Thursday April 16, 2015 Mackellar Primary School Parent Newsletter DATES TO REMEMBER 2015 APRIL April 23 Whole School Photos April 24 ANZAC Ceremony Run 4 Fun 9.15 to 11.00am April 29 May May 6 Mothers’ Day Stall May 7 Gr 3-6 Athletics Day Exc May 11 Gr 1/2 Animal Land Exc Mackellar Primary School 29-35 Goldsmith Ave DELAHEY VIC 3037 Ph: 9364 0200 Fax: 9364 0644 Email: From the Principal A warm welcome back to all, I hope that you had a relaxing and enjoyable break, we are all set for another productive term. It was great to catch up with student’s stories of visits to the park and family outings over the break. Everyone has settled back in very nicely. ANZAC Friday April 24 There is so much to look forward to this term with a very special day coming up on the 24th of April with our ANZAC Ceremony. It is a day for us to reflect on those soldiers who fought for our country. ANZAC day means different things to different people, the 100-year anniversary is a time to learn more about those who fought for the Australia we all enjoy today and pay our respects to those brave soldiers who payed the ultimate sacrifice. Where: Mackellar Primary School Basketball Court Date: Friday April 24 Time: 2:45pm We will also be having special guests from the Army Reserves and our local Member of Parliament, Natalie Hutchins. Whole School Assemblies We will be trialling whole school assemblies being held each Monday this term, assemblies are a great way of beginning the week and celebrating achievements as a school. Students of the week will also be presented during this time. We welcome all parents and community members to come along and celebrate with us from 9:05am to 9:30 each Monday. Prep Enrolment for the year 2016 Term Dates: 2015 Term 1 Term 2 Feb 2 -Mar 27 April 13—Jun 26 Term 3 Jul 13– Sep 18 Term 4 Oct 5— Dec 17 Enrolments are now being taken for Preps in 2016. Your child is eligible to commence schooling in 2016 if they turn five years of age on or before April 30, 2016. When enrolling your child you will need to present official evidence of the child’s date of birth. This evidence can be in the form of a birth certificate or passport. An official immunisation statement issued by the Immunisation Register (Phone 1800 653 809) must be presented to the school before your child can enter school in 2016. Enrolments can be carried out at anytime between 8:30 AM and 4:00 PM Monday to Friday. To cater for our planning for 2016 please ensure the school receives your enrolment soon. Participation in the school’s Kinder to Prep Transition program requires your child to be enrolled for 2016 by August 2015. Mackellar Primary School Newsletter Parent Newsletter Mackellar Primary School School Photos Thursday April 23 Payment is to be made using the photo pocket you have received, which is to be returned to school and handed to the photographer on the day of the photos. Please pay the correct amount as NO CHANGE will be available. Cheques are to be made payable to ‘Southern Cross MSP’. EMA cannot be used to pay for photos. Family photos (brothers and sisters attending Mackellar) are available; you can collect a family photo notice from the office. MACKELLAR P.S Gr 3-6 ATHLETICS DAY MOONEE VALLEY ATHLETICS TRACK Aberfeldie Street Moonee Ponds Map 28 D: 6 THURSDAY May 7, 2015 As part of the school curriculum athletics’ program and continuing on from the success of last year we have organised a Grade 3 – 6 House sports day at the Moonee Valley Athletics Track on Thursday 7th May. We believe that this gives all children the experience of running and participating on a ‘real’ athletic track, which will be the case if they make the school team. Children will participate in 9 athletic events, which have been designed to ensure maximum participation on the day. Children will participate in the school house colours of Red, Yellow, Blue or Green. It is an expectation that all students will attend, as this is an integral part of our P.E & Sport program. As this will be a whole day curriculum event children will need to bring their snack, lunch and ample drinks to get them through the day. The Canteen at the Moonee Valley Track will be open for small purchases only. Sunsmart hats and sunscreen are essential, as is the wearing of the school’s Sport House colours. Children must wear runners and clothing suitable to allow them to compete. Shorts and t-shirts for boys and shorts / bike pants and t-shirts for girls. The bus will leave Mackellar shortly after 9.00am and will return by 3.30pm. It is therefore essential that children arrive at school on time. The cost for the day will be $12.00, which includes the bus and hire of the track. Parental assistance is required on the day to assist teachers with the pre-event marshalling, recording and finish line marshalling of students. Please fill in and return the permission forms, together with $12.00 by Friday 1st May. Please note that money is not refundable without a Doctors certificate. Payment will not be accepted past this date. Page 2 Mackellar Primary School Newsletter Thursday April 16, 2015 