (July)
 Blower (January)
 Greens mower (February)
Steve Hanlon, Head Groundsman
Clerk’s Report
Despite the withdrawal of Double Rating Relief from Sefton Council, the gap between income and
expenditure narrowed during 2014/15, with the surplus only reducing from £202,913 at 31.03.14
to £201,669 at 31.03.15. The precept remains at the level agreed in 2009/10.
Total income for 2014/15 - £189,818
Total expenditure for 2014/15 - £191,063
The following grants & donations were awarded:
 Merseyside Police – Smartwater kits - £200
 Sefton Area Partnership of Local Councils - £85
 Federation of Lydiate Bowling Clubs - £100
 British Legion Poppy Appeal - £14
Cllr Thomson
Cllr Pope
Cllr Russell
Cllr Maher
Cllr Robertson
Cllr R Fenton
Parish Annual Assembly
Parish Council
Annual Parish Council
Marketing Committee
Parish Council
Parish Council
Parish Council
Parish Council
Marketing Committee
Finance Committee
Parish Council
Personnel Committee
Finance Committee
Parish Council
Marketing Committee
Parish Council
Marketing Committee
Parish Council
Cllr A Fenton
Cllr Courtney
Cllr Blackburn
Attendance report:
Asset Register as at 31 March 2015:
Civic Regalia
Land & Buildings
Machinery & Equipment
Office Contents
Playground equipment
Sports Equipment
Street furniture
Village Centre contents
Barbara Keenan, Parish Clerk
Lydiate Parish Council
Lydiate Village Centre, Lambshear Lane, Lydiate, Merseyside, L31 2LA
Telephone/Fax: 0151 527 2662 E-mail: Office hours: Monday to Friday 9am – 1pm