Mother Day Stall Wednesday May 6, 2015 The Stall will run on a pre-ordering system. The gift/s will be chosen by the children, on Wednesday May 6, 2015. Please indicate the quantity of gifts you would like your child to purchase. This year the gifts are at values of $3 and $5. You will need to send the purchase order and the correct money back to school in an envelope with name and grade on it by Friday 17th April, 2015. Order forms are at the office SORRY NO LATE ORDERS – THEY WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED AFTER THIS DATE DUE TO PRE-ORDERING. Welfare News Every Day Counts Going to school every day is the single most important part of your child’s education. In primary school, some students miss on average 15 days of school per year. That’s half a year of school missed by the end of year 6. LATE ARRIVALS/EARLY LEAVERS Students need to be here in time for their learning. Arriving LATE and Leaving EARLY is also becoming a problem with some of our students almost every day. Researchers have discovered that constantly being late or leaving early indicates to the child that it is not an important part of their lives and they may become disengaged in school. Student Engagement is very important to the development of your child’s social, emotional, physical and academic wellbeing. Please ensure that you are here on time and that your child has no more than 5 days absent from school in any one year. BREAKFAST CLUB Is still running each Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning, so please utilise this service while we have it available. It is a chance for students to be social with students from other grades and year levels. We provide Fruit, Yoghurt, Cereals, milk & fruit juice, toast with a variety of spreads, spaghetti and baked beans. This service is run by staff from Mackellar and Community Volunteers, whom we would like to thank sincerely, because without them our Breakfast Club would not run. DID YOU KNOW? A rebate can be claimed through Medicare for ‘Psychological Therapy’ or ‘Focused Psychological Strategies’ when a GP, psychiatrist or paediatrician refers a person to a clinical psychologist, registered psychologist, social worker or occupational therapist in mental health. A rebate can be claimed for part of the cost of up to 12 individual consultations (more for exceptional circumstances) and 12 group sessions in a calendar year. If the mental health practitioner bulk-bills, there will be no upfront charge and therefore no reason to claim a rebate. See me for further details. Carole Farrington Looking after your wellbeing in 2015! Page 3 Mackellar Primary School Newsletter Parent Newsletter Mackellar ‘s Office Hours We are on the web 8.30am-4.00pm Gr 1/2 Animal Land Excursion Wednesday April 29 9.10am to 11am We are conducting a School Run 4 Fun Program for the students as a major fundraiser for this term, so we do ask for your support. The event will take place on Wednesday 29th April. All monies raised will provide additional resources such as shade sails for part of the playground. Students have now received a poster size Sponsorship Form with a great selection of toy brands including Nike, Sony, Apple, Disney Frozen, GoPro, Razor, Nerf and more. This form will assist with collecting sponsorship donations on behalf of the school. Once the fundraiser is complete, please cut out the ‘how to claim your prize section’ on the Sponsorship Form and return along with your monies to the classroom teacher on or before Friday 8th May. Please be sure to fill out your prize request. The individual prizes will be delivered shortly after. We would also welcome parents and family members to attend the event day to help cheer on the students. Happy fundraising! Thank you in advance of your participation. Monday May 11, 2015 As part of our Term 2 unit titled “From There to Here, students will be learning about the food manufacturing process. They will learn how food gets from the farm to their table. The grade 1/2 teachers have organised an excursion to Animal Land to see first hand how the process begins. The cost of the excursion is $27.00. All payments are due Monday May 4, 2015. Money will not be accepted after this date. Students are required to wear full school uniform. Students need to bring their snack, lunch and drink in their school bags. COMMUNITY PROGRAMS AND ACTIVITIES I have posted the Delahey Community Centre and the Brimbank Family and Children’s Newsletter on the notice board outside Room 1 and on the parents board near the gym for your information. Kids Help Line: 1800 55 1800 Lifeline: 13 11 14 Parentline: 13 22 89 Website: Care Ring: 24 hour counselling service 13 61 69 Relationships Australia: 8311 9222 Gamblers Help: 1800 858 858 Depression – you’re not alone - Website: Phone: 1300 22 4636 Mensline: 1300 789 978 Nurse-On-Call: 1300 606 024 Victorian Poisons Information Centre: 131 126 Women’s Domestic Violence: 9322 3555 or 1800 015 188 School Dental Service 1300 360 054 Mackellar Primary School Newsletter
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